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Directions: Use the following to outline your paper. Remember, you may need more or less supporting
paragraphs, modify as necessary. Make sure to review the guidelines and requirements of the paper!

Primary Text/Author: Arthur Miller

Research Topic: The Crucible

Thesis reminders: Your thesis statement should be one sentence (the last sentence of your
introduction).. It should clearly state what you will be discussing throughout the essay and answer
the “how, what, and/or why” question(s). Your thesis should not just be a statement or fact, it


A. Hook (grab the reader’s attention in 1-2 sentences): The soul that has conceived one
wickedness can nurse no good thereafter. - SOPHOCLES, Philoctetes.

B. Background Information (provide background information about the text

(title/author and brief summary) and your research topic in 3-4 sentences): The Crucible
is a popular play written by Arthur Miller, a famous American writer. The play is about
witchcraft during the time of the witch trials in Salem. The play stresses the idea of of a lot of
negative activities. . The characters in this play, especially Abigail Williams, Reverend Parris’s
niece, struggles with the idea of being manipulative, evil, and telling lies because of reasons
such as hunger for power, jealousy and being in an intimate relationship with John Proctor.

C. Thesis (ONE sentence that presents your argument): Abigail Williams is evil and
manipulative, as seen in her actions to achieve her ultimate goal of being in an intimate
relationship with John Proctor, not taking into consideration the way she mistreat others, ruin
their reputation by lying, and cause people to go to jail or die, to meet that goal.


NOTE: Remember to add transition sentences between points A, B, & C in your first draft when
necessary for cohesion.
A. Topic Sentence (summarizes the paragraph and relates to the thesis): From early
on the the play, the readers learn that Abigail and Proctor are involve in sexual
relationship of some sort.

B. Supporting Evidence (connecting your research to the primary source/proving

your argument): The adultery between Proctor and Abigail happens only once but Abigail
wants to use that to break up Proctor’s marriage.

Quote(s) from secondary source:

a. Introduction to quote: Abigail is at the age where it was culturally acceptable for her
to get married. Her eyes are on Proctor at this point but he does not like her.

b. Quote: “...Abigail who was not married would have then had the extra burden being on
her own.”

c. Analysis and explanation: This shows why she is so determined to get John Proctor to
love her. Abigail is at the age of marriage during this time and she see that Proctor is
taking good care of his wife and providing for her, which is the role of the man in that
culture. Since she can not get him so easily, she makes up fake scenarios and put on a
show to accuse people of witchery including Elizabeth Proctor.

Quotes(s) from primary source:

a. Introduction to quote: Abigail tries to use the affair between her and Proctor to
manipulate him, and persuade him to express his romantic feelings for her.

b. Quote: “I know how you clutched my back behind your house and sweated like a
stallion whenever I come near! Or did I dream that? It’s she put me out, you cannot
pretend it were you. I saw your face when she put me out, and you loved me then and
you do now!”

c. Analysis and explanation: She is trying so hard to get Proctor to admit that he loves
her. She brings up stories from their past when she was living at his house so that he
can give account for what happened and why Elizabeth Proctor kicked her out. Abigail
takes things out of proportion, and adds fuel to the fire. Her behavior proves that she's
delusional and irrational. This personality trait is not good for a person who have as
much power that she has because she uses her power for her selfish desires, instead of
helping others.
C. Transition Sentence (smoothly connects the ideas of this paragraph to the ideas
of the next paragraph): Abigail is unsuccessful in trying to get Proctor to confess his love for
her, which makes her angry enough to start spreading lies and falsely accusing people of


NOTE: Remember to add transition sentences between points A, B, & C in your first draft when
necessary for cohesion.

A. Topic Sentence (summarizes the paragraph and relates to the thesis): Abigail’s
first target is Tituba, Reverend Parris’s slave from Barbados.

B. Supporting Evidence (connecting your research to the primary source/proving

your argument): As a result of Abigail failing to convince Proctor to love her, she takes out
her anger on Tituba. In the process of Reverend Hale of Beverly, trying to get Abigail to give
account of why Betty Parris is suddenly ill, Abigail says that it is because of Tituba’s
witchcraft spirit.

