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Duolingo Test 多邻国考试


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Duolingo Test 多邻国考试

Now, typically, we think of frogs as living in wet env_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.

B_ _ for frogs who live in dry pl _ _ _ _, with desert-like

conditions, this can b _ a problem. Frogs have been a _ _ _ to

survive in such areas by having different physical features,

special dry-cli_ _ _ _ features that help t _ _ _ maintain an

adequate level of moisture in their cells and avoid drying out.

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Duolingo Test 多邻国考试

Now, typically, we think of frogs as living in wet environments.

But for frogs who live in dry places, with desert-like

conditions, this can be a problem. Frogs have been able to

survive in such areas by having different physical features,

special dry-climate features that help them maintain an

adequate level of moisture in their cells and avoid drying out.

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Duolingo Test 多邻国考试

S_ _ _ frogs do this by preventing water loss thr _ _ _ _ their

skin. By creating a s_ _ _ of covering over their skin, they

greatly red_ _ _ their skin’s exposure to the dry air. The

covering acts li_ _ a barrier that locks in mois _ _ _ _.

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Duolingo Test 多邻国考试

Some frogs do this by preventing water loss through their

skin. By creating a sort of covering over their skin, they

greatly reduce their skin’s exposure to the dry air. The

covering acts like a barrier that locks in moisture.

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Duolingo Test 多邻国考试

A specially modified internal organ inside th _ _ _ bodies

enables them t _ have a high water-storage capacity. So the

frogs a _ _ able to absorb a _ _ store moisture du _ _ _ _ wet

rainy times which they can rely o _ to get through d _ _


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Duolingo Test 多邻国考试

A specially modified internal organ inside their bodies enables

them to have a high water-storage capacity. So the frogs are

able to absorb and store moisture during wet rainy times

which they can rely on to get through dry periods.

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When it does rain, the frog absorbs wa _ _ _ through its skin

and its bladder stretches to hold this ext _ _ water. The water

is then slo _ _ _ released from the special bladder into the

frog’s internal tiss _ _ _ until the next rain which might not b _

for sev _ _ _ _ months.

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Duolingo Test 多邻国考试

When it does rain, the frog absorbs water through its skin and

its bladder stretches to hold this extra water. The water is

then slowly released from the special bladder into the frog’s

internal tissues until the next rain which might not be for

several months.

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And how new busi _ _ _ _ owners often encounter a l _ _ of

obstacles. But one w _ _ to get an easier start is through

franchising. That's when there's already a well-kn _ _ _,

established company a_ _ you open up a new branch of that

comp_ _ _ in a new location. Your new business will be a part

o_ the larger established company with the sa _ _ name and

it'll be run just like the ot _ _ _ branches of that company.

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Duolingo Test 多邻国考试

And how new business owners often encounter a lot of

obstacles. But one way to get an easier start is through

franchising. That's when there's already a well-known,

established company and you open up a new branch of that

company in a new location. Your new business will be a part

of the larger established company with the same name and

it'll be run just like the other branches of that company.

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Duolingo Test 多邻国考试

Now, one great advantage of franchising i _ that the company

provides training to you and all of y _ _ _ employees. They teach

you about a _ _ the aspects of the business a _ _ you're given a

plan to follow for success. So, you don't h _ _ _ to do the

training yourself or come u _ with your own business p _ _ _.

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Duolingo Test 多邻国考试

Now, one great advantage of franchising is that the company

provides training to you and all of your employees. They teach

you about all the aspects of the business and you're given a

plan to follow for success. So, you don't have to do the

training yourself or come up with your own business plan.

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For ex _ _ _ _ _ , if you're opening up a new division of a

restaurant that sells piz _ _ , say. Somebody from the company

will come to the restaurant that you're op _ _ _ _ _ and they'll

train you and your empl _ _ _ _ _ in how to prepare the pizzas,

how t _ take food orders, plus everything about h _ _ to

operate the restaurant so it'll be run exa _ _ _ _ like all the

other restaurants in t _ _ company.

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Duolingo Test 多邻国考试

For example, if you're opening up a new division of a

restaurant that sells pizza, say. Somebody from the company

will come to the restaurant that you're opening and they'll

train you and your employees in how to prepare the pizzas,

how to take food orders, plus everything about how to operate

the restaurant so it'll be run exactly like all the other

restaurants in the company.

