Our Town September 2, 1943

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VoL 28-No. 23 •

Rescind U.S. OrdersThat

Unger Resigns from Scouters Schedule
High School Faculty Training Conference Organize 3rd War Loan Drive

Schools Change To Coal
Elmer E, Unger, 54-year-old
physical director at Ardmore Junior
High Schooi and instructor of spe-
cial beach reducing classes at Ocean
The big PQW Wow, a training
conference for Valley Forge Coun-
cll Scouters, wUI get under way at
3 P. M. Saturday, September 18,
and last until Sunday afternoon,
In Lower Merion, Narberth
$38,885.43 of Taxpayer's Money Needlessly
City during the summer months, sept. 19 at Camp Delmont. "Hap" Employment Office District Chairman Met Wednesday to Plan
has been dropped from his school Clark, Assistant National Director
To Be Maintained At Campaign; Quota for Township and
Spent; Local Ration Boards Grant post. of Camping and Activities wJll at-
Borough Set at $4,500,000; Captain
Requests for Fuel Unger's resignation, requested by tend. Lower Merion High
the Lower Merion Township School A limit of 400 attendance has Bonaffon and Henry Harral Named
Board, was accepted August 12, at been set as the defl.nite maximum
After the Lower Merion School Board had spent $22,346.16 a special meeting of the Lower number, so early registration is ad- The Lower Merion High Shool Chairmen
for the preliminary work of converting the oil burning equip- Merion School Board. visable. Counc~l and District camp- fice with the beginning of the sch
ment in the schools into coal burning equipment it learned last Frank DuBois, superintendent of fires will be in the schedule of fice with the beginning of the school The Third War Loan Drive got the "Full Speed Ahead"
week that it wouldn't be necessary. the township's schools, said Unger's events, as well as church services term September 7. George H. Gll- signal in Lower Merion and Narberth, Wednesday night, as dis-
In addition, It wlll cost the School
District $16,039.16 more to replace .... _
job would be filled by Ralph MlIler, Sunday, ' hert, principal, said yesterday. trict chairmen met at the Times-Medical Building, Ardmore, to
what has been done which means I- H~';; Long W iii --1 of Harrisburg.
Unger was arrested on July 30 In
Each district will be responsible
for its own transportation to and
The office wlll be under the su-
pervision of A. S. Benner, director
lay plans for the campaign which open next Thursday, Sept. 9.
Captain E· W. Bonaffon, U. S. Navy, and Henry D. Harral,
• that a total of $38,885.32 of tax-
payers' fund have been expended
for naught.
This War Last?
his Ocean City apartment with Mrs.
Roma Warner, 32, of Bala-Cynwyd,
whose husband owns a jewelry
from camp.


of the Department of Business EdU-
cation. Facll1ties of the office wlll
chief air raid warden for Lower Merion, have been appointed
co-chairmen for the Lower Merion-Narberth District, whose
Also, the School Board has on Its Are tlhe optimists who 8I1Y store In the Suburban Station Direct relief payments made to
be available to .employers and stu- quota in the Third War Loan Drive is $4,500,000,
dents, and former students of the District chairmen appointed for
hands the balance of $140,000, that this war will be over in a Bullding. needy residents ot Montgomery high school Without charge. the Township and Borough are as
which it borrowed to complete the
work. On top of this, several con-
yoor's time correct? Or w1l1
it last for 4 years or 10?
Both were released In $200 ban County during the week ended Au-
gust 27, totalled $706.20 which waS Mr. Benner wllI also have charge First Aid Course folIaws: Ardmore-James L. Gardi-
tracts for materials and wo.rk exist. There's one sure anS\vcr.
each pending action by the Cape
May County Grand Jury when ar- $201.20 less than those of the com- of the part-time placement of those
members of the Senior Class who
Starts September 13 ner, assistant manager of the Penn-
Which may mean counter-claims This war will last until \ictory raigned In Ocean City. parable week of last year.
are majoring in clerical and secre- sylvania Company.; Bryn Mawr -
and legal entanglements. is \Vonl A standard First Aid Course will James B. Francis, Broughton lane,
To consider these things mem- tarial work. These students wl1l be
nut it's not a one-sbot war. start September 13 from 2:30 to
available in September for after
bers of the School Board held a
special meeting this week in Ard-
more. To their credit seems to be
One torpedo might sink one
ship, or It mig-lit take a dozen Sergeant Donnelly Back school wOI'k; and beginning with
the second semester, January 25,
4:30 p. M. at the Red Cross en-
Viianova, manager of the Bell Tele-
ter, St. George's Rd .. Ardmore. The phone Company's Main Line Busi-

