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The changes and criterions from active to passive construction

1. Subject ------------------- 1. Object
2. Object -------------------- 2. Subject
3. Be
4. V3 ( Past Participle )
5. By
Examples :
1. Simple Present
- Nia and Rudy always do the work well. ( active )
- The work is always done well by Nia and Rudy / them ( passive )
2. Present Continuous Tense
- The learners are writing a novel right now. ( active )
- A novel is being written by the learners right now. ( passive )
3. Present Perfect Tense
- Sherly has made some cakes since an hour ago. ( active )
- Some cakes have been made by Sherly/her since an hour ago. ( passive )
4. Present Perfect Continuous
- The people have been building a new hotel for 5 months. ( active )
- A new hotel has been being built ( by the people ) for 5 months. ( passive )
5. Simple Past Tense
- She read 3 books last week. ( active )
- 3 books were read ( by her ) last week. ( passive )
6. Past Continuous Tense
- Mother was frying some chickens when father came. ( active )
- Some chickens were being fried by mother/her when father came. ( passive )
7. Past Perfect Tense
- Dody had locked all the doors before he went to bed. ( active )
- All the doors had been locked by Dody/him before he went to bed. ( passive )
8. Future tense
- He will buy a new mobile phone if he has enough money next week. ( active )
- A new mobile phone will be bought ( by him ) if he has enough money next week.
9. Using modals
- The boys must submit the assignments tomorrow. ( active )
- The assignments must be submitted ( by the boys ) tomorrow ( passive )
10. Future Perfect Tense
- The farmers will have harvested the rice by the end of March 2021
- The rice will have been harvested by the farmers by the end of March 2021

1. The people separate the waste into two parts, organic and non – organic.
2. Volcano’s eruptions can spew massive amounts of sulfur dioxide into the atmosphere.
3. The farmer is trying to chase away the birds which come to feed on the rice.
4. Did she tell the news which she heard from her friend yesterday ?
5. Father will help her carry the boxes if he has time.
6. The boy was watching the film when I arrived yesterday.
7. The students will have finished the projects by the end of this semester.
8. The students has been discussing the new topic since 2 hours ago.
9. Diana had cleaned the rooms before she left for home.
10. Has he planted the flowers for three hours ?

Passive Voice

1. The rubbish has been thrown away ( by the villagers ) since this morning
2. Were the poems read by Dinda an hour ago ?
3. The books are sent to Surabaya as soon as possible.
4. The new topic has been being explained by the teacher for half an hour.
5. Will the building have been built by the government by February 2022?
6. Had the assignments been submitted by the students before they took arest?
7. The pictures have been being painted by painter since 3 days ago.
8. The expensive big circular diamond was shown in the exhibition last week.
9. A tall young athletic Asian man is being looked for ( by Shinta ) to be her husband.
10. Have the vegetables just been taken to the market by the farmers?

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