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Shady): Hence find the area or an emipoe veee~ — axes are of lengths a and b. 17. Evaluate [ [[x? +ay)ax+ (0? + y?)dy], where C is the square formed by the lines . cl x=tLy=tl. fea Answers é a 3. wt 4, -2/3 8 19 3 10. =n 5. 5 Fy Bag 2 m0 43, na? 14, nab 15. na? 17. zero 5.7 Calculus of Variations The calculus of variations is a powerful technique for the solution of problems in dynamics of rigid bodies, optimization of orbits and vibration problems. The subject primarily concerns with finding maximum or minimum value of a definite integral involving a certain function. It is something beyond finding stationary values of a given function. 5.8 Functionals Consider the problem of finding a curve through two points (x) y;) and (x2, yz) whose length is a minimum (shown in Fig.). It is same as determining the curve y = y(x) for which y(x,) =yy ylx,)=y, such that f" V(1+y*)dx isa minimum. In general terms, we wish to find the curve y = y(x) where y(x,)=y, and y(x,) =y, such that for a given function fix,y, ¥’), J F( m=itl => CR=cet+ce* Scanned with CamScanner gration & ator Inte 1 _ Now: e ay" [Case of failure] (Put D=1) Xe =op° (Put D=1) Hence, y= aye" 6,0" 422) which is the extremal of the given function. « 5.28: Find the curve passing through the points (xy) and Oy Ja) which when samp fae . bout the x-axis gives a minimum surface area. rotated al jolution: In the given Fig,, the surface area = [" 2ny ds =2nf"yJ(1+ y”)dx. This has to be minimum. since f= yy(1+9' ) dx is independent of x, therefore, Euler’s equation reduces to F ~ constant, ¢: say by $334 (0] Scanned with CamScanner * eo eiaties ~ 1 Separating the variables and integrating, we have xta f@ +e or cosh (4 = ¢ c)7e ie, y= ccosh{ **) . c which is a catenary. The constants @ and c are determined from the points (x, and (xy y,). Example 5.29: (Brachistochrone problem) Find the path on which a particle in the absence of friction, will slide from one point to another in the shortest time under the action of gravity. Solution: Let the particle start sliding on the curve OP, from O with zero velocity, At time t, let the particle be at P(x, y) such that arc OP = s. By the principle of work and energy, we have K.E. at P—K.E. at O = Work done in moving the particle from O to P. 1. (ds)* (8) om nay or ds / dt = (2gy) voli) Thus the time taken by the particle to move from O to P, is 2) T=("a= =A phy) ur) ral ES” Teal x S\ Pe 9) Py) Y Here f =/1+y"/y is independent of x. Scanned with CamScanner cr gor integration & Calculus of Variations ‘ ~ Buler’s equation reduces to fy’ af / dy’ = constant, c: say a ew = \yltty?)=1e=Var say solving for y’, we have y* a separating the variables and integrating, we get sg fw) f dx=f law” [Put y =a sin?6... (i) (asin? \, > [qgeintg) 20 sind cos 0.40 =a. 2sin* 0d0= af? (1—cos26)48 =4(20-sin20) 2 -(ii) Writing a/2 = b and 20 = 4, equations (ii) and () become x = b (= sin 4), v= b(1—cos 4) whichis a ¢ycloid. The constant bis found from the fact that the curve goes through (x), 44). | Eample 5.31: Hanging cable (chain) problem | Solution: Aheavy cable hangs freely under gravity between two fixed points. Show that the shape of the cable is a catenary- Yy POLY) Qp¥2) Let P (xy, yy) and Q (&p yz) be the two fixed points of the hanging cable. Scanned with CamScanner 218 Engineering Mathematics — yy Let us consider an elementary arc length ds of the cable. Let p be the density (mass/uni, Tength) of the cable so that p ds is the mass of the element. If a is the acceleration die to gravity then the potential energy of the element (m. g.h) is given by (pds) g. y where X-axis is taken as the line of reference. “: Total potential energy of the calbe is given by TS Flows) ey dy i =foey 4, ds _ °] =Josy ty? dx Here f(x,y ¥)=(e) wltvy* =(const)y/iay This is same as (5.28) example We can obtain y= c cosh (x + 4/¢) x+a Thus y= ccosh( 4) which is a catenary and it can be proved that this corresponds to the minimum value of T. Example 5.31: Find the curves on which the functional Sly? +1224) de with y(o) =0 and y(1) = 1 can be extremised. Solution: We have f= 2+ 12xy = 12x; Fry: of /0y = 128; 5 = 2y g Hence the Euler’s equation 2-4 12x -2y"=0 ie, y’ = 6x li) Integrating (i), y’ = 3x2 +C and y=B+ Cre Using the boundary conditions, when x = 0, y= 0 (iii) gives C’=0. When x= 1, y=1, (iii) again gives C= 0. Hence (iii) reduces to y = x° which is the only curve on which extremum can be attained. Scanned with CamScanner vee so c iol a Oe eed the functional {°"(y?