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VOL. 28 - No. 33
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pA.•. Tttt,J~SpAY'-:NOVEMBl=R
T '0','"


5, 1942


NAR·8Y,TH: PEOPLE PRAISE Rotarians S~e ~our

SERV I''''E~ ' n ~'·'C'·'1FT B' OXES. I Documentary
' - MEiU'S-
o films
Herbert Bruder. manager
MI:nln Majority Here Leads AII-Count;es
To the Editor: At such a time. he tries to find a ~ep.l,c~~weep ~G.O.P.
Carries Boro N'early 5to 1;
place for the most prcclous and use-
Sir: One has only to listen to the
eXCited. enthUsiastic comments of the
1lUU1y people who stop at our wUldow
lui things that he ::an save. The
Narberth kit contains more artides
Top.'"are 59% Turnout Of Vote Unexpected
to look at the dIsPlay of Chrlstma~ that he can keep with him than Made Possible By
Workers Polling 55 010
d DO tOt GO
IS ric
G M rt° MOOt Of
Ives en. a In a alorl Y
gifts to be sent to Narberth service one could ever ha ve imagined pos-
sible. .~ Pt" 602 Over Ross; State Senator Edmonds
men to realize that here is a com-
munity achievement of the first or·
Borough SoliCitor
, Of V 0 t t '!<!fays e ers
Montgomery CoJnty leads all oth-
wamps pponen an
d L d kt
eas IC e
They have been greatly surprised • er Pennsylvania counties in the de- Exceeded only in presidential years, Narberth brought out
at thc number of articles to be sent. Sir: clsl~e ma~rii~ of f·~7 votes It gav~ nearly 60 percent of its voting populace on Tuesday to give the
delighted with the thoughtful selec- I observed today the display of to Retnperball war.:. didarttlDf' success· . I Republican Party one of the most decisive victories it has had
cul u can ca.. a e or gover- "
tion made by the committe~ lind im· artiCles to be includl'd In the Servo nor. The vote fortAIl. G.O.P. candi-/' In the Borough In years.
pr<'sscd by the personal touch that is --,----------------<@Bothinthenumberoftheir
£0 evident In every gift.
The generous response of the com-
Ice Men's Christmas boxcs and was
Impressed 'with the thoroughness
with Which the commltttee has ex-
Pla,nt Tree in dates Was just as V1s1ve.
Montgomery an . Delaware coun-
ties, two political. b-divislons bor- .
party members voted and In the
NARBERTH BOROUGH TOTALS majorities rolled up, the Borough
munity and the excellent work of the
capable committee cannot help but
brighten 'Christmas day for our men
ecuted Its task. Every detail has been
cared for. resulting in a finished-
kit that bespeaks quai,.y and good
Honor of Munro dering each other,' have had neck-
and-neck races throughout the years
Edward R. Martin, R. 1,615,
Republicans had a slight edge on
their brethernth In Lower Merion. f rt
!n ~ervlce. They will know that we taste. Certainly the recipients will Narberth Man, Missing to determine which one would turn F. Clair Ross, D. •............ 380 Based on e number 0 pa y
in the heaViest Republican majority. members registered, Republicans In
hay! them in our minds and in our appreciate the gifts and the thought In Action, Honored at Because of Its heavy population Del- Lieutenant Governor the Township voted 52 percent or
hearts. that prompted the people of the bOr- aware has maintained a sllght edge. John S· Bell, Jr., R 1.619 their party registration on Tuesday
-RALPH S. DUNNE. ough to take speedy and generou~ School Exercises This year Delaware fell Into sec- Elmer Kilroy, D 365 while 55 percent turned out In
• • action in sending them all scm", Tuesday the Narberth Public ond place when the majority fOl Secretary of Internal Affairs Narberth. While the vote for Re-
T~ the Editor: Christmas cheer. It Is just another School presented an ArlJ~r Day General Martin was only 28.747. GENERAL EDWARD MARTIN Wm. S. Livengood, Jr .. R. '" .1.623 publican candidates was running
excellent gesture of g:>od will thJ1
Sir: Those Narberth Christma~ program and planted a copper Although the top-heavy Martin Warren Hess, D 372 about four to one 'n Lower Mer·
we at home can and should make. beech tree In memory of Alan ion It was running closer to five to
bOXes for Narberth service men are Christopher Munro. who was re- vote was a surprise to some Its pos- Supreme Court I h B h
It was a superb Idea and again I
tops in practloa.litl'. masculinity lind ported missing In action after his sibillty was pr-edlcted by Lloyd H Allen M. Stearne, R. 1.605 one· n t e oroug.
say it was exceedingly weI! done.
sentiment. or else I've .orgotten all sh~P was torpedoed off West Palm Wood. chairman of the Montgomery Grover C. Ladner, 'D 381 All Republlcan candidates car-
I ever knew about being II young -W. J, DRENNEN. Principal. County RePublican' Committee, In a ried Noatberth's three election (1:5·
man far away from a beloved home- Narberth PUblic School. Beach. Fla.. May 9. Superior Courte trl'~ts and piled up thel'r b t
speech at a meeting cif the Lower - es ma-
town. A bi'Jgrapny written by h i s , Joseph Stadtfeld, R. 1.606 jorltles In the second DIS'tIt
• • brother Donald. of Secane. was Merion Township Republican Com- MIChael Musmanll''). D. 382 Here for example the vot r c .
-ROBERT FELLOWS WOOD. To the Editor: read by Miss Margaret White. mittee in Whitehall Hotel, Haver- ' . e was
• • • It Is in order to say that the com-
Alan. who had lived in Narberth ford. the Wednesday night before Congress at Large 776 for General Edward Martin
To the Editor: election. Wm. I. Troutman, R. ......... 1.614 and 174 for F. Clair nov<> D~.S.
mIttee which provide<! Christmas all his life .received the Nelly M,
Narberth's Christmas boxes could boxes for our men in the SerVIce l1a; Wetherill award from the Nar- "Actually," said Wood. "we are Inel B. Peel. D 378 Similar to what happened In the
not have been better selected, for this turned In a perfectly splendia jo:J berth Public SchooL After gradu- hopeful of getting a 30.000 majority, I . Congress Township. State senator FI'anklln
I know out of experience: I believe that every recipient will be
ation from Lower Merion High Now, it is only a question of getting 'OJ. William Ditter. R. .. , 1.614 spencer Ed m.:mds. running against
School In 1939. he went With the out the vote." Charles W. Moyer. D 389 Gerald R. Nocton. was high man
When It becomes necessary for a delighted with the numerou.' a:1G
man In combat service to "shed the unusual gifts selected and that hI' i~ Hawaiian Steamship Company. According to RepUblican Leader State Senator on the ticket. In the three dis-
pack' 'or Whatever it may be callcd sure to be pr0ud oC his Home Town studying at the University Qf Fred C. Peters, president of the I Franklin S. Edmonds. R. .... 1.626 tricts he polled 1626 votes aga:nst
Pennsylvania and School of Bible Montgomery County Board of COm- Gerald R. Nolton, D. 380 380 for his opponent.
In his particular unit. he knows he and of the folks who made thc gifts
is parting company with nearly ev- possible.
erything that represents contact with
home and loved ones.
at the same time. missioners, the
Commissioned as a purser on the de-nted showing was due to prelim-
Merchant Marine S. S. Ohioan. hE lnal'y work done the Party's commit-
County's unprece-
PIan·D-Inner on Heavy voting ran contrari t:J'
predictions which eontended that
mos.t people Were too preoccupied

- .
Burgess. left New York in December. 1941. t ee men and women and their work-
~===~=~=~============~========.[or South Africa and Iltlia. He ers in l?,&tting out the vote. In pial'- A.rmls- t-Ice Day
with the war to g:> to the polls
Total registration in the Borough

' A,ren
.verseas Boxes
O 0 Th elr
· Way' . sent a message from Puerto Rico ing Montgomery op. the fOl'dront as
statin!: that he would arrive in the leading Republican county ap-
Ne~~sY'%~t1~~.y ~;s~9~iizabeth S prOXimately 55 percent of the reg_I
S k
is 3346 for thc two major partie!
with 1995 or 59 percent turning
pea man ost Installed out t.:J vote. This Is broken down
The overseas boxes are affection- 'I apt to give tender feet as a result Munro. placed a marker inscribed day.
il>tered voters tumed out last Tues·
! New Officers at
Into a RepublI:all registration 01
2719 and a Democratic reglstratiOl
I' tM

a.tely,on their way. being toted to the of long. hard marches. _ .. 'Worthy of Our Nation:" beside Tabulation of the COunty'S 190 as t'
ee '"g of 427. Based on the Martin vote
Pos.t 01llce Friday midnight. where II Altogether there were 15 Items in the beech tree. d' ct d h voting precincts' gave General Mar- JOHN C. BELL, JR. The Armistice Day celebratiol1 of of 1615 and the R,:>ss vote of 380
M I The fifth grade. Ire e rY
I, tl R bl

ju. (0........
allng Chairman Thomas F. Mer- the well-protected box as It went Miss Margaret White. :llpob!;oted tin 52.843 votes to the 230'16 cast for the Harold D. Speakman Post. le epu lcans polled 55 percent
Itle bedeclCed them with many dol· I sea-bound and affixed to each box the program. Patsy Rainey' gave haolSssD.emocratlc opponent.... F. C~air
lars' worth of stampS, to cover thf was.a pOst-Office visa Which should a serlpturl;! reading, Dorothy 1.11-
of' P.·Pro'lessor American Legion. Narberth, will be ~~r t~~te~mocrats 88 percent 01

po~taLt~ oli.~t.¥. lO1lll',,~uls...ll,I1d assure the NaJperth cpn~!gI1ll1ent lard reot\ed ;tne-----.,··. ~~'Ilboe.,..--.e : Lower Merlo'n's;!li\!ldldate on the ,~
the lfPtc\irtihsu~ WhIch ac~m- passing t,l1'otlg'n Without benefit of Stands VeryStr:;ht and' s~iii' ..·
taaALAlIt. a community dinner at 7 p.m. to ~
ltat.e'i:!ckeCYonn(j: B;ii:Jr.,P(;llel' 07"aa~ ;:':"'J"'U"'-.- ·~e'dicate 'meMbers to, tn. task-'
.., , ..... '
.;, '-JIi1:·tfilid'''''.
G'I i . .
Pi'ofe~sOr' Edwar~ Ca:Ie. of the of winning the ,war. Clvman de-,;., ,;""''''!~:. ,,-t;;;J)-
panied ear,pJrcka,ge. . ::epsor and without the'Iiel;esslty 01 Betty Jane Merkle gave an essay a majority of 31.303 over Elmcr Kil-
From noW! on the chief concern jisturbing the attractive wnpplngs on the conservation ',)f trees. 'and roy. for lieutenant governor:
will be for the boxes which will go to which the local women made a thing Dick Squier reeited. "What Do We
University of Pennsylvania, who fense. officials and fathers of thoe
Tlus Is the seecnd time within the I: spct'lt 'last year in S:luth America men In the servlcc have been In-
For Scou'·t' 'Dfn"n'e'r
thc domestic camps. hundreds 01 :>f rare handiwork.
them. and that In tUrn means thou-
sands of gifts. each one of them ~he dome.stic shipments and the lectlons.
Plant?" Members. of the fifth last decade that Mc.ntgomery Coun·
The same solicitUde will prevail on grade gave appropriate choral se- ty has led other RepUblican counties on a travel fellowslup from the vited;
of Pensylvania. In 1940 It gave a Rockefeller Foundation. will be

D. N. Hauseman. of A
Navy Man Also
U. S.
j f
wrapped separately and each adom- ~(,mmunlty should take comfort in I substantial majority to Wendell guest speaker at the united serVice Narberth. head of the Phlladel- mong peaKers or
ed With Christmas symbols. the reflection that It has done what i Puplel'S Collect Wl1lkie. of the Narberth Baptlst. Lutheran phia Ord.ance District. will b:? Annual Meeting

I36 000 T-In Cans

On Tuesday of this week. Wrap- It could to share with the men who! and Methodist Churcil.!s. Sunday. the principal speaker. Lieutenant Major Rex I. Gary. former Scout
ping Chairman Laura McCaffrey are away those Christmas senti- 1 Mulieres To Elect November 8. at 7:45 p. lI1, • John F, Donnelly. U. S. N.. Willi executive of the Valley Forge
summoned her valiant squad for a l11ents which will have ri particular The Mulleres' annual meeting for The general t.heme oC the series, attend. Lou Young. bOrough CJUIl- I Council. wlll be the guest \)f honor
full night's work and on this Fri-I' significance at this war-t:Jrn inter- , the election of officers wll1 be Nov- "Bound in the Bundle oC Life." un-Ill , a t the annual Main Lme District
day night they wlll be hard at It val. I • Cynwyd School Leads; ember 9. at 10:30 a. m.. at the Nar- der which Christian neighborliness c man and sports authol'1ty WIll; Scouters dinner to be held Novem-
agaUl. * * * Id h k
d berth Fire House. Mrs. H. S. Dames Is being considered will continue diSCUSS football. ber 16 at the Ardmore Presbyter-
Meanwhile samplcs of the gifts are Any changes In locatIOn should be House 0 ers As e will preside. through November 15 and 22. Tickets for the affair may b2 Ian Church.
displayed in tile window of Ralph reported immediately to the Chair- To Cooperafe ,)btained at the Legion Room. I Major Gary. who is nationally
Dunlle 's Fuel Office and Mr. Dunll n, man of the List CommIttee: Nat'o.
sa'ys his chief ambition from now 0'11 oerth 2683.
Lower Meri·:m·s tin can campaign
~ot well under wa" last week wan .
Defense - I AShs C·ItlzenS'O
e ounci · T Comm 't
um y
B 'ld'
Ul mg.
rom any
Itnown for his Scout work is now
member of the Legion or at Dur- . attached to the \)fflce of officer
wll! be to arrange a coal exhibit SpeCIal Question: Have the faml-
which will attract a fifth of the lies 'of the men who were Inducted In
about 36.000 C'lns collected m the
attention now being given to the ar- October reported the present ad- ~~~n~~~\~~'\~~~ {~l;~~r f~:~~~i:t~~~ 'I

· ' · From Boro

' ' .

