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SPE 80206

Development of a Hydrophobically Modified Water-Soluble Polymer as a Selective

Bullhead System for Water-Production Problems
Larry Eoff, Dwyann Dalrymple, and B.R. Reddy, Halliburton, Jim Morgan and Harry Frampton, BP Amoco

Copyright 2003, Society of Petroleum Engineers Inc.

producing the same volume of oil. Often, each barrel of
This paper was prepared for presentation at the SPE International Symposium on Oilfield produced water represents some lesser, but significant, amount
Chemistry held in Houston, Texas, U.S.A., 5–7 February 2003.
of unproduced oil. In addition, water production causes other
This paper was selected for presentation by an SPE Program Committee following review of
information contained in an abstract submitted by the author(s). Contents of the paper, as
related problems such as sand production, the need for
presented, have not been reviewed by the Society of Petroleum Engineers and are subject to separators, disposal and handling concerns, and the corrosion
correction by the author(s). The material, as presented, does not necessarily reflect any
position of the Society of Petroleum Engineers, its officers, or members. Papers presented at of tubulars and surface equipment.
SPE meetings are subject to publication review by Editorial Committees of the Society of
Petroleum Engineers. Electronic reproduction, distribution, or storage of any part of this paper
Many methods are available to mitigate water production
for commercial purposes without the written consent of the Society of Petroleum Engineers is problems. Among the chemical methods, both sealing and
prohibited. Permission to reproduce in print is restricted to an abstract of not more than 300
words; illustrations may not be copied. The abstract must contain conspicuous nonsealing systems have been in use for many years.
acknowledgment of where and by whom the paper was presented. Write Librarian, SPE, P.O.
Box 833836, Richardson, TX 75083-3836, U.S.A., fax 01-972-952-9435.
Nonsealing systems are also referred to as bullhead systems,
disproportionate permeability modifiers, and relative
permeability modifiers (RPMs). These nonsealing systems
Abstract (referred to in this paper as RPMs) are typically dilute
For many years, bullhead systems have received a great deal polymer solutions, which perform due to adsorption onto the
of attention from the oil and gas industry. Because of the pore walls of the formation flow paths. A large number of
completion techniques used in many wells, protecting the such polymer systems have been promoted throughout the
hydrocarbon interval effectively during a water control years, and a large volume of literature has been devoted to this
treatment is not always practical or cost-effective. Bullhead topic. One relatively common theme mentioned for such
systems offer the option of a treatment without zonal isolation systems has been that they are best applied to layered,
and are designed to decrease water production with little or no heterogeneous formations without reservoir crossflow.
decrease in oil or gas production. This paper describes the A previous paper described an RPM polymer that
laboratory development of a new polymer that shows promise consisted of polydimethylaminoethyl methacrylate derivatized
as a bullhead system. with methoxypolyethylene glycol.1 This system was shown to
The material falls into the class of hydrophobically provide significant permeability reduction in relatively low-
modified water-soluble polymers; that is, a water-soluble permeability sandstone cores at 100% water saturation as well
polymer into which water-insoluble moieties have been as at residual oil saturation. Subsequent testing showed much
introduced. The unique associative and adsorptive properties lower levels of permeability reduction in higher-permeability
of this class of polymers are well documented, but they have sandstone cores that contained residual oil saturation.
not been commercially exploited to a great extent in oil Therefore, a development project was initiated to investigate
field applications. systems that could provide a minimum of 80% brine
These materials offer improvements over the hydrophilic permeability reduction in sandstone cores in a broad range of
polymers traditionally used for permeability modifications. permeabilities, while showing minimal effect on oil
For example, hydrophobic modification appears to improve permeability (preferably no effect, but in any case <50%
cleanup of the polymer that penetrates an oil saturated core, reduction). Several types of chemical systems were
resulting in less risk of damage to oil permeability. investigated, but eventually a class of materials known as
Hydrophobic modification, depending on the structural hydrophobically modified water-soluble polymers became the
features, also increases reduction to water flow in comparison focus of attention.
to the unmodified polymer. This paper includes a general
description of hydrophobically modified polymers and their Hydrophobically Modified Water-Soluble Polymers
properties, as well as detailed descriptions of the development The solution properties, such as rheology and viscosities, of
and laboratory testing of the new system. both ionic and nonionic water-soluble polymers, are uniquely
modified when hydrophobic groups are introduced into the
Introduction polymer chains.2-5 The primary factor responsible for the
Controlling water production has been an objective of the oil property modification is the associative tendency between the
industry almost since its inception. Produced water has a hydrophobic groups when placed in aqueous medium. The
major economic impact on the profitability of a field. associative interactions of the hydrophobic groups may lead to
Producing 1 bbl of water requires as much or more energy as
2 SPE 80206

