Procurement Academy Full Catalogue

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Training Course Catalogue
February 2020
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Table of Contents

1. Course Catalogue

• High-Impact E-learning
• Simulations
• Microlearning
• Webinars
• Workshops
• Coaching Projects

2. About Procurement Academy

• Who we are
• What we do

3. Our Core Services

• Role-based procurement training

• Assessments
• Your Academy
Page 3
Our core services

1. Course Catalogue
• High-Impact E-learning
• Simulations
• Microlearning
• Webinars
• Workshops
High-Impact E-learning
Page 4

Scenario based courses using real world situations

At Procurement Academy, we have invested a lot of time and effort developing the very best E-learning
courses in the market for procurement training. Our advanced visual and instructional design is based on
cognitive load principles, the most researched theory for learning and brain, making learning significantly
more effective. Science does matter.

• Limits the use of short-term memory

• Knowledge is absorbed fast & with less effort, flowing fluently to long-term memory

• Learners like it

Courses are fun to follow and continuously receive excellent learner ratings, often higher than that of
traditional classroom training. But perhaps more importantly, the courses also have a similar learning effect
to classroom seminars. A conclusion clearly backed up by research. Ask for our white paper for more infor-

As truly active learning, the scenario based E-learning puts learners in recognizable day-to-day situations
and encourages them to actively apply their knowledge and practice their skills. Sound simple? It’s not. The
design and development time needed to build such 'High-Impact' E-learning courses is 5 to 10 times more
than more traditional forms of E-learning.

This considerable investment in next generation learning design and development is well worth the effort:

• Learners find the courses engaging and remain attentive

• Learners understand course structures & content four times faster and better

• The courses have a similar learning effect as a class seminar.
E-learning courses

Page 5
Competence 'Sourcing'

TE1020 -- Short introduction on procurement process, with an emphasis on

Introduction to Procurement
Fundamental RFP process (specifications, running the RFP, negotiations and -
Online - 15’ contracting).

-- What is the role of the buyer and of the internal customer at the
specification stage?
-- How to communicate with internal customer?
-- How to assess internal customer needs?
-- Market exploration
-- Why is it important to challenge specs?
Fundamental How to develop specifications?
-- How to challenge specs with internal customers - 5W
Online - 30’ methodology
-- Functional and technical specs
-- Knock-out versus nice to have criteria
-- What are winning criteria? How do they relate to knock-out
criteria and why are they important?

-- What is an RFI/RFQ? Why are they important and when should

you use it?
-- What are the different sections of an RFQ?
-- Template RFQ and RFI
Fundamental How to write an RFQ/RFI?
-- What is the ideal number of suppliers to invite for the RFQ or RFI?
Online - 30’ -- When to involve the internal customer and suppliers in the
process? How?
-- Communication with suppliers: how and when

-- How to maintain a high level of competition

TE1003 -- How to clarify proposals
Fundamental Conducting the RFP Negotiation -- Negotiation meeting best practices
Online - 30’ -- How to respond to common supplier questions
-- What issues to negotiate

-- Written or oral contracts?

TE1004 -- Role of buyer in the process?
Fundamental Basic contract negotiation -- Impact of important clauses (evergreen contracts, indexes,
Online - 30’ penalty and exit clauses)
-- Template of a contract

-- Why should a buyer apply the highest standards of integrity?

TE1005 -- What information can the buyer (not) give to 1 or to more
Fundamental Ethics in Procurement Process suppliers?
Online - 20’ -- What about gifts? What about gifts during tender period?
-- How does company policy relate to buyer ethics?
-- Training for budget holder (non-procurement) on how to
Page 6

collaborate with procurement

-- What is an RFP process? Why is it important and what are the
different steps?
IC1001 -- Role of budget holder and of buyer at every step
How to collaborate with Procure-
Fundamental -- After viewing this course, a budget holder - having a purchase
Online - 30’ - requirement - will understand (the importance of ) an RFP,
and how he should collaborate with a buyer during the whole
-- This course will align expectations and drastically improve
relationships between buyers and budget holders.

TE2020 -- The role procurement professionals play in their organisation.

The role of procurement profes-
Intermediate -- The added value of procurement professionals.
Online - 30’ -- The value chain.

-- Overview of the sourcing processes.

-- The sourcing steps.
Intermediate The procurement processes
-- Link between sourcing and the operational procurement
Online - 30’ processes.

TE2022 -- Tactical make-or-buy analysis.

Advanced Needs Assessment -- Needs assessment.
Online - 60’ -- Development of Specifications.

TE2023 -- How to assess market.

Advanced Market Analysis -- Search for potential suppliers.
Online - 30’ -- Using an RFI.

-- Learn to strategically position purchased goods & services.
Advanced Portfolio analysis
-- Kraljic matrix.
Online - 30’

-- Position suppliers inside the supplier preferences table.
Advanced Supplier relationship analysis
-- Defining and manage supplier relationships.
Online - 30’

-- Risk assessment & Risk management.
Advanced Risk Management
-- Contingency planning.
Online - 30’

-- Running the RFP process to award the business to the best
Advanced Supplier selection
quality,service and total cost supplier.
Online - 30’

-- Awarding the business.
Advanced Contracting
-- Main principles for contracting.
Online - 30’

Introduction to European pro- -- What is European Procurement?
curement -- Which are basic principles of European Procurement?
Online - 30’

EU1002 -- How to develop specifications?

EP - Development of specifica-
Fundamental -- Assessing customer needs & Market consultation
Online - 30’ -- Specification document
EU1003 -- 5 step process (determine kind of purchase, estimate value,

Page 7
European Procurement Proce-
Fundamental choose procedure, develop selection criteria, develop award
Online - 30’ criteria)”

Fundamental EP - Writing of RFT document -- How to write an RFT.
Online - 30’

Implementation of European
Fundamental -- Communication, evaluation, contract award
Online - 30’

Fundamental Ethics in European Procurement -- Ethical behavior & Green procurement.
Online - 15’

-- What is eSourcing
-- The benefits of eSourcing
-- The four types of functionality in eSourcing tools
Intermediate eSourcing, part I
-- How to build and manage eRFIs
Online - 30’ -- How to Build an eRFP
-- eRFP lot strategy

-- eSourcing within a sound process

-- Manage eRFPs
-- Validate offers
-- Prepare an eAuction & types of eAuctions
-- How to build an eAuction
Intermediate eSourcing, part II
-- eAuction lot strategy• Managing eAuctions
Online - 30’ -- Evaluate eAuction results and awarding
-- Supplier benefits of eSourcing
-- eContracts
-- When to use which eSourcing functionalities

Fundamental RFP Management - Notes -- Course Book: Managing an RFP, covering courses TE1001-TE1005

Fundamental RFP Management - Assessment -- Assessment: Managing an RFP, covering courses TE1001-TE1005
Online - 10’

RFP Management - Refresher
Fundamental -- Refresher: Managing an RFP, covering courses TE1001-TE1005
Online - 20’

Information before starting -- Course Book: Information before starting course IC1001: ‘How to
course IC1001 - Notes Collaborate with Procurement’

How to Collaborate with Procure-
Fundamental -- Course Book: How to Collaborate with Procurement
ment - Notes
Page 8

Advanced Strategic Sourcing - Notes -- Course Book: Strategic Sourcing, covering courses TE1020-TE1028

Advanced Strategic Sourcing - Assessment -- Assessment: Strategic Sourcing, covering courses TE1020-TE1028
Online - 10’

Strategic Sourcing - Refresher
Advanced -- Refresher: Strategic Sourcing, covering course TE2021
Online - 5’

Strategic Sourcing - Refresher
Advanced -- Refresher: Strategic Sourcing, covering course TE2022
Online - 5’

Strategic Sourcing - Refresher
Advanced -- Refresher: Strategic Sourcing, covering course TE2023
Online - 5’

Strategic Sourcing - Refresher
Advanced -- Refresher: Strategic Sourcing, covering course TE2025
Online - 5’

Strategic Sourcing - Refresher
Advanced -- Refresher: Strategic Sourcing, covering course TE2027
Online - 5’

Intermediate eSourcing - Notes -- Course Book: eSourcing, covering courses TE2041-TE2042

Intermediate eSourcing - Assessment -- Assessment: eSourcing, covering courses TE2041-TE2042
Online - 20’

-- Course Book: European Tendering, covering courses EU1001-
Fundamental European Tendering - Notes

-- Assessment: European Tendering, covering courses EU1001-
Fundamental European Tendering - Assessment
Online - 30’

European Tendering - Refresher
Fundamental -- Refresher: European Tendering, covering courses EU1001-EU1006
Online - 30’

Make your next project a success through better stakeholder manage-

ment. In this course you will learn how to:
SM1001 -- Identify your stakeholder’s interests and current level of support
-- Use an understanding of human motivation to increase support
Fundamental Stakeholder Management
-- Move stakeholders through the change curve
Online - 30’
-- Influence people using both hard and soft tactics and when each
is most effective
-- Present data for maximum effect
SM1002 Emotionally Intelligent Stake-

Page 9
Intermediate holder -- Emotionally Intelligent Stakeholder Management
Online - 20’ Management

Examples of Bundles:

- TE1020: Introduction to Procurement Process

- TE1001: How to develop specifications?
MASTE1 MASTER CLASS - TE1002: How to write an RFQ/RFI?
Fundamen- 'MANAGING A - TE1003: Basic negotiation tactics
tal WORLD-CLASS RFP' - TE1004: Basic contract negotiation
185' (junior buyers) - TE1005: Ethics in Procurement Process
- TE1000: PDF Summary of Master Class
- TE1010: Assessment

- TE2020: The role of Procurement Professionals

- TE2021: The Procurement Processes
- TE2022: Needs assessment
- TE2023: Market Analysis
MASTE2 - TE2024: Portfolio Analysis
Advanced - TE2025: Supplier Relationship Analysis
(senior buyers)
315' - TE2026: Risk Mgmt
- TE2027: Supplier selection
- TE2028: Contracting
- TE2000: PDF Summary of Master Class
- TE2030: Assessment

- EU1001: Introduction to European Procurement

- EU1002: Development of Specifications
MASEU1 - EU1003: European Procurement Procedures
Fundamen- - EU1004: Writing of RFT Document
tal - EU1005: Implementation of European Procurement
195' - EU1006: Ethics in European Procurement
- EU1000: PDF Summary of Master Class
- EU1010: Assessment
Competence 'Negotiations'
Page 10

-- What is the goal of negotiation: balancing the 5 R’s

-- What are WIN-WIN negotiations? When to use?
Intermediate Win-Win-Lose negotiation
-- What is your negotiation style: questionnaire to assess your own
Online - 30’ style

-- What are critical issues? Do they relate to internal client needs?

-- Set stretching targets. Determine Walk-away position
-- Importance of developing other issues to trade
Intermediate Negotiation preparation
-- Which suppliers to shortlist for negotiation?
Online - 30’ -- What is ZOPA?
-- What is a BATNA?

-- Positive negotiation climate: why do you need it / what is it?

-- How to understand supplier offer?
-- Listening skills
Intermediate Opening the negotiation
-- Standard vocabulary/answers
Online - 30’ -- Taking a position
-- Importance of summarizing

-- How to ask the right questions: open/closed/leading/hypothetical

NE1004 -- Reading the Body Language of your supplier
Intermediate How to bargain? -- How to make concessions (who gives first bid, trade minor issues,
Online - 30’ say yes, …)
-- Tactics: low ball/high ball, what-if, bluffing /bogey/ expose supplier

NE1005 -- When to stop bargaining and closing the deal: spot closing signals•
Intermediate Closing a negotiation Handle last minute objections
Online - 30’ -- Finalize the deal and communicate with internal customer

-- Top 6 negotiation tips
Intermediate Tips for Negotiation
-- Negotiation Pitfalls
Online - 20’

-- View the negotiation from the supplier’s perspective

-- Design the game such that it is in the supplier’s interest to deliver
the result that you want
Advanced Game Theory
-- Predict supplier’s behavior
Online - 45’ -- Make your negotiation approach credible
-- Deliver the result

-- Influence stakeholders (or suppliers) using Neuro Linguistic

NE1021 Programming (ie a form of emotional intelligence)
Using NLP to influence stakehold-
Advanced -- Step 1: analyze and improve yourself
ers, part I
Online - 30’ -- Resolving conflict
-- Choose how you respond to situations

NE1022 -- Step 2: Read and influence others to improve collaboration

Using NLP to influence stakehold-
Advanced -- Build rapport
ers, part II
Online - 30’ -- The four habits to improve confidence, tenacity and productivity
NE1023 -- Learn how bias costs your organization money

Page 11
Advanced Biases in Negotiations, part I -- Which cognitive biases affect negotiation results?
Online - 30’ -- Correct the systematic errors that we all make

NE1024 -- Learner is shown an interactive scenarios and must identify bias

Advanced Biases in Negotiations, part II -- Once identified, learn how to avoid the bias in your own team and
Online - 30’ how to use the supplier’s bias in your own advantage

Using NLP to influence stakehold- -- Refresher course on using NLP to influence stakeholders - covering
ers - Refresher course courses NE1021 and NE1022
Online - 15’

-- Course Book: Winning Negotiations, covering courses NE1001-
Intermediate Winning Negotiations - Notes

Winning Negotiations - Assess- -- Assessment: Winning Negotiations, covering courses NE1001-
ment NE1006
Online - 30’

Winning Negotiations - Refresher
Intermediate -- Refresher: Winning Negotiations, covering courses NE1001-NE1006
Online - 15’

Advanced Game Theory - Notes -- Course Book: Game Theory, covering course NE1020

Using NLP to influence stakehold- -- Course Book: Using NLP to influence stakeholders, covering courses
ers -Notes NE1021-NE1022

Cognitive Biases in Negotiations -- Course Book: Cognitive Biases in Negotiations, covering courses
- Notes NE1023-NE1024

Advanced Game Theory - Assessment -- Assessment: Game Theory, covering course NE1020
Online - 20’

Using NLP to influence stakehold- -- Assessment: Using NLP to influence stakeholders, covering courses
ers - Assessment NE1021-NE1022
Online - 20’

Cognitive Biases in Negotiations - -- Assessment: Cognitive Biases in Negotiations, covering courses
Assessment NE1023-NE1024
Online - 20’

Advanced Negotiation Techniques -- Refresher: Advanced Negotiation Techniques, covering courses
- Refresher course NE1023-NE1024
Online - 15’

-- Put your negotiation skills to the test with this real life negotiation
simulation. The negotiation game tests the skills you have learned
Advanced Negotiation Serious Game
throughout the negotiation series of high impact eLearning
Online - 15’ courses.
Examples of Bundles:
Page 12

- NE1001: Win-Win-Lose negotiations

- NE1002: Negotiation preparation
- NE1003: How to open negotiation?
- NE1004: How to bargain?
Advanced 'WINNING
- NE1005: Closing a negotiation
200' NEGOTIATIONS' - NE1006: Negotiation Tips
- NE1000: PDF Summary of Master Class
- NE1010: Assessment

- NE1020: Game Theory

- NE1021: Using NLP to Influence Stakeholders, Part 1
MASNE2 MASTER CLASS - NE1022: Using NLP to Influence Stakeholders, Part2
Advanced 'ADVANCED NEGOTIATION - NE1023: Biases in Negotiations, Part 1
225' TECHNIQUES' - NE1024: Biases in Negotiations, Part 2
- NE2000G, 2000N, 2000B: PDF Summary of Master Class
- NE1070, 1040, 1090: Assessment
Competence 'Legal'

Page 13
-- Importance to understand contract law
Introduction of Legal aspects in -- Need to seek legal advice
Procurement -- Power of Attorney
Online - 30’ -- What is a contract

-- What is a contract?
-- Difference between ‘invitation to treat’, ‘counter offer’ and a
CO1001 ‘contract’
Intermediate Basic Principles of a contract -- Is an oral contract valid?
Online - 30’ -- Which contracts needs to be written by law?
-- What is battle of forms? How to avoid?
-- Framework agreements & E-contracts”

-- Recognize and deal with impactful clauses, often proposed by

• Exclusion clause
CO1002 • Automatic index clause
Important Clauses - Limit Com-
Intermediate • Silent extension of contract
pany Exposure
Online - 30’ • Delivery clause / incoterms
-- Exit clause
• How to opt out easily of a contract
• Threat of an exit clause on performance of supplier

-- Ways to terminate a contract in case of poor supplier performance.

• By frustration
• By mutual agreement
• By breach of contract
Intermediate Termination of a Contract
-- Remedial clauses (what is it/when to use)
Online - 30’ • Liquidated damages clause
• Penalty clause
• Equitable damages clause

-- What are your rights if some terms in contract are missing or are
badly specified?
• Late delivery
• Missing payment terms - supplier send faulty invoiceo
CO1004 • Suppliers delivers same specs but different brand
Intermediate Statutory Rights of a Buyer • Supplier delivers defective goods, incomplete delivery,too
Online - 30’ many goods
• Title of ownershipo Subcontracting
• Unfair contract terms
• Remedies (rights of a buyer in case of breach of condition or

-- Why avoiding legal proceedings

-- Importance of exit clauses
-- ADR Alternate Dispute Resolution methods
Intermediate Resolving Disputes
• Mediation
Online - 30’ • Conciliation
• Arbitration

Intermediate Incoterms 2010 -- 2010 Incoterms
Online - 30’
Page 14

-- Discussion of main clauses to negotiate in a contract

• Liabilities
CO1014 • Warranties
Intermediate Contract Terms • IP
Online - 30’ • Place of law
• …
• Contract termination

-- Why can’t we use 1 Mastercontract but do we need a service, goods

CO1015 and software contract?
Contract templates - NDA - Letter
Advanced -- What is an NDA and when to use?
of Intent
Online - 30’ -- What is LOI, what are pitfalls, which wording should be used/
avoided, when to use

Legal aspects in Procurement - -- Course Book: Legal aspects in Procurement, covering courses
Notes CO1001-CO1005

Legal aspects in Procurement - As- -- Assessment: Legal aspects in Procurement, covering courses
sessment CO1001-CO1005
Online - 30’