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The restaurant is alr _ _ _ _ well-known because it has such

good pizza. So when you open your o _ _ restaurant with the

same name in a new loc _ _ _ _ _ , people know your pizza's

going to b_ really good, t _ _. They'll go to your restaurant

bec _ _ _ _ they already trust they'll h _ _ _ a good experience


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Duolingo Test 多邻国考试

The restaurant is already well-known because it has such

good pizza. So when you open your own restaurant with the

same name in a new location, people know your pizza's going

to be really good, too. They'll go to your restaurant because

they already trust they'll have a good experience there.

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Roads, paved ro _ _ _ are everywhere and sometimes seem

l _ _ _ part of the natural landscape. But, of cou _ _ _, roads

are not part of nature and, in fact, road construction can have

harmful ef _ _ _ _ _ on the environment and seriously impact

b _ _ _ animal life and plant l _ _ _.

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Duolingo Test 多邻国考试

Roads, paved roads are everywhere and sometimes seem like

part of the natural landscape. But, of course, roads are not

part of nature and, if fact, road construction can have harmful

effects on the environment and seriously impact both animal

life and plant life.

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One harm _ _ _ environmental effect of roads is that they

contribute t _ the movement of pl _ _ _ species from one area

to anot _ _ _. This causes problem for existing plants, plants

already growing in that a _ _ _ because when a new plant

species gets into a _ area where it wasn’t growing before, the

new plants compete for res _ _ _ _ _ _ with existing plant life.

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One harmful environmental effect of roads is that they

contribute to the movement of plant species from one area to

another. This causes problem for existing plants, plants

already growing in that area because when a new plant

species gets into an area where it wasn’t growing before, the

new plants compete for resources with existing plant life.

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Also roads, especially major highways, can act a _ barriers

and divide up an animal’s habitat into smal _ _ _ ones where

there is not eno _ _ _ food to support the population. These

busy highways, with cars speeding past day and n _ _ _ _, act

like boundaries that ani _ _ _ _ are afraid to cross.

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Also roads, especially major highways, can act as barriers and

divide up an animal’s habitat into smaller ones where there is

not enough food to support the population. These busy

highways, with cars speeding past day and night, act like

boundaries that animals are afraid to cross.

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So they som _ _ _ _ _ _ get shut in on a small piece of land

where there isn’t enough f _ _ _ to support them. This i _ a

serious pr _ _ _ _ _ for animals that need access t _ large

expanse of land to look f _ _ food.

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So they sometimes get shut in on a small piece of land where

there isn’t enough food to support them. This is a serious

problem for animals that need access to large expanse of land

to look for food.

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Duolingo Test 多邻国考试

Even th _ _ _ _ it's cold and snow-covered, the Arctic houses

many sp _ _ _ _ _ of animals that manage t _ survive the harsh

conditions there. Th _ _ _ Arctic animals have adapted to the

extremely cold temp _ _ _ _ _ _ _ primarily because of certain

body fea _ _ _ _ _ that help them to survive in the cold A _ _ _ _ _


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Duolingo Test 多邻国考试

Even though it's cold and snow-covered, the Arctic houses

many species of animals that manage to survive the harsh

conditions there. These Arctic animals have adapted to the

extremely cold temperatures primarily because of certain

body features that help them to survive in the cold Arctic


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For one th _ _ _ , many Arctic animals have dev _ _ _ _ _ _ a

protective covering on th _ _ _ feet. The covering us _ _ _ _ _

consists of fur or feathers which a _ _ as a protective layer

between the cold and the animals' s _ _ _ . Since they spend so

m _ _ _ of their time on snowy, icy surfaces, whe _ _ _ _ they are

standing on the ground or swimming in t _ _ water, they can

easily l _ _ _ heat through their f _ _ _ .

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For one thing, many Arctic animals have developed a protective

covering on their feet. The covering usually consists of fur or

feathers which act as a protective layer between the cold and

the animals' skin. Since they spend so much of their time on

snowy, icy surfaces, whether they are standing on the ground or

swimming in the water, they can easily lose heat through their


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This is especially true of Arctic b _ _ _ _ . A bird like the Ar _ _ _ _

Snowy Owl, for example, has fe _ _ _ _ _ _ on its body the way

other birds do. But unlike most birds, it a _ _ _ has feathers all

over its feet. This shields and pr _ _ _ _ _ _ the feet from the i _ _

ground so that v _ _ _ little of the owl's foot actually touches

snowy o _ icy su _ _ _ _ _ _, which helps its feet to s _ _ _ warm.