Quote(s) from secondary source:

a. Introduction to quote: When Abigail initially accuse Tituba of witchery, Tituba tries
to defend herself. However, she notices that her defense mechanisms is not working, so
she caves in and accept the accusation because it is the only way that she can be

b. Quote: “Tituba, a Barbados slave who is property of Rev. Parris. Tituba, who was
brought from her home country to work, is yet another outcast and seemingly lower in
the social hierarchy than Abigail Williams, thus an easy, disposable, target. When
accused of witchery, a capital crime punishable by death, by Abigail Williams and her
fellow group of girls Tituba breaks down and confesses to a crime that she did not
commit and to escape death accuse two other women in the colony, a beggar and
another woman...”

c. Analysis and explanation: This shows how manipulative Abigail can be. She leads
Tituba into believing that she is a witch. As a result, things escalates and many other
innocent people are accused of being a witch. The more people say that they are
witches like Tituba, the more that the court believes that the accusations are true. This
scenario also show Abigail’s smart and cunning behavior because Abigail plans
everything out and realizes that people are more likely to believe her if she accuse
Tituba of witchery due to Tituba’s ethnic and social background.

Quotes(s) from primary source:

a. Introduction to quote: Abigail decides to make up stories about how Tituba attacks

b. Quote: “Sometimes I wake and find myself standing in the open doorway and not a
stitch on my body! I always hear her laughing in my sleep. I hear her singing her
Barbados songs and tempting me with-”

c. Analysis and explanation: Abigail knows that Tituba’s life will be on the line if she
was associated with witchery. Yet, she chooses to falsely accuse her of being a witch.
This is an example of how Abigail did not care about other people’s feelings or the pain
that she will cost them. Her goal is to be with Proctor and she will do whatever it takes
to get what she wants.

C. Transition Sentence(smoothly connects the ideas of this paragraph to the ideas of

the next paragraph): As people start to believe Abigail’s accusations, she gains power and
now everyone is in trouble.


NOTE: Remember to add transition sentences between points A, B, & C in your first draft when
necessary for cohesion.

A. Topic Sentence (summarizes the paragraph and relates to the thesis): After
targeting Tituba, Abigail gains some attention, and she uses that to manipulate and
corrupt the brains of her other friends.

B. Supporting Evidence (connecting your research to the primary source/proving

your argument): Abigail is now the leader if the group. She refuses to go down without a
fight, so does everything that she can to make sure that the girls do not tell the truth about why
Betty may be sick.

Quotes(s) from secondary source:

a. Introduction to quote: Abigail has to make sure that everyone’s story is the same.

b. Quote: “The consistency of the two girls' accusations suggests strongly that the girls
worked out their stories together.”

c. Analysis and explanation: This example of how the girls lie about witchcraft attacking
them. All of their stories is planned, so that it can appear truthful but it is not. All of
these scenarios that Abigail plan exposes her manipulative behaviors. These clever
ideas brings Abigail closer to her goal of being with Proctor because people are paying
attention to her and her friends and believing their stories. If it wasn’t for her, they will
be doing all of these evil things and making up lies. She is the mastermind behind this

Quotes(s) from primary source:

a. Introduction to quote: Abigail threatens to kill the girls if they tell anyone what they
really saw during their gathering in the woods.

b. Quote: “Shut up! All of you. We danced. That is all, and mark this, if anyone breathe a
word or the edge of a word about the other things, I will come to you in the black of
some terrible night, and I will bring with me a pointy reckoning that will shudder you!
And you know I can do it. I saw Indians smash my dear parents' heads on the pillow
next to mine. And I have seen some reddish work done at night. And I can make you
wish you had never seen the sun go down”, said Abigail (Act I p.19).

c. Analysis and explanation: This shows how evil and selfish Abigail is. She’d do
anything to scare the girls so that they’d not tell anyone the truth about what happened
the night that they were in the bushes. This is the beginning of how she gains power
and makes everyone afraid of her.

C. Transition Sentence (smoothly connects the ideas of this paragraph to the ideas
of the next paragraph): Although there is a court system, the convictions are not fully just
due to the stories that the girls tell.


NOTE: Remember to add transition sentences between points A, B, & C in your first draft when
necessary for cohesion.

A. Topic Sentence (summarizes the paragraph and relates to the thesis): There’s no
separation between church and state during this time, so the judges are easy to convince
when it comes to telling stories about witchcraft.

B. Supporting Evidence (connecting your research to the primary source/proving

your argument): People are convicted without solid evidence. Most people are sentenced to
jail or death based off of other people’s testimonies instead of proof of evidence.