From Guadalcanal~ Hopes

to score a direct 'bit. for half-days throughout the year. class wllI be instructed by Mrs. Van ness Office at Ardmore; Merlon-
these facts: In 10 yClltrB' time or even
1. They acted In good faith on Mr. Benner's office hours will be Buren Connell. James A. Lynd, 733 Beacon lane, an
immediately in a period of
Anyone Interested In takl.ng this attorney and sector alr raid warden;'
To Make Army His Career
government order that It would be from 1 to 3 P. M. dally except Sat-
personal emergency, we can
necessary to convert from oil to urday. Students who desire part- course should caIl Mrs. RusseIl A. Narberth - Carl B. Metzger, Jr.,
call back our money in"csted
coal. tlhe work should register as soon Cannon. chah'man of First Aid, cashier of the National Bank of
ill 'Var Bouds, but we can't
2. That the government and not as possible after the opening of the Life Saving and Water Safety, at
call back our brothers or bud. After two years and seven Se,rge:l.Ilt Dpnnelly, whose fam- Narberth; Bala-Cynwyd-Robert F.
the School Board changed Its mind school term. Employers who de- Ardmore 3100.
dle'!; from the SOlomolls, from months In the service, four months lIy 1I\"es on Cheswold Lane, Haver-
when it decided that even though sire student help, or purt-tlme Brown, 115 Dartmouth road, Cyn-
AfrIca. or from Bataan. of which were spent on Guadal- ford, saw no Japs save a few in' clerical or secretarial assistance,
tho Petroleum Administration or- wyd Estates; PencoYd-Edward L.
dered the change that the War Pro-
'I'hat will take a oom,plcte
victory - (X)()rdinated. OOlJl,"bt
canal dodging Jap bombs and fight- the prIson stQckade as they had
Ing the mud and mosquitoes, the been virtually, all cleaned out by
should calI Ardmore 1600. Services Friday for Forstall, Flat Roc.k road, Penn Val-
duction Board would not grant the
materials necessary to make the and pnid fori husbaad of a Narberth g,irl Is serl- the time he atrived. Jap bombers, Mrs. Anna E. Speed iey.
ously considering making the anny however, continued to pay the.lr re- Terming tho Third War Loan
3. That it wl1l save at least two- his career.
spects". On one occasion he duck-
DITTY R. GRACE IS Funeral services .for Mrs. Anna Drive, "The greatest drive for dol-
thirds of the money borrowed If the
persons and concerns with whom OPEN HEADQUARTERS He Is Sergeant Harold Donnelly ed Into a slit trench just before a
who is married to the former Vlr- 500-pounder exploded 150 yards
Elizabeth Hartel Speed will be held lars ever attempted anyWhere a.t
at 2 P. M., Friday, at Oliver H. any time," Co-chairman Bonaffon
they contracted are reasonable.
4. That the anticipated Increased
gln.ia Ranking and spent a fur- away. The v~lt of a Jap nlgllt
laugh recently with his wife at the raider who broadcast to the Ameri- BRIDE IN PHOENIX Bair's, 1820 Chestnut St., Philadel- and Harral expressed appreciation
of "the fine spirit of co-operation
cost of $25,000 to operate the coal
equipment in the schools would be
fOR fRED WAllER Rankin's home, 318 Chestnut Ave., can troopS as he prepared to lay
Narberth. his eggs on tJ1e Island also sticks
Mrs. Speed, who was 30, died
shown by many Individuals" which
enabled the Lower Merion-Narberth
saved. Recent Lower Merion High in his mind. The Jap ,used Narberth Girl Weds
to drive
Tuesday, at her home on Righter's
MUl Rd., Pelln Valley. She leaves
organization to get down to business
Meanwhile, after numerOus con- G.O.P. Co. Leaders School graduates will remember a to.."i in Broo,kly.n and was very Aviatioit Cadet her husband, Lieutenant Austin B.
Immediately With vlrtuaIly a com-
plete organization.
ferences had been held; the $140,- him as one of the leading members proficient in English. "Well, here I
000 bond Issue executed and the Maintain Hands- of the cast In .several GUbert and am, boys," he used to say. "I've John E. Oatis Speed, now stationed at Fort MyerS,
F~., with the Army All' Corps. In-
At Wednesday's meeting Captain
work started Washington changed
its mind. On August 20 word was
off Policy _
Suntvan operettl1S staged at the got eig.ht of 'em here to lay and I
school. He was inducted in the don't want to start until you are The marra~e of Miss Elizabeth
terment wlIl be private. Bonaffon stressed the extreme urg-
ency and importance of the work
received in the office of Superin- Opening of a headquarters for Army In January, 1941, received all ready down there. I'll cru.ise Ruth Grace, daughter of Mrs. Carl about to be undertaken.
tendent of Schools, F. A. Dubois, the Republican nomination of Fred his initial tralnang at Camp Meade around for a bit first. Well, I DeHaven Grace, 200 S. Narberth "To raise $15,000.000,000 - the
(Co.nUnued on Page 2)
Walzer as justice of the peace in and then spent more than a year can't walt all night, so here comes Ave., and the late Mr. Grace, to
Narberth, was announced by his In Texas. Last Jan. he was shlp- number one." This followed untU Aviation Cadet John E. Oatis, son
OPA AUTHORITY WAS national quota-from non-banking
sources meane tha~ every citizen
campaign committee this week. ped to the west- coast- and then to all eight wel'e laid, wllereupon of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert E. OaUs, must do his part," Captain Bonnn.t-
our jcibto
The Grist 1
The hendqua.rt.ers, which Is at the. Guadalcanal vJa Ca.J!\.donla.
corner of Haverford and Forrest
Avenues, .Is being decorated.
' .. th. JlJ;pwoubl,rll8.Y, ",Well, It:O long,
It struck him somewhat funny; I'll see you tomorrow night."
A after crossing Arizona in a black- A useful souven.lr Sergeant Don- Arizona.
place on Saturday at nOTARY .SPEAKER
Ottawa.. HUlS, Toledo, Oh1o, too.k
fon said. '''It is- see that
the facts are placed before each
citizen and to make It convenient
Mrs. Oatis, mother of the bride- for him to sign up for his bond."
woman's committee wlil be In at- ed-out train and leaving a dimmed- nelly brought home Is a wrist
Oil and Tires Dis
Mill I
. ... _._.
l.endance, afternoon and evening, out port on a blacked-out ship to watch bracelet fashioned of alum-
until Primary Day, September 14, arr.lve eventually in New caledonia inurn salvaged from a Jap Zero
1'43. Many souvenirS, it Is under- with no blae-kout, except when a shot down on the Island. Some of
groom, was the matron of honor,
and W1l11am Oatis, brother of the
bridegroom acted' as best man. cussed at Weekly
Harral laid emphasis on the need
for fulI coverage of the homes in
the local area if the township and
••• l'tood, will be available for visitors. "condition red" was reported. the aluminum salvaged bore mark- The bride wore a street-length Lunche()n on Tues. borough quota of four and one hal!
Ralph Dunne, Narberth fuel In afld't1on to being the Repub- One of the most viVid memories ings "Made In the U.S.A.," he said. frock of powder blue crepe, trJm- million Is to be reached.
dealer, and an artiCUlate spokes- lican candidate Walzer has been of Guadalcanal is the mUd. Anoth- En route home after four months med in ecru lace, Ii matching lIat The currently crucial topics of "Our organIzation must be one
man for the Problem confronting endorsed by the Citizens' Commlt- er is the mosqUitoes. Washing there-he was ,in G-3 operatio.ns With shoulder length veU, beige all and rubber we.re discussed this that reaches every household," he
small business, spent a couple of tee which .is stressing his value as clothes In a river there wasn't so and training-he covered a 1000 sUppers and gloves. She carried week at the Tuesday luncheon (Continued on Page 3)
days In Washington last week a commu.nity asset. Announce- bad except for the time when he mUes of the journey in a few hours the prayer book carried by her meeting of the Bala-Cynwyd-Nar-
which included a conference with ment of this Committee and other saw a white object In the water aboard an Army transport plane, mother at her wedding and a berth Rotary Club, held at the
Under Secretary of Commerce signs of growing interest on the which turned out to be a human his first ride in an airplane, to shower bouquet.
Following the ceremo.ny, a small
Overbrook Golf ClUb. Main I.liners Donate
Wayne C. Taylor on the subect of part of the citizenry Indicate an skull, a reminder of the bloody New Caledonia, o.nly to wait Introduced by the president,
legislation now pending in Con- old-fashioned campaign is In the fighting which took place there a aroun'd there 12 days for further wedding supper was held at the George W. R. Kirkpatrick, Barney To War Children
gress designed to aid small busl- offing. few months before. t (Continued on Page 3) Westward Hotel in Phoenix. The Fischer outUned the evolution of
.Il'ess. WlIlle Dunne doesn't approve couple will live at 78 West Cy- the 011 industry and recalled that During August the following res-
of the Government spending money County lcaders have stated that press St., PlIoenix. LewiS J. Levick, of Bala, built the Idents of the Main Line contribut-
to do things which smaIl business they regard the contest as a strict- Autocar Receives "E' George E. Snyders Thf; bride is a ~raduate of Low- first oU pipe line. The new "Big ed toward the support of chIldren
men shOUld do for themselves, he ly neighborhood Issue and that the
feels that If such a program Is go- Republican Organ.ization has adop- Star Award for Have Baby Daughter tJr MerIon High Sehool, and Cadet Inch" pipe line, he said, delivers of the United NationS In Great
Oatis of the Wharton School, Una- 300,000 barrels of oil every 24 Brltaln through the Foster Par-
Ing to be carried out, It should re- ted a hands-off attitude. Production Record "erslty of Pennsylvania. He en- hours. ents' Plan for War Children:
Mr. and Mrs. George Elto.n Snr-
ceive the cooperation of the coun- Usted in the All' Corps In May, Fischer introduced Wilfred L. Mrs. C. W. Colt,. Montgomery
del', Jr.. of 204 Barrie Rd., Nar- Blanchet ,of the OPA Mileage Ra- Court Apts., and 1111'. and Mrs. H.
trY's small businesses. "The big
Major Ross Weds The Army-Navy "E" Star Award berth, announce the birth of a 1942.
problem," he says, "Is to make such has been conferred on the Autocar daughter on August 17. Mrs. S.ny- tioning program, who likened the Kerns, 311 Wood&lde Ave., Nar-
a program as sclentlflc as possible. In North Carolina Company, of Ardmore, by Robert P. del' is the former Miss Frances LESSON-SEIDION OPA to the sales organization of berth.
any large firm. He stated that OPA
It is largely a matter of education. Patterson, under-secretary of war, Lux, daughter of Mrs. Frances "Man" Is the subject of the Les- Mrs. Frank P. Will, Merion
Field representatives, really busi- Is given a quota of oll, gas and tires Garden Apts., and Mrs. John .A.
Mrs. Denle Cox of Greensboro, in a letter to Robert P. Page, Au- Weeks, Lux, of Haverford Man- son-Sermon in all Churches of and must distribute It equitably.
ness counseIlors, should go around tocar president. The Autocar Com- Christ, Scientist, on Sunday, Sep- Robbins, 504 Baird Rd., Merion.
In order to do an effective job," he North Carolina, announces the pany was one of the first war plants slo.ns. tember 5. The Golden Text Js:
"We should bear in mind," he
Mrs. H. Gates Lloyd, Linden,
maintains. Dunne found \Vash.Lng- marriage of her daughter, Char- in this area to receive the original said, "the huge military needs for
"Mark the perfeet man, and be- gas and oil. In onc raid on Berlin, Haverford.
ton rather dead and lifeless, due lotte Louise, to Major Ralph New- award more than a year ago.
he thought, to the fact Congress Un RosS, son or lVirS. S. Robert
was .not in session. Ross and the late Mr. Ross of Nar-
The "Star" award means that the
record of production performance DENUUNCES TAX hold the upright: for the end of 850,000 gallons of gasoline are con-
that man Is peace" (Psalms 37:37). sumed,"
Blanchet advised all motorists to
Miss DorothY Grigg, daug.htcr of
• • • berth, on Wednesday, July 21. at has been maintained by Autocar to WEEKLY HEAliTH RF...PORTS be especially carcful of tires. For Mrs. Harrison Gr,lgg, 511 North
Wl\llam D. R. Evans, 205 Wood- Wilmington, N. C.
side Ave., spent the first day of
the satisfaction of the Army and
Navy officials, and that a white star
can now be shown on the Army-
INCOME EVADERS Five cases of co.ntaglous disease the next three or four months, he Essex Ave., Narberth, received her
were reported in Lower Merion said, the rubber situation is going B. S. degree ln elementary edu-
his vacation kem-tanlng his klt-
BAL.<\! PROPERTY SOLD Township during the week ending to be very serious. He recom- cation from the State Teachers
che.n. "It's great stuff and easy to
apply," he reports . . . Jane Hen-
at Its
as it is
Says Adults Can
plants August 27. They Included: Three mended that tires be .recapped when College. \Vest Chester, at com-
derson, of N. Narberth Ave., Is the William Pugh, Main Line office, that are directly engaged on war Start Boys' Work mumps, one tuberculosis and one needed so that the tire carcass Is muncement exercises held there
whooping cough. kept In good shape. August 27.
attractive gal who took over Betty repo.rts the sale of property located work both In Ardmore and Phlla- By Good Examples
at 105 Bryn Mawr avenue, Bala, for delphia. It also means that all Au-
Grace's job In Dunne's otlice . . .
Carl B. Metzger, Jr., cashier at the Mrs. Elizabeth Dunleavy.
National Bank of Narberth, wl\l
head the Narberth committee for dweIling, containing 14 I·ooms. Mr.
tocar employees, who have been
The property Is a single.. all stone hired since the date of the first
uward, are now entitled to receive boys' work they can start by set- Manoa and Brookline Seek Revenge
If adults are really interested in