either lower or to higher solution viscosities depending on the the normal production direction with the flow from segment 1
polymer concentration, which determines whether intra- or to segment 4 (from reservoir to well). The treatment is
inter- molecular interactions dominate. These attractive pumped in the reverse direction, from segment 4 to segment 1
interactions are often depicted as transient and reversible (from well into reservoir). Final assessment of the treatment’s
crosslinks among polymer chains that form under static or low effect reverts to flow from segment 1 to segment 4.
shear conditions, but rupture at high shear rates. At All core tests were performed at residual water saturation
concentrations that result in viscosity increase of the solutions or residual oil saturation. The following test procedure
under low shear conditions, the polymer solutions still behave was used:
as traditional shear-thinning fluids under high shear. This 1. Record the core dimensions, and place the core in the
property is useful in oil field applications requiring particle multi-tap Hassler sleeve apparatus.
transport, such as fracturing or transport of drill cuttings. 2. Place sufficient overburden pressure on the core to
Commercially, however, this property has found extensive ensure that no fluid bypasses the core.
applications in the coatings industry. 3. Determine the viscosities (at temperature) of the
Another unique property of hydrophobically modified brine and oil to be used in the flow tests. Perform all
water-soluble polymers is their behavior in aqueous brines. flow series at the desired test temperature.
The viscosity of a polyelectrolyte solution decreases with 4. Stabilize the flow of brine through the core in the
added salts due to the screening of the charges on the polymer normal production direction.
chain by the component ions of the salt. While this 5. Stabilize the flow of oil through the core in the
phenomenon still occurs with hydrophobically modified ionic normal production direction.
polymers, the decrease in viscosity due to charge screening is 6. Repeat Steps 4 and 5 until reproducible brine
more than compensated by the increased intermolecular permeabilities and oil permeabilities have been
associations among the hydrophobic groups due to the achieved, ending with either brine or oil depending
presence of salts. Thus, hydrophobically modified polymers on the test being performed.
find use as viscosifiers for brines such as those used in drill-in 7. Pump the treatment through the core in the reverse
or drilling fluids.6,7 flow direction. Overdisplace the treatment through
The shear dependent rheological properties of the core with 100 cm3 of brine and 25 cm3
hydrophobically modified water-soluble polymers can be of kerosene.
modified without altering their behavior towards salts by the 8. Repeat Step 4 or 5.
addition of surfactants. This result has found use in polymer 9. Use Eq. 1 to determine the shutoff percentage:
flooding application for enhanced oil recovery.8,9
The adsorption behavior of hydrophilic water-soluble [(pretreatment permeability – post-treatment permeability) /
polymers can also be modified in a unique manner by the pretreatment permeability] × 100 …………………………(1)
introduction of hydrophobic groups. Rather than reaching a
plateau adsorption isotherm as is common for hydrophilic Rheological Measurements. All rheological measurements
polymers, hydrophobic modification appears to result in were run on a Haake RS 150 Rheostress Rheometer, using a
continued increase in adsorption with increase in polymer cone and plate arrangement, at 73ºF.
concentration. This behavior is attributed to associative
adsorption of polymer chains on previously adsorbed layers Hydrophobically Modified Polymer Development
of polymers.10 Polyacrylamide Modification. Hydrophobically modified
In general, hydrophobic modification of water-soluble polyacrylamide was selected as the first type of polymer to be
polymers adds new properties while retaining features typical evaluated, to determine whether hydrophobic modification
for hydrophilic polymers. The extent of these new properties could improve RPM functionality. It was chosen because the
can be controlled by the synthesis method, polymer use of polyacrylamide in bullhead operations has been well
concentration, hydrophobe type and amount, the quality of the documented, and for its ease of polymerization.11 Several
solvent, and the monomer distribution along the polymer variations were synthesized in an effort to determine whether
chain. Based upon their unique properties, especially the the hydrophobic modification had a positive effect on the
adsorption and associative properties, this class of compounds brine permeability reduction. The screening test method used
was chosen for investigation as an improved RPM. for this phase of the project incorporated a multi-tap core flow
test using Berea sandstone cores in a brine-oil-brine-treatment-
Experimental Procedures brine flow sequence, at 175ºF. As described in previous
Core Flow Tests. All flow tests were carried out using papers, using the multi-tap Hassler sleeve reveals the depth of
multipressure-tap Hassler sleeves. All tests utilized sandstone penetration of the treatment into the core.1,12
cores. (Typical X-ray diffraction analysis is shown in Table 1, A large number of modified polyacrylamides were tested,
and physical properties of the cores are shown in Table 2.) with polymers containing variations in both the levels of
Core lengths were approximately 5 to 6 inches, and the hydrophobe and the hydrophobe chain length. Representative
diameter was approximately 1 inch. API brine was used to examples of the test results are shown in Fig. 1. The first entry
establish the initial and final permeabilities in all cases. 2% in Fig. 1 is for an in-house synthesized unmodified
KCl was used as the treatment mix water in all cases. polyacrylamide. This polymer was not extensively
Kerosene was used as the oil phase in all flow tests. In these characterized, but it was compared to a commercially
tests, brine and oil initial permeabilities were determined in available polyacrylamide with molecular weight of ~6 million,
SPE 80206 3

