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You are on page 1of 314 | e Leading Provider of « & Troining for Enireprenewrs GKIC Success Tip: Your email campaigns need to build relationships with your prospects, customers, clients and patients so they’ll keep buying from you. Congratulations! You've made a great decision by purchasing Magnetic Email Marketing System & Toolkit. You're about to discover my uncommon system for writing compelling emails that get opened, get read, and build long-lasting relationships with customers, clients and patients. This is the “secret sauce” behind the GKIC marketing engine, and now you'll be able to effortlessly “move” these secrets into your business so you can deliver predictable, powerful results for your business over and over again, I've personally been “hush hush” about email marketing and reserve the bulk of my advice on this topic for clients who pay me $19,000 for a consulting day. But since you took action, you're about to discover the ONLY comprehensive system and set of tools crafted by GKIC experts that'll transform your email campaigns from a “shoot-from-the-hip” guessing game into a sciemtific marketing machine that'll put more money in your pocket. When you rip open this package and go through the DVDs, CDs and transcripts, you'll finally be ‘empowered to create your OWN email marketing campaigns without outside help. That’s because 85% of the work is already done for you thanks to Magnetic Email Marketing System & Toolkit. This is a tool you'll be able to use again and again throughout your wealth-building journey. But, of course, nothing happens if you let this package sit on your bookshelf and collect dust. ‘That's why I recommend the following steps for implementing Magnetic Email Marketing System & Toolkit into your business: 1) Before you begin to watch or listen, gather a highlighter marker, your favorite ink pen, and a big pad of sticky notes. You'll want to take some notes and flag important ideas. 2) Insert the first DVD, watch the video, and use the enclosed presentation materials to follow along, 3) Make notes right on the printed pages and use the sticky notes to “priority flag” ideas and concepts that you know you can implement right away as you strategize your new plan for closing more sales. 4) Take your top 3-4 ideas after watching this program and take immediate action! Don’t try to finish the program and then execute...just do, Don’t worry about getting things “right” or perfect—imperfect action is better than no action at all. Perhaps you can use the included Holiday email templates to create a quick Holiday campaign for your business? Or the Referral templates to create a fast referral campaign? We've done most of the heavy- just have to take action. 5) As you take notes, write down where on the DVD or CD your notes cover (for example: DVD 2- 16 min, 22 sec). This will make it much easier when you want to go back and review these potent sales strategies. Remember, it’s better to write down 5-10 specific initiatives or action steps you're going to take action on immediately—then to fill a notebook with pages of notes you'll never use. So, as you watch every minute of Magnetic Email Marketing System & Toolkit, ask yourself this question: “How Can I Implement This In My Business?” 1 genuinely appreciate your purchase of Magnetic Email Marketing System & Toolkit. It is our hope that you will take fast action on this information and start creating “lifers” who buy from you again and again, Please feel free to contact your GKIC Concierge at 1-800-871-0147 if you have any questions. Dedicated To Multiplying Your Income, DarK Dan S, Kennedy, GKIC wo"peojumoposmje6' MMM MAGNETIC EMAIL MARKETING SYSTEM & TOOLKIT Session #1: Collection - Online & Offline Email Capture Secrets With Dan Kennedy and Dave Dee Ie © 2015 Glazer-Kennedy Insider's Circle, LLC. All Rights Reserved, Published under the United States Copyright laws by Glazer-Kennedy Insider's Circle, LLC. Na portion of these materials may be reproduced in any manner whatsoever (whether electronic, mechanical or otherwise and including photocopy, recording or any information storage and retrieval systern) without the express written consent of the publisher. AAny unauthorized use, sharing, reproduction or disteibution of these materials by any means is strictly prohibited. Requests for permission to repraduce content contained herein shall be sent via email to our Permissions Department via email ( or facsimile (312) 880-1201. ‘This Presentation ("Presentation") has been prepared by or on behalf of Glazer-Kennedy Insider's Circle, LUC and/or its affilated companies ("GKIC") for the purpose of setting out certain confidential information Fegarding GKIC's business activities, plans and strategy. References to “Presentation” include any Information which has been or may be supplied in writing oF orally by or on behalf of GKIC in connection with the Presentation or in response to any follow-up Inquires from the Presentation, This Presentation and the information contained herein are confidential. in addition to the terms of any confidentiality agreement you may sign with GKIC, by viewing the Presentation you agree that you and each of your agents, renresentatives, advisors, directors or employees (collectively, "Representatives") will not, and will not permit any third party to, copy, reproduce oF distribute to others this Presentation, in whole or in part, a any time without the prior written consent of GGKIC, and thet you and all Representatives will keep. confidential all information contained herein not already in the public domain and will use this Presentation for the sole purpose of familiarizing yourself with certain limited background information Concerning GKIC and its business strategy, plans and activities. Hf you have signed a confidentiality agreement with GKIC, this Presentation constitutes Confidential Information for the ourposes of such agreement. If you do not egree to the terms of this. ‘Notice, you may NOT view, copy or distribute any portion of tis Presentation. ‘While the Information contained in this Presentation is. believed to be accurate, GKIC has not conducted any investigation with respect to such information, GKIC expressly disclaims any and all Hablty for representations or warranties, expressed or Implied, contained in, or for omissions from, this Presentation ‘or any other written or oral communication ‘transmitted to any interested party in connection with ‘this Presentation, so far as is permitted by law. No representation or warranty is given a5 to the achievement or reasonableness of, and no reliance should be placed on, any projections, estimates, forecasts, analyses or forward-looking. statements contained in this Presentation which involve by their nature a number of risks, uncertainties or assumptions that could cause actual results or ‘events to differ materially from those expressed or implied in this Presentation. Except to the extent fotherwise indicated, this Presentation presents information as of the date hereof. The delivery of this Presentation shall not, under any circumstances, create any implication that there will be no change in the affairs of GKIC after the date hereof. In furnishing this Presentation, GKIC reserves the right to amend or replace this Presentation at any time and undertakes no obligation to update any of the Information contained In the Presentation or to correct any Inaccuracles that may become apparent. ‘This Presentation shall remain the property of GKIC. GGKIC may, at any time, request that you and/or your Representatives. promptly deliver to GKIC of, if sirected in writing by GKIC, destroy all confidential Information relating to this Presentation received in written, electronic or other tangible _ form whatsoever, including without limitation all copies, reproductions, computer diskettes or written ‘materials which contain such confidential Information. at such time, all other notes, analyses or compilations constituting or containing confidential information in your or your Representatives’, possession shall be destroyed. You ‘may be required to certify such destruction to GKIC in writing wo"peojumoposmje6' MMM MAGNeric ENait MARKETING SvSTEM & TOOLKIT CONTENTS. Collection: Online & O'fline Email Capture Secrets. The Challenges of Email Marketing Lead Generation Magnets Name Capture, Opt-in Pages. Full Contact Information Collecting Email Offine Next Session... © 2015 GKic wow 16 18 13 2 22 Pages MAGNETIC EMAIL MARKETING SYSTEM & TOOLKIT COLLECTION: ONLINE & OFFLINE EMAIL CAPTURE SECRETS Dave Dee: Welcome to the Magnetic Email Marketing System and Toolkit, where you'll discover how to write emails that get delivered, get opened, get read, build relationships with your customers, clients, patients, and subscribers and put more money in your pocket. In this program we're going to talk about, and you're going to learn how you can easily create, email campaigns that get results including teleseminars, webinar campaigns, referral campaigns, holiday campaigns, cash flow surge campaigns and more. After going through this system and toolkit you'll be able to use email to: © Automate a major part of your marketing * Generate more repeat business and referrals * Improve customer retention © Make revenue more predictable All, of course, which means an increase in your bottom-line and more money in your pocket. The Magnetic Email Marketing System and Toolkit consists of three main elements. + First are the four one-hour segments you can watch and listen to. Each one of these segments builds upon the teaching in the previous segment, so we've really designed this in a cookbook format to make it easy for you. Just follow the email marketing recipe and you will be successful, so it's important that you go through each of the segments in order. © 2015 GxIc Page a Wwo"peojumoposmjye6' MMM MaGNeric EMAIL MARKETING System & TOOLKIT + The second element in the Magnetic Email Marketing System and Toolkit are the copyright-free email marketing documents that you can take and use to get almost immediate results with. We'll be referring to these documents throughout the program. + In addition to the copyright-free marketing materials, there’s also samples of successful email marketing documents that you can model. These come from our top members. We'll be talking about many of these documents during the program as well. ‘My name is Dave Dee and I'm the Chief Marketing Driver at GKIC and this includes all the multimillion dollar online launches we do, the direct mail and email campaigns, supervision of our in-house copywriting team, as well as the head of GKIC’s Platinum info-marketing mastermind group. Lalso write a lot of the emails that we send out, actually, the ones that get results, Dan. Those are the ones .. Dan Kennedy: Those are the ones you do. Those are the ones I send out, but with me ... I was going to say this thing makes you thinner and cures ingrown toenails, too, doesn’t it? This is really the cure all. This is a one-stop shop! Now, with me is the founder of GKIC and direct response marketing legend, Dan Kennedy. Dan's been called the millionaire maker because of the multitude of from- scratch entrepreneurial millionaires he’s created over his 40-year career. He's the author of over 24 books on the subjects of marketing, copywriting, and business growth and is the highest-paid marketing consultant and copywriter living today. ©2015 GKIc Pages MaGNeric Emit MARKETING SYSTEM & TooLKIT Dan and I are going to share with you every secret we know about using email marketing that actually gets results, so welcome, Dan. ‘Thank you, sir. l appreciate you fitting me in between all of those duties that you now have! THE CHALLENGES OF EMAIL MARKETING We're going to talk about the power of email marketing, but there's some things that the folks need to know about, things that are happening with email marketing, which is making it more difficult than ever before, which makes this type of program so important to them. Talk about some of those things. t's clogged; the tubes of the internet are clogged. There's so much of it that you really have an effect not unlike what we had with direct mail in the 80s, where literally everybody's mailbox was full. People became just unable to handle it, almast averwhelmed. As Halbert said, everybody always sorts their mail over a wastebasket, but really everybody was going to the wastebasket and a. trying to get rid of as much as possible. The open rate has been in decline and You have that now, everybody's sorting essentially J : : pneny is in decline and will with ignoring it or with the delete button, but even in probably continue to front of that you have deliverability issues, be in decline. So you have the issue of can the salmon swim upstream and actually even get there? If they get there are they opened? The open rate overall and for, | would say, most marketers... the open rate has been in decline and is in decline and will probably continue to be in decline. A lot of people's reaction to that is to throw more of it out there. © 2015 GKIc Pages wo"peojumoposmje6' MMM MaGneric EMAIL MARKETING SySTEM & TOOLKIT So fewer people are opening something we send them once a week, we'll send them once a day and fewer people open that, so we'll send it every hour and fewer people open that, so we'll send it every minute, Or we were sending 100,000, now we'll send half a million and now we'll send two million and all that contributes to the whole problem again in a closed loop. There's a lack of exclusivity. Because it's cheap and easy, a lot of people do just bomb with no message-to-market match, no relevance, none of that, which causes a reluctance to pay attention to any of it. Finally, it's being hurt by a drift to people paying attention to other forms of communication now in place of email - their tweets, their texts, mobile, and all of that. Successful users are There's a vulnerability to it as well... which is my required to be perpetual prediction ~ that will probably be right | smarter and more before Gore's about the rise of the seas from global thoughtful about warming and us all growing gills - that, one way or what they're doing. another, for commercial purposes, there are taxes coming. There's your pile of negatives. In this session, what we're going to do is we're going to talk about how to overcome those things because actually, if there is taxing and there is charging for email that can actually be good if you know what you're doing. It has the same effect as a postage stamp in the sense that it thins the herd, It does change economic dynamics, just as the open rate problem changes the dynamics of the use of the media. It requires successful users to be smarter and smarter and more and more thoughtful about what itis that they're doing. (© 2015 cKic www ghicccom Page? MAGNETIC Ewait MARKETING SysTEM & TOOLKIT In this session what we're going to talk about is how to capture email addresses to get started, Then we're going to go through the different emails you can write, so we're going to give literally from A to Z in this program. The first question I have to talk to you about is let's talk about capturing email addresses, so we could actually market to them later on. Leap GENERATION MAGNETS We're going to talk about both online and offline methods for doing this, but first one of the keys is having what we call a lead generation magnet. That’s actually a term you coined... how many years ago did you coin the term lead generation magnet? Ahundred years! You've been in the business for 40 years and you coined tt a hundred years ago, that’s fantastic! Talk about exactly what a lead generation magnet is and what it’s supposed to do. When you want people to give you information | There's a reluctance about themselves, something as simple as an email || and a resistance that address to a more complete package of information, | yy best overcome whether you want just email or you want email and by offering something that is full address... climbing up the mountain of difficulty, for most people email, email and full address, email and full address and phone numbers, email, full cae address, phone numbers and answer five questions so we can segment you... you have to give something in exchange. ‘There's a reluctance and a resistance to overcome that you best overcome by offering something that is magnetic. © 2015 GKic Pages wo"peojumoposmje6' MMM ‘That means interesting, compelling, alarming, opportunity-revealing - in some way, shape or form a thing, or access to a thing, that | am so intrigued by, that I want so much, that I'm willing to exchange whatever information you're asking me for, knowing ~ whether implicit or stated - it includes permission for you to now pester me, badger me, and pursue me. So when someone physically goes to a car dealership on Saturday to look at cars, their reluctance and resistance is not just about the experience they're going to have with the salesperson in the hour they're in the dealership, but am I going to be relentlessly pursued? Now, thanks to the complete dysfunction and sloth of | The magnet is about car salespeople, that's an unrealistic fear. There will } exchange of value be no follow-up; nobody will pursue you, you have | that is so weighted nothing to worry about. But, when people give their that I set aside my email address, they pretty much know... everybody reluctance, knows it's free and my email inbox is now going to be clogged with crap from Dave, a lot of it, forever, once I give him this address. The magnet is about exchange of value that is so weighted that I set aside my reluctance and resistance to that in order to get what it is that I want, A lot of people listening to this and watching this might be thinking, “Wait a minute, this is only for the information marketing guys, the online guys.” That's not the case and we're going to show some examples in just a second, Offline businesses need this too. First of all, if you are an “offline” business ~ whatever that means in today’s world - it'd be very, very rare for you not to be using email as one of your communication channels. It's possible, but it's rare; so you want this information, ©2015 Gxic Page 9 MAGNeric EMAIL MARKETING SYSTEM & TOOLKIT In most cases, it is more a precursor to getting other information and ascending the ladder of people's willingness to give you more and more information that ‘you can use to effectively sell to them, So it's the first exchange. It’s like, at old mixers, you and I would exchange business cards. It's the first exchange. Let's look at some examples and this is just a small sample that actually come from the toolkit, so let’s check those out. We've got a whole bunch of different ones here from different industries. The first one here, Dan, is one of your favorite methods of marketing, which is Valpak. This is a neat one. A lot of people think, “K's just going to be information that I need to give, a report or something like that.” Why don’t you comment a little bit about this one? Better snacks by mail. meer a % ° This is a Valpak coupon and they're giving away a free sample box of food. That fits Valpak; first of all, which Valpak is almost all about promotional offers. Valpak is also much about food, so it’s an appropriate media for this offer. Again from a lead generation magnet standpoint, to your point, the lead generation magnets do not have to be informational, ‘They often are because in many cases it's the least expensive thing you can do and it allows you to establish authority with the delivery of the lead generation © 2018 ekic Page 10 wo"peojumoposmje6' MMM Macneric Emait Markering Systét & TooLKtT magnet. But it certainly doesn’t have to be that. It can be a free sample; it can be a free class, it can be a free 20-minute massage at the Massage Envy place, on and on and on. Its about again getting that person to step forward. Let's look at the next one which comes from our friend Brian Tracy. This is more of a traditional model that a lot of people think it is and this is actually a big piece of his page, but there he’s giving a book, an eBook on goal setting. te eae WANT—FASTER THAN YOU EVER THOUGHT POSSIBLE Seen tee ee ee Grocers ine io = : ee Now we're going to talk about this. I notice that, on this page, he’s just asking for the email address which I think is a mistake actually; but we're going to get to that ina little bit later segment. It may be a double squeeze, I don’t think it is but that's an example, again driving people here to get his book on goal setting. By the way, Brian has different ones for the different things that he sells, so he’s got lead generation. Talk a little bit about the importance of. if you've got different things in your business; maybe one lead generation magnet isn’t what you need. One size fits all isa fallacy no matter where or how it is applied. It’s the sloppiest approach to advertising and marketing that can be and you really have to be 2015 6KIC Page 11 MAGNETIC EMAIL MARKETING SvsTEM & TOOLKIT down at a commodity level before it actually is effective and there's no more effective alternative, So free pizza to a neighborhood where the shop has never been before... a Valpak coupon that says, "Go here and get a free pizza"... you really don't need to be much more sophisticated than that, But, when you step up above that commodity level, every customer population - be it for a restaurant or a chiropractic practice or a clothing store, Brian's business, our business ~ every customer population One size fits all is a divides by demographics, psychographics, interests. fallacy no matter In his case, for example, he's offering a lead an where or how it is generation magnet all about goal setting. Some people care about that and some people don't care applied, about that, some people don't even believe in it. I'm sure he's got one for “How to Sell More,” I'm sure he's got one for “Iow to Manage Your Time Better” etc. That's exzctly the way you would approach it really in any business. There's different reasons why people go buy a new suit. A clothier would be well-served by thinking through what are the different reasons people switch to a new clothier, upgrade to my level of clothier, buy new suits, Let's do three, four different lead generation campaigns, not one. Let's look at another one. This is from a ae local business here. It’s obviously a ©CAFE franchise, but it’s a local business in Chicago and this is a really cool one. What they're asking is for them to drop the business card in, so not even fill out a form; © 2015 Gxic www Wwo"peojumoposmje6' MMM Macneric Ewait Markering System & TOOLKIT drop the business card in, go online and you get a cookie, so it’s the same kind of thing. If you go to the next one, we wanted to show there’s actually some bigger businesses that are getting this right. This is from Red Robin and this is their Royalty rewards, their frequent flyer club, Talk a little bit about that and again what they're doing is they're driving people online to get their email address, so they can market to them. By the way, they send out I think it’s a daily email, which everyone says you can’t do. We're going to get to that a little bit later, too. Talk about the Royalty rewards. I can first of all make an argument against them leaving out an offline enrollment option. But, setting that aside, the restaurant industry and many other industries adopted what was originally the airline's frequent flyer programs very effectively; many businesses use them. There's abundant research to indicate that somebody enrolled in a royalty program is significantly more likely to argue for that choice. So five guys are going to go out to lunch and you're in Red Robin's Royalty program and you're within 62 points of the next thing you want and everybody says, “Where do you want to go?” “I don't care, where do you want to go?” You care, So you will drag everybody to Red Robin. © 2015 exic Page 13 (Macneric Email MARKETING SysTEM & TOOLKIT That's the theory behind these things and the practical result behind these things. Purely from an email standpoint, and going to your daily email issue, the minute somebody is enrolled in a program, is a member of something, sees themselves as a participant