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Attention: FB Agency Owner, Start-up Agency Owner, or Future Agency Owner:

The Imminent Death of The

Facebook Agency

The “Conventional” Facebook Agency is on the critically endangered list.

Soon to become extinct.

It’s death is long overdue.

And, for good reason…

The “Conventional” Model is CATASTROPHICALLY Flawed…

Dear Friend,




(Print out this document - Get yourself a drink - Read every detail - And take it to

If you are currently running a FB agency, or are planning to set one up, the
information below will change your life.

Before we start, let me make one thing clear:

I am ANGRY, I’m FURIOUS, I am SICK to my stomach

Because every day I hear from distraught, desperate and disillusioned FB Agency
owners who are ready to tear out their hair.

Their backs are against the wall and they are fighting tooth and claw for their very
survival. They are ready to give it all up.

Most of them are only days away from bankruptcy and mental breakdown.

And shockingly, most of them don’t know why..

Believe Me, I Feel Every Bit of Their Pain..

I’ll be honest. I was just like them. I have been there. I too was naive.

I saw the dream of the good life - I saw the potential to make great money, to run a
business, to be my own boss - to break free from the grind and drudgery of my dull

I was going to the master of my future, my life and my destiny.

But, I Was So Wrong…

I didn’t take control of my life, my fact, like many FB Agency owners...I
unconsciously gave all my control away!

And, like you, I didn’t see it was happening…until it was too late.

But, The More My Agency Grew - The More I Lost Control.

As FB Agency owners, we YIELD control to our CLIENTS and it’s killing us:

• We YIELD control to the client about hiring us at all. We put ourselves into the
position of having to sell ourselves. Having to chase clients down and beg for
their business.

• We YIELD control to the client about how much we are ‘worth’ in retainers -
always afraid to charge too much in fear of losing the business.

• We YIELD control of our time - constantly trying to meet the client’s ever-
expanding expectations by working increasingly demanding hours.
• We abandon our sense of self-worth - We are in denial about being in control of
our lives. When, in truth, we are just slaves to our clients.

Enough is enough.


It’s Time To Take Control.

I DID it. You CAN too!

But, you need to abandon the old “Conventional” Model, and you need to follow a
different model.

Let me explain…

My name is Dan Wardrope. I am the founder of Flexx Digital Ltd, one of the UK’s
most successful Facebook Agencies.

I don’t want to be boastful, but, let me put ‘successful’ into context…

Last year, my Agency had a turnover of over $3.5 million - With less than 7 clients.

How did I achieve this?

• I discovered a system which turned my FB Agency around.

• I discovered a system which would enable me to ‘to get paid what I was worth

• I stopped following the arrogant “False Prophets” and “Gurus” of Facebook

Agencies. The “False Prophets” who are selling mis-guided courses, training
programs and high-end training programs.

• I stopped following the “False Prophets” who for $997… $2,997… $6,997…
$9,997... will sell you the keys to the promised land - to the land of milk and
• I stopped listening to the lies they were selling. I stripped out the snake-oil lies
and completely changed the direction of my agency.

I had my eyes opened....

Their Secret Key To The Promised Land Is Fake.

The “False Prophets” have never been to the promised land. They don’t know how to
get there.

It’s all...

Lies, Lies, Lies!

“Focus on high value clients like doctors, Gyms and dentists because they
won’t struggle to pay you.”

“You can get $5k…$10k…$15k... a month retainers easily”

“You can quickly scale to $100K per month”

“You don’t need any skills or experience with Facebook to start! You can learn
it all from this course!!”

“How as a agency owner you only have to work 4 hours a week whilst letting
your A team do the work for you.”

If you trust in this advice you WILL be broken and bankrupt before you know it.

Believe me, I have been to the edge of bankruptcy - and you don’t want to go there..

I nearly lost everything...I almost lost my car...and my

health. I will be honest with you...they were the darkest days of my life.

And, the mistake I made?... I based my business around the “False Prophets”.

It’s not an excuse...I just didn’t know any better.

I attended their courses. I went to their seminars. I paid handsomely for their private
coaching sessions. I spent a king’s ransom on “False Prophets”.