the 3rd Loan Drive which opens and Mrs. W. G. Sandford Who will and wear the lapel pins which the lives, members of the Optimist
september 9 . . . Vacationing: \VII- occupy the property. This property Government provides for that pur- Club of the Main Line and Haver-
ting good examples in' their dally
For Their Defeats In Playoff Openers
lia:m H. Durbin, I'ealtor and Nar- was sold for $12,500. pose.
ford Township, heard at their
berth Draft Board member; John luncheon meeting in Ardmore last Reputatlo.ns didn't mean a thing games Labor Day as in past years Narberth sealed Joseph's doom
A. Mowrer, Jr., clerk In the County in the opening games of the pre- because of tho players ha.ve to re- as early as the seco.nd Inning When
Controlle-r's office at the Court
House. Returned from vacation:
Hundreds Of Entries For Tuesday noo.n.
Men' and women set the pace for liminary playoffs In the Main Line main at their war jobs.
their youngsters In dodging ration
Baseball League last week. George
triples by Al Cotton and George
Joseph, whose defeat last week Ott, a double by Jack Casselhaum
KatherJne Laffen, of Durbin and
(Continued on Page 3) "Old County Fair" I
Several hundred entries have dents of Montgomery, PhUadelphia
restrictions, beating their income
taxes and cheating on the.lr gasoline
Joseph and Bob AUlBOn, voted the was only his second In' all compe- and an error gave the BOl'oug-hltes
League's outstanding plte-hers dur- tition aU year (Narberth accounted threo runs.
Ing the regulation season, were for the other In his first start in Narberth collected three more
allowances declared Alva S. Phil-
been reported already for the Trl- and Delaware Counties.
Real Estate Men County Victory Garden Fall' Which
lips, member of the Wllmlngton
treated so rudely by their respec- the league two months ago), Is sure runs during a. seventh Inning up-
2. Classes open to amateur gard- Optimistic Club und District Gov- tive opponents that both at Haver- to come back at Narberth for his rising which was spar.ked by BUd-
Form Association wl1l be held at the Egyptian The- eners only.
ernor No. 2 of Optimist Interna-
ford Tow.nshlp's representatives- revenge Sunday. However, Allison dy Walker's single with the bases
atre on September 9, 10 nad 11. 3. Exhibits must be deIlvered be- Manoa's defending champions and doesn't figure to get another crack loaded. IncidentallY, Walker, ott
Walter D. stewart, real estate at- T,ransformatlon of the promenade tween 9 A. M. and 12 Noon on the Broo.kllne-wound up behind the at Pen-Mur for another week as it and Casselbaum each contributed
Phillips, who was the guest
torney, of the Philadelphia Real on the theatre's balcony, located on first day of the fair. speaker, said that Optimist Inter- eight ball. Is the veteran \Va.It cantweil's turn two hits.
Estate Board, was honored at a Bala Ave. in Balu-Cynwyd, as a 4. Exhibits must be tagged with national was the only service clUb Narberth gave ple.nty ot eviden'ce to face Joe Irvin's hustllng West Pitcher Joseph accounted for
meeting of the board, on the eve- place for tho exhibits Is already un- the exhibitor's name and class num- that IncreMed its membership in as to why it finished In first place Philadelphians this week. Brookline's lone run' with a single
ning of August 25, by huving the derway, according to the owner, bel'. 1942. by drubbing Joseph and his Brook- "Jim Craig, wllo limited Broak- that chased home Frank Murtzig In
Walter D. Stewart Alumni organiz- Joseph Conway. 5. Containers wl1l be provided for The speaker stressed the Impor- line mates. 6-1. in an Interesting line to six scattered hits in the the seventh.
ed and named for him by Edward "It looks as though all the VLd- all entries. tance of boys' work and said that game at CommunitY Field, Nar- series opener, wl1l probably be Pen-Mar's VictorY could have
A. Clarke, Oak Rd., Merion, an as- tory Gardeners of the Main LIne 6. Exhibitors are allowed only Optimists had made great strides in berth. At the same time Allison Narberth's choice again, a.Ithough been earned In regulation time and
soclate of the F. E. CabalIero Or- wll1 be represented," said Conway. one entry In each class. this direcUon during the past year. was banged around by an enroused Lefty TomIlnson, who won four of rather easily at that had not pitch-
ganization, Meeting House Lane, "They are anxious to exhibit what 7. No display maY be removed
It was natural, he said, that boys Pen-Mar club for 11 hits and a 5-4 five stal'ts d·urlng the regular sea- er Cliff Williamson been wild and
they ha\'e grown and pass along any until the fall' Is offlclaUy closed. Jim Lattanzla, hill support somewhat erratic. To
Merion. looked up to their fathers and ten-inning decision over Manoa at son, Is available.
At the first meeting of the Alum- garden hints to their nelghbol·s. I ·8. Produce must have been ac-
other men as their patter.IUI of per- Ma.noa and Darby Rds. who pitched the final inning to the amazeme.nt of the largest
nI', Ciarke was elected president. beUeve it wlll be.a spiritual reviva.I tun.llY grown In the eXhibitor's gar-
sonal conduct. He said that boys The same teams wl1l ClMh on the make Pe.n-Mar's victory over Ma- crowd to see a game at the Police
Furthering the r",al estute man's of the old country fair." den.
would behave very much in same diamonds In the second games noa a certa.Inty, or Stan Zetusky Field this year, WlIlIamso.n held.
knoWledge of his own business is Rules governing the exhiblU ,.n 9. No ribbons awarded for un-
their boy's world as we behaved in ot the best-three-games-out-of-five wU1 hurl the second game for Pen- Manoa, hardest hitting club In the
the object of the association, which are: worthy exhibits.
(Continued on Page 2)
1. Exhibition Is restricted to resi- 10. Entries close on September 7. the adult world. series on Sunday. There will be no Mar.
wllI meet monthly.
.." •.:1 ~ .•
:.,,,1. " ... '.':


