Mid-Year Check-In Form: Employee Name: Manager Name: Employee Title: Date

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Mid-Year Check-In Form

October 2020

Employee Name: Manager Name:

Employee Title: Date:

This form is to recap and document the mid-year check-in conversation between an
employee and manager. It should be filled out following the mid-year checkin

1.What have been your most significant accomplishments so far this year?

2. What have been your greatest challenges? What support do you need moving forward?

3. What will your focus be for the remainder of the year? Are there any goals that need adjusted?

Check the appropriate box: ☐ Employee’s 2020 goals have been ☐Employee did not have 2020 goals.
reviewed and updated as needed Goals have been created for the
remaining six months.
4. Is there any additional important feedback not captured above?

Employee Signature: Manager Signature:

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