in, they're infinitely more lkely to open the email than if they're just on a customer database and do not see themselves as in that relationship. ‘They really accomplish several things with this program. © One is they improve their open rate of email to their customers. ‘* Two, they get them engaged in working towards their next reward which may, in fact, increase frequency of visit during a calendar year. In a business like theirs, which is highly competitive and highly price- competitive, and competitive businesses tend to be grouped together geographically. So The minute there's an “Oh, that parking lot looks too busy, somebody sees Til just go over here today,” factor in their themselves as a business. participant, they're It’s very important for them to get one more infinitely more likely visit a quarter, one more visit a year. So it to open the email. allows them to do that, ‘+ Third, it allows them to get data that they might not get otherwise ~ birthdays, for example; wedding anniversary, for example; “Do you come here for business lunches or just for fun?” It allows them to now begin to get data, build a database. It then allows them to... whether they do it or not I don't know... but now to split their email database two ways, three ways, four ways, five ways and send out more relevant email and offers, So it really serves three purposes. ©2015 Gxic www Page 14 wo"peojumoposmje6' MMM Macneric EMAIL MARKETING SYSTEM & TOOLKIT Let's look at another one here. This is cool. This is copy that you wrote for Craig Proctor and this is a really cool example of what you're offering here asa lead generation magnet. Talk a little bit about that. This is literally what | call junk email or mass broadcast email. It is pure lead generation and it is also junk direct mail. This copy appears on a postcard; it appears on a self-mailer... junk mail. It can also be junk email. It goes to a big, broad, not particularly well-selected list. The only thing you really know they have in common is, in this case, they're real estate agents. Its purpose is purely to get them online, so that you can begin getting an email address and communicating and begin getting a hard address and following up and so forth. So the lead generation magnet is a free video and there's an idea. Understand there's copy before this and copy after it, not a lot though. “Simply, 1am out to create 1,000 New Millionaire Agents within the next 36 months and document their rising up by the same good sense system. You can find out all about it by watching the free video. Your ticket is [insert site] and you have [x number of] days to do it. t's about [x number of minutes] long, so go to it when you are in a private place and have arranged to watch the whole thing.” It’s a big net to get few fish and then begin to do something with the fish. Again the point in showing all this We've seen a cookie; we've seen food, we've seen a video. If we go to the next one which comes from our Titanium members Gardner's Mattress. This is really cool. This is just a sample... we've got in the toolkit their whole page and everything like that... but this shows the power of having different lead generation magnets. ©2015 Gric www Macneric Emalt MarkeTine System & TooukiT Yes, this is exactly what you just talked about with Brian and his book, so this is three different lead generation magnets. The most general one is their original one, which is Cg the first one, “What's GES. Keeping You Up at Night?” - which is really a book about ac sings Uyoste ot coun abot MUSTeraiay —— gtingtiesesp ——_Satraate how to get a better night's auickauieasy ou deserve, you Mattresses? Our ei mst tego sleep. BEFORE vou ‘leo Custom strtrn Hise’ ‘Then you have a couple of |“ ™"* ae we specifics, “Why Do We Sleep Flat?” and, if you pay seme awe attention to this industry at all, the “rise itself” ... the bed where the back will rise up with a button... there used to be one company that did this, and only cne company, and they were only sold to really old people by a salesperson coming in their home. Today, Tempur-Pedic’s got it; Sleep Numker Beds have got a model of that; so that sleeping not flat is now a mainstream thing of interest. So they've targeted that. ‘Then the other one is “Are You Confused About Natural Latex Mattresses?” The only person who's going to respond to that is somebody who was either searching for a latex mattress or is predetermined for some reason or another... doctor recommendation, friend referral or whatever... to look at that type of, product. Name Capture © 2015 GKIc Page 16 woo" peojumoposmye6' MMM MAGNETIC EMAIL MARKETING SYSTEM & TOOLKIT We've talked a lot about lead generation magnets, We've got people; they're coming to our site. Now we've got to get a way to capture them. We're going to go through this quickly, but what are some of the elements on a lead capture page, on an email lead capture page that are necessary? ‘The first thing that has to happen is they've got to know they came to the right place. That's verifying that they have arrived at the place they intended to arrive at, “I went to find out something about mattresses. I'm at a mattress place.” “| went to find Brian Tracy, there's Brian Tracy.” In case I don’t know what he looks like, when the video starts, it says “Brian Tracy.” They've got to know they came to the So you've got to verify that the person has an the right place right place. ‘The second thing then is to restate the reason they came and/or the offer... the lead generation magnet they came to get. “Yes, you're in the right place and you came here because of this promise, this idea, this benefit, this offer, and here's a picture of it exactly as you thought it was going to be.” ‘Then you need instructions on what they're supposed to do now, “Dave, you got to the right place, here's that thing you wanted. Now here's how to get it.” Just as an aside, one of the mistakes made a lot online is the web designer people presuming common knowledge about online things that may not necessarily be common knowledge to all of the people coming to the site. As strange as it will be to people, for example, hearing this, there's still a significant number of people that don't know that the underlined item is what you click on, © 2015 GKic Page 17 MAGNeric EMAIL MARKETING SYSTEM & TOOLKIT If you really want them to click on this thing in order to get their free booklet, say “Click Here.” instruct on, optional reassurances. “Now that you've done this, here's what's going to happen.” ‘That could be done at the site or it could be done with an immediate confirmation email. Those are the four essentials. The options then are an immediate upsell, an immediate moving onto getting more data. So, if all you did here was get email ~ as in the example we were just looking at wit Gardner's - maybe the reassurance confirmation... you got that as a digital doohickey, “If you'd like a DVD of 18 people talking about how they solved their sleeping problems, then you've got to give us a full address and we'll send it to you.” So those optional things can occur. OPT-IN PAGES Let's just take a very quick look at some opt-in pages. They're all in the toolkit and a lot more. The first one we already basically looked at is from Brian Tracy. Brian is only asking for email address, © 2015 GKIc www ghie-com Page 18 wo"peojumoposmje6' MMM Macneric EMAIL MARKETING SySTEM & TOOLKIT ee mean a De a eats ene kas ce aa Cee Ors ac ss Became Celerant ees oH Hot sconce aus a find your purpose inte ae eters eet Dene ee ete ete pee See nore re rere If we look at the next one, this comes from one of our members, Sean Buck. Here Sean is asking for the first name and email address and again this has got the "Get Access Now" circled. It maybe even should say “Click Here to Get Access Now.” So, again the assumption that people know what they're supposed to do is probably not the right assumption. You know, people stand outside the door trying to pull it open when it is a push door! ‘Why not puta big sign up that says, “Push”? Assumptions are dangerous. FUL CONTACT INFORMATION Let's talk about capturing full contact information. Let’s just quickly go to an © 2015 6Kic www.skice “Abouk Us! Testis Conace Us Get Your FREE CD and Newsletter! SA Suhre yee race teenth cpio MAGNETIC EMAlL MARKETING SYSTEM & TOOLKIT example here from Steve Adams. Now he's generating for franchises. He's asking for full information. You did a campaign with Matt Zagula where you guys not only asked for full contact information but some personal information. Yeah, we asked for income ranges, years in business and the kind of things you would ask for in B2B, So address it a lot of people say "Whoa, whoa, There's no point in whoa. My opt-in rate's going to go way, way down if do that.” putting up a barrier -inand Maybe. Maybe not. It depends upon the strength of ope at your lead generation magnet... how bad do | want | COllecting data you it?... the relevance of it to the person who is there, | have no plan to use. any authority you have established with tiem going in; so there's all sorts of factors. It’s not a universal truth that asking for more information will automatically suppress opt~ . It depends and it depends a lot on factors you can exercise some control over. Secondly, maybe that’s okay. Because raw numbers are not necessaril before we started, I was telling you ... Yesterday, I saw Bill Clinton on the Rachael Ray show. Do not ask me... but Bill Clinton was on the Rachael Ray show. One of the things they were talking about is the Obama YouTube interviews and 48 million people saw him with the chick who eats Fruit Loops in her bathtub, The relevant question is how many of those 4.8 million people are registered voters? How many voted in the last election? How many are likely to vote in the next election? © 2015 Gxic Page 20 Wwo"peojumoposmje6' MMM MAGNETIC EMAIL MARKETING SYSTEM & TOOLKIT If you suppressed it to 1.2 million, but if they were all registered voters, that’s a win. So suppressing response is not necessarily a bad thing, We don’t bank raw numbers, There's no legitimate dollar value that you can attach to raw numbers, It starts after that. So that's the second thing, The third thing about it is that, if you don't get the information then, it may be harder to go back and get it later. ‘The other thing is then what information ought you to get? You ought to get the information you'll use. There's no point in putting up a barrier to opt-in and collecting data you have no plan to use, That's stupid A really good piece of data to get is source. If you are feeding into this page from more than one place, you want to know where they're coming from. That's at least as important as any of the other data. COLLECTING EMAIL OFFLINE Let's talk a little bit now about collecting email addresses offline. Not everything needs to be driven to the web and in many cases it shouldn't be. Let's just look at some examples here and some of them are really rudimentary, but they still work. Let's look at the fishbowl example here. Basically it’s a fishbowl that’s sitting out there. Drop your business card in - which will have your email address on it - and that's it. If we look at the next one, again from the corner bakery, what they're asking for is the information to all be filled out. But what's really cool is, if you look in the corner, they're asking for the birthday. ©2015 Gute Page 21 Macneric Emalt Markering System & TooLkiT They're asking for the birthday, so my ere Pa guess is - if they're smart - they're ©CAFE 3 emailing them something and mailing Sl them something on their birthday. You would hope. Probably. That's not the point either. The point is that you Why wouldn’t you should be doing it. waren etnairing Now what they're not doing, of cou which | atleast email, ifnot would help this... is telling you why they want it and more, from every what wonderful th to ha b 7 err ENNIS Bong fo lappen © 1 point of contact you providing it. have? I think that's the cookie. The cookie is the lead generation magne: to get information, But here we've gone and we've asked for a little more personal piece of information. So we could easily say, “When you give us your birthday date, you automatically get another free cookie.” But offline to online, there’s points of contact... physical, they come into your place of business; they come and they buy or they come in, wander around and leave without buying, They call on the phene and they talk to somebody on the phone who answers three questions and they disappear and nobody captured anything. So why wouldn't you want to be capturingat least email, if not more, from every point of contact you have? Nexr SESSION We have just touched upon a tiny, tiny little bit of what we're going to get into, but this was important. In this session you learned the importance of © 2015 Gric Page 22 wo"peojumoposmjye6' MMM (MAGNETIC EMAIL MARKETING SvstEM & TOOLKIT lead generation magnets, getting something that makes people want to give you their contact information. We've gone over landing pages and different landing pages that you can use. In addition to that, we have talked about whether you should capture just name and email, just email, or full contact information. Again it really depends on what you're trying to do and we've given you a ton of examples. In the next session, we're going to get into the real nitty-gritty about, now that we've got these names, how do we email them and how do we get these emails opened. Because, if they don’t get opened, it doesn’t make any difference. So that is coming up in Module #2. We're going to go over subject lines; how to get people to open up your email and I know you're going to be blown away. © 2015 Gxic ‘www. Page 23 MAGNETIC EMAIL MARKETING SYSTEM & TOOLKIT Session #2: Attention - Subject Line Secrets That Grab ‘Em By The Throat With Dan Kennedy and Dave Dee fo (© 2015 Glazer-Kennedy Insider's Circle, LLC, All Rights Reserved, Published under the United States Copyright laws by Glazer-Kennedy Insider's Cirle, LUC. 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In furnishing this Presentation, GKIC reserves the right to amend or replace this Presentation at any time ‘and undertakes no obligation to update any of the information contained in the Presentation or to correct any inaccuracies that may become apparent. ‘This Presentation shall main the property of GKIC. GGKIC may, at any time, request that you and/or your Representatives promptly deliver to GKIC or, if directed in writing by GKIC, destroy all confidential information relating to this Presentation received in written, electronic or other tangible form whatsoever, including without limitation all copies, reproductions, computer diskettes or written materials which contain. such confidential information. At such time, al other notes, analyses for compilations consttuting or containing confidential information in your or your Representatives, possession shall be destroyed. Vou may be required to certify such destruction to GKIC in writing, wo"peojumoposmjye6' MMM MAGNETIC EMAIL MARKETING SYSTEM & TOOLKIT CONTENTS [Attention ~ Subject Line Secrets That Grab ‘Em By The Throat Subject Lines. a Intriguing Question fo 7 “How to." 8 secrets 9 Current Event Tie In 20 Personalized onl Bizarve as Benefit Oriente. a7 Getting it Read 20 ‘Making it Personal 22 Next Session 2 ©2015 6xic wwwgkiecom Page 3 MAGNETIC EMAIL MARKETING SySTEM & TOOLKIT ATTENTION — SUBJECT LINE SECRETS THAT GRAB ‘EM BY THE THROAT Dave Dee: Welcome to session number two of the Magnetic Email Marketing System and Toolkit. In this session, you'll discover how to write compelling subject lines that get your emails opened, including a powerful ~ albeit controversial ~ email subject line strategy that literally compels your prospects to open your emails without fail. We'll also discuss some other things to make sure your emails actually get read. Dan, at the break, you said you wanted to talk about one other thing, which was really important, Dan Kennedy: Just going back to offline to online for email capture, | neglected to list... So one thing is physicality. People come and go through your place of business, whether they buy something or they don’t buy | People come and go something, Is there an attempt made t> capture | through your place sala? of business, is there People call, speak to a receptionist, whoever an attempt to happens to answer the phone. They ask a question. capture data? ‘They get an answer. They bail out. Is there a script? Is there an attempt made to capture? Really, all offline media can drive to an email capture if that’s what you want, and you view it as the lowest threshold tha: you can ask people to go over. © 2015 GKIc ‘ Pages wo"peojumoposmje6' MMM MaGNeric EMAIL MARKETING SYSTEM & TOOLKIT Thave a client that’s doing very interesting things right now on radio. Anybody that listens to financial talk will hear all Larry Levin's commercials for stock trading course, futures trading course ete. Larry's radio spot offers, “The Trading Technique | Made $1.9 Million With Free. Call this 800 number and leave your email address, and we'll it email it to you.” That's the whole response instruction. Interesting that he’s having them call a toll-free recorded message as opposed to, “Go to www... When you're doing radio you want the most immediate thing you can get, which is phone, So tl 1k about what most of that would be. You would call and you would be asked, usually by a robot voice, to record your name, record your address... and people bail out all the time. So the lowest threshold there that he has experimented with quite successfully is somebody calling and just leaving their email address and then data mining from there. Thope everyone got that. That's a really powerful strategy to test. It’s very cool. Toll-free recorded message, which still works, by the way. That's actually another great way to capture email address, and then you can email them. Fantastic. SuBJECT Lines One of the things we say is there’s not a lot you can control with email deliverability but you can control the open rate. So let's talk about subject lines, In direct response marketing, we say that the headline for your ad is the ad for the ad. ©2015 6xic Pages MAGNETIC Emait MARKETING SvStEM & TOOLKIT Just talk a little bit about subject lines and the importance of them. Itis the same essentially as is teaser copy on the outside of an envelope, or the ‘complete absence of anything on the outside of an envelope revealing that it is ‘commercial ~ so a pure sneak-up approach. This gets easier It is really the same as that. It is the same, zs you say, when eae as the headline for the ad itself; it is the address side emailing to people of the postcard. We're really playing in the same es arena, who want to receive your email. While I tend to write a lot of it, | don’t tend to write specifically for email subject lines. Itall gets picked out of the same little harvest of bullet points and headlines that I've writ But the one thing I would say about itis that relationship, of course, trumps just, about everything. ‘The Catch 22 here is that this gets easier when you are emailing to people who want to receive your email and will open your email, because it is from you. Then a lot of cleverness about subject line becomes unnecessary. ‘The personality, the authority, the relationship... there's some level of communication that is not always asking scmebody to buy something, All of that starts to become important in being able to get them opened. We're going to talk about what to put in the body of the email in another segment. Let's go over subject lines here. There are actually more than seven that you can write. What I've done is these are the ones I rely on the most at GKIC and that I've relied on the most in my career. © 2015 Gxic Pages wo"peojumoposmje6' MMM MAGNETIC EMAIL MARKETING SYSTEM & TOOLKIT Let’s go over the seven different types of subject lines that you can write to. InTRIGUING Question The first one I call the “intriguing question.” The reason I question is it creates that open loop in the person's mind. If the question is good enough, they want to find out the answer to that question. Talk about that, because it’s a really powerful psychological technique. The reasons we use questions in advertising, rather than overt statements, first, of all, one is that you can sometimes bury a claim in a question that you cannot make as | Intriguing Question an assertive statement. 300k in 90 Minutes? Yep... So, "Do nitrous oxide supplements really replace Viagra?” You can ask that as a question. You cannot say it as a claim, You're still planting in their head, though. It’s beautiful. OF course you are. And wanting to know that may in fact, to your point, have a higher intrigue factor than if did say itas a statement. Because the reaction to it, said as a statement, is “Bullshit. BS!” The reaction to it stated as a question is “Hmm... Is a doctor saying this? Did some new study just come out? What the hell is this all about?” Now, I want to look. So it's used for both of those reasons, Right. It’s very powerful. For example, the subject line of the email that I sent out today... in your voice, by the way... It’s okay. I never see them. You're safe. This goes to the point that you made just a few minutes ago about the power of relationship. The subject line was simply the person's first name and the question, “What's going on?” “Dave, what's going on?” ..from Dan Kennedy. © 2018 ckic wow. Page7 Macneric Eait Markerine Svstet & TOOLKIT Great open rate on that subject line, because it was almost like you're pissed at them, Now, that doesn’t worl ‘you don’t have that relationship, but it does work... they want to know, “Why the hell's Dan asking me what's going on?” A huge open rate on that type of thing. "How T0..” Let’s go to a really, really basic one, which is the standard, “How to.” Whenever in doubt, “How to...” works. Why does “How to” work so well? ‘To be fair, it doesn’t work as well as it did 30 years ago. Melvin Powers’ old rule about book titles was you can improve just about every single one of them by sticking the words “How to” in front of them. So “Think and Grow Rich" automatically bcomes better if you made it "How to ‘Think and Grow Rich” Given a decline of willingness to do things, it’s not as powerful as it once was. The real How To variables here are application by audien: Are you talking to do-it-yourselfers, are you | How To Explode Your Email talking to ambitious individuals or not... the Profits audience and the thing that the “how to” is being attached to. ‘The reason that it works is because it concisely - in two words ~ makes a specific benefit claim. It says, by reading this, you're not going to know about something, you're going to know how to do something. That's really interesting. That's a really great point about people not, which goes really to the importance of list segmentation, which we're going to talk about later. Critical. © 2015 ckic ‘ Pages Wwo"peojumoposmye6' MMM MaGneric EMalL MARKETING SysTeM & TOOLKIT If you have a segment of your list that are doers, that are proactive, that want to do things, that can still work very powerfully. SECRETS One of my favorites is the next one, I love the secrets - three secrets, seven secrets, the secret. Here’s a really nice one, “7 Unusual Secrets To Better Sex.” I could not remember for the life of me the marketer that all of his things had ‘unusual’ in it. Do you remember that guy that I'm talking about? ‘That is... he started his whole business with a typewriter in a tent... George Haley. George's whole deal was "1,052 Unusual Somethings.” *.,.Ways Moms Are Making Money From Home.” “612 Unusual...” They were usually big numbers, by the way. George was unique in that he didn’t use the threes and the sevens, and the fourteens; he used the 618. ‘The secret.. people are very willing to believe that it exists. They've sort of been y 7 Secrets To... conditioned to believe it. There is a “let them off the hook factor in it 7 Unusual Secrets To Better Sex If you're fat, and you know you're fat, or you're having crappy sex and you know you're having horrible sex, or none at all, or you are broke, or any of the conditions that you might cure with