ASME B30.23 - 2005 Personnel Lifting Systems - Scope

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ers nn l Liftin

st s
Safety Standard for Cableways, Cranes, IDerriclks, Hoists,
IHoolks, Jacks, and Slings


Date of Issuance: January 25, 2006

The next edition of this Standard is scheduled for publication in 2010 There will be no addenda
issued to this edition.

ASME issues written replies to inquiries concerning interpretations of technical aspects of this
Standard . Interpretations are published on the ASME Web site under the Committee Pages at http://
www.asme org/codes/ as they are issued, and are also published within this edition of the Standard

ASME is the registered trademark of The American Society of Mechanical Engineers

This code or standard was developed under procedures accredited as meeting the criteria for American National
Standards The Standards Committee that approved the code or standard was balanced to ensure that individuals from
competent and concerned interests have had an opportunity to participate The proposed code or standard was made
available for public review and comment that provides an opportunity for additional public input from industry., academia,
regulatory agencies, and the public-at-large
ASME does not ·'approve," "rate," or ··endorse" any item, construction. proprietary device, or activity
ASME does not take any position with respect to the validlty of any patent rights asserted in connection with any
items mentioned in this document, and does not undertake to insure anyone utilizing a standard against liability for
infringement of any applicable letters patent, nor assume any such liability Users of a code or standard are expressly
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Participation by federal agency representative(s) or person(s) affiliated with industry is not to be interpreted as
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ASME accepts responsibility for only those interpretations of this document issued in accordance with the established
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The American Society of Mechanical Engineers

Three Park Avenue, New York, NY 10016-5990

Copyright © 2006 by
AH rights reserved
Printed Jn U S,A

Foreword iv
Committee Roster v
Introduction vii
Summary of Changes x
Chapter 23-0 Scope, Definitions, and References
Section 23-0. 1 Scope of B30 .23 1
Section 23-0 2 Intent of B30 23 . 1
Section 23-0 3 Definitions 1
Section 23-0 4 References 2
Chapter 23-1 Construction and Characteristics 3
Section 23-1 1 Design 3
Section 23-1 2 Construction 5
Chapter 23-2 Inspection, Testing, and Maintenance 6
Section 23-2 .I Inspection 6
Section 23-2 2 Testing 6
Section 23-2 3 Maintenance 7
Chapter 23-3 Operation . 8
Section 23-3 1 Personnel 8
Section 23-3 2 Practices 9
Mandatory Appendices
I Lifting Personnel Near Electrical Power Lines 13
II Personnel Platform Lift Planning and Authorization Form 18
Ill Personnel Lift Platform Pre-Lift Inspection 19


