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Listening&Speaking Answer Key


4 T
UNIT 1 Identity 5 F Iris recognition is used.
6 F The speaker believes the use of biometric information
is the most reliable way to identify people. He doesn’t
Vocabulary preview say it is likely to increase.
1 a 2 b 3 b 4 b 5 b 6 a 7 a 8 a
Vocabulary skill
LISTENING 1 Life events 1
related to: structural
Global listening capable of: attainable, manageable
state or result: information, recognition, variation,
1 verification
interviewee 1: marriage quality of: nationality, probability, reliability
interviewee 2: making the swim team/becoming a school
athlete 2
interviewee 3: getting a driver’s license 1 national 4 information
interviewee 4: discovering a new talent/skill/hobby 2 probability 5 flexibility
3 verification
Students’ own answers
Close listening 1
1 T A: but, or
2 F (2-children) B: whereas
3 F (all summer) A: so, while
4 T B: rather than
5 T 2
6 F (some talked about defining moments) Students’ own answers

Speaking skill
LISTENING 2 Beyond the ID card
Global listening 1 You’re kidding!
2 I can’t believe it.
1 3 It was a guy you didn’t recognize?
1 All except for student ID, and face scan.
4 That sounds interesting.
1 Biometrics is the measurement and analysis of a unique Pronunciation skill
feature of a person 1
2 Photo IDs can be lost or stolen. 1 What / do identification cards tell us / about who
3 biometric someone is?
2 An ID card from India / will include / about 16
Close listening personal details.
1 3 I hope to be / a skillful doctor / some day.
1 c 2 a, d 3 c 4 c 5 d 6 b 4 The lab used several samples / before they got a good
2 5 The patterns in the iris of the eye / are unique to every
1 T person.
2 T
3 F We all share about 99% of the same DNA features,
only a small amount of DNA features vary from person
to person.

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Listening&Speaking Answer Key

Possible answer:
LISTENING 1 The inventions of Arthur
We all /have hopes and dreams. Part of achieving a Pedrick
dream/, for example,/ becoming a civil engineer,/ is being
able to envision your future self/ in that identity. One Global listening
consideration is /your skills and abilities. Evaluate/ what
you can do now, / what you know, and what skills and 1
knowledge/ you still need to learn /to attain your goal. 1 c 2 a 3 a
Then make a plan/ for how to learn/ what you need to 2
know. Your plan/ will help you feel/ in touch with your 1 Not used 4 Not used
future identity.
2 b 5 Not used
3 c 6 a
UNIT 2 Design Close Listening
2, 3, and 6. They are rhetorical because although they are
Vocabulary preview questions there is no expected answer to them.
1 6
invention 7
genetically modified
LISTENING 2 Patents for living creatures
3 solutions 8 creative
Global listening
4 benefits 9 patent
5 industries 1
1 noun - machines or pieces of equipment that do a
1 c 2 a 3 b 4 e 5 d
particular thing
2 noun - a machine, tool, or system that someone has
Close listening
made, designed, or thought of for the first time
3 noun - ways to solve a problem or to deal with a bad 1
situation 1 host
4 noun – advantages you get from a situation 2 spokesperson
5 noun - the people and organizations involved in 3 member of a trade association
producing goods 4 science journalist
6 noun - the detailed study of something in order to
discover new facts, especially in a university or scientific 2
institution 1 no clear position 3 oppose
7 adjective - a genetically modified plant or animal has 2 support 4 no clear position
had its genetic structure changed in order to make it
more suited to a particular purpose Vocabulary skill
8 adjective - involving a lot of imagination and new ideas 1
9 noun - an official document that gives someone who 1 invention, inventor; inventive
has invented something the legal right to make or 2 patent; patented
sell that invention for a particular period of time, and
3 solve
prevents anyone else from doing so
4 genetic
5 concern; concerned

1 inventor, invented 4 invention
2 patented 5 genetic
3 concerned 6 solution

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1 look 4 guess UNIT 3 Thought
2 shower 5 think
3 laugh 6 word
Vocabulary preview
Grammar 1
1 instinct 5 reasoning
1 2 accurate 6 researcher
1 The person who invented the zipper must be very rich
3 lie detector 7 experiment
by now.
4 behavior 8 automatically
2 The salmon that they developed grows twice as fast as a
normal fish.
3 The company is developing a new phone that/which
runs on solar power. LISTENING 1 Catching lies in the brain
4 There is a genetically-modified tomato which (it) has
genes from a fish to resist cold. Global listening
5 Companies (that) are suing each other over patents 1
more and more these days. Summary 2
2 2
1 that/which; b 4 that/which; a at the beginning of the report
2 that/which; c 5 who; d
3 who; e Close listening
3 1
Sentence 2 – it’s an object relative clause 1 F 2 T 3 T 4 F 5 F 6 T 7 T

