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Consider a European electronic crossing network that

runs six crosses #4566

Consider a European electronic crossing network that runs six crosses daily, that is, the orders
are matched six times a day. This network allows a participant to specify several constraints,
such as price and minimum fill. Suppose that all the orders submitted to this network for the
shares of Christian Dior are good for day (GFD); that is, any unfulfilled part of an order is
automatically resubmitted to subsequent crossing sessions during the day.a. The following
orders are on the network for the shares of Christian Dior at the time of the first crossing session
of the day. The most recent trading price of Christian Dior at the Paris Bourse is €37.•
Participant A: a market order to buy 100,000 shares• Participant B: a market order to sell
50,000 shares• Participant C: a market order to sell 150,000 shares, with a minimum fill of
125,000 shares• Participant D: an order to buy 20,000 shares at €36Discuss what trades take
place on the crossing network and what orders would would remain unfulfilled.b. The following
new orders are submitted to the next crossing session. The most recent trading price of
Christian Dior at the Paris Bourse is €38.• Participant E: a market order to buy 150,000 shares•
Participant F: A market order to sell 50,000 sharesDiscuss what trades would take place on the
crossing network in this crossing session and what orders would remain unfulfilled.View
Consider a European electronic crossing network that runs six crosses


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