fhis American National Standard, Safety Standard for Cableways, Cranes, Der ricks, I-foists,
I-looks, Jacks, and Slings, has been developed under the procedures accredited by the An1erican
National Standards Institute (formerly the United States of America Standards Institute) 'This
Standard had its beginning in December 1916 \Vhen an eight-page Code of Safety Standards for
Cranes, prepared by an ASME Comn1ittee on the Protection of Industrial Workers, \Vas presented
to the annual meeting of the ASME
fvleetings and discussions regarding safety on cranes, derricks, and hoists \Vere held from 1920
to 1925, involving the ASME Safety Code Correlating Committee, the Association of Iron and
Steel Electrical Engineers, the Arnerican Museun1 of Safety, the American Engineering Standards
Con1rnittee (later changed to American Standards f\ssociation and subsequently to the USA
Standards Institute), Department of Labor - State of Ne\v Jersey, Departm~nt of Labor and
Industry - State of Pennsyl\'ania, and the Locon1otive Crane Manufacturers Association. On
June 11, 1925, the American Engineering Standards Cornmittee approved the ASME Safety Code
Correlating Committee's recommendation and authorized the project \vi th the US. Department
of the Navy, Bureau of Yards and Docks, and ASME as sponsors
In March 1926, invitations were issued to 50 organizations to appoint representatives to a
Sectional Committee The call for organization of this Sectional Committee \Vas sent out October
2, 1926, and the committee organized November 4, 1926, \Vi th 57 members representing 29 national
organizations The Safety Code for Cranes, Derricks, and l-Ioists, ASA 830 2-1943, \.VCIS created
from the eight-page docun1ent referred to in the first paragraph. This document \vas renffirmed
in 1952 and widely accepted as a safety standard
Due to changes in design, cidvancement in techniques, and general interest of labor and industry
in safety, the Sectional Committee, under the joint sponsorship of ASME and the Nav.:il Facilities
Engineering Command, US Department of the Navy, \.VCIS reorganized as an An1erican National
Standards Committee on January 31, 1962, with 39 members representing 27 national organiza~
The format of the previous code \.Vas changed so that separate volumes (each complete as to
construction and installation; inspection, testing, and n1aintenance; and operation) \.vould cover
the different types of equipment included in the scope of B30
In 1982, the Committee \Vas reorganized as an Accredited Organization Committee, operating
under procedures developed by ASME and accredited by the An1erican National Stnndards
rhis Standard presents a coordinated set of rules that may serve as a guide to government
and other regulatory bodies and municipal authorities responsible for the guarding and inspection
of the equipment falling vvithin its scope The suggestions leading to accident prevention are
given both as mandatory and advisory provisions; compliance \.\'ith both types n1ay be required
by employers of their employees
In case of practical difficulties, ne\v developments, or unnecessary hardship, the ndministrative
or regulatory authority may grant variances from the literal requite111ents or permit the use of
other devices or methods but only \Nhen it is clearly evident that an equivalent degree of protection
is thereby secured Tb secure uniform application and interpretation of this Standard, administra-
tive or regulatory author-ities are urged to consult the 830 Committee, in accordance with the
formcit described in Section III, before rendering decisions on disputed points
This volun1e of the Standard, \Vhich \.Vas cipproved by the B30 Co111mittee and ASME, \.Vas
approved by ANSI and designated as an American National Standard on Decernber 13, 2005
Safety codes and standards are intended to enhance public safety Revisions result fron1 con1rnit-
tee consideration of factors, such as technological advances, ne\v data, and changing environmen-
tal and industry needs Revisions do not imply that previous editions \Vere inadequate
Safety Standards for Cableways, Cranes, Derricks,
Hoists, Hooks, Jacks, and Slings
(The following is the roster of the Committee at the time of approval of this Standard)


