Rest and Treatment/rehabilitation Following Sport-Related Concussion: A Systematic Review

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Br J Sports Med: first published as 10.1136/bjsports-2016-097475 on 24 March 2017. Downloaded from on 26 February 2019 by guest. Protected by copyright.
Rest and treatment/rehabilitation following
sport-related concussion: a systematic review
Kathryn J Schneider,1 John J Leddy,2 Kevin M Guskiewicz,3 Tad Seifert,4
Michael McCrea,5 Noah D Silverberg,6 Nina Feddermann-Demont,7,8 Grant L Iverson,9
Alix Hayden,10 Michael Makdissi11,12

►► Additional material is ABSTRACT peripheral vestibular system. Therefore, a variety of

published online only. To view Aim or objective  The objective of this systematic treatments may be required that address ongoing
please visit the journal online
(http://d​ x.​doi.o​ rg/​10.​1136/​​ review was to evaluate the evidence regarding rest and symptoms and impairments following injury.7 8 The
bjsports-​2016-​097475). active treatment/rehabilitation following sport-related purpose of this systematic review was to evaluate
concussion (SRC). the evidence related to two questions: (1) What is
For numbered affiliations see Design  Systematic review. the evidence that rest is beneficial following concus-
end of article. sion, and is there an optimal duration of rest? (2)
Data sources  MEDLINE (OVID), CINAHL (EbscoHost),
PsycInfo (OVID), Cochrane Central Register of Controlled What is the evidence that active treatment and
Correspondence to
Dr Kathryn J Schneider, Sport Trials (OVID), SPORTDiscus (EbscoHost), EMBASE (OVID) rehabilitation is effective for athletes who have
Injury Prevention Research and Proquest DissertationsandTheses Global (Proquest) experienced SRC?
Centre, Faculty of Kinesiology were searched systematically.
University of Calgary, 2500 Eligibility criteria for selecting studies Studies
University Drive N.W. Calgary, Methods
were included if they met the following criteria: (1)
Alberta T2N 1N4, Canada; The initial search terms used in this systematic
k​ jschnei@​ucalgary.c​ a original research; (2) reported SRC as the diagnosis;
review, the inclusion criteria, exclusion criteria and
and (3) evaluated the effect of rest or active treatment/
database selection were generated and reviewed
Accepted 28 February 2017 rehabilitation. Review articles were excluded.
Published Online First by the author group. The draft MEDLINE search
Results  Twenty-eight studies met the inclusion criteria
9 March 2017 strategy was then sent to an expert librarian (KAH)
(9 regarding the effects of rest and 19 evaluating active
to ensure its completeness and accuracy. This was
treatment). The methodological quality of the literature
done according to the PRESS Guideline Statement
was limited; only five randomised controlled trials
using the CADTH Peer Review Checklist.9 The
(RCTs) met the eligibility criteria. Those RCTs included
librarian revised and expanded the MEDLINE
rest, cervical and vestibular rehabilitation, subsymptom
search, and then translated it for the other data-
threshold aerobic exercise and multifaceted collaborative
bases (see online supplementary tables S1 and S2).
An a priori data extraction table was generated and
Summary/conclusions  A brief period (24–48 hours)
approved by all authors.
of cognitive and physical rest is appropriate for most
The following electronic databases were
patients. Following this, patients should be encouraged
searched: MEDLINE (OVID), CINAHL (Ebsco-
to gradually increase activity. The exact amount and
Host), PsycInfo (OVID), Cochrane Central Register
duration of rest are not yet well defined and require
of Controlled Trials (OVID), SPORTDiscus (Ebsco-
further investigation. The data support interventions
Host), EMBASE (OVID) and Proquest Dissertations
including cervical and vestibular rehabilitation and
and Theses Global (Proquest). The search was run by
multifaceted collaborative care. Closely monitored
the expert librarian and exported for review for the
subsymptom threshold, submaximal exercise may be of
author group (up to and including articles published
until 17 October 2016) (see online supplementary
Systematic review registration PROSPERO
tables S1 and S2). Duplicates were removed. Refer-
ences of included papers and systematic reviews
were searched for additional references and authors
were asked to share any additional references that
Introduction met the inclusion criteria. The total yield of arti-
Sport-related concussion (SRC) is among the most cles was divided into half and the title and abstract
common sport and recreation injuries.1 2 Most of each article was independently reviewed for
athletes recover gradually over the initial days inclusion by two authors for each question (four
following injury, but up to 15% have been reported authors in total). To be considered for inclusion in
to have time loss of at least 30 days.3 After a concus- this review, articles had to (1) be original research
sion, a period of cognitive and physical rest until the (including RCTs, quasi-experimental designs, case
acute symptoms resolve followed by a progressive series, case cross-overs and case studies, cohort
return to activity according to a protocol of graded and case control), (2) have the focus of the study
exertion is recommended.4 This advice is based on be SRC as a source of injury and (3) evaluate the
expert opinion and was developed at sequential effect of rest or treatment. Review articles and arti-
To cite: Schneider KJ, consensus meetings on concussion in sport.4–6 cles published in abstract form only were excluded.
Leddy JJ, Guskiewicz KM, The symptoms and problems following concus- In the case of disagreement or uncertainty between
et al. Br J Sports Med sion can vary considerably, and athletes can also the two reviewers, a third reviewer was engaged
2017;51:930–934. experience associated injury to the cervical spine or to resolve the discrepancy and where required,
1 of 7 Schneider KJ, et al. Br J Sports Med 2017;51:930–934. doi:10.1136/bjsports-2016-097475