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This is especially true of Arctic birds. A bird like the Arctic

Snowy Owl, for example, has feathers on its body the way other

birds do. But unlike most birds, it also has feathers all over its

feet. This shields and protects the feet from the icy ground so

that very little of the owl's foot actually touches snowy or icy

surfaces, which helps its feet to stay warm.

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Another physical ch _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ that some Arctic

animals share i _ having smaller b _ _ _ _ _ and smaller, shorter

body parts. In o _ _ _ _ words, their bodies a _ _ often more

compact t _ _ _ other animals'. And the parts of t _ _ _ _ bodies

that stick out or protrude l _ _ _ the legs, ears or t _ _ _ _ are

smaller a _ _ shorter.

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Another physical characteristic that some Arctic animals share

is having smaller bodies and smaller, shorter body parts. In

other words, their bodies are often more compact than other

animals'. And the parts of their bodies that stick out or protrude

like the legs, ears or tails are smaller and shorter.

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And the result is that th _ _ _ is less body surface exposed t _

the cold air. A great example is t _ _ Arctic wolf. Unl _ _ _ the

larger grey wolves that l _ _ _ in warmer climates, Arctic w _ _ _

_ _ have relatively small, comp _ _ _ bodies that efficiently

retain h _ _ _.

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And the result is that there is less body surface exposed to the

cold air. A great example is the Arctic wolf. Unlike the larger

grey wolves that live in warmer climates, Arctic wolves have

relatively small, compact bodies that efficiently retain heat.

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They also have smaller ears and shorter le _ _ so that they lose

l _ _ _ body heat than animals with l _ _ _ _ _ bodies or longer

body p _ _ _ _ . And in the cli _ _ _ _ where the temperature is

be _ _ _ zero most of the year, that's very important.

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They also have smaller ears and shorter legs so that they lose

less body heat than animals with larger bodies or longer body

parts. And in the climate where the temperature is below zero

most of the year, that's very important.

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When we humans walk f _ _ _ place to place, we m _ _ _ on the

Earth’s surface, across t _ _ Earth ’s surface. Many animals of

course do the s _ _ _ thing. Horses and dogs and cows and s _ on,

all move on the s _ _ _ _ _ _ , across the surface of the E _ _ _ _.

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Duolingo Test 多邻国考试

When we humans walk from place to place, we move on the

Earth’s surface, across the Earth ’s surface. Many animals of

course do the same thing. Horses and dogs and cows and so

on, all move on the surface, across the surface of the Earth.

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There are qu _ _ _ a few animals that have the ability t _ move from

place to place und _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , beneath the Earth ’s surface.

This moving around underground is c _ _ _ _ _ subsurface

locomotion. Subsurface location has a nu _ _ _ _ of benefits.

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There are quite a few animals that have the ability to move from

place to place underground, beneath the Earth ’s surface. This

moving around underground is called subsurface locomotion. Sub

surface location has a number of benefits.

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One benefit o _ subsurface locomotion is that it ena _ _ _ _

animals to minimize their exposure to ext _ _ _ _ temperatures.

This is very he _ _ _ _ _ to animals that live in areas w _ _ _ harsh

climates, where it could be very dan _ _ _ _ _ _ to spend large

amounts of time o _ the surface.

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One benefit of subsurface locomotion is that it enables animals to

minimize their exposure to extreme temperatures. This is very

helpful to animals that live in areas with harsh climates, where it

could be very dangerous to spend large amounts of time on the


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For example, in the Sahara D _ _ _ _ _ , in Africa, there’s a t _ _ _ of

lizard that’s a _ _ _ to move beneath the surface, through the sand,

very quickly. Because this li _ _ _ _ can move so easily a _ _ so

q _ _ _ _ _ _ underground, it doesn’t have to travel on the surface,

wh _ _ _ it would b _ exposed to dangerously h _ _ _ temperatures.

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For example, in the Sahara Desert, in Africa, there’s a type of

lizard that’s able to move beneath the surface, through the sand,

very quickly. Because this lizard can move so easily and so

quickly underground, it doesn’t have to travel on the surface,

where it would be exposed to dangerously high temperatures.

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Sanya is the city (where I live).

Sanya is the city (which I live in).

Sanya is the city (where(关系副词) I met my girl).

Sanya is the city (which(关系代词) I live in).

Society need professional skills which can only

be learned from university.

