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Novel Insights Into Microgel Systems

for Water Control

Céline Cozic, David Rousseau, and René Tabary, IFP

Summary modification for water-production control (Chauveteau et al. 2004;

The performances of water-shutoff and conformance-control micro- Rousseau et al. 2005). Mechanical, chemical, and thermal stabil-
gels were investigated extensively in previous works (Chauveteau ity of microgels was found to be excellent because of microgels’
et al. 2004; Rousseau et al. 2005; Zaitoun et al. 2007). However, chemically crosslinked structure. The rheological behavior of the
a broad range of potential application cases for microgels involves microgels showed that they are intermediate between linear poly-
harsh conditions such as high-salinity reservoir brines. This paper mers and hard spheres, depending on the crosslink density (Rous-
studies how high salinity impacts microgel properties and treat- seau et al. 2005) because they are more rigid and/or less penetrable
ment efficiency. than linear polymers. Because of their controlled size, softness, and
In order to provide specifications for optimum microgel dissolu- flexibility, microgels can be transported in reservoir rock without
tion, viscosity measurements and filterability tests of microgel solu- mechanical trapping. The controlled permeability reduction to
tions through calibrated membrane filters were first performed in an water originates in the adsorption of the microgels as monolayers.
extended domain of brine salinities. Then, coreflood experiments In addition, when they are injected in a multilayered reservoir,
in model granular packs were carried out with microgels diluted in microgels invade the low-permeability zones significantly less
brines of various salinities and at various microgel concentrations. because of the low viscosity of their solutions and because of
These tests evaluate the injectivity and determine the permeability steric effects. This is unlike conventional polymer-based systems.
reductions. After microgel injection, the packs were flushed with The depth of penetration in the highest-permeability layers is thus
brines of different salinities, and the permeability reductions were largely improved. As microgels are readily available at industrial
determined under these new conditions. These additional tests were scale, microgel technology was applied in 2005 for the treatment
aimed at reproducing the field conditions when setting a well back of an underground gas-storage reservoir. The treatment was suc-
in production after a microgel treatment. cessful, and the long-term results were very positive in terms of
Results showed that the hydrodynamic thicknesses of adsorbed water shutoff and sand control (Zaitoun et al. 2007).
layers did not vary significantly when microgels were injected in In some well-treatment situations, the only water that can be
brines of moderate to high salinities. At very high salinity (200 g/L available on the field is high salinity with variable mono and
NaCl with calcium), a shear-controlled overadsorption of the divalent ionic concentrations. When injecting gelling systems,
microgels was observed. Results also showed that adsorbed layers increasing the salt content of the mixing water results in increased
of microgels were very stable when exposed to brines of low to gelation time and reduced rate of viscosity buildup. In the case of
very high salinity. These positive outcomes bring new encouraging polyacrylamide-based gels, the cations shield the negative charges
insights for the success of microgel applications. available on the carboxylate groups leading to the polymer chains’
collapse, making the carboxylate groups no longer available for
Introduction the crosslinker molecules (Nasr-El-Din and Hawkins 1991). A
Modern oil-production operations require dedicating an increasing difference was also observed in the gel strength of gels prepared
amount of attention to water control, which involves conformance- in low- or in high-salinity waters. Furthermore, gels can swell or
control and water-shutoff issues. Among the available methods for shrink depending on the external environment, such as salinity
conformance control or water shutoff (Seright et al. 2003) is injecting (Cohen 1996; Horkay et al. 2000; Molloy et al. 2000). In particular,
a gelling system composed of a polymer and a crosslinker. This has it is well known that under certain conditions, polyelectrolyte gels
been used widely (Seright and Liang 1994; Fulleylove et al. 1996; may undergo a discontinuous volume change, the volume of gel
Zaitoun et al. 1999; Sydansk and Southwell 2000). However, since being influenced by osmotic pressure (Whittington and Naae 1992;
gelling properties have been found to depend on many factors, such Molloy and Cowling 2000). Maitland (2000) has also pointed out
as the gelling time and the final gel strength, the depth of the gel pen- gel syneresis effects with chromium-based gels. In the presence
etration and, more generally, the efficiency of the treatments are quite of reservoir brine with a high salinity, the use of preflushes and
difficult to predict. More recent gel-based technologies include pre- buffers can minimize the impact of divalent ions on the polymer
formed bulk gels (Seright 2004), partially preformed gels (Sydansk but also could be hazardous. Concerning the more recent gel-based
et al. 2005), gels with polyethyleneimine (PEI) organic crosslinkers technologies, the impact of variable brine ionic content on the
(Al-Muntasheri et al. 2008a; Al-Muntasheri et al. 2008b), colloidal- performances remains uncertain.
dispersion gels (CDGs) (Chang et al. 2006a; Chang et al. 2006b; The purpose of the present paper is to complete and extend previ-
Muruaga et al. 2008), and preformed particle gels (PPGs) (Coste ous work regarding microgels in order to investigate their perform-
et al. 2000; Bai et al. 2008), which are more dedicated to treatments ances in conditions close to those of the field in terms of brine ionic
of fractures or very high permeability streaks. contents. A broad range of salinities, which can be met in the field,
Microgel technology presents original advantages. It is based are examined [20 to 215 g/L total dissolved solids (TDS)].
on preformed polymeric particles, the microgels, which are stable, In the first section of this paper, the materials and methods
fully water-soluble, and size-controlled with a narrow size distribu- are described. Then the main results are presented and discussed,
tion. Microgels are nontoxic, satisfying the OSPAR environmental beginning with the characteristics of the microgels in solution
tests. The use of microgels was shown to be an effective method (intrinsic viscosity, interaction properties, and rheology), continu-
for in-depth permeability control and/or relative permeability ing with their filterability through calibrated membranes, and fin-
ishing with an evaluation of their performances in porous media.
The main outputs include (a) the good solubility of the microgels
in all the brines studied; (b) their easy in-depth propagation at
Copyright © 2009 Society of Petroleum Engineers
long distances, as well as their capacity to form a size-controlled
This paper (SPE 115974) was accepted for presentation at the SPE Annual Technical adsorbed monolayer in brines up to 108 g/L TDS; and (c) their
Conference and Exhibition, Denver, 21–24 September 2008, and revised for publication.
Original manuscript received for review 07 July 2008. Revised manuscript received for overadsorption when injected in the highest salinity brine (215 g/L
review 05 May 2009. Paper peer approved 19 May 2009. TDS), for which an interpretation is proposed.