Narberth Station.
• procurement for the U. S. Army in
bin and Howard's office opposite! Philadelphia.
A graduate of Illinois Collegl'.
ray of Christmas remembrances. dresses of their kin. viz: tho Call1ps The cannon from World War I I' where he was varsity quarterback
, fl'lends. The Cynwyd School. WiUl f f G
According to the Committee. each to which they were transferred from 12.000 pmperly prepared cans. Is ;'oys Money Available Is Inadequate to Buy will be ~onated \)ff1clally to the II~r ;:~dYe;::; l.a7ec:~~n~ c:e~~~~ :';.
artiCle was selected with a partlcu- thc Reception Center?' If not. they the Ie,lder in the field. and Ill> I dE' N d t W'II M k H t Scrap Drive at a brief ceremony· citations for bravery In combat.
lar need In mind and. as the Infor- should phone NARBERTH 2683 AT Fifth Grade had collected the eee qUlpmen; I. a e ouse- 0- before the dinner. Hcnry A. Frye'. i He entered Scouting as the ex-
mal report in the window points out. ONCE! largest quantity oC any single class. I
House Canvas for Donations; Report chairman. and his committee are I ecutive at St. Joseph's. M',)., and
t,here. was a need of avoiding those
items which the faml11 of the men
* *'
* The Bryn Mawr School. a small-
2r Ulll't. 11ad about 3.200 cans. Iven on xpen I ures
GO E dOt in charge of arrangements. II11medlately won .recognltlon, net
I f th
..., New officers installed by D~s- on y or c numerlc~l growth of
Were likely to send. WHICH SHALL GOVEnN There the First Gradc. led the An appeal was made this week affects every man. woman and Scouting In his district. but also
One diversion was made from the The "surprise" feature of a gift i~ opening week of the clmpaign, to the dtlZens of Narberth to aug- I child In Narberth. we are anxioU'5 trlct Commander John Baxter and for the splendid type of citlzen-
rule not to send pC11shable goods and perhaps the best feature of all and llnd tI'e Fifth Grade broug,1ht 111 ment appropriations from the Bor- ' to g'1 ve everyone an opportunity District AOJutant Bellord Hannock ship training he accom""lished.

that was the exception on chewing only a thoughtless (or willful) per- the largcst amount last week. I ough Council with contrlbuti'~ns at the last meeting were Doug·a.s A. MQrse Baker. Bryn Mawr.
gum, great gobs of which were In- Son will teU What Is in a gift pack- It Is expected that by the first to the Civilian Defense fund.. i to make cash contributions to meet C. Miner. commandcr; Charles J. member of the executive commlt-
. ,
eluded. on the score that the men age beforc it Is opened by Its re- .Jf the year. or even before. that
The a.ppeal came from the Nar- present emergencies. By' making Becker. senior vice commander; i tee, wl1l be the toastmaster. Open-
want It and that precious little ot it cipient. Thcrefore. relatives should the 15 or 20 tons for a full carload bcrth Defense Oouncil whose chair- I this appeal officially. you are re- Stuart R. Whitman, junr::r vlce'!ng It11d closing exercises will be
is available "over there," eve'll In convey no advance glimpse of the will have ~en colll':ted. When I man is Burns F. Best. I'lleved entirely from making d'~na- commander'; R. C. Rollins. adju-! directed by members of Troop 1.
Ireland or England. contents of Narberth's Christmas th(' necessary 10nd has bcen reach-j A I I d i tlons as a result of numerous. un- tanto John A. Mowrer, finance Of-I' Ardmor.e.
AIso not shown In ~he Window was box In their letters to the Service ed the cans wlll be s('nt . to detin- f ense s eXPtal ~1et' na amem
ac Viles rePbort
er on dc- 'I authorl'zcd solicitations. In fact fi c er; the Re v. Robe rt E . K ell'
of one i h- S pea k ers. in a ddlt Ion to Ma j or
the foot-powder which was included. Men. and it Is hoped that all con- nlng stJtlons to take the,r part In of the local dcfense units wl1l call I please make no donations to Nar- ton. chaplain; Charles J. Clarke.: Gary, will Include William Fergu-
a generous quantity of it, so that cerned sh01l be prudent on this point. the war e f f o r t . . at each home. Residents ar I
k d belth defense actiVities unless you historian; Danlcl Tumulo and son. of the U. S. Navy; Dr. Oharle~
our men COuld better cope with the iO that the real spirit of the offcring H:>useholaers are bClng urJed to ro be sure and receive offl~ia~ r:_lreceive an offiCial numbered re- Spottswood Jenkins. sergeants-a.t- I Bel1ney. acting chairman of the
beating which heavy-duty shoes are shall be carefUlly preserved. contact school children. i ts f th I t Ib . celpt. arms. executive C'Jmmittee; Arthur Binns
. ~=~====== ,~.=~,-=_====~===~~====~=~~=~~=~=======~_~=~

';on Plall1S
Reports from the Township In- ce p
cinerator show 14.100 pounds of
Or e r con r ut.lOns.
The report shows that only C d COU11ty " .. ;'

Leg" " 'Survey 01+ J Ir·:m. 16.300 p~unds of paper, 2.900 $777.99 has been C'Cpended for de- 01nlnell S For
a rT··
pounds of rags, 1.400 pounds ot fense activities up to October 15.
rUbber. 1,600 pounds of other Of this amo~nt $686.74 WIiS from I iiG'00.d· t In e r.l. ousek ee,P·l11g ". .n as
, ,.:"0

Ja' lop,; es FQ r Sa 1vage

TX T z.J "L.I
metals., and 36.400 pounds of glass the . Borough s appropriation of VV
" were salvaged during the week $1000 and $91.25 from $285.65 Which ,
American Legionnaires of the Mer,lOn Defense Council
October '26 thmugh 31. was raised from a I?0vie benefit.
This b:'lngs Lower Merion's sa1- ~hls leaves a balance of $507.66.
$1· 180 884 Vas·
I' h Ba l IT
a nee 11 reasury
Main Line will play their part committee. va e 011 t' f th th Which according to the Defense·' ,
soon in the National Salvage Cam- First organization work of the 0 g ~ ec Ions or e mobn or Council is Inadequate for the Good governmcnt housekeeping debt. hc compared this fine record status of Montgomery County ani
palgn by making a house-to-house Legion posts will be 17J selec~ com- to: r t~ 1.7 t.Jns of rub cr. 6.9 equipment that is needed.
th'lt has resulted 111 a tavlng 01 to other Third Class Counties In in compJrlson With its sister 3rd
Jalopy survcy. mittees and chairmen to plan and 180 of Ugf~' ~9.5. tons of glass, In part the report and anal o'o'er half a mlllion dallals In Pennsylvania \"Ith their hIgher class eountles-Luzerne, I::elaware.
Conununlca.tlons about the sur- conduct the survey,
vey have been received by officials
tons 0 11 on, 28.9 tons of
t pp. I
M:Jntgomery County Is C OIm(nded tax ra.tes and their "net bOnded Westmoreland and Lackawanna.
It is estimated' by State defense I p:p~r. 1 tons o{ t~l cans, 298.9 tons ~;ll:~e. Defense COuncil reads as In a report relca~ed by Dr. F. ani;. pobt." The other third cla~ coun· "In the great crisis which faces
0lf t~~ five Amertcan, Legion posts ~oofftcoiOOalS jth81t Itherel are more thalan 0 A ;:po~t~t~~e~ac~ilections Is be- "Ju:i a few lmmetilatc necessl- P. K. Barker, County controller. ties and their respective bondooed Amel'ica, all will be called upon t:J
n .cudmore, ,Bryn.. Mawr, Merlgn,. t.h'a't .COul~l°bepe~a'IV'all edPelU,ISYIVan lng forwarded to the State S!!-lvage ties include helmets, material and Personally he comln'.::nds th" debt Is: Delawure C-ounty, $4,5 ,- give their utmost In effort and
Bala~CynWYd and Narberth, " . ., .g , Commlttee from the Township equipment for dealing. with Incen- three county commissioners, Fred'931; Luzerne, $2.503,806; Westmore- taxe5 to bring about u:Um:tte vic-
~csurVey' to.> reclalDtthe' jalop- Oouncil of Defense. diary bombs; eqUipment. and sup-' C. Peters, F:Jster C. H11egass and land, $I,531,Q74, and Lackawanna. tory. Hcnce, 'loclil' govel"\111ient

r.. ,to· ~ovember 14. . --Sf' . e.· .•I,J.,o.·.D,es

IbeCs~1()3t~rap .wUtbeftom Nove.m-e,.,;"Br.--.o,~6k
T' " , .• Jr. '01:.'
r B
.·rrleS uy"S
plies for decontamination squad's; RflaiymQnd ld{' M CllSCh, for thffelir ef- $l.D169,3B90··k·
mobile. eqUipment for ntleast each c cnt eon uc t 0 f county a a rs.
I i his'r "t sthMuldburdat all times be mindful or.
r. ar er l'evca s n cpOI' f>.se ens with II vicw to sound
.. .l(, 'ot. the survey Is tb8lt arts· ra n, ng ,. . .' :.,:.' ..... ' '.'
. o f the' 11 sectors !,f Narberth, . AmOng other things Dr. Barlter that the County's ta.&h balance.' 'a~ efficient and cCOlllJ",lcal govern-
,n~ ,ja.1o~~. 8h8:11. be. reclaimed un- 'C.,' B.rooke";.;"J.r" .son f Com- .
leas It d t al11 t fUl'lUsh -
0. VI.,ynnew.ood.. Hom.e Which... wm~arr. y the equlpmen.,t're~ says ,that although the County of OCtober 26, ··11142, 'was ·al,180,- ment. In these respects, the' Cqun.
qti1red t d III It.h Oommiss1oners budgeted $1.828,. 884.60, and also dwells at 'sume t,y Commissioners deserve the chm~
. " ~ ~s~o orc 10" . l11is1lloner Jones.,ormst M!lnayunk, . Wiliial'hpugh's.l\f~lriLlne onice. '.Il. e w any emergency 219.23 tor a nine month p~riodlength On the county'l; low, 'l1p.ndation of all for the recoi'd of
~ra,~sP,Otlatl\:l~•., . .' '., . . . ,has. started his ,tralnlIig in the representl1igthe ·OlrardTrtistCom-. I1i your neighborhO\ld.. lIn two sec- ending Septen.lber 30, 1942, fo:' ex- continual~ de~re~ing- tax rate; this County, for. they are the 'active
~. WhE!~.ajaIopy. Is. spobted~ the l\ero~~l,ltical engineerlngscl1Ool. u. .Iiany of Phl1adelphia, reports the ~ors lJUeh mobile un~~ are ih ex- penditures of the County, they and by comparison shows how this 1pel'ators of the county' .affairs.
LtlglO~~11 wiU~thelrlntlu- S. Army•. at Chan, te:Pleld: Ul. 'ilale of 1309 Medford rd" Wynne- f~otence hllV I1W. been .b.Ullt and paid
Jones is a' tower. MerIon' High .wood, to Dr,' Charlft~ J. V.'Fries,,' r., by a few people).

·eJiceto persl,lade the owners to actually spent $1,302972.37. affects the average tlX payer. First of aU, may I report.that
11 It to th t U ..., While it Is hoped that Borough Thls Is ,good ·housek£eping. on Tbereport: nur County has continued the
8.e .'. "" . e neares automob e Bchool grli.di1,ate and attended Jr., and Margaret Haddon Fries' his '. , .. , .' .' .., cir .p'a.,·t," says tile Controller. "AI;' Cont..nller of M·ontgomc....·. I'
. graveyard.' '. ' . StateC()Ue....fotb . " , ' H if'" ,', Counc11 s .~9t3 appropriation may.... • Jno icy of "Pay as you go" and is
:'.' .., . . .. ,.' .', It". r. roo ,years,
... In, I;o~e~',~erlon;"r0WI1~11J . took the" flYi1\g.cours~ at .state. 901-
'. be ~equate .for: the increasiJig "for It repI'esents a sav:ng or 'oVer COQnty I deem Ita great privllete free or any debt;
The property consists of a single; .neel1s . ~e1liew. Year . 'N111 brtDI, one. haIf '. mUlion dollars." as well as an obligation of /Iny
oJ •

8econdly. Our cash balance as

bi1t.te~ ·~~~e ~edcan':Leqlo~ lE!~eand recel\'ed: .cI~lIJ1 PUo~··resldenceofF~~ch. architec- that~pewt11 not' answer the' vItal PQi'nting out that MOlltgorncry office to submit' a report inc1Ud- of OCtober 26th, 1942, was $1,180,.
~"'l",'l¥l"""'-''''::''1?D'!:i-~~"f~P~ .Spr~~: '~!-'0'7nse., ,~~}iJt,a,~. h" t~i';~~,-,~~~~:~~~.hD,,~1ng ele~en ~Olils•.• It' )Val!,~eeds.'Qf~A¥;. ',': .•. . .. . .Colin~Y Is tOntlnUl11g its "Pay . as Ing petUnent data to the taxpay-' 684'.60,
;'~<:.":l;~~:':' i>'~:' .~_~t ~~,~~\~I1t1~~
.'.; .' . .'.-" ." ." .'~ . . .
held "f(jr."anle;-,at-'llJ,ooo.-,;---~,,_·..-"
"..-:-'-;-.. ",:,:~~~~~aa":'~~~'~~-":'-Wijlgh. ~P.lL.O_Q~9UP1j1"~"_g;t.9J~Jt:~.e~~~,~"I!:~.,.~!~-9!.~':rrf~~~!~I':~~_~_~~~~~~:",': ,_J£~ntlia"ed on~~~,!o,"!..L
"',' .... : ...,
.... . .... ..:
., ..