1008 Legal aspects in Procurement - -- Refresher: Legal aspects in Procurement, covering courses CO1001-
Intermediate Refresher course CO1005
Online - 15’

Intermediate Incoterms 2010 - Notes -- Course Book: Incoterms 2010, covering course CO1013

Intermediate Contract Terms - Notes -- Course Book: Contract Terms, covering course CO1014

Contract Terms and Conditions - -- Course Book: Contract Terms and Conditions, covering courses
Notes CO1014-CO1015

Contract Terms and Conditions - -- Assessment: Contract Terms and Conditions, covering courses
Assessment CO1014-CO1015
Online - 20’

-- What competition law is

-- Areas covered by competition law
Intermediate Competition Law - Part 1
-- How to recognize when competition law may apply
Online - 30’ -- What to do in situations in which competition law applies

-- What Procurement needs to know about Competition Law

-- What market dominance is
Intermediate Competition Law - Part 2
-- Examples of unfair terms and conditions
Online - 30’ -- To report suspicions of anti-competitive behavior
Page 15
-- The regulations behind the General Data Protection Regulations
-- The importance of compliance with the General Data Protection
Regulations (GDPR)
CO1032* -- Prospective breaches of the General Data Protection Regulations
Intermediate GDPR (GDPR)
Online - 30’ -- Consequences of breaching the General Data Protection
Regulations (GDPR)
-- Data Protection Principles
-- Enhanced Data Subject Rights
-- Obligations for Organizations

-- The importance of Incoterms for the trading of goods

-- How to select the best-fit Incoterm for the delivery of goods
Advanced Incoterms
-- Your responsibilities as a buyer in situations that imply any of the
Online - 30’ eleven Incoterms

Examples of Bundles:

- CO1001: Basic Principles of a contract

- CO1002: Important Clauses of a contract
MASCO1 MASTER CLASS - CO1003: Termination of a contract
Fundamental 'LEGAL ISSUES IN - CO1004: Statutory protection
180' PURCHASING' - CO1005: Dispute resolution
- CO1000: PDF Summary of Master Class
- CO1010: Assessment

- CO1013: Incoterms 2010

MASCO2 MASTER CLASS - CO1014: Contract Terms
Intermediate 'TERMS, TEMPLATES AND - CO1015: Contract Templates - NDA - Letter of Intent
110' INCOTERMS' - CO1000: PDF Summary of Master Class
- CO1020: Assessment
Competence 'Finance & Costs'
Page 16

-- This course will provide the learner with an overview of the balance
sheet. The course will demonstrate how a balance sheet is used to
Intermediate Reading the Balance Sheet
provide insight into the financial position of an organization and
Online - 40’ focuses on Assets.

-- This course will provide the learner with an overview of the

FN1002 The Liabilities and Shareholders' liabilities and shareholders equity section of the balance sheet.
Intermediate Equity Section of the Balance It will show the learner what this section contains and how it is
Online - 40’ Sheet structured along with the impact procurements professionals
actions can have.

-- In this course, the learner will be taken through what an income
Intermediate Income Statement
statement is and its structure and how procurement can affect it.
Online - 40’

FN1004 -- This course will provide the learner with an introduction to the
Intermediate The Cash Flow Statement - Part 1 cash flow statement and how it is structured along with how
Online - 40’ procurement's actions affect it.

-- In this course the learner will review the structure of the cash flow
statement. They will pay attention to the investing and financing
Intermediate The Cash Flow Statement - Part 2
activities section and how procurement can affect these areas of
Online - 30’ the cash flow statement.

-- This course provides the learner with the definitions of gross

margin, profit from operations and ROTA. It shows the Learner how
Intermediate Financial Ratios
to do the Current Ratio, Acid Test Ratio mad how to use financial
Online - 30 ratios internally and for suppliers.

-- Price versus cost

CM1001 -- Cost management methodologies for cost reduction: cost
Introduction to Strategic Cost
Intermediate modeling, TCO and Value Analysis.
Management for Buyers
Online - 30’ -- Cost Management and role of buyer
-- Cost management approaches per category

CM1002 -- Detailed cost model.

Advanced Cost Calculation -- Supplier specific cost model
Online - 30’ -- complete breakdown on costs.

CM1003 -- Build a basic Industry Cost Model.

Advanced Cost estimation, Should Cost -- Learn to work with industry averages.
Online - 30’ -- Starting point for cost negotiations.

-- Definition and positioning.

-- TCO analysis.
Advanced Total cost of ownership (TCO)
-- TCO cost model for supplier selection.
Online - 30’ -- TCO cost model for supplier evaluation.

-- Introduction and Definition.

-- Functional analysis and cost matrix.
Advanced Value analysis, Value Engineering
-- The process, ‘Job Plan’.
Online - 30’ -- VA tear•down.

Cost Management Fundamentals -- Refresher: Cost Management Fundamentals covering courses
- Refresher CM1001-CM1005
Online - 30’

Page 17
-- Course Book: Finance for non-Finance, covering courses FI1001-
Intermediate Finance for non-Finance - Notes

Finance for non-Finance - Assess- -- Assessment: Finance for non-Finance, covering courses FI1001-
ment FI1005
Online - 30’

Finance for non-Finance - Refresh-
Intermediate -- Refresher: Finance for non-Finance, covering courses FI1001-FI1005
er course
Online - 15’

Advanced Cost Management - Notes -- Course Book: Cost Management, covering courses CM1001-CM1005

Advanced Cost Management - Assessment -- Assessment: Cost Management, covering courses CM1001-CM1005
Online - 30’

Cost Management Fundamentals - -- Assessment: Cost Management Fundamentals covering courses
Assessment CM1001-CM1005
Online - 20’

Cost Management - Refresher
Advanced -- Refresher: Cost Management, covering courses CM1001-CM1005
Online - 20’

Examples of Bundles:
- FN1001: Reading the Balance Sheet
- FN1002: Liabilities and Shareholders' Equity
- FN1003: Income Statement
- FN1004: The Cash Flow Statement - Part 1
Intermediate 'FINANCE FOR
- FN1005: The Cash Flow Statement - Part 2
220' NON-FINANCE' - FN1006: Financial Ratios
- FI1000: Finance for Non-Finance - Notes
- FI1010: Assessment

- CM1001: Introduction to Strategic Cost Mgmt

- CM1002: Cost Calculation
MASSC1 MASTER CLASS - CM1003: Cost estimation, Should Cost
Advanced 'STRATEGIC COST - CM1004: Total cost of ownership (TCO)
180' MANAGEMENT' - CM1005: Value analysis/Value Engineering
- CM1000: PDF Summary of Master Class
- CM1010: Assessment
Competence 'Operational Procurement'
Page 18

-- Definitions, the process and targets.

-- Role of the operational buyer.
OP1001 -- Stakeholders and the operational buyer.
Fundamental The key principles -- The three way match.
Online - 30’ -- Increase compliance / improve efficiency.
-- Process, contract, and policy compliance.
-- Reduce maverick buying.

-- Manage requisition creation

-- The three flows of requisition creation
Intermediate Procure2Pay part I
-- The use of MRP systems in operational procurement
Online - 30’ -- Managing stock and its implications

-- Purchase Order
OP1003 -- Manage transactions from requisition creation to invoice payment
Intermediate Procure2Pay part II -- The automatic, semi-automatic, and manual paths
Online - 30’ -- How to move transactions to (semi-) automatic
-- How to execute a rapid sourcing process

-- Vendor Managed Inventory: the good and the bad

-- How eProcurement works & advantages and disadvantages
OP1004 -- How to use eCatalogues to improve compliance and efficiency
Intermediate Operational procurement tools -- Consortium purchases
Online - 30’ -- Advantages & disadvantages of Business Process Outsourcing
-- When to use blanket PO’s
-- Use portfolio analysis to know when to use each tool

-- A concise summary of how eProcurement contributes to

operational procurement success for senior procurement personnel
Advanced E-procurement
-- How eProcurement works & advantages and disadvantages
Online - 30’ -- How to use eCatalogues to improve compliance and efficiency

-- Course book: Operational procurement, covering courses OP1001-
Fundamental Operational procurement - Notes

Operational procurement - As- -- Assessment: Operational procurement, covering courses OP1001-
sessment OP1004
Online - 30’

Advanced E-procurement - Notes -- Course book: E-procurement, covering course OP1005

Advanced E-procurement - Assessment -- Assessment: E-procurement, covering course OP1005
Online - 20’

1007 Operational procurement - Re- -- Refresher: Operational procurement, covering courses OP1001-
Fundamental fresher course OP1004
Online - 30’
Competence 'Contract Management' (= Supplier Performance Management)

Page 19
-- What is it? Contract Management is ensuring contracts are executed
as agreed. It is about managing contracts, after they have been
SR1001 Introduction to Contract Man- signed. Emphasis on working with internal customers and supplier
Fundamental agement (Supplier Performance performance management.
Online - 30’ Management) -- Why is it important?
-- Self assessment: how is contract management done in your

SR1002 -- The 3 pillars of contract management explained (Supplier

Corporate Governance of Contract
Intermediate relationship management, performance management, contract
Management, part 1
Online - 30’ administration management)

SR1003 -- The 3 pillars of contract management explained (Supplier

Corporate Governance of Contract
Intermediate relationship management, performance management, contract
Management, part 2
Online - 30’ administration management)

-- How does contract management work in practice? A practical
Intermediate Contract Management in practice
scenario with a major focus on relationship with internal customer
Online - 30’

-- What is supplier development?

