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Name : Yunisa Salsabila

Class : XII IPA 2

1. I know the boy ……… sister has excellent skill in ballet.

A. Which
B. Whom
C. Whose
D. Where
E. What
Alasan : whose digunakan untuk kepemilikan atau menanyakan

2. …We couldn’t see the road while we driving to work

A. It was a fog
B. It was foggy
C. It was such a foggy
D. The day was foggy but
E. It was such a foggy day that

Alasan : such + adjective + noun + that , jadi jawaban nya yang E

3. It rained very hard this morning, but mother didn’t have an umbrella with her. We may
conclude that ….
A. If she had umbrella, she did not get wet
B. If she had umbrella, she could not get wet
C. If she had umbrella, she will not get wet
D. If she had umbrella, she would not be wet
E. If she had an umbrella, she would not have been wet

Alasan : conditional sentences type 3

If + past perfect+ would/should +not + have + past participle (kalimat negative)

4. John is poor boy, yet ….

A. He is generous and helpful
B. He like cheating during the test
C. He often tease other people
D. He can get prize in the competition
E. He never complains about his problem
Alasan : “yet” itu contrastive conjuction digunakan untuk perbandingan kata yang

5. Observe Observe the following sentences.

People like Mira’s cakes. The cakes are advertised of women’s magazine.
The combination presented:
1) People like Mira’s cakes, the cakes are advertised at women’s magazine.
2) People like Mira’s cakes which are advertised at women’s magazine.
3) People like Mira’s cakes advertised at women’s magazine.
4) The cakes are advertised at women’s magazine people like.
5) People like Mira’s cakes that advertised at women’s magazine.
6) People like Mira’s cakes.
Which choice is the best?
A. 1), 2), dan 3)
B. 1),2), dan 4)
C. 2),3), dan 4)
D. 2),3), dan 5)
E. 3),4), dan 6)

Alasan : pada pilihan 2), 3), dan 5) memiliki makna yang sama dengan kalimat di atas,
yaitu “orang-orang menyukai kue Mira yang diiklankan di majalah wanita”.

6. ‘Fendri had prepared the material of the competition very well, before he performed his
speech in the competition’. The sentence can be replaced with
A. Before performing his speech in the competition, Fendri had prepared the
material of the competition very well.
B. After performing his speech in the competition, Fendri had prepared the
material of the competition very well.
C. While performing his speech in the competition, Fendri had prepared the
material of the competition very well.
D. Having performed hisspeech in the competition, Fendri had prepared the
material of the competition very well.
E. When performing his speech in the competition, Fendri had prepared the
material of the competition very well.
Alasan:karena pada kalimat dijelaskan bahwa “Fendri had prepared the material of the
competition very well” dilakukan lebih dulu daripada “he performed his speech in the
competition”. Pada pilihan B dan D salah, karena “he performed his speech in the competition”
dilakukan lebih dulu. Pada pilihan C dan E salah, karena “Fendri had prepared the material of
the competition very well” dilakukan bersamaan dengan “he performed his speech in the
7. The presidential election, ……… people are now talking has become a popular topic
discussed among politicians.
A. For whom
B. Whom that
C. Which
D. In wich
E. About which
Alasan : which itu buat kata ganti benda atau kegiatan
8. If the watchman had not fallen asleep, the thief would not have entered the house. It
means ….
A. The watchman falls asleep, so the thief enters the house
B. The thief entered the house because the watchman fell asleep
C. Since the watchman was not sleeping, the thief entered the house
D. Because the watchman was sleeping, the thief enter the house
E. The thief could not entered the house because the watchman was fully awake
Alasan : conditional sentences type 3, jadi jawabannya ditulis dengan bentuk past tense
9. ……… a few million rupiahs, he went on a tour to Europe
A. Saved
B. Have saved
C. He has saved
D. Having saved
E. After he saved
Alasan : V + ing/having + V3

10. People like to live in the peaceful world nevertheless….

A. Every conflict and disagreement should be avoided
B. They try very hard to live in harmony
C. Coordination and cooperation are being conducted
D. They come together to solve global problems
E. They are still wars among nations
Alasan : Nevertheless itu untuk menandakan kata berlawanan