.,~~;.> .l: -""-,,.:::/,;,,:>:;'1
'AGE TWO ========================0 UR FIRST CHURCH OP CHRIST. Holy Day ma~.e", G, 7, I. 9 and 10
ae I IlIN TlST
.... M.

I U,1beatel1 Challeltges LI"....ood and Athelia ay•., Ardnaore

11 :00 A. M.-Sunda,. Bcbool.
11 :00 A. M.-Mol'lllnlr nrvlce.
WoodbIne ..nd N .. rb.rth a".
OUR TOWN R.... C1etu. A. Benft. Pulor

LOWel~ Meriol1 Higlz Gl~id St1--eak

1(. Ull J~. :\1 .-I':\"Plling ~"'I·\·I('t't.
WEDNESDAY 9:"5 A, ~r.-Blhle ~rhol)1 for all arrell.
"tered u Itecond c)a"! mottP-T Ot'toher. 193~. at the Po.t Olftoe &C • 00 fl. Ili.-Evenlnlr meetlnl'. II (III ,-\. ,\1 -~I"rllllll: N'n' il....."-T hi' H(\\·.
rbertlt. lbe N .. P .... un~er Act of Maroh S, UTI. Rea-dinK' room at 8 Rlttenhou.e Place
----------- ---_._-_ - - ------- _._---_._--
I I', h:""lh \\·t1l1l1n~l'):,
I. opt!'n week-daY. trom 9 :30 A. M. to

III Rubbel,e Matcll of A11ciel1t Feud

6:S0 P. M .• from I to II'U
';"Ull 1"' "--LUll!"!" I.Pfl~lr·
Founded in 1914 by the Narberth Civic AssociatioD P. M .• Tbut1lda,. trom 7:30 to II'SO
'; I, I'. :\1 --'·"ltlnl.lrlI1\· "':,'1'",,)
P. At. and. .sunday trorn S tu 6 P. M. '"
------_.-- ---- - - ---------------$--------_..- J':Ir-\'flltll Allllll:11 1·"SIt:"II't.:Ull",\.l! J:'.llj, \11'\ Jllldi~l 1'11111. II,
- - - - _.- GEURGE A. WALKER. P..blisM-r II's Low"r M"riull \.'; N.llThlowl1
\lOW Tllt:\ ~T\'"
nlhl ~I"llll'
III " ' l l h",11
:--:,'1\,"1'. -"':ll1'<;I'I\ [ • .,
\ tll)
P. '1 - , . • ..I,h..\<01· 111""1 l.~ 1.lI1!1,'r
HELEN l'/TZPATRICK. Busi,U'" M4na~ 011 P"Ill'.I'pack,'r Fil'll! Illis Salur- .... uhurl.,. n nil:: .... i \ ~I - Y"ul1~ 1'",q,[,.. <01 ~"r\ it'''' 1.t,ul-:U~ BII .... ,I)'·- ... \1··.·tlll/.4

r ["", 11 Church
:: UlJ I'. "I

_ _ _ _ _R_U ~ S_·E_.1.~.!:·-.!.!..4 !:!.~--! d,~."-,!_<j_,,~_' ~'!.'I~~,·_r _ dLlY. News [ 1\ 1

'7 110 I'.:\f
th .. J...illg II,tllglltf'I"~ 11,,01,-
I.Ull""'1 L",l~lll' 1111 Int"I'
O\ldll'\ ,\ \'
or h,~tll,J'~'Jl H:JI1) ,

1.,'\\'1"'1' "1'11<111
\\'EU" ',:;-;1).\'
published Every Thursday Tllr mpeUI1~ of thl'c,1' old arrh- ,'1"·,,. ""."" 11lt·,II;\ 1"'01 :-Or-Iii",·!,! lind
';' On T' ", __ 1'1,·1 ....... 11·:,1 1,1\' 41-lrll
yt)tlll'~ 1·I"pl.·.
Deadline for 'advertising and news copy-Wednesday. 5 P. M. rival..;, i'. alwu\'s a signal for a riRP ,\1"',,-'1,,," , M'Il:RION FHII£:>IDS MEI>.'TI:;tl ~ifARGARmT'8-CAT RO=c~Llc=-:e=-RU=R-:::C'=B FIUI) \ \"
I "1" '.1 -'.
subscrIption rate--$2 per yo.r In advance ).fu,\t"orUdf'!' av. Ilml M"etltl&: HuUAe I&... '; 'IIJ I' :\1 - , l l t l I I U l 111"l " ' .. , , ' ~:,

- -_ ..-- - .. _-- - - -- - _. - - -- _._- . -_.- ill telllp('rHIUI~'s amon~ lOC~1 foot-I :::,\:,',' '. . Merlon
.Kev. Jame. . . . Toner, Reetor
Re.... Cbarl_ J",II ('·Connor
~ I'll I' .\1 ';-::"1\11)" l·h,'I, :,·1,,':1· .. ·1

Publlcat!on Office-Eight Cricket Avenue. Ardmore, PIL. ball fans and tllls ytlar It S JllOrp ""l1hll~t'un «'UUrt'rf"IlI'1' 10:00 JL M.-F1rsl LJIILY (F!undR.Y) S~hoOl n", t ·h:l~. 1'. VIII:ln ~ \ "1'1'1: II \ \'
" 1 ,,~,I .\1 \1 • . I ~; I ". \\" : '" l' " :11.\ ~1 --I'I,··,·,'lllll~ll.tI '11 1'!:l.,S.
pronounced than pver bpcllu<;e bOtl11-" ,,' '". ".' \ 'lj
Btll!Y m:I!i~f'''': 1 and R A. M,
Phone-Ardmore 6720 and 5721; Greenwood 7740 ~1111J3Y m:l'H~11l: e·:w. 7.JO. 9. 10:15 and II' :'11 ,,\.:'01 I ',lllll! !JIll' ,'JII .1:t~'l
leams llrp undefellted. In additi' n 11I .".. " \\..• ,1."\ 1'.. ~ , , 11 l'
B\j'TI:-:T 1'111 H"II tlF 'rill: E\''\''t:I·:r. II A. M. 11 .:".\ )1-·.\d\:\I1"I-,j l'iu~o.:.
J : .' \ J ~ ,, ! ,. : t I' 1·~ •. i to: ~ ~ 1 • I ' .I ~. "!"
its the rubbrr game in tile serips ,,,,.,,,,:. '1 :". a' 1J··'r! I;. I ';l
I ,


which sta.rted in 1904. Each 110s' ,', .<' , ' , " ":\", II \ Y

~ ,"::',','" \', , .. ,r LENGTHEN the LIFE
~, I.", , -1'!,IJ:"~1 :-:.!'oo!
beatpn t11P othpr 13 lilllps. .. , \ \1 - A Illlt 1:,.1 ...... Mprlon .....ill bl' secking its I·'.. " .... , ",,",
~ixth ~tr3.ight Suburban Confer- I, ~;::',~,~,','\ ". I,
\ 'I
.;, I : I " , ~ ,
I, \
1',· 1· ,~', I!'
SP,AN of YOUR \.
INFORMATION encp \'ictory. Norristowl1 will IX' T,,·,',·,,:., ,:,."
after its third. AI'tllally rllP gamp '~;:",I:~:,,': "I'
ls more important to Lower Mer- ,'"11"",.'.01,,
, "
I "

", I'
Give your clothes a sporting ·i,· ~" ...
ton be-cnuse rt \·lctory will give the VJd.'';l'''lI' .' ;\ ;·:'lJ~:I.":II.\\ chance against the forces of .
PROTECTION OF FOODS Mara,1n til(' Il1sid(' tl'ark in the ", ',,': . '" I,. " .., I " . .,' '<, ".,," .,'<
wear by having them dry clean.' ,:
rac(' for tllr Subllrban Confpl'I'nce t" " ..
FROM POISON GAS cro.....n. E\'pn If it ~holild be \'irtor- the 'thrp(' t·,) cap a 29-y;nd :ul- "'11 I:",· II' ed often. Overcoats, suits andY
Suggestions for protection of foods in the ~om~ against con- ious SotUl'clll~·. Norristown's rhanp('s
I" '.,.\ " .. i : " II' 0', I \\'"m- \'allep. Jack YOllng dresses retain their 'own true fit,
tamination from poison gas during an enemy all' ra,d, have been ,'" .Is, ... '."""'~._---_.-
of taking thr titlt' would be slim paved thl' way for till' s('o"' wlH'n
and last longer when you use
released by the Office of Civilian Defense. NARBElHl'H bpcallSf> it has !JI'pn tipd by both
E ••• " METlIllDI!'lT
.. ,,<1 I'rle~ an('HvnCH he rpco\,er('d a fUll1blp in enpl11Y
Recommendations are based upon studies of British experi- B·', ,_'.,,1 H~.II . I~"I':·\"\·:'·\· .\III1I,ler
UPl)('r Mprion and Chpstl'r. territon.'. our expert dry cleaning service.
ence under actua I ral'd con d't'I Ions an d prepare d b Y G . E. A rno Id , On pprformancps t\1 date Lower
' !l h I "n
· '1' D f R' Joe D('Felir('. ro-c:1pt[lil1 :1I1d : I:" A.A W -<"bur,e b',.' \I·o,~ .." , , .. , ,,,,,'.
Merion shoulrt win bul many ob-
regional sanitary engineer 0 f t h e N int h C IV' ,an e ense eglon. halfback. tallil'd th!' first toul'h-
,('rvrrs belll'vp NOlTi~tov.'n is capa-
I, ".' I:··'
There are four rna "lor factors attendant on airiraids d which I bIp of gi\"in~ thE' Maroon more down un a 15-yard SPl'lI~t dOWI1 : ,.. ;), F. :I .. ",.'d".
G.e I' ~I -Y.,u'" Tailors .:. Cleaners.:. Furriers .:. Dyers
may result in contamination of food on pantry s h eves .an e se· competition than any oth('r sub-
where in the home, Mr. Arnold says. These are: flYing gl.ass, I urban oP17.mell l. Thl' Eagles have the sideJinps. TIl(' pJa~' \\'as mpant ,.oil I' ~1-~li.l·\\<o·I, ~·",.P.
II '-:1 ''':-1'.\ \ '
'I 228 Baja Av., Cynwyd 0928 .:. 102 FoITest Av., Narberth 2602
smo I' an d gases .f I' 0 m explod
by nearby exp I OSlons, an
d h
'lng bombs and shells dust ra,sed
. I f
c emlca war are age s
nt, Icommonly
tIll' s('ason st:lI'lpd. drterminpd to
to hp a pac,s. but whpn hp couldn', "." UI:lL'I'TH l'UL'.SBY1·'·'UJ.\." (',lllJRCll
> I ' I ' n pointin" for this gaJl1(, slnl'p find any rpCl'lVrrS JoP merelY ran .'~n ~, W,ndsor"r. ~n .•
aDel llraylIll"
: Rev. Hryalll 1II. Klrkl"n,I, """tor
av. I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~:
gaIn n'w'lIgt: lor ::!I-O and 26-6 de- instpod. HI' mlsspd thp placrl1lt'nt : Joltn Van :-<~n'."D,?'''\ ,pulor li:merilul
known as poison gas.
In the home the safe rule is to keep all foods commonly f('ots of thr last two years. The aftl'r this scorp but bootecl 'two: " , ..\ ~I "'.,' ,,' -., , .. ;
stored in the open _ potatoes and .other vegetables, cereals in Ill1d(,l'dog roll' "uit~ them ~I'rfrctly othprs before thp cont('sl pndl'd'I':~ :::: ~: . ~:.:.'.;~, ,~"~:,',,',,','"
a er cartons cured meats, etc. _ In closets, P,eavy cupboards, bl'rausp the Ulldeldog mOle oftpn, Dt'Felice also figur('d in t11<' other ., I' .\1 1':""""" .s""."
P , b' h I
closed wooden Ins, or ot er paces were
ed by flying glass. . '
h th
ey canno
t b h tJ1an not prr\'alls III these tradi-t
e reac - li'Jnal clasl1<'s.
h .,
first half score. passing 21 yard-
Aftl'r watching the Maroon throt- tu Greer Hrindel. who in turn
Care should be taken In. sto~,ng food, however, t at It IS tlt. Phoenix\'ille. 26-0. at Villanova latera led to Dkk Whiling. who ran
placed in such a manner that It woll not be shaken from shelves stadium I a s t Saturda\'. LOWN \. seven )'atds for Ihp tally.
and the containers broken by falling. Merion barkl'rs are conftdpnt their Phoenixville's onl~' serious threaf
The secret of protecting foods against gas is simple - s~al t('am is Quite capable of d(,lI!ing came in the closing minutes Wllpll
You I Changes Are to Be Made for the Greater
it u. Several types of containers offer complete protection fll'lllly with an\' opposition Nor- ~ ftun'y of carried It frem, Can't Afford Comfort and Convenience of Our Customers
a afnst war as. Among the best are glass jars or bottles with ristown may ·Jffer. They point out Its own 45 to the thl'l'e :IS tIll'
scgrew caps 0;
good stoppers and tin cans with tight-fitting lids. Norristo~'n had difficulty. beating game ended.
FI our, cerea Is, sugar, rice, a
nd similar non.perishable foods may Phoenlx\l1le. 13-0. and \\ll!l held 'liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiji

containers may be carefully wrapped In paper before being p

. to 0-0 by a Chester elpven that Ii
be st~red safely in this manner. If the.y are reserve suppl~es, t:~ was tl'ouneed 26-0 by the Maroon.
"Comparative scores don't mean
a thing," grumbles Coach Dick
H('alth i;; s:l{"l'pd ill t1mf's
sllrh as thpsl'.
VOUI'!' - make sure YOU
'han' your medicine ci1est
!'t,ockpd wi th pr('wntiVe
D'U'N·NE' $1.25 and $1.60

The ordinary type of domestic refrigerator is adequate ~ro- , Mattb, ~'hO has bepn Cl'acking the
te t' n fo perishable foods if the door forms a reasonably tight \\'hlp With mor(' zest than usual
ai~ ~~al.
Narberth 2430 drug supplip..;.

