LinearRegression Annotated

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Linear Regression

Fundamentals of Data Science

29 October, 3, 5, 10 November 2020
Prof. Fabio Galasso

2 Fabio Galasso
Fundamentals of Data Science | Winter Semester 2020

• Linear regression
One or multiple variables
Cost function

• Gradient descent, incl. batch/stochastic GD

• Normal equation

• MSE and Correlation

• Locally-Weighted Regression

• Probabilistic Interpretation of Least Squares

3 Fabio Galasso
Fundamentals of Data Science | Winter Semester 2020

• Linear regression
One or multiple variables
Cost function

• Gradient descent, incl. batch/stochastic GD

• Normal equation

• MSE and Correlation

• Locally-Weighted Regression

• Probabilistic Interpretation of Least Squares

4 Fabio Galasso
Fundamentals of Data Science | Winter Semester 2020
Linear Regression
Housing Prices
(Portland, OR)

Price 200

(in 1000s 100

of dollars) 0
0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000
Size (feet2)
Supervised Learning Regression Problem
Given the “right answer” for Predict real-‐valued output
each example in the data.
Training set of Size in feet2 (x) Price ($) in 1000's (y)
housing prices 2104 460
1416 232
(Portland, OR)
1534 315
852 178
… …
m = Number of training examples
x’s = “input” variable / features
y’s = “output” variable / “target” variable
Training Set How do we represent h ?

Learning Algorithm

Size of h Estimated
house price

Linear regression with one variable.

Univariate linear regression.
h maps from x’s to y’s
Multiple features (variables)

Size (feet2) Price ($1000)

2104 460
1416 232
1534 315
852 178
… …
Multiple features (variables)
Size (feet2) Number of Number of Age of home Price ($1000)
bedrooms floors (years)

2104 5 1 45 460
1416 3 2 40 232
1534 3 2 30 315
852 2 1 36 178
… … … … …
= number of features
= input (features) of training example.
= value of feature in training example.
With one variable:
For convenience of notation, define .

Multivariate linear regression

Linear Regression:
Cost Function
Size in feet2 (x) Price ($) in 1000's (y)
Training Set
2104 460
1416 232
1534 315
852 178
… …

‘s: Parameters
How to choose ‘s ?
3 3 3

2 2 2

1 1 1

0 0 0
0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3

Idea: Choose so that

is close to for our
training examples


Cost Function:

(for fixed , this is a function of x) (function of the parameter )

3 3

2 2
1 1

0 0
0 1 2 3 -‐0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5
(for fixed , this is a function of x) (function of the parameter )

3 3

2 2
1 1

0 0
0 1 2 3 -‐0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5
(for fixed , this is a function of x) (function of the parameter )

3 3

2 2
1 1

0 0
0 1 2 3 -‐0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5


Cost Function:

(for fixed , this is a function of x) (function of the parameters )


Price ($) 300
in 1000’s


0 1000 2000 3000
Size in feet2 (x)
(for fixed , this is a function of x) (function of the parameters )
(for fixed , this is a function of x) (function of the parameters )
(for fixed , this is a function of x) (function of the parameters )
(for fixed , this is a function of x) (function of the parameters )

• Linear regression
One or multiple variables
Cost function

• Gradient descent, incl. batch/stochastic GD

• Normal equation

• MSE and Correlation

• Locally-Weighted Regression

• Probabilistic Interpretation of Least Squares

28 Fabio Galasso
Fundamentals of Data Science | Winter Semester 2020
Gradient Descent
Have some function

• Start with some
• Keep changing to reduce
until we hopefully end up at a minimum


Gradient descent algorithm

Correct: Simultaneous update Incorrect:

Gradient descent algorithm
If α is too small, gradient descent
can be slow.

If α is too large, gradient descent

can overshoot the minimum. It may
fail to converge, or even diverge.
at local optima

Current value of
Gradient descent can converge to a local
minimum, even with the learning rate α fixed

As we approach a local
minimum, gradient
descent will automatically
take smaller steps. So, no
need to decrease α over
Gradient Descent:
for Linear Regression
Gradient descent algorithm Linear Regression Model
Gradient descent algorithm



(for fixed , this is a function of x) (function of the parameters )
(for fixed , this is a function of x) (function of the parameters )
(for fixed , this is a function of x) (function of the parameters )
(for fixed , this is a function of x) (function of the parameters )
(for fixed , this is a function of x) (function of the parameters )
(for fixed , this is a function of x) (function of the parameters )
(for fixed , this is a function of x) (function of the parameters )
(for fixed , this is a function of x) (function of the parameters )
(for fixed , this is a function of x) (function of the parameters )
“Batch” Gradient Descent

“Batch”: Each step of gradient descent

uses all the training examples.
Gradient Descent

• The gradient is the result of considering all dataset samples

• This may be very slow

• Can we do something more efficient?