which had been utilized in previous core flow tests.1 Based permeability to oil. Following are examples of flow tests run
upon solution viscosities, the in-house synthesized sample has during the evaluation of this polymer.
a molecular weight considerably less than 6 million. The As shown in Fig. 2, in a low-permeability berea core the
remainder of the data in Fig. 1 is for polyacrylamide modified polymer brought about the desired permeability reduction to
with various levels of C18 hydrophobe groups. For these brine throughout the core. Continued testing showed that the
samples, the synthesis conditions (temperature and initiator polymer treatment resulted in excellent brine permeability
concentration) were the same as those used for the unmodified reduction from 90º to 200ºF, even in high-permeability
polyacrylamide. Therefore, the molecular weights of the sandstone cores. Figs. 3 through 5 illustrate that the target goal
unmodified and modified polymers may be somewhat similar of 80% permeability reduction was met in all of these tests. In
and any differences in performance can be attributed to the addition, no decline in the effective brine permeability
hydrophobic modification. blockage has been seen with continued flow through the cores,
As shown in Fig. 1, the hydrophobic modification did at temperatures up to 210º F.
increase levels of brine permeability reduction, and also As shown in Figs. 3 through 5, a variable in these three
increased thermal stability. In these tests, the initial % tests was the treatment volume. This variation relates to a test
permeability reduction (% Kw reduction) was calculated after method mentioned in previous publications from this
flowing a minimum of 130 pore volumes of brine through the laboratory.1,12 The previous method was a parallel test used to
core after the treatment sequence. The cores were then shut-in mimic a layered reservoir containing water-producing and oil-
overnight, at temperature, and flow was re-established the producing layers without crossflow. In this test, a core at
following day. As has been seen previously, the unmodified 100% water saturation or residual oil saturation and a second
polyacrylamide is not thermally stable at 175ºF, and the level core at residual water saturation are connected so that the
of brine permeability reduction drops by almost 80% after the treatment can be pumped into both cores with a single pump.
overnight shut-in.1 However, the hydrophobic modification This is the laboratory equivalent of bullheading a treatment
resulted in an increase in thermal stability. The polymer with into a well with layered water-producing and
4% C18 hydrophobe shows only a very slight decrease in oil-producing zones.
effectiveness after the shut-in. The exact reasons for these Several of these tests have been performed with various
improvements are not known, but it is speculated that the polymer treatments, with successful results. However, in an
superior retention of the brine permeability reduction is due to effort to test the most variations in the least amount of time, an
increased levels of permanent adsorption, resulting from alternate test procedure was adopted. In some tests, 500 mL
hydrophobic associations.10 of the HMpolyDMAEMA treatment was required to achieve
Based on all the data generated during this phase of the the desired level of >80% brine permeability reduction. When
project, the conclusion that the hydrophobic modification was cores were treated with the HMpolyDMAEMA, a significant
improving the level of brine permeability reduction was pressure increase was often seen during the treatment phase
reached. However, the target goal of 80% minimum reduction before the planned injection of 500 mL of treatment was
had not been met. The hydrophobic modification also completed. In a relatively few cases, the full 500 mL was
appeared to be increasing the temperature stability of the base pumped with no pressure increase. In the field, a limit would
polymer (polyacrylamide) at the screening temperature of usually be imposed on the rise in injection pressure considered
175ºF. The next development phase led toward seeking a acceptable during treatment (usually about 200 psi below the
polymer base that would have better thermal stability fracture pressure). Therefore, the test procedure adopted was
than polyacrylamide. to limit the treatment to 500 mL or 500 psi, whichever
occurred first. A wide variation in the volume of treatments
Polydimethylaminoethyl Methacrylate Modification. Based actually pumped has been seen with this method. While no
on previous experience, polymers based on definitive reason for this variation in pressure increase has
dimethylaminoethyl methacrylate (polyDMAEMA) were been determined, it is most probably due to variations in the
investigated.1 Several variations of hydrophobically modified cores used in the evaluation.
polyDMAEMA (HMpolyDMAEMA) and hydrophobically This method was also chosen for treating cores at residual
modified copolymers of DMAEMA and vinyl pyrollidone water saturation. Limiting the oil cores to the same pressure
were synthesized. The previous tests with polyacrylamide had limit as the water cores seems reasonable. During an actual
shown that both C16 and C18 hydrophobic groups imparted treatment, if the target water-producing zone is of higher
improvements to brine permeability reduction. With permeability than the oil-producing zone, most of the
polyDMAEMA, the addition of C10 hydrophobic groups was treatment should go into the water zone. Therefore, if and
also tested. These tests revealed that the C10 hydrophobe was when pressure buildup occurs during a treatment, both zones
not effective at imparting brine permeability reduction will experience the same pressure. Not only does this test
characteristics; the highest level of permeability reduction was method seem practical, it greatly simplifies the test in regard
~25%. Apparently, a minimum chain length is needed to to equipment and time.
provide the necessary associations between polymer chains,
which imparts the ability to reduce core permeability. After Testing at Residual Water Saturation. Fig. 6 shows results
extensive testing, polyDMAEMA modified with a C16 of the treatment of a berea core at residual water saturation. As
hydrophobe was determined to meet the desired minimum shown, the treatment resulted in minimal damage to the oil
requirements of at least an 80% reduction to brine flow (many of these tests were run and this result is typical of
permeability with little or no damage to the effective most of the tests).
4 SPE 80206