—y" +2xy)dy with yO) = 0 and am * (nl2) = 0 be extremized? golution: Let fay2-y +2xy so that 2~=0-2y + 2x fi d(0\_ diy _ oy ant lay) aeOV)?V . of dla) 5 “sg equation 2-2) 2) = . . Buler’s eq] ay arlay) 0 becomes —2y +2x-2y"=0 (D? + 1)y=x Its AE. D2+1=0 gives D=+i. CF.=¢,cosx+c, sinx = 2) Pi. pate ix ‘ad =(1-D*)x=x Thus y=c,cosx +c, sinx +x 3(i) Using boundary conditions: when x= 0, y= 0, (@ gives c, = 0; when x = 7/2, y= 0, (i) gives O= c+ n/2, ie., C,=— R12. Hence (i) reduces to y =x or sin x, whichis the only curve on which the given functional | canbe extremized. | Example 5.33: Find the external of the functional {"(y—y’ +4ycosx)dx; y(0) =0, y(n) = 0. Solution: We have f= y?- y+ 4y cos x af F_ AY om wie ay Yael ayi) 78 Thus, Euler's equation a _a(F)_o ay dx oy’ becomes -2y +4 cos x-2y"=0 @) y’ +y=2cosx (D2 1)y=2 cos Scanned with CamScanner a e”””S”CCCOCOCSC‘( CU a Its A.E. is nt? +1=0 or m= +i. Therefore, C.R.=¢, cos x +c, sin x P Put D2==1. Now, P= 1 —2c08x[ Case of failure] (Put D?==1) D?+1 = 5p 2008e = xsinx Hence, the complete solution of (1) is y = ¢, cos x +c, sin x + x sin X +2) Using boundary conditions, when x = 0, y = 0. Therefore, (2) reduces ty 0=c, +¢,(0) +x(0) orc, = 0. When x= x, y=0. Thus, (2) reduces to 0=—c, +0 orc, =0. Hence, c, = 0 and c, = arbitrary = c (say). Thus, (2) becomes y = (c + x) sin x. 5.10 Geodesics A geodesics on the surface is a curvve along which the distance between any two points of the surface is a minimum, To find the geodesics on a surface is a variational problem involving the conditional extremum. Example 5.34: Show that the geodesics on a plane are straight lines. Solutio: Let y = y(x) be a curve joining the points A(x, y,) and B(x, y,) in the xy-plane. Then the length of a curve joining A and Bis given by s= [Bac -j L+(dy/ax) ax the geodesic on the xy-plane is the curve y = y(2) for which s is minimum, Wave have f(x,y,y') = [a+ y") which depends on y/ only. Hence, Euler’s equation F Alay _ ay ax ay’) y'yisy?- y'x2y'y" dj 2y' 21+ y? becomes rape or ——___Vity" 2yl+y” l+y? F Ce: y'd+y")-y?y"=0 or {¥ <9 dx’ Integrating it twice want, x, we get y = cx + ¢y, which is a straight line. Hence, the geodesics on a plane are straight lines. i Scanned with CamScanner vector Integration & Caleilus of Variations pxample 5.35: Show that the geodesics on a sphe i i = ea Phere of radius a are its great circles, In spherical coordinates s(r, 0, 4), we have Sin 0.cos }, y =r sin 0 sin §, z= rcos 0 Therefore, the arc element on a sphere of radius ais given by ° Pade a= dr (rdO)? + (sie 0 dg)? = 2 dO? + (asin OFdF — [vr=adr=o] or ds =a. 1L+sin* 9/40) fo = s=af [s+ sn0 (0) jo we the geodesic on the sphere r = a is the curve for which s is minimum. Here, 1+sin’0. ‘ ") which is a function of @ and 4’, while 4 is absent, Therefore, Euler’s equation reduces to Of/9f = constant. We have 4 asin?9-6' Ff -__asin’ 0-6 Constant aH [1+sin* 6-9”) moe of ae (say) or sin*0(sin?0-c?) 9? =c? i do ccosec’® 49 sind (sin?o-c*) _(1-c* cosec*o) Integrating, we get ccosec’0-d0 a) [e-2)-(eooF] > cot @=Acos+Bsin® acos 0 = Aa sin 0 cos $+ Basin 0 sin B [by (1) when r =a] z=Ax+ By entre (0,0, O)of the sphere which cuts the sphere along 2 ‘This is a plane through the c re ies are the arcs of the great circles. seat circle. Hence, the required geo Scanned with CamScanner

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