P. 5. Zorich, Chair
B" D. Closson, Vice Chair
J. O. Wendler, Secretary


N.. E, Andrew, Northrup Grumman Ship Systems P.. A. Boeckman, Alternate, The Crosby Group
W" T. Hargrove, Alternate, Mantech International Corp E. K.. Marburg, Columbus McKinnon Corp
R. E. Bluff, Gantry Constructors, Inc M. G. Miller, Alternate, Columbus McKinnon Corp
R, J. Bolen, Consultant L D. Means, Means Engineering and Consulting/Wire Rope
G, B. Hetherston, Alternate, E 1 Dupont Technical Board
A.. D. Brown, A D Brown, Inc 0.. M,, Sleightholm, Alternate, Bridon American Corp
D" Ritchie, Alternate, The Construction Safety Council It J.. Miller, Jacobs Engineering
T. A.. Christensen, Liberty Mutual Insurance/Alliance of American D. W. Smith, Alternate, Chicago Bridge and Iron Co
Insurers G,. L Owens, Granite Construction. Inc
M. W. Mills, Alternate, liberty Mutual Group Jo T. Perkins, lngersoll·Rand
B. o. Closson, Craft Forensic Services, Inc H. G, Leidich, Alternate, Ingersoll-Rand
T. L Blanton, Alternate, NACB Group. Inc J., E.. Richardson, U S Department of the Navy
S. Cloutier, U S. Department of Labor Wo P. Rollins, Manitowoc Crane Group
J. P.. Colletti, John P. Colletti & Associates. Inc M. Brunet, Alternate, Manitowoc Crane Group
R.. M. Lovgren, Alternate, Crane Partner International J, W. Rowland Ill, Consultant
R.. A. Dahlin, Walker Magnetics Group E. E. Rudy, U.S Department of the Army
J,, W,, Downs, Jr", Alternate, Downs Crane and Hoist Co J,, C Ryan, BOH Bros Construction
L D. Demark, International Union of Operating Engineers A. R. Ruud, Alternate, Atkinson Construction
S. C.. Buck, Alternate. International Union of Operating Engineers U. Sayenga, Associated Wire Rope Fabricators
D.. W, Eckstine, Eckstine & Associates Oo J, Bishop, Alternate, Bishop lifting Products, Inc
R. J. Edwards, Schwing America G. W. Shields, Caterpillar, Inc
R.. H.. Fowler, U S Department of the Air Force W,, J, Smith, Jr., Maxim Crane Works
J. L Franks, Consultant Ro G. Strain, Advanced Automation Associates. Inc
R, C. Slater, Alternate, Mcl<ay International Engineering J. B. Hamill, Alternate, Advanced Automation Associates, Inc
J.. L Gordon, Acco Chain and lifting Products A,. R, Toth, Morris Material Handling
N.. C. Hargreaves, Terex Corp /Power Crane & Shovel Association B.. E. Weir, Jr., Norris Brothers Co., Inc /National Erectors
E. D, Fidler, Alternate, Grove Worldwide Association
J. J., Headley, Crane Institute of America J. Conant, Alternate, Conant Crane Rental Co
R.. M. Parnell, Alternate, Industrial Training International ). D- Wendler, The American Society of Mechanical Engineers
C. W. Ireland, National Oilwell R.. ( .. Wild, U. S Army Corps of Engineers
A.. J. Egging, Alternate, National Oilwell S, G, Testerman, Alternate, LI. S. Army Corps of Engineers
LS .. Johnson, American Equipment Co D. N. Wolff, National Crane Corp
E. P. Vliet, Alternate, Nichols Construction Co A. L Calta, Alternate, National Crane Corp
R. M. Kohner, Landmark Engineering Services P. S,. Zorich, RZP International Ltd
H, I. Shapiro, Alternate, Specialized Carriers and Rigging
Association/Howard I. Shapiro & Associates
C.. E. Lucas, The Crosby Group

J.M., Klibert, Lift-AH Co, Inc
R. W. Parry, Consultant


8, 0., Closson, Chair, Craft Forensic Services, Inc K.. J. Miller, Jacobs Engineering
A. D. Brown, A. D. Brown, Inc B. E. Weir, JL, Norris Brothers Co, Inc /National Erectors
T. A. Christensen, Liberty Mutual Insurance/Alliance of American Association
Insurers D., N. Wolff, National Crane Corp
H. B. Hayden, Hayden Enterprises


SECTION I: SCOPE 830.23 Personnel Lifting Systems

830 24 Container Cranes 1
The ASivlE B30 St(lndard contuins provisions that
830 25 Scrap and Material 1-lrindlers
apply to the construction, installation, operation, inspec-
B3026 Rigging J-Iardv. C1re