590 November 2009 SPE Production & Operations

Experimental It should be noted that a straightforward computation of the
Materials. Microgels are colloidal particles of acrylamide-based experimental uncertainties cannot be carried out for intrinsic-viscos-
polymeric gels with neutral organic covalent crosslinkers. They ity measurements. However, uncertainties can be estimated from
are available with different sizes (from 0.3 to 2 ␮m), polymer- both experimental reproducibility from one microgel solution to
chains chemistry, and crosslink density. The study presented here another and from sensitivity tests performed on the data-fitting
is focused on one microgel grade with a size close to 2 ␮m and (Eq. 1) plots. In the present work, our investigations indicated that
an intermediate crosslink density. uncertainties’ values could be estimated, for all the solutions studied,
Microgel powder was dissolved in four brines with different salt to ±50 mL/g for the [␩] values and to ±0.1 for the KH values.
concentrations. The lowest salinity brine, which will be referred Filtration Tests. The solutions were injected through cali-
to as S20/04, was composed of 20 g/L NaCl and 0.4 g/L NaN3 brated polycarbonate membrane filters with 8-␮m pore diameters
(natrium azide) in distilled water. NaN3 was added to all brines (Isopore®, Millipore, similar to Nuclepore® products) by using a
as bactericide and as stabilizer to prevent free-radical degradation syringe pump (Perfusor, BBraun, Secura FT, 50 mL) at a flow
(concentration was fixed at 0.4 g/L, and the presence of NaN3 is rate of 10 mL/h. This flow rate corresponded to a wall shear rate
referred to as /04 in the following nomenclatures). A second brine, of 32 s–1 in the pores, taking into account a porosity of 5% and
referred to as SW40/04, was a synthetic seawater composed of 40 a membrane diameter of 47 mm. A microgel size between 2 and
g/L TDS (24.79 g/L NaCl; 11.79 g/L MgCl2,6H2O; 0.8 g/L KCl; 2.5 ␮m corresponds to a jamming ratio between 3 and 4 for these
1.6 g/L CaCl2,2H2O). The third brine, referred to as S100Ca/04, filtration tests. The jamming ratio represents the ratio between the
was composed of 100 g/L NaCl and 8 g/L CaCl2. The last brine, mean diameter of the microgels and the mean pore diameter.
referred to as S200Ca/04, was composed of 200 g/L NaCl and For all tests, the inlet and outlet of the filter were connected to a
15 g/L CaCl2. differential-pressure transducer. The filter was saturated previously
The brines were filtered through 0.22-␮m MilliporeTM cellulose with the same brine as the one used for the microgel solution to be
membranes to remove any fine particles in suspension. Before tested. For each microgel solution, two filtration tests have been
injection into the cores, the brines were degassed under a vacuum carried out on two distinct samples of the solution, 24 hours and 7
and kept under a helium cap to prevent bubble formation in the days, respectively, after the solubilization. The concentration of the
porous medium. microgel solutions was fixed to 2 g/L for all filtration tests.
A high-shear stirring method was used to prepare the microgel
solutions using an Ultraturrax® (IKA Labortechnik) mixing device. Coreflood Experiments. The porous-media experiments were
The concentration of the solutions was fixed at 10 g/L, with a shear aimed at evaluating and comparing the in-depth propagation as
rate of 24,000 s–1. The solution was stirred for 10 minutes at 25°C well as the adsorption properties (hydrodynamic thicknesses of
in adapted brines. The solutions were then diluted before viscosity adsorbed layers and adsorption densities) of microgels solubilized
measurements, filtration tests, and injections in porous media. in various brines. Thus, microgel solutions had to be injected
in model porous media having well-known, homogeneous, and
Characterization Methods. Viscosity Measurements. A low- reproducible pore structure and surface properties. Silicon carbide
shear viscometer (LS30 from Contraves) having a Couette geom- (SiC) particle packs are such a model of porous media (Médout-
etry (0.5-mm gap) was used to measure the viscosities at various Marère et al. 2000; Chauveteau et al. 2003). The granular media
shear rates (from 0.5 to 40 s–1) of both the microgel solutions and in our experiments were 10-cm-long SiC packs. The 80-␮m grain
the solvent to determine the relative viscosities accurately. For all size led to porosities of ␾ = 41±1% and absolute permeabilities of
viscosity measurements, temperature was kept constant at 30°C. k = 3±0.5 ␮m2. The hydrodynamic pore radius, rh, was estimated
Newtonian relative viscosities, ␩ro, of the solutions were deduced from a corrected capillary model (Chauveteau and Sorbie 1991):
from plots of relative viscosities vs. shear rates. Then the values
of both intrinsic viscosity [␩] and the Huggins constant KH of rh = 1.15 ⋅ 8 k / ␸ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (2)
the microgels were derived from plots of the Newtonian-specific
reduced viscosity ␩spr = (␩ro − 1) / C vs. microgel concentration C, The estimated value of the hydrodynamic pore-throat radius
according to the Huggins equation (Russel et al. 1989; Chauveteau was then rh ≈ 9 ␮m (i.e., a pore-throat diameter of approximately
and Sorbie 1991): 18 ␮m). The jamming ratio for microgels of size between 2 and
2.5 ␮m was, hence, between 7 and 9.
␩spr = [␩ ] + K H [␩ ]2 C . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (1) The coreflood experimental setup is shown in Fig. 1. Brine or
unfiltered microgel solutions were injected in the porous medium
The parameters [␩] and KH characterize the internal density by Labotron® or Pharmacia® pumps. On the microgels-injection
of the microgel colloids and their interactions in solution, respec- line, a Nylon grid with a mesh size of 10 ␮m was set upstream
tively. [␩] is linked to the colloid density (Chauveteau and Sorbie of the porous media. This grid was aimed at providing a coarse
1991). The effective volume fraction, ␾, can be calculated from the filtration in order to remove dust or other macroscopic impurities
intrinsic viscosity: ␸ = 2 / 5 ⋅ C ⋅ [␩ ]. For interpenetrable polymeric from the injected solutions. On the brine-injection line, a 0.22-␮m
colloids, ␾ is an overlap parameter and can have values above cellulose filter was set in order to prevent damage to the porous
unity. For a neutral flexible polymer, KH increases from 0.3 in a media during the injections of brine. The pack holder was equipped
good solvent with a segment-segment net repulsion at very short with pressure taps to measure pressure drops (⌬P) on different
distances up to a value of 0.5 in a theta solvent. More generally, sections of the 10-cm porous media: an overall section (noted 0 to
for objects showing low internal permeability even in good solvent 10 cm) and two 4-cm internal sections, located respectively from 1
conditions, KH value is expected to increase as internal permeabil- to 5 cm and 5 to 9 cm. Downstream of the porous media, the setup
ity decreases, reaching values as high as unity when the permeabil- was equipped with a calibrated capillary in order to measure the
ity drops to zero (Chauveteau and Sorbie 1991). KH values higher microgel-solution viscosity and, hence, the microgel concentration
than unity indicate the presence of attractive interactions between in the effluents. In order to measure reference concentrations, the
colloids. When the colloid size is smaller than the hydrodynamic setup also enabled bypassing the porous medium. Pressure drops
pore-throat size, the transport in porous media is expected to be along the different sections of the porous medium and the cali-
easy as long as the value of KH indicates that microgels are strictly brated capillary were measured with differential-pressure sensors
repulsive, since in this case the formation of multiple adsorbed lay- connected to a data-acquisition system composed of a data-logging
ers is prevented. By contrast, when microgels are manufactured to unit and a computer.
be partly attractive, a multilayer adsorption can occur, resulting in Both the porous medium and the capillary were immersed in a
a complete plugging when the adsorbed-layer thickness reaches the thermoregulated bath adjusted at T = 30°C.
pore-throat hydrodynamic radius. Such a property gives the pos- A standard procedure was implemented for all the coreflood
sibility of completely plugging a water-producing layer, if desired experiments. It was designed to determine microgel propagation,
(Feng et al. 2003). microgel-induced permeability reduction, and microgel adsorption

November 2009 SPE Production & Operations 591

Fig. 1—Schematic of the experimental setup for the coreflood experiments.