Oxidizer Treatments. The ability to remove water shutoff • Hydrophobic modification appears to improve the
treatments is a commonly raised topic. In the case of sealants brine permeability reduction for both polyacrylamide
(crosslinked polymers, monomer solutions, silicates, etc.), the and polyDMAEMA.
treatments are essentially permanent. The gel in the rock • The hydrophobic modification of polyDMAEMA
matrix cannot be removed because fluid cannot flow into the improves the brine permeability reduction in high-
treated zone to contact the gel. However, with treatments of permeability sandstone cores at residual oil
dilute, nongelling polymers, flow through the treated zone can saturation, as compared to a previously disclosed
be achieved because the treatment is not a total sealant. Fig. 7 hydrophilically modified polyDMAEMA.
shows the results of treating a core with an oxidizer (sodium • The target goals of 80% brine permeability reduction
hypochlorite) after a polymer treatment. In this case, a high and much lower oil permeability reduction have been
permeability sandstone core was treated with 6,000 ppm met with the HMpolyDMAEMA.
polymer at 200ºF. After brine flow to obtain the %
permeability reduction, the core was treated with 2 pore Acknowledgements
volumes of 5% sodium hypochlorite. The core was shut-in The authors thank Halliburton and British Petroleum for their
overnight, and brine flow resumed the next day. As shown in support and permission to publish this work.
Fig. 7, overall permeability reduction fell from 85% to almost
zero after the oxidizer treatment. References
1. Eoff, L. “Structure and Process Optimization for the Use of
Rheological Measurements. As previously mentioned, a Polymeric Relative-Permeability Modifier in Conformance
hydrophobically modified polymers show unique rheological Control,” paper SPE 64985 presented at the 2001 SPE
properties. Fig. 8 shows viscosity measurements over a 30- International Symposium on Oilfield Chemistry, Houston, Texas,
minute time period for polyDMAEMA and two 13-16 February.
2. Wang, T.K, Iliopoulos, I., and Audebert, R.: In Water-Soluble
hydrophobically modified polyDMAEMA samples. The
Polymers. Synthesis, Solution Properties and Applications,
polyDMAEMA test revealed essentially constant viscosity for Shalaby, S.W., McCormick, C. L, and Butler, G.B., eds. ACS
30 minutes at shear rates ranging from 20 to 1,000 sec-1. The Symposium Series 467, American Chemical Society,
HMpolyDMAEMA samples initially showed constant Washington, DC (1991) p 218.
viscosity, but a rapid increase in viscosity was seen after a 3. Polymers in Aqueous Media: Performance Through Association,
period of time. For the 5% C16 modified polymer, the Glass, J.E., ed. Advances in Chemistry Series 223, American
viscosity increase was observed at a shear rate of 200 sec-1. Chemical Society, Washington, DC (1989).
For the 7% C16 modified polymer, the increase occurred at 50 4. McCormick, C.L, Bock, J, and Schulz, D.N.: Encyclopedia
sec-1. While more extensive investigation of the rheological Polymer Science and Engineering, 2nd Ed., Mark, H.F., Bikales,