information, with medical treatment, with psychotherapy, with whatever .. what the existence of secrets does is it immediately relieves you of the responsibility for the condition that you're in. Again, in a very concise way, it says, “It's really not your fault you're fat.” Somebody has been ganging up on you and keeping you fat and keeping from you the reason why thin people are thin. It's really not your fault you're broke. People have been keeping from you the secret reason why people are rich © 2015 oxic Page MAGNETIC Emait MARKETING SvsteM & TOOLKIT It's really not your fault that you don’t seem to attract anybody who is willing to get into bed with you. People have been keeping from you a secret. Now we can sell just about anything, We can sell pills. We can sell pheromones. You're missing a pheromone in your genes that activates the sex impulse and everything, If you just had this glop... It can be information, it doesn’t make any difference. What it does is it lets the person relieve themselves of responsibility for the problem that they have that you are not going to cure. That's chiefly why powerful. It also, of course, arouses curiosity, which is always a People are very good thing. From an open rate standpoint, curiosity willing to believe gets the cat to go and pry at the door until it can get | that the secret exists. into the other room, That's exactly right. Before I forget it, even though it’s going to be in the next segment where we talk about writing the body of the email, what a lot of people... I don’t want to say novices... do, is that they answer the question or the secret, whatever it is, too early in the email. This is a big mistake. If you're going to do the "secret" thing, you don’t want to answer the secret in the first couple of lines of the email. The point is to get them to read down into the email and keep them engaged throughout the entire process. We're going to be talking more about that, but I wanted to mention it. (CURRENT EVENT TIE IN Here’s a really powerful one, which gives marketers today a huge advantage, which is the current event tie-in. In this one, the subject line is “Kim Kardashian...” which also brings in celebrity. © 2015 Gxic www. Page 10 wo"peojumoposmje6' MMM MAGNETIC EmAit MARKETING System & TOOLKIT Talk about the power of the current thing that’s happening. In the past, we couldn't do that as marketers. We couldn't act upon something in the news and send out something immediately. To capitalize on it pre-internet, pre-email, you had to be sure that the current event news story... you had to feel strongly it had legs, that it had a two-week to four-week life cycle. Now, conversely, of course, the internet has helped destroy the life cycle of news events, so there's a circular effect here. But you had to really feel that this thing was going to be a water cooler conversation for two to four weeks, because you were going to mail. About the only really current adjustment you could make was to inbound or outbound phone scripts. That's about the only way you could use... or mobilizing a sales force to a geographic location - fire alarm sales people mobilized to a house burned down last night, and that was in the news. With email, you have an opportunity to do it literally on a day-by-day even an hour-by- ¥ re | Current Event Tie In hour basis. You can be there right when people are talling about that partiutar | Sim Kardashian Sels Her thing, Because news ~ a current event - is Baby going to be the dominant conversation, it almost doesn’t matter... the proportionate seriousness of the event is quite irrelevant. In the last week, despite people blowing up people and whatever, 30% of all televised newscasts in America, the lead story and the lead key story, has been “Deflategate,” the supposedly deflated footballs that made it easier for Brady to throw. © 2015 Gxic Page 11 MAGNETIC EMAIL MARKETING SYSTEM & TOOLKIT Kind of like with the Oj trial, they have moved their way from trying to interview people directly related to that story down to the guy who works at the drive-in window at the McDonalds that Brady stopped at five years ago who might want to comment on this situation. This is a news event that you could react to immediately and that also has some legs. It has predictable legs. The time period between when it happened and the Super Bowl is going to be its life cycle. This is the Collier principle. You enter the conversation already occurring in the person's mind. So what's one of the five things that they're thinking about and that they're talking about with buddies, spouse at dinner, co-worker, whatever? ‘You can jump on it with email. In many cases, it hands you the subject line. Now, it’s best if you can makea relevant tie in, We're going to teach them how to do that, too. Your “Kim Kardashian sells her baby,” which really the story is about how much money she got for exclusive pictures and stories. She didn't actually sell the kid, not that that would be above her... Better if we're using that to lead into a conversation about some making of profits.. But there's even an argument for the old ad technique of the picture of the hot chick nearly naked at the top and it has nothing to do with anything that's in the ad. You could be selling accounting services, and at some point you say, "Made you look! Now I'm going to tell you all about annuities.” If you overuse it, you will reverse your ability to get things opened, But, every once in a while, you can put that in the mix If you had an incredible current event that everybody was going to be talking about today and tomorrow, and you coulda’t figure out how to make it relevant © 2015 GKic Pay wo"peojumoposmje6' MMM MaGneric EMAIL MARKETING SySTEM & TOOLKIT at all, you could get away with “Made you look! Now let me talk about something that's even more important.” Again, we're going to share with you how to tie them in. But, a lot of times, as you said, the subject line suggests the link in the email as opposed to “I want to write about this, so let me come up with a subject line.” Oftentimes, I'll come up with the subject line and then write to the subject line first. Also, what you were saying is really important. The reason we've got seven examples here is because a tactic known is a tactic blown. You don’t want to be using the same type of subject line every single time. You have at least got to be in random rotation. If you've got seven... and better you've got 17... but if you've got seven, you need to use them in random rotation, You can't use them in regimented rotation. You get back to the same place. 1 know I get this one, I get this one, I get this one then I get this one. It just delays the point that | stop opening your email, because I know the game, ‘There's no mystique to the game at all. So you need random rotation. Just so everybody knows, in the toolkit portion of the Magnetic Email Marketing System and Toolkit, there’s an entire section with “fill in the blank” subject lines, a slew of them. You will never need to write another subject line again. You can rotate through all of these and pick them at random, really simple. Again, you want to tie it in with some of the things that we're talking about here... the psychology. In here, there's literally a slew of fill in the blank proven subject lines that we've used. PERSONAUIZED © 2015 GKic Page 13 MAGNeric EMAit MARKETING System & TOOLKIT Let's look at another one. This one is one that’s overused a lot, which is the personalized one. It does work, but again, a tactic known is a tactic blown. The problem with this one, also, by the way, is sometimes people will not necessarily put in their actual name to the opt-in box. For example, if the person puts in their first name and they say their name is “Shit Head,” then your subject line says, “Hey, Shit Head...” Not the best way to open up an emai ‘There was story in the news yesterday... Comcast, the cable company... a complaining customer agitated a Comcast person who changed their record from whatever her real name was ~ Barbara Hershey to Asshole Hershey. So her monthly statement now is addressed to Asshole Hershey. The emails coming from them are addressed to Asshole Hershey. When she calls up to fix it, “No, we can only speak to Ms. Asshole Hershey.” This is what's going on. If you can't get personalization right... In B2B, a lot of us get fairly sophisticated about Beciy sor Personalized using different variations of our names. So Vil use Daniel for some things, Dan for Hey, .. others. I know instantly if it's addresses s. So this is touchy. This is very touchy. this particular way what it Yeah. I use it very sparingly. I do believe you need to be sure. Your VIP customer list, perfect. Prospect list? Questionable. If you notice here in the example, I have it as, “Hey,” because, if I'm writing personally to somebody, if I'm writing to my friend, that is something I would put in the subject line. © 2015 GKIc ‘ Page 14 Wwo"peojumoposmje6' MMM MaGneric EMAlL MARKETING SYSTEM & TOOLKIT It can be seen as very, very phony and blatantly manipulative if you put something that doesn’t seem like it’s personal. It's like, if you go back to the direct mail example, you've got what looks like an ‘A pile’ envelope... For those of you who don’t know what an ‘A pile’ envelope is, it looks like a plain personal envelope. It’s personalized but it's personalized right. It's personalized right, but j the person opens it up and there’s coupons and a brochure, the person says, “I've just been scammed.” You've got to use that one sparingly. I used it today; it worked great. But again, don‘tuse it all the time. Bizarre One of my favorite ones is the bizarre, the National Enquirer type of subject line. This is an actual subject line that I created, “Larry the Leprechaun.” We're going to talk about it later when we get to holiday promotions, how I created an entire promotion around Saint Patrick's Day. Talk about why the National Enquirer type of headline works, and then we'll address an issue that people are going to have. People find circus freaks, for example, almost irresistible, People find epic car accidents... even [—— Bizarre though they are at the opposite side of the freeway with the center strip dividing, and | Larry The Leprechaun With there's no reason to slow down, everybody | 4 Special Announcement slows down and gawks over. © 2015 GKic Page 15 MAGNETIC Emalt MarkeTING System & TooLkIT When there is a fire ina building inside ar urban environment, people rush out and gather around to watch the fire. Or somebody's on a ledge threatening to jump. There are certain things that, if we're not hardwired to react to them, we might as well be, Why thats... the question you posed... I don’t know. I don’t care. The whole psycho-shrink conversation at that level of why people want to line up at the tent and see the bearded lady... | only want to know that they want to line up. ‘We know that “1,682-Pound Man Runs the 5k Marathon and Wins" is a virtually irresistible headline / teaser copy on envelope. People are going to have to know the rest of that story. ‘Then the trick is not to have the “Oh shit, coupons!!” effect that we just described with personalized. Barnum was brilliant at this technique without getting people mad at him. ‘That's really the trick. If you're going to do this, it's how to do it in a way that everybody finds it fun and is not mad at you for using it. So it too is relatively tricky. It's a more sophisticated strategy. For this one, you really do need to tie i For me, I think, that there has to be a logical tie in to the subject line with the body of the email, You said “bizarre.” In my opinion, you actually showed a different example, Okay. Talk about that. Your Larry the Leprechaun thing, I would put this in “from characters.” We can call this a “from character,” So there's another strategy for you, “from character.” © 2015 6xic Page 16 wo"peojumoposmje6' MMM MAGNeric Enaait MARKETING SysTEM & TOOLKIT Again, it works better with customers. Sure. Larry the Leprechaun was going to customers. My “Oscar the Obnoxious Elephant,” who I just got back off the shelf and used for a client, by the way ~ named for a very obnoxious uncle of mine who used to pee in the kitchen sink rather than bother walking upstairs to the bathroom in their summer cottage. These characters... the famou: Mouse"... things from characters get opened. Again, if we're playing that game, the person that owns - like Steve owns - six pet stores; an email from Steve's dog may very well have a higher open rate than an email from Steve, particularly if Steve's dog has a weird and interesting name. From Steve Adams’ dog Mortimer J Five Paws... that may very well have a higher open rate. I'd put this in that category. In the bizarre category, | would put the 1,682-Pound Guy Wins Marathon. Really, I think those are two categories. Fantastic. That's a bonus category. BENEFIT ORIENTED The final one is a benefit-oriented headline, which pretty much says it all. It’s a benefit-oriented headline, Are you going to ask about positive versus negative? We were going to get to that right now so let’s talk about that, because a lot of people disdain Benefit this idea. Here's the truth, folks. Negative subject lines almost always - that we have | Creating An Instant Cash found, that I have found - get a higher open Flow Surge ©2015 Gric www Page 17 MAGNETIC EMAIL MARKETING SvSTEM & TOOLKIT rate than the positive subject lines. That's a fact. It’s like the car wreck that you were saying. A lot of people though will say, “Well, I'm positive. I don’t want to send out negative sounding subject lines.” Let's talk about this, because it’s a big mistake. ‘There's two sides to this coin, benefit or fear, pain, disaster, tragedy, whatever. You're absolutely right. If you are purely going to play the odds, you will almost always win - whatever the thing is - with the negative, scary, tragic version of it rather than the benefit side of it. Some consideration has to be given to, “Where do | go from there?” “How do I bridge back to being able to sell solutions?" after | have scared or depressed somebody. If you are going to play the odds... I brought, this is the actual split test, two sides of the same coin... One version, “The End Is Near of Chiropractic Practice as You Know It. Will Your Practice Survive the Crash?” ‘The benefit side, “A New Dawn of a New Kind of Chiropractic Practice. Will You Profit from This Opportunity?” They are two sides of the exact same coin. Ina split test, the first - the “End is Near” one - out-pulls the second 3.5 to 1 More importantly, the conversion rate or. the leads from the second is three times better than the first, and the full year value of the customers from the second is seven times better than the first. © Ifallyou looked at was raw numbers, the negative one is the winner, ‘Ifyou track by source all the way through to customer value, the positive one is the winner, ©2015 GKic www. Page 18 wo"peojumoposmje6' MMM MAGNETIC EMAIL MARKETING SYSTEM & TOOLKIT You really have to know what you're trying to accomplish and what you are willing to invest, because the positive one suppresses response on the frontend... back to a conversation we had in segment one... it suppresses response. The negative one lifts response. In terms of 12-month customer value, that whole equation is entirely different. Now, it wouldn't always be, which also says “test.” This is the easiest test variable there is. Two sides of the same coin - half the people get email number one, half the people get email number two. The only thing you have to be careful about that is if you repetitively test the same variable into the same list; you have to do it in random breakouts. The same group can’t get positive all the time and the same side can't get negative all the time. Again, testing is so simple. You just take a portion of your list and you split it up. With email, this stuff is so easy now but most people won't even do that. Split it; take a portion of your list and send it. The numbers come in automatically. Your text matrix is, when they are done purely online this way, a list divides in two, or three, or four and they get a different subject line - and maybe first paragraph in order to make the email work. Then each one of those drives into a site where half see VSL number one, half see VSL number two... All this has no cost. ‘The unwillingness, as you say, of people to do it, is stunning. Absolutely. Again, in the toolkit portion of the program, you get tons of subject lines. The point here is you're not always going to use a negative © 2015 Gxic Page 19 MAGNETIC EMAIL MARKETING System & TOOLKIT sounding subject line. You're not always going to use a bizarre one. You have to mix them up. That's really, really important. In the next section, we're going to talk about seven different types of emails that you can send as well, to mix those up as well. GETTING IT READ Dan, now, we've talked about subject lines, we've talked about negative subject lines. We've got the email opened, but now we need to get it read. How do we go about getting it read? One of the biggest mistakes 1 see from our members and from people I've worked with is they make it sound like, “I'm Mr. or Ms. Professional. 1'm a big corporation,” especially the small business owner who wants to make it sound like he’s a big company. It doesn’t sound personal, Address that because it's a big problem. It’s not just an email mistake, it's a sales copy mistake. You're right. You see it as common mistake. Ie in the context of the mistake of being uninteresting and boring. It is much easier to be uninteresting and boring in a corporate institutional voice than it is in a personal voice. ‘There's times when you must. There's some companies that, | guess, have no choice. Other than that, you are almost always going to do better when you are conversationally communicating as one human would to the next. © 2015 GKIc wo"peojumoposmje6' MMM MAGNETIC EMAIL MARKETING SySTEM & TOOLKIT Readership is about both a sequential agreement and a constant agreement. The person is predisposed to try and not stay with you. They've got six million things to do, Email is by its nature disruptive. It's not as bad as a cold telephone call, because Ihad to click to open it, but still, it is disruptive. Most people let it disrupt their day. Therefore, their predilection is, “How quick can I get rid of this?” If was compelled by the subject line to open it, but if after the first two sentences, I can get rid of it, I'm getting rid of it. There is a sequential agreement, “I'm going to read Readership is about some more. I'm going to read some more. I'm going to read some more.” And there's a minute-by-minute, both a sequential word-by-word, line-by-line. Am I going to read agreement anda anymore? constant agreement. This is not much different than the almost bygone door-to-door sales guy who, his opening line that he said while the chain was still on the door had to get the chain released and the door opened a little wider, at least wide enough to shove his foot in it so it couldn't be closed. Then he had to have three or four things to say that would get him invited in, ‘The speaker who comes out on stage has people leaving, has people burying themselves in their devices... so they're leaving even though you don’t physically see their bodies get up and move anymore. In every selling situation, there is, “Will they stay and proceed long enough that I can get anything done with this person?" One very quick way to lose them is corporate speak. If you buy the analogy that the email is akin to the door-to-door sales guy, is akin to the speaker walking out on stage, is akin to the first 10 seconds of a © 2015 GKIC Page 21 Macneric Ewalt MARKETING SvsTEM & TOOLKIT television commercial... if you buy that analogy, then try putting corporate speak in any one of those other environments and see how you do. Send the corporate attorney to the door and have him start with the disclaimer statement, and see if he gets the chain off. Even stuffy corporations... if you watch Fox Business News... 1 saw both the president of Ferrari and the president of Rolls-Royce U.S. on the end of the day show on Fox Business News. Neither one of these guys is Mr. Chi isma. But he's also not standing there being stuffy and professional and stodgy. He’s not a corporate brochure coming out of his mouth. He's a human being having a conversation as best he can with another human being that might be interesting to human beings watching. That’s what the email has to be. MAKING iT PERSONAL Let's go over some elements that you can put in your email to make it sound more personal, to make it actually interesting, so people want to read it. One of the keys to doing this, as you just mentioned, is to make it personal. The analogy even going to big compantes... It doesn’t have to do with email, but when Wendy's stock was plummeting, who did they roll out? Dave Thomas. Same thing with Lee Iacocca. They made this into personalities. You're reaching back, but you don’t have te reach back that far. When Apple was in the toilet and they had to go beg Steve Jobs to come back, they didn’t just put him in a back room and have him fix the company. They put him back out front as a spokesperson talking to people excitedly. © 2015 axe Page 22 wo"peojumoposmje6' MMM Macneric EMait MARKETING System & TOOLKIT Bezos goes on TV, and does the “Drones are going to bring your shoes to you and drop them on your head” nonsense. He does it because it gets media exposure, it gets publicity, it fascinates people, it affects stock price, etc. So you don't have to reach back that far. It is a contemporary thing in B2B and B2C that humanity and personality wins. Here are just some things that you can include in your email. The thing to remember is part of what you're doing is you're selling you. Depending on the business, in many cases, you are actually selling you. You can write about your hobbies... Again, the beauty is if you can tie all of these into a message which is relevant, which we're going to share with you how to do in another segment. You can write about things that are happening in your family. I think a lot of people think no one wants to hear that. “My readers don’t want to hear that.” What would you say to that? I think there’s two things about that. If it is true that your audience has no interest in you... if that actually is true... then you've made a whole lot of mistakes up to this point Perpetuating that mistake rather than digging in and fixing it is a very costly at best ~ dangerous at worst - mistake. Because the absence of interest in you translates to an absence of preference for doing business with you, which then destroys price and profit margin. When Warren Buffet talks about a business with a moat around it, and not wanting to be invested in businesses that don't have a moat around them, there are different kinds of moats. ©2015 Gxic Page 23 MAGNETIC EMAIL MARKETING SysreMm & TOOLKIT One of them is this. If you reverse engineer backwards, price, premium price or the ability to even sustain price, profit and the ability to sustain profit, has everything to do with preference for a brand, a place, a person. That preference, more often than not, has to do with an interest in the person or persons attached to that brand, product, or company. It’s why nameless, faceless corporate institutions The absence of with executives they don't dare put out there, go and buy celebrities. interest in you translates to an The reason they go get them and pay them astronomical sums of money... the reason Sree Nationwide Insurance has Peyton Manning and a | Preference for doing created character, etc, the reason Progressive has | business with you. Flo that they created - so they either buy them or they make them ~ is because they don't date put their CEO or their VP out there, because he will drive people away as if he had the plague. They know this formula exists so they have to now dip in their pockets and spend money to make the formula work. Denying the formula is brain-dead stupid. You've got to make it work for you one way or another. Itreally needs to work for you in all your media, but the media that is the least easy not to read is most sensitive to