.SePt~eber 2, 1943
1WO the planning at the reBt ot the
benefit of Narberth, to il.id other- Pinch hitter Irish Kelly walked,
took second on an .infield out and meals easier because it an ade-
wise as best I can.
scored on stan. Paw:ella's second quate meal is eaten, foods which

second class matter October, 1938, at the Post Office at
It is hoped that others on the
non-partisan roll w,ill act in like doubleo! the contest. are a.mong the "Basic 7" BO essen-
manner to offset their inability to Joe Krauss paced Pen-Mar with tial for the day'S nourishment are
Narborth, Pa.• under the Act of March 3, 1879
cast their own vote for Fred aB three hits while Walt Jamison, left InclUded in the diet. A breakfast
NON-PARTISAN VOTERS Narberth'S "County Squire" In the !leider, provided the fielding high-
Founded in 1914 by the Narberth Civic Msociation ASlrED TO SUPPORT WALZER best sense of the old-fash.ioned light with a one-h'l.nded catch of
of fruit or fruit juice, cereal with
Whole m.ilk or cream, toast or rolls
• To the Editor term. J. J. CABREY. a drive by HayBrewhter that ap- with butter or enriched margarine
HELEN FITZPATRICK, BuslneSB Mana.ger Sir: • peared destLned for a home run or and a beverage provides four of the
RUSSELL E. FRANZ. Advertising Mana.ger The citizen who registers as a Manoa and Brooklln8, triple. Westervelt registered two seven basic food needs and it eggs
Published Every ThursdJ!.y
non-partisa.n is apt to believe that
his impartial procedure affords him
Seek Revenge of Manoa's slim al10tment of hits. Too many famiUes have got into
the hlLblt of eating a light break-
are added another food group is in
Deadline for advertising and news copy-Wednesda.y, noon the picture.
Subscription rate-$2 per year in advance. a greater degree of political free-
dom and community usefulness
Prel:lrninary Playoffs
fast. fa.iling' to realize the impor-
tance of this meal that actuallY
Cereals are of prime importance
tOday because they are inexpensive,
Publication Ofl'iee-Eight Cricket Avenue, Ardmore, Pa. than is otherwise possible. He suf- (Co.ntlnued from Page 1) Standing of the teamB breaks our fast of '13 hours. The unrationed, plentifUl and packed
Phone-Ardmore 6720 and 5721: Greenwood 7740 fers a disadvantage, however, when Won Lost P.C. stomach has been without food all
Member of Bucks-Montgomery Newspaper Publishers AsBociation with ,nourishment. From a nutri-
It comes to those neighborhood league. to exactly three hits, two Narberth 1 0 1000 this time and at the breakfast hour tional standpoint it makes little
matters which are SUbject to party of which came in the first .inning. - Pen-Maa 1 0 1000 it needs re-fueling, so to speak. difference whether the cereal is hot