Quotes(s) from secondary source:

a. Introduction to quote: People’s testimonies matters more than facts.

b. Quote: “Other villagers came forward to offer stories of cheese and butter mysteriously
gone bad or animals born with deformities after visits by one of the suspects.”
c. Analysis and explanation: More reason why the rumors spread as much and as far as
it did. Most people were brainwashed and they blamed the idea of witchery if they
couldn’t find other reasons for their problems. Abigail uses this to her advantage and
plays on the hysteria of the town. In doing so, her plan is moving smoothly according to
her desires.

Quotes(s) from primary source:

a. Introduction to quote: It is difficult to bypass the court sentence once a person has
been accused of witchery.

b. Quote: “Excellency, I have signed seventy-two death warrants; I am a minister of the

Lord, and I dare not take a life without there be a proof so immaculate no slightest
qualm of conscience may doubt it.”

c. Analysis and explanation: The proves that he is talking about are the testimonies.
These court decisions are based solely on the testimonies of the girls. When people
come forward to testify, the judges believe them and sentence the accused to jail
without further investigation. The only way to get out of the jail or death sentence is to
accept the accusations that are made against you or claim that you are pregnant.

C. Transition Sentence (smoothly connects the ideas of this paragraph to the ideas
of the next paragraph): Although the judges have a lot of power, they manipulate justice.


NOTE: Remember to add transition sentences between points A, B, & C in your first draft when
necessary for cohesion.

A. Topic Sentence (summarizes the paragraph and relates to the thesis): Deputy
Governor Danforth overseas the witch trials in the court, and he send people to jail or
death without proper evidence.

B. Supporting Evidence (connecting your research to the primary source/proving

your argument): Danforth believes that God plays a part in his decision making skills also,
and he is doing the right thing by punishing people for witchery. He do not want to admit that
he believe the girls’ testimonies because he do not want to look foolish.

Quotes(s) from secondary source:

a. Introduction to quote: Many people suffers from Danforth’s decisions.

b. Quote: “Of the people Williams accused and/or testified against, 15 were executed, one
was tortured to death and the others either died in jail, were pardoned, were found not
guilty, escaped jail or evaded arrest all together.”
c. Analysis and explanation: Words can put people in a lot of trouble. Many people had
to suffer the consequences of Abigail’s testimonies. She did whatever she could to get
John Proctor without considering the amount of people she was hurting.

Quotes(s) from primary source:

Introduction to quote: Danforth is afraid of believing Mary Warren, John Proctor’s maid and
Abigail’s friend, when she tells him that the accusations of witchery are fake.

Quote: “In an ordinary crime, how does one defend the accused? One calls up witnesses to
prove his innocence. But witchcraft is ipso facto, on its face and by its nature, an invisible
crime is it not? Therefore who may possibly be witness to it? The witch and the victim. None
other. Now we cannot hope the witch will accuse herself; granted? Therefore, we must rely
upon their victims-and they do testify, the children certainly do testify. As for their witches,
none will deny that we are all eager for their confessions.”

Analysis and explanation: Danforth is skeptical about believing Mary Warren because he is
sentencing people to prison and giving other people death penalties without real evidence. He
is afraid that he will be held accountable for all of those people lives once he recognize that it
is all a game that Abigail is playing. In this town, people of high power are well respected
and admired. However, to Abigail, they are as common as anyone else because she
manipulates them to get to her final goal. With the amount of power that Abigail have,
nothing or noone can stop her from being with the man of her dreams.

C. Transition Sentence (smoothly connects the ideas of this paragraph to the ideas
of the next paragraph): In addition, the noblest people in the town is convicted of witchery.


NOTE: Remember to add transition sentences between points A, B, & C in your first draft when
necessary for cohesion.

A. Topic Sentence (summarizes the paragraph and relates to the thesis): Abigail is so
cogniving, that she manage to turn the court against the most religious people in the

B. Supporting Evidence (connecting your research to the primary source/proving

your argument): Rebecca Nurse is a humble woman who loves God. She is very quiet and
religious but yet she gets thrown into prison due to Abigail’s testimony against her.

Quotes(s) from secondary source:

a. Introduction to quote: Rebecca is very old and she do not do anything to offend other
people or cause them harm, yet, she is still accused of witchery.
b. Quote: "This venerable lady, whose conversation and bearing were so truly saint-like,
was an invalid of extremely delicate condition and appearance, the mother of a large
family, embracing sons, daughters, grandchildren, and one or more great-grandchildren.
She was a woman of piety, and simplicity of heart."

c. Analysis and explanation: Abigail do not care about anyone. She do not respect her
elders and have no regret in lying on an older woman’s name, who is old enough to be
her great-grandmother. At this point, Abigail thinks that it is a game and she can play it
however she want and whenever she want. She do not see the importance of other
people’s lives because she is so self-centered.