Jeddo-Highland ~oal
rice boxes. with a separate door for ice and an open in the wppk's w,)rkouts. "We haw"
b d q ate If ther 's any doubt about a tough battle on our hands and
water ou tl e t I may no t e a e U . e .1 d lInless wp're ri~ht wl"l1 be luck\' '. • . V
Socony Vacuum Fuel"".·1 HAIRDRfSSING ...
the safety of the refrigerator, closed containers may be use ,to WIl1. I wish WI' WI'I'{' thp undpr~ Koppers Coke SHEA'S 31 NORTH NARBERTH AVENUE. NARBERTH
in it. : clogs." \ . AT NARHI<;R'fll STATION
Protection of bulkier foods, such as potatoes in qua.ntity,! Ho\\'{'\·er.. Mattis was qui t p RALI"H S. DUNNE Narberth 2838-2839 Cai! Narberth 4270 Opl·n Thur-.
hams bread etc. is somewhat more of a problem than IS the pkas('d WI·th tlw netory O\'pr 258 HAVERFORD AVE. 1''01' Appomtment ,\: Pri. E\·c,. 'with s~aller' amounts but can be accomplished by the in- i PhOl'nixville. the first L. M. ever NARBERTH, pA. ~ I
t II' ent use of cans 'ars and other containers. I scor('d O\oe)' the Chestpr CountlU.ns. lriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiOiiiiiiii-:' .:"', -.-------------
e Ig - _.- - - ,I • .- -"'S' -J'--.... Z'--p'--Z---- \~~'el~~~~~ :~i~~1e~'e~e r::~::;I~~ ~-~ 1 • • • • • • • • • • • •IIIi•

Sta1~t A.ft~..1" c 1,00 ay ~~35p:~~;p:c~~~e~~~~~al~o~~0:~gOU~ Upholst~ing . • • ...~
ProJ1ec't 'Y"Al B. MeCe11tel~ ~~~y g~~:/b~~~~a:onph~ni;~I~~~
t riurnphN1. 72. in 1934.
Volunteprs interl's!pd in ('hilci: st .r,· a fcw mil1\ttps after th!' chil- There was never any doubt as
can' are bt'ing HGught by 1'1t' Cili ; crell ira\" t·,) lIlt' outcome Saturday. Thp
7RlIS Sen'lce CQrps of tlw LOWI'I' Both U1I' pla~':~rollnci and the Maroon pushed' O\'er a touchdown
Merion COllllcil of Defpml' ID as-' s(']noi buildll1'~ arp b('in~ USed for
slst with thp Bryn 1\1:1\\'1' Play t!l(' projC( t. w:Ill g-anH's :Ind oUlPr
Centpr. an afrPl' srl1Jol plV pr"- al·tl\ltlt'~ o;ltdt>C'I'.-. :llld lWIHllcraft.,
in 111<' tirst ppriod. added anothl'r
in thp second for a 13-0 halftime
lpad th('n pxplod('cl for two scorl's
jpct n'cl'nt!\· or~:1llized nl t lit' Br~'n ,dr:,II1:lti('s. paint Illg :Inc! otlw: hoh,: in the third pl'Ttod. As usual.
Mawr Public S:'l1001 uncl1'l' tilt' bi:'" ilHillor~ Thl' g\,Il1IHlsillm i~ 0.J3rh Matti.~ used a ::;teady stream For the accommodation of
auspices of tht' Montgr>l1l,'r\' CO\tIl- ~ a"llil.bll' f,r ramy d:1~'s of substitutes but the team showpd
ty COlllllll\lR(' on D:,~' Can':Jf
i\l1~S Ctara :\1 1\11('n i, dirp, tOl
' of t! 11' C,'I111'!' whi('h " hp:n~ sl:tff -
no slackening of its pacp.
Vprnon Yo'ung. spepd~' Negro
Inside and out. upside down
and all around! That's the
the many now engaged in
Skilll'd workl'l':' al'l' IlPI'c!f'rt parI: ','d bl' \(1;lIllt('t'r~ frlllll till' Colll· halfback. gTabbf'<l the spotliRht by attention and care we give
war work during the day

rUlarly III rrafL.; of :11l kll1cls ll1ullil~·. M('mb!'r,; of lilt' ,;ponsor- ~ronng two touch<i'c1wl1s. He pro- to maktng your old pieces
mctal-\\'OI'kll1~. wood-(·:1T\'lnf;. cIa\" sorin~ ("lin mill"" inrlllrtp Mrs Soara \'idl'd thfl bigg('st thrll1 of the inlo new.
1110delinl!'. s<'\\'tn~ und knittIng; for PulIp!'. ch:linn'(n l\l1d trt'a~urer.
rhYthnllc d!l1dn~ l'1as.-ps; tUHi hI' ancl Dr BCI·tha Kraus of BI'~'n
game when he returned a PWlt 95
~'ards for tl1P [Ulal touchdown in
~rk of intHest 10 II t.o 12 ~'('ar Ma "'1' CoUe[.:('. the third quarter. He also ac' 105 N. NA'BERTH AVE.
old boYs. Lpa[\pr, an' \\'111\1'0 al,o for countl'd. for the other tally in this Na~hh 2:MO
Wh~thpror not thl'\' haw 11ad
any pre\ious training :>1' exp('ri·
such thin!!s as mu,il'. story
t('llin~s. !likes. !'tc. :n nddilion to
gamr~. pe~r~io~d~'~8~p~r~in~t~il;'1~g~O~ff~;t;ac~k~l~e~f~r~0~m~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
I::..,__.__, .__ ....,-_._-~~ THE MAIN LINE STORE OF
cn('e for this t~'PP of work how- thp rrofts. and r-o help with the •
ever, \, will .stln hI' wei·
corned by thr Committee for tl1P
Center has a dunl pW'p:Jse, tlmt oi
~drninistrative. end ·:Jf tl1e work.'
1l1cludmg clencal work. Those who
havp' not had actual experiel1:2e
providing fiupervised play for the
children and of training leaders
will ha \'e an opportunlt~· to de·
\'elop skills llnd3re ne('dpd as well
I Suburban Square • Ardmore
who may later !!i\'1' help in organ- Q.<; thl' trajned Il'aders.
izing olher such centers.
It is planned t-o h-ave the group
work f~r !lIe cl1ildren, 011 pupils at
It is thp sentiment of Mrs. The:J-
dore A. Phillips. chief of the Cit!-
z('ns SN\iee Corp.., of the Council
will be open from 12 NOON
the School. whose parpnt.~ hav('
signified a desire to haw them at,
tend. Mondays through Thursdays
of Defense. that \'olunleers will be
helping with a wry important
part .:>f th(' war effort if theY can
from 2 :30 to 5 o'clock. Leaders sparr an afternoon 01' more a
should be at the Center as near week regularly to this growing Other business clays, 9:30 to 5:30
2 o'clock as possible, and plan to

• ¥ •• ••
Nmmuntty earl' of children.
':~.-....-....-.c~~ ~ ...... ~ " - ' I l _ I I _ ~ _ t l _ ~ ~ ~



The gifts of Pictures you are going to make for the Holiday Season
should be framed or re-framcd NOW. Bring them in so they will be.
ready for you when needed.
givin9 .J1oJel$ will Slzow
If you need Sa.sIi, Door or Blanket Insulation, call CYNWYD 662.

lBULIa "UMBER COMPaNY !Important CNew gaJklom

The Link Between Forest and Home
29 Bala Ave•• Bala-Cynwyd
" 6:30 to 8:00
Closed 12 o'Clock Sat.
,a.n,e·' A •• c. • •. " ... . ,
Cynwyd 662
AVOID E'reeze-up8'
Re",.'~ Broke.. Cellar Wlado,,,• The Annual Sale of

Jack Frost will come inside more ho~s~8
During and
than usual this winter, but don't make '
it easy for him to enter through a
for some ·time·after' broken cellar window and leave his call- iii women '" m;S$es'anJ iunior miss sizes
ingeard on an exposed water pipe•

Repair or seal up alllilllch openings and $39.50 $49.50 $69.50 $79.50 $125
look over yom .water' .pipes. CoOVer (Ir
protect any of thelil which areparticu- u. $. EitC;,. T. 'nclud.d
larly expo~ed ~ cold.
, Important unfurred models • $39.50
no' .uhi.ct to 'ax
~Ofl.otr.nake telephone ·calls.
Keep li~.... cl.arfOr-~Civilian ~"".nle! PllilsJ.IpA!"611r!J.n
, :'
, \: ..'-~'.' .',

l l i f Hf' I
....•. ,: '. . \" ~ ,- ;


.... , .. ....... .. ::' .... , , .. ,.'. ~

. ....•......,.~.'
NOV~MBeR5, 19~==~t~'~~~d~'~~~~.~.=;~~~~~~~~~~~~:~~ OUR 1~W'A
£2'· • H • $ • ! • ! • .rlll!) Page Three
,peak on "The Prl'sent Slgnl'f1cance
MME. DE BEAUSETllS , be nt-h , will take pla-ce on N.;,vI'111ber
at .Merion Post At of Armistice DIlY." A servioo of
. ' _ ... BOOK CLU B.,SPEAf(,~R • 9, Selma. Alabama.
Lucie M. Slattery: • HICH The Book Club or !.he Narberth
Juniors met at the home of the
Pollock Is a gratluate of
Merion High School and
"OverbrGb[ Service
Thll officers and membf'rs 01
remembrance for all members of
the Post who have passed away Will
"Ted Saturday' by chalrmiln. Mrs. John W. Eldenberg, Philadelphia Secretarial Bcll::>o1. Mp.1'lon Post No. 545 01 the Amer!- be conductf'd during which the om-
DAVID MALICKSON 208 Woodsidt' uv., last Monday '"to Lieutenant ToIJn, who is a. grad- CBn Legion will partlclpntr in thr eel's of the Post wlll place a wreath
At St. Matthias ClgSS of 1945 - Lower Merion HiCJh School hea.r Madame de Be::llllsett of the
Ardmore Book Shop.
uate of Lower Mt'rion High School Armistice SU'nday Service at 0\'1'1'- .of remrmbr'ance in the Vhn!lt'1.
orook PrE'sbytl'rian Church Sunday Taps will be sOundl'd by btlglN";
' ,~ Its ]In- ~ Mraz. and James D,,\'IIII.
Sister Was Matron of
Honor for
, ':'I)I\()!n()I't' c1",;.:, h,·LI
1l:;1I'1 ,.[,., 1101l uf oflh'rr:, 01\ OdoO-'1 * * * I
JIAJ·s. William E. C1l.'3.r, Jr., was,
I _... t ure f th
Bring ill your lin cans WII.~. and rt'IIPPO nto:u r.ells, r o e C Uv.
ViII an 0\' ~ l.-UIlt'ge. I"~"\"Ith tt1 r
S. Anny Air F)rrr at S.'!lI1a, I
ut 11 a. m. Byron B. Pare of ME'r1-
on, Commandpr of thr Post. will
I Srhool
thl' Lower Merion High

',; '1'11,' st!ldpllli; nominatl-d NiniLJ still Is. tile plea to rvery student III ....111'
• ~ ''''rs
1membels nil' UL.
R •M•
Tat - Alabama.
Merion Bride E.Hklll,ln. Hpnry Bonf:g. Mark Po:- I tersifie.d, MI"/;. A. M. Bottoms. Mrs.
L. M. Gordon Da~gy won first p IIcr JamE'S Pollock, Mrs. ftarry Davis.

~::,,:~,~';:~::i:::e:~~;":;:::;~:::~: :;,,~:,:::3~~:::;;::~::~:: :~;::r:Il;?"~tC~~£~~E~ ., ··jl~~~~.~·~,

T],e malTiag., of";s 1.,1('\1'

Slat terr. daur:l1t,·r of Mrs TI10n1;"

Y"I1"~~ U~~~~~~lJr&Ef,;~~~~....-.,..-_.
Rlltttery. of . HolIX'tOl1." :l.1enUll. ;Jllcl
6t':-~("allt \,ill('l'lll P' Duffl·. , I l l of 1',1' 101' spcn'tary. and John
\011' ;Jlld \fl ,Tn\11l.J DIi!T\. ,,: ".1: IeI' 1'f'llr,k Loomis. Hnd Frpd winners were: R.\:om 106. 78 cans; Rniph DickiE', Mrs. D. C. ~org~, I

n"l'1n!llllo\\'ll. tod: pl!ll'l' List S:lt- H.l "" ' ! ' I,)," t I'" u'."LI I'"", Tile \'i~n_pl·",.·I·_ 3- Mr..;. Louis Getzow. M..s. William M' I
210. 39; A301. ;1. Hunls. Mrs. WlIllam E. Clear. Jr .. !
* * *
. "
uld,,)' !It Hi "1'1 i:1 s: :'I1.l I !I,l:1' \"1:1 Wli! lx' lilt' c.lndlrhHr \\'110 1'<'-
Mrs. Roy T. Gowlana. Mrs. F. M.!
('! 1\1 1'<:11 B:l:" CIllII'Id '1"1' 1'.1 "'IW, : 'It' ~,'colld hlgl1l'~t number of L. M.'" wrl'stling team is starting, R;;bb. Jr.. Mrs. John EidenbPrg. and
ThOI11Il' J. H:ll\II"\ i"": .'1. offl- \l)~t'~ ~()r :11" p],f'sicl~:lC~. Tlle cam-
to "'t I'll tl'1111 LU1d"r tllP SUI)CnhiOll :, Mrs John Flynn.
rialI'd. ·l.Il~I\ .'I'f'.... I1('-' and final t"lectlol~'; ~t ~
dl!~~Jl1~~I;~:\I~\:lt:l'l' f;J~:';I::,~:::l\I;~,.,;~·~~ LJ":l('~ tb~Ilt':lr l'~lIr,' E* Whist:~·.