this. just want to give you an example here of how I did it for an email. This just shows the tie in and the personality. There is an email I wrote that got one of the best responses... this was before I came to GKIC... a ton of sales. It was actually sales of Magnetic Marketing. A ton of sales of Magnetic Marketing, huge open rate. © 2015 Gkic Page 24 wo"peojumoposmje6' MMM MAGNETIC EMail MARKETING Sysrem & TOOLKIT The subject line was, “There Are Monsters In My Bed.” Again, that goes into the bizarre, the weird. What the heck is he talking about? “Last night at 3:00 a.m, my four-year-old son David comes into my room and says, ‘Daddy, there are monsters in my room’ After he and I went on a monster hunt, albeit a short and groggy one, we both concluded that there are no monsters, and he could go back to sleep. What does that have to do with marketing and business? A lot. You see, our marketing has to come from our customer's perspective... blah, blah, blah, blah.” Very simple premise. The whole thing wasn't about my son, the whole story, but it makes me human, The structure is very simple. The first paragraph is the engaging story. The second paragraph is the justification bridge - how we get from the story to being able to talk about what we want to talk about. Then the third paragraph begins, Now, most people, by the way, and most corporate people, would omit the first two things, They would just start with, “Our marketing has to come from our customer's perspective..." and everybody would immediately go '. The structure is very simple. It’s very simple. That's how you tie it in. This isn’t rocket science. You've just got to think it through a little bit. The more that you do it, the easier it becomes. It just happens. That's a way to do it. I guess, one of the things, Dan, that people... even though we've talked about this ad nausea is Mr. or Ms. Professional, who says, “I'm a doctor, I'm a lawyer, I can't do this.” ©2015 Gric www Page 25 MAGNeric EMAIL MarkeTing System & TooLkiT TH tell you a true story of about Ms. Professional. | actually met Ms. Professional at a SuperConferences, She was the first big private client that Thad. She paid me $40,000 to help her with her law practice. Very good lawyer. Very brilliant woman. She hired me. She came to Atlanta, and I took her out to dinner, We're at this vegetarian Chinese restaurant. She says, “I send out an email every single week to my list; to my prospects and to my clients. She says, “Here's the email.” I started reading this email, and it’s all about the newest tax law and the whole... I literally put it down and said “This is the most boring email I've ever read in my life. I went through a little tutorial like what we did here. Nowhere near as it depth as this. I said, “I want you to write a personal email.” She sat down there at the table with her yellow pad and wrote an email. The subject line was “Fake Lamb,” because that's what we were eating, “Fake Lamb, Atlanta and You.” She wrote an email, which tied it in... everything that we just talked about; somehow she figured it out and tied it in. Tsay, "That's a great email. You're going to send it out tomorrow.” ‘She's like, “No. I can’t send it. I'm @ lawyer.” No. You're going to send it out tomorrow. The next day, I'm with her. I say, “Let's send out that email.” She sends it out. I'm like, “Wait. Watch this now. Watch this. This is going to be something.” So that email goes out. Five minutes later, she gets her response. Now, she’s never gotten a response from any of her emails. I'm like, “See. Look at that.” © 2015 GKic www. Page 26 wo"peojumoposmje6' MMM MaGneric EMAIL MARKETING SySTEM & TOOLKIT She opens itup and the person says, “Why the F are you sending me this kind of crap, wasting my time? What the hell are you? Insane?” At this point I'm glad I cashed the $40,000 check. The next email comes in now and says, “Oh my God, Alexis, I haven't heard from you in forever. This email made my day.” Wait a minute. “I haven't heard from you in forever,” meaning she hasn't been opening or reading, just deleting. The next one says, “Oh my God. That was so funny. Great to hear from you.” The next email is, “You know what? I came in two years ago for an estate plan, and I didn’t get it then, but now I'm ready. Please give me a call.” $5,000 sale. The pi also you are going to piss some people off. it is when you do some of these strategies, first of all, they work; but Especially if you are making a very sharp turn. Which I had to do on purpose. Because the small percentage of the people who are paying attention to your boring institutional stuff are shocked. Some may have the same predilection she does about professionalism and so forth, But the good will outweigh the bad as in your example In this or in a broader conversation of advertising, marketing, selling practices, etc, you cannot allow yourself to be governed or significantly affected by those who disapprove of you pretty much for any reason. You've got to focus on the people who are responsive and can be reached, and can be influenced, and can be persuaded, and can be kept. © 2015 6xic www Page 27 MAGNETIC EMAIL MARKETING SvstEM & TooLKIT You will very often hear those kinds of complaints. I've heard them my whole life - from the non-buyers. Ironically, we tend to attach high importarce to the least important squeak that we hear. Many people don't even... in businesses unlike hers where there's more frequent purchasing data to look at... many people don't even bother to go look at the squeakers’ spending contribution. If they did, they would often find that the loudest squeaks are coming from the lowest value customers. As we're recording this, The American Sniper movie is the big conversation There are people strenuously objecting to that movie, most of whom have not bought a ticket, and have not gone and seen it, and are not going to buy a ticket, and are not going to go | We tend to attach seit. high importance to For the movie studio to make decisions about the | the least important next movie they make based on that squeaking | squeak that we hear. would be brain-dead stupid, particularly when you look at the fact that it is now within a day or two of being the highest grossing R- rated movie in the history of the movie industry. It had the iggest opening, It's got the biggest spread between cost and gross of anything that's been done in a decade, ete. No. You would go, “Replicate this.” That's why Stallone is currently filming Rocky whatever number it is. Rocky 48: Rocky versus Irritable Bowel Syndrome. He's talking about doing "Rambo 32.” © 2015 KIC www. Page 28 wo"peojumoposmje6' MMM Macneric EMait MARKETING SYSTEM & TOOLKIT He doesn’t care about the critics don’t like it, none of that. It’s the people that buy tickets to go and see the next Rocky that matters. And that's what matters here. So often, the Mr. or Ms. Professional is all constipated about peer approval, disapproval, opinion who pay none of the bill taff approval, disapproval, opinion who pay none of the bills; squeakers who are the worst customers or clients of all, who pay damn few of the bills. ‘They let that affect them very disproportionately to how the market responds. Next Session In this segment, we went over a ton. We went over all the different types of emails that you can send, the psychology behind them and why they worked. We went into subject lines. In our next section, we are going to be talking about how to create automated follow-up campaigns. We'll be showing a whole bunch of examples as well. © 2015 ckic Page 2 MAGNETIC EMAIL MARKETING SYSTEM & TOOLKIT Session #3: Conversion - The Automated Follow-up Sequence With Dan Kennedy and Dave Dee Ie © 2015 Glazer-Kennedy Insider's le, LLC. All Rights Reserved. Published under the United States Copyright laws by Glazer-Kennedy Insiders Circle, LLC. No portion of these materials may be reproduced in any manner whatsoever (whether electronic, mechanical or otherwise and including photocopy, recording or any information storage and retrieval system) without ‘the express written consent of the publisher. Any unauthorized use, sharing, reproduction or distribution of these materials by any means is strictly prohibited. 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In furnishing this Presentation, GKIC reserves the right to amend or replace this Presentation at any time and undertakes no obligation to update any of the Information contained in the Presentation or to correct any inaccuracies that may become apparent. ‘This Presentation shall main the property of GKIC. GGKIC may, a any time, request that you and/or your Representatives promptly deliver to GKIC or, if directed in writing by GKIC, destroy all confidential information relating to this Presentation received in written, electronic or other tangible form ‘whatsoever, including without limitation all copies, Feproductions, computer diskettes or written materials which contain such confidential information. At such time, all other notes, analyses or compilations constituting or containing confidential information in your or your Representatives’, possession shall be destroyed. You ‘may be required to certify such destruction to GKIC In wring. wo"peojumoposmye6' MMM (MAcneric EMAIL MARKETING System & TOOLKIT CONTENTS ‘Conversion ~The Automated Follow-up Sequence ‘Segmentation. ‘The importance of Follow-Up. Email Templates Email 2: Confirm Their Request. Email 2: Make Sure They Examine the LeadGen Magnet Member Examples. Different Types of Emails. OBA Email Testimonial Email Classified Pure Pitch. Disguised Pitch Workshop, Next Session. ©2015 Gric a2 a5 18 19 19 20 20 2 21 23 Page 3 MAGNETIC EMAIL MARKETING SYSTEM & TOOLKIT CONVERSION — THE AUTOMATED FOLLOW-UP SEQUENCE Dave Dee: Welcome to session number three of the Magnetic Email Marketing System and Toolkit. I'm here with Dan Kennedy and in this session we're going to be talking about the several different types of emails. In the last session, we talked about seven different types of subject lines. Actually you added a bonus one. Dan Kennedy: Yes, | did. So eight types of subject lines. In this session, we're going to talk about different types of emails you should be sending, as well as going over some automated follow-up campaigns that you can model. Of course, we'll be showing you lots of examples as well. By the way, all of the examples we're showing you during this part are in the toolkit and then a whole bunch more. These aren't all the examples. We would be here all day if we showed you ail the examples. As much as Dan and I would enjoy that, we will not be here all day. So all the examples and templates, we're going to go over some templates in this one. There's a whole bunch more that we're not showing you simply because we can't. Dan, let's talk about when somebody gets a lead. Now, this is not just with email, but really with any type of business. Somebody opts-in and then they really... what do they do? Most people don't do anything. Well, actually what most people do, and what most good sized companies do, is they dump everybody into one big general database and everybody gets the same email every day, every other day, every week... and, almost regardless of what any of those people do or don't do, they just stay in that database and they continue to get the same stuff. © 2015 Gkic Wwo"peojumoposmye6' MMM Macneric Emait MARKETING SvsTEM & TOOLKIT SEGMENTATION There's no segmentation. There's often no lead generation out of the emails. Talk about that, because I don't think people understand that. Hardly any business is one dimensional. Hardly any business sells one thing. Even if you did, there are different reasons that different people have for buying the same thing at different times. Lead generation is about giving people an opportunity to step forward and identify a particular interest to which you now can particularly address. 7 There are different If you're a chiropractor and you have people on your feacone than list whe don't have back pain, they have chronic | Git nt people have headaches, migraines. You have people on your list ‘for buying the same who have knee pain, joint pain. You have people on your list who can'tsleep. You have people... etc, etc. thing at different times. Ifyou're a financial adviser you have people who are profoundly concerned with creating a safe income that they're not going to outlive, You have other people who have enough money stacked up that, at least in their own minds, they are not going to outlive that money. But they are concerned with what happens to it after they leave the earthly plane and can they protect it from their ne'er-do-well son and his scheming wife and get it to the grandkids? Somebody else is deeply concerned with perpetuating their charitable giving, ete, This list, this audience, this population of customers who can buy or could refer, could tell somebody else about you, can be made to respond to lead generation magnet offers extended into your own list, this one this week, a different one next week, a different one next month. ©2015 GKic Pages Macneric Enaait MARKETING SySTEM & TOOLKIT You do the same thing, by the way, in paper and ink newsletters if you're smart. You give people an opportunity to raise their hand and respond to this thing or that thing, We even do it, not a lot, but we do it in GKIC where there are pure lead generation offers in email or print media and you've got to raise your hand and say, "Yeah, I'm interested in that. Give me the information about that,” rather than pushing all the information out at everybody. It's also a way to extend the life of the list, looping all the way back to open rates. Because, if you give people opportunity to ask for what interests them - and not push things that don’t interest them on everybody - you will extend the lifespan that they're willing to stay actively readingyou. Right, and I don't really want to get into the technology. We were actually going to talk about list segmentation later, for damn sure don't want to get into the technology. For example, like Infusionsoft or even AWeber, and a lot of them now, there's things that you can do based upon what a person clicks on in the email. They can be segmented into another list so there doesn't necessarily have to be an offer per se. If they click on this, that shows interest, then they're put into a separate campaign. What came to mind with what you were talking about is I receive these emails from this company called L&L Publishing which is a magician's publishing thing. They sell a lot of DVDs and things like that. Their emails are terrible, but the point is I like it when they send me an email about the newest mentalism thing. I'm interested in that. I want to read that. I don't like it when they send me email about how to do the next card slice, © 2015 akic Pages wo"peojumoposmje6' MMM MaGneric EMAIL MARKETING SysTEM & TOOLKIT Itkind of annoys me, It's the same company, same emails, All they needed to do is, “Look at this guy, he's bought nothing but mentalism DVDs. Why are we sending him that?” You don't have to get super sophisticated with this. No. It wouldn't hurt you to get super sophisticated, but. It's easier than ever with the technology. OF course. That's a good first step is by this person's clicks, by this person's purchases, by this person's hands raised to different lead generation magnets, they are telling us what they want to hear more about and what they want to hear little or nothing about. When you don't take advantage of that capability of this, you really are doing broadcasting when you don't have to be ina broadcast media. It's foolish. THE IMPORTANCE OF FOLLOW-UP Absolutely. Another mistake that most folks make is that there is no follow- up. I've signed up for stuff that I've actually wanted to get information on and maybe I get one email and that's it. Talk about the mindset of the business owner who thinks, “Well, they got my best thing, therefore I don't need to follow-up anymore. 1 tend to build very deep and long sequences about a particular thing. Sometimes there's a legitimate limited quantity and then it stops more because we sold it all than for any other practical reason, Most people... and again, particularly with email, there's no financial justification for it, so it's just stupidity or sloth, one of the two or both. Most people stop talking to someone who has expressed interested in X way, way, way too soon. They leave 10%, 20%, 30% of their potential productivity. ‘There's a lot of categories of goods and services where a significant percentage of the buyers are extremely slow about getting to point of purchase. © 2015 exic Page? (MAGNETIC EMAIL MARKETING SYSTEM & TOOLKIT In some cases, these are things people buy that they really don't want to buy but they know they have to. Estate planning that you mentioned earlier is a perfect example. From the time that I started thinking about buying it to the time that I bought it, seven years elapsed. There's a lot of Now, had somebody who communicated with me categories where a and | communicated with them in that first year had —_ significant follow-up that long, they would have got me. Since a none had, they all started over atzero at the moment || Percentage of buyers that I really got serious. are extremely slow about getting to ‘There's a lot of categories like this. With good follow- up, you may be able to shorten that time but, unless | PO!t of purchast you're going to quit and retire in four years, why wouldn't you want the person who's going to take six years to gestate - particularly if you can continue to communicate with them by email? I think a lot of people because they don'tknow what to do, how to write it so therefore we've helped you out. Email TempLares In the toolkit, there's a whole bunch of templates. Really the most important thing that I want to go over here is the psychology of the template and the point of it. You want to obviously confirm their request, espectally if it's not coming immediately, but also, even if it is coming immediately, a lot of people say well, I'm driving them directly to the download page to pick it up. Well, you're assuming that the person's paying attention and that they're going to the download page and that they understood how to download it. © 2015 Gxic Pages Wwo>"peojumoposmje6' MMM MAGNETIC EMAit MARKETING SYSTEM & TOOLKIT If you follow-up with email then you give them another shot at getting this piece of information that you need them to get. EMAIL 1: CONFIRM THEIR REQUEST The first email should accomplish the following things: + First you give them immediate feedback that whatever they requested was successful. * The second thing is congratulate them on making a really good decision. Why would we do that? This is the ancient, “Congratulations on being so smart that you bought X. Oh by the way, that means you'll probably want ¥ too." It sets up the next sale. It’s about relationship building, People want recognition, appreciation, respect. It's one of the drivers of human behavior. aot Ldn ae It’s a driver of consumer behavior; getting the opposite of it definitely drives consumers away. There's no doubt about that. sms So when you have an opportunity to stroke the ego, you want to do it. It's just that simple, The next thing in this would be to provide contact info if they have any questions. By the way, not just an email address. I think this is a big, big mistake a lot of the online guys make, a lot of the info-marketers make. It's really easy today to even outsource this. Giving people another option to contact you other than email is mission critical, isn't it? © 2015 GKic Pages [MAGNETIC EMAIL MARKETING System & TOOLKIT Well, you could probably operate without it. You may be in a business that makes you feel compelled to hide and be completely inaccessible. It's possible. I don't recommend being in those businesses, but there are people who are in those businesses. Look, the less availability to helpful humans there is, the more valuable and appealing becomes availability to helpful humans. Ina great many businesses, there are what I call "pat on the head” questions. ‘They occur before a purchase, they occur after a purchase, they occur between first purchase and second purchase. They perhaps affect return fora refund. None of these tend to be difficult or complex or require a great sales person, to your outsourcing point, in order to deal wich them, ‘They really do require just a reassu 1g Dat on the head. | The less availability to helpful humans Not having that available... an FAQ page at the i there is, the more website or an FAQ checklist and then we email you the answer is not the same. Ce aD to helpful humans ‘There will undoubtedly be a day... we just thi month becomes. or last month clicked over the there's now more millennials than there are boomers alive. Not more than boomers plus seniors, but boomers/millennials, ‘There will be a day where everybody will be conditioned to accept no human access and everybody will default to it so there will be no competitive disadvantage, much like everybody now accepts pump your own gas. Fora fairly long period of time in the transition, people did not accept it. It was a competitive advantage if you still had a guy who would pump the gas. That's dead. This will be dead too, but not anytime soon. © 2015 Gxic Wwo"peojumoposmjye6' MMM Macneric Entait Marxerine System & TOOLKIT if you pay attention to advertising, there are companies who are focusing on it, Banks that you can call and actually speak to a human are capitalizing on it. So I think that when you can, if you can, you don't want to compel people to communicate in an impersonal distanced manner, That's the third thing, again, all this is being accomplished in the first follow-up email. That's why the templates that you receive in the program are so important because all of this psychology is built in. The fourth thing is to get them excited about the thing arriving or resell them on reading or consuming It doesn't matter whether they're getting it for free or they paid for it. It doesn't really make any difference. If they're getting it for free, we're undoubtedly giving it to them for free to get them now to take a next step and move towards a purchase. So if Gardner's get somebody to go and digitally download the book on why you're not getting a good night's sleep, that has accomplished damn little if we can't get them now to read the book and discover that they need a new mattress. ‘The assumption would be, “Well, they went, they downloaded it; clearly they're going to read it.” No, Bad assumption, All sorts of impulses die on the vine. How many times have you put on your to- do list for the weekend to clean the garage and not gone and cleaned the garage? ‘The garage was there. The note on the list was there. The original impulse was there, but the garage isn't clean; so initial impulses die on the vine all the time. Purchased products for large dollars sit on a shelf with shrink wrap still on them. Free samples go without ever being consumed, ete, ete. © 2015 cxic Page 11 Macneric EMAIL MARKETING SYSTEM & TOOLKIT It is a very important purpose to sustain and reignite the desire now to somehow consume the thing that they have acquired. One of the things that we did with this was to put in the CD with the copyright-free marketing documents right on it so it’s quickly implemented easily. By the way, that was just email number one, the follow-up. We're going to have to go alittle bit quicker for the other ones. EMail 2: MAKE SURE THEY EXAMINE THE LEAD GEN MAGNET Let's look at number two. This can go out depending upon whether you're sending something in the mail, you have to figure out the sequence that it goes out on. This second one should accomplish the following: number one, it should reinforce that they go through the entire package - like for example the shock and awe - or read the eBook. It’s what we just talked about. Reselling them again. People don't do this and, if the person needs to read that piece of information to make a buying decision, you've got to make sure that they do it. The next thing is again, as congratulate them on being ‘raitecysrena\ V > ™moe rien Nemec really smart, =a The other thing is lay out the benefits of doing all this. Lay out