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Another ben _ _ _ _ of subsurface locomotion is that it can help

animals capture prey. That’s be _ _ _ _ _ animals on the surface

can’t see pred _ _ _ _ _ approaching underground. Our lizard in

the Sahara Desert is again, a g _ _ _ example.

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Another benefit of subsurface locomotion is that it can help

animals capture prey. That’s because animals on the surface can’t

see predators approaching underground. Our lizard in the Sahara

Desert is again, a good example.

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Often a bus _ _ _ _ _ sells mostly one t _ _ _ of product. But sales

of this product m _ _ stop increasing because m _ _ _ potential

customers h _ _ _ already bo _ _ _ _ it. In this sit _ _ _ _ _ _ , many

companies will t _ _ to diversify, um, to develop or diverse product

in or _ _ _ to increase s _ _ _ _.

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Often a business sells mostly one type of product. But sales of

this product may stop increasing because most potential

customers have already bought it. In this situation, many

companies will try to diversify, um, to develop or diverse product

in order to increase sales.

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If a company already has s _ _ _ machines and tec _ _ _ _ _ _ _ to

make a cert _ _ _ product, sometimes it c _ _ efficiently use that

same technology t _ make a dif _ _ _ _ _ _ product. For example, a

company that makes televisions might st _ _ _ making computer

monitors b _ _ _ _ _ _ the technology used to make th _ _ _ two

products is very si _ _ _ _ _ .

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If a company already has some machines and technology to

make a certain product, sometimes it can efficiently use that

same technology to make a different product. For example, a

company that makes televisions might start making computer

monitors because the technology used to make these two

products is very similar.

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So the company can use i _ _ existing technological

reso _ _ _ _ _ to make the monitors. But with the monitors, it

can re _ _ _ new customers, people that wouldn’t b _ _

television scr _ _ _ _ , like businesses that need to buy

monitors for their employees’ co _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .

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So the company can use its existing technological resources

to make the monitors. But with the monitors, it can reach new

customers, people that wouldn’t buy television screens, like

businesses that need to buy monitors for their employees’


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One o _ a company’s most important resources is its

ex _ _ _ _ _ _ customers and these customers might have

other needs that the company c _ _ _ _ fulfill with a different

product. F _ _ example, a company t _ _ _ sells skis might

have a large customer base that enj _ _ _ winter sports like

skiing down sn _ _ _ mountains.

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One of a company’s most important resources is its existing

customers and these customers might have other needs that

the company could fulfill with a different product. For

example, a company that sells skis might have a large

customer base that enjoys winter sports like skiing down

snowy mountains.

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So they might start making ski ja _ _ _ _ _ . The same

customers that buy skis would a _ _ _ need warm ski jackets

to w _ _ _ while they are skiing. And si _ _ _ they like the

company’s skis, they might be more lik _ _ _ to buy the jackets

w _ _ _ the company’s n _ _ _ on them.

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So they might start making ski jackets. The same customers

that buy skis would also need warm ski jackets to wear while

they are skiing. And since they like the company’s skis, they

might be more likely to buy the jackets with the company’s

name on them.

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Lakes s _ _ _ to be permanent. We assume they’ll be around

f _ _ _ _ _ _. But in fact, lakes aren’t p _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ; they can

actually dis _ _ _ _ _ _ . Sometimes they disappear t _ _ _ _ _ _

natural proc _ _ _ _ _ , and so _ _ _ _ _ _ _ because of hu _ _ _


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Lakes seem to be permanent. We assume they’ll be around

forever. But in fact, lakes aren’t permanent; they can actually

disappear. Sometimes they disappear through natural

processes, and sometimes because of human activities.

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This often hap _ _ _ _ with lakes that have lots of plants

growing in th _ _. When the plants die, they break d _ _ _ into a

muddy subs _ _ _ _ _ , which falls to the bo _ _ _ _ of the lake,

they’ re then rep _ _ _ _ _ by n _ _ plants, which eventually

also d _ _ and fall to t _ _ bottom.

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This often happens with lakes that have lots of plants growing

in them. When the plants die, they break down into a muddy

substance, which falls to the bottom of the lake, they’ re then

replaced by new plants, which eventually also die and fall to

the bottom.