Pronunciation skill
1 strong 3 weak LISTENING 2 Animal intelligence
2 weak 4 strong
Global listening
Speaking skill 1
1 b, d, e, and g
1 example of 3 one example 2
2 is a, example 4 is, example intelligent: sentences b, g
not intelligent: sentence d, e

SPEAKING TASK Close listening

1 can’t 4 nine times
Plan 2 leaves 5 once
1 c 2 a 3 d 4 b 3 never 6 are

Vocabulary skill
STUDY SKILLS Taking notes effectively
Scenario 1
Answers will vary but possible answers include: don’t try do: business, an experiment, a favor (for someone),
to write down every word, write down key phrases instead research, the right thing, your homework
of complete sentences, write down questions about points make: a decision, an exception, a mistake, a plan, progress,
she doesn’t understand. someone wonder

Consider it 1 doing 3 make 5 did
Ling already does: 2, 3. Tips that could help Ling: 1, 4, 5-7.
2 make 4 made 6 do

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Listening&Speaking Answer Key

Students’ own answers
Grammar Plan
1 1
a, b, d, e, and h
1 even though 4 After
2 while 5 while 3
3 Although Collective intelligence: sentences a, d, e, f, and h

Possible answers: UNIT 4 Fire
1 Scientists have learned a lot about the brain, though
there is much we still don’t know. / Though scientists Vocabulary preview
have learned a lot about the brain, there is much we
still don’t know. 1
2 Although some animals make tools, they are not as 1 a 2 b 3 b 4 b 5 b 6 b 7 a 8 b 9 a 10 b
sophisticated as human tools. / Some animals make
tools although they are not as sophisticated as human 2
tools. Students’ own answers
3 Before studying crows, researchers thought only
chimpanzees used tools.
4 Chimpanzees are very smart whereas other animals are
LISTENING 1 The discovery of fire
not as intelligent. / Whereas chimpanzees are very smart
other animals are not as intelligent. Global listening
1 Controlled use of fire means use in daily life for various
5 Many companies rely on lie detectors even though they
are not 100% accurate.
2 Four ways: warmth, protection, cooking food,
Speaking skill
3 Using fire to cook food; increased nutrition led to
1 people being healthier, living longer, having more
1 Since the fMRI actually looks inside your brain, it is variety in their daily diet
extremely accurate. 4 Using fire as an application of technology = using
2 Humans aren’t the only ones who use tools, as crows something to improve our lives
can also do this.
3 fMRI scanners are large and expensive, so they aren’t Close listening
widely used yet. 1 F 2 O 3 O 4 F 5 F 6 F 7 F 8 O 9 O
4 Polygraph tests aren’t accurate because some people can
lie without feeling stress.
5 Since animals can’t speak our language, it is difficult to LISTENING 2 Forest fires: friend or foe?
understand their minds.
6 The crow made a tool in nine out of ten tests, so it Global listening
probably wasn’t an accident. 1, 3, 4, 6, 7, and 8

Pronunciation skill Close Listening

1 1
1 exactly 1 and 2 are correct.
2 too 3, 4,and 5 are incorrect.
3 just, one

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3 The seeds are released after the fire. UNIT 5 Movement
4 The blue beetle lays eggs in the trees just after the fire.
5 The trees take longer to regrow than the slower-growing
Vocabulary preview
Vocabulary skill 1 global 4 trade
2 urbanizaton 5 migrants
1 a, b 2 b, c 3 a, b 4 a, c 5 a, b 6 b, c 3 route 6 rural

2 2
1 was cheated 4 doing great Students’ own answers
2 makes me very angry 5 exhausted
3 excited
LISTENING 1 Globalisation in history
Global listening
1 The Silk road: 2, 4, 5
1 b 2 a 3 a 4 a The Columbian Exchange: 1, 3, 5
2 Today’s trade network: 1, 3, 5
1 Frankly, To be blunt, To be honest
2 Actually
Close listening
1 f 2 b 3 a 4 g 5 e 6 d 7 h 8 c
3 actually, in fact
4 Frankly, To be honest, Actually

Speaking skill
LISTENING 2 Urbanisation
1 Global listening
Oh by the way,
Anyway, as I was saying 1 a 2 b 3 b