Contract Management - Supplier -- Which supplier to develop?
Development -- PDCA cycle
Online - 30’ -- Practical scenario

-- A short introduction for junior buyers on SMART Supplier

Performance Measurement.
Contract Management - Supplier -- Learn to establish KPI’s: availability, supplier quality, delivery
Performance Measurement performance.
Online - 20’ -- Data capturing from simple to extensive depending on the
importance of the contract.

-- Course Book: Contract Management, covering courses SR1001-
Intermediate Contract Management - Notes

Contract Management - Refresher
Intermediate -- Refresher: Contract Management, covering courses SR1001-SR1005
Online - 20’

SR1007 -- Defines SLA’s and their components.

Advanced Service Level Agreements (SLA’s) -- Explains how to evaluate supplier SLA’s.
Online -30’ -- Provides practical guidelines on using SLA’s to improve performance.

Contract Management - Assess- -- Assessment: Contract Management covering courses SR1001-
ment SR1005
Online -30’
Page 20

Service Level Agreements (SLA’s)

Advanced -- Course Book: Service Legal Agreements, covering course SR1007
- Notes

Service Level Agreements (SLA’S) -
Advanced -- Assessment: Service Level Agreements, covering course SR1007
Online - 10’

Examples of Bundles:

- SR1001: Introduction to Contract Mgmt

- SR1002: Governance of Contract Management 1
MASSR1 MASTER CLASS - SR1003: Governance of Contract Management 2
Advanced 'CONTRACT - SR1004: Contract Management in Practice
180' MANAGEMENT' - SR1005: Supplier Development in Practice
- SR1000: PDF Summary of Master Class
- SR1010: Assessment
Competence 'Category Management'

Page 21
CA1001 -- How to collect and segment spend on suppliers.
Fundamental Spend analysis -- Why and how to do a spend analysis.
Online - 45’ -- The opportunity scan.

-- Definition of category management.

Introduction to Category Manage- -- Difference between sourcing and category management.
ment -- Program governance and steering groups.
Online - 45’ -- The five key principles of category management.

CA1003 -- The ten steps of Category Management such as securing the

Category Management - The
Advanced executive sponsor, scoping the category, defining the project
initiation phase
Online - 45’ charter, gaining first insight, securing quick wins …

CA1004 -- Internal data gathering, supply chain mapping, mastering

Advanced Category Analysis supply market competitiveness (Porter 5 forces), PEST analysis,
Online - 45’ determining potential sources of leverage, etc…”

CA1005 -- SWOT analysis.

Advanced Category Strategy Development -- Generating ideas.
Online - 45’ -- Creation of the category strategy.

Category Strategy Implementa- -- The change curve.
tion -- Scoping update, detailed implementation plan, award criteria etc
Online - 45’

-- Role of the category manager.

-- Six sigma and DMAIC.
Advanced Continuous Improvement
-- The continuous improvement cycle: lessons learned, defining to
Online - 45’ start-up the process again …

Fundamental Spend analysis - Notes -- Course Book: Spend Analysis, covering course CA1001

Introduction to Category Manage- -- Course Book: Introduction to Category Mgmt, covering course
ment - Notes CA1002

Fundamental Spend analysis - Assessment -- Assessment: Spend Analysis, covering course CA1001
Online - 10’

Introduction to Category Manage- -- Assessment: Introduction to Category Mgmt, covering course
ment - Assessment CA1002
Online - 10’

Category Management Processes -- Course Book: Category Mgmt Processes, covering courses CA1003-
- Notes CA1007

Introduction to Category Manage-
Advanced -- Refresher: Category Management covering course CA1002
ment - Refresher
Online - 5'
Category Management Processes -- Refresher: Category Management Processes covering courses
Page 22

- Refresher CA1003 - CA1007
Online - 20'

Advanced Spend Analysis - Refresher -- Refresher: Spend Analysis covering course CA1001

Category Management Processes -- Assessment: Category Mgmt Processes, covering courses CA1003-
- Assessment CA1007
Online - 20’

Category Management - Refresher
Advanced -- Refresher: Category Mgmt, covering courses CA1001-CA1007

Selling Procurement as a Business -- Different products and services require different ways of selling,
Partner - Part 1 -- How to sell Procurement’s services to senior internal clients
Online - 30’

-- Questioning skills
Selling Procurement as a Business -- Gain alignment with your senior internal client
Partner - Part 2 -- Uncover the information you need to make business partnering
Online - 30’ work.

Selling Procurement as a Business -- How to explore options for meeting the changing needs of your
Partner - Part 3 senior internal client
Online - 30’

Examples of Bundles:

- CA1001: Spend Analysis

- CA1002: Introduction to Category Mgmt
- CA1003: The initiation phase
MASTER CLASS - CA1004: Category Analysis
Advanced - CA1005: Category Strategy Development
355' - CA1006: Implementation
- CA1007: Continuous Improvement
- CA1000: PDF Summary of Master Class
- CA1010: Assessment
Competence 'Strategy'

Page 23
MS1001 -- World Class Innovative Sourcing program
Advanced -- How to start a procurement program from scratch
Online - 180’ Introduction to WINS -- Value and key milestones
Note: Rapid -- Process steps
Format -- Set vision, mission, strategy, procurement scan
-- Rapid e-learning format (information sharing purpose)

-- How to set up a procurement scan

-- Communication with CEO and other important stakeholders
MS1002 -- How to cleanse a large data file
Advanced -- Data analysis (incl. many sample analysis)
Online - 240’ WINS - Procurement Scan -- Measurement of procurement maturity of department (incl. all
Note: Rapid questions and measurement logic)
Format -- Measurement of saving potential
-- Rapid e-learning format with build-in templates to get started

MS1003 -- 5 year strategic plan on procurement

Advanced -- Includes current and possible future status department, advice on
Online - 240’ WINS - Procurement Plan vision, mission, strategy and organization.
Note: Rapid -- Rapid e-learning format with build-in templates to get started
Format immediately

-- Planning and executing the Plan

-- Organize workshops (including templates) to set yearly objectives
Online - 240’ WINS - Implementation
-- Coaching buyer
Note: Rapid -- Rapid e-learning format with build-in templates to get started
Format immediately

-- What is SRM?
-- The process to run SRM is explained.
MS1020 -- Supplier identification.
Supplier Relationship Manage-
Advanced -- Supplier segmentation: on the complete supply base or on a
ment (SRM), part I
Online - 30’ category supply base.
-- Select the strategic suppliers as they have the greatest potential to
contribute to the business strategy.

-- Relationship analysis, the tools: portfolio analysis, supplier

Supplier Relationship Manage- preferences analysis and the combined relationship matrix
ment, part II -- Relationship management.
Online - 30’ -- Evaluation and lessons learned review.

-- This course is aimed mostly at junior procurement personnel. It is

meant to achieve the awareness level in the Strategy competence.
The course drives home the need to align procurement personnel’s
activities with your organisation’s vision, mission and strategy. It
MS1022 does not proscribe a specific vision, mission or strategy.
Fundamental Vision, mission and strategy -- It defines vision, mission, strategy and objectives.
Online - 30’ -- It shows how all are linked.
-- Provides a simple process for how an individual can contribute to
procurement’s and the organizational vision, mission and strategy.
-- Challenges the individual to ensure their actions support
organizational and procurement vision, mission and strategy.
PM1001 -- High level overview of what project management is and why it’s
Page 24

Introduction to Project Manage-

Advanced important. Defines principles of project management. Provides an
ment for procurement
Online - 30’ overview of the Project Management Process

PM1002 -- Defines a business case and its contents. Shows learners how to
Project Management - Developing
Advanced conduct a cost-benefit analysis. Shows how a business case is used
a business case
Online - 30’ within the Project Management Process.

PM1003 -- High level overview of what project management is and why it’s
Project Management -Project
Advanced important. Defines principles of project management. Provides an
Time Planning
Online - 30’ overview of the Project Management Process.

PM1004 -- Defines project team roles. Explains how to motivate the team
Project Management - Project
Advanced -- Provides a process for managing stakeholders. Explains how to
Online - 30’ influence stakeholders.

-- Provides a process for managing risk, and explains each step in

Project Management - Risk Man- detail.
agement -- Explains how to take advantage of upside risk to achieve an even
Online - 30’ better result. Gives practical tips for improving risk management.

-- Defines project controls, and explains configuration management.

-- Explains how to implement change management, and how
PM1006 changes impact time, cost-benefit, and quality. Provides practical
Project Management - Project
Advanced guidelines on problem escalation between project manager and
Online - 30’ project boards.
-- Explains project tolerances and reporting.
-- Explains how to conduct a project handover.

