Arnis Techniques

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Proper Stance and Courtesy

12 Vital Point/Strikes
Blocking Techniques
Kata of Blocking and Striking Techniques

Open Leg Stance to Natural Stance, arnis stick on shoulder, slight bow

Natural Stance - Feet closed together, Arms extended at both sides
Open leg stance - Feet Slightly apart, Arms in front
Straddle Stance or Horse Riding Stance - Feet greatly apart, toes pointing front,
knees bent, arms same as natural stance
Forward Stance - One foot obliquely forward, forward knees bent, toes pointing
front, arms same as natural stance
Back Stance - open legs perpendicular, knees bent, arms at side
Cat Stance - Right foot behind the left

12 Striking Techniques
Head attack on the left side.
Head attack on the right side.
Body or body left side, left arm or elbow.
Body or chest right side, left arm or elbow.
Stomach thrust.
Stab in the left chest.
Stab right in the heart.
Lower left foot.
The lower right foot.
Pocking the left eye.
Kick the right eye.
Kick the head to the top of the crown.

Blocking Technique
1. Outside blocking- performed by bringing the cane forward support ed vy the left
hand at the middle of the cane

2. Inside block- performed as an outside block, however, on the right side of the

3. Downward inside block- performed by positioning the hand holding tge cane above
the right shoulder then swinging the cane downward to block the opponents attack

4. Downward outside block- performed by positioning the cane behind the left ear
then swinging it downward to block the opponent's blow

5. Rising block- performed by raising the cane over the head to block the
opponent's blow

6. Vertical block- performed by raising the elbow of the hand holding the cane to
shoulder level while the other hand is supporting it at the middle

first 6 strikes forward movement, last 6 strikes backward movement

6 blocks done forward, 6 blocks done backward

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