the benefits of reading this. By the way, let's say that somebody's requesting a meeting with you, a consultation. You would still do the same thing. © 2015 6xic www Page 12 wo"peojumoposmje6' MMM MAGNETIC EMAIL MARKETING SYSTEM & TOOLKIT You reignite their excitement about the meeting. You layout the benefits and the transformation that they're going to get asa result. Well, because when somebody books an appointment to come into a place of business, or to meet the sales person at Panera, which is not a method of doing business | particularly recommend, but nonetheless... or to come to a preview seminar whether it be about knee replacement or getting rich in real estate... When they make that action, they're then from that moment on trying to cancel the appointment, not show up for the appointment and not come to the meeting. Almost every professional practice has a no-show rate and some have a no- show problem. Almost everybody who does previews has a no-show rate and has a no-show problem. From the furthest out time that somebody could register to be watching this to when we started today, how many times did you nudge them with email to get them to show up? Every day almost and we had other little short, what I call micro-trainings that they could go watch, which the whole purpose of those micro- trainings... And we did postcards, because I see the postcards. From the total number registered to be here, the show-up rate was around thirty-six percent. Can you imagine if we didn't do any of that stuff? We would performing for our mothers and mine's dead, so that would not be a particularly useful exercise. What destroys a lot of people is simply assumptions. "Well, I sent them an email with all the information in it.” “Well, I taught that employee how to answer the phone..." seven weeks ago, during which there's been a three-day weekend and ©2015 Gxic www Page 13 MAGNETIC Emalt MARKETING SysTEM & TOOLKIT her sister gave birth to somebody and her brother got arrested, so her mind's been on some other things. No, you've got to have a complete campaign and a complete system here. That's what we've given you. I'm not going to go through the other ones. They're all in the toolkit. This is a four step follow-up campaign. Now people will say well, why is ‘Magnetic Marketing three steps? Why is this four steps? ‘The original use of a three-step sequence in Magnetic Marketing came from the collection industry, the pretty standard approach to Dunning letters that existed for decades - first notice, second notice, final notice. So it was a pure copycat of something that worked. A movement of something that worked. There's no magic in it being three or four or 12 or 16. In reality, in most cases, there should be a relatively short number of follow-up steps intensely and then am: tenance level like forever and then moving them back into an intense sequence by one | What destroys alot mechanism or another. of people is simply But you have to teach something, Also, there is the assumptions. issue of... f you were fairly grading against best on a one to 10, there's something to be said for a six implemented versus a nine never done. Both Magnetic Marketing and now Magnetic Email Marketing, I would not make a claim for them that on a one to 10 they are the be-all-end-all, best thing that could be done. © 2015 GKIc Page 14 Wwo"peojumoposmje6' MMM MaGneric Emait MARKETING SySTEt & TOOLKIT When I create a multimedia follow-up campaign alone for a client that includes email, they're spending $75,000, $80,000, $85,000 just to have me write it, let alone implement it, and it is definitely more complicated than this. However it embodies most of the same psychology that is built into these templates. But this implemented is a whole lot better than something twice as good, not implemented. Exactly. By the way, there's four steps to it, I'm not going to go over all four steps, but it's in here. This is the short term campaign and then what we recommend that you do is follow-up with the other emails that we talked about already in the other session. Memeer EXAMPLES: Dan, let's look at some examples of some of our members who actually got this right. They've done a really good job of that. This is a five-step mailing and this comes from Travis Lee. This is B2B so people will say, "Heck, I can't do this because. This is for 3D mailing. This is B2B 30 cocoa srques-s0l ents Tae be B08 and he's doing everything here. He's oo swuscsus aun reselling what they're going to be receiving. Here's what's really cool. This isa * isvaifusincrna neat little twist I'd like you to talk 2 Sissies” OS" hon. Rist thease seenimnerrmnromns You can get the guide; he's sending it in the mail, but you can get the — vrermecennercswm cur acescurnmmwomtee opt eam nencesoe sng itne ae guide if you want to read it right — ‘isnnscatsatent © 2015 exc Wu 1 epost tas rate ae MAGNETIC EMAIL MARKETING SYSTEM & TOOLKIT now as a PDF. I thought that was kind of slick. Yeah, so that's the, “Can't wait..." “You can view a digital PDF version of the guide here and a zip file of the swipe file at this link. The hard version is already in route.” Yes, the hard version is already in route. Most people would do the opposite. But he really wants to get the package in the mail. What most people would want to do is eliminate the cost of a hard package and only send it to the people who would not... but he's very smart in doing both. Again, we've given you the complete campaign in the toolkit. Now he's adding in multimedia. He's taken his email and he's using different videos which then illustrate what he's trying to sell. He has different product items, and there's a video for each one. There's a bigger thing here which is the integration of email and offline. Talk about that because this is sophisticated and good stuff. Not only that, but there is active engagement versus passive receipt. The focus on any single media is almost always a mistake. Different people respond, engage differently to different things and, again, you have the ability now with online... If we were going to do video before online video existed, to send them a video of that object that they were interested in was a fairly cumbersome and expensive process. We had to make a VHS. We had to put it ina box that wouldn't break. We had to send it to them, He has to wait to see it and he's interested in it right now. Again, not to take advantage of this... so what he's done is very, very smart. There's like 12 products there. | may not be interested in all of them so I'll go look at the one that interests me. He could show me four or five different ways it's been used. © 2015 Gxic ‘ Page 16 Wwo>"peojumoposmye6' MMM MAGNeric EMAIL MARKETING SYSTEM & TOOLKIT He doesn't have to be Cecil B, DeMille. I haven't see them but these are probably him at a desk with his hands on an object and some campaigns and that's fine. Each video can at its end lead somewhere, so why wouldn't you do that sort of thing? Why wouldn't you move from offline to online to offline to online? Why wouldn't you? Well, because you're lazy is why you wouldn't do it. But let's say you didn't want to do the offline component, just the idea of him just sending emails, getting the person actively engaged, clicking a link, going to do something... then, following up with our previous conversation, my guess is when they dlick on that link about that certain product, they are tagged and put into a different group or segment. I would think so, hope so. They probably get a separate email follow-up after they have viewed that video. That's right. Again, this stuff is not hard. ‘The catalog industry, the smart catalogers are getting good at this. The Orvises of the world are getting very good at this, at driving from a catalog page or a catalog item to an online video to a dedicated email sequence in follow-up about that item, It's often how they are able to sell their pricier things than they have ever been able to sell before. Orvis sells hunting clothes and sporting goods and they also sell a $45,000 African safari. ‘There aren'ta lot of people who are going to order that off of a catalog page, but they'll go from the catalog page to watch the video about the safari, which the virtue of video is the lion can move. We don't have to show them a still picture ofa lion, We actually have a lion moving ©2015 GKIc Page 17 Macneric Email MaRkerinG System & TOOLKIT We can do a dedicated email follow-up and by the time we drive that person toa sales rep, we're not starting with, “Well, what's a safari?” So we're using the sales person productively. Right and that's exactly what we did for this particular launch of this product. The follow-up emails were all, “Click on this link, go watch this new video that Dave did." “Click on this link. Go watch this new video on this important topic.” “Click on this link...” That's exactly what we did. Again, Travis’ entire five-step sequence is of course in the toolkit so you can see how he uses the templates and how you can model what he's doing as well. Alright, we've talked about the different types of subject lines, we've talked about follow-up campaigns that can be put in. We've given you a four-step follow-up campaign which is literally cut and paste; you don't have to retype it because all the campaigns come on the CD. DIFFERENT TyPES OF EMAILS Let's talk about the different types of emails that One big problem is people need to send. I think that one of the big problems that people have when they're doing | ‘hat people get tied email is that they get tied into the same type of | into the same type of email and it gets really boring. email and it gets You say the number one marketing sin is being really boring. boring. Why is it important to have different, not necessarily different writing styles, but different types of emails that you send out? A, you may have different purposes at different times. B, to your point, when you're communicating with the same people again and again and again and © 2015 GKic ‘ Page 18 woo" peojumoposmye6' MMM MAGNeric EMAIL MARKETING SysTEM & TOOLKIT ‘again, you have to walk a tightrope between moving away from what works to being so predictable and so routine that people's paying of interest to you ishes. Mixing up the purposes, the format, the presentation within an email is the same as mixing it up in any other medium. Let's look at some different types of emails that I personally write a lot. 1 write to these different styles. we'll do is we'll give you some quick examples of each. 'm going to go over all of them and then what Q&A EMAIL First is a Q&A email. This is a really neat one where your subscribers are writing you in questions and then you answer the question. Again, the problem with a lot of email communication is it's one way. You're pushing it out, you're pushing it out, you're pushing it out. That strategy allows you to obviously get them engaged and get more of a conversation with them. Is that important? Sure. The Q&A format works, It has human interest. It has high readership. It dates at least to Ann Landers and Dear Abby and Ask Heloise has some of the most-read syndicated newspaper columns in the history of newspaper. ‘The surrogate question, the question asked that represents a lot of people and that they might not necessarily be willing to enunciate. Again, it allows you to mix up the look and the format of these things. ‘TESTIMONIAL EMAIL Then we've got the testimonial emai quickly. They're all in the toolkit obviously. The testimonial email is where We're going to go through these you send a testimonial. © 2015 GKic MAGNETIC EMAIL MARKETING SYSTEM & TOOLKIT The late Jim Straw, I saw him use this technique. It was beautiful. His subject line was simply, "I ove getting emails like this.” Then it was like, “Here's why I'm in the business.” It was a testimonial about the great results he got then with a link to the product. CLassiFieD Then you've got what I call the classified. It’s like a classified ad. It’s a very short email. It’s not a long story or anything like that. It's designed to get people to take some action - click on some link, call a phone number or do something like that. Pure Pitci You've got the pure pitch email. Let's just talk about that one. This is a pure pitch, You're just selling. Tl ask you the question now even though it was going to be for later. People always say, "What should my ratio be between pitching and not pitching?” First of all there's pitching and then there's pitching. If you're talking about a pure pitch, “Knock, I'm here to sell you something, Here's the story. Here's the demo. Buy it,” it can't be every time you come visit or - even if I like the stuff - 1 will be disinclined to let you visit. So it can't be 100%. We can definitively say that. We can definitively say it can't be zero. Unless you are sucking in Wall Street money and taking your salary off the top, you cannot afford to go very long at zero. So we're somewhere between one and 99% of the time is the ratio. I think the ratio is fungible; it's flexible, it's not fixed. There are a lot of variables that affect it including strength of relationship, relevance of offers, All of that. © 2015 Gxic ‘ Page 20 Wwo"peojumoposmye6' MMM [MAGNETIC EMAIL MARKETING SYSTEM & TOOLKIT If you put a gun against my head for a number, I'd probably put it at the one in five neighborhood. That's exactly what I do, Discuiseo Prrca The next one though is kind of a cool one. I call it the disguised pitch. This does not look like it's a pitch, but the real purpose of the entire email is a pitch. For example if you look at the GKIC "Web Deal of the Weekend,” a lot of times there will bea story element in there, but it's really a pitch. The real point of that email is to actually sell something. Workstor Then one of my favorites, which is the workshop. The workshop email is something I got from you that you do in the newsletter. You call it going on a goose chase or a rabbit hunt or something like that, where you have the person have to go do something. First of all talk about the reasons why this is a good idea to have people do this, Well, because first of all, a good percentage of the time you want some form of active engagement, not just passive receipt. So this is a form of active engagement, Second of all, people get a little “reward shot” from it because they were sent on a mission and they accomplished it. It's why slot machines don't just pay jackpots. It's why they pay little stuff, even less than you wagered, or you put in a buck, you got 20 cents on this and a bell goes off anyway, you know, all that. Because if it just paid jackpots, that's so infrequent that nobody would play. © 2015 6kic www.gkle-com Page 21 (MAGNETIC EMAIL MARKETING SYSTEM & TOOLKIT People like all sorts of positive reinforcement. Candidly, in many cases it confuses activity with accomplishment. They get this little endorphin, “Oh boy, I did something” reaction to it. You may bring somebody in a door by screaming a negative message at them, but you can rarely keep them in a negative, critical environment unless you have them in prison, Positive reinforcement for customers, followers, audience, whatever, is very, very important, There are sample emails, they all come from ones that I have written in this case, illustrating each one of these points in your toolkit, but this one - Pretty Girls in Cars - let me just give you what this says. Positive Basically, I just want to analyze it a little bit very, very reinforcement is very quickly. , important. First of all it says, “Today Grasshopper Again, that's adding personality into the thing and making it not corporate. The basic idea of this though was, I wrote a story and I didn't tell them what the lessons in the story were. Then they would go to my blog and the person that came up with the best and the most eachings from the story won. Huge response. I was shocked. People were coming up with lessons that Iso. tips ts pestered tet didn’t even know I'd put in the story. It was fascinating. Then to the best one I gave a 15-minute phone consultation or something like that. © 2015 exc Page 22 Wwos"peojumoposmje6' MMM (MAGNETIC EMAIL MARKETING System & TOOLKIT It got everyone actively engaged, Again, the technique that I used here... this isn't the only way to do it, but the technique I used here... was to tell a story, but not tell them what the lessons were in the story. Make them figure it out for themselves and they did and it was fantastic. The key concept though is to get people to actually take action and do something. Again, there's samples for all of the different types of emails in the toolkit. Next Session In our next segment we're going to be talking about how to create instant cash flow surges in your business, holiday campaigns and how to make money. © 2015 GKIc ‘ Page 23 MAGNETIC EMAIL MARKETING SYSTEM & TOOLKIT Session #4: Monetization — Moneymaking Email Marketing Secrets With Dan Kennedy and Dave Dee Ie © 2015 Glazer-Kennedy Insider's Circle, LLC. All Rights Reserved. Published under the United States Copyright laws by Glazer-Kennedy Insider's Circle, LUC. No portion of these materials may be reproduced in any manner whatsoever {whether electronic, mechanical or ‘otherwise and including photocopy, recording or any information storage and retrieval system) without the express written consent of the publisher. Any unauthorized use, sharing, reproduction or distribution fof these materials by any means is strictly prohibited. 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The delvery of this Presentation shall nat, under any ercumstances, create any implication that there will be no change in the affairs of GKIC after the date hereof. in furnishing this Presentation, GKIC reserves the right to amend or replace this Presentation at any time and undertakes no obligation to update any of the Information contained in the Presentation or to correct any inaccuracies that may become apparent. ‘his Presentation shall remain the property of GKIC. GGKIC may, at any time, request that you andor your Representatives promptly deliver to GKIC of, if directed in writing by GKIC, destroy all confidential Information relating to this Presentation received in writen, electronic or other tangiole form whatsoever, including without limitation all copies, Feproductions, computer diskettes or written materials which contain such confidential information. At such time, all other notes, analyses or compilations constituting or containing confidential information in your or your Representatives’ possession shall be destroyed. You may be required to certify such destruction to GKIC in wring wo"peojumoposmje6' MMM [MAGNETIC EMAIL MARKETING SvSTEM & TOOLKIT CONTENTS ‘Monetization — Moneymaking Email Marketing Secrets. 4 Special Email Promotions 5 Holiday Promotion Examples. 7 Birthday Campaigns — 240 Event Promation a Effective Templates a3 Instant Cash Flow Surge... a4 People Opting Out av Holistic Approach 20 ©2015 Gric Page 3 MacNeric EMAIL MARKETING SysTEM & TOOLKIT MONETIZATION — MONEYMAKING EMAIL MARKETING SECRETS Dave Dee: Welcome to session number four, and our final session of the Magnetic Email Marketing System and Toolkit. In this session, you'll discover different types of email campaigns you should be sending, including powerful holiday campaigns. We're going to discuss advanced email strategies. Dan, what different types of things can we be doing in email? Dan Kennedy: You can just push content cut, if you wish. There's a justification for some of that. By and large, you want to do one of two things. You want to create at least engagement so there is some active participation for which there can be a call to action. ‘That's your "go and fetch” template to ge: this, get that. That's Travis' "Here's ten things you can click and you can see the videos about these ten different products.” Just so everybody knows, he's referring to stuff that's in the manual. That can be contests, it can be send in this, go here, post that, put the picture of, you and your dog eating Jif Peanut Butter up on a website and the funniest dog wins the prize. So some sort of engagement and/or lead generation or sale, Those two categories are the only things that really let us measure in any way, shape or form. It's like being in a theater and you can't see past the first row. Is there anybody out there? © 2015 ekic Page a wo"peojumoposmje6' MMM MAGNETIC EMAIL MARKETING SYSTEM & TOOLKIT The only way we know is anybody out there paying attention is if they have to do something as a result of reading it. That's the fallacy by the way in all the online push, where all we're measuring is views or visits. It's no better or worse than measuring eyeballs watching a TV show. What counts is did it sell any soap and do we know if it sold any soap? That's right. That's what we're going to be talking about here is how to sell some soap and how to sell lots of soap using email. SPECIAL EMAIL PROMOTIONS Let's talk about the different types of special email promotions we should be sending out during the year. Ljust want to clarify things for people. First of all, we talked about capturing the email address, then we talked about subject lines that make people open the email, then how to write an email that gets actual results. Then we talked about follow-up campaigns - somebody opts in and now here's the sequence we're going to follow up with. ‘Now, let's say we've run out of the follow-up campaign. Now we're just going to be emailing them on a weekly or daily or whatever basis it is. What different types of email promotion should we be using? One is you can use your calendar. If you're looking for ideas, the calendar gives you pretty much an idea a day, an idea a week, an idea a month. There are the obvious seasonal and holiday situations, But far beyond that, there are... because one of the things US Congress does is they designate the official Peanut Butter Day and the official Corn Growers Day. There are more than one things given the same day, by the way, and they do it for constituencies, © 2018 exic Pages MAGNETIC EMAIL MARKETING System & TOOLKIT ‘There's this giant list of days that have been assigned to jelly beans and weeks of and months of. There are holidays now that expand. Halloween is now a month, ‘snot a day; Easter is now two weeks, it’s not a weekend. The calendar gives you really both mainstream opportunities and obscure, entertaining opportunities and/or opportunities specifically relevant to your particular market. We all know about Veterans Day and Memorial Day but I think there's 22 different holidays during the course of the year that have something to do with veterans. There's the anniversary of the end of The calendar gives World War Il, There's the day Vietnam ended... there’s all those days. both mainstream and obscure So, if you market to veterans, that calendar is your end. opportunities relevant to your You want to use the calendar if you're looking for market. ideas. You definitely want to use the news media and current events and all that we talked about. If you're looking for ideas, you have big things... You have the Presidential elections... the campaign really is starting now. In 2016 it will be the news lead barring some cataclysmic, catastrophic event in the world. It will have legs for the entire year. You could start playing with that fairly early, you can engage people late in the game... movie theaters, you pick a red straw or a blue straw, depending on whether you predict the Republican or the Democrat, way in advance. Last night, MSNBC actually did a very funny thing, They had five experts on and they mimicked the NFL draft and had people draft candidates. © 2015 Gxic Pages wo"peojumoposmje6' MMM MaGNeric EMAIL MARKETING SysrEM & TOOLKIT Now, each of these five people is stuck with a team of candidates. They'll track this all the way through the election, who's up, who's down. You could literally have done the same thing and now have a series of emails about that. So you want to look at your calendar; you want to look at your news media; you want to look at the industry, profession, niche, subculture that you are in. Ifyou are a motorcycle dealer, there are certain times during the year, there are big events that are motorcycles only. So you definitely want to go there, You want to play a lot for some level of response - if not a sale, then a request for a specific piece of information or to see something in action. If not that, some other kind of engagement, Some reason to mail, a reason why you're mailing is basically what you're looking for here. HOLIDAY PROMOTION EXAMPLES Let's look at some examples of different holiday promotions that we have. This is the Larry the Leprechaun campaign. By the way, you'll get the entire Larry the Leprechaun campaign. The reason I say that is because it is a campaign. It was an ongoing story. This was basically a sale that was happening. Larry the Leprechaun actually had kidnapped me and has taken over the whole thing... the same thing as the mouse but it was told in Larry the Leprechaun, It got so much traction that I just kept adding to it... talk about making a St. Patrick Day Sale last, I think there are four or five emails in the Larry the Leprechaun series. (©2015 GKic www Page? MAGNETIC Entait MARKETING SYSTEM & TooLKiT At the time I wrote this, it was the "Who shot JR?" thing and somebody shot Larry the Leprechaun, which then... you'll see the entire campaign. The point here is it was fun. It was entertaining and the results were absolutely astronomical. As it went on, the open rates got higher and higher and higher because every one was left on a cliffhanger. So they wanted to see what the next segment of Larry the Leprechaun was, Now, you don't have to do something like that, but I know people who have seen this before have taken it and modelled it; it works really well. Let's go to the next one, which is much simpler. You don't have to get sophisticated like that. It | @».