Quotes(s) from primary source:

a. Introduction to quote: Nobody is safe in this town. No matter who they are or their
social class, people are still charged with witchery based on the girls’ testimonies.

b. Quote: “ I have this morning signed away the soul of Rebecca Nurse, Your Honor.”

c. Analysis and explanation: Even the most humble people in the town are treated like
nobodies. They are scrapped of their identity and mistreated. There is no respect shown
to Rebbecca for being a woman of dignity and a woman of God. She does not let any
evil come upon others while she’s around. During her visit to Parris’ house, she choose
to leave instead of watching Reverend Hale from Beverly putting Betty through pain
and suffering.

C. Transition Sentence (smoothly connects the ideas of this paragraph to the ideas
of the next paragraph): In addition, Abigail narrows her target down to Elizabeth during a
vulnerable period in their marriage.


NOTE: Remember to add transition sentences between points A, B, & C in your first draft when
necessary for cohesion.

A. Topic Sentence (summarizes the paragraph and relates to the thesis): Despite
Proctor’s defensive attitude towards Abigail, he and Elizabeth does not have a smooth

B. Supporting Evidence (connecting your research to the primary source/proving

your argument): Elizabeth knows about Proctor’s relationship with Abigail. He is slowly
trying to make it up to her but she does not fully trust him yet.
Quotes(s) from secondary source:
a. Introduction to quote: Elizabeth believes that it was her fault that John cheated
because she was not very intimate and emotional with him

b. Quote: “Elizabeth’s self-awareness consists in her complete reversal of her attitude to

her husband, which is accompanied by her guilt for being unemotional in marriage.”

c. Analysis and explanation: If Abigail would’ve left that family alone, they would’ve
been fine. Although Elizabeth partially played a part in Proctor seeking emotions from
somewhere else, she’s not fully responsible for him taking actions and being intimate
with Abigail. Unfortunately, Abigail made Elizabeth feel that way

Quotes(s) from primary source:

a. Introduction to quote: John is trying so hard to please Elizabeth, but she is not paying
attention to him.

b. Quote: John is trying to explain to Elizabeth that he is trying to please her and get on
his good side, and her response is “I know it, John.”

c. Analysis and explanation: She can not get over the fact that her husband committed
adultery, which is a serious crime in the town, with her maid.

C. Transition Sentence (smoothly connects the ideas of this paragraph to the ideas
of the next paragraph): Even though Proctor do not give Abigail the attention that she craves,
she still stick to her initial plan.


NOTE: Remember to add transition sentences between points A, B, & C in your first draft when
necessary for cohesion.

A. Topic Sentence (summarizes the paragraph and relates to the thesis): After
making many people lives miserable with her lies, Abigail is now at the climax of her
plan so her next target is Elizabeth Proctor.

B. Supporting Evidence (connecting your research to the primary source/proving

your argument): To show how evil Abigail can be, she plans every detail of her story to get
Elizabeth in big trouble with the court. Abigail sees that Mary Warren, Proctor’s maid, is going
to give Elizabeth a doll that she sticks a needle in after sewing it, so she complains of stomach
Quotes(s) from secondary source:
a. Introduction to quote: Majority of the time when someone accused others of
witchery, they complain about having pain in their abdomen, side, near their groin, and
in their private area.

b. Quote: “Many of the accusations fell from claims of witchcraft experienced in pains
and pressure to the side of the abdomen, near the groin, and genitalia (Examination of
Mary, 1692, p. 31).”

c. Analysis and explanation: This may be proof of how the accusations were fake
because most of the accusers were adolescent girls and that’s usually the areas of their
bodies where they experience period cramps and symptoms.

Quotes(s) from primary source:

a. Introduction to quote: In addition to accusing Elizabeth, Abigail brings up the story of
the doll, and she says that Elizabeth is messing with her stomach through the voodoo

b. Quote: “Abigail were stabbed tonight, a needle was found stuck into her belly” said
Hale (Act II p. 72)

c. Analysis and explanation: Abigail saw Mary Warren stick the needle into the doll
after she finished sewing it. She also knew that Mary would give it to Elizabeth
Proctor, so she staged being stabbed so that Elizabeth can be charged with witchery.

C. Transition Sentence (smoothly connects the ideas of this paragraph to the ideas
of the next paragraph): Although Proctor has been trying to stay out of the court as much as
possible, he visits the court to plead his wife’s innocence.