11. Ananta was 15 years old. Ananta got reward for being the winner of English speech
competition held by independent institution’
Observe the following combination of the two sentences
1) After Ananta was 15 years old, he got reward for being the winner of English speech
competition held by independent institution.
2) Before Ananta was 15 years old, he got reward for being the winner of English speech
competition held by independent institution.
3) When Ananta was 15 years old, he got reward for being the winner of English speech
competition held by independent institution.
4) When 15 years old, Ananta got reward for being the winner of English speech
competition held by independent institution.
5) When Ananta has been 15 years old, he got reward for being the winner of English
speech competition held by independent institution.
6) Ananta got reward for being the winner of English speech competition held by
independent institution when he was 15 years old.
Which choice is the best?
A. 1),2) dan 3)
B. 1),,2),dan 4)
C. 2),3), dan 4)
D. 2),3), dan 5)
E. 3),4), dan 6)
Alasan : Pada jawaban A, B, C, dan D terdapat pilihan 2), namun kalimat tersebut tidak
sesuai karena “Ananta mendapat penghargaan sebelum berumur 15 tahun”. Pada pilihan 1)
dan 5) salah karena “Ananta mendapat penghargaan setelah berumur 15 tahun”. Pada pilihan
3), 4), dan 6) benar karena “Ananta mendapat penghargaan saat berumur 15 tahun”
12. Robert would not have been punished if he had admitted his mistake. This means………
A. Robert admitted his mistakes, so he was punished
B. Robert didn’t admit his mistake, so he was punished
C. Robert was punished because he had admitted his mistake.
D. Robert was punished because he didn’t admit his mistake
E. Robert will be punished because he doesn’t admit his mistake
Alasan : S + verb 2 + o (past tense)
13. If I had a car, I would drive to Puncak very often. The sentence means…
A. I didn’t have a car, so I didn’t drive to Puncak very often
B. I don’t have a car, so I don’t drive to Puncak very often
C. I didn’t have a car, yet I drove to Puncak very often
D. I don’t have a car, yet I drive to Puncak very often
Alasan : present tense S + don’t/doesn’t + verb 1 + o (kalimat negative)

14. If Mira had a beautiful gown, she would come to Tom’s party. This sentence means ….
A. Mira comes to Tom’s party because she has abeatufil gown
B. Tow was happy because Mira came to this party
C. It is impossible for Mira to come to Tom’s party
D. Mira doesn’t come to the party because she has ugly gown
E. Mira didn’t come to the party because she didn’t have a beautiful gown

Alasan : past tense s + verb 2 + o

15. ”The day is so nice. The children plan to go to the zoo.” This means….
A. Because of it is so nice day the children go to the zoo
B. It is such a nice day that the children go to the zoo.
C. Although the day is nice the children go to the zoo
D. Because the children go to the zoo, the day is so nice
E. The children go to the zoo. Therefore the day is so nice.
Alasan : jawaban yang paling tepat adalah Because of it is so nice day the children go to
the zoo.Yang memiliki arti “Karena hari yang sangat baik anak-anak pergi ke kebun binatang”.
Kedua kalimat memiliki makna yang sama.

16. Having switch off the light…

A. He locked the door
B. This locked the door
C. The door was locked
D. It was the door he locked
E. The door was locked behind him

Alasan : present participle v + ing/having + v3

17. The woman is Mira. She has good capability of running a bakery. The best defining
clause construction is…
A. Mira is the woman
B. Mira has good capability of running a bakery
C. The woman is Mira, she has good capability of running a bakery
D. The woman is Mira, she has good capability of running a bakery
E. The woman who has good capability of running a bakery is Mira.
Alasan : who sebagai relative pronoun

18. The doctor examined the patient’s bone fracture. Then, the doctor decided the
treatment procedure.’ Observe the following combination of the two sentences.
1) 1.The doctor examined the patient’s bone fracture because the doctor decided
the treatment procedure.
2) After the doctor had examined the patient’s bone fracture, the doctor decided
the treatment procedure.
3) Before the doctor decided the treatment procedure, he had examined the
patient’s bone fracture.
4) The doctor examined the patient’s bone fracture while the doctor decided the
treatment procedure.
5) Having examined the patient’s bone fracture, the doctor decided the treatment
6) The doctor examined the patient’s bone fracture while the doctor decided the
treatment procedure.