,Ii: 11: i of Mr * I EILEEN -M-.-P"O-L-L·O-<;-K- I

\'lll;illf :n'el IJI'lel.l; 1'ar1l '.\a·; .lI·'d
oC• V:lr:;)::, Clllb, h.lI·I' h .. :L1 f';prtlon.- Jack Young W:lS the lucky winnrl TO WEn LT. TOL~N
I' :!If' Rlil.l COllntry Club. '!1lf'1l1g :Ill' p.I.'! tW;) ""epk~. The Sci- 01 the first Merionlte Ischool paper> Mr. find Mrs. W. ft. Haws, 106
11:" C;'.I\) I'I't'sldent IS Jall1r.~ Hran-
TIll' bf',el,·. \I!lO II:" !'.'\'f'11 il1 spon pouL The jJnze was two tIckets Dudley av., Nnrber~11, ann:llll1Ce
11\.1ITW~.,' I,,· !leI' I1I'OlllPl' :--11' CI'n: 'y, ti'<'o,ure. Drdr Danl'l1howt'r: srf:- Ulat the marringe 01 Mrs. Ha\I's
A :->,,!,\,. II "" a \\!I,:.' ~,ltln '1"'..11';'. Grol'l~e Scott. Rf'd Cross Club '0 .1 10:al tll,'atrp Harris Zllnml'r· daughtR1', Miss Eile~n Mary Pol-
;"\\'11. (u:i,' \,PI: and :1:1 o,', :,i,; -AI1I1 Wethrl'l11d. prf'.:'ld"l1t; RUC1! :11;111 "':I" tlw run'1lrr-up of thl' con- lock, to Lieutenant Jl!lmes E. Tolan.
(,:.;a ';1' 2112"b"111 Jrnkin,. l'ice-pl't'Sldent; I tl'-t. 3d. son of Mr. anci Mrs. Jame~
* * *
:'Ills I ;"<Jr':1' .J \lJIlt'1\ of B"::l'
CI n"yt!. \\:1' tlil' ma:rOll of llOllO:
.Int! 'Ilil' il':r-'Ilc!aIlI lor IlP1' ,.",:,',
Hanwt !'Iold. St"CI'l't'lr;', T11e Com- I
'1\I'ITI,,: Ciub's AOfflcers \\'1'1'1' electrd
~L1ri1\g a hot dog roast. Theyal'r- NOI'embf'r
Future Events
Tolan, Jr., 210 W·a!-'"lle av., Nar·

L. M. _ Norristown 'Pc •• c ~iQUE c~AU

Sill' \1'01'1' a:J od I'O~,' fl'ppl' dn" ).). Alll'J\.' president:
d ' Anna WIIltZ. football g-aml'.· .. Nov. 10. Soccer. L. M.- Heirlooms, silver, china. brlc-a-
.lIlel cilln,'d ,I 1'(\\lql1l'l or ['!l:I'!lIl- \'ICp-PI't'SI ent; BettiJanf' Ball. src- Pl'11n Charter', No\'. 10. Hocke\.·, L bracs. 19-21 E. :;LANCASTER
I !11'1l111111>
f '1
:'IiI' 1"1'.1":\ 1) ;j IT \. \)1'0'. JWI' O. ,1, ~
B It'
* t
,·"tar\·. and M.l1'Y HaIllprl. u'pa,'lIrpl' M.-Radl1or at Radnor: Nov. 12, Soc·
I' rpr at HavE'rford: No\'. 13. First
10, 10 am. to 5 p.Jn Admission
1'I'Ic!p:,:·OOlll. :I,'I,·d a.- Iii., b''': 11l:1n ,-,,·,1 o. \'(',,'ran me ropo ann q\lal'ler rpport cards; No\'. 14, Uppt'l I
1~.•••• ' . . . , t
J I)uffv. :lll0t!\I'r brotllpr: Thmna~ mrlltDtor. spoke to thp fitud~lt body ~~~ ~~~_~~~_~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~_ _~--~--~~~-~-~----~--~--~-~
"lid thl' \I,ll,':' \1'1'1'" \I,'"rs J.llll1 I1!'W"p"pprmlll1 and noted I'IH}IO com- Darby, oft • _. •

F L "~~IUII. ;dlL!
Tllomas Sl;d t('ry
Jr. brother of tl1r bridt'.
Junng all assembly UI1 O('Lob,~r 28
His topic. "Tlw Shape of Things to ,....--------------------------------~---------------------------..,
TIll' bridl' is :I graduatl' of ]'o;otn' Come." wa~ au analysis of the pres-
Dalllt' COIlI'f'llt PhiladdphiH, :iIl<l ent World War-it~ cau.-es. econom· •
Tell1pl.. Onil'l'I'SJt\'. St"l'geDI1t Duff;', ic t~nd political implicntion,'; and a i
i.' sta I I'JIlI'd a t Colorado Springs. discussion of future possibllitirs

CO',). I Ru~scll Blackwood. sopohmore memo

; bl'r of the a.<;sembl~· planning COI11-

1FIRE SID E .~r~:ll:(, Red Cros., Dm'" 1.-; llndrrw:l,

aL L. M. ThIS ;·I'or. ;lS we ail kilO\\'
Cololwl :lnd Mrs. D N Hau5l" the Rf'd Cross needs all tile funds it
man. 4 Shirll';' rd. Narlwrth. at- can obtRm t.o sa\'eU\,es on the hom..
mittf'p. was in charge of the pro-

What we're doing to-

(<'IHird the anllunl AutU1ll1l reunion and balt!r Ironts Every homr-room

~~keep YOU rolling"

of mel11LJl'rs of the SkytoP Club in is working for a 100 pt'ITent mpm-
till' P:){'onos I"s' II'l'tlkrnd. I bf'rship.
* * *
i 'I'll(> npw chc(rlead('rs. r1105('n by * * *
,J:lmes fl, :'vlark"nzir. ,Jr.
son oJ. th!' stud('1as at a rE'c.ent football ral·1
~fr. Jal11c' B. M:IckpllZlp. 24 Nar l~·. :Ire Barbara Knapp. SUP Brooks i I
Ilrook Pari:. Na~bprth. ctll11pll'tRd a' PaUl Kuntz. Hal'l'y Gill. Milada
('OW's(' of 1ll1l'nSlIp training in t Iw I - \

'; '1100\ f)r (~lInI'l'r'~ Mate.'. at the;

Senl<'t' School "I th., t:. S ~:l\''', 1
Grpal Lak,". III

:vIL<;s Cllristin(' H:lckman. daugh-,
* * 'I
V!r 01 Ml'. and Mn;. Elmer D. Hack·
man. of Narbl'rth. took part in the
rast e>f t11<, Litllf' Thratre Players
production of "LOve From a Stran-
ger". gi\'~n [It thE' Stak Tf'achers
College, Wc~t Chest!'r, on October
Mi,,,~ Hackman. who is a juni)r
enrolled in thE' t'!Pl11l'ntary curricu,
Iwn, ha.~ bl'E'n ll{'.li\'(' in tll!' Little
Thealrl'. p.,,·r!101'.Jgy club. bible
study club. and social ~tlldies c.lub.

Dr. \Vadr F. Ba~ingl'1'. 1120 Mont- * *
gon1l'r~·.a\'.. Narb<'nh. Itas been
spending '11 ff'II' days at t!w New
Weston Hotd. Nfl\\' York Citr t.his

Ensign J)hl1 Fillipoldi. ~on of * *
Mr. and Mr~. J. F. Fit.tipoldi, Mt"rion
av., Nal'bcrth, l't"t'rntly rreE'il'rd his
commis."ion ill t.h<, Mf'dical Corps of
thE' U. S. N<1\'al Rpsen·1'5 . .

25 WORDS FOR SOc! In One Paper I·
$1.40 FOR 4 PAPERS
ask about specia.l monthly rates
'You mAy Rf>ntl mon<-)O ol'll p r. Rtnmps. or UPfRonal ~hp('k. Af1~r(,RS
&11 COl1lmun!f..'atilJns to l.. o\Vpr Merion XewHIJop('f8, Arumore. Pa.

Ardmore 5720 Greenwood 7740 Hilltop 3600 A message to Commuters
- - -FOR
- - - 1- - - - - - - -
:-:ALE'-l~:lj '~h(\\'rul"'. 4 11,)01 Grand. & UprIght!
QuIck Removal
YOU SEE' the guns, land tanks, and troops go one, or have one huitt-the Htf'f'l IS IW"tkd for
~f.dall, :, good tll't,~. ('all Hilltop
r,:l:,l. Pianos Bought Fair P"lcee
CourleouR Men
rolling by-and you brow our trains arc doing war purpos~s_
nA~ ~T(n'E-l ~I )'f'nrloloh1. 1 hly . !If'll, 8& careful p, HUGHES I: SON their part in the war e3fort.
l'I,'all, good (,()fhlHlon. 3 ,107.. 1l13Hlln liMO Market st. So here is what we're doing: maintaining a day-
.la, 10'. ('."1 lIilllop 01;1:1-'\\', Plano Moviol OR CALL
All. 7f1l0 We., 11184
BveDlDg8 Ora, tlI2B
But don't think fOra single moment you have to-day check on every train; adding a car here,
HELP WANTED-FEMALE been forgotten. It's still our job to get you to l'ubtractingone there, as traffic warrants; keep-
your desk, your store or the production line, ing in constant contact with local war industries
('O~IPA:O;lO:O; for elderly lady. Mlddle-
a'l'ed woman. reO ned, living In or clo... DESIRABLli'l
HOMES , in order to set up schedules and equipment most
No housework. 9 :30 a.
to Brookl1ne,
m. to 6,.30 1'. m. dally except sunday.
Moreover, that job isn:.'t so easy ssit used to be.
Write lor Intet'\-Iew to Box 148, Hav",- 316 Montlfomery Ave.. Cynwyd convenient for their workers. We shan cooperate
ford Township NeWill Llanerch. Pa. eyn. '-00 Gre. noo Now, due to tire and gliB rationing and increased
in all ways possible to meet the necessitieB
LOST wartime employment!!! Pennsylvania Railroad
HOME IMPROVEMENTS -~--------- of commuters as best we can under changing
I,ARl1E MALE: DOG, brown ond whlte trains serving the {oor principal Philatlelphia
AlIION & SON. ~etll'r U'))(". Collar but no name, Dhc
InJt HllrdwoQd
PllpPrhanglng and point-
floors 8crn.p€"iJ. Ren· al)pe8~-d from W~'nnewood Tue-s(]ay. suburban divisions ue carrying many more wartime conditions.
o"atlng of an~' kind. 18 months to Ocl, 2;, Reward. Call Ardmore 2i lli
po)'. ('all Ol'Bnlto 4100 beLween 0:00
passengers. Since June." more thana half million If occasionally you should be inconvenienced-
. and 8 :00 P. lIf. ROOMS FOR RENt
nOOM In Apt. ~In Oakmont. ~Idc room
additional passengerl100 each month compared have to stand-be delayed because of a heavy
nt~xt to bnth. Conh:\ntent to trtln~,
portntlon, Ref()renceft e.xchanged. Cull With the same months a year ago. wartime freight or troOp mov;ement-we trust you
Window ahade. •. Vene.llan BIlt\cla HlUwp 1407. .
. ROBS.ON.. Owi!:~8 CYNWYD-,-Prl"ate home. room Wltb That givesuB a problem. We want you to be will accept it with understanding and patience,
1~15-1019 LANCASTER AVE., BrYn MaWT
private bath. Will rent turnl.h,,4 or
Phone Br:rnMawr 1120 01 "'1 untlirnlahe4 to reJIn..d woman. . Garac' cOmfortable and to have aeeal.But; there are and realize we ate trying to do our best for
. . ... '. available. Five. minutes to train or
MIRROR.S & GLASS bUB. ,Pb,m"c:rn':"~d19·9li~. just So m.any car8.~d. we can't build another you, too.
NOW 1.1 .. theUrrie . to ~jlJ';eitate :r01ll MISCEL'LANEOUS
home. GLASS BHOP.·.JO~N S.'1'AGYm, . , . . . . •.. ;.",. . .
7815. We.t Chllster Pike, Utll>«lr Darby. Ul'BOLSTERINOAND' ·1l.111P.lIRIJ>fG-·
CUltom miLde '1IIIrrortl; rll.llverlng; re-· Sprlnp .·at . '~pl.eoe aiJlte_'.'· repaired.
modeling; picture•. frall1ed; turnlturtl ·ilO.OO; ohal,s reoovere!!. 1Ii;00, OJ!

