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Video Reading Vocabulary

Shared identity Preview a text before reading Choose the right
UNIT 1     Identity to improve your understanding word form to write
correct sentences
Page 7 Use definitions, examples, and
explanations to understand key
l  Discussion board: Discuss it online
Identify main ideas to check
your comprehension
l  Essay: Sports fans and identity

The counterfeit Develop scanning techniques Use the prefix over-

UNIT 2    Design wars to find key information in texts to form words with
the meaning “too
Page 17 Identify causes and effects in much“
Urban planning paragraphs to understand
relationships between events
l  Article: The Metropol Parasol
l  Report: Designing solutions

Thought Review and expand your Notice and use verb

UNIT 3    Thought development skimming techniques to get an
overview of texts
+ noun collocations
to describe common
Page 27 actions or processes
Neuroscience Use context when reading to
figure out key vocabulary
l  Essay: Is your memory online?
l  Research report: How does the brain multitask?

Fire and fun Read effectively to identify Understand the

UNIT 4    Fire essential information for your
relationship between
American English
Page 37 have to and British
Human behavior Find and identify steps in English have got
a sequence to understand to and use each
l  Interview: Feeling the heat processes or patterns correctly
l  Background article: Fire in the sky

Our journey, our Draw inferences from Notice and use

UNIT 5    Movement dreams information in a written text verb + preposition
Page 47 Use graphic organizers to take
Zoology more effective notes

l  Factual article: Invasive species you should know

l  Article: How do animals navigate?


9781786322081_book.indb 2 03/02/2016 12:53

Grammar Writing Study skills Unit outcomes
Join clauses with Use standard paragraph structure Evaluate your current reading Practice previewing texts to improve
subordinators to organize information in habits to see how you can comprehension
(because, since, academic writing improve
when etc.) Develop understanding of key terms
to combine Plan, write, and share a paragraph by using definitions or examples
information about personal identity
Check comprehension by identifying
main ideas

Compose and edit a descriptive

paragraph about identity

Use non-defining Use transitions to introduce Learn a variety of editing and Review and expand scanning
relative clauses opposing ideas in your paragraphs proofreading techniques techniques for reading
to add more
information to Brainstorm, compose, and edit Read to identify cause and effect
sentences two paragraphs expressing relationships
your opinion about a work of
architecture Prepare and compose a two-
paragraph opinion composition
about a building or structure

Notice and use Learn to effectively summarize to Learn to understand and Practice skimming in the context of
adverb clauses to respond to a reading avoid plagiarism an essay
explain reasons and
purpose Plan, compose, and share a written Read to understand key vocabulary
response to a discussion board from context
Prepare and edit a response
paragraph to a discussion question

Notice and express Develop rich and interesting Discuss and compare Read to summarize texts
opinions or narrative paragraphs with sensory techniques for managing
attitudes with stance details stress Practice identifying steps in a
markers (honestly, sequence when reading
surprisingly etc.) Brainstorm, write, and edit an
essay describing a dangerous Produce and revise a descriptive
situation essay about a dangerous situation

Introduce noun Develop sentence variety for more Compare and evaluate Practice reading to make inferences
clauses with that in sophisticated writing strategies for writing timed about texts
descriptive writing essays
Plan, write, and revise a written Take notes using graphic organizers
response to an exam question when reading

Brainstorm and compose a written

response to an exam question


9781786322081_book.indb 3 03/02/2016 12:53

Video Reading Vocabulary
Pills Use different techniques to Learn some Latin
UNIT 6    Disease increase your reading speed and Greek word
roots to help you
Page 57 Notice signals that help you learn and remember
Technology distinguish facts from opinions new vocabulary
in texts
l  Report: Long-distance care
l  Report: Do we know too much?

Adaptation Use questions to read more Use the prefixes

UNIT 7     Survival actively un- and in- to form
words with opposite
Page 67 Annotate texts to find key meanings
Literary studies information quickly

l  A book report: Adrift

Environmental studies
l  Blog entries: A semester on ice

Profiles of success Learn and practice different Learn and practice

UNIT 8    Drive techniques to identify key
idioms related to
Page 77
Business studies Identify sources of information
to attribute or cite sources
l  Biographical note: Making a difference correctly
l  Research report: Most likely to succeed

Communication Identify tone and mood to Study and use

UNIT 9    Sound understand and relate to texts descriptive
adjectives to
Page 87 write specific
Literary studies and interesting
l  An excerpt: The Secret Garden
l  Article: The loudest sound you’ve never heard

Future friends Recognize the author’s Study and use

UNIT 10     Tomorrow attitude and bias for a clearer
understanding of texts
words and phrases
to describe trends
Page 97
Sociology Practice reading statistical
data to interpret and use
l  Report: Global graduates information effectively
l  Research paper: Career trends


9781786322081_book.indb 4 03/02/2016 12:53

Grammar Writing Study skills Unit outcomes
Express advice, Practice writing effective thesis Discuss etiquette and Increase reading speed through a
ability, and statements conventions for participating variety of techniques
possibility with in online discussions
passive modals Brainstorm, compose, and revise a Read to distinguish facts from
three-paragraph essay related to a opinions
health topic
Produce and edit a persuasive essay
about a health issue

Express Use cause and effect to add Set goals to focus your study Use questions when reading to focus
hypothetical explanations to narratives your attention
situations in the
past with unreal Compose, share, and edit a three- Practice highlighting and annotating
past conditionals paragraph narrative about a past key information in texts
Compose and revise a three-
paragraph narrative describing a
past situation

Use an intensifier Research and compose effective Learn how to effectively Read to identify key details for your
+ comparative hooks to capture a reader’s evaluate online sources research
combination attention
(slightly lower, Practice identifying sources of
significantly quieter Plan, compose, and revise a information in the context of a
etc.) for more project proposal for a local research report
precise descriptions community
Prepare and edit a persuasive
proposal for a community project

Use cleft structures Use similes and metaphors to write Use a thesaurus to deepen Read to identify the tone of narratives
with what to shift more interesting narratives your understanding of and articles
emphasis in a vocabulary
sentence Brainstorm, write, and edit an Read to identify the mood of
anecdote or a story narrative and descriptive texts

Compose and revise an anecdote or

a story

Use the future Describe and qualify statistical Showcase and organize your Recognize an author’s attitude and
progressive to data in your writing work with a portfolio bias when reading academic texts
make predictions
about future states Research, compose, and revise a Identify and interpret statistical data
and events report on a trend affecting a group in reports
of people
Produce and edit a descriptive report
using statistics and research


9781786322081_book.indb 5 03/02/2016 12:53

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