Annotated Bibliography Rough Draft

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Morgan Jarrett

Dr. Crowther
English 1102
15 February 2011
Annotated Bibliography
Abrahamsen, David. Murder & Madness: the Secret Life of Jack the Ripper. New York: D.I.
Fine, 1992. Print.
• Abrahamsen’s Murder & Madness reviews the crime and includes accounts of the
murders in court as well as in the media. Quotations on the documentation of the
crime are included. The findings of research are separated into three categories: the
crimes, the theories, and the psychology of the situation and criminal activity. The
source also discusses current takes on the case. A bibliography is provided and
sources are given at the end of each chapter. Because Abrahamsen is a criminal
psychiatrist, the source can be considered scholastic and therefore reliable when
researching the case. This research is a psychological perspective of the crime and
can be included in theories behind the motives and drive of Jack the Ripper. Most
sources do not include a side which discusses the psychology and underlying factors
behind the murders.
Begg, Paul. Jack the Ripper: the Definitive History. London: Longman, 2003. Print.
• Begg’s book overviews the crime by informing the reader of the location of the
murders, all of the victims, the letters sent to news agencies, and possible suspects
who fit the description of Jack the Ripper. Many sources are provided which could
lead to other viable sources. Begg’s book can be used as informational text as well as
a beginning to new information and sources. High quality photographs are included
of the victims, their families, the crime scene locations, and the invertigators.
Relatable murders occurring during the same time as the Ripper murders are
investigated and left open ended to consider possible connections between the victims
of all crimes. The source provides the best contribution towards this research with its
photographs and primary sources of the crime. The source has a high reliability
because of the sources given and the credibility of Paul Begg, who is a British
Jones, Richard. "Jack the Ripper History." Jack the Ripper. 2010. Web. 13 Feb. 2011.
• This website is dedicated to resources describing and providing internet users with the
history of the crimes of Jack the Ripper. Videos of researchers and the history of the
district, as well as timelines and the social aspect of the Victorian Whitechapel time
are introduced to the viewer. Because the information comes from scholars and
researchers of the time, the source is reliable because it serves as a medium for the
Kelly, Alexander. Jack the Ripper. London: Association of Assistant Librarians, 1984. Print.
• Kelly’s Jack the Ripper includes a small introduction to the crime and the Victorian
time period, but mostly includes sources for more readings. The introduction gives a
brief overview of the crimes and victims and also provides theories on the identity of
the criminal. The sources are organized based on subject and their relation to the
timeline of Jack the Ripper. The informational booklet was published by the
Association of Assistant Librarians, and therefore can be reliable because of the
scholastic source and the Association’s easy availability of resources on the subject.
Rumbelow, Donald. The Complete Jack the Ripper. Boston: New York Graphic Society, 1975.
• Rumbelow’s research on the crimes of Jack the Ripper includes an in-depth
compilation of the setting of the crimes, details, suspects, and modern day
investigations into the case. Rumbelow’s best piece of his research is his addition of
evidence and pictures, including handwriting samples of the letters and actual
photographs of the crime scenes. This source is filled with images of primary
evidence. Discussions also integrate the setting of the Victorian Era, the principles of
the time, and the statements of those who last saw the victims alive. Secondary
sources are also given in the research, providing quality information that can give
new reactions to the criminal Whitechapel murders. The evidence given and the
legitimacy of the sources make the book reliable, yet each reader can interpret suspect
theories differently.
Ryder, Stephen. Casebook: Jack the Ripper - Main. 2009. Web. 11 Feb. 2011.
• The website Casebook: Jack the Ripper includes all the evidence of the case, other
resources, research on the case, and information on the Victorian police and crimes.
This website includes massive amounts of information as well as images of primary
sources. All sources and primary publications are included. This website is an
excellent source to begin to collect information and to collect visual resources for
Schachner, Thomas, and Stephen Ryder. Dear Boss Letter. Digital image. Casebook: Jack the
Ripper. 2009. Web. 11 Feb. 2011. <>.
• The “Dear Boss” letter is the first of three letters sent by the alleged Jack the Ripper,
with the Central News Agency as the recipient. The letter discusses the double
murders and describes the events that took place, giving it authenticity. This letter
gives the first reference to the name Jack the Ripper and the handwriting resembles