~==~========================~:\ machinery and where thc primary Pen-Mar bunched six hits, five of Manoa 0 1 .000 There's ,no getting a.way from the
CHURCH NEWS j~ ~i~~~~ations
which came In succession with only Brookline
are equivalent to elec- one out, for four runs In the first
0 1 .000
(Three victories necessary to
The prospects are that ,in due inning, but Manoa, profiting by qualify for championship series)
fact that a cup of coffee a.nd a
piece of toast is poor preparation
or ready-to-serve so each member
of the family can enjoy his favorite
dish. But hot or cold, the cereals
for the morning's work and that it served should be those which give
course this condition will be reme- three bases on bal1s, came blLek in Sunday Schedule--Brookllne w!1l handicap us for the Whole day. the whole grain values-iron, nia-
died and that the voter at the pri- its half to score two runs on Ted at Narberth; Pen-Mar at Manoa. Before noon and lunch time we be- cln and vitamln Bl. The amount
NOTE: For publication on Thurs- FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST maries may call for any ballot he Westervelt's sharp grounder that Both games 3:15 P. M.
SCIENTIST come unduly tired and empty-so of protein .in a bowl of cereal and
day ull church notices must be re- went through short. Manoa's cause
Linwood and Athens Ave., Ardmore or she prefers, the same as is done Sunday Schedule-Brokllne at hollow that we aren't hungry. Or milk is very much worth while in
ceived by Monday at 5 P. ~l. encb SUNDAY .in Wisconsln and elsewhere. looked hopeless u.ntll the last of the Narberth; Pen-Mar at Manoa
week. ~Iail notice to this paper, nlnth, when Williamson waLked two if w~ do feel the pangs of real these times when other high pro-
11 :00 A. IlL-Sunday SChool. Both games 3:15 P. M.
Certainly Narberth's selections hunger we eat far too mucl} for tein foods such a..~ eggs, cheese and
c/o Box 350, Ardmore, PD..; lOr tele- WEDNESDAY and both came home to tie the
8 :00 P. lit-Evening meeting. of its town officials should be free comfort and spend that afternoon meat may be scarce and certainly
pbon.c Ardmore li720 or Bllltop
8 :00 P. M.-Evenlng meeting. from any taint or trace of "politics" score on Drulick's two-base muff of . HOLIDAY WORH;
struggling with sleepiness. will be more expensive than ce-
3600. Reading room at g Rittenhouse Place and those who, with commenda.ble Pinch hitter Charlie Spellman's WPB Executive Vice Chairman
Is open week-days from 9 :30 A. M. to easy roller to Becond. and Army, Navy and Maritime Breakfast should contribute reals.
ST. MARGARET'S CATHOLIC 6 :30 P. M. \Vednesday from 9 to 9 :45 sp.i1·it, offer their services as mem- about one-third of the day's food There's such a. variety of cereals
CHURCH P. M., and on Sunday from 1 to 2 :45 bers of Counc.II, or as ta.'{-collec- Undaunted by this turn in their Commission eall for full schedules
Rev. James F. Toner, Rector P. M. needs. In' these days of food rll.- ava.ilable that monotony can easily
Rev. Charles P. O'Connor tors, or as magistrate, would be fortunes, Pen-Mar came back with of work in all war plants on Labor
tioning, the right breakfast makes bo avoided.
Rev. Chas. T. Dinan NARBERTH PRESBYTERIAN the first to look askance at any the winning run in the tenth when Day, to get out needed amunition.
Holy Day masses: G. 7, 8, 9 and 10 CHURCH
and 11 A. M. suggestion that they should put
Sunday masses: 6 :30. 7 :30, 9. 10 :15 \Vindsor and Grayling Ave.
A. M.
Daily masses: 7 and 8 A. M.
Rev. Bryant M. Klrl<land, Pastor their party allegiance ahead of
John Van Ness, DD., Pastor Emeritus their obligatio.n to the public wel- THE MAIN LINE STORE
8 :00 P. M.-Sodality Meeting.
9.46-Hible School
fare .
In any event, so-called non-par-
S :15 P. 1I1.-II1iraculous Medal Devo-
tion followed by Benediction.
11 A. lit-Morning family worship.
4 :30 P. IIt-l'astor's Communicants' tisall' citizens may not vote at thc
G :45-Christian Endea.vor Societies.
local September primaries, despite
Store Hours. 9.30 to S. Store Closed September 6 (lobar Day)
7 :4~ P. 1II.-Frlendly Evening \Vor- the str.ictlY neglhborhood aspect of ~ ...
Rev. Carl R. Hammerly, Minister ship; song service. the contest, Which means in this
Essex Ave., Narberth Store Hours: 9.30 to S. Store Closed September 6 llabor Day)
SUNDAY BAPTIST CHURCH OF THE case that Fred 'Va)zer will lose a
9 :45 A. M.-Sunday School.
11 A. M.-Mornlng Worship. EVANGEL vote. There is a deep conviction,
Rev. Robert E. Kelghton, Pastor .however, ·that he should be nomi-
CHURCH nated and elected and not being
'Voodbine and Narberth Ave. 9 :45 A. M.-Church School. able to help the cause in a direct
Rev. Cletus A. Senft, Pastor 11 :00 A. M.-Communion Service. manner, I shall accept what I re-
9 :45 A. M.-Sunday School. 8 :00 P. M.-Midweek meeting of the gard as· an insistent duty, for the
11 :00 A. M.-Morning Worship. church.
8 P. M.-'Vednesday evening meeting MERION FRIENDS MEETING
for discussion of religious topics, open
to all. Pastor in charge. Montgomery avo and Meeting House 10..,
8 :00 P. M.-Senlor Choir rehe:lorsal. 10 :30 A. M.-Meetlng for Worship.

$25,000 a. year for labor as well as

Rescind U. S. Order the nced for finding additional help
That Schools Change in these c.ritica.1 times."