Pennsylvania Railroad
toP., Phone .Blvd. 8081, anyWhere. Call Lewll, w.a:vn" 1490
117 But. LaDouterAve.. Wayne. Pa
. NI!lEDIllI;> by .:~he 'AD,lerlcan" lbd Cro...
....".blng. maChine. alllgie Ilea and ll1at· • 'UN'.'.DR' -OR';'" .- . Uk·e·· h·o UD-
. ·treu.· Can . lled cro.,· ~ellodquarter....... .... ..-..
Ardlnore 3~00. - ' d i e or bamper, .UPro.peel . av,. B'~ SERVIlle THE NA TlON
, Kawr. Pbone Br)'Illl!llowr lIU.
. . ,'MA"•. HELP WANTED '. MAlD,&XPei'teno"d, . coIOred.cciokln;
;·:',:·'.~9ABPJi~T~mn6;ii~;t~Ut~il. j~6.:~-~.tu:n1 ,;~~{7~~~.!~~i~~~~1~it.;~~~ ·~-f'·~.._ ......ilIio_....~~-....~~~........~.......~~.......-!t_'"~~.....................'!!'"'.....- -...- ..........--~---.............,_~_ _....,.,-,..."......,..,.,.-...,-..,..,,..,.,.~__:__-:--:---~~~.....!"'7'""'l'~-..,-~
_,',l!t,Il~ "lh,,_.. C::allUU.I~OP,3~8.1.· . .' care"o~ tbll.pBper, '" ;' . .' l. .,.: ,".1. '.', . . . . . . . - ,..

NOVEMBER 5, 1942
PAGE F O U R = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = : O U R
TOW N=======================

Montgomery County's First District 'Vote

The Penu valley Garden Club wlll

Issue Last Call I meet Monday, November 9, at 10:30

RepresentaUve In a. m. at the home of Mrs. Gibson
Rep. Cone. I ReP. In Sen. In
for Blood ReaDonors
Main Line Cross offiCIals
JudKe of Jude' of Governor Governor
sup'me Ct. ,~s::.;u~p~r:..':..r..:C:.:t.:·I _
Lieut. Sec. of
Int. Afr.
at Laree ConK!'eli Gen. AS'DL General ASIleQlbly Bell, 529 Manor rd., Penn valley.
Mrs. Robert Fellows Wood will A thoughtful 'Mother fay.l:
speak on "Herbs."
Issued a last call ycslerday for
those who want to sign up for
First Distric!t ci
g: 04 III alii i
,.; iii
g oal o~
An eXe<jutive board meeting of the
club was held Wednesday afternoon
'I am giving my children

~~!~ ~~~: ~~ ~I ~~ lj!~

blood donation weeklng begin· meat is so high and not sO
at the home of Mrs. Spenser Rob-
nlng November 9. ert, Manor rd., Penn Valley. plentiful."
The Moblle Uml of the Red .. _.'..~~'__._:::l::_._-'-~~~_~lXI'__~
________________-=-3c----CCiii __::l_ _Ul_ .:'._-.-::i=_c_~Il.=___=__"--::s::....---.:Q=-...:-:::.z=---:..:..-~:...----.:=----------
Cross WIll be at the Narberth 14 7 99 151 96 146 96 146 110 101 153 95 152 98 161 96
FIre House on November 9; at B~ld~eg~~~'
B Id PI ~st ci .... ·· .... ·...... •
Brldg:port: Tehl~~ .:::::::::::::::::
45 156 46 153 47 152 45 152 48 152 49 155 46 153 46 156 44 BROOKMEAD

120 173 118 174 121 174 118 173 119 171 117 178 116 173 120 179 114 PAINTING
lhe Wynnewood Park Apart- Narberth No : . .. 122 464 122 481 119 481 114 485 111 491 113 490 117 486 112 490 112 492 GUERNSEY DAIRIES
_ ~ Wilbur s. Mulet
ments on November 10 and on Narberth No 2 182 762 176 764 174 716 172 776 174 773 g6 767 183 767 179 774 178 775
av., Wayne
the 11, 12 and 13 of November
at the Red Cross headquarters
in Ardmore.
Narberth No. 3
West ConshohOcken. First .
West Conshohocken. Second
........... 81
11lI 357
101 108 105
86 63
113 93 114
105 100
93 114
80 369
88 107
115 93
lOt 1"ORnl<~ST A \. E.
NARnl<:RTJI, 1'.\.
Phone Narb..rlh 2HII-11
West Lancaster
Phone VVayne 1121
West Cons h ohocken. T h II'd 517 92 521
Lower Merion, Gladwyne . . .. . . . . . 92 515 92 510 99 517 90 521 93 516 as 511 107 505, 94
Appointments should be made Lower Merion. MerIon No I 138 731 132 737 132 735 132 735 135 733 135 733 135 736 126 742 128 739 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ -0 - - - - - - -