Br J Sports Med: first published as 10.1136/bjsports-2016-097475 on 24 March 2017. Downloaded from on 26 February 2019 by guest. Protected by copyright.
full-text manuscripts were retrieved to determine eligibility for a period of 1 week of prescribed cognitive and physical rest.13
inclusion. Greater activity level was associated with shorter symptom
Full texts were retrieved for all included articles, which were duration in one observational study15 and longer symptom dura-
then subcategorised as per the main topics of rest and treat- tion in another.16 Two cohort studies found that self-report or
ment. Two authors independently extracted data for each of the parent-report of prescription of rest did not predict a longer
articles and independently evaluated the risk of bias using the recovery.17 18 Two retrospective studies did not find a signifi-
Downs and Black (DB) checklist for methodological quality.10 cant association between recommended cognitive rest and time
In the case of a discrepancy, the authors discussed the differ- to symptom resolution.19 20 In summary, there is conflicting
ence in rating and came to a final rating. In the event that the evidence on the efficacy of rest following concussion on recovery
authors were unable to come to a consensus, a third rater was of premorbid function and symptom resolution.
engaged. We used this checklist because we anticipated a variety
of study designs, and this checklist is appropriate for assessing
randomised and non-randomised studies. A higher rating on the Treatment
DB checklist indicates a lower risk of bias. Studies scoring below Nineteen studies evaluated the effects of treatment following
a 5 on the DB checklist were removed from the review due to a SRC (see online supplementary table S3). The majority (16/19
high risk of bias. Data were extracted using standardised tables studies) reported positive effects with treatment but many were
and included the following: study design, participants (sample at high risk of bias (DB scores ranging from 6 to 25 with 11/19
size, age, sex, sampling methods), treatment (frequency, inten- scores below 16). Common methodological limitations included
sity, type, timing/duration), outcome measures, key findings lack of a control group, lack of randomisation and lack of
(point estimates with 95% confidence intervals) and level of control for confounders. One RCT demonstrated positive effects
evidence (per Oxford Centre for Evidence Based Medicine).11 with multimodal physiotherapy21 and two RCTs evaluated the
Extracted data were synthesised qualitatively. We present a effects of subsymptom threshold aerobic exercise training—one
qualitative synthesis of the available data regarding the effec- identifying a positive effect22 and the other found no difference
tiveness and duration of rest following SRC, and a qualitative with training.23 The other RCT evaluated collaborative care,
synthesis of the available data regarding the effectiveness of including advocacy and coordination with schools regarding
treatment and rehabilitation for athletes with SRC. Meta-anal- accommodations and motivational interviewing, cogni-
yses were not performed because the intervention and outcome tive–behavioural therapy (CBT) and psychopharmacological
data were heterogeneous. consultation.24 Other treatments that reported positive effects
included a physiotherapy programme,25 26 cognitive therapies,27
medical treatments using amitriptyline,28 amantadine,29 periph-
Results eral nerve blocks (including greater occipital nerve blocks)30 and
A total of 8224 citations were identified via the electronic data- exercise interventions including submaximal aerobic training
base search and 2518 duplicates were removed. Four other in children31 32 and adults.33–36 Individuals who performed the
records were identified for a total of 5710 citations. Of the four greatest activity level were found to have worse performance in
additional record identified by authors, three were not captured visual memory, but not other cognitive domains, in one study.37
in the initial search as they did not mention sports or related No difference was seen in symptoms or clinical recovery when
keywords in the abstract or indexing and one did not include participants were exposed to a symptom-free waiting period
terms relevant to treatment or rest. A third reviewer was engaged prior to returning to play.38 39
to assess inclusion following screening of title and abstract for In summary, there is moderate evidence that targeted cervical
35 records in which there was disagreement. Forty-one records and vestibular physiotherapy is more effective than typical rest
were reviewed in full text and 29 records met the inclusion followed by graded exertion to facilitate medical clearance to
criteria (see figure 1 for PRISMA flow diagram). One study was return to sport. There is limited evidence that collaborative
subsequently removed from the review due to its high risk of care (including CBT, psychopharmacological consultation and
bias (DB score=2) resulting in a total of 28 studies (see online care management) reduces symptoms and improves health-re-
supplementary table S3). lated quality of life in youth. There is conflicting evidence
A total of 3218 participants (ages 5–53) were included in this that subsymptom threshold aerobic exercise decreases time
systematic review. The studies (five RCTs, nine cohort studies, to recovery; however, the majority of literature suggests a
two quasi-experimental studies, 12 case series) had varying positive effect. There is no evidence to minimal evidence that
scores on the DB criteria with the RCTs scoring highest—DB medical treatments are of benefit to facilitate recovery following
range: 18–25, cohort studies—DB: 7–23, quasi-experimental— concussion.
DB: 15–21 and case series—DB: 6–16.