I Followed Them Blindly...

In fact, I moved on every piece of advice I had paid so dearly for. I put everything I
owned on the line to make it work. My money, my time, my sweat and tears, the
future of my business and the security of my family.

I convinced my wife, that despite her greatest fears, everything would be great. I
persuaded her, and myself, that we too would arrive at the promised land. She put
her trust in me.

I was all in... there was no backup plan.

I chased down local clients. I found car lot dealers...dentists...doctors…gyms...

Like a good student - I did as I was told. I took retainers.

I was on the “Road to Success”, or so I believed.

But, I Had Been Suckered.

All it leads to is misery, frustration and depression.

And, then, when I got to my lowest darkest point. The point when I was ready to quit
- the painful truth was revealed to me.

I discovered….

The CATASTROPHIC FLAW in the “Conventional” Model No “False

Prophets” Ever Talk About...

But, just because they don’t talk about it - don’t for a second think they don’t know
about it...they do...they’re just NOT telling you...
And, why will no “False Prophet” ever dare discuss this CATASTROPHIC FLAW?

Because, the moment they do, they, and all their courses, become instantly

So, they have no choice. They don’t know any better. They must keep touting the
same old lie- The “Conventional” FB Agency Model

Believe me, following their methods drove me to the edge of despair...

Until I Discovered
“The Alternative Facebook Agency”

I am looking forward to sharing this NEW MODEL with you.

But, before I do, I want to be completely open, honest and transparent.

I want to expose the truth about the dark, dirty secrets the “False Prophets” will
NEVER tell you.

And, why would I share them?

Because I am on a mission:

• I want to start a Revolution.

• I want to tear down the lies of the “False Prophets”.
• I want to give FB Agency owners the chance to live up to their true worth, to grow
their businesses and their lives.

And, besides...

Even if you choose to NEVER listen to another word I say, I will have good karma. I
can rest happy knowing I tried my best.

So, let’s get started

The FIRST QUESTION most Facebook Agency owners want to know the answer to

“How Do I Get More Clients?”

“Getting Clients” is a primal fear for most agency owners. Even just thinking about it
brings most of them out in a cold sweat.

The “False Prophets” know this. They are attracted to the scent of fear. Like sharks
to blood in the sea, even the slightest hint of fear and you’ll find yourself in the
middle of a feeding frenzy.

Like the sharks they are, they will use every trick in their marketing playbook to
target your fear.

And their solution?

To sell you whole courses and coaching programs specifically designed to lure in the
unsuspecting Facebook Agency owner.

Don’t be mistaken, these courses aren’t cheap. There are many that cost $1,997
and more.

The “False Prophets” are preying on your insecurities and fears. They know, “you
don’t know what you don’t know.”

So, they build on your fears, they draw them out, they agitate them. They confuse,
mystify and bamboozle until the solution seems unachievable.

Then, like the “False Prophet” they are, they swoop down like a messenger from the
Gods and generously offer to share with you the golden key (provided you give
them your credit card details!)

It Is All A Lie!
Getting clients is easy. There are millions of business owners waiting desperately for
you to reach out to them. It’s not difficult, all have to do is ask and you can have as
many as you want.

In fact, it’s so easy…

I Turn Away HIGH-PAYING Clients Every Week

I don’t go chasing little businesses - who, let’s be honest - are nothing but a pain.

They are unreliable, needy and never satisfied.

And, as I have learnt from bitter experience.

I don’t NEED them. I don’t WANT them.


You should have the luxury of picking and choosing who you want to work with. You
should NEVER take clients out of desperation.

This philosophy is more than just a state of mind - more than just about thinking
positively - it’s about having tried, tested and PROVEN system that works every

It’s about changing the offer you make to the client. Don’t go with your begging bowl
out to them - let them chase you down - give them an irresistible offer they CAN’T

The “Conventional” Strategy For Getting New Clients Is Flawed...