Project Management Fundamen- -- Assessment: Project Management Fundamentals covering courses
tals - Assessment PM1001-PM1003
Online - 20’

Project Management Advanced - -- Assessment: Project Management covering courses PM1004-
Assessment PM1006
Online - 20’

Advanced SRM - Notes -- Course Book: SRM, covering courses MS1020-MS1021

Advanced SRM - Refresher course -- Refresher: SRM, covering courses MS1020-MS1021
Online - 10’

MS1024 -- Defines corporate fraud, and why people commit fraud. Provides
Fundamental Corporate Fraud Prevention warning signs to look for. Provides actions all employees can take
Online - 30’ to prevent corporate fraud.

MS1026 -- 12 ways procurement can improve the value they are getting from
Advanced Value Management, part I their category. It looks at both factors that influence value: utility
Online - 30’ and cost.”

MS1027 -- 12 ways procurement can improve the value they are getting from
Advanced Value Management, part II their category. It looks at both factors that influence value: utility
Online - 30’ and cost

Page 25
Procurement Metrics - Measuring -- Different ways of measuring 'hard' savings and the criteria that
Saving procurement must meet in order to credibly claim savings
Online - 30’

-- You will learn what is meant by cost avoidance and the various
MS1042 Procurement Metrics - Measuring
methods for measuring it. You will also see best practices in
Advanced Cost Reduction and Value beyond
defining value beyond cost reduction and how to report this value
Online - 30’ Cost Reduction
to senior management.

Advanced SRM - Assessment -- Assessment: SRM, covering courses MS1020-MS1021
Online - 20’

MS1043 -- Learn how and why to conduct spend analysis, including Total
Advancedl Procurement Center of Excellence External Spend, Spend Within Procurement Scope, and Spend
Online - 10’ Under Management.

MS1044 -- Calculate and report on Procurement's Return On Investment, how

Measuring Procurement’s Return
Advanced to analyze procurement's delivery capability, provides a framework
on Investment
Online - 20’ for deciding how and whether to invest more in Procurement

-- Assessment: Value Management, covering courseS MS1026-
Advanced Value Management - Assessment
Online - 15’

Vision, Mission and Strategy -
Fundamental -- Course Book: Vision, Mission and Strategy, covering course MS1022

Corporate Fraud Prevention -
Fundamental -- Course Book: Corporate Fraud Prevention, covering course MS1024

-- Course Book : Value Management, covering courses MS1026-
Advanced Value Management - Notes

Project Management Fundamen- -- Refresher: Project Management Fundamentals, covering courses
tals - Refresher Course PM1001-PM1003
Online - 15’

Advanced Project Management - -- Refresher: Advanced Project Management, covering courses
Refresher course PM1004-PM1006
Online - 15’

SS1001 -- Together with Part 2, this course provides a step-by-step guide to

Sustainability in the Supply Chain
Advanced implementing a sustainability program, and linking it to everyday
- Part 1
Online - 20’ business activities.

SS1002 -- How to conduct a supplier evaluation in practical detail.

Sustainability in the Supply Chain
Advanced -- Using supplier questionnaires, site visits and third party audits to
- Part 2
Online - 20’ ensure that suppliers are conducting business in a sustainable way.
Page 26

AS1001 Learning Needs Analysis - Self-rating

Online - 120' Survey: self-rating - Start of a dialogue with procurement manager

AS1003 Learning Needs Analysis - Test bank for procurement staff

Online - 120' Survey - Test bank - Multiple-choice questions
- Assessment of Procurement department alongside 7 different
AS1002 segments (strategic intent, leadership, design of tactical process,
Procurement assessment
Online - 120' RFX process, relationship mgmt, strategic cost management,
capital productivity, operational processes)

Page 27
Apply your skills in real scenarios

Procurement Academy's latest innovation is a catalogue of 15-minute online simulations.

- In the online simulations, we are building on what people have learned in their previous courses.
- Online simulations build on learning from previous courses. Within each simulation, learners are placed in
a scenario and asked to make decisions based on the situation they are presented with. These simulations
provide learners with a safe environment to apply concepts and immediate feedback on what options could
have been more appropriate - as you would expect if you were working with a trainer.
- Like High-Impact E-learning, simulations are a unique product. Coupled with E-learning, this might be the
most powerful and effective combination we can offer to our customers. From the comfort of your desk,
practice your skills in a virtual environment before real money is on the line!
- There are over 100 simulations in our catalogue.

Prerequisites for simulations:

- The related High-Impact E-learning course (the third column in simulations catalogue)
CA9001 Spend Analysis -- CA1001 - Category Management - Spend Analysis
Page 28

CA9002 Opportunity Scan -- CA1001 - Category Management - Spend Analysis

CA9003 STP -- CA1003 - Category Management - The initiation Phase

CA9004 The Swot tool -- CA1005 - Category Management - Category Strategy Development

CA9005 Generating Strategic Options -- CA1005 - Category Management - Category Strategy Development

CA9006 Supply Chain Mapping -- CA1004 - Categogy Management - Category Analysis

CA9007 Business Requirements -- CA1003 - Category Management - The initiation Phase

-- CA1006 - Category Management - Category Strategy

CA9008 Implementation Planning

Category Management - Deciding

CA9009 -- CA1007 - Category Management - Continuous Improvement
when to start the process again

Category Management - Technol-

CA9010 -- CA1004 - Category Management - Category Analysis
ogy mapping

Category Management - De-

CA9011 termining potential sources of -- CA1004 - Category Management - Category Analysis

Category Management - Master-

CA9012 ing Supply Market Competitive- -- CA1005 - Category Management - Category Strategy Development

Category Management - De-

-- CA1006 - Category Management - Category Strategy
CA9013 termining potential sources of

Category Management - Contin- -- CA1006 - Category Management - Category Strategy

gency Planning Implementation

Category Management - Creating

CA9015 -- CA1005 - Category Management - Category Strategy Development
the category strategy

Category Management - Change

CA9016 -- CA1004 - Category Management - Category Analysis

Category Management - Defining

CA9017 -- CA1005 - Category Management - Category Strategy Development

Category Management - Award -- CA1006 - Category Management - Category Strategy

Criteria Implementation

Category Management - Risk as-

CA9019* -- CA1005 - Category Management - Category Strategy Development

* In development
Category Management - Six

Page 29
CA9020 -- CA1007 - Category Management - Continuous Improvement

Category Management - Supplier

CA9022 -- CA1007 - Category Management - Continuous Improvement

CM9001 Cost breakdown -- CM1003 - Cost estimation Should Cost

CM9002 Developing a cost breakdown -- CM1002 - Cost Calculation

CM9003 Value analysis -- CM1005 - Value Analysis and Value Engineering

CM9004 TCO 1 -- CM1004 - Cost Management - Total Cost of Ownership

CM9005 Supplier Performance Index (SPI) -- CM1004 - Cost Management - Total Cost of Ownership

CM9006 TCO 2 -- CM1004 - Cost Management - Total Cost of Ownership

CM9007 Value Engineering, part I -- CM1005 - Value Analysis and Value Engineering

CM9008* Value Engineering, part II -- CM1005 - Value Analysis and Value Engineering

CO9001 Legal - Difficult clauses -- CO1014 - Contract Terms

CO9002 Legal - issues in Shipping -- CO1013 - IncoTerms 2010

CO9003 Contract Formation - IT Services -- CO1001 - Basic Principles of a Contract

CO9004 Limitation of liability -- CO1002 - Important Clauses - Limit Company Exposure

Financial Impact of large pur-

FI9001 -- FI1004 - Financial Ratios

FI9002 Financial Stability of a Supplier -- FI1004 - Financial Ratios

FI9003 Payment Terms -- FI1004 - Financial Ratios

Evaluating Supplier Financials -

FI9004 -- FI1004 - Financial Ratios
Part 1

Evaluating Supplier Financials -

FI9005 -- FI1004 - Financial Ratios
Part 2

FI9006 Working Capital -- FI1004 - Financial Ratios

Reading a supplier’s Balance

FI9007 -- FI1004 - Financial Ratios

MS9001 Supplier Relationship Mgmt -- MS1020 & 1021 - SRM, part I & II

MS9002 Supplier Segmentation -- MS1020 - Supplier Relationship Management, part I

MS9003 Value Management -- MS1026 - Value Management, part I

* In development
MS9004 Improving Value -- MS1027 - Value Management, part II
Page 30

Strategic Alliance Management,

MS9005 -- MS1020 & 1021 - SRM, part I & II
part I

Strategic Alliance Management,

MS9006 -- MS1020 & 1021 - SRM, part I & II
part II

MS9007* SRM - Evaluation -- MS1021 - Supplier Relationship Management, part II

MS9008 Manage Supplier Relationships -- MS1020 & 1021 - SRM, part I & II

MS9009* Value levers Simulation 3 -- MS1026 - Value Management, part I

MS9010* Value levers Simulation 4 -- MS1027 - Value Management, part II

NE9001 Negotiation - Preparation -- NE1002 - Negotiation Preparation

NE9002 Conducting the Negotiation -- NE1004 - How to Bargain

NE9003 NLP - Improve yourself -- NE1021 - Using NLP to Influence Stakeholders, part I

NE9004 NLP - Resolve Conflict -- NE1021 - Using NLP to Influence Stakeholders, part I

