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Wisdom is often distinguished from intelligence. Why do you think that is?

In what ways do
you think intelligence and wisdom are related and in what ways are they different? Give
specific reasons and examples to support your opinion.

While it cannot be denied that wisdom and intelligence have a lot in common, in my
opinion there are more so as to separate them as two different meanings. Nowadays
wisdom has eclipsed in our modern cities but as the years go by, it is well known that
intelligence is thriving.

To begin with, it is a fact that intelligent people are answered more often, as the
education provides better quality of knowledge. By that I mean, some people with promising
minds in previous years couldn’t exercise and find out their hidden talents because of the
education they were offered. As a result, it is obvious that intelligence is something that is
innate but can be brought out by studying. Owing to the more specialists on every subject,
people at a very early age are receiving “global knowledge” that provides them with a
different type of intelligence.

On the other hand, it is evident that wisdom is a rarest phenomenon compared to

intelligence. That happens because firstly, it comes with age. “The older you are the wiser
you become” as the adage says and that is especially true if we consider the fact that elderly
people have more experiences. Besides that, wisdom is acquired through lessons learnt from
life. Nature is the most reliable and efficient source of knowledge, as it offers life-based one
that can be translated as advices with both simple and deep meaning. Apart from nature,
wisdom is often referring to books about moral experiences from people who lived their life

As far as I am concerned, wisdom and intelligence are related to a certain extent,

though. First of all, both of them are different ways of receiving knowledge. in the first case,
intelligence is more theoretical in sense, as the more you study the more intelligent you
become. Having a dedicated mind you can be led to intelligence, something that does not
happen with wisdom ,as well. Thus, the values that segregate the two types are humility and

To take everything into consideration, any kind of knowledge is worthy either is from
studying or life experience. Needless to say, the main idea is that both wisdom and
intelligence are necessary for someone with high hopes and expectations to achieve.

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