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Take Care of
Tomorrow Today
Are you comfortable with the state deciding what happens to you and your most
YES NO important possessions?

YES NO Should something happen to you, have you specified who will care for your children?

YES NO Do you want your children to control their inheritance when they turn 18?

Did you know when your children turn 18, you no longer have access to medical records or
YES NO influence over their medical decisions unless they provide legal documentation?

YES NO If something happens to you, do you know who will make healthcare and life decisions for you?

Have you completed a HIPAA form so select members of your family (including your
YES NO spouse) will have access to your medical info?

Have you or loved ones completed an Advance Directive/Living Will to acknowledge your
YES NO intentions about life support?

Should you become incapacitated, have you identified who will handle your financial and
YES NO legal affairs?

YES NO Have you specified how your estate will be distributed?

Do you want your family going through a lengthy, public process known as probate at the
YES NO time of your death?

If you answered “no” to any of these questions, you need NetLaw.

NetLaw exists to help you protect your family, your health and your legacy.
Visit for more information.
Allan (Al) Bruce | 781-307-3175 |

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