NE9005 NLP - Influence others -- NE1022 - Using NLP to Influence Stakeholders, part II

NE9006 Game Theory -- NE1020 - Game Theory

NE9007 Cognitive Bias - Avoid bias -- NE1023 - Cognitive Biases in Negotiations, part I

NE9008 Cognitive Bias - Use in your favor -- NE1024 - Cognitive Biases in Negotiations, part II

Operational Procurement - Im-

OP9001 -- OP1000-1005, 1030, 1035 - All Operational Procurement Courses
prove efficiency

Operational procurement - In-

OP9002 -- OP1000-1005, 1030, 1035 - All Operational Procurement Courses
crease compliance

Operational Procurement - Creat-

OP9003 -- OP1000-1005, 1030, 1035 - All Operational Procurement Courses
ing a Requisition

Operational Procurement - ePro-

OP9004 -- OP1000-1005, 1030, 1035 - All Operational Procurement Courses
curement Part 1

Operational Procurement - ePro-

OP9005 -- OP1000-1005, 1030, 1035 - All Operational Procurement Courses
curement Part 2

Project Management - Get the

PM9001 -- PM1001- Intro to Project Management
Project Started

Project Management - Critical

* InPM9002
development -- PM1003 - Project Time Planning
Path Analysis, part I
Project Management - Critical

Page 31
PM9003 -- PM1003 - Project Time Planning
Path Analysis, part II

Project Management - Resource

PM9004 -- PM1003 - Project Time Planning

Project Management - Applying

PM9005 -- PM1002 - Developing a Business Case

Project Management - Leading

PM9006 -- PM1004 - Project Stakeholders
the Team

Project Management - Risk Mgmt

PM9007 -- PM1005 - Risk Management
for Moving Machinery

-- Dealing with Change Requests

PM9008 Project Mangement -
-- PM1001-1006 - Project Management

SR9001 Supplier Development, part I -- SR1005 - Supplier Development

SR9002 Supplier Development, part II -- SR1005 - Supplier Development

SR9003 Plan - Do - Check - Act (PDCA) -- SR1005 - Supplier Development

SR9004 Contract Management -- SR1004 - Contract Management in Practice

SR9005 Service Level Agreements (SLA) -- SR1007 - Service Level Agreements

SR9006 Key Performance Indicators (KPI) -- SR1007 - Service Level Agreements

TE9001 Portfolio Analysis, part I -- TE2024 - Sourcing - Portfolio Analysis

TE9002 Portfolio Analysis, part II -- TE2024 - Sourcing - Portfolio Analysis

TE9003 eSourcing, part I -- TE2041 - eSourcing, part I

TE9004 eSourcing, part II -- TE2042 - eSourcing, part II

TE9005 Improve Specifications -- TE1001 - How to develop specifications

TE9006 RFI -- TE1002 - Writing the RFI/RFP

TE9007 eSourcing - eRFI -- TE2041 - eSourcing, part I

TE9008 Supplier Relationship Analysis -- TE2025 - Sourcing - Supplier Relationship Analysis

TE9009 eSourcing - eAuctions -- TE2041 - eSourcing, part II

TE9010 Become a better Customer -- TE2022 - Sourcing - Needs Assessment

TE9011 Needs Assessment -- TE2025 - Sourcing - Supplier Relationship Analysis

-- TE1004 - Sourcing - Basic contract negotiation

TE9013 Choose the Contract Type
-- TE2028 - Sourcing - Contracting”

TE9014 Market Analysis -- TE2023 - Sourcing - Market Analysis
TE9016* Sourcing Strategy -- TE2027 - Supplier Selection
Page 32

TE9018 Risk Management -- TE2026 - Sourcing - Risk Management

TE9020* Quality Management -- SR1004 - Contract Management in Practice

* InTE9021*
development Continuous Improvement -- SR1004 - Contract Management in Practice

Page 33
Bite-sized videos to apply acquired learning

Micro-learning videos are short, focused videos that are designed to refresh the subjects that have been
learned in the corresponding e-learning courses .

• Microlearning videos offer learning that is engaging and immersive. They can be taken on the go, and
short but focused bites ensure a speedy assimilation.
• The courses help learners to understand the concept better as the concept is directly mapped to an ac-
tion that the learner must perform in the job.
• Microlearning can be implemented on any device, be it a PC, a tablet, or a smartphone. However, as the
courses are short, they are an ideal fit for a smartphone delivery. They can help organizations implement
mobile courses using unique interactivities.

Prerequisites for microlearning:

• High-Impact E-learning
• Learners are expected to apply the competency within 3 months
-- Reminds learners that the purpose of categegory management
Page 34

Using Category Management tools such as the Kraljic matrix are about developing insight rather
Tools than checking boxes. Provides tips on presenting a category
strategy. Task is to create a category strategy presentation.

-- Reminds learners of the factors they should use to determine the

best value improvement opportunities for category management
CA3002 Opportunity Analysis
projects. Task is to prioritize (or re-prioritize) your category
management projects.

-- Provides examples of how buyers can lower total costs through

The Role of Procurement Profes-
CM3001 their work selecting and working with suppliers. The task is to apply
sionals in Managing Costs
this knowledge.

Reasons for a Should Cost Analy- -- Reminds learners of three reasons why they should conduct a
sis should cost analysis. Task is to conduct a should cost analysis.

-- Reminders of three important clauses suppliers like to include in

their contracts; exclusion clauses, automatic index clauses, and
CO3001 Important Clauses silent extensions. Task is to review a contract to look for clauses that
favor the supplier and make a note to negotiate these clauses durin
the next negotiation.

-- Reminds buyers to first ask for quotes with the 'Ex Works' Incoterm
and why that is good practice. Then provides a framework for
CO3002 Incoterms
deciding on which Incoterm is best. Task is to put this knowledge
into practice in next supplier contract negotiation.

-- Provides the keys to understanding whether a supplier is

FI3001 Financial Ratios sufficiently financially stable. Task is to find out or calculate the
current ratio and acid test ratio.

-- Reminds learners of how to use ROTA to quantify their contribution

and how ROTA could be used to evaluate suppliers. Task is to apply
FI3002 Using ROTA
this knowledge by quantifying their contribution or evaluating/
selecting suppliers.

-- Reminds learners how to present cost avoidance when they have

successfully challenged a specification, making 'hard savings'
small or even nonexistant. Provides a reminder of the various
MS3001 Cost Avoidance
cost avoidance metrics. Task is to check progress toward a cost
avoidance target either given to the learner or created by the

-- Challenges learners to understand their company's and

department's vision, mission, and strategy and align their work
MS3002 Vision, Mission and Strategy
with the same. Task is to create a personal work plan that aligns
with your department's vision, mission and strategy.

-- The most important part of negotiation preparation is developing a

BATNA. Task is to develop a strong BATNA in their next negotiation.

-- Reminds learners to invest their time wisely - by understanding and

NE3002 Critical Issues then delivering their critical issues. Task is for learners to prepare
their top three critical issues for their next negotiation.
-- Explains how to counter the argument that stakeholders 'can find

Page 35
items cheaper on the internet' than going through Procurement
OP3001 Explain the Benefits
systems. The task is to explain the benefits of going through
Procurement systems to a stakeholder.

-- Challenges procurement professionals to include consideration

of how stakeholders will place orders in their plans. Challenges
operational procurement professionals to be strategic in choosing
The Ongoing Drive For Automa-
OP3002 which purchases to automate. Task is to identify an issue that
stakeholders may have with placing orders and find a solution
for how to automate those purchases or include the above in a
category strategy.

-- Reminds learners - using examples - about how to use emotional

intelligence to better align with stakeholders. Task is truly listen to
PM3001 Stakeholder Management
what others are telling you. Reflect on each notable encounter and
consider what that person was not only saying, but also feeling.

Category Management - Change -- Reminds learners of the six elements of building a compelling
Management business case. Task is to create a compelling business case.

-- Challenges procurement professionals to prioritize their contract

management efforts on suppliers that can potentially provide the
most value. Provides examples of how to make those decisions.
SR3001 Developing a Business Case
Task is to reflect on your current activities, and determine if there is
a better way to spend your contract management energy.

-- Reminds learners of how to use the PDCA cycle to drive supplier

SR3002 PDCA improvement. Task is to implement a supplier improvement using

-- Reminds learners that the key to significantly lowering costs is the

TE3001 Specification specification. Task is to help stakeholders find the best way to get
the outcome they need at the optimal cost.

-- Reminder on the keys to success for eAuctions. Task is to use their

TE3002 eSourcing
eSourcing tool for their next sourcing project.
Page 36

Highly effective and cost-efficient

Procurement Academy offers a comprehensive series of virtual classes or webinars.

• These online sessions are designed to both reinforce and build upon the content of our
High-Impact E-learning courses.
• The majority of our webinars, also called virtual application labs (below courses commencing with 'VL'), are
focused on implementing course content into practice, with great emphasis on stakeholder
The labs are built around real-life implementation problems, which buyers will associate with.
• The webinars commencing with 'VC' (Virtual Classes) on the other hand focus on further knowledge
development and a critical analysis of theoretical concepts.