Rest Most consensus and agreement statements for managing SRC4 40
Nine studies examined rest following concussion (see online recommend that athletes rest until they become symptom-free.
supplementary table S3). Six studies included both children and Accordingly, prescribed rest is one of the most widely used inter-
adults and three studies included only children. There was one ventions in this population.42–45 At least three rationales for rest
eligible RCT that evaluated the effects of strict rest following have been articulated. First, rest probably mitigates postcon-
SRC in adolescents and found that both groups had a 20% cussion symptoms, easing discomfort during the acute recovery
decrease in total energy expenditure following injury.12 The period. Second, rest might promote recovery by minimising
individuals who were randomised to recommendation of strict energy demands during haemodynamic and neurometabolic
rest reported higher total symptom over 10 days and had slower restoration following concussion.46–48 Third, athletes are at an
symptom resolution.12 Two non-randomised treatment studies increased risk for sustaining a recurrent concussion within the
recruiting from the same specialty clinic reported benefit from first 7–10 days after the initial concussion.38 A repeat concussion
Schneider KJ, et al. Br J Sports Med 2017;51:930–934. doi:10.1136/bjsports-2016-097475 2 of 7

Br J Sports Med: first published as 10.1136/bjsports-2016-097475 on 24 March 2017. Downloaded from on 26 February 2019 by guest. Protected by copyright.
Figure 1  PRISMA flow diagram as follows: Records after duplicates removed 5710; records screened 5710 and Records excluded 5669.

