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Nama : Fredy Arif Agustinus Lena

Nim : 2032037

1 ). 1 We all have consumer rights to consume goods and services

2. These are signs that the consumer movement is gaining momrntum

3. It was the first time a razen company settled a product liability case

4. It is illegal to bait and switch on customers in most countries, as you must sell exactly what you
have advertised.

5. We must rescue the environment from pollutiion, because it is very detrimental to our lives

6. The conservation policy saved the animals that were at risk at the zoo

7. Every stage of production from obtaining raw materials to recyling end products is monitored for
its environmental effects

8. The boycott was called to protest against the company's unfair labor policies1

9. The associates in coca cola company checked the final of test very accurate

10. Those are the devices that we use for our company

11. All the problems in my company are resolved

12. We receive emails that is inappropriate in a business scenario

13. We can adjust our expenses based on the capital we have in the company

14. In this industry, there is manuals that we must follow

15. If you have a question regarding what we discussed. You can contact me, here is my business

16. The machine does an adequate job

2. The U.S consumer Bill of Rights states that every person has seven basic consumer rights. The first
four are the right to be informed, the right to choose, the right to safety and to be heard. And there is
three other rights that have been added to it, it is the right to have problem corrected, the right to
consumer education, and the right to service. As a consumer you are protected if you buy a defective
product or receive poor service. However, it is up to you to make sure that your rights are observed
3. Consumer Responsibilities Along with rights come responsibilities. It is your responsibility to educate
yourself before making consumer decisions. If you plan to make a major purchase, you can read and
investigate your choices so that you can make a wise decision. Comparison shop by reading consumer
magazines, checking companies’ Web sites, and visiting different stores. Reducing pollution, conserving
resources, and recycling are also responsibilities. If you take your consumer responsibilities seriously,
you can get the best value for your money.

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