Prerequisites for virtual application labs:

• High-Impact E-learning
• Buyers are expected to apply the competency within 3 months

-- Learn how to develop a TCO analysis

How to develop and implement -- What are the hidden costs associated with buying decisions
TCO -- Using TCO to compare offers
-- Prerequisites: CO1001-1004

-- Cost versus price

-- Identify cost drivers
VCCM02 How to do a cost breakdown
-- Drive cost down/out
-- Prerequisites: CO1001-1004
-- Contracting process

Page 37
VCCO01 Legal issues in Procurement -- Terms and conditions
-- IncoTerms

Understanding cash flow and -- The Business Case for procurement

working capital -- RONA

-- What to look for

VCFI02 Analysing supplier balance sheet
-- Determining the threshold for doing business with a supplier

-- World
-- Class Innovative Sourcing
-- How to build a purchase department from scratch, build a
VCMS01 WINS purchasing vision/mission/strategy, conduct a scan of your
procurement department, set targets, coach your buyers
-- Learners will receive an extensive and hands-on book with many
templates (including how to measure your department)

-- You will learn how to prepare a negotiation, assess the negotiation

context, determine issues to trade objectives, zopa and batna.
VCNE01 Winning Negotiations -- Developing a wow and walkaway target
-- Negotiation tactics
-- Where it fits in the sourcing and RFP processes

-- The three paths; automatic, semi-automatic, and manual

-- eProcurement systems
VCOP01 Requisition Process
-- How improvement in the requisition process reduces cost and
improves compliance

-- Roles and governance of contract management

-- Measuring performance
VCSR01 Contract Management
-- Quality management
-- Continuous improvement

-- Learn from real life implementation issues on spend and

Category Management in Practice opportunity analysis
- Spend analysis -- Category segmentation
-- Determining priorities

-- Learn from real life implementation issues how to handle

Category Management in Practice
VLCA02 -- How to handle different personalities
- Building the team
-- Building rapport and influencing
-- Achieving alignment on business requirements

-- Drawing insights from Porter’s Five Forces, Portfolio Analysis, and

Category Management in Practice
VLCA03 Supplier Preferences
- External Market Analysis
-- Incorporating insights into the category strategy

-- Learn from real life implementation issues on how to build a

category strategy
Category Management in Practice
VLCA04 -- What to include and what not to include
- Building the strategy
-- Linking the solution to the problem
-- Evaluating strategic options

-- Learn how to implement category management in your company

Category Management in Practice -- Running a tender/RFP process
- How to implement a CM Strategy -- Project management
-- Change management
-- Learn how to gather supplier data
Page 38

SRM in practice - Supplier Seg-

VLMS01 -- Determine your highest priority suppliers
-- Align the SRM program with the overall business strategy

-- Determine the current state of supplier relationships

SRM in practice - Manage the
VLMS02 -- Implement actions to achieve the desired relationship type
-- Choosing the right partner

-- Performance measurement
SRM in practice - Drive improve-
VLMS03 -- Driving improved performance
-- Ensuring alignment with the business strategy

-- The most important concept in negotiation. Learn why many

VLNE01 The BATNA buyers fail to develop a BATNA and what should be done
-- Prerequisites: NE1001-1010

-- Learn from real•life scenarios how to implement game theory in

your negotiations
-- Designing the negotiation ‘game’ to achieve the outcome you want
VLNE02 Game theory
-- Predicting supplier’s responses
-- Making your chosen approach credible
-- Prerequisites: NE2020

-- Learn from real-life scenarios how to deal with bias in negotiations

-- Avoid bias in you and your team
VLNE03 Cognitive Bias in Negotiations
-- Take advantage of the supplier’s bias
-- Prerequisites: NE2022

-- Learn to apply the project management process

-- Win support of your executive team with convincing business
Project Management Fundamen- -- Deliver strategies that match your business’ needs
tals -- Conduct cost-benefit analyses like a pro
-- Develop time-planning expertise
-- Use critical path analysis to deliver projects on time
-- Get the most from your resources

-- Build high performing teams

-- Win the hearts and minds of your stakeholders
-- Prioritize risks like a pro
VLPM02 Advanced Project Management -- Take action to reduce negative risks… and improve the probability
of positive risk
-- Take control over time, budget and quality
-- Establish effective project governance

-- The buyer’s role in developing SLA’s

-- Alignment with needs analysis/business equirements
-- Measuring supplier performance
-- Driving improvement

-- Learn from experienced buyers’ issues when running an RFP

process: managing stakeholders, specifications, RFP/RFI, assessing
VLTE01 Managing the RFP Process
offers, must have and winning criteria, offer evaluation
-- Prerequisites: TE1001-1010 or 2020-2030 courses
-- Learn why stakeholders don’t trust us

Page 39
-- Why procurement exists
-- Learn how to deal with difficult stakeholders
VLTE02 How to sell Procurement
-- What procurement must do to be taken seriously
-- How to measure - in concrete terms - our contribution
-- Prerequisites: IC1001

-- E-sourcing will significantly change the work of the buyer, in a

positive way. Nevertheless e-sourcing implementations are hard
mainly because of required change.
VLTE03 E-Sourcing -- Why eSourcing projects fail• Where eSourcing tools fit in the
sourcing process
-- Detailed guidance on how to use each tool
-- Prerequisites: eSourcing e-learning - 2 modules
Page 40

Bridging the gap between theory and practice

Procurement Academy’s workshops bring the content from the E-learning and Webinars together in a live
environment, further connecting the space between theory and your own practice.

The workshops are delivered on-site, and students are encouraged to actively participate in group
exercises and problem-solving sessions. All participating students receive a full set of seminar
guidance notes that may contain tools, checklists, templates, reference articles and other training aids.

The workshops are led by highly experienced instructors, often times having delivered between 100 and
500 workshops across the globe. The workshops are designed to align the learning objectives with your
organization’s strategic priorities.

-- Apply knowledge of the four phases of a project. Participants will

participate in an exercise that demonstrates what needs to be
done at each phase
-- Participants will do time planning for one of their own projects
-- Participants will do practical exercises to develop a business case
-- Participants will diagram the team and stakeholders for one of
Project Management - 3 day their own projects and identify actions to motivate and manage
course them
-- Participants will do practical exercises to demonstrate effective
risk management
-- Participants will do practical exercises to demonstrate
application of project controls
-- Participants will create a personal action plan to apply in a
current or upcoming project

-- The sourcing process

-- Needs analysis, market analysis, portfolio analysis, supplier
WOTE01 Strategic Sourcing - 2 day course preferences, analyse the relationship, risk management, supplier
selection, contracting, RFP/tendering
-- Practical exercises
-- Teams will build their own model in excel

Page 41
-- Definition, checklist, when to use
-- Logic tree analysis and exercise
Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) - 2
WOCM01 -- Elements of cost accounting (leasing vs buying, depreciations,
day course
cost of capital, methods of cost calculation, inventory cost,
present value calculations)
-- Risk analysis & decisions under uncertainty

-- Segmenting suppliers
-- Determine current state of relationship
-- Manage the relationship towards the Leverage-Core type
Supplier-Relationship Manage-
WOSR01 -- Performance measurement
ment (SRM) - 2 day course
-- Drive performance improvement in the right areas
-- Evaluate the SRM program
-- Practical exercises

-- Introduction to category management, leadership and change

management, case study
-- STP (situation target proposal)
-- Opportunity analysis work real example
-- Stakeholder managementï Business requirements and value
Category Management - 3 day
WOCA01 levers for own categories
-- PEST, Porter’s five forces, Portfolio and Supplier Perspective
Analysis, work with real cases from Participants
-- Category strategy, own cases
-- Implementation and project management
-- Summary and personal planning

-- Participants will prepare for a real upcoming negotiation

-- Participants will practice negotiation tactics and techniques
-- Case studies and practical exercises will provide Participants
Negotiation In Practice - 2 day
WONE01 the opportunity to improve their negotiation preparation and
execution skills
-- Participants will leave with a personal action plan to implement
in their next negotiation

-- Participants will apply their Supplier Relationship Management

-- Participants will segment their own suppliers
WOMS01 Strategy - SRM - 2 day course -- Participants will identify actions to manage the relationship
towards the ideal Leverage-Core relationship type
-- Participants will identify actions to improve their supplier

-- Participants will apply their learning from the e-learning courses

and simulations to their category/area of spend
-- Participants will map stakeholders, apply labels and determine
their level of influence
-- Participants will prepare a communication plan
Stakeholder Management- 1 day
WOSM01 -- Participants will develop action plans to influence their own
stakeholders by applying their previous learning
-- ‘Tough Customer’ role play exercise
-- Apply Thomas-Kilman learning to Participants' stakeholders
-- Complete the ëTí and ëPí (Target and Proposal) of the STP for the
challenging stakeholder
-- Participants will apply the learning from legal issues in
Page 42

procurement to their own areas of spend

-- Participants will participate in exercises and case studies that
Legal Issues in Procurement - 2 illustrate how to limit their organizationís exposure to risk
day course -- Participants will apply learning of Incoterms to their own areas
of spend
-- Participants will investigate their own contracts for potential
areas of risk