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And o _ _ _ the years, all this dead plant material b _ _ _ _ _ up

on the bottom of the lake, and a _ builds up, it starts to f _ _ _

up the lake, and there’s less and l _ _ _ room for water, and

e _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ the l _ _ _ gets completely filled in, a _ _


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And over the years, all this dead plant material builds up on

the bottom of the lake, and as builds up, it starts to fill up the

lake, and there’s less and less room for water, and eventually

the lake gets completely filled in, and disappears.

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For example, we know that farmers n _ _ _ water to ir _ _ _ _ _ _

their crops. And som _ _ _ _ _ _ to get that water, they pump

that water o _ _ of a nearby lake. Th _ _ install pipes that run

fr _ _ the lake to their farms, and they pump the water o _ _ of

the lake and into their fi _ _ _ _.

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For example, we know that farmers need water to irrigate

their crops. And sometimes to get that water, they pump that

water out of a nearby lake. They install pipes that run from the

lake to their farms, and they pump the water out of the lake

and into their fields.

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Now that’s ok i _ the lake is continually b _ _ _ _ refilled w _ _ _

rainwater or with water f _ _ _ streams that r _ _ into the lake,

b _ _ if there isn’t en _ _ _ _ rainwater o _ stream water to

rep _ _ _ _ the water the farmers take out of the la _ _ , the lake

will eventually d _ _ up.

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Now that’s ok if the lake is continually being refilled with

rainwater or with water from streams that run into the lake,

but if there isn’t enough rainwater or stream water to replace

the water the farmers take out of the lake, the lake will

eventually dry up.

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So, most ci _ _ _ _ of the ancient world tended t _ be small,

often limited to the b _ _ _ _ of a river. Th _ _ had very little

means to ex _ _ _ _ . These old cities couldn’t really cross

nat _ _ _ _ barriers li _ _ rivers or be lo _ _ _ _ _ very far from

water so _ _ _ _ _ . But Roman cities, on the other h _ _ _ ,

grew m _ _ _ larger.

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So, most cities of the ancient world tended to be small, often

limited to the banks of a river. They had very little means to

expand. These old cities couldn’t really cross natural barriers

like rivers or be located very far from water sources. But

Roman cities, on the other hand, grew much larger.

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One development that’ll al _ _ _ Roman cities to grow was

their adv _ _ _ _ _ building materials. The Romans developed

a sp _ _ _ _ _ kind of concrete, a building m _ _ _ _ _ _ _ that

would harden un _ _ _ water. And this co _ _ _ _ _ _ made new

kinds of structures po _ _ _ _ _ _.

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One development that’ll allow Roman cities to grow was their

advanced building materials. The Romans developed a

special kind of concrete, a building material that would

harden under water. And this concrete made new kinds of

structures possible.

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Take their bridges for example. Because of t _ _ _ special

concrete, t _ _ _ could build be _ _ _ _ bridges, bridges t _ _ _

could go across w _ _ _ rivers, bridges that w _ _ _ big enough

to transport equ _ _ _ _ _ _ and materials with wagons a _ _


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Take their bridges for example. Because of this special

concrete, they could build better bridges, bridges that could

go across wide rivers, bridges that were big enough to

transport equipment and materials with wagons and carts.

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So with these stro _ _ bridges, Roman cities could g _ _ _ on

both s _ _ _ _ of the river, creating larger ci _ _ _ _ than would

have b _ _ _ possible otherwise.

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So with these strong bridges, Roman cities could grow on

both sides of the river, creating larger cities than would have

been possible otherwise.

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Another development that helped Roman cities expand was

an improved w _ _ to move fresh cl _ _ _ water. People need

ac _ _ _ _ to fresh water and the Romans created an especially

eff _ _ _ _ _ _ way to bring it t _ them. They built structures

ca _ _ _ _ aqueducts.

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Another development that helped Roman cities expand was

an improved way to move fresh clean water. People need

access to fresh water and the Romans created an especially

effective way to bring it to them. They built structures called


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Now, aqueducts are se _ _ _ _ of open channels, waterways

that stretch from water so _ _ _ _ _ high in the mou _ _ _ _ _ _

to cities. They w _ _ _ carefully planned and built so the

steady d _ _ _ in altitude provides the steady fl _ _ of water to

cities. These aqueducts could move tremendous am _ _ _ _ of

water over g _ _ _ _ distances and even bring fr _ _ _ water to

pl _ _ _ _ far from rivers.

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Now, aqueducts are series of open channels, waterways that

stretch from water sources high in the mountains to cities.