Step # Description
1 Preliminary, injection of several pore volumes of brine at 2 cm /h
2 Brine injection at various flow rates and determination of the absolute permeability k
Microgel injection (C = 1 g/L) at 2 cm /h during 11.5 pore volumes (i.e., about 85 mg
3 st
of microgels injected) and measurement of the mobility reduction ("1 front")
Brine injection at different flow rates (from 2 to 50 cm /h) to determine permeability
Microgel injection (C = 1 g/L) at 2 cm /h during 15 pores volumes (i.e., about 110 mg
5 nd
of microgels injected) and measurement of the mobility reduction ("2 front")
Brine injection at various flow rates (from 2 to 50 cm /h) to determine permeability
Microgel injection (C = 2 g/L) at 2 cm /h during 11.5 pore volumes (i.e., about 170 mg
7 rd
of microgels injected) and measurement of the mobility reduction ("3 front")
Brine injection at various flow rates (from 2 to 50 cm /h) to determine permeability
Brine injections at various flow rates (from 2 to 50 cm /h) with all the available salinity

for a given injection concentration (1 g/L); evaluate the effect of Four experiments were performed, which correspond to four
a higher concentration (2 g/L); and investigate the rheological distinct, but similar in terms of petrophysical properties, granular
behavior of the microgel adsorbed layers when exposed to various packs. For a given experiment, microgels solubilized in one of the
salinity brines. This procedure is described in Table 1. four brines were injected. The porous medium was then swept with
Mobility and permeability reduction, Rm and Rk, are defined as all of the four brines. Table 2 gives the brine salinity and the rela-
the ratios of pressure drops during and after microgel injection, tive viscosity ␩r determined at 30°C at the concentration C (g/L)
respectively, to pressure drops in presence of solvent (brine) before of the microgel solutions for the four experiments.
any microgel injection. Rm and Rk are also called resistance factor
(RF) and residual resistance factor (RRF), respectively. Results and Discussions
Characterization of the Solutions. Intrinsic-Viscosity Determi-
nation. Fig. 2 presents the reduced specific viscosities of solu-
tions vs. concentrations according to Huggins relation 24 hours
after solubilization. Values of intrinsic viscosities [␩] and Hug-
Relative Viscosity ηr, of the gins constant KH are summarized in the table shown alongside
Microgel Solutions the plot. Intrinsic-viscosity results show that microgels prepared
in S20/04 are more swelled than in the three other brines with
Exp. in Brine C = 1 g/L C = 2 g/L
[␩] = 510 ± 50 mL/g. The almost identical [␩] values for the three
1 S20/04 1.6 2.3 other solutions [[␩] close to 200 mL/g, taking into account the
2 SW40/04 1.3 1.8 experimental uncertainty of ± 50 mL/g] suggests that the com-
plete charge screening of the microgels is achieved from the ionic
3 S100Ca/04 1.2 1.6
strength of the SW40/04 brine. All these intrinsic-viscosity values
4 S200Ca/04 1.2 1.4 are significantly lower than the ones of corresponding linear poly-

592 November 2009 SPE Production & Operations

Brine [η ] KH
solution (mL/g)

Reduced Specific Viscosity (mL/g)

S20/04 510±50 0.3±0.1

600 SW40/04 210±50 1.9±0.1

S100Ca/04 190±50 2.3±0.1

500 S200Ca/04 180±50 2.8±0.1



100 S100Ca/04 S200Ca/04

0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3
C (g/L)

Fig. 2—Intrinsic viscosity and Huggins constant values for microgel solutions in the four brines investigated according to Hug-
gins relation.

mers of similar chemical composition [[␩] ≈ 3000 mL/g (Rousseau observed that the viscosities of all the solutions were identical after
et al. 2005)], as is expected from the chemically crosslinked nature 24 hours and after 7 days. As a consequence, the filterability behav-
of the microgels. The Huggins constants derived from the slope ior does not appear to be governed by the general swelling state of
show increasing values with salinity: KH = 0.3 ± 0.1, 1.9 ± 0.1, the microgels, but rather by the presence of a limited amount of
2.3 ± 0.1, and 2.8 ± 0.1 for the S20/04, SW40/04, S100Ca/04, and large objects, which do not contribute to the viscosity of the solu-
the S200Ca/04 brines, respectively. KH value is higher than unity tions. Indeed, for all the brines investigated, the full solubilization
for the three highest-salinity brines (SW40/04, S100Ca/04, and of the microgels appears to be a rather slow mechanism, and the
S200Ca/04) and could suggest the existence of attractive interac- poorer filterabilities after 24 hours are certainly only because of the
tions between the colloids. Intrinsic viscosities remain stable with presence of some partially solubilized objects in the solutions.
respect to time over the duration of the porous-media experiments Results also show that:
(e.i., namely a few weeks). (a) Filterability is globally poorer in S20/04 than in the two
Filtration Tests. For all filtration tests, viscosity measurements other brines investigated.
were performed downstream of the filter in order to determine the (b) Filterability is poorer in S200Ca/04 than in SW40/04.
effluent concentration recovered. Results indicate that for all tests, Observation (a) is likely because of the fact that microgels in
100% of injected material was quickly recovered. This means that S20/04 brine are more swelled than in the other brines, which
filterability was good for all microgel solutions. However, the pres- is consistent with the higher value of intrinsic viscosity. In our
sure-drop measurements over the filters reveal discrepancies. Fig. 3 experiments, a microgel size close to 2 to 2.5 ␮m for membrane
presents the plots of mobility reduction (Rm) vs. injected volume pore diameters of 8 ␮m corresponds to a jamming ratio, Jr, of
24 hours (left side) and 7 days (right side) after solubilization of 3 to 4. Theoretically, a minimum value of Jr to ensure a good
the microgels. Results presented concern solutions prepared with propagation is 3. Because of particle-size distribution, pore-throat
brines of the lowest salinity (S20/04), the intermediate salinity geometry, size distributions, concentration, and velocity effects,
(SW40/04), and the highest salinity (S200Ca/04). It should be higher values of Jr are requested in practice. In S20/04 conditions
emphasized that these results can lead only to qualitative interpre- where microgels present the most swelled conformation, their aver-
tations in terms of comparison of the various brines. age hydrodynamic diameter is likely to be slightly higher than in
Results show that for all the solutions, filterability is better the two other brines, and Jr is probably too low. The increase in
7 days than 24 hours after solubilization. However, it has been mobility reduction can thus be explained by the formation in the

10 10
24h after solubilization 7 days after solubilization

Rm/η r
Rm/η r

5 S200Ca/04 SW40/04 5 S20/04


0 0
0 10 20 30 40 50 0 10 20 30 40 50
Injected Volume (cm ) 3
Injected Volume (cm3 )

Fig. 3—Rm /␩r (mobility reduction over relative viscosity) vs. injected volume during filtration tests 24 hours (left) and 7 days
(right) after dissolution of microgels in three brines.

