Computers in Classrooms (2591)

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It is a well-known fact that nowadays due to the technological

advancements, students have the opportunity to access the computers in

classrooms. There is a big controversy between people who are in favor
of this measure and others who are against this method.(???method ?? be
specific and say are against integrating computers in classroom) As far as
I am concerned, computers can be used constructively in the school
rooms for a plethora of reasons.
First and foremost, computing devices are truly beneficial to knowledge
availability. By this I mean that, pupils have an easier time finding
quickly and efficiently the most appropriate information to get
considerable high grades, providing that the computers are connected on
the Internet. In other words, they do not have to spend as much time to
look up reliable facts on any subject area. Another further advantage of
using these valuable tools in classrooms is that they are capable of
making certain educational tasks extremely enjoyable. More specifically,
there is a generous use of digital resources included presentations, which
encompass images and videos; thus, children gain delight in the lesson,
pay more attention at to it and comprehend it better. Moreover, it is an
indisputable fact that neatness plays a significant role for teachers.
Computers facilitate this situation, as typing something on them and
printing it out will always be much neater than even the best of
handwriting. For instance, this is really advantageous for pupils whose
style of writing is unclear and unfathomable –with in this way, teachers
understand the classworks better and can correct them easier easily–.
On the other hand, there are several downsides of the use of computers
in classrooms. The greatest drawback of this contemporary type of
learning is that students regularly play games on it. To be more particular,
they have the tendency to play games or do things on the Internet that
they are not supposed to be doing during the lesson. Furthermore, the art
of learning how to use a library suffers when the computers are in the
classrooms. The function of them is still a noteworthy skill to learn, since
they offer things that electronic gadgets are not able to. It is essential that
children learn what they can acquire from the library and how to use it to
their advantage.
Taking everything into consideration, despite the aforementioned
disadvantages, I firmly believe that computers can be useful tools for
pupils as long as they use them correctly. Considering that these devices
have become an integral part of our lives, the lessons will be much easier
and pleasant.

Keep up the good work


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