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Robert Monahan’s

Everyday Law

Welcome!!! Estate Tip:

We want to thank you for be- What’s a Probate Asset?
ing in our circle of friends So many people are afraid of probate, but not
and neighbors. everyone knows what will land you in front of
the probate judge.
We have started a newsletter
in order to maintain and This month’s “estate tip” is that not every as-
strengthen our friendship. set you own is a “probate asset.” Only assets
that are titled in your name alone.
It has always been my belief that everyone This means that (1) joint assets are NOT pro-
should have a lawyer in their life. bate assets, because they are titled in more
A retired judge once told me that the law is than one person’s name. They pass automati-
like an invisible but powerful energy that can cally by operation of law on the death of one
do good or harm, depending on how it is used joint owner.
— kind of like “The Force” in Star Wars. It also means that (2) beneficiary designated
Ordinary people come into contact with the assets are NOT probate assets because these
law everyday. . . But when do you really need pass according to who you designate as bene-
a lawyer? ficiaries. They are not even titled.
Here’s a couple tips: (1) Anytime money is Finally, it means that (3) any asset held in
changing hands in a substantial way, and with trust is NOT a probate asset because it is not
non-boiler-plate terms, like a lease or a home held in an individual’s name — rather it is
repair, you should have a lawyer. held by the trustee of a trust. When the initial
grantor of a revocable trust passes on, a suc-
(2) Anytime the criminal justice system is in-
cessor trustee steps into his or her shoes and
volved, you should have a lawyer.
administers the trust assets without probate.
(3) Anytime you see trouble on the horizon —
The probate court never has to get involved
whether it is an estate planning issue, a possi-
with these types of assets.
ble bankruptcy, tax issue, etc. — then you
should find a lawyer.

It is our motto that: No one should be so

uncomfortable with the law and legal
things that they fail to take the right steps
to protect their family.
Organization Tip: The Pomodoro
Have you ever had a hard time organizing your
time? And wondered to yourself “what hap-
pened?” at the day’s end?
Lately, I have been using a somewhat gimmicky
(yet surprisingly effective) tool for help. It is a
little wind-up timer in the shape of a tomato
(Pomodoro is Italian for “tomato”).
"How does that help?" I can hear you ask. What I am Reading: “The Ancient
You use the Pomodoro to break your day into Regime and the Revolution” by Alexis
twenty-five minute focused work increments. De Tocqueville
Each session is a “Pomodoro.” And after that
Lawyers and judges love precedents.
session, give yourself a 5 minute break.
Basically, all you do in law school is read old
case law and try to learn from it how a current
claim should work.
So in watching the extraordinary civil unrest
that gripped the country, after the death of
George Floyd, made me look for some context,
some precedent, like the French Revolution.
What made me most anxious is that the aims
of the French Revolution — liberty, equality
and fraternity — were never accomplished, but
rather twisted as political events unfolded. In
The alternating periods of intensely focused the end, the Revolution resulted in a complete-
work, followed by a break, followed by work, is ly different object — first the Terror, and then
supposed to help anyone stay on track, without building a European empire for Napoleon.
getting burned out. The conclusion: once a revolution begins, it is
It has saved me from my old, erratic, system of impossible to tell where it will go, how it could
organizing my day according to what is in my be redirected, how it will end. Toothpaste can-
inbox and gmail account. not be put back in the tube.
Give it a try! And see if it works for you! We will have to wait and see . . . and pray.

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