NOTE: Remember to add transition sentences between points A, B, & C in your first draft when
necessary for cohesion.

A. Topic Sentence (summarizes the paragraph and relates to the thesis): Seeing that
Abigail can not win Proctor’s love, she testifies against him in court and accuses him of

B. Supporting Evidence (connecting your research to the primary source/proving

your argument): Despite Abigail trying to ruin Proctor’s reputation, he choose to come clean
and tell everyone about his affair with her. Remembering the heartbreak that Elizabeth
struggles with when she finds out about Abigail and Proctor’s affair, Proctor choose to defend
his wife in court. He is done protecting himself and seeing his wife suffer.
Quotes(s) from secondary source:
a. Introduction to quote: With Proctor’s high standards in his community, a lot of people
respect him. However, his only way of saving his wife is to let everyone know about
his affair with Abigail and tell them that that is the reason why she’s trying to get his
wife killed

b. Quote: “If he has to save his wife, the only alternative left before him is to accuse
Abigail of deliberately plotting his wife’s murder and while doing so, as a necessity
Proctor has to expose his private life and the sense of guilt he harbors to the

c. Analysis and explanation: This is another example of how Abigail’s plans failed. She
thought that Proctor would try to protect his name and his identity by not telling people
about their affair. Unfortunately for her, she was wrong and he chose his wife over her
and himself.

Quotes(s) from primary source:

a. Introduction to quote: With all the commotions that is going on, Proctor is tired of
letting his wife take the fall for his mistakes. He decides to come out and tell his secret
to everyone in court.

b. Quote: “God help me, I lusted, and there is a promise in such sweat. But it is a whore’s
vengeance, and you must see it; I set myself entirely in your hands. I know you must
see it now.”

c. Analysis and explanation: Proctor refuses to love Abigail and let his wife be punished
for something that she did not do. At this point, he will rather die than put Elizabeth
through any hardships.

C. Transition Sentence (smoothly connects the ideas of this paragraph to the ideas of
the next paragraph): After putting people through hell, Abigail disappears.


NOTE: Remember to add transition sentences between points A, B, & C in your first draft when
necessary for cohesion.

A. Topic Sentence (summarizes the paragraph and relates to the thesis): In terms of
not feeling bad for hurting others, Abigail runs away with apologizing to the families
that she hurt.
B. Supporting Evidence (connecting your research to the primary source/proving your
argument): Abigail and Tituba becomes partners in crime. By confessing to being a witch,
does not get sentenced to jail or death. She and Abigail run away when the court begin to
question their stories and have more just trials.

Quotes(s) from secondary source:

a. Introduction to quote: Despite causing all of this commotions, Abigail and Betty
didn’t feel the need to express their sympathy to the families that they hurt. However,
only Ann Putnam Jr. apologized.

b. Quote: “Neither Abigail Williams or Betty Parris ever apologized for their roles in the
Salem Witch Trials. Ann Putnam, Jr., was the only afflicted girl who did when she
submitted a written apology to the church in Salem Village in 1706.”

c. Analysis and explanation: This is proof that Abigail was heartless and she did not care
about nobody but herself, and she turned her cousin Betty into a heartless person too

Quotes(s) from primary source:

a. Introduction to quote: Parris thinks that Abigail and Tituba stole from his strongbox
and boarded a ship because Betty overheard them talking about ships last week

b. Quote: “Excellency, I think they be aboard a ship. My daughter tells me how she heard
them speaking of ships last week, and tonight I discover my-my strongbox broke into,”
said Parris. (Act IV p. 117)

c. Analysis and explanation: Abigail does not want to deal with the consequences of all
the lies that she told, so she dragged Mercy Lewis with her to steal from her uncle
Parris and run away. She thinks she can do whatever she wants whenever she wants and
get away with it.

C. Transition Sentence (smoothly connects the ideas of this paragraph to the ideas of
the next paragraph): Overall, many innocent people suffers the wrath of one jealous
individual, and in some cases, their lives are unjustly taking away.

III. Conclusion

A. Restate the Thesis in Different Terms: Abigail’s wickedness cause her to bestole pain
and suffering onto other people with no remorse for a chance of having an intimate
relationship with John Proctor.

B. Summary of Major Points: After going through all of the hard work and struggles to
get Proctor to like her does not get her heart desires. Proctor ends up dying and Abigail runs
away so they do not end up having the relationship that Abigail wanted.

C. Leave the Reader with Something to Think About: Is it worth it to throw your
dignity away in hopes of getting someone to fall in love with you?

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