They were carefully planned and built so the steady drop in

altitude provides the steady flow of water to cities. These

aqueducts could move tremendous amount of water over

great distances and even bring fresh water to places far from


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Because o _ this, people c _ _ _ _ have clean water f _ _

drinking and bathing wi _ _ _ _ _ being located near a river. So

cities were a _ _ _ to grow la _ _ _ _ in n _ _ locations.

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Because of this, people could have clean water for drinking

and bathing without being located near a river. So cities were

able to grow larger in new locations.

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When consumers are b _ _ _ _ _ a product, most of the time

they’re not buying just the product it _ _ _ _, they’re a _ _ _

buying the co _ _ _ _ _ _ _ the product comes in. So the design

of the container is very im _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . It can be the deciding

fa _ _ _ _ when consumers are trying to decide which br _ _ _ of

t _ _ product to buy.

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When consumers are buying a product, most of the time they’re

not buying just the product itself, they’re also buying the

container the product comes in. So the design of the container

is very important. It can be the deciding factor when consumers

are trying to decide which brand of the product to buy.

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One important design go _ _ is to make the container as user-

friendly as po _ _ _ _ _ _, as conv _ _ _ _ _ _ to use as possible.

Take, for example, when companies started using pl _ _ _ _ _

containers for condiments such as ketchup, mustard and


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One important design goal is to make the container as user-

friendly as possible, as convenient to use as possible. Take, for

example, when companies started using plastic containers for

condiments such as ketchup, mustard and mayonnaise.

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In the past, these products came in gl _ _ _ containers with lids

you h _ _ to screw off. And t _ _ _ you had to e _ _ _ _ _ pour the

ketchup or mustard on y _ _ _ food which could b _ messy or

scoop it out w _ _ _ spoon.

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In the past, these products came in glass containers with lids

you had to screw off. And then you had to either pour the

ketchup or mustard on your food which could be messy or

scoop it out with spoon.

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But flexible plastic containers we _ _ much more c _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

to use and so they were m _ _ _ attractive to consumers. You

just held the container over your food, gave i _ a little squeeze

and out came the ketchup o _ mustard, uh, much f _ _ _ _ _ and

easier than having to remove a l _ _ first.

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But flexible plastic containers were much more convenient to

use and so they were more attractive to consumers. You just

held the container over your food, gave it a little squeeze and

out came the ketchup or mustard, uh, much faster and easier

than having to remove a lid first.

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Another important de _ _ _ _ goal is to give the container a

pleasing ap _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ so that consumers w _ _ _ feel

comfortable displaying it in t _ _ _ _ homes. Take, for example, a

company that sells cookies. I _ _ _ _ _ _ of selling their cookies in

a plain cardboard box, they m _ _ _ _ sell them in a n _ _ _ metal

b _ _.

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Another important design goal is to give the container a

pleasing appearance so that consumers will feel comfortable

displaying it in their homes. Take, for example, a company that

sells cookies. Instead of selling their cookies in a plain

cardboard box, they might sell them in a nice metal box.

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And they might decorate that nice met _ _ box with beautiful

pictures of some ki _ _. That way when consumers present the

cookies to gu _ _ _ _, for example, they look nice, they lo _ _

classic. At _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ containers like th _ _ can make a p _ _ _

_ _ _ much more appealing to co _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .

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And they might decorate that nice metal box with beautiful

pictures of some kind. That way when consumers present the

cookies to guests, for example, they look nice, they look classic.

Attractive containers like that can make a product much more

appealing to consumers.

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Rocks near the Earth’s s _ _ _ _ _ _ are directly exposed t _

elements in t _ _ environment such as air and water, and also to

conditions such as t _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ change as well as to living

organism. And this exp _ _ _ _ _ to the en _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ can

actually ca _ _ _ even huge rocks to br _ _ _ into smaller pi _ _ _ _.

This pr _ _ _ _ _ is called weathering.

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Rocks near the Earth’s surface are directly exposed to elements

in the environment such as air and water, and also to conditions

such as temperature change as well as to living organism. And

this exposure to the environment can actually cause even huge

rocks to break into smaller pieces. This process is called


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F _ _ _ _ of all, rocks are often exposed t _ water. I _ cold w _ _

environments rocks can break d _ _ to water freezing ins _ _ _ of

them. How d _ _ _ this happen? Well, as I a _ sure you know,

when w _ _ _ _ freezes it expands a _ _ over time this can lead to

we _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.