\. could be really, really simple. This is Nightingale Conant: “We've extended our New Year sale.” ee si This one rocked it, “ seem nee Again, it can be something really, really simple here. I wouldn't go with everything that looks like this because this got good results, and that's fine. Now, let's go to something that's a little bit more themed and let's talk about this one. This is from a Vance Morris. Check out this email campaign. This is neat because it’s not just text. It actually has pictures in it and it's themed. © 2015 6xic ‘ wo"peojumoposmje6' MMM Macneric EMalL MARKETING S¥STEM & TOOLKIT Look at the personality in this thing. He just tied in. What he's selling is Chem-Dry type services. "Think Halloween is Scary?” - great subject line. You've got to open that up. “well just think about all of the critters and crud, slime and grime, gunk and livestock that is seeping, creeping and galloping through your carpet, upholstery, tile and grout.” It's just so fun. It ties it in and it actually sells. By the way, in the toolkit, you get this entire email campaign. We're not going to go through the entire email campaign just like we didn't go through Larry the Leprechaun. You can add pictures in, It doesn't have to be Just plain text. “haere Ec roreica However, if you're just getting started, sometimes plain text works exceptionally well, At the end, he had coupons so people could print right from the email and, boom, they're done. That's another way to do it is to have things... why don’t more restaurants and business owners do that? Have something that people can just print the email out and bring it in? Well, you've asked fundamentally a rhetorical question! You back all the way up now to them not understanding direct response. There's also a reluctance in that industry by some to coupon at all because they're no good at converting first time visitors to valuable customers, © 2015 GKic Page 9 MacNeric Emait MARKETING SrsteM & TooLKir They view it now as just giving away money. BIRTHDAY CAMPAIGNS We're going to go to some other things here. For example, a restaurant with a birthday... nobody goes to eat outon their birthday by themselves. Of course, it brings you a multiple, There's abundant evidence... Rory Fatt at Restaurant Marketing Systems has proven it abundantly that you can literally give it away. Not two for one, just free. You are going to be front-end positive because they come with at least one other person and, in many cases, plus three. Plus, if you're any good at all at converting first time customers to repeat customers, the extra couples that are brought in that way who might not ever be brought in any other way... so looping back to the conversation about every name on the list is worth a dollar, one way to think about that is what does it cost you to get a name on a list - a lead or, most importantly, a customer - any other way? Getting them by giving away a free birthday meal that averages a plus three into the database is a whole lot cheaper than getting them in the door by any other means. ‘The beauty of that email is that he actually knows what it produces, Ifyou think about everything that we talked about earlier, because all this ties in together; that's why we said you've got to really follow this program in sequence. We first talked about getting the opt-ins both online and offline. So if the guy uses his royalty rewards, when those new people come in, he can get them to sign up for the email and he's building an email list. All of this works all the way together. © 2015 Gxic Page 10 wo"peojumoposmje6' MMM (MaGneric Emait MARKETING SvsTem & TOOLKIT Just so you know, in your toolkit portion of the program, you get a Valentine's Day promotion template, a referral template. These are real templates. We show you examples but then we translate and here are the templates. There's a referral promotion template, that's a really nice one. We also have a birthday template. We've got a ton of templates, By the way, they're all on the CD. You get them on the CD, So when Valentine's Day comes around, pop in the CD and then fill in the blanks and send out the email. EveNT PROMOTION Now, there is another type of campaign which we're really, really good at at GKIC and it's getting someone to register for an event. Now, whether they come to register to a webinar like this or a broadcast like this or a teleseminar or come to a SuperConference or something like that, even coming to in-store event... an event is an event is an event. Don't think that this is just for the online guys. One of the templates that we included here is the basic sequence that we use at GKIC and we beat the hell out of this sequence. Why? Because it works. Here's basically how this is structured. Let's say we're promoting an event like this. Typically, let's say on a Thursday. We'll send out a "save the date” email on Friday. The save the date email basically gets people excited. It builds anticipation and it tells them in that email ... by the way, the exact template is in the toolkit. This email gets them excited. It builds anticipation for the actual thing and it tells them, © 2015 akic Page 11 MAGNETIC EMail MARKETING SvSTEM & TOOLKIT “On Monday morning at 10 o'clock, we're going to be sending you an email that's going to have this subject line, When you get it, you're going to want to click and open it immediately because you're going to want to register {for the thing because seating is limited.” That's the basic psychology. It's creating anticipation. It's also planting in their head to look for this email that's coming up. Then on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, we send out emails promoting the event that we're doing. On the day of the event, here's what we do. We send out one first thing in the morning. We then send out one one hour before the thing actually starts. Then the other one that we send out is right after the thing starts, saying, "Hey, you signed up for this thing. You're missing it.” This campaign works like gangbusters and we have literally given it to you. Ifyou're doing any type of promotion at all, if you're doing teleseminars or webinars or live events or you're doing something in the store and you want to make sure people actually show up, this is how you do it. Without this, you can have a lot of people sign up but, if they don't show up, it doesn't make any difference. If you have to do it only by offline means you can't People really get to them at the end. So you lose that five- underestimate day or so window. The only way you can do itis by || everything else that phone. is pulling at And reminders the same day... I can tell you in the somebody. physical world, getting them to show up ata preview seminar in a physical location, there is p:oductivity from that morning of the day of the meeting, © 2015 GKic Page 12 wo"peojumoposmjye6' MMM Macneric Emait MARKETING System & TOOLKIT I think people underestimate everything else that is pulling at somebody and how their initial impulses and intentions disintegrate day to day, even hour to hour as what they said they were going to do draws near. It's easy to register to be at a four-hour webcast or come to a hotel meeting or come to an implant seminar on Tuesday evening at the dentist's office and bring your dad, But, as you get closer and closer to the actual act of following through on that, there's other people grabbing at you, something's happened, you had a bad day yesterday. There's all this stutf, Ifyou're not there to counteract it, your drop-off of people who are participating is huge. Way back in multilevel when we opportunity meetings at hotels, we called it the wish line. That's all the people outside the hotel in the parking lot wishing they'd picked up their guests because their guests don't show up on their own. This is really a “pick up the guest at the last minute” thing. That's really what it is. The thing to think about is it's more than just saying, "Hey, remember, you signed up for this thing.” I see a lot of people doing that. You're right. It's not about reminder, it's about persuading, motivating, in some cases, shaming. Absolutely. Ail of that psychology is worked into those templates, which is really important. EFFECTIVE TEMPLATES When you look at the templates for this particular thing, and for any of them, you may look at them and say, "This doesn't look like anything. This looks really simple." They look simple but they're not simple. A lot of thought has gone in to them. ©2015 Gric Page 13 Macneric EMAIL MARKETING System & TOOLKIT In fact, Platinum member, now Titanium member, Dr. Dustin Burleson, was doing a promotion. He took these exact templates. I gave them to him because he was in my Platinum group. He took these templates and he looked at them and he was like, "You've got to be kidding me." And he could not believe the results he got from it. He was stunned, Language matters. Structure matters, but lenguage matters a lot. Your example earlier of the word "Hey" in front of the name. If you do... which the applications where you can do it legally are fewer and fewer... if you do voice broadcast that leaves a message, the magic words are, "Sorry | missed you. ‘That's what makes the message that was left seem like a real message. If you don't know to put those words in, the rest of the script won't get nearly the result that that will, Most of what's migrated to here has been heavily influenced by people who really know what they're doing as copywriters, and in the samples by top members who've implemented from really good copy. Some people might say, why did you put in the samples? I just want the templates. We do want you to learn so you can go beyond the templates. The templates are a great way to get started. It's also quite frankly proof that this stuff works ~ because it does. You see actual use in diverse scenarios. INSTANT CasH FLow SURGE Yeah, absolutely. Let's talk about a very underutilized use of email, which is creating that instant cash flow surge. © 2015 GkIc www Page 14 wo"peojumoposmje6' MMM Macneric EMAIL MARKETING System & TOOLKIT In the original Magnetic Marketing program... the reason I bought Magnetic Marketing, by the way, was for one letter, one thing that you said, which was, “There's a cash flow surge letter in there that you can take and that you can model and that you can use that absolutely works.” I needed a cash flow surge in a big bad way. With email, my goodness, it's even easier than ever before. Talk about the power of email as far as cash flow surges go. The Nightingale example you've showed is essentially that, It's a very promotional price discount, deadline-driven thing, Again, you don't want to do too much of that or you destroy all customer value. It’s sort of the problem that the Macys and Penneys got themselves into... and when the Penney’s CEO, who came over from Apple, made an ill-fated attempt at too abruptly fixing it by just wiping out coupons and sales. You get yourself into a position. Nobody is going to go to a Joseph A Bank store and buy anything at | Urgency matters a retail ever. lot when you are ‘They're in the “four for the price of one” business | trying to create a until they go out of business and there's nothing they surge. can do about it. You don't want to get yourself in that position. But most c sh flow surge situations are aggressively promotional. They're generally going to drive by discount and/or gift with purchase. The better drive is when you can drive it by limited availability or exclusivity perhaps also with price. And they are going to be very tightly timed. Urgency matters a lot when you are trying to create a surge. Again, email is perfectly suited to this. © 2015 Gxic Page 15 MAGNETIC EMAIL MARKETING SvsteM & TOOLKIT ‘There's a thing that happens... even in the newest cars, your last eighth of a tank of gas disappears seemingly at a much faster pace than the first eighth of a tank. There's a speedup factor when you're almost out that occurs with just about everything, So QVC and HSN, Home Shopping TV, does a countdown. If you tune in and watch half a day, if you don't normally do it, and you watch QVC, they're a little better at it than HSN but either one you want to watch, you will see that they're very good at the sarinking quantity of availability the minutes left before the segment ends and we go on to something else. ‘They show the units being sold literally by the minute. One of the things to watch for is how that almost always speeds up at the very end, If you're doing a teleseminar call of any kind and you're not getting questions, all you've got to do is threaten that you're going to end the call. All of a sudden you've got questions. What you want to do when you want a surge of anything, if you sell from the front of the room - as you and I do from time to time ~ you need something to create a stampede. It's almost always going to be a limited supply of a bonus that is available only for the first X number and X needs to be relatively small in ratio to the total size of the room. ‘What email allows you to do that, without email, you really did not have a good way to do, is to create that tight timing for your promotional offer. So if it is to come into your store, if the sale is going to be Friday and Saturday, you can run the whole campaign Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday. You can create this, "Oh my God, I've only got two days left. Oh my God, I've only got 48 hours left. I'm down to nine hours left.” © 2015 6xic wo"peojumoposmje6' MMM 18 MAGNETIC Emait MARKETING SvsTEM & TOOLKIT You'll see Levin Furniture has started to do its X percentage off from 9 to 11 in the morning. Then the percentage isn’t quite as good from 11 to 1. Then the percentage isn’t quite as good as it was from 11 to 1 from 1 to 4. Now they do that in their TV ads, Hopefully, they have email lists because they can be emailing all during that day. “There's only 45 minutes left before we go from 40% to 35%. If you're on the way and you're not going to make it, call Mike on your cellphone and he'll give you a 15-minute extension so you can get in here and get your chit.” You can only do that with this kind of media. It's powerful. It's very powerful One of the bonuses that you get when you invest in this system is the Cash Flow Surge Generator. This is exactly how you do it by email; not just the instruction but the fill in the blank templates. Peopue OpTiNG-OuT Dan, we already talked about list segmentation and the importance of that and, with email, it’s very simple, A question that people often ask is, "I'm very concerned about pissing people offand getting opt-outs. I'm worried about my opt-out rate.” Address that a little bit. First of all, they're essentially two separate things because people opt-out for a broader range of reasons than being seriously annoyed with you. You will more often get the opt-outs because they're pissed off, not from selling, or frequency but from some position you take... Like for GKIC I cause a certain number of departures pretty much every time I write anything or say anything, | mean, [can empty a room. What's that saying, "If you're not pissing somebody off by noon...?" © 2015 Gxic ‘wuvw.ghie-com Page 17 MAGNETIC EMAIL MARKETING SYSTEM & TOOLKIT -By noon, you ain't doing nothing. I think some people think it's a joke, but it's not a joke. No, it's quote. It's not a joke at all. The orly place where vanilla really wins is literally in the ice cream business. Every place else, it does not win It's how the Republicans lost the last presidential election and it's how they'll lose this presidential election is they'll be vanilla, But the opt-out thing is, of course, the bigger The only place where problem, The first thing you have to realize is there's a lot of reasons people opt-out that have nothing to | vanilla really wins is do with anything you're doing and, if you didn't do it, in the ice cream they would still opt-out anyway, or they'-e opting- business. out and you don’t know it. If they're not paying attention, they're opted-out. They just haven't officially opted-out. It's just like there's a lot of people walking around who are dead, they just haven't been legally pronounced dead by the coroner and put in a hole, but they're intellectually, emotionally dead. Same deal here. ‘The opt-out number often reflects people that opted-out quite some time ago from a value standpoint, and now this week, because you emailed them three times instead of two, it's reminded them that, "I really don't want to get this at all.” So some of these losses are of no consequence whatsoever, and t prevent them is of negative consequence. ‘Then another batch of them happen, not secause of the reasons people think. It’s not frequency. It's not crass commercial messages. It is about being uninteresting, boring, having a bad relationship, or delivering crass commercial messages that aren't relevant. © 2015 Gxic Page 18 wo"peojumoposmje6' MMM MaGweric Email MarKering Sysrem & TOOLKIT See, that's your opt-out problem. It's not the surface stuff that everybody sweats, “Oh, if email them three times a week, they’l... No, it wasn't the three times a week. It's who they are, who they see you as and what you emailed them. Is it relevant? Is it not relevant? Those are the issues. You mentioned this word earlier and I have it in all my presentations that I do at the Boot Camp and I end my segment on email marketing, which is about relationships, too. It's about building this relationship and the stronger relationship you have with your list... I mean, you can't abuse a relationship but the stronger relationship you have with the list, the more opens you're going to have, the more click-throughs you're going to have, the less opt-outs you're going to have. Even the more forgiveness you have for occasionally pissing somebody off. You buy a certain amount of shrug it off, “I don't like what he said but so what?” versus, "Grrr, we need to go hang him because of what he said." So relationship equity is built through frequency, consistency, constancy of communication, which email allows you to do more of than you might otherwise be able to afford, but it has got to be the right communication and the right mix of communication. It goes back to message to market match. It's the same thing. Email marketing on the backend as part of the customer relationship is a very powerful tool, and GKIC uses it effectively, in my name and not in my name. © 2015 ckic Page 19 Macneric EMAIL MARKETING SySTEM & TOOLKIT Clients use it. | figured it up before we came over here today, of emails pulled out of copy I wrote for clients, there were at least four million of them sent last month, So there's a lot of email going out from really a handful, two handfuls, of private clients. Everybody has to be very careful to make sure that it's productive and this is helpful to all. This is what this system is about. It's to make it, first of all, productive, give you some new tools that you don't have and then actually give you the tools to actually take and actually do it so you get results with tt. All right, let's just review what we've talked about because it's been a lot. We started out by talking about the need for a lead generation magnet. We gave some examples of lead generation magnets both online and offline. Then we've talked about opt-in. How do we collect the names and the addresses? So we talked about online and offline, the different ways to do it. Then we talked about how you get your emails opened. Then we went through different types of subject lines. Then, in addition to that, we talked about how to get your emails read by putting personality into them and all of that. We talked about follow-up sequences and then holiday campaigns and everything like that. Do you have any final words of wisdom about this important topic? Houistic APPROACH ‘The only thing | would say is that, as with anything else, you want to take a holistic approach, not an isolated piece approach. © 2018 exc www.gkieccom Page 20 wo"peojumoposmje6' MMM MAGNETIC EMAIL MARKETING SySTEM & TOOLKIT There's an ancient joke 1 won't belabor about the guy who goes to the doctor because he can't make any friends and nobody will hang out with him and so forth, and it turns out the guy's got really horrible halitosis and really horrible body odor and needs prescription drugs really to solve both of these problems, which ultimately when they're solved, nobody will still hang out with him because he has a shitty personality. Really, if you just go and create great subject lines but then what's there when they open it doesn’t cut the mustard, you really haven't accomplished anything. Ifyou don't use your marketing to segment your list so you can be increasingly relevant segment by segment, then you can do four other things right and it doesn't matter. ‘The only thing 1 would say about this is that, within the context of email marketing, you want to be holistic and then that fits in the context of a broader whole marketing system. ‘Too many people run around or hop from one passing dog to the next like a flea and they run over here and they work on this. They get all excited about a video sales letter but that's like putting one new part in an old bad car. It actually does more harm than good because the other parts can't function with it. You've really got to step back and take a look at your The iagen entire approach to lead generation, customer relationship you acquisition, conversion of one-time buyer to | have with the list, committed customer, backend sources of revenue, the more opens and then fit these things together with them, you're going to have. That's not to say you can't reach in here and take a © 2015 Gxic Page 22 MaGneric Emait MARKETING System & TOOLKIT Cash Flow Surge sequence and, if you need cash, fill in the blanks and go do it and get some cash because you can. But th more successful approach overall is to view not component parts but integrated process. That's why this was literally built as a system. I think some people who sell this kind of stuff overuse that. This was literally built as a system. With that, all the pieces fit together, we've really given you ... I don't think we've left anything out that people would need to know about using email marketing. © 2015 6xic Page 22 wo"peojumoposmje6' MMM MAGNETIC EMAIL MARKETING SYSTEM & TOOLKIT Toolkit: Session #1 Collection - Online & Offline Email Capture Secrets Ie. 