by calling Ardmore 3100 which Merion. Merion No 2 ., . . 79 448 69 454 61 448 73 455 73 455 68 459 76 451 67 459 70 457
IS the Red Cross hcadquarters Lower Menon. Lowrr \Gen. Wal'n~). 99 78. 96 7a3 98 778 94 785 98 783 98 183 103 777 94 788 95 787
al St. ~orges rd. and Mont-
Lower Merion. Haverford
Lower Merion Rosl'mont
107 657 118
81 551 87
652 100
547 80
98 671
81 551
gomery avo Lower Merion'. E Brl'n Mawr'::::::: 156 522 151 523 160 515 156 519 160 517 1"9 511 161 508 152 526 147 529 FOR QUALITY CLEANING SERVICE
Low,'r Menon. W Bryn Mawr ... 227 449 222 451 241 448 :.>26 448 229 449 22J 446 230 456 225 452 224 544
Mrs. Francis H. Scheetz is Lower Merioll. North Ardmore No I. 109 576 104 598 110 577 lOti 517 105 579 lOG 578 112 571 105 580 105 580 DUPONT PER-CLENE
cl,airman of tho Blood Donor Lower M"rtoll. "Iorth Ardmore Ne: 112 49:; 100 403 105 491 !l6. 502 106 490 IQ'J 495 101 491 103 495 96 501 The improved process of Dry Cleaning for garments and
Lower Merion. South Ardmore No. 1 90 326 93 324 93 324 90 326 88 ~28 88 :127 93 326 88 330 89 329
tierv)ce of the Ma111 LlI1e Lowl'r Menon. SOllth Ardmore No 2 243 387 245 386 219 384 ~37 389 :46 3n8 2Hl 392 244 287 236 397 237 394 Household Furnishings by Scientific Methods
Branch of the Red Cro:;s. Lower Ml'noll. South Ardmore 1'10:1 144 746 14:1 743 141 743 13~ 7;'2 136 747 I~. '148 131 750 137 750 133 755
Lower Ml'Tlon. ROllth Ardmore No 4 121 829 110 840 115 831 110 841 112 837 112 838 108 843 109 841 108 842
Lower Merton. WeCot Ardmore 195 356 194 359 199 352 192 3.19 189 357 19') 358 194 362 192 363 192 363
Commends County
(Continued from Page Ond
Lower M"r!OIl East I '''' "I' 1'1" I
Lower M, nOll. En'! LO''''r No 2
203 202
:l01 30
25\l 293 258
34 209 41
299 259
203 31
258 302
37 208
Lower Menoll. Bala. 126 511 114 523 125 510 IL; 520 118 517 ILl 523 118 518 115 522 116 522
Tlllrdly. Thc Coullty "XIX'lllled Lo".er Mrnon. CYllw,d . 141 nl9 128 926 135 920 133 9n 133 925 13" 824 131 922 133 927 128 930
$126,806.11 dUl'Illg 1942 (J1l tilt' ncw Uppl'r Mrrinn. Upper . . 60 286 ti3 n5 b.i 283 61 285 61 286 60 287 75 272 59 288 63 287
Upper M['rlon ~liddk .. 61 ~4G 59 ~';6 65 245 h8 245 59 241 5~ 246 66 242 57 250 57 253
hospital UlJlt at the InstltUtlOll Upper Merion. L""er Nn I 73 129 ,5 12!1 84 127 ,6 1~6 73 13i1 ,:1 128 83 126 73 129 76 133
Upper M['rto!!.!~0~·~~-?_2_ 10_7__46_:..:...:..--:...:.:-....:-::...:...._~
Home, Black Rock, making Dtal 110 4:, 101 46 III 45 109 44 109 44 Illd_ _4_5__ 44 108 4_5__ NARBERTH BALA • MERION
~pffidltU~5 ~dJte ~W.~242. ~~. ~~_~~~----~~~~~~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~---~=~~~~~=~~~~~ 219 54th and CITY LINE
I.. . · '1

~~~~1~~~~89~~~lt~·~~~I:Cd "Ad:e~~~~all~e::~~5

Old Time G.O.P. Vote Turns Out To

and lor on NARBERTH
1 subject of lhe Lesson-sermO'l1 In all
Main Plant - 206 lAST LANCASTER AVENUE, Ardmore

~~:~~~r~~~::~:~ ~~~:~l~~~t:~~I~r·~2~~~ Swamp Democrats In All Districts ~~~~~~~sNoo:em~~is~: S;~;lt~~'ld~~ ·r·IMPO'RTtN-T~s-T-"A-"-l-E--"~~~tTi~-N-·~·oTicE:i

Fourthly: AlthougJl the C:Jun t \

pendltmes of the c:JUllty, the' hC
tually sprnt $1.302.97237 ThIS 1_ time
Lower Merion's
malorities to
election districts gave comfortable, old
Republican candidates in Tuesday's obedience
so by themany

Texl IS: "As by one man's dis· • .....
On Tuesday, Jim Kelghtly's team
were made
obedience sinners
of one shall
good houS<'keepmg :In t1H'lr pan
I 11represent.'>
lor It. 11 ."a.~.l11ti
d a II _ of 0\('1
I again cpposed Bob Hackman's team many be made nghteou~' (Romam
Stale Senator Frankhn Spencer incm'porates Overbrook HIlls ana m soccer. The score was 2-1 In favor 5:19)
sl'nou,l~' ;:;;::;;;::;;;;::;;:~;::;:~:::;;;::;;::; I'
Have Your Car or Truck Inspected
Don't Delay - Due to a Shortage of Skilled Mechanics, j'
olle- 1,1 ml IOn 0 ,It"
In 1941. ClUJ' l,lX rate wa..s 2',
Edmolld". \1110 I.' Ill, led Penn Wynne, the home of Samucl af Hackman's team. Jim Fratantonl
th" tIcket \\l1.h 10,422 I:)\.es to 2450 K. McConnell, JI'.. chaIrman 01 the and Bill Sidler made goals.
- _ . - .. - ~. ~ i You May Exp~~enITe~g~!lty Later On t.
cd .t property 1Il our (,oL;nt~
ThIS meant that If \UU .. o\\n
as-l cast lor I11S Democratic oppunent I Lower Mcnon Town"hlp Rl'publi- The score was zero-zero at the end K NG l i
DRESSM A Co·Operate Save Do It Now ',
~sscd I

I'" I
at $4.000. yuu paId a count\ Gerald R. Nocton. All of U1e on Committee, wasld far behma of theu' football game on Wednes- FOR SMART 'I t' HEADQUARTERS FOR REPAIRS OF ALL MAKES OF
alld ImtItutlOll l.IX of $1000 TIm Candld.ltcs. from General Edw.ll'd
when It gale Gellewl Mal tll1 831 d3Y. Captains of the 0PPOSll1g teams VVOMEN CARS AND TRUCKS
vealI' \aUIPald $900.
11 Draware Coullty. tlt' ratl'
I Marl1n down. topped theIr OPPOSI·I
to 115 10teS f:jr Ross.
Peneoyd 2 or
are Edward McQuiston and John
Est,ltcs l Ca p p elii. Cy11\l~d
i :;:
II' r
ror Economical TroTlsportatiol

f 01. 19'1
.. \1 .as 4 -'
,J JlI1 II ., an d ,·ou tIon" b\' more than 7000 votes wI(h I ga ve both Ross lind Mal.tlll t I1e, The Grays were agam Victorious .
J •. '

would ha'r paId on the same a' lhe ex,eptlOn of Allen M Stearne l1l'ast Ilwnber of rutes they polled orer the Reds in lntmmural hockey I =
sessml'llt. lax 0: $1900.
In Wl'slmore1.,nd Coullty. with
the rate of 650 mills, } :Jur tax
rUlllllng luI' Supl-eme court. agalllst ,111 any of Ule dlstIlcl,'; but thIS by a score of 3-1. Jane Miller, Jean
Gro,er C Ladller In L:J\I'er Mer·: was duc t:J hght rei,;lsLIatIonS Rldgr, and Joyce Boardman made
Ion Steallle only ellWI ged WIth a Martin polled 201 voks to 39 for lhe Gray goals and VirgInia BalleY I
- 1

In LU/A'l n(' Count~·.
would hll I e bc<.·n $2600:
WIth the
6892 cdge oyer h15 1'1\ aJ Ross WIth 385 Rcpubheans and 25 made the Red ouoal.
Of t:he TOIl nslllp's 19 district.< Democrats registered in the dis· Jane Miller, I
Phone Narberth 2808
Hours: 9-12.30 _ 1.30-6
\ Cynwyd 0981 t.j
Tri. 1166 I L
rate ~~ il20$3~18110IS.
I l,l\r ,,('l'll _ : an
YOdur tax woule! there was nOl one 111 thc Dl'mo-I lrict .
rratlc colulHn, a 1{epuhhcan ae"
to Ed •.
The healy vute for Sella r - - ------------
_;,;;;;;;_;;;;;;_;;;~SC;h~0~0~I;;R;e~p;0~r~t~e~r;;;~~;.~~~2~~2~~~~~~,..~~~~~ ••~.~-------------
••~.~_:"~_~o~_~'~_~'_~~":_:":_~ :_:"_::._::"-~:"-::"-:~'-::':-:.:-:':.-:":-:":-~ ~-: :-~.:-~ ~
--- ------
. . .:-:. ... .
In L,lcka\\'anna County. \\'Ith thl '["oIHpllslllHelll \\hlell old tll11er~ Il1Ionds W,loS IlIterpreled -as a per
rate of 920 null". ~our tax w lul<l 'lId ll'mll1<lcd lhem 01 days beforc ~:)I1al tnbute to a man who. as I
ha\(' bN'1l $3680 'llw Nc'\\' Dral and Roo'["elt I Montgomery County's reprrsenta-
2. County Aid to J>olitu'a\ Suh-' Democrats made thl'lr best sho\\'- i lIH'. has e,tabll,lll'd ,1I1 e11\ 1,Ibir
dh·isiol1s. '1'h,' ltl'm. "Capital Out : Ing 111 W('st Mall.l~ .mk whrrc their !egloSlatlve record In the Upper
IJY" includes the aid i,;1\'en by the! ,tandard bearl'l'. F. Clair Ross. House of the State LrglSlatuI'e.
County COl1l1ll15Sl0ners \.:J Towl1-: polled 269 \'oles agal1lst 293 cast Although thcl(, were predictions
ships and Boroughs. Montgomer~ fJr OCneral Martm, the govelnor· that Congressman J. Wllllam Oit- A WEEKLY GUIDE to Lectures. Exhibi-
Counly spent In 1941, for this pur. elcct. ter would be :Jut 111 favor of hi,!;
pase, $808,349 whleh was approxl-' L1ke other sections of Montgom- Demoerallc opponent, Charles W. tions. Theatres. Sports. Music. Motion.
mately $300,000 more than the ery Counly. Lower Menon Repub- Moyer, ~hese failed to materlallze Pictures. Restaurants. and Cafes.
combined expenditures of the other Ilcans and Demo~rats surprised and Ditter came through with as
3rd class founties, themselves by getting out a heavy comfortable a 'majority as any at
3. Deb.t. As slated above our \':lte. Together the major parties the other candidates. ExHiBITIONS , FRANKLIN ~8TITt)'rB
Nute: AU Sen lee Men In unirorOi \\ III
I Ul'('ortl.'d ('Illlol",klll
~Iu,.h· IJ. rt I 1111
Inlla" :\1l\"IUIH"r f't--I.,II
1.1<;('1' (

County IS frre of debt. As of 1941, had 22,563 reb>1stered voters and of At"'otrr I{..nt _1.seum. t 5 S. 71 h At- "1101'1 I •• dlll '11-
b~ adolilted tG MUtieUlll antI 1'IanetulwJn 'lvl"lllwr,.:', {'lIl11lHcntnlor. •\~ ~1
1 .1'. 1. k" IlIlu",-
)-;,lIlhlllu". ot local history. ExhlblU \ [11l,1 i I oJ
the other ~rd class counties had lhese 12,856 cast ballots In the rtce. Y"·IIA. nl"A.I and I·'Ilt.: ~tl". 'Ill' .. d.l\:- '
\' I \\", I .' III -"oiL;" I I,,! Illl • '" I

the fOllowll1g "net bonded" debt: gube! nalonal contest. This ;ave
Delaware County, $4.506,931: Lu· them a voUng record 01 56 per-
tll.'IIII;:; Cit).':; Important role In the war,
~11l~l"nl E",hlbhs: "F11~
l'lilioltltlphhl," Original l"hilco ~\"ar Car·
I-~Ishting in
K:\hlblt ur thl' 'Iuntlt -- ·"It'c·hunknl
('otlnting": .\1:1 IOllg a:-.
th;url"S to help 11111I III 11J~ dall~ rUll\1lH'
nl.111 lni'" 1)1"
"I'Jo\, "",mIJhon,'
II U"lllg
f rl'l, ...,.,trll.
I .' .

("11('( ' t
.. ~I Frl'
t'.) ! .

. ,

ill I
1 .. 1
,. I ~ I·
I I \ I Ill"

zcrne County, $2.503.806; West· cent. Broken down by parties th-e Our Own
lllllllS. ".\loIlS These StrC'l'ts" - Phila· lit cXI.ltanJ:~ ur <111'11':;:11. tl,l\ll ur li::;e.111 II,; ('\cr)' 1ul·... Ila)'. f< '14) 11 JIl. ,It )l'lt,'n I .... ltlllrult) • :'\U\f'II1",..r '-, 'H' '·I.lIlt
1)("lphla {HI Me< n by conlPnlporary Jlt(,1 Bry lin' "(!E"nl.'t' Llf IIl,ltllt'lll.lii,loI It.l~ "'('II! ~~~~. f~l~:aLl allU UCll(~ r"lH, :!>-l. l!5l'I\)l1 I 1.'11111'111' I I 1,\ "dlll.ll d
nnreland County $1.531.074: ana Republicans WIth 19.631 registered .1I (ists Daily 9 to r. .30; \V-edllcsda:rs. 9
l.i,led upon ll' aId IIIIIl .\doll!q:, I'lll,. I Itll ' 'I t, I I', "Pilip I II\'
tu ~, :;UIIUU)'6, :! to 5. I \\1'.\ :"\~mIJhull.\ Urt'fu· ... tru.
Lackaw~l:nl Count.,·. $1.169..390. and 10.255 v::Jtmg polled 52 percent
4. ElTu'll'nr)': In no instance. ha~ of lheir votr 3nd the Democrat~ SWEET CIDE'R Pt"DDH:d"anla At'ndf'luy or the Fine Art A,
ArcHil1 ~t. auo\ c AI eh. Fortt<:'th Annual

tllosl' \\ Ilu h.l\e IIIW II

,wol .l1\10I111g" .11'
lU\jJllltatll )I.lIt III ll<ltlll.11 Ii"
r"r I 11\"IIUIII ,,1\' , .I'll -,till" - I - ' \ . ,
10 ,I" I' ~I :. . . " .... I I" )1. 11 II': :.,
I \ I

• 1 II 'oil .11101
\ . III \

., "'I" I
.\ II'"


efficiency bcen ~acrlficed for econ WIth 2932 reglstcred and 2591 vot· I'hd.hlclphln. '\'nl~l- Culor and Print Ex. l'Ollll'utln~ IHal Illlll~ h,'\' IW'II Ill\ "111,,1 l-hiludl'llthin Or( h,'",trn (ul" "1'1"
Made daily from
omy. On the contrary. thc highest Ing poiled 88 percent. soW1d, washed apples
Illldtiofl and FurtY-fll'st Annual Exhlul-
1I1'1I. I'eolla. ~ul't. I)' uf ~linl~\tulo Paint·
,lddlll;": :-;jwl'd • • hI.UrUt\, ,llid ';l!'i' to til •
.ahlll.llldll~ (IIII'
.!':. ~ Jo p. III lilt ':1,";\1 I' III 1.11~'·1I'
~lJ.h 1I1,IIhlJ1t' Io!; th,I()IIII~lll1\' l.:1)lldUlllll;.!
.. , 11\ 11.\111"
I,,'" llil

effIciency has been demanded f-ol Cynwyd auain walk d off wit,} of good quality
'I~. (H l. ~.) ll) :-';U\·. :l~.
:-iunday. 1 to j.
Dally, 10 to O.
t ")IIQllOlllett r. 11I};1'1 .. \ I'd 111 tIll • ;l'Jlllld I II I •• 1 1·1' ..... 11
. departments
.. 'and at a. cost thaI
. hIgh.votmg . "honors when e the Re- ~ FIL'Ol 1'1)1 ntllir IIl,il II.. 11,lll" 11,11 \ it'IIIII'''c' ('11\ ull'llfh'. 1 ,I' , I I I 11 ~\ •
ActUlrm" of Xlitural Sl"h'nreM, l~t h anl1

50, UUM"um lIoUrM: TUl?'eday, \VedneBdBY, \\lllg'll~I'IJ1 1 "'Hllll.I'. 'i1\I'llIhi'r K-Il'''' -II,,, .. lilt·
I' as nOI mal undcr exi~tlng c::Jndl' publicans cast 920 votes fJr ~n­ J.\III'I1'" "II tllli
the Pal k~\'ny - Fn'e exh\bllllill of the Thursday, Frhlay and Sunday. 1 to 6