The reason is this:

When you approach a new client. The “False Prophets” told you your offer should be
based on something like this…
1. I will manage your Facebook Account and you will pay me $2k per month
2. I will also need about $5k to set up your account and your creatives.
3. I will also need you to fund the ad spend, this will be a further $3k per month.
4. And, to make this work, I will need three months commitment from you.

So, if when you add this all together, the final figure you are asking for is in the
region of $20,000!

And, this is before you have demonstrated any ability to actually give them a return
on their investment.

Talk about getting married and having children before you’ve even been on a first

To me, that’s a difficult sell. You have got to have some serious “confidence” to pull
that off. I have tried it - and hated every minute of it.

I would dread having to chase prospects and make this pitch. So, getting new clients
was a nightmare. I would do everything I could to avoid doing it.

Which FB agency owner would willingly to put themselves through this?

In simple terms - the mistake is in your offer.

You Are Giving The Client Too Much Power.

You Are Making It Too Easy For Them To Say “NO”.

Every time they say no, your confidence takes a kicking. Your self-esteem takes a
nose-dive. Ultimately, you become filled with dread when you must make your pitch.
Your prospective clients can hear the self-doubt in your voice - and you’re finished.
Even if you get the business - the terms will suck.

There Is A Better Way....

You need a better offer.

How would it feel like to be able to give the client what they actually want - more


• WITHOUT having to charge them a monthly retainer.

• WITHOUT having to charge them creative set up fees.
• WITHOUT having to tie them into a three-month contract.

What if you only asked for $3,000 upfront? What if you guaranteed them 100 high-
quality leads?

Wouldn’t that be so much easier to sell?

That’s How We Do It.

As a result, we have the luxury of picking and choosing who we WANT to work with.

We only work with companies who have multi-million-dollar advertising budgets.

Companies desperately waiting for us to take the money off their hands.

And, we never work with more than a handful of companies at a time - with plenty
waiting on the side-lines.

Remember, there’s not just ONE of these clients - there are HUNDREDS of them.

Companies that can drop 10...20...30k just to test an idea.

But, they don’t want “retainers” or little lap dog agencies.

They want results, hardcore, black and white results.

I will tell you more about this later…


There is so much wrong in this statement, I don’t even know where to start. I’m not
sure I have a shovel big enough.

Let me break it down into two halves:

The Horror of Local Clients

The is the lie which exposes the “False Prophets” for who they really are.

I will make this really EASY.



Trust me, I have been there! I have tried it. It’s horrible, you WILL fail miserably.

And, the sad truth, it will be through no fault of yours.

This is the “False Prophet” lie I hate beyond all others. And yet, it is the one that gets
touted the most.

There are so many problems dealing with local business as clients I could devote a
whole report on this problem alone - don’t worry - I’ll just give you the highlights.

• They don’t have the in-house resources to deal with the leads you send them.
• They always want more than they have paid you for.
• They never have a decent budget to spend
• They are limited to their local area, so you can’t scale them.
• They are never satisfied.
• When anything goes wrong...they will always blame you.

And, the list goes on...

You will have to trust me on this one - JUST DON’T DO IT - Don’t take on local

The Trap Called “Retainers”

Step back for a minute, and think about the word “Retainer”, do you know what it

According to Webster’s dictionary, it means:

“a device or structure that holds something in place”

Just read that statement again and repeat it until it sinks in.

It means to hold YOU in place. To keep YOU from going anywhere. To STOP you
from growing.


If you want to grow, you can’t allow yourself to get held back. You shouldn’t want to
be held back, to be handcuffed, to be restrained, to be a slave to someone else.

You should want to get paid your true value, your true worth. Not have limitations
placed on you.

Anything less is cheating you of your talent. Anything less is to rollover and be
treated like someone’s lapdog. To be at their beck and call.

You will never grow your agency by taking low-paying clients, with a pathetic monthly
retainer, and by wearing a dog collar.

As I said, last year I had a turnover of $3.5 million. Remember - I achieved this with
less than SEVEN clients.

If you do the maths you will see - I couldn’t possibly have taken a single retainer.
I definitely DON’T take on local clients - NO doctors, NO dentists and definitely NO

These clients are the dregs left for the losers. They can have as many of these as
they want. They can have all of them. I DON’T want them.

