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‫‪Gas injection to improve oil recovery‬‬

‫أسم الطالب ‪ /‬فرج سالم محمد البرعصي‬

‫رقم الدراسي ‪27980 /‬‬
Gas injection to improve oil recovery


Gas injection in miscible way Gas injection is the most widely applied EOR
process light gas injection processes are usually greatest when the process is
operated under conditions primary objective of miscible gas injection is to improve
local displacement efficiency and reduce residual oil saturation below obtained by
water flooding.

Examples of miscible gas injection are CO2 or N2 at sufficiently high pressure,

dry gas enriched with sufficient quantities components,

The types of gases used in injection

1_ Nitrogen

2_Hydrocarbon gas


1- Nitrogen and flue gases

Compact air, nitrogen and produced gases cheapest gases. The combination of
these gases also can be injected, because the minimum miscible pressure of these
gases is close to each other so they can be used continually for oil recovery

Advantages of nitrogen injection

low price availability advantage toward other similar gases. since minimum
miscible pressure is high, the possibility of its injection is just deep reservoirs.
Disadvantages of nitrogen injection

Limitations problems Since proper miscible ability is formed light in high

pressure, so this action is done deep reservoirs. In inclined reservoirs,

gravity drainage drive role can be determinant in low permeability

2- hydrocarbon gas injection

hydrocarbon injection had been used for many years. In necessary pressure part,
hydrocarbon located between nitrogen that needs high pressure and CO that needs
intermediate pressure for miscible . In this case, methane is completely correct,
anyway in a low depth reservoirwhich has low pressure it can be done by increase
in the percentage of saturated hydrocarbons،If it is reasonable economically,
3- injected co2

The injected CO2 gas mixes first with the oil by dissolution until the saturation
pressure. Then the mixture area (HC + CO2 gas) with (oil in equilibrium with gas)
appears. The mix area has a large area for exchange and through the path of CO2
gas in the porous medium, a rapid physical exchange takes place between the CO2
gas and parts of the oil. The front part of the mixture front becomes gradually
richer in lighter fractions of hydrocarbons until the boundary between oil and CO2
disappears, and here the two phase becomes completely mixed. The end of the
residual oil front becomes more and more heavy and saturated with CO2 and has
less wettability due to the loss of all light and medium compounds.
Problems and disadvantages of injecting CO2 into the layer

1- Deposition of paraffins and other materials.

2- Corrosion of metal equipment used in the injection as well as the equipment of

production wells.

3- Decreased enclosure of the layer during the displacement of CO2 gas compared
to the displacement by water.

4- The CO2 gas takes light snippets of oil as for heavy snatches It remains in the
layer and its extraction becomes more difficult

Methods of CO2 injection

CO2 gas is injected in several ways, and these methods depend on the
characteristics of the reservoir to be cleared, including

A- Continuous injection

CO2 gas is continuously injected into the layer until the proportion of gas
produced with oil becomes very high and so that the process remains economical.
B- Alternating injection:

CO2 gas is injected in this way in small batches and with a certain percentage of
the pore size, alternating with water batches.

C- CO2 gas injection in batches

a batch of CO2 gas is injected and pushed horizontally with a scavenging fluid,

most likely water.

D- Annular injection

It is the activation or induction of heavy pressures to movement, as several tons of

CO2 gas are injected into the well and then closed until a large portion of the CO2
gas is dissolved in the oil.

‫• دور األستثمار المحسن للنفط في تطوير األحتياطيات الهيدروكرونية‬

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