1,\ \ It
lions. In thiS sphere. I congratu- cral Martll1 and the Democrats 135 a gallon Ih:lh('H of the ~ odd. Open dally P. M.; Sslurday, 10 A. M. 6 1'. M '0 III j
I •• _:"',
I :111111 11111'. 1.1"1
T ," 11 11,11,
;\1, I 'I'
1 ...
I "
I" I
I ..... '
J I,' I,
I \\
1"', ... l.llt'll

late o.ur Judges who have certainly for Ross. South Ardmore 4, which
.\udubud IInll, ACud'lIl\
nllll~ Ilr 1111.' dll!' p'nt (Ol1tlll·
="ltU1UI .111I1 '1'11<\1\1<'<1.0\ In,,:; 1)<1). ('lll"ll'd:\1 Illda\~
'll\ ., ~ ,1I I l' ~ t'l _ " I II - 'I

esta.blIsl1l'd a remarkable recor<l

(IOe returned on Jug) ('nil" an' dl~lJlfl'ecl
a,:.:(dll.l"t p.ilnl. d b.lhl-
A"ults~llIn. ::) C'C'nt~
III th.' 1','1", 1'llIn.·tnril101-"~lun and IIi", ).-,th .\I1I1I1UI
:"',u'!t'I, ut
I '· .... hul nf th4'
\nc'It'l11 IIl .... trllllwul.....
UU I 1.'1_
',~ .' 11
_ ",
, 1 'Ii

\ 1"111
' II
Lit I JIIH'I xlllll\tl'l Hhow l l nil'('rl'tl''': .\ ... In.ill 1\l1I1,,~ 11111 lnl" II" ,I \
I 11 ' ''11 \ r I \1 Il~' \illl
for low judiCiary costs and ex- 1I1Iw bl1d .. Ih\.!,qll"d tlil!.' l('JlUh~ltl an- !I, pIll", til spHC· ... \\ II h 1111' 111" .. t Jllo,}"11l It-dll 'HIlIl l"IIJ .... 1 .Ill.] 1: I!\ II I ... I 101" 1 \1,
, • 11.11 \ p" 11')1 I III
penses. l" ~llll~, 1111\\ th,')' It \ l., \\ hy .lllll \\ 111'1 e If'~t " I "

0; • • 11 Il I j.;l' I-lt I I " " l .llllll.i'" I ",\ ., .. ,II • •'\.10\ I ,II \11 I
(I USq4 " 1'1 \\, , I I " \11 :\ILJ!:p \1111
HOME MADE lllt'\' nllJ..nali'. lllrc!l:i o( the Pllll.Hll'lphla /llld :iI" liar Pl0' t,,'l"l'i' ~ I·' I'hilncholl,hiu .. 'nni ... t .... · .\ .......uduliull ,.<
5. Cooperation: This is an item r('J.:"ltoU Vull}' ~ til ~I. :-;ul1t1a)~ 1 h) ;.
J'hotll;.:J<.Ij,1111 )dlll I 1\1 ... t.\ l'I,"lll. tit
I'ILld\' dl"lt.illl 0111'" t!oi. hI' Iii ,Illl" to f'111l1 I'ilH), I ;t!II' al :-.", to I \ 1'111.. I; I I I, ,oI~' III ].:, \ II I .. 11,,1\ "r '·"IIILII,II 1'1'.1"
that does not outwardly appear 1n IIlJdnrl"ol Sot'l('t,)· uf l'l'nO M) h·onla. 1 ath I pli.'IUI~· 01 til,' l I l I l \ I I " " ' , ,,111111 i,'lltllf"l
Apple Butter :-::'1 1"1 "t In II ::<. lit'" "~I ""ll ',r\ l .'. " I: 'I 1 I· 1'111111

1'''\11 I" ... ( l ' 1.1101 ..
UIII LtHu"'t t-::-t",- Til, }11"'11I1\ IIf tlH
dollars and cents and yet nets :"\.1\ \ .\Iltl ("tI.l",t (;\Ji'tl II." 1 III Clu,.;ll =",,\
Ill' Int('I'PI' !t·d 11\' tht,,' aPlolll',lIlf,n III I' a"'- .. III ~ltl; ur $0': "" 1"1 til' 1 'II \llInlla\ 'H\i"lIh,'r 11-.: \I '''"01"11
Ullin/; J.1t1\\{'I. ()IJI ~IIJ.11 ~\ .. I. 111 I~ hut a
remarkable returns where coopera- 1,'lnq III a ~1"II'S It I.illng tI.l Illsl"l) III I I 1,', ,,\\ II \1),' It Illtllll 'II'" II" I,...

till\ portion of alHue ill lh. ~.tlHX\ uf
tion cxlsts. In many counties ,\Illfl!lu'll "al~ Dull)'. t'~l. :-:1111. ,llld \\Jlldl \\c ali' it IHIll. ,Hid \Jill /-;al.l"\ \~
MISCELLANEOUS I~ I L'I .. \It"] I " " \\' 111'11" .\\lXI·
.1' f.u Ill, II II' If" I' I tI It'~ •.Ill h 111·

~llJll ~I to ;1 olll~ OIH' Id 1111111'" 1111111<11115 :--11 II ll' "f Ill • Uonc·lnJr-Ort.Hlklhu.' ClIl1l1tl\" (·lldl. :\1111
through:JUt the State, there is C(ln- .t\n~t!'rl"lIn )'4Wl'(Ih..h Jlt!'florlc'nl MU"'Nlm. i

Lll, 1111 II '''I'lltl
nlll~t nl'ldl'llI dlSt .1' I 1!<'l" tit .1"'11"11"(1110 .11 ltd. llruoklllll',
siderable friction between the va-
rious departments resulting In
19th St. aud )'attltion ,oA \ c.-Warlltnu

of ~ew )'o"k Tlmcs, Oct. 20 to Dec. 10.

CartuOtiH DC O. I.:;. eelSH.1 C. t.~altoon editor
"'C1CIIl'l' will hc' eXIIIHlnl'd til tIll'
h\.'r I·lan .. tallllltl l1ellllln",trlll l l l1
lod.. p .. nct.. nee noll,
Sls -Upt'n d"ily BJld Sunday, 8 4[. A M
'tb .. nd ("he.tnul ,

j" lIt

\1 t" ,\\ ~I...

'\. L1'1
III'" I '"

.\' ... 1·
II" "·"t' til-
1'1' III I ' ~ I 1.\ I, I I I
"f .' ,lllll.t I
111 \
D"lIIulIstra tlolls e\ I'I~' .Ill)· .t ( :; lid .. '~n II
more costly operation. Montgom.
ery Caunly Commissioners are J. J. WHITESIDE Ardmore
Dally. 10 to 5; sun., 1 to 6.
Wntrrt'olur Exhlbltlun by Philadelphia
artists at PhlUIl Ra.gan A~gocla.t'·s. Hload
P. ~t., I'Xl1.1 shuws S,ltllldn\loI :,,:ulld'i\S
alltl hollll,''''8 at 4 P. ~t , t'Jdltllt'II'l'\ lIour
Sntlll!],'\, Itt 11 A. ~t, Adults ..ldllllltl·t!
10 .. ::0 p, M. Flte.
1'110. Ac,unrtum. n.')rlh or Alt Museum
on East bank ot thC'! ~chlJ\ Iklll--Orwn
·l'lI.·..lIln. ;\1I'.·lI1lwr 10-':
1.\ 1.1
I II(' 1101.
":d" .<Irll
, 1\\ I' 'Ill
dslly 9 A M (0 4 30 ... M.. Hunda)

constanly endeavoring to reduce 8L Suburban Station Bldg., 1617 Penna.
Thanlool~i\ Ill;': D.t' ::. l, S ,:1) I', :\f I. I., II 'I J' ,II, I 1:'\1.1/111" \1\ III
friction t<J a minimum, thus en, Villanova .:. Malvern 61\<1. I'hutn !'oiulull"': :-\l.'IIIII~ ~I'\ l--I'11TlI<.l
9 A. 111. 10 5 P. M Froe.
I I I JJ I I '" I I, \ \II - \1.11 I' • '1.1 iI\
Narberth 3668 The I'rlot Club, 11;11 Latimer SI, fllSI
suring a maximum of servIce. . . . ,
""'4 lid,,\\, , u:--\-i"lIUI'h'('nl h Anllll,11 E" 1.(1\
It,· ~IIIlI"lIt~ of till' ~C'\\' Y .. l1< 1111011Itl1t,,
.. r 1'!Inttlgnt.plly ;tlld I" nll'lTll" I ... "f Ill,
Hallc'lnl: -
1'1"1110 H ,11"1/1111.
l'ull( {'\PI \' 1"1 rla\ .111,1 :" Illl
I ,
J , I 11'1
\ I,~.
~ I
l' . ,
llid \
\ \ . , 1\ I l l ' "
.\ll 01" ,II
\ Ll' Ilia 1 \
:-Ot i' 1 Y
IldllllPIl II! 1'1 IlIl~ 11... 1~11l1.\. iii II'-t .. , I' "'aUd"" l'ullr..-I-"lldll'l.d 11\ 11'\11 I
:-";H\ JI Illu~t1.llltllh' "11 ":-;'"Llt II' rtl
l'll,q"gl,lplll(" (;l1l1d flf p( t l ' l l t . I.' nt \ 11 I l '1' 1/ III
:\tOOI"(' Tlln f' 111"1",' i '
hOlll tlltll!>: "r
lIuI \l~t" ltv l.'IUIl' Lci/-;httll1. :-.;.)\ tlJroU..:h tilt· UJlqH'IU11,," lit tlit.: 1'llIltO· \ L I oJ!! ';111'11,,10':\'
II l'J
l'hthll)('hJllia, ~Utlllllj:l' III 1 :u " ~I i \ ' 1\ Jt \\ II ......
gl apllic Society of 1\ 1Ill'1·lca.
w('lkda,' tlOIH :1111 ~t (1111.111,1 I': IlI:l;
1)1 Ill,'1 \ \ , ,,1'1"1
~l' ::1. \\·olkdu)~. tI tu ;1. ~~tuIJa)13.

To Help Win ~ It) J.

331 d & Spruc;C 5t8.
-I'~xlllhititlll 011 "hillY.. J'l'I~hl 111111 TI1H't.
thltlugh :-.:"\. lhlll)' CXCt.'lIt )'1on4a.>M, 111
\"Idow "
T II J~,\l' ItE
Lellal'l:I '''l'IH'' 1\!t rl)'
IUIIIIII 1"111111..l111
1"a'lIous Silt"nt 31."·h·,,,.
Theat,.t.·, :\1l1'1J M lalH' an"
IllIt, I. ~,lll

), .. e,J I
M'I ,1/:1\'11
·111'1·· ..
1'111.'1,1 01
I, I _

' •
I , 'I '

I'.. 111' Ii
t't 11111

\I,! II
\ "Ill "1111111
I ...·..
J'I " ..... 1 I

III lit'

the War!
:'\0\ j", 1-=\d ('hIlI'L'1 III • 1'1111,' .. ,
111''lI,L, ' ~ I '1 II
to ~" SUllllnyM, 1 tn :1. "·.dnut-··LI fl' wit II I'~a t l1l'r" \\ It II l'c·n y 11l,1 :-'lluLJ )'oll'llll JIl "1 ;,,,,01 ~I' ,ll_
II' I l,
I " , I~
1',,\\, r' Iq,
(·nh·t'r"IlY of l'eonM,·I\·n.JJla School of "'Ill lin dll'. ~1.11 J.:1l10 UiJlIWI1 (' ludAl,"
\ 'I , I \

.~ln.o J\rh. 3:1rd anll Locust St~.-"FJve I.U("lIMt - 'Till' ~kln of (Iur 1~lc,th" .\1 II'" \1 \ 11,,1 I' .1,· "'l \11,,1(, I"""t
J.. l.. lnn or IImmr l'l1trlotlc' (l·t... hrllliull.

{'('l1luril"'1:! of Ml'n and l\Iann('rs til Draw- I .... t I'll" ",I" _. I" III' j'''''11I1I 'flt\\ II
\\jth Tallulah llanlJ;llt'Hll. 1'~lt'dC'lk )1.lIlh
Ing:' 0t.·l..5 to 2:1.. 'Veekda)'s. IQ' to &; Flt)rt ni~4' 1~ldl Idge unti Flul t'IIt:1: Hct·tl. lol.'JllIllog' [l1l'1I 'illd \\ "111'11 "I ,11, .11111' d 11.111 .! I " I 1 1 ~ 1 1"

• ..-:ur
r - The Office of
"Defense Tl'ans-
portatlon has put
SalurdaY1il. !J to 1.
~Illltur) Clrd"r ur the 1.11) III 1."11'1"" 01
3011 ~oldli"I~.
:\lu",thllum-"Th1/'l I~ th .. ;\1111\," Inlll;":
( .... lullcOiI stat ..·". \\lIr I.ihrnr, 'nnd ~ltI. l.hallll·M .\IIB)" ~hllw. •


,'qll\'I1I,":1 III'

, I"
1;\ 111, I,
I ' , .1"1' I 1"1

l IIJ I,
I. I: II
I 1
\\ II ILlt :-: t

."rull', 1 so:' Pine St.-~IH·i·I.II dl~l!lay III ':I'rtln~ :-:t,.:, .:'-n\. :1- J., _ ,0 ") " tl I: .. r i l l I 'I ~ II I II .\111 I' t diu'"
mlo effeet many 1I11.·~urllls of puttit'ulur lnll·r(·:-t'to 1I1l1J I' ~t d ul.\ t .\ ..... , 1.\ 1.IJlIII.,I,1
LITTLE THEATRE 1111111 '\,1" ,.,."

hard and fast III 11ll' ~Inl{\' anll i.~Xhlhltllln of L'l\11 1I"""llIe 1I,,1l,\ -" .. , '1 "I III 1..11"1 1..}11,.111I1111 1'111'1. IJ,
\\'lIl 1t'1lnl "'cl'l<dl1)"', ItJ to H :-;.llUI- lIt"d..prow Thratre, Moylan, I'll - n r l l
rules on laundry erLO! y \Vedneauay through Saturday.
\, .101, Ill\' ul )111"'\' 4, 'Jf I: ,,\\ II " 1"'11 "\1

Il,n f'4. Jo ltl 1~ 1'1 TI,I,"'N ,1\ ... 1:-1101, .11 I lI·t oJ \\ tl , J, \\ I' LI \\, .\ I I It.: 11'111~ I ,.1" 1.\
THE POINTS services sueh as ('uItJlrul 01> Inl...·,.. (iuU'''r). :11 ~·I \\"10\1- '-'urtath at 8.30 .,h;lrp. Seh{'dule tor wE'ek l·rlt.'Mt 111.:,ltl11\1,1 1\.'1 S. ':':11 ..,: I I " II I ~t ,.1 \ 111 I, \\ \ ,I, '.Il) I "r 'I I,l I: \ \ III It ,.:
... No Special De- lallJ .\\ t.'.-ExhlllltlOl1 ur ".11' Jl!>fll'j!4 Tlcke ... $1.21 & 710 available ft' 1:ldl 1.11 Lito! \\ 'dd I, til 'olllllil 11\
IN YOUR CAR'S lh("~r~ or At Olmh!'1 Br'os
llveries, 110 call- :"\u\ l!mtll'l' :! lu :!I; E~lllhllluu ~lt Junlo' I:, p. I J.. 1ill\,I., I 1'1 n,d" L I J.
IIh.:h 8('11001 ails unci l'1"ft~, :",'\t'miwi
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Un\," :"\0\ 11, ':-'lIlnl
1,'uothnll: "1\ j" I', 1111 \~ .... ," I ... 111/ \u~l'I"" F· d' I.d 1 111"11 ~lll-
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:':hih. 1'.11 I... .:.1 ... 1 <11101 I.' III~ II \11111":--'1 I: " ) I ' ! l 1'111'"

SAVE GAS ~O\"l mlH'r. Hally. 10 tv tI, Sunlla~'M, 1U 1\ I 'JiIl.liI .. 1 !,Il I" 1:1I&.:.1'!l \ '01 'C \\ ·lhur"".lu.\. ':\u\'·ml.... r J'!-': ;11 tidl"I\'
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personne I h a v c 'rh,- .·h.Ktk ('Iub., ~Ij ~,
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to'll'Ullllld 11'1l£"J-Full 8l'Ul-loli "1)111" :-";0\
\\ \' I. II" II 1 II' \ 111111 I] 1;:-. II \.
For efficient combustion it is add j to these 1o;xhlultlulJ oe MUlalJ l.~'1.tUll'H 1I1uJ (1'lllt1'l
H) \\ltl1 :-:yhi,t Sidlwy III "P\l;luallon."
·1, 1'''11 "f \\.' l' 1 ,'"I".. I" Ill'" ,11101 \11111.1-
~o\'clnher 11 lo :!;j. lJatlr eXl:\,pL :-,un~ 1111' '" \. ,1'\' 111\ "I tit Fill' .\It-. 1"l'l.,;
Important that ,the J)oints be problrms. There Ull). 10 tu :. .;0,
~Iltt 111.·('S un \Vell. Frl,. and S,ll.
I'" ".] 11\ I" "I" 11 t~, I 11. c' :'\ III I 'II j'lIl
w\ll b~ timcs when Sc.-lghburhnod l'hl~l'rM, 511j S, ~q h H l -
('elltrlll l'ML\, II~t .I,['h Sl -F1'I.11.

clean and the contact properly clo ~1£"llit'r Art I';x 1\1 II n., ""he 1l0Ul'41.' ul
:\'"v. Ii, 7. "'. 1:1 11. 1;,. "\ '"' fc ('rll\\ 11."
unavoidable de· li;l(', S:i('. HctWI \'l1tiontt, ~'allu.·l 4 t;j I.
Umed, Our skilled mechanics lays In our plant TunJ,.;'u\'," til :'\o\"emhl'r :10.' IJaIIY, to Uf'ril~llnt()\\'n 'flwlltrc Guild. Is:! 1 (h.'I"
are equipped to check your dis- lind 111 delivery
It. til.
l·.. l'L't.'
tu 1n I). Ill., ~Ulltla)~, % t(l ~ I' III
IllIUHUWII A\'c.-:\ov, 6. i, ""'hal BROOKJ.INE
tributor. Havo it done today.: wlll make your
sel'vice somewhat town
\\~OdJUl're Art GlIlIl·r)·, :J:!Ol
II Arcadia C·hio·.
I;~iiii_iiiijiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii_ _iiii__._iiii~ / .J1. :.. . COVlQ'Jly
::,,'Ovelllb~r fl t~ ~ tt

irregUlar . . . but 10
tlUYM, :! to 6,
18., Dully. 10 to 8: llun- "CIoUB

we . hop~ yOU ap-
preciate our posl..
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Art Lenlrue of l'hllud.,ll.hlo. ~ 107 'Val·
nUl I:lt.-B"hlh!lIol1 ur w .. h'r colur. by
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/Inns Uuo'khul'd. :-:o\'elUhc,' ~ til H. 1 ,~O
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ate With us When':' to 5;30, smA POooirtm. . ~
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IAnERY AND "ol\>rl"lft. Xo\,ollllJcr ~ to 11. \Vcckd,,),... . ; '. . .,
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