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Read the Thought for the ae ca Ero cd @him: @t wo"peojumoposmje6' MMM Lead Generation Magnet - Offline to Online Michael's on Main Café — Loyalty Card 0001 9008 8241 8344 Use of this card confirms acceptance of epoints’ terms and conditions. ‘Complete terms and conditions are available on our website This card is valid at participating merchants only - Earned points will expire if not used within 3 years of accumulation. * This card is @ rewards card and cannot be redeemed for cash unless required by law. This card is not a gift or credit card. Your balance can be tracked at our website or through our toll-free number 855-epoints ( 376-4687) GkIe. INSIDER'S CRCLE GKIC's Lead Generation Online Email Capture Example ‘Alas thee please compet this frm and clk the baton Blow to rasane your ea Enter your name and email address below to reserve your's 100% FREE! RESERVE MY SEAT: NOW! wo"peojumoposmje6' MMM Get Your FREE CD and Newsletter! a ‘Cash in with your FREE 12 month subseription to ‘our newsletter and CD: FirstName. LastName. Email Ps me eS ee ele Lead Generation — Online Email Capture for Request for Information Learn More OWNER SPOTLIGHT 4 wos" peojumoposmje6' MMM Lead generation Offline to Online Email capture: Lead generation — Offline to Online Email Capture (CORNERBAKERYCAFE.COM YF rece cll the lies! reves ond specelofers rom y Ir OOo0o0o00 Heme zie: IIOIOO w Wwo"peojumoposmjye6' MMM 6 - Lead generation — Offline to Online Email Capture for 7-Day Guest Pass ° 1% 8 Z lame: Phone/E-mail: —_ Referred By; Dette Validea 4 zs Limit one per person. First time guests only. Must be at least 18 years old. No other discounts can be used with this offer. Facilities and amenities may vary per location Good only during staffed hours. Valid photo I.D. required at check-in, No cash value Not valid for re-sale or transfer. Valid at participating Anytime Fitness clubs only. See club for complete details, ” Lead Generation Online Email Capture Michael's on Main Café - Loyalty Card Registration ‘ea oot] vor wo"peojumoposmje6' MMM Lead Generation — Offline to online Email Capture Buffalo Wild Wings: Note they ask for your Birthday uasttane Join the Buffalo Circle! foe i updates. eae ot ene wa pester 0 ml wena il yan, Lead Generation — Offline to Online Email Capture Villari’s Martial Arts: z Vinvari's Martial) Arts A 5351 W Devon Ave, Chicago, IL 60646 773-594-0338 Learn Self-Defense & Have FUN! Instruction tailored to achieve YOUR inner Black Belt! Confidence « Strength + Balance + Flexibility * Coordination Fall New Student Special . $99 Receive | month of training plus registration fees waived! ~ No Contracts ~ ‘STUDENT INFORMATION (Be, register ne for FRE email updates sbout our yeool yo etn xing: fi, ov weight, evap elas: Pres it ny mel ondtons hat may aff our patton na mari ar progr wo>"peojumoposmye6' MMM 2 Lead Generation — Online Email Capture Graziano’s Brick Oven Restaurant: They ask for Birthday & Anniversary 847-647-4096 Se) Sc) re Pat: a Lead Generation Email - Financial Advisor Copyright Free Template SUBJECT: FREE [Report/Consultation] Practically Ensures Your Financial Future. Dear [Insert First Name}, ‘You hear it every day on the news. Uncertainty. Market volatility. Low unemployment. It's enough to make anyone doubt their financial future However, I've been helping regular people like you for the past [x] years and I'd like to give you a FREE (ReportiConsuttation] called: “7 Mistakes Most People Make When Planning Their Financial Future’ [insert consultation name if you're doing a free consultation like “Financial Audit’ ‘something that!l get your prospect's attention] want to show you: ‘+ 3 mistakes you're doing right now that could be sabotaging your financial future [think of 3 conmon mistakes your clients make and “tease” this inthe bullet) ‘© Why a bad economy could be the BEST time ‘o invest and plan your future, no matter what the naysayers say [include something “unconventional” your prospects accept as fact based on the news, media, etc. ‘+ How to ensure your investments are safe even when the market goes down (these litle known investment vehicles are “safety devices’ that could prevent you from losing money) [focus on safety, security, no losses, etc.) ‘+ How to avoid constantly worrying about the markets and bad news you see on GNBC and all the major networks (a solid plan makes these worries obsolete!) [include an ‘avoid’ bullet This FREE [report/consultation] expires on [insert date} ‘So don't build your financial future on quicksand—click Con the link below and be on your way to sleeping better regarding your financial future Take care, (Insert name) P.S, [Insert one good client you've helped reach financial ccertainly...either tell a story or insert a testimonial, 2 Wwos"peojumoposmjye6' MMM Lead Generation Landing Page Webinar Example Because You Asked, Dave's Going to Reveal. “How to Write Subliminally Persuasive Emails that Generate Sales Like Magic in 9 Minutes or Less!” Mark Your Calendar: October 18", 2012 at 8PM ET During this LIVE Video presentation, Dave will peel back the covers to let you in on the Psychic Sales, Seerets he’s used over and again to craft killer emails in less time than it would take to get that double tall skiny latte at Starbucks, During this session, you'll discov ‘+ How to leverage the “Regis Philbin” principle into your own email messages... and by doing so create a powerful subconscious connection with the reader they can't possibly resist! + The 5 most effective types of emails to send when you really want to drive home the point that NOW is the time to get off the fence and buy! + AMASSIVE mistake most marketers make when writing emails to their lists... a gross error that seems logical but instead erects huge sales barrier! * Subject line secrets that guarantee your emails will get noticed, opened, and read from start to fi + Shameless, downright sneaky tricks used by the “Kings of Copy” to generate killer sales emails in mere moments... you won't believe how truly easy it will be once you learn these tactics! © And alot more besides! ‘You don't want to miss this... Dave is a master of writing sales emails and he has saved his very best for last with this LIVE Video — so make sure you're there! Just enter your info into the form below and press “Sign Me Up!” 2 Email Lead Generation Landing Page Example for a Free Teleseminar At Last there’s a FAST Track Way to Get Leads Beating Down Your Door: "FREE Teleseminar Reveals How To Create an Online/Offline Lead Generation Magnet and Funnel in 3 Hours or Less - GUARANTEED!" Mark Your Calendar: October 11™, 2012 at 8PT ET During this LIVE Teleseminar presentation GKIC Chief Marketing Officer Dave Dee is going to reveal to you the exact methods he’s used for years to create IRRESISTABLE Lead Generation Magnets that kept qualified prospects beating a path to his door day in, day out. Here’s what he'll reveal during this call: + Why you NEED to have your own unique “Lead Generation Magnet” and the specific advantages it gives you over your competition. * The FIVE Foundational elements of every Lead Generation Funnel and how to design them so they work in complete harmony to magnetically attract prospects to you. «The #1 Key to success for your Lead Generation Magnet... and if it misses the mark here, all your efforts will be wasted! * A fiendishly simple Step-by-Step formula for creating a KILLER Lead Generation Magnet in RECORD time AND costs next to NOTHING to. produce! «Keys to creating a Lead Capture Page that grabs ‘em from the get-go like a fly trapped in a spider's web... your prospect ean’t get away before giving up what you want! + And much much more! This is completely FREE and our gift to you. Just enter your information in the form below, press the “Sign Me Up” button, and you'll get all the details for the teleseminar. 4 wo"peojumoposmjye6' MMM Lead Generation Email Example ~ Realtor Copyright Free Subject Line: Free Report shows you how to Sell your Home Fast At Top Dollar Dear [Insert First Name], I you've been looking to sell your home and need to sell fast or are uncertain if you can get top market value, then you'll want to read every single word in this email For the first ime ever, 'm revealing the hidden secrets I've discovered as a top producer selling real estate over the past 25 years. This is a formula that no one else in my industry is using. In fact, 've been told I'm crazy to give this away free with no strings attached, However, | think itis unfair that so many homeowners are being advised that the best way to sell fast is to list their house at below market value, causing people to lose aut on thousands of dollars unnecessarily ‘You can take a look right here: [Insert Link] This Free Report, titled, “The 9 Hidden Secrets For Selling Your Home FAST While Getting Top Dollar’, is Packed with the exact profit-boosting strategies you need to not only prepare your home but to market your home so that you'll receive the maximum amount of money as possible for the sale of your home. Youll discover how to sell your home much faster than the average transaction time too. In fact, many of my clients who have followed my advice have sold their home in as litle as 20 days. And received top dollar too. You won't have to worry about whether these methods will work for you or not either, because I've perfected them and have been using them continuously and successfully even during the downtown in the real estate market. Plus, I've used them to sell small homes and mansions and everything in between, You have nothing to lose and there are no strings attached. But you better hurry: you'll only be able to access my special offer for a few weeks, until [Insert Date), So even if you aren't ready to sell your home right now, if you're thinking about it, | recommend you jump con this free offer. You can download your complimentary copy right now by heading over to [Insert Link] Sincerely, [Name] [Company Name] P.S. You won't find this information on any other real estate website or offered by any other realtor. There is no risk and no commitment necessary, so download your free copy today. [lnsert Link] 2 Lead Generation Email Example ~ Infotail Systems, Inc. Mike Capuzzi Elite Gold Crown September 2013 Promotion ~ Sequence #1 Email #1 ~ sent to my entire list Sent on Tuesday, September 20, 2013 ‘There are two options to click on in the email. i want to track and then promote to the list that is built from those who click they are interested. HEE Subject: Are you a marketing newsletter junkie? First Name, My wife and kids t \k I'm a bit odd because of my habit. You see, I'm a marketing newsletter junkie (the old school paper and ink kind) and currently | subscribe to more than 10 paid marketing newsletters every month. I store them in binders in my library to reference n the future. search for and collect old newsletters. | just flat out love reading and learning new marketing ideas and strategies from the best of the best. If you're like me and love marketing newsletters, | have a special announcement to make ‘tomorrow about a brand new collaboration I'm doing with copywriting genius Dan Kennedy and direct mail expert Jerry Jones. If you would like me to send you the details, please let me know. c here if you want to be on the notification list to hear the news! or. IF you don’t want to hear more about how Dan, Jerry and I can help you, click here. Hook forward to sharing all the details tomorrow! Regards, Mike Capuzzi wo"peojumoposmje6' MMM Email #2 ~ sent to my entire list less the people who have already let us know if or if not interested Sent on Wednesday, September 11, 2013 in early AM There are two options to click on in the email. I want to track and then promote to the fist that is built from those who click they are interested. HEHE Subject: Need a quick yes or no answer... First Name, Later today, I'm going to make a special announcement about a newsletter collaboration with copywriting expert Dan Kennedy and direct mail pro Jerry Jones and | want to know if you would like me to send you the announcement? Click on one of the following choices: Yes Mike, add me to your notification list. or No Mike, I'm not interested in hearing about this. If you're a student of marketing, copywriting and direct mail, you won’t want to look forward to hearing from you and sharing the details later today! Regards, Mike Capuzzi a Lead Generation Email Landing Page ~ Chiropractor Copyright Free Template Looking For A New Chiropractor? We're Offering You [Insert Free Offer/Service(s)] New patients receive [Insert Free Ser Picture [insert Savings} ('s}] on your first visit, a savings of There are no surprise costs. f you are 21 or older and a brand new pi Linsert Dr.’s Name], you qualify for [Free Service(s)], to. Come in and try us on for size. We know you'll find our staff friendly and {insert Dr's Name] is increcible at alleviating chronic back and neck pain. When you first arrive, you'l fill out some paperwork to give us some l background. Next, [Insert Or.’s Name] will sit down with you to chat about your history and why you're here. Then he'll give youa complete comprehensive examination which will include x-rays. This will give a full picture of what's going on so {Insert Dr.’s Name] can give you a comprehensive treatment plan. Simply call 123-000-0000 and schedule your appointment today or fil cut your contact information below and we'll have one of our staff contact you during business hours. Call NOW to schedule your FREE Exam. First Name Last Name Email Phone (ro Contact You) [Insert Patient #1 Testimonial Directly Related To Your Offer] ~ [Insert Full Name) [Insert Patient #2 Testimonial Directly Related To Your Offer] ~ [Insert Full Name} Linsert Patient #3 Testimonial Directly Related To Your Offer] - [Insert Full Name] 8 wo"peojumoposmje6' MMM Lead Generation Email - Brick & Mortar Copyright Free Template SUBJECT: Get [Insert Irresistible Offer] Good Umil [Insert Date}. Dear (Insert First Name), Ityou've been [insert frustrating pain they're going through or something they need} then you need to read every single word of this email We're going to do something our competitors in [insert own name] will NEVER consider in @ million years and we'd hate to see a [insert target prospect] like you miss out! For a limited time, we're going to give you [insert savings or Irresistible offer| that’s sure to [insert whom they’! impress and how, like their wife will love i or their kids witl lie playing with i You can learn more about it here: (Insert Link to squeeze page) This is sure to [inser big emotional benefit rhe prospect will get like atracting more women, feling more confident, remove 4 pain, or fulfill desive they ve always had. ‘And you won't have to deal with Jinsert common problems Your prospects have to go through to get your item, like high brices, dealing with bad customer service, ete] But you only have until /Inserr Deauiline); otherwise, you'll kick yourself when you miss this and regret not getting (Lasert the amazing savings or offer| and feel guilty for missing out. So don’t delay, head on over to: (Insert Link to squeeze page) Thanks! finsert Name and Company} P.S, Why are we doing this? Because [Insert big “reason why you're having this offer, like a holiday, overstock, or personal story. like your going on vacation, etc.) So don’t miss out on this offer because it expires immediately at [Insert time}. P.P.S. In case you're a tad skeptical or haven’t been to four store before, [talk about your stack and any “brag” or unique selling proposition you have that sets you apart from comperitors]. So take us up on ur friendly “bribe” right now by clicking on the link below before it gets taken down: (Insert Link to squeeze page) 2 Email Landing Page-Free Report/Consultation-Financial Advisor Copyright Free Template ATTENTION: [insert your target customer]. Here's a chance to take control of your financial future despite the uncertainty and “bad news” you hear and read about... “Get A Free [Report Or Consu/tation] And I'll Reveal 5 Little- Known Steps You Can Take Right Now To Build Your Financial Fortress And Retire In Comfort In ANY Economy!’ You Owe It To Your Financial Future To Take Action Right Now And Claim Your FREE [Report/Consultation] So You'll Be Able To Weather Any Storm And Ensure Your Financial Prosperity. Here's just some of what you'll discover that rrost financial advisors will NEVER share with their clients: ‘+ 3 mistakes you're committing right now that could be sabotaging your financial future {think of 3 common mistakes your clieats make and “tease” this in the bullet) + Why bad economy could be the BEST time to invest and pian your future, no matter what the naysayers say [include something “unconventional” your prospects accept as fact based on the news, media, et] + How to ensure your investments are safe even when the market goes down (these litle Known investment vehicies are “safety devices" that could prevent you from losing money) [focus on safety, securty, no losses, etc.) + How to avoid constantly worrying about the markets and bad news you see on CNBC and all the major networks (a solid plan makes these worries obsolete! [include an “avoid! bullet) Don’t put you and your family’s legacy at stake. {insert alarming stat about how many people retire poor). Cialm my FREE [Report/consuitation] and sleep better knowing your financial future could be secure. Unsert Scarcity, Such As Limited Quantity Or Time] Do Not Delay—Sign Up Now! Insert Web form] (insert 2.3 Results-Based Testimonials Here Focusing On Your Unique Selling Proposition} 20 wo"peojumoposmje6' MMM Lead Generation Email ~ Chiropractor Copyright Free Subject Line: Looking for a New Chiropractor? Free Exams Dear [Insert First Name}, If you've been searching for a new Chiropractor, your search is over. We'd like to offer you a FREE exam and x-rays to give you the chance to try out our office. You won't have to go through the trouble of trying to find a referral for one, And you won't have to deal with your insurance company (or lack of insurance). We believe you should fee! comfortable with your treatment plan before you ever have anything done. ‘And we are so certain you'll find our staff friendly, our care outstanding and comforting that we want to give you the opportunity to try us out for free. You can find out more here: {insert Link] ''ll meet with you personally to discuss your history and why you're here, before | ever start your exam, This is sure to put your mind at ease, Irealize that many people aren’t sure about going to a Chiropractor—usually because a prior experience that was less than satisfactory. Rest assured that | take a lot of care to make sure you are comfortable at all times. And you won't have to pay a dime for us to give you a full comprehensive exam and x-rays and our recommendations for a treatment plan. Simply call 123-000-5555 to schedule your appointment today or go online to [Insert Link] to schedule your appointment now. \cerely, [insert Name] P.S. We only have room to add a few more patients to our roster, so you'll have to hurry if you want to take us up on this offer! [insert Link} a 4-Step Lead Generation Email Sequence for aFREE Teleseminar copyright Free Template EMAIL #1 Dayo SUBJECT: Free Training Call This WEDNESDAY (On Wednesday, October 14th at 7:00 PM Eastern Time, | am holding a free training call and you are invited. The topic is: "The Amazing [PROBLEM-SOLVING] System Guaranteed To Enable Any [TARGET CUSTOMER] To [ACHIEVE HUGE TRANSFORMATION] Fast!" Introductory paragraph that reaffirms that THIS is the solution you've been looking for! Then introduce the bullet points of what you'll discover: * Lead with a great bullet that drives home a pain point ~ twist the knife and then offer relief! * Secret reveals something that someone else doesn’t want you to know... but it’s blocking you from success... but 'm going to spill the beans on it on this call! * Why you need to know something else... it’s costing you plenty... and here's how learning this is going to make all the difference in the world! * The exact steps to take to make sure you solve the core pain point you've always had ~in a simple and easy manner that anyone can do ~ guaranteed! * And MUCH More Besides! LINK: "Click Here to Sign Up Now!"> Reaffirm that THIS is exactly what you've been looking for and that it’s perfectly designed to solve the problems you've struggled with for years. Plus — this is absolutely free and my gift to you! Don’t miss out - take action now to get the details about this free call before its too late for whatever reason. Click the link below and we'll get you all the necessary information immediately! "See" you on the call! P.S,, Lonly have 100 lines held for the call and nearly 1/3rd are already taken, if you want to be part of this, you must register right away. 2 wo"peojumoposmje6' MMM EMAIL #2- Day 2 SUBJECT: , Training Call Update The lines for this call filled up the day after | announced it, so | added some mare capacity. If you still want to join and haven't registered yet, I still have a few slots left. < P.S., Here's my original email with all the details for your convenience. (On Wednesday, October 14th at 7:00 PM Eastern Time, | am holding a free training call and you are invited, The topic is: "The Amazing [PROBLEM-SOLVING] System Guaranteed To Enable Any [TARGET CUSTOMER] To [ACHIEVE HUGE TRANSFORMATION] Fast!" Introductory paragraph that reaffirms that THIS is the solution you've been looking for! Then introduce the bullet points of what you'll discover: * Lead with a great bullet that drives home a pain point ~ twist the knife and then offer relief! * Secret reveals something that someone else doesn’t want you to know... but it’s blocking you from success... but 'm going to spill the beans on it on this call! * Why you need to know something else... it’s costing you plenty... and here's how learning this is going ‘to make all the difference in the world! * The exact steps to take to make sure you solve the core pain point you've always had - in a simple and easy manner that anyone can do ~ guaranteed! * And MUCH More Besides! Reaffirm that THIS is exactly what you've been looking for and that it’s perfectly de: problems you've struggled with for years. Plus — this is absolutely free and my gift to you! Don’t miss out - take action now to get the details about this free call before its too late for whatever reason. Click the link below and we'll get you all the necessary information immediately! ‘ "See" you on the call! 3 EMAIL #3 ~ Day Before Event SUBJECT: Is 90 minutes really enough time? Every time | offer a training call, someone asks me whether 90 minutes is really enough time to [ACHIEVE TRANSFORMATION}, understand the skepticism, so | thought you might be interested in what [HAPPY CUSTOMER] had to say about one of my free training calls: “INSERT TESTIMONIAL THAT BASICALLY REAFFIRMS THAT YOUR CALLS ARE GREAT" ‘There are still a few lines left for my free teleseminar, "The Amazing [PROBLEM-SOLVING] Systern Guaranteed To Enable Any [TARGET CUSTOMER] To. [ACHIEVE HUGE TRANSFORMATION] Fast! It’s happening tomorrow, Wednesday, October 14th at 7:00 PM EST. ‘You can get all the details and register right now by clicking the link below: (Remember, there is no charge for this training call!) P.S. Below is the original e-mail, just in case you missed it. INSERT ORIGINAL EMAIL #1 HERE EMAIL #4 — Day of Teleseminar Event SUBJECT: Reminder: Free Training Call Tonight Just a friendly reminder that our training call is taking place today. The topic is: "The Amazing [PROBLEM-SOLVING] System Guaranteed To Enable Any [TARGET CUSTOMER] To [ACHIEVE HUGE TRANSFORMATION] Fast!" Date: Wednesday, October 14 Time: 7:00 PM EASTERN to 8:30 PM EASTERN wo"peojumoposmje6' MMM Sign Up Page: Cost: Free Speak with you tonight. - P.S. The response to this training call was overwhelming and the phone lines are going to be jammed. if ‘you call in late there is a chance that you might not get through. | suggest that you call in 5 minutes early. 