Here is the SHOCKING truth you need to know:

The More of These Soul-Sucking, Money-Draining Clients You Get, The

QUICKER You Will DESTROY Your Agency.


Seriously? Does anyone REALLY believe this.

Running a FB Agency is:

• NOT about overnight success

• NOT about the 4-hour work week
• NOT about getting something for nothing.

These are for idiots and suckers - Those who aren’t prepared to commit to their
businesses and their futures. If this is what you are looking for - Stop reading NOW -
I can’t help you.

Having a successful FB Agency is about building a valuable business:

• Something of worth.
• Something you can be proud of.
• Something which will secure your financial future
• Something which will help you achieve your dreams.

If this is what you want - and you are ready to commit your time and energy - then
read on…

Running A SUCCESSFUL FB Agency Takes Effort

- But, It DOESN’T Have To Be Difficult -
Now, I have told you about my $3.5 million turnover, my 7 clients…

But - I only have 4 staff members, and, I work less than 30 hours a week.

The only way you can do this is to have PROVEN, TRIED and TESTED systems in
place. These are the systems I will share with you...

However, Following The “Conventional” Model WILL Result In A

Nervous Breakdown

When I pursued the “Conventional” Method - I was working my fingers to the bone. I
was working every waking moment. The “False Prophets” don’t tell you about this.

This is what happened to them. (And, this is what was happening to me.)

They had to work until their eyes and their brains were going to explode.

In fact, their “Conventional” Facebook Agency Model haunted their days and their

They were so trapped by the model they’ve created, they drove themselves the point
of having a nervous breakdown.

This is why they are looking to sell their expertise - rather than their agency services.

They Are So DISILLUSIONED And EXHAUSTED By Their Own Model, They

CAN’T Face Doing It Anymore.

But, it’s the ONLY model they know.

Their only way out is to sell it to someone else. They are looking to sucker you into
the same rabbit hole they have fallen into.

This Makes Me Sick

I truly believe you deserve the honest, raw and unabridged TRUTH.
Running an agency is challenging. There are times when it can be stressful and
overwhelming. But, the rewards are also incredible. Nobody gets anything for free.

It’s going to take some effort. You will have to put the hours in to build up your

But, it can be done, you just need to have the RIGHT SYSTEM to follow.

You NEED “The Alternative Facebook Agency”

You need a system which is easy to follow and replicable for every client.

And, these are the systems which changed my life.

These systems are specifically designed to maximise both time and profit, whilst
reducing effort and stress.

These step-by-step systems cover every element of the business. From start to
finish, and every step has been tested in the real world. This stuff isn’t a theoretical,
“sounds nice in principle” stuff. They are battle-tested and hardened.

These systems are the difference between success and failure, between a 30-hour
week and an 80 hour week. They are the difference between quality of life and
quantity of work.

The Development of “The ‘Alternative Facebook Agency”

This is the bit I love…

So, before I start, can we agree on one thing?

The “Conventional” FB Agency Model Does NOT Work.

If you don’t agree with me by this stage, then you might as well put this down. Go do
something else with your time.
For those who want to take their agency to NEW HEIGHTS, let’s crack on…

Despite everything you have read so far, you haven’t seen the biggest problem in the
“Conventional” Facebook Agency Model yet, I have been saving the best till last!

I know you have been waiting patiently…so, here it is…



Firstly, well done for making the right decision to carry on reading. This shows you
are serious about taking your business to the next level.

You are determined to become a successful Facebook Agency owner.


So, I am going to reveal to you the most important fact the “False Prophets” definitely
aren’t telling you.

Are you ready….?

Are you sure you want to hear this…?

(It’s going to go against everything you think you know.)

Ok, here it is…

The “Conventional” Facebook Agency Retainer Model”
Read the sentence above and repeat it to yourself at least three times.

This single fact alone will transform your future success into a reality. This single fact
will save you months of frustration and thousands of dollars of lost income.

Ignoring It Will Condemn You To Failure.