during this period of recovery might have a magnified effect.49–51 or 6 months following injury.52 Adolescents with concussion
Note that this last rationale for rest is for restricting sport partici- who were prescribed complete rest for 5 days reported more
pation and other preinjury activities with an elevated concussion symptoms over the 10-day observational period compared
risk rather than for restricting all usual activities (ie, complete with adolescents who received usual care, typically including
rest). advice to rest for 1–2 days.12 The two groups performed simi-
There is currently insufficient evidence that prescribing larly on balance and cognition outcomes. Of note, adherence to
complete rest facilitates recovery following SRC. Observational prescribed complete rest was modest in both these trials, which
studies report mixed findings regarding whether physical or may have contributed to the small differences between the inter-
mental activity during the days to weeks after SRC are associated vention groups. This also highlights the practical challenges of
with faster or slower recovery times.15 16 19 20 37 Student athletes implementing prescribed rest. In children, self-reported physical
reported fewer symptoms and performed better on cognitive activity within 7 days of concussion was associated with reduced
testing following a week of prescribed rest.13 14 However, the risk of persistent postconcussive symptoms at 28 days following
high risk of bias in these uncontrolled and non-randomised injury.53
studies leaves doubt as to whether the positive outcomes were In summary, the best available evidence from clinical studies
attributable to prescribed rest versus pre-existing differences, does not support the efficacy of prescribing complete rest for
natural recovery, expectations/placebo effects or other thera- more than a few days after SRC. Both observational and exper-
peutic aspects of the clinical encounter. imental laboratory studies have demonstrated that bouts of
There is limited higher quality evidence from RCTs that intense physical or mental activity can exacerbate symptoms
recruited athletes and non-athletes from an emergency depart- in concussed athletes.54–58 These exacerbations appear to be
ment. In an RCT involving adults with concussions due to transient54 58 59 and further research is needed to understand
mostly (90%) non-sport causes, prescribing 6 days of complete the underlying pathophysiology and potential impact on long-
rest (versus encouraging patients to mobilise and limit their bed term outcomes. In the interim, athletes can be encouraged to
rest starting on the day after injury) was associated with less gradually resume their non-sport activities as tolerated, avoiding
dizziness in the first 4 days but bed rest was not associated with a heavy exertion and activities that have an elevated concussion
meaningful difference in clinical outcomes at 2 weeks, 3 months risk until they are medically cleared. Prescribing rest for more

3 of 7 Schneider KJ, et al. Br J Sports Med 2017;51:930–934. doi:10.1136/bjsports-2016-097475