56 Fabio Galasso
Fundamentals of Data Science | Winter Semester 2020
Stochastic Gradient Descent (SGD)

• For large training sets, the evaluation the gradient over all samples may be expensive
• Stochastic or “online” gradient descent approximates the true gradient by a gradient at a
single example
- Choose an initial vector of parameters 𝜽𝟎 and learning rate 𝛼
- Repeat until convergence:
• Randomly shuffle examples in the training set
• For 𝑘 = 1,2, … 𝑚 , do:
𝜽(𝑖+1) = 𝜽(𝑖) − 𝛼 ∇𝐽(𝑘) (𝜽(𝑖) )

57 Fabio Galasso
Fundamentals of Data Science | Winter Semester 2020
Stochastic Gradient Descent (SGD)

• For large training sets, the evaluation the gradient over all samples may be expensive
• Stochastic or “online” gradient descent approximates the true gradient by a gradient at a
single example
- Choose an initial vector of parameters 𝜽𝟎 and learning rate 𝛼
- Repeat until convergence:
• Randomly shuffle examples in the training set
• For 𝑘 = 1,2, … 𝑚 , do:
𝜽(𝑖+1) = 𝜽(𝑖) − 𝛼 ∇𝐽(𝑘) (𝜽(𝑖) )
• Normally preferable: mini-batch gradient descent
Consider a mini-batch at each step
This normally results in smoother convergence
This normally is faster, thanks to vectorization libraries

58 Fabio Galasso
Fundamentals of Data Science | Winter Semester 2020
Gradient Descent:
for Multiple Variables
Cost function:

Gradient descent:

(simultaneously update for every )

New algorithm :
Gradient Descent
Previously (n=1):

(simultaneously update for


(simultaneously update )
Feature Scaling
Idea: Make sure features are on a similar scale.
E.g. = size (0-‐2000 feet2) size (feet2)
= number of bedrooms (1-‐5)
number of bedrooms
Feature Scaling
Get every feature into approximately a range.
Mean normalization
Replace with to make features have approximately zero mean
(Do not apply to ).
Gradient Descent:
Learning Rate
Gradient descent

-‐ “Debugging”: How to make sure gradient

descent is working correctly.
-‐ How to choose learning rate .
Making sure gradient descent is working correctly.

Example automatic
convergence test:

Declare convergence if
decreases by less than
in one iteration.
0 100 200 300 400
No. of iterations
Making sure gradient descent is working correctly.
Gradient descent not working.
Use smaller .

No. of iterations

No. of iterations

-‐ For sufficiently small , should decrease on every iteration.

-‐ But if is too small, gradient descent can be slow to converge.
-‐ If is too small: slow convergence.
-‐ If is too large: may not decrease on
every iteration; may not converge.

To choose , try
Linear Regression:
Features and Polynomial regression
Housing prices prediction
Polynomial regression


Size (x)
Choice of features


Size (x)
Dangers of (Polynomial) Regression

Overfitting and Underfitting


• Linear regression
One or multiple variables
Cost function

• Gradient descent, incl. batch/stochastic GD

• Normal equation

• MSE and Correlation

• Locally-Weighted Regression

• Probabilistic Interpretation of Least Squares

75 Fabio Galasso
Fundamentals of Data Science | Winter Semester 2020
Normal Equation
Gradient Descent
Θ ≔ Θ − 𝛼 ∇Θ 𝐽 ∇Θ 𝐽 = ⋮ ∈ ℝ𝑛+1
Gradient Descent
Θ ≔ Θ − 𝛼 ∇Θ 𝐽 ∇Θ 𝐽 = ⋮ ∈ ℝ𝑛+1
Normal equation: what about solving for Θ analytically?
Useful notation

• For 𝑓: ℝ𝑚𝑥𝑛 ↦ ℝ, define:

𝑓 𝐴 ∈ ℝ , 𝐴 ∈ ℝ𝑚𝑥𝑛

• Trace:

If 𝐴 ∈ ℝ𝑛𝑥𝑛 tr A =  Aii

80 Fabio Galasso
Fundamentals of Data Science | Winter Semester 2020

• Some facts of matrix derivatives (without proof)

tr 𝐴𝐵 = tr 𝐵𝐴

tr 𝐴𝐵𝐶 = tr 𝐶𝐴𝐵 = tr 𝐵𝐶𝐴

f(𝐴) = tr 𝐵𝐴 A tr AB = B
tr A = tr A

If 𝑎 ∈ ℝ tr a = a
A tr ABA C = CAB + C AB

81 Fabio Galasso
Fundamentals of Data Science | Winter Semester 2020
examples ; features.
Cost function
ℎ 𝑥 − 𝑦 (1) 𝑛
𝑋Θ − 𝑦 = ⋮ where Θ𝑇 𝑥 (𝑖) = ෍ Θ𝑗 𝑥𝑗
ℎ 𝑥 𝑚 − 𝑦 (𝑚) 𝑗=0

Recall z 𝑇 𝑧 = ෍ 𝑧𝑖2

1 𝑇
𝑋Θ − 𝑦 𝑋Θ − 𝑦 = = 𝐽(Θ)
2 2
Intuition: If 1D
Solve for 𝚯 analytically
attained when

Expanding J(Θ):
Solve for 𝚯 analytically

Recall A tr ABA C = CAB + C AB A tr AB = B
Solve for 𝚯 analytically

Normal equation
Size (feet Number
of Number
Numberofof Age
home Price ($1000)
bedrooms floors (years)
bedrooms floors (years)

1 2104 5 1 45 460
1 1416
1416 33 22 40
40 232
1 1534
1534 33 22 30
30 315
1 852
852 22 11 36
36 178
training examples, features.
Gradient Descent Normal Equation
• Need to choose . • No need to choose .
• Needs many iterations. • Don’t need to iterate.
• Works well even • Need to compute
when is large.
• Slow if is very large.
Normal equation

-‐ What if is non-‐invertible? (singular/

What if is non-‐invertible?

• Redundant features (linearly dependent).

E.g. size in feet2
size in m2

• Too many features (e.g. ).

-‐ Delete some features, or use regularization.

• Linear regression
One or multiple variables
Cost function

• Gradient descent, incl. batch/stochastic GD

• Normal equation

• MSE and Correlation

• Locally-Weighted Regression

• Probabilistic Interpretation of Least Squares

94 Fabio Galasso
Fundamentals of Data Science | Winter Semester 2020
Linear Regression and Correlation
Summary So Far
▪ Given: Set of known (x,y) points
▪ Find: function f(x)=ax+b that “best fits” the
known points, i.e., f(x) is close to y
▪ Use function to predict y values for new x’s
➢ Also can be used to test correlation

96 Fabio Galasso
Fundamentals of Data Science | Winter Semester 2020
Correlation and Causation

Correlation – Values track each other

• Height and Shoe Size
• Grades and Entrance Exam Scores
Causation – One value directly influences another
• Education Level → Starting Salary
• Temperature → Cold Drink Sales

97 Fabio Galasso
Fundamentals of Data Science | Winter Semester 2020
Correlation and Causation (from Overview)

Correlation – Values track each other

• Height and Shoe Size
• Grades and Entrance Exam Scores
Find: function f(x)=ax+b that “best fits” the
known points, i.e., f(x) is close to y

The better the function

fits the points, the more
correlated x and y are

98 Fabio Galasso
Fundamentals of Data Science | Winter Semester 2020
Regression and Correlation
The better the function fits the points,
the more correlated x and y are
▪ Linear functions only
▪ Correlation – Values track each other
Positively – when one goes up the other goes up
▪ Also negative correlation
When one goes up the other goes down
• Latitude versus temperature
• Car weight versus gas mileage
• Class absences versus final grade

99 Fabio Galasso
Fundamentals of Data Science | Winter Semester 2020
Calculating Simple Linear Regression
Method of least squares
▪ Given a point and a line, the error for the point
is its vertical distance d from the line, and the
squared error is d 2
▪ Given a set of points and a line, the sum of
squared error (SSE) is the sum of the squared
errors for all the points
▪ Goal: Given a set of points, find the line that
minimizes the SSE