November 2009 SPE Production & Operations 593

Pore Volumes Injected
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

9 100

Mobility Reduction (Rm) 7

Effluent Concentration (%)

6 0−10cm 1−5cm


2 20
5−9cm Exp. 3 (S100Ca/04)
1 st front 1g/L
0 0
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
Injected Volume (cm )

Fig. 4—Mobility reduction on sections 0 to 10 cm, 1 to 5 cm, and 5 to 9 cm and effluent concentration during the first injection of mi-
crogels (first front) for Experiment 3 (S100Ca/04). The stabilization on the three sections indicates a good in-depth propagation.

pores of some bridges between two adsorbed microgels and a third experiments. For the sake of clarity, these results are not plotted.
one transported by the flow. They will be discussed when necessary.
Observation (b) is more consistent with the higher KH value For the solutions in S20/04, SW40/04, and S100Ca/04, results
in S200Ca/04 (KH = 2.8 ± 0.1) than in SW40/04 (KH = 1.9 ± 0.1), of the three injections clearly show a very easy in-depth propaga-
suggesting significant attractive interactions between microgels in tion of the microgels through the porous media. For these three
S200Ca/04. The filtration-test results can thus be interpreted by the brines, Rm levels after one pore volume of injected solution, and
presence of some microgels aggregates in the S200Ca/04 solution, the outlet concentration reaches 100% referring to the injected con-
which slow down the swelling process and deteriorate the filter- centration. Results show that stabilization of both Rm and effluent
ability only 24 hours after solubilization. After 7 days, microgels concentrations is maintained over the duration of the experiments
seem to be satisfactorily swelled because the filterability of the (i.e., namely after about 27 and 15 pore volumes injected at 1 g/L
solution is significantly improved. and 2 g/L, respectively).
Finally, it appears that the optimum filterability that is observed Injections in S20/04 led to higher Rm values after stabilization
for the SW40/04 solution is because of both the charge screening than those determined in SW40/04 and S100Ca/04. This behavior
effects making the microgels less swelled than in S20/04 and the mainly originates from the higher swelling state of the microgels
KH value that is not high enough to entail significant microgel/ in the S20/04 solution. More precisely, since, at the concentrations
microgel attractive interactions. investigated, the viscosity in S20/04 is not significantly higher
than in the other brines, the increased Rm is mainly because of an
Coreflood Experiments. Pressure Drops and Effluents Profiles. increased size of the swelled microgels in S20/04. This point will
Detailed results regarding the injection of the first front of micro- be discussed further in the section Water Permeability Reduction
gels prepared in S100Ca/04 (Experiment 3) are presented, as an and Rheology of Adsorbed Layer. From the results shown in Fig.
example, in Fig. 4. This figure shows the mobility reduction (Rm), 5, Rm during injection in S20/04 seems to reach stabilization more
recorded on the three sections of the porous medium, and the slowly than for the injections in SW40/04 and S100Ca/04. An
effluent concentration vs. injected volume (cm3) and pore volumes enlargement of the experimental curves clearly indicates that this
injected. observation is actually incorrect, and that a slow increase of Rm
For all sections, Rm increases almost linearly in a first step is also observed for the injections in SW40/04 and S100Ca/04
with a certain delay because of adsorption and then levels out (enlargement not shown for clarity). The slow increases in Rm rep-
at a plateau value, which is practically the same regardless of resent the rather slow overall deposition kinetics of the microgels
distance from the inlet. The effluent concentration was calcu- on the available surface. This particular deposition kinetics is likely
lated from the pressure-drop measurements in the capillary. It because of the fact that microgel deposition, even as a monolayer,
appears that 100% of the injected concentration is recovered after occurs in two steps: a first and quick step in which microgel
approximately 3.5 pore volumes injected. These results indicate deposition can be treated as the deposition of solid particles and a
a very good in-depth propagation of the microgels, as well as a second, slower step in which additional microgels are deposited,
stabilized adsorption. thus making the adsorbed layer denser, slightly thicker, and entail-
All the experiments showed a complete absence of entry-face ing slow mobility-reduction increases. This process should take
plugging. In addition, the mobility-reduction profiles over the two place when the concentration is increased (i.e., when the osmotic
internal sections of the porous media were similar for all experi- pressure exerted by the microgels becomes more significant). This
ments. It has therefore been decided, on the overall figures below, hypothesis of a second-step adsorption is consistent with the fact
to present results corresponding to the 1-to-5-cm section only. that microgels are soft and deformable particles. However, quan-
Figs. 5 through 7 are regrouped results of Rm vs. injected titative determinations of the adsorption densities are difficult to
volume (and pore volumes injected) for the four experiments dur- perform experimentally.
ing the first, second, and third microgel injections (first front at In the case of microgels injected in S200Ca/04, Rm curves are
1 g/L, second front at 1 g/L, and third front at 2 g/L), respectively. dramatically different as with the injections in the three other
Microgel concentrations at the outlet of the porous media were also brines. After a first stage in which Rm seems to be stabilized and
determined from the capillary viscosity measurements during all effluent concentration reaches 100%, a second stage increase of Rm

594 November 2009 SPE Production & Operations

Pore Volumes Injected
0 2 4 6 8 10
Section 1−5 cm
1 st front 1g/L

Mobility Reduction (Rm)

Exp. 4
14 Exp. 2
(SW40/04) (S200Ca/04)
12 Exp. 1 Exp. 3
(S20/04) (S100Ca/04)

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
Injected Volume (cm )

Fig. 5—Mobility reductions on the 1-to-5-cm section during the injection of the first front of microgels (C = 1 g/L) for the four
experiments. For Experiments 1, 2, and 3, the stabilized values of Rm indicate a good in-depth propagation, while an overadsorp-
tion of the microgels is observed for Experiment 4.

takes place, while effluent concentration is reduced to near 30 to threshold, in terms of brine ionic strength, exists above which
40%. During the second microgel injection, the increasing trend of microgel overadsorption can occur. Interestingly, this threshold
the Rm curve is carried on, and then stabilization occurs with the Rm does not correspond to the onset of the full charge screening of the
value being approximately three times higher than for the injection particles, the intrinsic viscosities being very similar in SW40/04,
in the other brines. During the third microgel injection, at 2 g/L, S100Ca/04, and S200Ca/04. The threshold value is more likely
another sharp increase followed by stabilization is observed with linked to a certain level of attractive microgel/microgel interac-
an Rm value approximately three to four times higher than for the tions, as indicated by the continuously increasing KH values, with
other brines. The stabilizations of the mobility reductions coincide increasing ionic strength. A critical KH value could then be associ-
with effluent concentrations reincreasing up to 100%. ated to the overadsorption threshold. However, more experiments
The latter results suggest, first, an overadsorption of the micro- would be required to draw a more precise picture of the onset of
gels injected in S200Ca/04. As will be discussed in the section microgel overadsorption.
Water Permeability Reduction and Rheology of Adsorbed Layer, The stabilization of the mobility-reduction curves for microgels
permeability-reduction determinations performed after microgel injected in S200Ca/04 could originate in the relative weakness
injections confirm this hypothesis. It appears therefore that a of microgel/microgel attractive interactions. Indeed, if microgel

Pore Volumes Injected

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14

Mobility Reduction (Rm)

Exp. 1
Exp. 3 (S20/04) Exp. 4
(S100Ca/04) (S200Ca/04)

Exp. 2 Section 1−5 cm

(SW40/04) 2 nd front 1g/L
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110
Injected Volume (cm )

Fig. 6—Mobility reductions on the 1-to-5-cm section during the injection of the second front of microgels (C = 1 g/L) for the
four experiments. For Experiments 1, 2, and 3, in-depth propagation remains good. For Experiment 4, microgels overadsorption
levels out.

