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240. Since BP is responsible for the oil spill.

They must pay for the clean- up


241. She started to teach English 13 years ago.


242. Write the correct question for the underlined words:


It takes three hours to get to London from here

243.”Can you help me?” he asked me

He asked

244. My sister is at university. She is studying law.

My sister,

245. The hotel manager has offered me a job.

I have

246. It isn’t necessary for you to buy me a present.


247. It had been a busy day. He wasn’t tired


248. Write the correct question for the underlined words:


Sarah goes to the gym three times a week

249. Children are not allowed to play ball games here.


250. It was a lovely holiday. We’d like to return

It was

251. That is the restaurant. I lost my briefcase there

That is

252. The company will pay us € 10,000


253. Sam said: “Why don’t we stay in?”


254. Write the correct question for the underlined words:


She didn’t realize until the following day

255. I would like to have more free time these days.

I wish

256. Where are my sunglasses?

I wonder

257. Many towns in Haiti were destroyed by the earthquake


258. If Greece doesn’t meet the conditions of fiscal consolidation and structural reform, the
IMF will cult off financial support


259. Write the correct question for the underlined words:


I have paddle lessons three times a week

260. The police are looking into the case.

The case

261. Alfie’s mum had asked him not to vote


262. I you don’t hurry up, we will be late.

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