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Antenna Arrays

Linear and Planar Arrays

Arrays of Two Isotropic Sources
Principles of Pattern Multiplication
Linear Array of N Elements with Uniform Amplitude
 Broadside
 Ordinary Endfire
 Increased Directivity Endfire Array (IDEA)
 Scanning Array
Linear Arrays with Non-Uniform Amplitude
Planar Arrays
Array of Two Isotropic Point Sources
E  Eoe j  r1  Eoe j  r2  k  P

d 
r1  r  cos   r2
 r >> d ,   90   d
cos  r

r2  r  cos  
d 2 r1

2 

  j  d cos  j  cos  
d 1 2
E  Eo e  j  r
d /2
e 2 e 2 

 


  j j
 
 j r
 Eo e e 2  e 2 
2 d

 
    d cos   cos 

2 d
  d  = dsin  sin 
E  2 Eo cos    2 Eo cos  cos   
 2   
Two Isotropic Point Sources of Same Amplitude and Phase

ф 0° 90° 60°
E 0 1

HPBWs = 60° in one plane and 360° in another plane

Two Isotropic Point Sources of Same Amplitude and Opposite Phase

HPBW = 120°
ф 0° 90° 60°
E 0 1
HPBWs = 120° in both orthogonal planes
Two Isotropic Point Sources of Same Amplitude with
900 Phase Difference at λ/2

ф 0° 60° 90° 120° 180°

E 0 1
Two Isotropic Point Sources of Same Amplitude with
900 Phase Difference at λ/4

Spacing between the sources is reduced to λ/4

ф 0° 90° 120° 150° 180°

E 0 0.924 0.994 1

HPBW = 180°
Two Isotropic Point Sources Of Same Amplitude with
Any Phase Difference
Two Same Dipoles and Pattern Multiplication

Dipole Pattern:

For δ = 0, Array Factor (AF)

will give max. radiation in
Broadside Direction

Dipole AF Final Pattern

Dipole E-Field for Vertical Orientation:

Combined E-Field

Array of two dipole


Dipole Pattern AF Product of Patterns

N Isotropic Point Sources of Equal Amplitude and Spacing


Radiation Pattern of N Isotropic Elements Array

Array Factor

First SLL
= 20log0.22
= -13.15dB

Radiation Pattern for array of n isotropic radiators of equal

amplitude and spacing.
Broadside Array (Sources In Phase)

ф Ψ E
0° π 0
90° π/2 0
120° 0 1
Field pattern of 4 isotropic point sources with the
same amplitude and phase and spacing of /2.
Ordinary Endfire Array


Field pattern of ordinary end-fire array of 4

isotropic point sources of same amplitude.
Spacing is /2 and the phase angle  = -.
Increased Directivity Endfire Array (IDEA)

Hansen and Woodyard criteria

Parameter Ordinary end Endfire array with

fire array increased Directivity
HPBW 69° 38°
FNBW 106° 74° Field patterns of end-fire arrays of 10 isotropic point
sources of equal amplitude spaced /4 apart.
Directivity 11 19
(a) Phase for increased directivity ( = -0.6),
(b) Phase of an ordinary end-fire array ( = -0.5).
Array with Maximum Field in any Arbitrary Direction
For Beam Maxima at ϕ = 60°

Field pattern of array of 4 isotropic point sources of equal amplitude with

phase adjusted to give the maximum at ф = 60° for spacing d = λ/2
Antenna Arrays (Contd.)
N Isotropic Point Sources of Equal Amplitude and Spacing


As Ψ 0, Emax = n, Enorm
Radiation Pattern of N Isotropic Elements Array

Array Factor

First SLL
= 20log0.22
= -13.15dB

Radiation Pattern for array of n isotropic radiators of equal

amplitude and spacing.
Null Directions for Arrays of N Isotropic Point Sources

For Finding Direction of Nulls:

For Broadside Array, δ = 0

Null Direction and First Null Beamwidth
Null directions and beam width between first nulls for linear arrays
of n isotropic point sources of equal amplitude and spacing
First Null Beamwidth (FNBW)

For long array, (n-1)d is

equal to array length L

= d/λ
Directions of Max SLL for Arrays of N Isotropic Point Sources

Magnitude of SLL:

For very large n:

for k =1 (First SLL)

SLL in dB = 20Log 0.212 = -13.5dB

Direction of Minor Lobe Maxima
Half-Power Beamwidth (HPBW) of Array
For calculating HPBW, find Ψ, where radiated power
is reduced to half of its maximum value

For large n, HPBW is small : ~
nΨ/2 = 1.3915

For Broadside: = 2.783/n

Cos ϕ = Sin (90 - ϕ) = 1.3915/ (πnd/λ) = 0.443/Lλ (radian)

HPBW ~ 2 x (90 - ϕ) = 50.80 /Lλ
Aperture, Directivity and Beamwidth
Grating Lobes for Arrays of N Isotropic Point Sources

To Avoid Grating Lobes:

where is direction of
max. radiation

For Broadside Array:

For Endfire Array:

Arrays with Missing Source

(a) (c)

(b) (d)
Radiation Pattern of linear array of 5 isotropic point sources of equal amplitude and λ/2 spacing (a) all 5 sources ON
(b) one source (next to the edge) OFF (c) one source (at the centre) OFF, and (d) one source (at the edge) OFF
Radiation Pattern of Broadside Arrays with Non-Uniform Amplitude
(5 elements with spacing = λ/2, Total Length = 2 λ)

SLL < -13 dB No SLL SLL < -20 dB Grating Lobes

All 5 sources are in same phase but relative amplitudes are different
Binomial Amplitude Distribution Arrays
Binomial Amplitude Coefficients are defined by

m=5 1 4 6 4 1
m =6 1 5 10 10 5 1

No side lobe level but broad beamwidth

 Gain decreases (practically not used)
Non-Uniform Amplitude Distribution
Non-Uniform Amplitude Distribution (Contd.)
Rectangular Planar Array

Rectangular Planar Array

and where k = 2π/λ

The principal maximum(m = n = 0) and grating lobes can be located by:

m = 0, 1, 2,….
n = 0, 1, 2,….
Radiation Pattern of 5x5 Planar Array
Directivity of Planar Array
Directivity of Rectangular Array

For Broadside Array:

Directivity of Circular Array

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