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First of all, rocks are often exposed to water. In cold wet

environments rocks can break due to water freezing inside of

them. How does this happen? Well, as I am sure you know, when

water freezes it expands and over time this can lead to


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Um, imagine a rock w _ _ _ a small opening or crack in it. It

rains a _ _ water gets into the cr _ _ _ and stays th _ _ _ . Then,

at night, the temperature d _ _ _ _ and w _ _ _ _ inside the crack

freezes. This growing, expanding i _ _ pushes outw _ _ _ on

either side of the crack causing it to g _ _ slightly bigger. When

this happens again and a _ _ _ _, the crack becomes l _ _ _ _ _

and eventually pieces of the ro _ _ break off.

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Um, imagine a rock with a small opening or crack in it. It rains

and water gets into the crack and stays there. Then, at night, the

temperature drops and water inside the crack freezes. This

growing, expanding ice pushes outward on either side of the

crack causing it to get slightly bigger. When this happens again

and again, the crack becomes larger and eventually pieces of

the rock break off.

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Weathering can also b _ caused by plants, by a plant gr _ _ _ _. If

a plant se _ _ gets blown into the crack of a rock, it m _ _ take

root. And its ro _ _ will grow down into t _ _ rock. The plant’s

roots c _ _ cause the rock to b _ _ _ _ down, uh, fracture.

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Weathering can also be caused by plants, by a plant growth. If a

plant seed gets blown into the crack of a rock, it may take root.

And its root will grow down into the rock. The plant’s roots can

cause the rock to break down, uh, fracture.

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Usually there’s en _ _ _ _ dirt in a crack of a rock or on t _ _ of a

rock to a _ _ _ _ a tree to start growing there. A _ the tree grows

ov _ _ the years, the tree’s roots extend dow _ _ _ _ _ into the

crack and crevasses of the rock in search of water and nut _ _ _

_ _ _. Over time, the roots get b _ _ _ _ _ and grow deeper,

widening and enl _ _ _ _ _ _ the cracks, causing the rock to

b _ _ _ _ apart.

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Usually there’s enough dirt in a crack of a rock or on top of a

rock to allow a tree to start growing there. As the tree grows

over the years, the tree’s roots extend downward into the crack

and crevasses of the rock in search of water and nutrients. Over

time, the roots get bigger and grow deeper, widening and

enlarging the cracks, causing the rock to break apart.

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Authors o _ fiction, short st _ _ _ _ _ and novels have m _ _ _

decisions to m _ _ _ when they’re writing their w _ _ _ _. One of

those d _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ is how they are going to narrate or t _ _ _

the story. What perspective or what p _ _ _ _ of view the story

would be told from? So, authors need to choose a t _ _ _ of

narrator, some person or v _ _ _ _ to tell the story. And this

narrator can af _ _ _ _ the readers’ experience w _ _ _ they read

the story.

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Authors of fiction, short stories and novels have many decisions

to make when they’re writing their works. One of those

decisions is how they are going to narrate or tell the story. What

perspective or what point of view the story would be told from?

So, authors need to choose a type of narrator, some person or

voice to tell the story. And this narrator can affect the readers’

experience when they read the story.

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An objective narrator can des _ _ _ _ _ what people, the

characters in the story, wh _ _ they do and what they s _ _, but

that’s about all. So, suppose we have a s _ _ _ _ , for e _ _ _ _ _ _,

that is about a man and w _ _ _ _ about to t _ _ _ a trip.

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An objective narrator can describe what people, the characters

in the story, what they do and what they say, but that’s about all.

So, suppose we have a story, for example, that is about a man

and woman about to take a trip.

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When the story is told by an obj _ _ _ _ _ _ narrator, the only inf _

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ that we get as readers is what the characters say to

each o _ _ _ _, what they do. They get o _ the train, t _ _ _ sit do

_ _, they look out the wi _ _ _ _ , that’s all. And this leaves

questions that force the r _ _ _ _ _ to interpret the e _ _ _ _ _ , to

fill in information and decide wh _ _ the characters’ conversation

a _ _ actions might mean.

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When the story is told by an objective narrator, the only

information that we get as readers is what the characters say to

each other, what they do. They get on the train, they sit down,

they look out the window, that’s all. And this leaves questions

that force the reader to interpret the events, to fill in information

and decide what the characters’ conversation and actions might


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Another ki _ _ of narrator an author might u _ _ is an omniscient

narrator. In this c _ _ _ , the narrator, the voice that is t _ _ _ _ _ _

the story, knows everything a _ _ _ _ the characters. So, let’s

i _ _ _ _ _ _ our same man and woman traveling b _ _ described

by an omniscient narrator. Not on _ _ do we, the readers, know

wh _ _ they do a _ _ say, but we also know what they’re th _ _ _ _

_ _.