Let me explain, the basic concept they teach is this:

Imagine you go to a local business and you offer to manage their Facebook

In return, they will pay you a monthly retainer.

According to the “False Prophets” this can be anywhere between $500 - $5,000 per

In principle, this seems fantastic, the sad truth, is most local businesses are only
likely to pay retainers are between $500 - $2,000. The average being around $1000.

You are unlikely to get any more.


Because they don’t really believe you are worth any more.

And, as the desperate, ‘out of control’ FB agency owner you might have been
tempted to take it. The second you did - you were doomed to failure.

Don’t believe me?

Okay, let me show you with an example.

When you start your agency you are working alone. Just you.

Step 1
You go out and get your first clients.

Let’s say, as you are new to the business, you get 4 clients @$1,000 each. Sounds
pretty tasty!

Assuming you dedicate 10 hours per week to each client - you are putting in a 40-
hour week.

So, you are earning $4,000 per month.

After deducting running costs and taxes - you are taking home around $3,000 per

This equates to $18.50 per hour.

Step 2
$18.50 doesn’t really match your 6 figure expectations.

So, you follow the advice given to you by the “False Prophets” and so you get more

You get 4 more.

But, each of these 4 clients will ALSO take up 10 hours of your time.

Add these to your existing clients, gives you an 80-hour working week.

This is impossible to sustain. So, you must bring on an employee.

You give the employee 4 of the clients to manage, this saves you 40 hours a week.
You spend 40 hours on the remaining clients and 10 hours managing your new

Your monthly income has now increased to $8,000 per month.

But, you must pay your employee, with their costs and benefits.

And, you have still your taxes and overheads to cover.

You would be lucky if you took home with $4,000 after tax.

And, you are doing a 50-hour week.

This equates to $18.52 per hour.

Step 3

Keep adding new clients...

Keep adding new employees...
Watch as your overheads grow.

Rinse, Wash Repeat.

As a business owner you are NEVER ACTUALLY MAKING ANY MORE MONEY.

If you are lucky, you might get to $25 an hour.


In simple terms:

You will find yourself working a basic hourly rate, and there is very little you can do to
increase this rate.

• Taking on MORE clients - DOES NOT HELP.

• Taking on MORE employees- DOES NOT HELP.
• Working LONGER hours - DOES NOT HELP
Now, you might say - yes, but I will charge my clients a higher retainer.

But, the truth is you will always be limited. Clients - particular those not in direct
response marketing - like doctors and dentists - just do not believe in your worth and
value. And, they believe there is always someone around the corner who will do it

And, so you find yourself trapped. The hard work will increase, and so will the
resentment. Before you know it, you will be slaving away and hating every minute of
the job.

There is a better way...

After I had tried and failed at the “Conventional” Model I abandoned it.

I couldn’t work past the flaw.

Then, I Got Screwed Over By A Client -

And - Had A Life Changing Revelation.

I was running a little “retainer” based campaign for a local man. Just around the time
I was about to quit.

When I discovered - completely by accident - he was selling my leads to a client for

higher price!

I was livid - so angry beyond belief - when it struck me like a thunderbolt from the

They were my leads - why shouldn’t I sell them directly to the client - and cut out this

So, I did.

But, they didn’t want retainers. They just wanted leads - lots of them - usually around
500 a week. Week in - Week out.
And they were prepared to pay handsomely for them - they would give me $35 a

This means they were willing to give me $17,500 A WEEK!

Now, with the tools and the systems I had developed - I can get these leads for $10
a lead - all day long.

The means I was making a healthy profit of $12,500. Every single week.

And, the best part - they pay upfront!

This isn’t even close to a pathetic $1,000 a month retainer. This is a whole different

Now, if you repeated this system with only THREE clients you would be clearing over
$1,000,000 a year.

Now, I Can Feel Your Scepticism.

"Bu***hit" I Hear You Cry.

I like independent thinkers. I want you to question. I want you to stop following the
“False Prophets”. I want you to TAKE BACK CONTROL.

And, the truth is not every agency can do this.

This is where the document continues into the close – I have deleted this as I am not trying to
pitch this product to the group.

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