tion, testing, n1nintenance, and use of cranes and other

B3027 Mriteriril Placen1ent srstems
lifting <111d n1aterial-handling related equipn1ent For the
B30 28 Balance Lifting Units
convenience of the reader, the Standard h<ls been divided
into separate \"Olun1es Each Yolun1e has been .'vritten
under the direction of the ASME 830 Standards Con1n1il- SECTION II: SCOPE EXCLUSIONS
tee and has successfully completed a consensus approval The 830 Standard does not apply to track and ;iutomo~
process under the general auspices of the An1erican tive jacks, railv.1<1y or (1Uton1obile \Vrecking cranes, ship-
Notionol Stondilrds Institute (ANSI) board cranes, shipboard cargo-handling equipn1ent,
As of the d<1te of issuance of this Volun1e, the B30 well-drilling derricks, skip hoists, n1ine hoists, truck
Standard comprises the follo\ving volun1es: body hoists, car or barge pullers, conveyors, excavating
B30.1 jocks equipment, or equipn1ent covered under the scope of
B30 2 Overhead and G<1ntry Cranes (Top Running the following stondmds: A 10, A 17, A90, A92, A 120, 820,
Bridge, Single or Multiple Girder, Top Run- B56, and B77
ning Trolley 1-loist)
B30 3 Construction To\ver (~ranes SECTION Ill: PURPOSE
B30 4 Portal, 1Cnver, and Pedestal Cranes
The 830 Standard is intended to
8305 rvtobile and Locomotive Cranes
(n) prevent or minin1ize injury to \Vorkers, and other-
830 6 De1 ricks
\Vise provide for the protection of life, limb, and property
630 7 Bilse lvlounted D1 un1 I-loists
by prescribing safety requiren1ents
1330 s Floating Cranes and Floating De1 ricks
((1) provide direction to manufacturers, O\Vners,
B309 Slings
en1ployers, users, and others concerned \vi th or 1espon-
B30 10 Hooks
sible for its applicrition
830 11 Monorails and Underhung Cranes
(() guide governn1ents and other regulatory bodies
830 12 1-landling Loads Suspended Fron1 Rotorcraft
in the development, promulgation, and enforcement of
83013 Sto1age/Relrieval (S/R) Nlachines and Asso-
appropririte safety directives
ciated Equipn1ent
B3014 Side Boom Tractors
(NOTE: 830 15-1973 hos been withdrnwn This Standard may be adopted in vvhole or in part
The re\·ision of B.30 15 is included in the for governmental or regulatory use If adopted for gov-
lolest edition of B30S) ernn1ental use, the references to other national codes
830 16 Overhead I-Joists (Unde1 hung) and standards in the specific volumes mily be changed
B30 17 O\·erhead and Gantry Cranes (Top Running to refer to the corresponding regulations of the govern-
Bridge, Single Girder, Underhung 1-Ioist) mental authorities
B3018 Stocker Crones (Top or Under Running
Bridge, Multiple Girder With Top or Under
Running Trolley l-Ioist)
830 19 (~ablevvays (a) Effective Dale The effective dote of this Volume of
B3020 BeJo,v-the-1-look Lifting Devices the B30 Stondord shall be one yeor ofter its dote of
B30 21 Manually Lever Operated 1-loists
B30 22 Articulating Boom Cranes 1 These volun1t:>s i1n.: currently in dc\c!11p1nenl

issuance Construction, installation, inspection, testing, SECTION IX: REQUESTS FOR INTERPRETATION
maintenance, and operation of equipment manufactured
and facilities constructed after the effective date of this T'he 8:30 Standards Committee will render an interpre-
Standard shall conform to the mandatory requirements tation of the provisions of the B30 Standard Such
of this Standard requests should be directed to:
(b) Existi11g l11stallatio11s Equipment' manufactured Secretary of the B30 Committee, ASME, Three Park
and facilities constructed prior to the effective date of Avenue, New York, NY 10016-5990
this Volume of the B30 Standard shall be subject to the The requests should be in the following format:
inspection, testing, maintenance, and operation require~ Volume: Cite the designation and title of the volume
ments of this Standard after the effective date
It is not the intent of this Volume of the 830 Standard Edition: Cite the applicable edition of the volume
to require retrofitting of existing equipn1ent !-Io\vever~
when an item is being modified, its performance require- Subject: Cite the applicable paragraph number(s)
ments shall be revie\ved relative to the requiren1ents and the relevant heading(s)
within the current volurne The need to meet the current Question: Phrase the question as a request for an inter-
requirernents shall be evaluated by a qualified person pretation of a specific provision suitable for
selected by the owner (user). Recommended changes general understanding and use, not as a
shall be n1ade by the owner (user) v.•i thin 1 year request for approval of a proprietary design
01 situation. Plans or dra\vings that explain
SECTION VI: REQUIREMENTS AND the question may be submitted to clarify the
RECOMMENDATIONS question. I-Iowever, they should not contain
any proprietary names or inforn1ation
Requirements of this Standard are characterized by
use of the word slwll Recommendations of this Standard Upon receipt by the Secretary, the request will be
are characterized by the word sliould forv.1arded to the relevant 830 Subcommittee for a draft
response, which \viii then be subject to approval by the
830 Standards Committee prior to its formal issuance
SECTION VII: USE OF MEASUREMENT UNITS Interpretations to the 830 Standard will be published
This Standard contains SI (metric) units as \Nell as in the subsequent edition of the respective volume and
U.S Customary units The values stated in customary will be available online at http:/ /cstools asme org
units are to be regarded as the standard The SI units
are a direct (soft) conversion from the custon1ary units