November 2009 SPE Production & Operations 595

Pore Volumes Injected
0 2 4 6 8 10
Section 1−5 cm
3rd front 2g/L

Mobility Reduction (Rm)

Exp. 2 Exp. 3 Exp. 1

(SW40/04) (S100Ca/04) (S20/04)
Exp. 4


0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
Injected Volume (cm )

Fig. 7—Mobility reductions on the 1-to-5-cm section during the injection of the third front of microgels (C = 2 g/L) for the four ex-
periments. For Experiments 1, 2, and 3, in-depth propagation remains good. For Experiment 4, microgel overadsorption resumes
in a first step, then levels out in a second step.

multilayers are formed, the pore-throat diameters could be reduced curves between the first and the second microgel injection. This
significantly, entailing an increase of the effective shear rate and method assumes that maximum adsorption is reached after the
thus an increase of the hydrodynamic forces. When hydrody- first injection. It was therefore not suitable for Experiment 4
namic forces bring more energy than those involved in microgel/ (S200Ca/04). As will be shown in the next section, this condition
microgel bonds, additional bonds can no longer be formed. As a was also not exactly fulfilled for the experiments in SW40/04 and
consequence, the overadsorption of microgels can be said to be S100Ca/04 brines because a slight increase of the adsorbed-layer
shear-rate limited. This hypothesis is consistent with the higher thicknesses is observed between the first and the second microgel
sensitivity of Rm to the pressure pulses caused by the pump (the injection. As a consequence, the adsorption is slightly underesti-
periodic pulses in the plots) for the S200Ca/04 injections than for mated for these two experiments.
the injections in the other brines. The equation used to calculate Γ (␮g/g), the mass of adsorbed
Also regarding the injection in S200Ca/04 is that, generally microgels per unit mass of SiC, is
speaking, the initial Rm values during Injection Front n + 1 are
much lower than the final Rm values during Injection Front n (Figs. 6 ⌫ = ( ⌬V ⋅ C ) / (1000 ⋅ mSiC ) , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (3)
and 7). These discrepancies cannot be explained by simple viscos-
ity changes between brine and microgel solutions, as the similar, where ⌬V (cm3) is the volume difference between the 50% con-
but much lower, discrepancies observed during the injections in centration value determined from the effluent-analysis profile on
the other brines can. However, this behavior is well understood: It the first and second fronts, C (g/L) is the injected concentration,
also originates from the fact that the overadsorbed microgel layers and mSiC (g) is the mass of SiC in the granular pack.
are very sensitive to shear rate. As will be discussed in the section Results are shown in Table 3. Adsorption values are all of the
Water Permeability Reduction and Rheology of Adsorbed Layer same order of magnitude, but they increase when increasing the
(rheological study of the adsorbed layers), it appears that some ionic strength of the microgels dilution brine. These results can
overadsorbed microgels can be removed from the surface when be linked either to an increase of the adsorbed-layer thickness
exposed to high shear rates. Accordingly, since high shear rates are with salinity or to an increase of the adsorbed-layer density. Their
applied during the brine sweeps performed between each microgel interpretation will be provided in the next section, on the basis
injection front, the permeability reduction-values are much lower of the determination of the adsorbed-layer thicknesses from the
after these sweeps than before (hysteresis effect), entailing the permeability-reduction measurements.
discrepancies observed between starting and final Rm values. A comparison of these adsorption values to the adsorption of
The fact that the onset of microgels overadsorption is delayed linear polyacrylamides would not be appropriate. Indeed, adsorp-
(as it occurs after approximately eight pore volumes injected at tion of linear polymer has been shown (Chauveteau et al. 1997)
1 g/L) also probably originates in the relative weakness of micro- to be significantly dependent on many parameters, including the
gel/microgel attractive interactions. However, a satisfactory inter-
pretation of these results requires further investigations.
As general concluding remarks regarding adsorption and
microgel in-depth propagation, it appears that salinity can play TABLE 3—ADSORPTION VALUES (Γ ) FOR EXP. 1 TO 3*
a significant role beyond a certain threshold. Nevertheless, in Exp. Γ (µg/g)
our experimental conditions, salinity never compromises micro-
gel propagation, as a stabilization of the mobility reductions is 1 (SW20/04) 97
observed without any plugging tendency. Since it appears as being 2 (SW40/04) 108
shear-rate controllable, the microgel overadsorption at high salinity 3 (S100Ca/04) 129
could be exploited to obtain more significant permeability-reduc-
* Adsorption tends to increase with salinity. Since the hydrodynamic
tion effects than with a monolayer adsorption. thicknesses of the adsorbed layers do not significantly increase with salinity,
Microgel Adsorption. Microgel adsorption was determined for this result indicates that the adsorbed layers tend to be denser when
Experiments 1, 2, and 3 from the shift in the effluent-breakthrough increasing salinity.

596 November 2009 SPE Production & Operations

content in ionic monomers of the chains. For example, in the Second, results related to the evolution of Rk and εh vs. shear rate
case of the sulfonated polyacrylamides, adsorption in Vosges will be presented for two specific experiments. Third, Rk and εh
sandstones with 20 g/L NaCl salinity ranges from 130 ␮g/g when values as a function of the amount of microgels injected and the
no sulfonates groups are present to only a few ␮g/g for 25-mol% brine salinities will be discussed from plots of synthetic results,
sulfonates. allowing comparison of the four experiments.
Water Permeability Reduction and Rheology of Adsorbed Examples of Rk and εh profiles on the three sections along the
Layer. As pointed out previously, the adsorption of microgels onto granular pack