Pronunciation 2
Students’ own answers
1 c 2 a 3 b
Close listening
STUDY SKILLS Reviewing notes 1 a, c, d
Scenario 2 b, c, d
These are the things Aida is doing well; reading over 3 a, b, c, d
her notes nightly, writing ? if her notes are unclear, and
reviewing before exams. The things she isn’t doing well 2
are not asking ask for help, studying alone, not looking 1 c, d
up information that is unclear to her and not revising her 2 b, d
notes or adding information so that notes are complete 3 b, c, d
and easy to follow
Vocabulary skill
1 adopted 5 ships
2 networks 6 produce
3 goods 7 illustrate
4 exports 8 issues

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2 Speaking skill
1 shipped 5 illustrated
2 produces, exports 6 adopt 1
3 good 7 issue 1
4 network Yes OK
I’m sorry I was wondering
adopt: to decide to start using a particular idea, plan, or 2
method (Ex. 1); to take someone else’s child into your Excuse me Can I ask
family and legally make him or her your own child (Ex. 2) Go ahead
network: a system of lines or similar things such as roads
or wires that are connected to each other (Ex. 1); a group
of people that are connected or that work together (Ex. 2) SPEAKING TASK
good(s): objects produced for sale (Ex. 1); advantage or
benefit (Ex. 2) Plan
export: a product that is sold to another country (noun) 1 They are presenting to peers in an academic
(Ex. 1); to send a product to another country so that it can presentation, to describe a city and its connection to
be sold there (verb) (Ex. 2) global systems
ship: a very large boat used for carrying people or goods 2 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6.
long distances (Ex. 1); to send goods or people somehwere
by ship, air, or land (Ex. 2)
produce: fruit, vegetables, and other things that farmers UNIT 6 Disease
grow (Ex. 1); to make or grow something, especially in
large quantities and in order to be sold (Ex. 2)
illustrate: to show what something is like or to show that Vocabulary preview
something is true (Ex. 1); to draw the pictures in a book or 1 e 2 a 3 b 4 d 5 c 6 j 7 f 8 g 9 h 10 i
to put pictures in a book (Ex. 2)
issue: a subject that people discuss or argue about (Ex. 1);
a magazine that is published at a particular time (Ex. 2) LISTENING 1 Germ myths
Grammar Global listening
1 1
1 Can you tell me where you were born? 1 many diseases
2 I was wondering if you grew up in the countryside. 2 dangerous
3 I’d like to know what your favorite kind of foreign food 3 diseases spread
is. 4 always spreads dangerous germs
4 Can you tell me if you are interested in living in 5 loaded with germs that can cause diseases
another city or country? 6 ‘If you drop some food on the floor, but you pick it up
5 Do you know if you are going to move anywhere in the within five seconds, then it’s still OK to eat it’
next year?
6 Can you tell me if you have ever tried food from an 1 True 4 Myth
unusual place?
2 Myth 5 True
3 Myth 6 Myth
Pronunciation skill
2 Close listening
1 imported 6 increase 1 viruses 5 Many
2 import 7 project 2 bacteria 6 passenger
3 decrease 8 project 3 old 7 wet
4 decrease 9 contract 4 good
5 increasing 10

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LISTENING 2 Disease detectives Pronunciation skill

1 doesn’t it (falling); is it? (falling)
Before you listen 2 doesn’t it? (falling)
land = flying fox, giraffe, tortoise 3 wasn’t it? (falling + sarcastic)
water = dolphin, prawn, whale
both = frog, hippo, snail, snake
Global listening Possible explanation:
The woman came down with malaria as the result of being
1 bitten by a malaria-infected mosquito at the airport. The
1 two mosquito might have entered the airport on the suitcase of
2 Senegal, West Africa and Guam, an island in the Pacific a traveler who had been on an international flight from a
Ocean country that had a malaria risk. It could also have been in
3 snails, flying foxes a jetliner. As international travel has increased, there has
been an increase in the incidence of “airport malaria” in
2 the United States and in Europe. Cases have been reported
1 e 2 h 3 b 4 f 5 a 6 d 7 g 8 c for people who live and work close to international
airports, as well as for people visiting an airport.
Close listening
1 F (no cases)
2 F (within two years) STUDY SKILLS Leading a group
3 T Scenario
4 F (not kill the snails, restore the prawn habitat) These are the things Ahmed is doing well; making a list
5 T of questions to talk about prior to the discussion, helping
6 T start the discussion by sharing his own ideas, asking others
7 F (overhunting) for their ideas, noticing that a classmate isn’t participating,
8 T and bringing that person into the discussion, telling a
classmate who has interrupted to let the other classmate
Vocabulary skill finish first, and reviewing ideas they’ve shared at the end
1 caught 5 recovered from of the discussion. These are the things he is doing wrong:
not setting clear goals for the discussion at the beginning,
2 cure 6 prevent
not asking someone in the group to take notes in order to
3 catch 7 eliminated
keep track of the ideas discussed, talking about his own
4 reduced ideas for a long time rather than briefly presenting them to
launch the discussion, and letting all the group members
Grammar talk at the same time so that they don’t listen to one
1 must have been another.
2 may/could/might have been, may/could/might have
3 can’t have been UNIT 7 Survival
4 must have been
5 may/could/might have been, may/could/might have
Vocabulary preview
1 a 2 a 3 b 4 b 5 b 6 a 7 a 8 a 9 b 10 b
Speaking skill
1 LISTENING 1 Kindness as a survival skill
1 What exactly do you mean
2 So, your point is Global listening
3 So, you mean 2
2 1 concerned about her neighbors
That there’s a direct relationship between stress and 2 direct
disease. 3 indirect, didn’t expect