-- Participants will apply the learning from operational

procurement to their own areas of spend
-- Participants will identify actions to increase compliance
-- Participants will identify actions to improve operational
Operational Procurement - Pro- efficiency
WOOP01 cure-To-Pay (P2P) Management - 1 -- Participants will identify tools such as eProcurement and
day course eCatalogues, Vendor Managed Inventory (VMI), Consortium
purchases, and Business Process Outsourcing BPO that can be
applied to their own areas of spend
-- Participants will create a personal action plan to implement
actions they identify during the workshop

-- Participants will apply learning on supplier relationship

management, performance management, and contract
administration management
-- Participants will segment their own suppliers in order to decide
upon which suppliers to focus
Contract Management - Supplier -- Participants will apply the Plan, Do, Check, Act (PDCA) cycle in an
WOSP01 Performance Management- 2 day exercise
course -- Participants will apply knowledge of SLA's and KPI's to their own
areas of spend
-- Participants will link performance measurement to action in an
-- Participants will create a personal action plan to be implemented
with their own suppliers

-- Participants will apply their knowledge of finance to

procurement issues
-- Participants will participate in exercises in which they must
calculate return on investment for make vs. buy and capital
expenditure decisions
WOFI01 Finance in Practice- 1 day course -- Participants will use financial ratios to determine supplier
financial viability
-- Participants will use financial ratios to provide insight into how
well-managed a supplier is
-- Participants will create a personal action plan to be implemented
following the workshop
Coaching Projects

Page 43
Delivering a Strategy and Action plan

The more personal a training, the higher the learning effect. Through project coaching, the learner will
develop a personal category or sourcing plan with the help of a personal coach. At the end of the project,
the learner will present his/her own project to management.

Procurement Academy's experienced coaches will guide your staff through the process of developing a
world-class category or sourcing processs, which will immediately deliver the necessary returns and ensure
correct implementation of your most important processes ... everywhere.

To ensure best use of precious coaching time and to boost learning effect (blended learning), the learner
will first take the corresponding online training courses. Next, the learner will take four virtual classes with a
personal coach that will enable him/her to develop and deliver an in-depth strategy and action plan, in line
with company's processes.

Assumptions and prerequisites:

• Learners need to have a defined project

• Involvement of manager is key
• Learner will receive time slots, in which they can call the coach

- Session 1: kick-off and discuss project/approach

- Session 2: learner to deliver the first set of completed
PRCA01 Category Strategy templates/feedback by coach
- Session 3: learner to deliver remaining set of completed
PRTE01 Sourcing Strategy templates/feedback by coach
- Session 4: written feedback on final presentation
- Learner to present to management
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2. About
Procurement Academy
Who we are
What we do
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Procurement Academy
Who we are
Procurement Academy is a global training • Unlike traditional training providers who
solutions provider, serving procurement rely mainly on classroom training, we are primarily
professionals in more than 100 countries. As digi- technology-driven and have the highest quality
tal learning experts, we specialize in 'up-skilling' E-learning courses on the market as a basis for our
procurement staff to deliver a maximum increased learning plans. Over 90% of learners find these
efficiency, in line with our courses fun and, thanks to the advanced learning
customer’s procurement strategy. Because we are design, they experience a learning effect similar to
buyers with a passion for training, our high impact classroom training! Guaranteed. Ask to see our white
E-learning courses are truly action oriented. With paper for more information on the subject.
content signed off by leading academies, courses
Where needed, the learning experience can be
are hands-on and contain situations your buyers will
complemented with:
be familiar with. We know, because we have been
there! With a long history of procurement expertise, • Webinars
a culture of integrity, ambition and high energy, our • Workshops
mission at Procurement Academy is to ensure you • Coaching projects
have fun and can put what you learns into practice
... making a difference in your organization. That will
• Our portfolio of more than 200 courses covers the
make us proud.
complete needs of a procurement department, from
Truly global strategic to tactical and operational levels.

Procurement Academy currently operates from of- • Our Program Management offers a pro-active
fices in Belgium, UK, Switzerland, USA and Malaysia. support team that closely monitors every learner’s
Our operations and support team is based in Mauri- progress, helping individuals follow their intended
tius. A truly global organization serving an interna- course trajectory and learners stay up to date with
tional customer base with decentralized procure- their development plan. This is backed by our 99%
ment departments. course completion success rate. A unique and phe-
nomenal degree of success.
We are where you are!

Our services offering also includes:

What we offer
• A Knowledge Portal that contains a wealth of
Procurement Academy is all about competence practical templates, relevant articles, white papers
development through role-based training. and videos.
Our focus is on global companies. • Assessments
• Competence Model development
• Your people are trained for their individual roles • Learning plan development
…using hands-on, worldclass content and courses. • Custom E-learning
Turning professional buyers into key players on your • Award winning Learning Portal (LMS)
global team.
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99 %
course completion success rate.
A unique and phenomenal degree of
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Our core services

3. Our Core Services

• Role-based procurement training
• Assessments
• Your Academy
Procurement training brought
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to the next level

Role-based Procurement Training ... spend your money wisely

Skilled procurement professionals are a valuable asset to any company, as they will deliver a
massive return. However they will need to be trained to acquire the necessary skills to do so.
The most effective competence development methodology is role-based training. Through this segmented
approach to learning, you will train your procurement staff to what is required for their role. Nothing more,
nothing less. Following a competence model and after stipulating requirements for a number of roles, you
will have a set of typical learning plans ... one per role.
Roles: Procurement Operational Senior Category

Page 51
Buyer Manager
Competences: Analyst Buyer Buyer Manager

1. Strategy ... N/A ... ... ... Level 4

2. Category mgmt ... ... Level 1 Level 4 ...

3. Cost mgmt Level 3 ... ... ... ... ...

4. Finance Level 3 ... ... ... ... Level 4

5. Sourcing ... ... Level 3 Level 4 ... ...

6. Negotiation ... ... ... Level 4 ... ...

7. Legal ... ... ... ... ... ...

8. Contract mgmt ... ... ... ... Level 4 ...

9. Operational Proc. ... Level 4 ... ... ... ...

Example Learning Plan for role 'Buyer'

January - 2013 World-Class Tendering

April - 2013 Intro to strategic sourcing

July - 2013 Winning Negotiations

October - 2013 Contract terms + Incoterms

January - 2014 Legal Issues in Purchasing

April - 2014 Intro to Contract management

July - 2014 Operational Procurement

October - 2014 Finance for Non-Finance

December - 2014 Intro to Total Cost Management (1)

Febuary - 2015 Intro to Category Management (2)

May - 2015 Final Assesment (1)
Procurement training brought
Page 52

to the next level

A role-based learning plan typically spans a 2 to 3 year period of regular training. At the end of the
in-depth competence development program, successful learners receive a valuable certificate that
formally recognizes their efforts and the progress they have made.

Role-based training is a structured and segmented training approach:

• You learn what is required for your role

• You will cover some competences more in depth using blended learning

Companies and organizations may decide to assign a standard learning plan to all learners performing the
same role (e.g. all senior buyers) or they may want to opt for an individual learning plan, following an
in-depth assessment. At Procurement Academy, we offer 3 options to assess your learning needs:

• A pioneering, objective online assessment consisting of multiple-choice questions.

• An online self-appraisal, in which buyers assess their own competences.
• A traditional assessment, through a consultant.

The online assessments are particulary effective in large organizations that have a dispersed
purchasing team spread over many countries and/or locations but still need to assess and train their
people in a structured and consistent manner.

Following an assessment, the learner will receive a gap analysis report and a corresponding
personal development plan.

You can decide to either:

• Assign a standard plan per role, or

• Start with an assessment, and then develop the learning plan per role based on a gap analysis.
Page 53
Competence Model and gap analysis:
The basis for developing (individual) learning plans


Operational Procurement Category Management

Contract Management Cost Management

Legal Finance

Negotiation Sourcing
Your Academy
Page 54

Superior training, tailored to your organization’s needs

The combination of all learning plans forms the basis of a professional 'Your Academy', recognized as best
practice in the training industry and the most effective way to procurement effectiveness.

At Procurement Academy we understand that no two organizations are the same. We have the proven
experience and flexibility to provide every organization with its own, uniquely crafted program to meet its
specific objectives and challenges. Whilst the unique and well liked High-Impact E-learning courses remain
the backbone of our training, we can also offer a series of other training delivery methods that will, where
appropriate, further enhance the learning effect.

These include:

• Webinars: Fun and highly animated, these virtual application labs focus on how to apply
learning from previous E-learning modules. If done well, an extremely powerful combination.
• Workshops: instructor-led on-site workshops with world-class trainers, having
delivered between 100-500 workshops! Quality remains important, also in the classroom.
• Coaching projects: implement your own projects with the help of a personal coach.

Instructor-led training? Yes:

• For competencies that require a higher proficiency level

• If team-building and networking are a training objective
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Procurement Academy International

Research Campus Hasselt RCH2
Kempische Steenweg 305/14
3500 Hasselt, Belgium
Tel +32 11 77 14 12

Procurement Academy - North America

Chrysler Building
405 Lexington Avenue, Floors 25 & 26
Manhattan, New York, 10174
United States
Tel + 1 716 672 93 12

© Procurement Academy - 2015

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