(0 to 10 cm, 1 to 5 cm, and 5 to 9 cm) are plotted on
rock pore surfaces allows controlling the permeability reduction Fig. 8 vs. ␥ for the first front of Experiment 3 (microgels injected
to water near the wellbore where the microgels have been placed. in S100Ca/04 brine at a concentration of 1 g/L). Results show
Accordingly, microgel adsorption properties have been investi- similar Rk and εh values on the three sections. This indicates that
gated in detail in this work. For all experiments, after displacement the microgel-adsorption profile is homogeneous along the porous
of the nonadsorbed microgels by brine, as effluent concentration media because it is consistent with the good in-depth propagation
reached 0%, the pressure drops in the various sections of the pack evidenced from the mobility-reduction plots. Similar results, in
remained higher than before microgel injection. This indicates a terms of homogeneity of the adsorption profile, have been obtained
permeability reduction to water by microgel adsorption. Determi- for all the experiments reported in this paper. As a consequence,
nations of the permeability reductions, Rk, lead to estimations of it has been chosen, in the following discussions, to present only
the hydrodynamic thicknesses of the adsorbed layers, εh, according results concerning the 1-to-5-cm section of the porous media.
to the following capillary model relationship: Results plotted in Fig. 8 also show a slight shear-shinning behav-
ior of the adsorbed layer. This behavior, which has already been
ε h = rh (1 − Rk −1/ 4 ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (4) reported for microgels (Rousseau et al. 2005), is a consequence of
the limited deformability of the particles because of their covalent
In this work, the rheological behavior of the adsorbed layers has crosslinking. Because it was also already observed with microgels,
been investigated for all experiments after each microgel injection results show no hysteresis between the increasing and decreasing
through measurements of Rk and determination

of εh at different flow shear-rate stages. This result stands as a consequence of the strong
rates. Values of the wall shear rates ␥ were estimated from: adsorption of the microgels, which entails a very good mechanical
stability of the adsorbed layer. The adsorbed microgels induce a
• 4v permeability reduction of approximately 3, with a hydrodynamic
␥ = 2.5 , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (5)
rh thickness of the adsorbed layer of approximately 2 ␮m. The latter
value is consistent with the hydrodynamic size of the microgels
where v is the interstitial mean velocity ( v = Q / (S␸ ) , Q is the classically measured in solutions of moderate ionic strengths (typi-
flow rate, S is the cross section of the core, and 2.5 is a factor cally S20/04 brine). The fact that a 2-␮m-thick adsorbed layer is
that has been previously determined for sharp-edged granular obtained in higher salinity brine, in which the intrinsic viscosity
packs (Chauveteau and Sorbie 1991). Shear-rate values have been is lower than in S20/04, implying a value of the microgel size that
investigated between approximately 10 s–1 (i.e., the shear rate dur- should be smaller, is a striking result. Hydrodynamic layer thick-
ing the injection of the microgels) and approximately 200 s–1. In nesses as a function of the salinity will be discussed further, when
order to check for hysteresis effects, adsorbed-layer-rheology tests comparing results for the four experiments.
have been performed in two stages: first when increasing shear Similar results in terms of shear-rate dependence have been
rates and second when decreasing shear rates. All shear rates have observed for Experiments 1, 2, and 3. Fig. 9 shows, as a represen-
been calculated using initial values of the pore radii, not taking tative• example of these experiments, the plots of Rk and εh values
into account the presence of the adsorbed layers. Shear-rate values vs. ␥ on the 1-to-5-cm section after the three microgel injections
should then be considered as estimates, and detailed interpreta- for Experiment 3. The same shear-rate dependence is observed
tions based on absolute values of shear rates cannot be provided. after the three fronts. Fig. 9 also indicates that as a function of
Nevertheless, shear-rate dependencies of the measured Rk and εh the amount of microgels injected, adsorption increases, but tends
can be interpreted satisfactorily. to level out. This point will be discussed in more detail when
All the results discussed in this section will be presented in comparing results for all of the experiments.
terms of both permeability reductions and hydrodynamic thick- Microgels injected in the highest salinity brine (Exp. 4,
nesses of adsorbed layers. Such a presentation allows considering S200Ca/04) exhibit a very different behavior in terms of Rk and
simultaneously the effectiveness of the microgel treatment of the εh vs. shear rate. Results plotted in Fig. 10 show higher Rk and εh
porous media and the conformation of the adsorbed layers. Results values than for the three other experiments, with a marked increase
shown will first concern the homogeneity of the Rk and εh profile in the amount of microgels injected, indicating of an overadsorp-
along the porous media for a single representative experiment. tion of the microgels. The results also show a marked decrease of
Adsorbed Layer Thickness, εh ( μm)

5 3
Permeability Reduction (Rk)

1st front
front (1g/L) 1−5 cm
5−9 cm
Exp. 3
5−9 cm 2

3 st
1st front
front (1g/L)
0−10 cm Exp. 3
2 1−5 cm
0−10 cm

1 0
0 50 100 150 200 250 0 50 100 150 200 250
. .
Shear Rate, γ (s−1) Shear Rate, γ (s−1)

Fig. 8—First front of microgels during Experiment 3 (S100Ca/04) on sections 0 to 10 cm, 1 to 5 cm, and 5 to 9 cm. Rk and ␩h
are almost the same for the three sections of the granular pack. A slight shear-thinning behavior is observed. Results show no
hysteresis effects vs. shear rate.

November 2009 SPE Production & Operations 597

Adsorbed Layer Thickness, εh ( μm)
5 3
Permeability Reduction (Rk) Section 1−5 cm 3rd front
Exp. 3 3rdfront (2 g/L)
4 (2 g/L)

2 nd front
1 1st front (1 g/L)
2 (1 g/L) Section 1−5 cm
1-5 cm
1st front 2nd front Exp. 3
(1 g/L) (1 g/L) (S100Ca/04)
1 0
0 50 100 150 200 250 0 50 100 150 200 250
.. ..
Shear Rate, γ (s−1) Shear Rate, γ (s−1)

Fig. 9—Evolution of Rk (left) and εh (right) vs. shear rate after the first, second, and third fronts of microgels for Experiment
3 (S100Ca/04) on the 1-to-5-cm section. Increase of Rk and εh vs. the amount of microgels injected tends to stabilize. A slight
shear-thinning behavior is observed. Results show no hysteresis effects vs. shear rate.

Rk and εh between the stages of increasing and decreasing shear experiment, values of εh ≈ 2.3 ␮m and Rk ≈ 3.5 are expected accord-
rates. This hysteresis effect indicates that the overadsorbed micro- ing to our previous investigations (Rousseau et al. 2005). Results
gel layer has a poorer mechanical stability than the adsorbed layers for Experiments 2 and 3 (injections in SW40/04 and S100Ca/04,
formed during injections to lower salinity. As from the stabilization respectively) show that Rk and εh increase from one injection
observed in the Rm curves, these results indicate again that overad- to another, but their values tend to level out at εh ≈ 2.3 ␮m and
sorbed microgels can be removed by hydrodynamic forces. This Rk ≈ 3.5 (i.e., the same values as for Experiment 1). Interpretation
interpretation is consistent with the hypothesis of a shear-limited of this result is not straightforward. Because the intrinsic viscosi-
overadsorption, originating from weak microgel/microgel attrac- ties measured in SW40/04 and S100Ca/04 are significantly lower
tive interactions for this salinity. than in S20/04, microgels hydrodynamic size must be smaller in
For the further discussions, it should be stressed that Rk and εh SW40/04 and S100Ca/04 than in S20/04. As a consequence, the
values measured in Experiment 4 depend on the maximum shear conformation of the adsorbed layers in Experiments 2 and 3 can-
rate applied. In particular, these values could have been lower if not be the same as in Experiment 1 (i.e., namely a monolayer of
higher shear rates had been applied. Nevertheless, for the four adsorbed particles). As previously stated, adsorption measurements
experiments performed, the shear-rate dependencies of Rk and εh indicate that adsorption is higher in Experiments 2 and 3 than in
during the stages of decreasing shear rates are similar. Results Experiment 1. As a result, the adsorbed layers are denser in the
regarding the variations of Rk and εh will be discussed later and latter three experiments than in Experiment 1. This also suggests
compared for the four experiments from values measured during that attractive microgel/microgel interactions play a role in the
the decreasing stage at a given shear rate of approximately 100 s–1, adsorption of the microgels for salinities higher than S20/04. In
corresponding to a flow rate of 20 cm3/h in the porous media. Experiments 2 and 3, these interactions likely allow more micro-
Fig. 11 summarizes the values of Rk and εh on the 1-to-5-cm gels to adsorb onto the surface than the amount corresponding to
section and at a given shear rate of approximately 100 s–1 for all a monolayer, but do not entail a shear-rate-limited overadsorption
experiments during the three microgel injections. Because the as observed in Experiment 4.
results will be discussed in terms of amount of microgels injected; Results for Experiment 4 show significantly higher Rk and
it is important to take into account the two injection concentra- εh values than for the other three experiments, with an increas-
tions and the volumes injected, the first, second, and third fronts ing trend vs. the amount of microgels injected. Final values of
correspond respectively to injections of 85, 110, and 170 mg of hydrodynamic adsorbed-layer thickness and permeability reduc-
microgels. The amount of microgels injected during the third front tion are εh ≈ 2.9 ␮m and Rk ≈ 6.6, respectively. However, these
is close to the total amount injected during the first two fronts. values depend on the maximum shear rate previously applied on
Results for Experiement 1 (injection in S20/04) show that Rk the adsorbed layer. Since stabilization of the Rm curves has been
and εh do not depend on the amount of microgels injected. For this observed in this experiment during the second and third front,
Adsorbed Layer Thickness, εh (μm)