N.M., Overberger, C.G., and Menges, GT., eds. Wiley-
properties is not presented here, the hypothesis is that this
Interscience: New York (1989) vol. 17, p 730.
viscosity increase is due to a change from intra- to inter- 5. Hydrophilic Polymers: Performance with Environmental
molecular hydrophobic associations. Under low shear Acceptance, Glass, J.E., ed.. Advances in Chemistry Series 248,
conditions, intramolecular associations dominate. However, American Chemical Society: Washington, DC (1996).
under higher shear conditions these associations break, 6. Taylor, K.C. and Nasr-El-Din, H. A. J.: “Water-Soluble
allowing the polymer chains to stretch and experience Hydrophobically Associating Polymers for Improved Oil
intermolecular associations. These intermolecular associations Recovery: A Literature Review.” J. Petro. Sci. Eng. (1998) 19,
are believed to result in the rapid increase in 289. Paper SPE 29008 presented at the 1995 SPE International
viscosity observed. Symposium, San Antonio, Texas, 14-17 February.
7. Audibert-Hayet, A. et al.: “Novel Hydrophobically Modified
This rheological phenomenon could have implications in
Natural Polymers for Non-damaging Fluids,” paper SPE 56965
the use of this polymer system. As mentioned previously, in presented at the 1999 Offshore Europe Conference, Aberdeen,
some core flow tests no pressure increase was seen even after Scotland, 7-9 September.
500 mL of treatment had been flowed into the core. One test 8. WO 00/73623 (2000) Issued to ExxonMobil Research and
has been run to investigate the effect of treatment flow rate. In Engineering Company, New Jersey.
this test, 245 mL of treatment was pumped at 2 mL/min, with 9. Lijian, D. and Biao, W.: “Hydrophobically Associating
no pressure increase. The flow rate was then increased to Terpolymer and its Complex with a Stabilizer in Brine for
4 mL/min, and after pumping only 40 additional mL of Enhanced Oil Recovery,” paper SPE 29007 presented at the 1995
treatment the pressure had increased to 400 psi (in this case SPE International Symposium on Oil Field Chemistry, San
Antonio, Texas, 14-17 February.
the treatment was stopped at 400 psi rather than 500 psi). This
10. Volpert, E. et al.: “Adsorption of Hydrophobically Associating
phenomenon is not new, and a recently published paper Polyacrylamides on Clay.” Langmuir (1998) 14, 1870.
discusses a “flow induced adsorption” of polymers at various 11. Zaitoun, A., Kohler, N. and Guerrini, Y.: “Improved
treatment flow rates.13 Polyacrylamide Treatments for Water Control in Producing
Wells,” paper SPE 18501 presented at the 1989 SPE International
Conclusions Symposium on Oilfield Chemistry, Houston, Texas, 8-10
At this point, the hydrophobically modified polyDMAEMA February.
has been successfully taken through the scale-up procedures to 12. Dalrymple, E.D. “Studies of a Relative Permeability
commercial quantities and is awaiting field trials. Based upon Modifier Treatment Performed Using Multitap Flow Cells,” paper
SPE 59346 presented at the 2000 SPE/DOE Improved Oil
the laboratory investigation, the following conclusions can
Recovery Symposium, Tulsa, 3-5 April.
be drawn:
SPE 80206 5

