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1. Introduction
In today’s market, instability and competition has highly affected the airline industry.
Airline companies must be able to react promptly and efficiently to ever altering demand
of the customers to stay alive in such dynamic environment. Airline service providers
normally whose products are undifferentiated must face the challenge of critical issues
like service quality and customer satisfaction. Operating business in Nepal is a challenge
as instable political situation has affected airline industry negatively as a result it is still in
developing phase. Due to mountainous geography of Nepal, it has been dominating by
regional carriers.[ CITATION Why \l 1033 ]

After the privatization of airline industry in 1991, numerous domestic airlines have flown
to the skies. Most of the airlines are operated as minor STOL (Short Takeoff and Landing
aircraft like Twin Otters) and are based in Kathmandu. [ CITATION Nep1 \l 1033 ]. Nearly in
44 districts of the Kingdom, there are 17 national flight transporters working listed
flights. Buddha Airlines, Yeti airlines, Sita Airlines, Agni Airlines, Cosmic Arlines, Guna
Airlines are some of the domestic airlines of Nepal.[ CITATION Air \l 1033 ]

For making profits, numerous airlines are struggling. A key objective of airlines must be
the establishment and maintenance of loyal customer. The main objective is the retaining
of important consumer and it is necessary that airline management to understand
underlying issues that highlight airline’s consumers loyalty toward a particular airline
type.[CITATION ASt \l 1033 ]

Customer satisfaction is very important for all industries. Customers switch from one
airline to other airlines often. By enhancing consumer service and heading to improved
performance, an entity have to upturn its consumer satisfaction. Customer complaints
have reduced due to reduction of mishandling of baggage and ticket over-sales and
increasing on-time flight performance. This helps in increasing as well as maintaining
customer satisfaction.[ CITATION Peo \l 1033 ]

2. Aim and Objectives

The main aim of this research is to find out the extent to which customers are satisfied
with the services provided by the domestic airlines industry of Nepal. And the objectives
of this project are as follows:
- To analyze current scenarios of airlines industry in Nepal and
- To assess current policies and practices followed by airlines relating to
- To make comparative analysis of customers/ satisfaction among the major
airlines in Nepal.

3. Methodology
To carry out the research project of customer satisfaction in domestic airlines of Nepal, I
will both quantitative and qualitative data and undertake the following methodologies:

It is one of the methods of primary sources of gathering the information or data. Under
this, questionnaire is constructed to collect the data from sample of individual units from
population. This helps in accuracy in data collected as well as we can collect large
amount of data and this can be conducted on the internet too.[ CITATION Res1 \l 1033 ]

Observation of census data and organizational data.

Different numerical data related to those domestic airlines of Nepal can be gathered from
census data published by Nepal Airlines Corporation and Central Bureau of Statistics.
Similarly, different organizational data published by each airline can also be gathered
which will help in this research.[ CITATION Res2 \l 1033 ]

Literature review
Thorough study of different articles, magazines, journal written by various author on
Nepal airlines helps to collect related information. Similarly, article published in Google
scholar and many other website can also be analyzed and interpreted which will be
helpful in our research. Information collected through literature will also be very helpful
to find out the extent to which customers are being satisfied through the domestic airlines
of Nepal.[ CITATION Sek13 \l 1033 ]

This way data can be collected from primary as well as secondary sources and data can be
quantitative as well as qualitative and follow different methodologies to collect information.

A Study of Customer Satisfaction in Nepal Airlines Corporation/ Own way Travel and Tours- (n.d.). Retrieved from

Airlines-Nepal Domestic Flight. (n.d.). Retrieved from

Nepal Airlines-Wikipedia. (n.d.). Retrieved from

Nepal Tourism Directory/Nepal Travel Information/Nepal Airlines. (n.d.). Retrieved from

People's Preference for Nepal Airlines Corporation/Rubina (n.d.).

Retrieved from

Research Methodology. (n.d.). Retrieved from

Research Methodology:Approaches & Techniques- Video & lesson Transcript/ (n.d.).
Retrieved from

Sekaran, U., & Bougie, R. (2013). Research Methods for business.

Why are Most Domestic Airlines Running in Loss?/New Business Age-monthly business
magazines English published from Nepal. (n.d.). Retrieved from

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