17 4
Permeability Reduction (Rk)

Section 1−5 cm
1-5 cm 3 rd front
15 Exp. 4 (2 g/L)
13 3
11 3 front
(2 g/L)
9 2
7 2 nd front
(1 g/L)
5 1 1 st front Section 1−5 cm
1-5 cm
st nd (1 g/L) Exp. 4
3 1 front 2 front (S200Ca/04)
(1 g/L) (1 g/L)
1 0
0 50 100 0 50 100 150 200 250
.150−1 200 250
Shear Rate, γ (s ) Shear Rate, γ (s−1 )

Fig. 10—Evolution of Rk (left) and εh (right) vs. shear rate after the first, second, and third fronts of microgels for Experiment 4
(S200Ca/04) on the 1-to-5-cm section (for the highest applied shear-rate value, the pressure sensor was saturated, and the Rk
and εh could not be calculated). Rk and εh strongly increase vs. the amount of microgels injected. A shear-thinning behavior, and
a strong hysteresis effect vs. shear rate are observed.

598 November 2009 SPE Production & Operations

8 4

Adsorbed Layer Thickness, εh (μm)

Exp. 4 Exp. 4

Permeability Reduction (Rk)

7 (S200Ca/04) (S200Ca/04)
Exp. 1
5 (S20/04)
Exp. 1
3 (S20/04)
1 Exp. 2 Exp. 3
2 Exp. 2 Exp. 3 (SW40/04) (S100Ca/04)
(SW40/04) (S100Ca/04)
1 0
1st front 2nd front 3rd front 1st front 2nd front 3rd front

Fig. 11—Evolution of Rk (left) and εh (right) for the first, second, and third fronts (i.e., as a function of the amount of microgels
injected, for each experiment on the 1-to-5-cm section at a given shear rate of approximately 100 s–1. Rk and εh values are similar
for S20/04, SW40/04, and S100Ca/04, but are significantly higher for S200Ca/04.

Adsorbed Layer Thickness, εh (μm)

8 4
Permeability Reduction (Rk)


1 2
Exp. 1 Exp. 2 Exp. 3 Exp. 4 Exp. 1 Exp. 2 Exp. 3 Exp. 4
(S20/04) (SW40/04) (S100Ca/04) (S200Ca/04) (S20/04) (SW40/04) (S100Ca/04) (S200Ca/04)

Fig. 12—Evolution of Rk and εh for each experiment after injection of the three fronts of microgels on the 1-to-5-cm section at a
given shear rate of approximately 100 s–1. Values of Rk and εh are similar for Experiments 1, 2, and 3 and are significantly higher
for Experiment 4. An overadsorption of the microgels is suggested in the latter case.

Rk and εh do not seem to increase with the amount of microgels of the permeability reduction in an extended scope of brines up
injected, but rather with the injected concentration. This observa- to a very high upper salinity limit. This result stands as a prom-
tion is consistent with an overadsorption originating from attractive ising prospect for the robustness of future microgel-based well
microgel/microgel interactions, as more microgel/microgel bonds treatments.
can be formed when concentration is increased. Effect of Salinity Changes on the Adsorbed Layer. This sec-
Fig. 12 summarizes the values of Rk and εh after the third front tion concerns the behavior of the microgel adsorbed layers when
for all experiments. These plots clearly show that permeability exposed to the various brines after the injections of the microgels.
reduction by microgel adsorption is very stable vs. salinity when Fig. 13 plots the Rk and εh values measured after sweeping the
microgels are injected in S20/04, SW40/04, and S100Ca/04. A porous media with each brine for the four experiments. The larger
shear-controlled overadsorption occurs only at very high salin- dots represent the initial salinities (i.e., the salinities of the injected
ity, when microgels are injected in the S200Ca/04 brine. As a microgel solutions). Arrows indicate the order according to which
general result, it appears that microgels allow a precise control the various salinity sweeps have been performed.

Adsorbed Layer Thickness, εh (μm)

: starting points
points (brines
(brines used Exp. 2 Exp. 4
Permeability Reduction (Rk)

during microgel
microgel injections)
injections) (SW40/04)
Exp. 4
9 3

Exp. 1 2
(S20/04) Exp. 1
5 Exp. 3
(S20/04) Exp. 3
1 (S100Ca/04)
3 : starting points
points (brines
(brines used
Exp. 2 during microgel
during microgel injections)
1 0
S20/04 SW40/04 S200Ca/0 S20/04 SW40/04 S100Ca/04 S200Ca/04

Fig. 13—Evolution of Rk and εh for Experiments 1, 2, 3, and 4 during brine sweeps on the 1-to-5-cm section at a given shear rate
of approximately 100 s–1. The larger dots represent the initial salinity (salinity of the injection brine). Adsorbed layers of microgels
swell or flatten when exposed to different salinities. Hyteresis effect is observed for Experiment 4.