To Coal

Thirteen billion doUars-t~ I
sum the Treasury must ralse WE r KNOW "WHY"
(Continued from Page 1) . .:; In the Second War Lean drive,
is only one sixth of the esti- AS WEll. AS "HOW"
that regulations, effective August Pharmacy is a profession in
mated cost of the war for the which knowledge and nccnracy
14, took out of the hands of the Pe- fiscal year of 1943. . are vital. It is important that
troleum Administration for War your pharmacist know why a
the authority to order conversions .\ drug is included in a prescrip-
from fuel 011 to soUd fuel, The au-
thority was placed 'With the local
Wynnewood House tion, and important that he flll
it properly.
rationing boards and on August 25
word was reccived from the Bryn
Mawr and Ardmore Ration Boards
Dbmers served
Big. Bright and Beautiful
Dally Except Sunday
that fuel oil could be burned in all
the school buildings equipped for \'
KARbertb 8282 tor ReserYations liarberth 2888-2839. and 'in a Smart New Length School Belles
this purpose.
The five schools involved in the
equipment change arc the Ardmore Sir;nulated pearls in their latest-for-Fall edition in Cotton
Elementary School, Penn Wynne are marvelous to wear with early black dresses, Will scamper merrily back
School, Ardmore Senior High
School, Bala-Cynwyd Junior High
and with rich dark tones all through the Winter. to Grammar classe.s this
School, and Merion School. Glorious oversize beads in two opulent sizes, September! The gay
A report from Harry J. Eggly, and a new le'1gth that slips easily over your strawberry print d res s
Jr., relative to conferences held by head without benefit of clasp and builds up the looks like a two-piecer, is
members of the School Board and
stunning new dress necklines wonderfully. Get really only one. White
. Government offidials, was read at blouse buttons down the
the School Board's special meeting. yours early and enjoy it long! front, has rickrack trim-
In the last parag!'aph Eggy said: *Plus 10% U. S. Tax ming on the collar-and
"Great regret was expressed by it's topped with an imita-
all present regarding the unneces- oIEWELRY- Moin Floor GIRLS' SHOP
Third Floor
tion bolero jacket. Sizes
sary expenditure of the taxpayer's 7 to 12 in a happy variety
money but all agreed that under the of background colors.
cLrellll1stanees it was unavoidable.
The consoling point Is that the
School Board has averted the need
for converting all of their jobs to
a hand fired basis, thereby avoiding
an increased operating cost of about


PAINTING Store Hours: 9.30 to S. Store Closed September 6 Uobor Day) •
10~ }'l)JUU:S'l' AVE.
NAUD};U'I'H. }'A.

- -----.-..
p']lonc. Narberth 4183
. -- .~ '.

It's difficult to predict which foods will be

plentiful and which will be scarce next
winter. Foresighted homemakers aren't gam-
IN YOUR CAR'S bling on the future. They're playing safe by

DISTRIBUTOR canning next winter's food right now.

Even if you've never put up a single vege-

For efricient combustion it is
important tbat the points be
table before, there never was a better time
to start. Reliable information on successful
/Jumpers, $7.95
clean and the contact properly
timed. Our skilled mechanics canning can be obtained free from many
BloU'ses, $2.85 The New High • Fashion in
are eqUipped to obeek your
sources. In fact, a visit or a postcard sent to Jumpers Ahead Gloves •IS Shoulder-High
diStributor. Have It done
todaJI our nearest office will bring you a free copy for Fall!
• • • So sound and flattering a fashion that it's spon-
of our booklet, Victory Canningl
Sophistication in ray 0 n sored by none other than the Duchess of
MAIN LINE jumpers rates tops with Windsor! Practically a necessity with the new
Junior Highersl Neatest
PHILADELPHIA trick is smart pocket stitch-
ing and deep pleats front
street-length formal frocks, for their new low
necklines mean' short sleeves, too. And what •
perfect backgrounds for important costume
When Your Car Won't Start
can ARDMORE 1826 ELECTRIC COMPANY and back, In a galaxy of
Fall shades. White rayon
blouse has a drawstring
iewe1ry! Beautifully made of soft rayon glove-
fabric in either black or white.

304 W. Lancaster Ave. DO NOT WASJE ELECTRICITY JUST 1U1D1. SHOP neckline edged with em-
First Floor broidery, ties with black GLOYIS- Main Floor
Ardmore BECAUSE 11 IS NOr RATIONED ribbons. Both come in
sizes 12 to 16.
* * •

September 2, 1943 service ribbon and tbe good con-
Sergeant Donnelly duct ribbon.
• The 'Grist Mill Hopes to Make
HIGH NOTES (Continued from Page 1)
Howard's office; Mr, and Mrs. Geo.
:McFadden, ot Stephney Place an'd
[The WAR and YOUl Army His Career
by (Continued from Page 1)
Montgomery Ave., after a couple
\ DAVID MALICKSON transportation,
of weeks at the shore. • GASOLINE-In 17 states of Eastern shortage area A-6
Class of 1945-Lower Merion High School • • • Although the weather was very
Newcomers to Narberth: Mr. and
coupons are now valid. In states outside the eastern shortage humid on Guadalcanal, he wes
Mrs, Edward Gedalecla and their area A-7 coupons are now valid through September 21. Band more Impressed by the heat In a St.
HI students! Well here we are on vice that you may use to inform or young babY, to 105 S. Narberth C coupons expire to date on individual books. All gasoline cou· Louis rallroad station,
the threshold of another school remind the members of your club Ave.; Mr. Gedaleela, a lawyer, Is pons in the possession of car owners must be endorsed with the Donnelly, who was In the class
year. What It has In store for you of the dates of meetings, etc.
School, as many of you already employed by the SEC. John Mc- owner's license number and state of registration.
of 1938 at Lower MerIon, gained a
-the sophs and juniors of' last year reputation In show business before
or for you students who wlll be know, Is scheduled to reopen on Kay and family, formerly of Cyn- FUEL OIL-Period 5 coupons in old rations remain valid
his Induction In' the Army. HiS
members of the class of' '46, no one September 8; teachers reporting the managed by Cowland Brothers. through September 30. Period 1 coupons in new rations are
wyd, to the same apartment house.
work at Lower Mer.lo.n led to parts
knows. AJI of us are starting with day before, SePtember 7. New stu- valid now. Occupants of oil heated homes are urged to return
• a "clean slate" and at this point of dent:;-as soon as you arrive at L.M.
Henry A. Reese and family, form- their applications 'for hext year's fuel oil to their ration boards wth the .Tunlor Theatre Gulld In
erly of Reading, moved this weel, promptly and when issued new rations to place orders with their Phlladelphla, with the Mae Des-
the game all have an equal chance. loolt on the liFts which wll1 be post- mond Players, on the I'adlo and
to 321 Mer,lon Ave.. the house oc-
What you yourself wlJl 'Write on ed on the bulletin boards In order
cupied by John' H. Eidson, who dealers for summer fill-Ups. with other dramatic groups.
your "slate" will determine how to find out the number of your SUGAR-Stamp No. 14 good for five pounds through Oc-
home room. If the number of the moved to \Vhltemal'sh. Durbin and But the Army appears to inter-
pleasant a stay you wll1 have at L.
roomshould happen to start with Howard's reports. The same firm tober. Stamps Nos. 15 and 16 are good for 5 lbs. each for home est him as' a career more than the
:M. this year. possibly you will be-

