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Yaritza Esteban

_____________________________________ 'S PERSONAL WELLNESS


Original wellness goal in S- Specific M- A- R- Relevant T- Timely (write these dates

present tense Measurable Attainable into your planner)

Get at least 8
I want to hours every I currently get
get at night but between 4-6
much hopefully hours of sleep,
Get more sleep more. Maybe and we
sleep as I
from 10:30 I want to be able to do this
can, a pm- 7:30 am learned that
minimum sleep is for one month and see how it
of 8 hours, important so I affects me
6 days a should be
week. getting at least
8 hours.

I want to
drink a
I usually don’t
minimum Yes
Drink more water drink a lot of
of one Drink a gallon water, I drink a
gallon of of water. Fill lot of soda so I want to be able to drink at
water a gallon jug
hopefully this least a gallon of water
every day of water and
drink it will help my every day to see what
and reduce
throughout addiction to effects it has on my skin
the amount
the day. sugar.
of soda I and body in generak

I want to
stop eating
red meat Substitute red I already don’t I have always wanted to
entirely. I meat for eat much red stop eating red meat and
will different meat but this
Stop eating red meat. meats or even
this class has given me
substitute Yes will help me the opportunity to do this.
go the
red meat completely cut
it out.
I want to do this for about
with option when
poultry or available
a month.

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