November 2009 SPE Production & Operations 599

As a general result, microgel adsorbed layers tend to swell the case of microgel injection carried out in the very high salinity
when the salinity decreases and also tend to flatten when salinity brine (200 g/L NaCl and 15 g/L CaCl2), the permeability reduction
increases, as is expected from charge screening mechanisms. appears to be more sensitive to the post-flushes with variable salin-
For Experiments 1, 2, and 3, the microgel adsorbed layers are ity, and hysteresis effects are observed. This behavior is consistent
only slightly sensitive to the variations of salinity. For these three with a shear-rate-controlled thickness of the overadsorbed layers
experiments, Rk and εh vary at the most from approximately 1.5 of microgels.
units and 0.5 ␮m, respectively, from the lower to the higher salin- All these results highlight the excellent chemical stability of the
ity. In addition, almost no hysteresis is observed when increasing microgels compared to linear-polymer-based systems. They bring
and decreasing the salinity: The swelling and flattening of the encouraging insights for the success of forthcoming applications
adsorbed layer appear to be reversible, that is to say controllable. of microgel technology.
Interestingly, since the initial Rk and εh values are similar for
Experiments 1, 2, and 3, the results are consistent with the hypoth- Acknowledgments
esis of denser adsorbed layers for Experiments 2 and 3 than for The authors wish to thank IFP for permission to publish this work
Experiment 1. In the case of Experiment 1, the adsorbed microgels and SEPPIC for manufacturing the microgels.
are initially swelled and flatten when they are exposed to higher
salinities. In the case of Experiments 2 and 3, it clearly appears References
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to 100 g/L NaCl and 8 g/L CaCl2), results show that the perme- Exhibition and Conference, Abu Dhabi, UAE, 13–16 October. doi:
ability reductions are only moderately affected when varying the 10.2118/36211-MS.
salinity of the post-flush brines. In addition, these modifications Horkay, F., Tasaki, I., and Basser, P.J. 2000. Osmotic Swelling of Polyac-
are reversible and are clearly controlled by the swelling and flat- rylate Hydrogels in Physiological Salt Solutions. Biomacromolecules
tening effects of the microgels also observed in bulk solutions. In 1 (1): 84–90. doi: 10.1021/bm9905031.

600 November 2009 SPE Production & Operations

Maitland, G.C. 2000. Oil and gas production. Current Opinion in Col- SPE Prod & Fac 15 (4): 270–278. SPE-66558-PA. doi: 10.2118/
loid & Interface Science 5 (5–6): 301–311. doi: 10.1016/S1359- 66558-PA.
0294(00)00069-8. Sydansk, R.D., Xiong, Y., Al-Dhafeeri, A., Schrader, R.J., and Seright, R.S.
Médout-Marère, V., El Ghzaoui, A., Charnay, C., Douillard, J. M., Chauve- 2005. Characterization of Partially Formed Polymer Gels for Application
teau, G., and Partyka, S. 2000. Surface Heterogeneity of Passively to Fractured Production Wells for Water-Shutoff Purposes. SPE Prod &
Oxidized Silicon Carbide Particles: Hydrophobic-Hydrophilic Parti- Fac 20 (3): 240–249. SPE-89401-PA. doi: 10.2118/89401-PA.
tion. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 223 (2): 205–214. doi: Whittington, L.E. and Naae, D.G. 1992. Conformance gels—Formation by
10.1006/jcis.1999.6625. contact with brine. J. Pet. Sci. Eng. 7 (1–2): 45–51. doi: 10.1016/0920-
Molloy, P.J. and Cowling, M.J. 2000. Volume and density changes in 4105(92)90007-N.
polymer gels in seawater environments. Proc IMechE, Part L: Journal Zaitoun, A., Kohler, N., Bossie-Codreanu, D., and Denys, K. 1999. Water
of Materials: Design and Applications 214 (4): 223–228. Shutoff by Relative Permeability Modifiers: Lessons From Several
Molloy, P.J., Smith, M.J., and Cowling, M.J. 2000. The effects of salinity Field Applications. Paper SPE 56740 presented at the SPE Annular
and temperature on the behaviour of polyacrylamide gels. Materials & Technical Conference and Exhibition, Houston, 3–6 October. doi:
Design 21 (3): 169–174. doi: 10.1016/S0261-3069(99)00068-0. 10.2118/56740-MS.
Muruaga, E., Flores, M., Norman, C., and Romero, J. 2008. Combining Zaitoun, A., Tabary, R., Rousseau, D., Pichery, T., Nouyoux, S., Mallo,
Bulk Gels and Colloidal Dispersion Gels for Improved Volumetric P., and Braun, O. 2007. Using Microgels to Shut Off Water in a Gas
Sweep Efficiency in a Mature Waterflood. Paper SPE 113334 presented Storage Well. Paper SPE 106042 presented at the SPE International
at the SPE/DOE Symposium on Improved Oil Recovery, Tulsa, 20–23 Symposium on Oilfield Chemistry, Houston, 28 February–2 March.
April. doi: 10.2118/113334-MS. doi: 10.2118/106042-MS.
Nasr-El-Din, H.A and Hawkins, B.F. 1991. Recovery of Waterflood Resid-
ual Oil Using Alkali Surfactant and Polymer Slugs in Radial Cores. Oil Céline Cozic is a licensing project manager in material science
& Gas Science and Technology—Revue de l’IFP 46 (2): 199–219. for CNRS. Previously, she was a research engineer in the reser-
Rousseau, D., Chauveteau, G., Renard, M., Tabary, R., Zaitoun, A., Mallo, voir engineering department at the exploration and produc-
P., Braun, O., and Omari, A. 2005. Rheology and Transport in Porous tion business unit of IFP in a postdoctoral position. Her research
Media of New Water Shutoff/Conformance Control Microgels. Paper interests include promotion and development. She holds a
SPE 93254 presented at the SPE International Symposium on Oilfield PhD degree in polymer physical chemistry from University of
Chemistry, Houston, 2–4 February. doi: 10.2118/93254-MS. Rouen. David Rousseau is a research engineer in the reservoir
engineering department at the exploration and production
Russel, W.B., Saville, D.A., and Schowalter, W.R. 1989. Colloidal Disper-
business unit of IFP. His research activities include evaluation
sions. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. and development of well treatments and EOR technologies
Seright, R.S. 2004. Conformance Improvement Using Gels. Annual Tech- based on associative polymers and polymeric gels, as well as
nical Progress Report No. DOE/BC/15316-6, Contract No. DE-FC26- formation damage control during produced-water reinjection.
01BC15316, New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology/US He holds a PhD degree in soft matter physics from the University
DOE, Socorro, New Mexico (September 2004). of Strasbourg. René Tabary is a senior research engineer in
Seright, R.S. and Liang, J. 1994. A Survey of Field Applications of Gel the reservoir engineering department at the exploration and
Treatments for Water Shutoff. Paper SPE 26991 presented at the SPE production business unit of IFP. He is responsible for evaluating
Latin American and Caribbean Petroleum Engineering Conference, EOR polymer floods processes. He has worked on water shutoff
and chemical EOR since 1976. His activity relates to upstream
Buenos Aires, 27–29 April. doi: 10.2118/26991-MS.
research, development of new methods and processes, field
Seright, R.S., Lane, R.H., and Sydansk, R.D. 2003. A Strategy for Attack- applications, and on-site technical assistance. He is the project
ing Excess Water Production. SPE Prod & Fac 18 (3): 158–169. SPE- leader for the JIP “STARGEL,” dedicated to new IFP microgel
84966-PA. doi: 10.2118/84966-PA. technology for water shutoff and conformance control. He
Sydansk, R.D. and Southwell, G.P. 2000. More than 12 Years’ Experience holds a four-year technical degree in chemistry, mathematics,
With a Successful Conformance-Control Polymer-Gel Technology. and physics from the University of Paris.

November 2009 SPE Production & Operations 601

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