come a student council member, the letter "A" then you must cross Is authol'lty for the Information canning purposes through October 3.
president of your class, star on the
the ramp into the administration that Mr. and l\Irs. Alfred Od,iorne Housewives may apply to their local ration boards for more
stage at present, and he Is hopeful
that .'1e will be able to stay in after O~[4JR {jIJ(Ai§ 1{}0
MA\NY ~\\§M!
bul1dlng, for all rooms with this let- have purchased the Hoffman House if necessary. the war, He left Narberth last
athletic field, member of the HI- Y
ter will be found In that bulldlng. at the corner of Windsor and For- Thursday for Fort Benning, Ga.•
organization or an active partici-
During the first few half days, new est Avenues. 'I'he Odlornes, former
SHOES-Stamp No. 18 (1 pair) is valid through Oc-
pant In any of the many other ac- where he entered the Infantry Of-
students are urged to become better residents of NarbC'rth. have been tober 31. ficers Candidate School there.
tivities offered at Lower Merion. STOVES-Consumer purchases of rationed stoves must be The other seals at the Zoo don't
acquainted 'With thel.r teachers and !lvlng In Paoli for a few years.
However, you must remember with the layout of the Senior High He has three ribbons on his like Oscar. "He hoards all the her-
• • • made with a certificate obtained at local War Price and Ration- chest, the "Before Pearl Harbor"
that you get out of ~omethlng only rings," they say.
what you put Into It; and so It is at
School buildings. A resident of Narberth who ing Boards. sel'vlce ribbon, the South Pacific It's a good thing Oscar doesn't
\Vhcn your writer visited the moved away th.ls week was Mrs. MEATS, ETC.-Red Stamps X .and Y valid through Oc-
Lower Merion. You, the students, have a party-line telephone. He'd
high school a few days ago, he was Andres rglcsias, who llved for more tober 2. Z becomes valid September 5, and remains valid
must remember this, for if you find

probably monopolize the line - talk
very much impressed with the new than two years at 103 S. Narberth
yourself "slipping" or not happy in
Memorial Alcove nOw being bullt, Avenue. through October 2. too often and too long. :Nobody else
you.r new "homc" then by aJl mcans Refcrred to erroneouRly would have a chance to talk••
in which wll1 be placed pictures by somc .nelghbors as "the Spanish PROCESSED FOODS-Blue stamps R, S, and Tremain
enter Into some school activity and valid through September 20. U, V, and W became valid Septem- , Do you know any people like
" and names of Lower Merion's brave
thereby hclp boost ,'our moral and widow," she was neither Spanish Oscar?
your school.
men and women In the armed ser-
nor a widow. A Flor,ldlan, she had ber 1 and remain valid through October 20. Narberth 2430
vice. The memorial is being bul1t
If you should happen to become in the alcove on the office floo.r a southC'rn accent you could cut ORDER OF INDUCTION
president of the student council, a where the boys' lockers were. The with a knife, and she was the wife "The selection of men needed for the armed forces and the Jeddo-Highland Coal
member of the HI-YoI' an out- lockers which were there have been of the former Spanish Consul In deferment of men required for agriculture, war production, and
standing member In any other placed along the corridor for rooms PhlJadell)hla, who was recalled to
SocoDy·Vacuum Fuel Oil
school activit,' won't you please in- h,ls native land more than two war supporting activities are much more difficult than in the days Koppers Coke
number 101-103.
form us so that we may tell the Future Events years ago and had been u.nable to· when we had men from which to choose," said Major Lewis B.
here or have his wife join Hershey, Director of Selective Service, in a recent letter to local •
"outsiders" about you and your
Tuesday, September 7-Teachers'
him since. Now•. according to re- boards. He said available men will be cal1ed for induction in the 26~Alii~~l6~~N:VE. THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY
. As for you. parents and friends \Vednesday, September 8-school ports, he has been appointed Span- fol1owing order: (1) single men without dependents; (2) single ~ NARBERTH, PA.
at Lower Merion Senior High, we reopens.
hereby promise to do our utmost to Can now to can the Axis later!
Ish Consul at Havana where h.ls men with collateral dependents; (3) married men without chil-
wife and their attractive young dren; (4) men with children (nondeferrable activities and occu-
bring to your attent.lon as quickly daughter, Gabriel, wllJ join him. pations); (5) men with children.
and as accurately as Is possible. all
the latest happenings In this, one of Organize 3rd War • • • "STANDING ROOM ONLY"
Brings you the sensational
The repairs being carried out by
the finest high schools in Pennsyl-
Loan Drive Pennsylvania Railroad workmen at If you are planning to take a train trip over Labor Day, you COLD WAVE
vania. Narbert.h Station provide convinc- probably will have to stand in the aisles, ODT officials say. Pass- A delightfully, comfortable creation
(Continued from Page 1) enger trains throughout the U.S. continue to run heavily loaded,
Furthermore, students, If your ing evidence that the Pennsy has cool, refreshing, gentle liquid - ft~th
fraternity or sorority. class or club asserted. "The salc of a $25 bond no intcnt.lon of erecting a new Sta- with standing in the aisles occurring frequently on some trains, lo,ing COore through your hare, 01
is planning a dance, meeting or to a person whose absolute limit is tion at Narberth-at least until you have silky-soft, lustrous waves • • •
some such affair why not usc this that. Is just as important to the
particularly at week-ends. glowing) wIth vitality nnd naturBllnessl
after the war. Worn and rotted
su.dcess of the dl'lve as the sale of
column to publicize It? Remember
any bond of a larger denomina-
timbers are being replaced In the RUBBER FOR RECAPS RANO'S Hairdressing
this Is your column-the link be- structurC's on both side of the Rationing restrictions on the use of Grade "e" camelback
tween the school and the home. tion," he continued. trac.ks and repairs made to the for recapping have been removed, according to OPiA. Grade 37 N. NARBERm AVE.
Each week we will endeavor to Gardiner, the Ardmore district steps on the north side leading up Narberth 42'70
print a IIRt of the 'week's coming chairman, explained the various is-
I'A" camelback, previously available for only the largest truck
to Narberth Ave. Bridge. and bus tires, may now be obtained for recapping tires on all
events. Here again is another ser- sues and the mechanics of convert- • • •
Add mm.-Ings: Roy 1. Gowland, of trucks and buses although it is still subject to rationing.
Ing pledges to bonds.
ESTATE NOTICE "In YOUI' 'basket' you have a 401 S. Narberth Ave., moved this r,====::::::.:.:.::.:.:.:.:::.==:::::::::.:·:::·:·:·:·:_::·:_:·::.:::.::.:.:::.:.::.:.:.::.:.:.:.=.=_:_:_::.:.:.:.:::.:.:::::.:.::::.:.:.:::.:.:.:.:::.:.:::.:.::.::::::::::::::::::::::::=:;
Estate of ,JUNE: 'YARDER CHES- Government security to meet every week to Cynwyd. His change In
TER, late of the Borough of Narberth, investment need and every size residence means no change in his
Montgomery County, deceased. I~etters pocketbook," he told the workers. business af1'iJiatlon as a member of
testamentary on the above estate hav-
Ing been granted to the undersigned, "No one can say, 'Sorry, but yOU Gowland Bros. ( real cstate agents.
an persons indebted to said estate are don't have my size. You can fit
requested to make immediate payment,
and those having legal claims, to pre- them nIl." wardens will serve as workers for
sent the same without delay to Dr. Howard '''layne Smith, execu- the campaign.
E:T.IZABBTH WARDBR LEWIS tive director of the Lower :Merion The quota fOl' Montgomery
500 "'. Chelten Ave.. Philadelp.hia.
ALLAN GRIFFITH CHESTI~H Council of D.\l.fense, pledge~ assist- County in th~...drlve is $23,000.000,
504 Berkley Rd., Narberth. Pa.
Or their Attorney,
ance in thedi-i've''from tlfeClvfllan County ·Chal.rman T. Allen' Glenn.