Br J Sports Med: first published as 10.1136/bjsports-2016-097475 on 24 March 2017. Downloaded from on 26 February 2019 by guest. Protected by copyright.
than a few days should be weighed against the possible harms (light) aerobic exercise multiple times per week. Overall, oursys-
of prolonged activity restriction, especially in elite sports.60–62 tematic review supports the notion that controlled exercise
However, shortening the rest period should not necessarily mean performed at an intensity and duration that does not exacer-
rapid return to sport. Timing of return to sport remains a chal- bate symptoms is likely safe and beneficial for adult athletes
lenge especially given the evidence for a period of vulnerability with persistent symptoms following concussion. Athletes in the
to reinjury in some athletes following concussion and should be submaximal exercise groups typically reported fewer symptoms,
guided by a multimodal clinical assessment. recovered to baseline on cognitive and balance scores faster, and
in one study34 demonstrated more efficient activation patterns
on functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI) relative
Treatment: rehabilitation to matched controls. One RCT in adolescents demonstrated a
Historically, rest followed by a protocol of graded exertion has positive treatment effect with subsymptom exacerbation aerobic
been the treatment of choice following SRC.4 6 However, a more training on symptom ratings; however, poorer adherence to
active approach to rehabilitation may be of benefit.7 25 31–34 63 exercise was reported in the aerobic training group compared
Our systematic review identified five studies that evaluated with the stretching group.79 The other RCT demonstrated no
rehabilitative techniques following concussion, one of which difference between groups in time to recovery.80
was an RCT evaluating multimodal physiotherapy treatment Studies involving children and adolescent athletes experiencing
(DB score 25), one RCT evaluating collaborative care (DB score symptoms for at least 4 weeks following concussion showed
19) and three case series evaluating cognitive rehab (DB score similar improvements after completion of a progressive rehabil-
12) and multifaceted physical therapy and exercise (DB score 9 itation programme.31 32 All young athletes returned to a normal
and 11). For individuals with persisting symptoms of dizziness, lifestyle and full sport participation. While more robust RCTs
neck pain and headaches, a combination of cervical and vestib- are needed, these findings suggest that closely monitored active
ular rehabilitation has positive treatment effects in both youth rehabilitation programmes involving controlled subsymptom
and young adults compared with standard care (rest followed by threshold, submaximal exercise for adults and adolescents with
graded exertion).21 Treatment was individualised and was based persistent symptoms after concussion may be of benefit.
on persisting impairments in cervical and vestibular function.21
Multifaceted physiotherapy treatment regimes that include
adaptation, balance, musculoskeletal, aerobic, anaerobic and Treatment: medical
sport-specific exercises might be useful.25 26 However, poor Three studies on medical treatment of SRC were identified. All
methods (including poor description of the endpoint of return studies were retrospective case series with moderate risk of bias
to full activity) limit the conclusions that can be drawn. scores. Two of the studies described the treatment of post-trau-
There is a large body of evidence demonstrating positive treat- matic headaches (PTH) with either interventional or traditional
ment effects with vestibular rehabilitation for individuals with pharmacological measures. There is limited evidence to support
vestibular disorders.65–67 Vestibular rehabilitation is safe and various medical management strategies for SRC, including the
effective for peripheral vestibular disorders including unilateral treatment of PTH. There are no available data from RCTs eval-
peripheral vestibular hypofunction and benign paroxysmal posi- uating the therapeutic efficacy of medical interventions specific to
tional vertigo.65–68 Additionally, studies evaluating the effects of PTH (in athletes or otherwise), although a small number of case
vestibular rehabilitation have demonstrated positive symptom- reports and cohort studies have recently been published. The data
atic and functional improvements in patients who have suffered from studies suggesting that certain pharmacotherapeutics may be
mild traumatic brain injuries (mTBI) of all types, including blast effective treatment strategies in the context of PTH have not shown
injuries.69–71 Thus, vestibular rehabilitation may be appropriate that medical intervention hastens recovery following SRC.28 81 82
for individuals with persistent vestibular findings following SRC.
A combination of specific exercises and manual therapy that
focus on function is effective for improving pain and function Treatment: other (symptom-free waiting period)
in individuals with cervical spine pain and cervicogenic head- The results of the two studies evaluating the effects of a symp-
aches.72 Thus, inclusion of exercise and manual therapy in the tom-free waiting period suggest that outcomes, such as risk of
case of ongoing cervical spine pain and cervicogenic headaches reinjury, may be more closely associated with an initial period
following concussion may be of benefit. of vulnerability to reinjury than with apparent symptom resolu-
For individuals with mTBI, there is some evidence to support tion. Therefore, these findings highlight the importance of injury
the use of an educational pamphlet73 74 and CBT.75–78 A recent recognition and prudent return to play decision making by clini-
RCT that employed a multifaceted collaborative treatment cians during the first 10 days after SRC.
protocol including motivational interviewing, school accom- Two RCTs in our review included interventions that involved
modations, CBT and psychopharmacological therapy (where more than one type of treatment and demonstrated positive
indicated) identified a positive treatment effect on postcon- effects.24 63 Because concussion is an injury with heterogeneous
cussive symptoms and health-related quality of life.24 Further symptom and functional presentations of patients, multifaceted
research to determine the efficacy of rehabilitative strategies rehabilitation protocols may be of benefit to facilitate recovery.
evaluating other areas that may be affected by SRC such as Further research in this area is needed.
cognition, mood, psychological disorders, sleep disturbance and
others, in isolation as well as in combination, is required. Limitations
Most of the studies included in this review were of low meth-
odological quality and biased by systematic errors. Our review
Treatment: exercise may be subject to a publication bias. This review may be subject
In articles included in our systematic review, concussed male and to a language bias as we only included articles published in the
female athletes with persistent symptoms lasting between 1 and English language. We only included studies that evaluated rest or
12 months were typically introduced to subsymptom submaximal treatment for SRC. There may be other treatments of potential
Schneider KJ, et al. Br J Sports Med 2017;51:930–934. doi:10.1136/bjsports-2016-097475 4 of 7