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Calculating Simple Linear Regression
Method of least squares

d4 d5



SSE = d12 + d22 + d32 + d42 + d52

101 Fabio Galasso

Fundamentals of Data Science | Winter Semester 2020
Calculating Simple Linear Regression
Method of least squares
Goal: Find the line that
minimizes the SSE d4 d5



- Gradient Descent
- Normal equation
- software packages,
e.g. Numpy polyfit
SSE = d12 + d22 + d32 + d42 + d52

102 Fabio Galasso

Fundamentals of Data Science | Winter Semester 2020
Measuring Correlation
More help from software packages…
Pearson’s Product Moment Correlation (PPMC)
• “Pearson coefficient”, “correlation coefficient”
• Value r between 1 and -1
1 maximum positive correlation
0 no correlation
-1 maximum negative correlation Swapping x and y axes
yields same values

103 Fabio Galasso

Fundamentals of Data Science | Winter Semester 2020
Measuring Correlation
More help from software packages…
Pearson’s Product Moment Correlation (PPMC)
• “Pearson coefficient”, “correlation coefficient”
• Value r between 1 and -1
1 maximum positive correlation
0 no correlation
-1 maximum negative correlation
“The better the function
Coefficient of determination fits the points, the more
• r2, R2, “R squared” correlated x and y are”
• Measures fit of any line/curve to set of points
• Usually between 0 and 1
• For simple linear regression R2 = Pearson2
104 Fabio Galasso
Fundamentals of Data Science | Winter Semester 2020
Correlation Game (*)
Try to get:
Right answers ≥ 10, Guesses ≤ Right answers × 2
Anti-cheating: Pictures = Right answers + 1
(*) Improved version of “Wilderdom correlation guessing game” thanks to
Poland participant Marcin Piotrowski

Other correlation games:

105 Fabio Galasso

Fundamentals of Data Science | Winter Semester 2020

• Linear regression
One or multiple variables
Cost function

• Gradient descent, incl. batch/stochastic GD

• Normal equation

• MSE and Correlation

• Locally-Weighted Regression

• Probabilistic Interpretation of Least Squares

106 Fabio Galasso
Fundamentals of Data Science | Winter Semester 2020
Locally-Weighted Regression
examples ; features.

𝑦 (𝑖) ∈ ℝ x0 = 1

𝑛 𝑚
1 2
ℎΘ 𝑥 = ෍ Θ𝑗 𝑥𝑗 = Θ𝑇 𝑥 𝐽 Θ = ෍ ℎΘ 𝑥 (𝑖) − 𝑦 (𝑖)
𝑗=0 𝑖=1
Recap: choice of features
Θ0 + Θ1 𝑥1

Θ0 + Θ1 𝑥 + Θ2 𝑥 2
(y) Θ0 + Θ1 𝑥 + Θ2 𝑥 + Θ3 log(𝑥)

Size (x)
Recap: dangers of polynomial regression
Overfitting and Underfitting
Locally-weighted regression

• “Parametric learning algorithm”:

fixed set of parameters
• “Non-parametric learning algorithm”:
parameters grow with the data
(more data to keep in memory)

• Locally-weighted regression y
also named Loess or Lowess

111 Fabio Galasso

Fundamentals of Data Science | Winter Semester 2020
Locally-weighted regression

112 Fabio Galasso

Fundamentals of Data Science | Winter Semester 2020

• Linear regression
One or multiple variables
Cost function

• Gradient descent, incl. batch/stochastic GD

• Normal equation

• MSE and Correlation

• Locally-Weighted Regression

• Probabilistic Interpretation of Least Squares

113 Fabio Galasso
Fundamentals of Data Science | Winter Semester 2020
Probabilistic Interpretation of Least Squares
Why Least Squares

• Assume 𝑦 (𝑖) = Θ𝑇 𝑥 (𝑖) + 𝜖 (𝑖)

115 Fabio Galasso

Fundamentals of Data Science | Winter Semester 2020
Why Least Squares

• Likelihood 𝐿(Θ) = 𝑃(𝑦|𝑋;

Ԧ Θ)

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Fundamentals of Data Science | Winter Semester 2020

• Chapter 3.1 in [Bishop, 2006. Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning]

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Fundamentals of Data Science | Winter Semester 2020
Thank you

Acknowledges: slides and material from Andrew Ng, Eric Xing, Matthew R. Gormley, Jessica Wu

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