35 Lead Generation Landing Page Copyright Free Template ATTENTION! Identify the exact slam-dunk customer who would benefit most from attending your teleseminar and catch their eye immediately: "Benefit Oriented Headline That Lays Out the Specific Reason or Reasons Target Customer Should Sign Up For Your Teleseminar — Make a Big Promise!" Picture Post Headline Adds to the Big Promise by Saying It’s Guaranteed, And/or to Drive Urgency by Noting There's a Limited Number of Lines Available, Time is Short, Etc. — You Must Act No Introductory paragraph that reaffirms that THIS Teleseminar training provides the solution to the core problem they've been looking for! ‘Then introduce the bullet points of what you'll discover: + Lead with a great bullet that drives home a pain point - twist the knife and then offer relieft + Secret reveals something that someone else doesn’t want you to know... but it’s blocking you from success... but I'm going to spill the beans on it in this free training call! + Why you need to know something else... it’s costing you plenty... and here’s how Jearning this is going to make all the difference in the world! + The exact steps to take to make sure you solve the core pain point you've always had ~ ina simple and easy manner that anyone can do - guaranteed! + And MUCH More Besides! Reaffirm that THIS is exactly what you've been looking for and that it's perfectly designed to solve the problems you've struggled with for years. Plus - this is absolutely free and my gift to you! 38 wo"peojumoposmje6' MMM Don't miss out - take action now to get your lead generation magnet before it’s too late for whatever reason. Fill in your first name, last name and email address and click the “Sign Me Up Now!” button - we'll reserve your seat and send you all the necessary information immediately! Some Kind of Scarcity Applies So DO NOT Delay ~ Sign Up NOW! Copyright © Your Company - All Rights Reserved Street Address, City, State, Zip Code 37 Lead Generation Landing Page Example Warning! Don't make mistake of thinking that 2012 will somehow be better if you only work harder and longer. “7 Rapid Fire Tips To Explode Your Performance, Profits, and Productivity in 2012!” Everything you need to know will be revealed during this FREE Teleseminar Friday, December 16, 2011 at 2PM Eastern Time. During this call, you will discover 100% “ready-to-roll” strategies to put your business on a super successful trajectory for 2012 from seven of the top marketing experts on the planet: © Dave Dee: Getting to YES! The 5-Minute Psychie Sales Seeret to Building Trust and Rapport with Anyone, Anywhere, any Any Time. ‘© Lee Milteer: ‘Three Keys to Changing Your Mindset and Re-Imagining Your Business to Achieve Massive Prosperity Even During Difficult Economic Times! + Robert Skrob: The Single Most Important Power Tool to Building a Business Plan Guaranteed to Out-Muscle All Your Competitors in 2012! © Paul Hartunian: The Simple 3-Step Formula to Writing the Perfect Press Release... Guaranteed to Get You the Acclaim, and Publicity You Deserve! © Ryan Deiss: ‘The "Elephant in the Room" of Internet Marketing that If You Don't See (or Choose to Ignore) Could Either Trample Your Business Completely OR... Create for You a Literal Stampede of Unstoppable Success! © Scott Hallman: The #1 Thing You Can Do RIGHT NOW (o Optimize Your Business Operations to Increase Your Revenues by 10% or More - Guaranteed! © Lewis Howes: ‘The Super Simple Non-Technical Social Media Trick Guaranteed to Produce an Exponential Increase in the Size of Your Herd - and it’s so easy a deaf, dumb, and blind trio of monkeys could do it! ‘© Bette Tomaszewiez: Super Critical Action Steps You Must Take in 2012 to Make it Wildly Successful Beyond ‘Your Dreams Making this eal is critical and it’s easy to do —just enter your name and email address in the form below and click the “Reserve my FREE seat!” button... we'll save your place and send you all the call-in details, Fe Naw Pomary Lena PRIVACY: Your privacy is just as important to us as it isto you, therefore we will ‘hot rent, sell, or share your contact information with anyone. Period, wo"peojumoposmje6' MMM 38 Lead generation Email Squeeze Page Copy-Dan Kennedy Copyright Free Martha — Look At The New Website About PAIN RELIEF Set UP Just For You At www. “Absolutely the most amazing way to treat and heal arthrtis-related pain, joint pain, back and neck pain or hand pain at home, without drugs, ever invented! Doctor recommended, completely guaranteed.” How To Finally Live Pain-Free At Any Age! Get A Better Night's Sleep & Get More Living Out Of Live Every day! Fo Lead generation Email Squeeze Page Copy-Dan Kennedy —_ Copyright Free Breaking News AMAZING ARTHRITIS PAIN RELIEF FINALLY HERE wo"peojumoposmje6' MMM Lead generation Email Squeeze Page Copy — Dan Kennedy Copyright Free What “THEY” Will Not Tell You About Living Without Chronic, Daily, Annoying, Embarrassing Pain - That | Will. 4 Lead generation Email Squeeze Page Copy-Dan Kennedy Copyright Free From Dan Kennedy, exclusively for AWAI freelance writers PROVEN & NOW AVAILABLE A pass-key to the vast treasure-trove of freelance writing opportunities inside the information marketing industry’ -where I've lived for 38 years... where good clients need good writers, right now. ‘Anew ‘open enrollment period’ at AWAI, ending , offers YOU the pass-key to this copywriter’s and content writer's paradise. Wwo"peojumoposmje6' MMM Lead generation Email Squeeze Page Copy Dan Kennedy Copyright Free SUPERCONFERENCE TIPS FROM CRAIG PROCTOR Dear Name. Over the next __ days, about once every 3 days, you'll get an email like this one with a different tip about what to expect, what to look for and how to get the most out of the SuperConference you're attending <dates> in <city>. Watch for them! Open them! Also, if you haven't yet returned your Attendee Questionnaire sent to you by mail on <date>, please do so immediately. You'll be entered to win <insert prize list>. And you'll help me with my final preparation. You can see a SuperConference Preview Video, too, at <insert site>. Now, here's what Insert Name, a Millionaire Agent, says about what you have to look forward to at SuperConference <insert testimonial> a Lead generation Email Squeeze Page Copy Dan Kennedy —_ Copyright Free Your Banker, Annuity Salesman, Stock Broker All Pray You Ignore This! STOP BEING A VICTIM OF NEAR-0% INTEREST ON YOUR HARD-EARNED SAVINGS. DOUBLE YOUR MONEY IN 2 TO5 YEARS. SAFELY. RETIRE SOONER & MUCH RICHER...AND STAY OUT OF THE ‘RIGGED GAMES" IN THE MARKET “DANGEROUS NEW 9-MINUTE VIDEO REVEALS HOW TO USE A NEAR-SECRET GOVT PROGRAM.....EARN FIXED INTEREST RATE OF 16% TO A MIDN- BOGGLING 36%....GUARANTEED BY THE GOVERNMENT..." AND EVEN POSSIBLY POCKET EXTRA CASH WINDFALLS OF $10,000.00 TO $50,000 MORE...” Wwo"peojumoposmjye6' MMM Lead generation Email Squeeze Page Copy Dan Kennedy —_Copyright Free NEW & URGENT: What If It Was Really Possible To Finally ESCAPE THE “RAT RACE” ONCE AND FOR ALL, and make more money from captaining one to three transactions a month that you do now, working full-time? FREE VIDEO WAITING FOR YOU AT <INSERT SITE> REVEALS AN ENTIRELY DIFFERENT, AMAZING WAY OF MAKIGN AN EXCELLENT LIVING AND LIVING AN EXCELLENT LIFE - WITHOUT AN INSECURE JOB, DIFFICULT BOSS OR BUSIENSS THAT ACTUALLY OWNS YOU INSTEAD OF YOU OWNING IT You'll naturally be an instant skeptic, as | was at first too, until | started picking up $5,000.00, $8,000.00, $15,000.00, even $30,000.00 from managing simple transactions, at home, with my computer, following a perfectly understandable system. As hard as it will be to believe, you could make as much from 4 hours’ “work” with these kinds of transaction as you do from 40 hours in your job or any ordinary business. Ill prove it. 45 MAGNETIC EMAIL MARKETING SYSTEM & TOOLKIT Toolkit: Session #2 Attention - Subject Line Secrets That Grab ‘Em By The Throat Ie Email Subject Line Examples Copyright Free A valuable lesson from a subscriber... Just checking in Been a long time T’'m back Quick question for you Hey When I get to the office When you have a few minutes It’s been awhile Sorry I forgot about you A quick message from... What do you think? ooops! This is stupid Email Subject Line Examples Copyright Free This is a gamechanger... Breaking News... Everybody's waiting for you... Need my help? I hope they're not ma This changes everything... Will 2015 be better than 2014? 85% sale ends today This is important Important letter to you Did you miss this yesterday? Did you see this? This #1 “weird trick" is worth it.... BAD NEWS wo"peojumoposmje6' MMM Email Subject Line Examples Copyright Free Bad news and good news... This changed me... If I had to start it all over again... Wanna pick my brain? 1 feel kinda sorry for you.. Good news for people who love bad news... CONFIDENTIAL Why you could be in danger... Last Friday I was scared... Rough day? Do NOT Make This Mistake Don’‘t Screw This Up Shhh...This Sale Is A Secret 3 Sales, 4 Days Left Email Subject Line Examples Copyright Free We cannot offer this all day... New shipment selling out quick, pre-order yours today Act now to get the last discount We love you. To show your appreciation, we’re giving you... As a special thanks for dropping by last week, here's a 20% discount You didn’t win our discount, but here’s an exclusive 15% off How I know you Ihave a problem Don't do this... I need to ask you a question... Don't forget this... I couldn't keep this secret... Happy New Year! 5 Things You Can Do To Make Your New Dan Kennedy on the 4th of July Wwo"peojumoposmye6' MMM Email Subject Line Examples Copyright Free Predict Where You Will Be At the End of 2014: Dan Kennedy's Process For Setting & Achieving Goals The 7 Critical Marketing Areas You need to have in Place to be Successful [BREAKING NEWS]: New free 75-page book shipped to your door "This made my profits rise to one hundred and nine percent The Peyton Manning Secret that is my BIGGEST discovery How to harvest wealth versus needing income The lie you've been told about advertising Dangerous stuff man, dangerous stuff... ~FirstName~, why didn't you do this? Six Sales Lessons You Can Use Today One of the best success parables ever crafted... Disturbing truth... 4 Reasons Why Some People Have Better Money Luck Email Subject Line Examples Copyright Free The SECRET to a Worry-Free Business Here's a thank you to all the entrepreneurs out there... #1 skill to master if you want to increase your income 5 Things To Do Right Now That Will Make 2014 Your Best Year I've Finally Released It... The secret of my success...laid out for you Three Ways to Show Up Like No One Else Live The Life Most People Can't The secret of my success...laid out for you The 5 best marketing strategies... Keep reading or miss out big... The 12 Most Lucrative Products You'll Ever Find wo"peojumoposmje6' MMM Email Subject Lines Copyright Free Templates [Your name] here with your [insert your giveaway]... Did you download the [insert giveaway] Ok? 7 secrets most [insert niche] will NEVER know... 6 secrets of [Insert benefit your product/service provides] 28 tips for [insert your niche] you can’t afford to miss 5 steps to staying sane with [insert your niche] 21 Ways To [Insert benefit you provide] The #1 mistake most [insert niche] makes Checklist: Are you [insert problem you solve]? Here’s the bad news about [insert niche] 5 Ways To Avoid [Insert problem you solve] The scary truth about [insert your niche] [The solution you provide] “they” don’t want you to know Are you headed for [insert problem your service solved]? [Insert big benefit]! 24 great ideas Email Subject Lines Copyright Free Templates [Insert big benefit]! 84 great tips Details on my [insert system or problem solved] here in today’s [prestigious thingy] [First name: 2 quick heads up [First name] an idea to run past you [Your name] finally solves [insert problem or solution you solve] [Your Name] here with a quick question {Your Name] is trying to reach you [Your Name] wants you to join his inner circle The information [First name] requested 2 free passes for you [First name] Sorry [First name] - I gotta disagree... [First name], I need your shipping address [First name], where can I send you your FREE [insert freebie] 5 Lessons Learned From [Insert Well-Known Person In The News] wo"peojumoposmje6' MMM Email Subject Lines Copyright Free Templates Have you been [insert problem you solve]? Check here. Did you forget to [insert problem you solve]? Take this test... [Insert niche] Checklist: Done all 22 Things? Did you forget to [insert problem you solve]? Find out... 27 simple ways to [insert problem you solve] 16 shortcuts for [insert niche] Top 10 tips for [insert problem you solve or benefit you provide] 55 keys to [insert niche] [insert controversial thing in your niche] is dead? [insert product launch] closing down? How to [insert big benefit for customer] Your [insert problem you solve] is broken... The Story Of [Insert crazy story for email] My favorite [insert niche] tool Email Subject Lines Copyright Free Templates The Ultimate [insert niche] Cheat Sheet [Case Study] How To [insert transformation your business provides] Will this [insert pain your prospects are avoiding] in 2015? [TONIGHT] My proven [insert your system] Revealed... [Last Chance] Create the [insert transformation you provide] [PROOF] How to [insert big benefit you provide] [Free Book] How to [insert name of giveaway] [FLASH SALE] This is how we [insert big benefit you provide] [Open NOW] The [insert launch] is LIVE! [insert product] comes down in 1 HOUR The Perfect [insert transformation you provide] [Insert big benefit] in 3 days or less? [Closing Tomorrow] Don’t get shut out...again! Good News...Your [insert transformation you provide] In 3 Days 10 Wwo"peojumoposmje6' MMM Email Subject Lines Copyright Free Templates How I get [insert benefit] in [insert short timeframe] [FINAL PLAYING] Emergency [insert niche] Webinar! [insert launch product] Only 43 Spots Left! (JUST RELEASED] [announce product launch] [FLASH SALE] Get [insert fast result] for [insert short timeframe] [FINALLY] Get This Proven [Insert product] You a [insert seemingly unattainable result you provide, for example “millionaire”]? The lazy person’s way to [insert result or problem solved] Last Chance - [product launch] Closing at Midnight TONIGHT! 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Happy Thanksgiving [or any other holiday]! 2 Wwo"peojumoposmje6' MMM Email Subject Lines Copyright Free Templates How I exposed the TRUTH about [insert result] Your Deadline Is Tonight [82% Off [insert product]] [REVEALED] Turn [asset into result you provide]... 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Why [insert Celebrity] Uses [product/service related to yours] Discover The [insert transformation you provide that’s quick, easy, etc.] Top 10 Secrets To [insert result you provide your prospects] Why Most [Insert group of people i.e. “Alaskans” or “Accountants”] Use [Insert product/service related to yours] For [insert target market] who hate [insert conventional dislike] What every [insert target market] must know about [insert niche] Confidential To [Insert target market] 9 Strategies For [insert result you provide] Quick Tips For [insert big benefit for prospect] Soon, [insert “fear” and “doom and gloom” scenario] Stop [insert problem prospects want solved] “ wo"peojumoposmje6' MMM Email Subject Lines Copyright Free Templates Last chance to [insert problem your product/service solves] 7 Annoying [common problems your target market endures and wants solved] 10 jaw-dropping [insert unconventional ways to get the transformation you provide] How A Shocking New [insert intro to crazy story...] Avoid [insert problem to be solved] with this one weird trick You won't believe what [insert intro to crazy story] How [insert underdog] was able to [insert dramatic result] by 98% Going...going...70% off [insert product] is almost gone! It’s all over [insert date and time] 12 Things You Didn’t Know About [Insert benefit] 9 Easy [insert niche] Hacks That'll [insert benefit] How To Increase [Insert big benefit] Struggling To [insert common problem your target audience wants solved]? Email Subject Lines Copyright Free Templates Why [insert contrarian strategy to the solution you provide] Is The Wrong Strategy [First name], You Might Also Like [insert product] 5 [insert benefit] Tips You Haven‘t Thought About Do NOT Commit These [Insert Niche] Atrocities Why Most [Insert target market] Are DEAD Wrong About [insert transformation] Want a better way to [insert transformation you provide] Breaking News from [insert your name or company’s name] Breaking down the anatomy of a [insert subject related to transformation you provide] 6 Sure-fire methods to [insert result] 8 Top Tips: How to [insert result you provide] [Insert alternative way to get the transformation you provide] SUCKS For [insert transformation] Here’s why. Rise Of The [insert common enemy] Wwo"peojumoposmje6' MMM Email Subject Lines Copyright Free Templates Do your [insert things your prospects do to get the result you provide] pass this test? A scientific way to [insert big benefit] [Insert amazing result]. Find out how... Why a 5 year old can [insert strategy your competition uses] Announcing 5 ways to [insert big benefit] without [pain to avoid]... Problem with your [insert subject pertaining to your niche] 5 Uncommon Ways To [Insert big benefit] This sells for [insert price] today - yours free How to [insert result]? [Free Training] How [insert common method or technique] can actually HURT [insert transformation you provide] Confessions Of A Former [insert where your prospect was before their transformation] PROOF that [insert your product or service] will [insert big benefit] 7 Different Types of Subject Line Examples Intriguing Question 300k in 90 Minutes? Yep... Wwo"peojumoposmje6' MMM 7 Different Types of Subject Line Examples How To How To Explode Your Email Profits 7 Different Types of Subject Line Examples 7 Secrets To... 7 Unusual Secrets To Better Sex wo"peojumoposmye6' MMM 7 Different Types of Subject Line Examples Current Event Tie In Kim Kardashian Sells Her Baby 7 Different Types of Subject Line Examples Personalized Hey, <First Name>... 2 Wwo"peojumoposmje6' MMM 7 Different Types of Subject Line Examples Bizarre Larry The Leprechaun With A Special Announcement 7 Different Types of Subject Line Examples Benefit Creating An Instant Cash Flow Surge wo"peojumoposmje6' MMM Core Elements to Include In Your Emails Make It Personal e You are selling you e Hobbies e Family e Self-deprecating e Tie it In... Core Elements to Include In Your Emails There Are Monsters In My Bed Last night at 3:00 AM, my four year old son, David, comes into my room and says, "Daddy, there are monsters in my room." After he and | went on a monster hunt, albeit a short and groggy one, we both concluded that there were no monsters and that he could go back to sleep. What does this have to do with marketing and business? A lot... You see, our marketing has to come from our customer's perspective. We must meet them where they are. We must know them, their fears, what makes them angry, and what keeps them up at night. And at times this can be difficult, especially if we are selling to people who are different from us. EF wo"peojumoposmje6' MMM Core Elements to Includ in an Email Example There are monsters in my bed Last night at 3:00 AM, my four year old son, David, comes into my room and says, "Daddy, there are monsters in my room." After he and | went on a monster hunt, albeit a short and groggy one, we both concluded that there were no monsters and that he could go back to sleep. What does this have to do with marketing and business? A lot... You see, our marketing has to come from our customer's perspective. We must meet them where they are. We must know them, their fears, what makes them angry, and what keeps them up at night. And at times this can be difficult, especially if we are selling to people who are different from us. ‘The multi-millionaire entrepreneur who sells products to people who are just getting by needs to be able to relate to those people, if he is ever going to be effective. The guy who once struggled as a network marketer and is now a superstar needs to remember he felt when he first got started if he wants to motivate the people in his down line. The 40 year old daddy who is tired and doesn't want to get out of bed needs to try and remember what it felt ike to be four and scared of the dark The President of needs to remember how it felt to be dead broke, deep in debt, and jobless - desperately wanting to buy Dan Kennedy's "Magnetic Marketing Toolkit" but being afraid to invest money and understand that other people probably fee! the same way. (Thank God, | overcame that fear and did buy "Magnetic Marketing”!) My all-time favorite speaker, Mr. Jim Rohn, says that in order to influence and persuade people, you need to meet them where they are. If they are in pain, you need to meet them in the pain. If they are angry, you need to meet them in the anger. If they are sad, you need to meet them in the sadness. You have to meet people where they are before you can lead them to where you want to go. Have an outstanding day! To your success and prosperity, ~Dave Dee President /ww.gkic. com PS. Do you own Dan Kennedy's "Magnetic Marketing Too! Kit"? Did you know that you can save over $100 on it and get a slew of extra bonuses not available anywhere else? Are you ready to instantly soar to the next level of success and income in your business? Are you ready to discover these incredible, proven inside secrets that will cause a virtual avalanche of new business for you in the following days, weeks, and months? Well then rush over to http://www. and get your copy today! 2 Core Elements To Include in An Email Example How Three Little Letters Can Supercharge Your Business, Let's recap a key point from the other day: "Markeling Is Not A Battle Of Products or Services, Marketing Is A Battle Of Perceptions.” There's an old saying in marketing that “Anyone can make soap - it takes real smarts to sell i.” If you're batting the competition on shared turf you can only compete relative to quality and pricing * Quality... once you get past a certain point. is relatively intangible to a prospect. They don't know how to evaluate it- all magicians must be pretty much the same, right? * Pricing... well, if you're competing solely on price then you are now just a commodity - and one generic magic show is just as good as another, hence let's go with the least expensive. This is a space you don't want to be in. Which is why you need to identify what it is you do that nobody else on the planet can match. That special something is called your USP - which stands for Unique Selling Proposition Dan Kennedy in his book, “The Ultimate Marketing Plan,” gives an example of a USP which literally built a business empire. ‘The USP is, "Fresh, hot pizza, delivered in 30 minutes or less, guaranteed.” Of course we know that this belongs to Domino's. Its an example of a perfect USP. Let's examine why and then see how you can apply it to your business The number one thing a USP must do is explain a tangible benefit to the customer. In marketing you must always convey benefits that your customers can readily identify with. Most businesses only talk about the features of their products and services. (With magicians, the features typically named are "pull a rabbit from a hat, float a lady in mid-air, etc.") Back to the Domino's example. The benefit described in their USP is that you're going to get your pizza fast and i's going to be hot. This is, obviously, a benefit that the customer can readily identity with. AUSP must also be targeted and to the point. Notce, itis not saying that their pizza is made with ‘grandma's secret recipe from the old country. It doesn't even say that the pizza will be good but father, youll get it fast and it be hot. Finally a USP must be short, Once sentence preferably, two sentences at the most. People must be able remember your USP. If is too long, they won't Ifyou already have a USP, great! Take a moment and critique it... see if there's any way you could rewrite it to have more power and drive more interest in the minds of your prospects. If you don't have a USP, start work on one right naw. This will set you apart from everyone else in your market. Keep moving forward. Jack PS... Want to stand out from the crowd and differentiate yourself from the countless other kids entertainers out there by offering something that no-one else is doing? 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