Which choice is the best?

A. 1),2), dan 3)
B. 1),2), dan 4)
C. 2),3), dan 4)
D. 2),3), dan 5)
E. 3),4), dan 6)

Alasan : karena pada kalimat dijelaskan bahwa “The doctor examined the patient’s bone
fracture” dilakukan lebih dulu daripada “the doctor decided the treatment procedure”. Pada
pilihan no 2) benar, karena setelah “The doctor examined the patient’s bone fracture” lalu “the
doctor decided the treatment procedure”. Pada pilihan no 3 benar, karena sebelum “the doctor
decided the treatment procedure” lalu “the doctor decided the treatment procedure”. Pada
pilihan no 5) benar, karena setelah “The doctor examined the patient’s bone fracture” lalu “the
doctor decided the treatment procedure”.

19. Having sent his letter of application…

A. Bimo expected to get a quick reply
B. A quick reply was expected by Bimo
C. They expected the company to send a quick replay
D. The company was expected to send a quick replay
E. It was expected that the company would send a quick replay

Alasan : having + V3 + complement

20. Vera has recently been promoted to a top position in her company, although ………
A. She has a master’s degree in business
B. She is relatively new in the company
C. She has proved herself to be a good manager
D. She has many years of experience
E. She seems to have much self-confidence
Alasan : “although” termasuk contrastive conjunction. Digunakan untuk menunjukkan
atara dua kalimat yang berlawanan. “although” artinya meskipun/walaupun. Maka, jawaban
yang benar She is relatively new in the company. Karena memiliki arti “Dia relatif baru di
perusahaan”, “Vera baru-baru ini dipromosikan ke posisi teratas di perusahaannya, meskipun
Dia relatif baru di perusahaan”.

21. The manager is angry because the staff comes late. The correct condition sentence from
the above sentence is…
A. The manager would be angry if the staff come late.
B. If the staff comes on time, the manager will not be angry
C. If the staff didn’t come late, the manager would not be angry
D. The manager were angry if the staff didn’t come on time.
E. If the staff had come on time, the manager would not have been angry.
Alasan : pilihan C adalah condition sentence paling tepat. Karena termasuk “conditional
sentence type 2” yang memiliki rumus S + would/could/might/should + not + V1 / be + O
(untuk kalimat negatif). Maka, jawabannya adalah If the staff didn’t come late, the manager
would not be angry.

22. The old man ……… is the chess’ world champion

A. Which I talked yesterday
B. With whom I talked yesterday
C. Whose I talked yesterday
D. With which I talked yesterday
E. From whom I talked yesterday
Alasan : Karena “whom” digunakan untuk menggantikan objek orang (bukan benda).
‘the old man’ atau ‘pria tua’ adalah objek orang. Maka, relative pronoun yang tepat adalah
whom. Pada pilihan E salah, karena“From whom I talked yesterday” tidak sinkron dengan
kalimat sesudahnya. Jadi, jawaban yang tepat adalah “With whom I talked yesterday”.

23. If all the students pass their final examination, the teacher will give a party for them at
his house. This means that……… at the teacher’s house.
A. There will possibly a party
B. There has been a party
C. There is no party
D. There was a party
E. There has to be a party

Alasan : “conditional sentence type 1”. Fakta dari pengandaian ini biasa menggunakan
may, possible, probably, dan seiring dengan pengandainya. Maka, jawaban yang paling tepat
adalah There will possibly a party. Karena “possibly” artinya mungkin, pesta mungkin akan ada
jika semua siswa menyelesaikan ujiannya.

24. If he prepared his lessons, he ……… his examination

A. Passed
B. Would have passed
C. Would be passed
D. Would passed
E. Had passed

Alasan : conditional sentence type 2” yang memiliki rumusIf S + V2, S + would + V1.

25. Nia is a poor student at my school. Her father is a farmer and her mother is a servant.
She can continue her study in the university ………her poverty.

A. In spirit of

B. However

C. Nevertheless

D. But

E. Because of

Alasan : “nevertheless” termasuk contrastive conjunction.  Nevertheless mempunyai arti

namun, biarpun, meskipun, walaupun atau bagaimanapun. Kata ini digunakan untuk
menyatakan perbandingan dari dua kalimat yang berlawanan

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