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4 naturally help one another to survive Vocabulary skill

5 knew instinctively it was the right thing to do
1 generous; generosity
Close listening
1 F (other customers did, too.) 2 survivor; survive
2 T 3 sustainability
3 F (housing not mentioned; medical supplies were) 4 recycled; recycle; recycling
4 F (two children) 2
5 T reciprocity (n) – reciprocate (v) – reciprocal (adj)
6 T minimize (v) – minimal / minimum (adj) – minimum
maximize (v) – maximal / maximum (adj) – maximum
LISTENING 2 Building for the future (n)

Global listening Grammar

1 1
1 c 2 b 3 a 1 If the village had money, they’d build a well.
4 d 2 If the neighbors helped each other, they’d have a
stronger community.
2 3 If the builders used local materials, they’d save
1 in the future resources.
2 use resources wisely 4 If the houses were strong enough to withstand an
3 environmentally responsible earthquake, people would feel safer.
4 it is used 5 If the windows were bigger, they’d let in more light.
5 new
Close listening 1 weren’t
1 energy efficient 7 designed to maximize Possible answers:
2 fits in well/naturally 8 south-facing windows A: Let’s watch a movie tonight.
3 community needs 9 winter B: If I didn’t have to study, I could.
4 reuse 10
5 build 11
let in less A: If we had the time, we could get some tea.
6 comfortable 12
block some B: Yeah, or we could go shopping. I need to get some
1 bamboo, stone, metal, plastic water bottles, old tires 4.
A: If we were studying in London, we could practice
2 sunlight, wind, water
outside of class.
3 to provide shade to the building during warm months,
B Yeah, and we could go to English films.
to allow warm sunshine in when the leaves are gone
during cold, winter months
Speaking skill
4 The entire city has been designed to be powered by
Student 1 own opinion
renewable energy
Student 2 & 3 other information heard or read
5 a huge public park.
Student 4 own knowledge
6 an enormous indoor water park.
7 a baseball stadium.

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Pronunciation skill Vocabulary skill

1 1
1 Is the design for a hotel or a school? (rising/falling) categorize – to divide people or things into groups –
2 You would live in a house that re-used water from the usually formal
washing machine? (rising – indicates surprise) dramatically – to a noticeable degree and with surprising
3 In the design, do the windows face north or south? suddenness – usually formal
(rising/falling) help – do something for someone else – usually informal
4 She really gave away that much money? (rising – identify – to recognize someone or something and say
indicates surprise) who/what he/she/it is – usually formal
5 Are you planning to that by yourself? (rising/falling) make sure – ensure – usually informal
numerous – many in number – usually formal

