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Electronic Measurement and Control Company EMCC has

developed a laser #4857

Electronic Measurement and Control Company (EMCC) has developed a laser speed detector
that emits infrared light, which is invisible to humans and radar detectors alike. For full-scale
commercial marketing, EMCC needs to invest $5 million in new manufacturing facilities. The
system is priced at $3,000 per unit. The company expects to sell 5,000 units annually over the
next five years. The new manufacturing facilities will be depreciated according to a seven-year
MACRS property class. The expected salvage value of the manufacturing facilities at the end of
five years is $1.6 million. The manufacturing cost for the detector is $1,200 per unit, excluding
depreciation expenses. The operating and maintenance costs are expected to run to $1.2
million per year. EMCC has a combined federal and state income tax rate of 35%, and
undertaking this project will not change this current marginal tax rate.(a) Determine, for the next
five years, the incremental taxable income, income taxes, and net income due to undertaking
this new product.(b) Determine the gains or losses associated with the disposal of the
manufacturing facilities at the end of five years.View Solution:
Electronic Measurement and Control Company EMCC has developed a laser


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