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Another kind of narrator an author might use is an omniscient

narrator. In this case, the narrator, the voice that is telling the

story, knows everything about the characters. So, let’s imagine

our same man and woman traveling but described by an

omniscient narrator. Not only do we, the readers, know what

they do and say, but we also know what they’re thinking.

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For example, we’re told that the couple is g _ _ _ _ to visit an old

fr _ _ _ _ of the man ’s and we l _ _ _ _ what the man is thinking

that he is nervous be _ _ _ _ _ he hasn’t seen his friend in a

l _ _ _ time, that he is worried if his w _ _ _ would like the

friend. So an omniscient nar _ _ _ _ _ provides more

inf _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ and answers questions that the r _ _ _ _ _ might

have about the characters or the ac _ _ _ _.

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For example, we’re told that the couple is going to visit an old

friend of the man ’s and we learn what the man is thinking that

he is nervous because he hasn’t seen his friend in a long time,

that he is worried if his wife would like the friend. So an

omniscient narrator provides more information and answers

questions that the reader might have about the characters or

the action.

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Back in the18th cen _ _ _ _, in a time k _ _ _ _ as the Industrial

Revolution, some cou _ _ _ _ _ _, well, England in part _ _ _ _ _ _,

started us _ _ _ new tec _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , like steam-powered

mac _ _ _ _ _ to produce goods. And the use of these machines

brought about some si _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ changes.

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Back in the18th century, in a time known as the Industrial

Revolution, some countries, well, England in particular, started

using new technology, like steam-powered machines to

produce goods. And the use of these machines brought about

some significant changes.

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One change w _ _ that the center of production moved f _ _ _

homes to factories. Um, let’s t _ _ _ fabric, or cl _ _ _ , as an

example. Historically, for a very long ti _ _, people had made

cloth by ha _ _ in their homes, ear _ _ _ _ a little money from

their home-based cloth prod _ _ _ _ _ _.

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One change was that the center of production moved from

homes to factories. Um, let’s take fabric, or cloth, as an

example. Historically, for a very long time, people had made

cloth by hand in their homes, earning a little money from their

home-based cloth production.

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But then these new steam-powered machines f _ _ weaving clo

_ _ were invented a _ _ placed in factories, and these machines

could we _ _ _ cloth much mo _ _ quickly and effi _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .

So th _ _ _ wasn’t any reason to k _ _ _ making cloth sl _ _ _ _

in homes when it could be ma _ _ faster on factory machines.

Thus the maj _ _ _ _ _ of cloth productions shifted fr _ _ home-

based businesses to fac _ _ _ _ production.

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But then these new steam-powered machines for weaving

cloth were invented and placed in factories, and these

machines could weave cloth much more quickly and efficiently.

So there wasn’t any reason to keep making cloth slowly in

homes when it could be made faster on factory machines. Thus

the majority of cloth productions shifted from home-based

businesses to factory production.

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Another re _ _ _ _ of the new tec _ _ _ _ _ _ _ is th _ _ cities

started forming ar _ _ _ _ factories, like let’s say there w _ _ a

cloth factory that was b _ _ _ _ in a cer _ _ _ _ small village.

Now, of course, the factor ne _ _ _ _ workers to ope _ _ _ _ the

machines us _ _ in cloth production. So the factory would hi _ _

a lot of ru _ _ _ workers who would then mo _ _ from the

country side to the vil _ _ _ _.

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Another result of the new technology is that cities started

forming around factories, like let’s say there was a cloth factory

that was built in a certain small village. Now, of course, the

factor needed workers to operate the machines used in cloth

production. So the factory would hire a lot of rural workers who

would then move from the country side to the village.

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So i _ _ _ _ _ _ of spreading all ov _ _ the country side, the

workers sta _ _ _ _ to congregate in the village with the factory.

A _ a result, the village got bi _ _ _ _ and bigger and ev _ _ _ _ _

_ _ _ gr _ _ to a city.

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So instead of spreading all over the country side, the workers

started to congregate in the village with the factory. As a result,

the village got bigger and bigger and eventually grew to a city.

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