SECTION VIII: REQUESTS FOR REVISION The equipment covered by the B30 Standard is subject
to hazards that cannot be abated by mechanical means,
The 830 Standards Committee will consider requests but only by the exercise of intelligence, care, and com-
for revision of any of the volumes within the mon sense It is therefore essential to have personnel
B30 Standard Such requests should be directed to: involved in the use and operation of equipment who
Secretary of the B30 Committee, ASME, Three Park are competent, careful, physically and mentally quali-
Avenue, New York, NY 10016-5990 fied, and trained in the proper operation of the equip-
The requests should be in the following for mat: n1ent and the handling of loads Serious hazards include,
Volume: Cite the designation and title of the volume but are not limited to, in1proper or inadequate mainte-
nance, overloading, dropping or slipping of the load,
Edition: Cite the applicable edition of the volume obstructing the free passage of the load, and using equip-
n1ent for a purpose for v.1 hich it was not intended or
Subject: Cite the applicable paragraph number(s)
and the relevant heading(s)
The 830 Standards Comn1ittee fully realizes the
Request: Indicate the suggested revision importance of proper design factors, minimum or maxi-
mum din1ensions, and other limiJing criteria of wire
Rationale: State the rationale for the suggested
rope or chain and their fastenings, sheaves, sprockets,
drums, and similar equipment covered by the standard,
Upon receipt by the Secretary, the request \Viii be all of \Vhich are closely connected v.rith safety Sizes,
for\.varded to the relevant 830 Subcomn1ittee for consid- strengths, and sin1ilar criteria are dependent on many
eration and action Correspondence will be provided to different factors, often varying \Vith the installation and
the requester defining the actions undertaken by the uses These fC1ctors depend on the condition of the
630 Standards Con1mittee equipn1ent or n1aterial; on the loads; on the acceleration

or speed of the ropes, chains, sheaves, sprockets, or n1any variables that n1ust be considered in each individ-
drums; on the type of attachments; on the number~ size, Uill case The requiren1ents and recommendations pro-
and arrangement of sheaves or other parts; on environ- vided in the volun1es 1nusl be interpreted accordingly,
mental conditions causing corrosion or \Vear; and on and judgment used in detern1ining their application

ASME 830.23-2005

Following approval by the ASME 630 Committee and ASME, and after public review,
ASME 630 23-2005 was approved by the American National Standards Institute on December
13, 2005

ASME 630.23-2005 includes the following changes identified by a margin note, (05)
Page Location Change
vii-ix B30 Standard Introduction Revised in its entirety
1, 2 Section 23-0.l Revised
Section 23-0 2 Revised
Section 23-0. 3 (1) gro1111d crew added
(2) q11n/ificd perso11 revised
(3) shnck/e, safety type deleted

3 23-11 J(a)(l)(b) Revised

4 23-1 ].] (b )(7) First paragraph revised

23-11.J(b)(IO)(d) Revised
23-1 1 l(b)(JO)(i) Revised

5 23-1.1. 2(b) Revised

23-1 2.2(a) Revised

6 23-2 1.2 Revised

23-22 l(a)(2) Revised

7 23-22 l(c) Revised

23-2 ..2.2(a) Revised

9 23-3 1 3(a) Revised

10 23-32 l(j)(7) Added

11 23-32 2(a)(18) Revised

23-32 2(a)(25) Added

12 23-32 5(a) Revised

23-3 2 S(h) Added


·rhe interpretations to ASME 830 23 are included in this edition as a separate section for the
user's convenience
ASME 030 23-2005