UNIT 8 Drive 2
1 dramatically 4 help
2 make sure 5 identifies
Vocabulary preview 3 categorize 6 numerous
1 3
1 physiological 4 respect
Students’ own answers
2 motivation 5 hoard
3 possessions 6 self-esteem Grammar
2 1
Students’ own answers 1 the, the more 4 the, -er, the more
2 X, -er 5 The, the
3 X, -er
LISTENING 1 What makes some people
hoarders? Students’ own answers
Global listening 3
1,2, and 4 1 lower-paying
2 better-looking, better-educated
Close listening 3 more open-minded
1 b 2 b 3 b 4 b 5 a 6 b 7 a 8 a 9 b 10 b
4 higher-priority
5 more life-changing
LISTENING 2 The hierarchy of needs Pronunciation skill
Global listening 2
a, c, d, f, and g weak forms underlined, (strong forms in bold)
1 They have difficulties categorizing and making
Close listening decisions, as Dr. Taylor noted earlier
2 It wasn’t as hard as I’d thought it would be.
1 hierarchy 4 marriage 3 : I’ll write some needs for each level of the pyramid, and
2 food 5 respect you can suggest some, as well.
3 job security 6 fit 4 That’s as basic as you can get.
5 If you’re a painter, you want to be as good as you can.
2 6 There’s also the need to help the group as a whole
1 d 2 a 3 b 4 c 5 h 6 g 7 e 8 f succeed.

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Listening&Speaking Answer Key

Speaking skill LISTENING 2 Was that my phone ringing?

mean sorry uh Global listening
1 A phantom ring is a phone ring that doesn’t actually
2 occur.
seen was wanted 2 People feel their phone vibrating even when it isn’t.
What’s it depressing has 3 Words that no one actually said.
4 One study.

STUDY SKILL Getting the most out of Close listening

classes 1
Scenario 1 sounds it receives
The professor probably thought Jun was unhappy 2 stress
because he never participated in class. He could get more 3 in the same place (regularly)
out of class by listening actively to the discussion and 4 meaningless sounds
question-answer portions of a lesson, and participating in
5 words or phrases
6 weren’t on the recording
Consider it 7 students
Jun already does: 1, 3. Tips that could help Jun: 2, 4, 5 8 own language
(especially 4-5).
1 T
UNIT 9 Sound 3
F (researchers don’t understand)
F (other tasks are mentioned, not dreaming)
4 T
Vocabulary preview 5 T
1 b 2 a 3 b 4 a 5 b 6 b 7 a 8 a 6 F (they recalled different words, depending upon what
they had been thinking about before listening to the
recording, and their nationality)
LISTENING 1 That’s so annoying 7 F (several times)
8 T
Global listening 9 T
1 uncertainty about how long it will last
2 regular, repetitive Vocabulary skill
3 unpredictability
4 the pitch 1
1 of 4 to 7 to 10
Close listening 2 of 5 of 8 to 11
3 of 6 to 9 from
1 we don’t know when they’ll end
2 repetitive
3 doesn’t stop 1
4 an predictable way 1 It was at the science center.
5 low 2 It’s Wednesday she’s coming.
3 It’s the reading section that’s difficult for me.
2 4 It’s soft sounds that get to me.
1 Universally annoying means annoying to most people.
2 They are both unpredictable. 2
Students’ own answers

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Pronunciation skill Vocabulary skill

1 1
1 Low, high 4 radio, TV 1 b 2 d 3 a 4 e 5 c
2 ears, brains 5 phantom, real
3 Jung, Wei
1 con 3 Eco 5 geo 7 port
2 2 phys 4 bio 6 sphere 8 tele
1 b 2 a 3 d 4 c
1 tele, tele 4 port
Speaking skill
1 Are there any questions?, The question was 2 eco 5 bio
2 You want to know 3 sphere, sphere
3 a good question
4 Did you understand Grammar
1 will have travelled 5 will have been
UNIT 10 Tomorrow 2 will live 6 will have risen
3 won’t have saved 7 won’t be
Vocabulary preview 4 will release 8 will/’ll have solved

1 Speaking skill
1 address 4 pension
2 planet 5 demographic 1
3 century 6 overpopulation 1 call, mean 3 word, mean
2 it, when

LISTENING 1 A rapidly aging population 1 century 4 polar ice caps
2 trend 5 terraforming
Global listening 3 pension 6 greenhouse gases
Problems: 2 and 3
Solutions: b, d, e
Pronunciation skill
2 1
2 b, d 3 e
1 S 2 C 3 S

Close listening 2
Statements 4 and 5 are probably true Students’ own answers

LISTENING 2 Our next planet? STUDY SKILLS Practicing speaking

outside of class
Global listening Scenario
1 Answers will vary but possible answers include: Look
1, 2, 4, 5, 7, and 8 for language partners online, practice English with other
learners (not just native speakers), listen to a wider range
2 of English media (e.g., films, songs, dramas, and sitcoms).
No solution offered for sentences 2 and 8
Consider it
Close listening Faisal already does: 1, 5. Tips that could help Faisal: 2, 3,
1 4, 6.
1 c 2 b 3 e 4 f 5 d 6 a

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