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Writing topic: Young people nowadays are having a hard time finding

employment. Why is this so? What do you think young people should do as to
be better prepared for the employment market? Is higher education a real
solution? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.
While many individuals-namely adults- take employment for granted, an enormous
percentage of young, educated people strive to find a permanent job. It goes
without saying that youth unemployment is a thorny problem concerning millions of
people throughout the world. It is often argued that higher education would be a
possible solution to combat this phenomenon. However, to what extent is this true?
From my personal point of view, there are more effective ways to deal with this
Unfortunately, the reasons contributing to youth unemployment are more serious
than any of us would expect them to be. To start with, a major cause is the lack of
qualifications. Based on adult unemployment statistics, the less unskilled you are the
more difficult would be to enter the workforce. Likewise, young people without any
skills are more likely to be unemployed. It is clear that in our modern society, they
expect to find employment upon graduation in unskilled jobs like bar tenders and
waiters. As a result, they have no practical experience and training in order to attain
the required knowledge. A further cause could be the higher retirement ages. In
many countries, especially in Greece, the retirement system has a great impact on
the rising unemployment rates as the average retirement age is 64! As far as I am
concerned, higher education would not be a real solution to this problem, as
nowadays young children do their best to find a job including gaining master degrees
and attending seminars. However, there is no denying that further education would
be more beneficial and an ace up in one’s sleeves.
By implementing policies that encourage economic growth and making innovative
changes in the field of the education, governments can ensure employment. To be
more specific, it would be a good idea to lower taxes for both customers and
businesses. If this happens, the result will be satisfactory as they will be able to buy
more. Consequently, productivity would be increased and industries will have to hire
more people. Another suggestion would be to encourage small enterprises.
Governments in order to prevent unemployment, should stop protecting only rich
and powerful industries. An alternative way to solve this problem would be the
reorientation of the educational system. It is essential to have an educated society,
but these days it seems that while graduates get many master degrees, their skills-
knowledge do not match to the demands of the market. I would recommend suggest
involve implementing vocational courses so as to get vital information before make
decisions about their job career. Last but not least, my final solution would be to
lower the average retirement age. I am inclined to believe that if this step is taken,
more positions for the young people will be vacated.
In addition, young people themselves and businesses could take an active role to
overcome this difficult situation. Although it would be hard, I would recommend that
young people to take the risk and build their own businesses. Despite the argument
that such a practice could be hazardous as they have not experience because of their
young age, I would argue that “the beginning is always the hardest”. Due to the fact
that today’s graduates are highly educated and also technology gives them the
means to be innovative, I am of the opinion that they should take the reins. It is a
fact that our modern society needs the ideas of the new generation. Moreover,
people should respect manual labor. The opinion that only white collar jobs and
leadership positions ensure the success is obviously wrong. We should give value to
the hard work and not push the future generation to become only lawyers and
doctors. A final way to rise the employment rates is the practical experience. It
would be great if companies start to adopt training programs, teaching young
professionals what they need to know on the job.
In conclusion, unemployment is one of the greatest problems people are facing
globally. However, if the above measures are taken, the consequences will be out of
this word provided that not only government but also businesses and individuals
have an active participation and effort. This is something we have to wish for the
future to happen.


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