Chapter 23-0
Scope, Definitions, and References

(05) SECTION 23-0.1: SCOPE OF 630.23 boo111: a hinged structural member of hoisting equipment
used for supporting the hoisting tackle and load
Within the general scope defined in Section I,
ASME B30 23 may apply to hoisting and accessory brake: a device used for retarding or stopping motion
equipment covered \vithin certain volumes of the brake, auto111atic: a device that retards or stops motion,
ASME B30 Standard, which is used to lift, lower> hold, \Nithout actuation by the operator, when specific equip-
or transport personnel in a platform, by \Vire rope or ment operational parameters are met
chain, from hoist equip1nent, or by a platform that is
n1ounted on a boom of the hoist equipment. The lifting certified zuelder: a person holding a current certificate, for
of personnel is not allowed using some ASME B30 Stan- the type of weld being applied, as proof that qualified
dard equipment The ASME 830 volume addressing the test welds have been performed and passed in accor-
hoisting equipment to be used shall be consulted for dance with the American Welding Society or American
the applicability of the ASME B30 23 volume Society of Mechanical Engineers criteria
design factor; the ratio of the ultimate strength of a mate-
(05) SECTION 23-0.2: INTENT OF 630.23 rial to its \Vorking (unit) stress, unless defined other\vise
in the text of this volume, for specific applications
This volume establishes the design criteri<1, equipment
characteristics, and operational procedures vvhich are designated person; a person vvho is selected or assigned
required \Vhen material handling equipment, as defined by the employer or employer's representative as being
by the ASME B30 Standard, is used to lift personnel competent to perform specific duties
Hoisting equipment as defined by the ASME B30 Stan- gro1111d cre1u: those individuals who are involved in the
dard is intended fo1 material handling. It is not designed, personnel lift, other than the hoisting equipment opera-
manufactured, or intended to meet the standards for tor and platform occupants These individuals include
personnel handling equipment, such as ANSI/SIA A92 riggers, signal persons, and supervision
(Aerial Platforms) The equipment and implementation
IIandrail: a member supported on brackets to furnish
requirements listed in this volume are not the san1e as support to platform occupants during lifting operations
that established for using equipment specifically
designed and manufactured for lifting personnel hoisting equip111e11/: a machine for lifting and lovvering a
Hoisting equipment complying with the ASME B30 load and moving it horizonta1ly The machine may be
Standards shall not be used to lift or lower personnel fixed or mobile and be driven manually, by power, or
unless it is not possible to accomplish the task by a less by a combination of both As used in this volume, the
hazardous means The lifting or lowering of personnel term covers all types of lifting machines addressed by
using ASME B.30-compliant hoisting equipment is pro- the ASME B30 Standard volumes and used to lift, lower,
hibited unless all applicable requirements of this volume or transport personnel
have been met intenuediale rail: the middle member of a barrier along
the edges of a platform, located approximately one-half
(05) SECTION 23-0.3: DEFINITIONS the distance between the platform floor and top rail
a11ti-tr.110-b!ock dePice: a device that, \Vhen activated, disen- latch, hook: a device used to bridge or close the throat
gages all hoisting equipn1ent functions whose move- opening of a hook for the purpose of preventing attach-
ment can cause t\.vo-blocking ments from being dislodged
al/ncl1111e11t poi11t(s): the place(s) on a boon1 or a pe1sonnel lifti11g, perso1111cl: raising, lowering, or transporting per-
platform that is used to connect eithe1 the platforn1 to sonnel using hoisting equipment co\·ered by the
the boon1 or to a suspension systen1 ASME B30 Standard