13. Chauveteau, G., Denys, K. and Zaitoun, A.: “New Insight on presented at the 2002 SPE/DOE Improved Oil Recovery
Polymer Adsorption Under High Flow Rates,” paper SPE 75183 Symposium, Tulsa, 13-17 April.

Table 1—X-Ray Diffraction Table 2—Core Physical Properties

Analysis of Sandstone Cores Figure Core Core Core Permeability
Sample Berea Brown Number Length (in.) Diameter (in.) Before Treatment (md)
(%) Sandstone Sandstone 2 5.8 1.0 18 (Sor)
Quartz 74 95 3 5.5 1.0 830 (Sor)
K Feldspar 8 2 4 5.8 1.0 610 (Sor)
Na Feldspar 1 — 5 5.5 1.0 650 (Sor)
Calcite — — 6 5.7 1.0 149 (Swi)
Aknerite 7 Trace 7 5.4 1.0 875 (Sor)
Siderite Trace —
Kaolinite 7 1
Mica 3 Trace
Goethite Trace 2
Soluble Fe 1 1

Fig. 1—Effective permeability to water reduction vs. % hydrophobe substitution at Sro, using polyacrylamide polymers at 175°F in
Berea sandstone.
6 SPE 80206

Fig. 2—Sro, Berea core, 230°F, 4,000-ppm HMpolyDMAEMA, 400-mL treatment.

Fig. 3—Sro, brown sandstone core, 90°F, 2,000-ppm HMpolyDMAEMA, 35-mL treatment.
SPE 80206 7

Fig. 4—Sro, brown sandstone core, 150°F, 2,000-ppm HMpolyDMAEMA, 250-mL treatment.

Fig. 5—Sro, brown sandstone core, 200° F, 6,000-ppm HMpolyDMAEMA, 53-mL treatment.
8 SPE 80206

Fig. 6—Swi, berea core, 200°F, 6,000-ppm HMpolyDMAEMA, 8-mL treatment.

Fig. 7—Sro, brown sandstone core, 200°F, 6,000-ppm HMpolyDMAEMA, 500-mL treatment, followed by 25 mL of oxidizer.
SPE 80206 9

Fig. 8—1% solution viscosities of polyDMAEMA and 5% C16 and 7% C16 modified polyDMAEMA.

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