the second postcard sent, insinuating the same sender for both correspondences. The
source is major evidence in the case and continues to perplex investigators attempting
to solve the crime, making it pertinent to this research.
Schachner, Thomas, and Stephen Ryder. From Hell Letter. Digital image. Casebook: Jack the
Ripper. 2009. Web. 11 Feb. 2011. <>.
• “From Hell” is the third legitimate letter sent by one claiming to be Jack the Ripper
on October 16, 1888 to the Whitechapel Vigilance Committee. This included half of a
kidney and is said to be from victim Catherine Eddowes. Although there were many
letters sent to the media, this is the last that is considered valid and will be included in
research. Because this is a primary document it is a reliable source.
Schachner, Thomas, and Stephen Ryder. Saucy Jacky Postcard. Digital image. Casebook: Jack
the Ripper. 2009. Web. 11 Feb. 2011. <>.
• Saucy Jacky is the second correspondence sent to the Central News Agency by the
claimed criminal. With the first letter, the postcard has been assumed valid because of
the accurate murder descriptions before any press release. As this is evidence, the
sources gives investigators clue to the killer and the crimes, while also leaving more
questions to be answered. Because this is claimed to be from the killer and is an
important piece of evidence, it is an integral part of the case.
Sharkey, Terence. Jack the Ripper: 100 Years of Investigation. London: Ward Lock, 1987. Print.
• Sharkey’s book on the investigation of Jack the Ripper continues to analyze the
evidence and clues given in the case, including descriptions of each murder. Pictures
of evidence as well as artistic illustrations of the time are included in the book, but
not as prevalent nor as enriching as in other sources. Pathology reports and police
records are included as well as the methods used to attempt to capture Jack the
Ripper. Possibly identities of the real Jack the Ripper are also discussed at the end.
The source provides the most in-depth coverage of the possible suspects and the
evidence found at each crime scene, both of which need to be represented in my
research. Descriptions and evidence against suspects are included.
Tenniel, John. "Blind-Man's Buff." Cartoon. Wikipedia. Web. 11 Feb. 2011.
• “Blind Man’s Buff” is a cartoon published in Punch magazine describing the
ineptitude of the police force while investigating the Whitechapel murders. This piece
of work describes the reactions from the public and the police taking many wrong
turns when trying to find the killer. The source is pertinent to the research because it
gives the audience a glimpse into the reactions of the case by the public as well as the
inadequacies of the police force.
Tenniel, John. "The Nemesis of Neglect." Cartoon. Wikipedia. Web. 11 Feb. 2011.
• “The Nemesis of Neglect” is a cartoon alluding to the social neglect of the Victorian
time. Published in Punch weeks after “Blind Man’s Buff,” the cartoon illustrates a
ghostly figure with “crime” on its head roaming the streets of the city with a dagger.
The cartoon reveals the fears during the time of the murders and also the issues in the
city arising from lack of police vigilance. The source is important to the research
because it shows the social aspect and the impact the crimes had on society. Because
it is a primary source, it is reliable.
"Whitechapel Spitalfields 7 Murders." Map. Wikipedia. Apr. 2008. Web. 11 Feb. 2011.
• The map depicts the site of the murders by Jack the Ripper. The red dots represent the
location where each of the victims were murdered in the town Whitechapel. For the
research, the map illustrates the location and sets the scene for both investigators and
those interested in the case. This will also provide clues to the possible location of
Jack the Ripper. Although not necessary for research, it is an insightful piece of
information and enriches the criminal investigation.
Wolf, Gunter. "A Kidney from Hell? A Nephrological View of the Whitechapel Murders in
1888." Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation 23.10 (2008): 3333-4439. EBSCO. Web. 11
Feb. 2011. <>.
• Wolf’s article published in Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation
discusses the case of Jack the Ripper with a focus on the pattern of
the murderer mutilating and removing organs from his victim’s
body. The article goes over possible motives for removing organs as
well as tests used to confirm that the kidney sent with the “From
Hell” letter was that of Catherine Eddowes. Possible reasons for
removing the organs of the victims are revealed; theorizing Biblical
ties to the kidney and emotional connections are part of the
rationale. A more anatomical study also finds support for the
delivered half of the severed kidney to belong to Catherine Eddowes
due to a likeness in the stage of Bright’s Disease. Also, researchers
have insinuated the true Jack the Ripper could have been in a
medical profession due to the accuracy of his mutilations and
knowledge of the human body. An anatomical survey of the scene is
not given in such depth as in this source.

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