fiz1e boo111: a boom whose lowering is controlled by a should: this word indicates that the requirement is a
brake without the aid of other lowering retarding recommendation -rhe advisability of the recommenda-
devices (free-fall capable) tion depends on the facts in each situation
live land line: a load line whose lowering is controlled stabilizer: an extendable or fixed member attached to the
by a brake without the aid of other lowering retarding mounting base that, when properly deployed, increases
devices (free-fall capable) the stability of the hoist equipment Stabilizers may or
fond, rated: capacity or u1ting established by the manufac- may not have the capability of relieving all of the weight
turer or a qualified person for a stipulated hoisting from the hoist equipment wheels or tracks
equipment configuration
suspc11sio11 sysle111: the rope or chain slings and other
fond, workiHg the external load applied to the hoisting components, including fastening devices, used to con-
equipment, including the personnel lifting platform, its nect the hoisting equipment to the personnel platforn1
contents, and the load-attaching equipment, such as
lower load block, shackles, and slings telescoping boo111: a boom in v.1 hich one or more boorr1
sections are telescoped for additional length
fond ratings: a set of rated loads for stipulated hoisting
equipment configurations and operating conditions foe bon1d: a vertical barrier at floor level along the edges
of a platform to protect against material from falling
11011destructfr1e test (ND I): visual inspection coupled with
over the edge
any one of the following techniques: radiographic, n1ag-
netic particle, liquid die penetrant, or ultrasonic top rail: the top member of a bairier along the edges of
occ11pn11l, plntfonu: a person who is within the guardrail a platform to protect against persons from falling off
barrier while the personnel platform is in a hoisted the platform
position !ravel: the function of the hoisting equipn1ent moving
011fl'iggers: extendable or fixed members attached to the under its own pov.'er from one location to another
mounting base, which rest on supports at the outer ends, tzuo-blocki11g: the condition in which the lower load block
used to support the hoisting equipment
or hook assembly comes in contact with the upper load
plntfon11, personnel - boo111 ntlnclled: platform attached to block or boom point sheave assembly
the boom of the hoist equipment
plntfor111, personnel - suspended: platform attached to
hoisting equipment using wire rope, chain, or jointed SECTION 23-0.4: REFERENCES
attachment and that has no installed motion controls
The follo\ving is a list of publications referenced in
for the platform itself
this volume:
plntfonn, rating: the maximum capacity of a personnel
lifting platform, established by the platform manufac- AlSC Specification for Structural joints Using
turer, in terms of weight and number of occupants ASTM A 325 or A 490 Bolts
allowable Publisher: An1erican Institute of Steel Construction, Inc,
pou1e1 controlled /01ue1 ing.: a system or device in the power 1 East Wacker Drive, Chicago, IL 60601-2001
train, other than the load hoist brake, that can regulate
the lowering rate of speed of the load hoist mechanisn1 ASME 8309-1990, Slings
ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Section VIII,
q11nlified person: a person who, by possession of a recog-
Division 1, Rules for Construction of Pressure
nized degree in an applicable field or certificate of pro-
Vessels, 1992
fessional standing or by extensive knowledge, training,
and experience, has successfully demonstrated the abil- Publisher: The American Society of Mechanical
ity to solve or resolve problems relating to the subject Engineers (ASME), Three Park Avenue, New York,
matter and work NY 10016-5990; Order Department: 22 law Drive,
PO Box 2300, Fair field, NJ 07007-2300
rope: refers to wire rope unless otherwise specified
1111Huny: an assembly of rails, beams, girders, brackets, AWS Dl 1-1992, Structural Welding Code - Steel
concrete, and framework that provides a stable travel (Section 5, Parts C and D)
surface, v.rithin 1(X) of level, at any position of travel Publisher: The American Welding Society (AWS),
and that is capable of safely supporting the hoisting 550 NW Le Jeune Road, Miami, Fl 33126
equipment in the operational configuration and v. ith 1

the operational loads Federal Specifirntion RR-C-271 D

shall: this word indicates that the requiren1ent is n1anda- Publisher: US Government Printing Office,
tory and must be followed Washington, DC 20402

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