Br J Sports Med: first published as 10.1136/bjsports-2016-097475 on 24 March 2017. Downloaded from on 26 February 2019 by guest. Protected by copyright.
benefit that have been evaluated in this population but were not Sports Medicine Research laboratory, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill,
identified by our inclusion criteria. Chapel Hill, North Carolina, USA
Norton Healthcare, Louisville, Kentucky, USA
Department of Neurosurgery, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, Wisconsin,
Suggestions for future research USA
The current literature contains few high-quality studies and Department of Medicine, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, British
Columbia, Canada
many of the current studies included in this review have a high 7
Department of Neurology, University Hospital Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland
risk of bias. Future studies should evaluate the optimal timing, 8
Schulthess Clinic, Zurich, Switzerland
mode, duration, intensity and frequency of treatment during 9
Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Harvard Medical School; and Red Sox
the postacute time period following concussion, ideally through Foundation and Massachusetts General Hospital Home Base Program, Boston,
RCTs, where feasible. To facilitate research and improve the Massachusetts, USA
Libraries and Cultural Resources, University of Calgary, Calgary, Alberta, Canada
clinical care of PTH, use of the International Classification of 11
Melbourne Brain Centre, Florey Institute of Neuroscience and Mental Health -
Headache Disorders (ICHD) 3 beta standardised criteria is pref- Austin Campus, Heidelberg, Victoria, Australia
erable due to its precise classification methods. Further research Olympic Park Sports Medicine Centre, Melbourne, Australia
evaluating rest and active treatments should be performed using
Competing interests  KS has received speaking honoraria for presentations
high-quality designs that account for potential confounding at scientific meetings. She is a physiotherapy consultant at Evidence Sport and
factors and effect modifiers. Spinal Therapy in Calgary, Alberta, Canada and for athletic teams. KG is the
Founding Director of the Matthew Gfeller Sport-Related TBI Research Center at
the University of North Carolina, USA. He is a member of the National Collegiate
Conclusion Athletic Association's Concussion Committee and the US Soccer Federation
After a brief period (24–48 hours) of complete rest, patients can (unpaid consultant for both). KG at times receives honoraria and reimbursement
be encouraged to become gradually and progressively more active of expenses to speak at professional meetings. TS is a member of the Speakers
while staying below their cognitive and physical symptom exacerba- Bureau, Avanir Pharmaceuticals. MMC receives research funding from the National
Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA). NS reports a research salary grant from
tion thresholds. Athletes should avoid heavy exertion and activities the Vancouver Coastal Health Research Institute, grants and consultant fees from
with an elevated risk of head injury while they are recovering. The WorkSafeBC, consultant fees from the National Hockey League, receiving salary
exact amount and duration of rest is not yet well defined. from the Vancouver Coastal Health Authority and Home Base, a Red Sox Foundation
A variety of treatments may be required for ongoing symp- and Massachusetts General Hospital programme, outside the submitted work.
toms and impairments following concussion. Interventions GI has been reimbursed by the government, professional scientific bodies and
commercial organisations for discussing or presenting research relating to MTBI
including cervical and vestibular rehabilitation (for individuals and sport-related concussion at meetings, scientific conferences and symposiums.
with persisting dizziness, cervical spine pain and headaches) and He has a clinical practice in forensic neuropsychology involving individuals who
closely monitored active rehabilitation programmes involving have sustained mild TBIs (including athletes). He receives support from the Harvard
controlled subsymptom threshold, submaximal exercise could be Integrated Program to Protect and Improve the Health of National Football League
Players Association Members. He acknowledges unrestricted philanthropic support
considered. Specific treatment recommendations can be directed from the Mooney-Reed Charitable Foundation and ImPACT Applications, Inc. MM is
based on clinical examination findings and symptoms. a consultant Sport and Exercise Medicine physician at Olympic Park Sports Medicine
Centre and team physician for the Hawthorn football club (Australian Football
Author affiliations League, AFL). He receives research funding from the Australian Football League
Faculty of Kinesiology, University of Calgary, Calgary, Alberta, Canada (AFL) and non-financial support from CogState Pty Ltd. He has attended meetings
Department of Orthopaedics, SUNY Buffalo, Buffalo, New York, USA organised by the IOC, National Football League (USA), National Rugby League
(Australia) and FIFA (Switzerland); however has not received any payment, research
What is already known? funding, or other monies from these groups other than for travel costs. He is an
honorary member of concussion working/advisory groups for AFL, Australian Rugby
Union and World Rugby.
►► An initial period of cognitive and physical rest following
Provenance and peer review  Not commissioned; externally peer reviewed.
concussion is recommended—followed by a progression of
gradually increasing activity. © Article author(s) (or their employer(s) unless otherwise stated in the text of the
article) 2017. All rights reserved. No commercial use is permitted unless otherwise
►► The literature evaluating the effects of treatment following expressly granted.
concussion is limited.

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