GEORGI': A. Pl1RRING, Exq. Defense organization, pointing out Jr., announced.
62 E. Penn St., Norristown, Pa. that In certain scctions air raid



25 WORDS FOR SOc (In One Paper) PARADE
ask about special monthly ratc8 YOU TO
You may send money order, stamps, or personal check. Address
all communlcallons to Lower Merion Newspapeu, Ardmore, Pa. SAVINGS
Ardmore 5720 Greenwood. 7740 Hilltop 3600
Help Wanted-Male or Female FOR SALE Golden Guernsey Milk
Is Rich and Delicious
A FE\V l\rEr-: and \Vomen to perform FrVE FOOT SHOWCASI;:, also mahog-
some of the dnties connected with
the many ,Iepartments in the opera-
allY llnt~ top olfice dt~sl\. \\dth chail'
Call Hilltop 5~83. . But Costs No More
tion of the well· managed Connty
Home 01 the l\lontgomery County In- 'l'IIHE1~-I:iE(,l~ Ih'ing room set, ten Than "A"
stitution Vistrict at Blae!, Hoe!,. on JlH'(Oe tlJlllllg rOotn sc~ good condi
Top Cream Tests 24%
State I-lig-hwny HOUle ~~l. het\vC't'll tion, reasonable. 108 \Vest Hilleres
'frappe and IWyersfonl. l~or detailed An'.. Oal"nont, Upper Darby. 3" Actual Lab. Test
inronnation as to vacancies and sal-
aries consult personally, by mail, or "IA.HOC lAX\, dining room table, small
telephone (KolTistown 5000) HUS· size. very good condition; ah.;o maple A Neiv Way Butter
SEI, S. Kr-:]l'E, County PC'rsonnel high ..hair, 1st lIoor, 109 'l'enby Hd. Accumulate 1 pt. Top Cream
Director~·. HODln ~08, Conl't Honse, 1,lanC'rdl. Call Hilltop 5376. Add One Fresh Egg-churn
Norristo\VII, Pa. Result--1 Lb. 2 Oz. Good Butter
DI XI:\"C; room SUite, ping pong table


table and chairs, full size
bcd, spring and mattress,
Save Points and Money (
stud.o coach,. All in good condition
STENOClHAj'HEH-He,ll esulte oll1ee and reasonable. 103 Pennsylvani
accuracy and n('atnes~ Illore
tial than speed. Full time preferred
For details ..all 01' see Charles H
es~cn .\ \"'., BrooldinC'.

Bo~·d. Healtor. In~l K Darby Hd GUERNSEY DAIRI&S
Brookline. I-lilltojl 4444. "'AR VETE:RAN buys Feather Beda W. LANCASTER AVE.• WB)nC
Pillows, Old Furniture, Marble Fur~ PHONE: WAYNE 1121
Antiqnes. \Vashing and Sew-
in Machines, Typewriters, Vases,
OHGANIST-Experielleed, male, de China, Crystal Chandeliers, Pianos.
sires position in Protestant Church. \VilI go an~·where. Coleman, 907 N.
Phone Greenwood 4646. Seventh St. Philadelphia Lombard
9332. .
.• Put a circle around the date-Thursday, Bond in September. That's In addition to
HELP WANTED-MALE CASH PAID for used Sewing Machines
treadle and electric. Singer Sewing
AT'l'EN'rrON-Part time worlt for men Machine Co.. 67 E. Lancaster Ave.,
who have 3 or 4 hours daily to spare. \rdmore. Ardmore 0266.
Earnings about 90c per hour to start.
&lDinf E"pms 'he Nalioll
September 9th. For that's the day the 3rd
War Loan Drive starts;
On that day, you will be asked to go the
your regular War Bond purchases; Invest
mors than $100-a lot more-if you pos-
sibly can;
No experience necessary. \Vrite Em
ployment Ma.nager, Box 367-C, New
PIANOS limit to back our valiant fighting men. You The job is big; EfJeryone must do his jull
share if.we are to put this drive over the top.

ark, r-:ew J erse~·. Grands & Uprights will be asked to do YoQur share in the great.
Plnn08 Bought Quick Removal
LOST AND FOUND Fair Prices est invasion the world has ever seen. Answer War Bonds are the safest investment in the
Courteous Men
LOST-Yellow gold Elgin wrist watc
with Charles G. Hensil, .Jr., Decem-
anc10treful WRITE
AU. 7460 We8t 1i184
ALTERATIONS fOur country's roll caIll
Your partis to back this invasion by in.
world. For your own sake, for your Country's
sake, put every spare dime and dollar in War
ber 25. 1941, engraved on back and Plano Moving and Bonds during the 3rd War Loan Drive.
with leather band; somewhere be- OR CALL ~esting in at least one EXTRA $100 War
tween Hillcrest Ave., Oakmont, and AU. 7460 .West 6164
Brookline Blvd. On Sunday, August
29. Call HlIltop 8135. Reward.
Evenings Gra. 4629
LOST-A suit sldrt, black, between
Haverford High School and Bprlo,oonke- Sewing Machines Rented by the week
line Blvd. on Darby Road. 01' month. Singer Sewing Center, 67
Hilltop 6377-W.


BUNGALOW HOME-2 or 3 bedrooms.
E. Lancaster Ave., Ardmore. Phone
Ardmore 0268.

This space is a lcontribution to America's all-out war effort by
Modern. Near grade school and trans- Window s.hades - Venetian Bllnds
Louis Evanglos, Prop. 37 N. NARBERTH AVE. NARBERllI
portation, within 16 minutes of 69th Includes Chonging Hemlins, In-
Street. Under $6000. Telephone Lom- 1816·1017 Lanca8ter Ave., BrTD Mawr. serting Zippers, Generol Remod-
8 Doors from narbertJl Theatre
bard 0849. Phone Bryn Mawr 1120 or 1111 eling of Coots, Dresses ond DAVIS' STORE 105 N. NARBERTH AVE. STORES
Suits ot Moderote Prices. 228 HAVEID'ORD AVENUE
REAL &STATE MISCELLANEOUS The Oldest StQre in Narberth
DESIRABLE HOMES In excellen Springs ot a-piece suites repaired. ARCADIA CHIOS 258 HAVERFORD AVE.
communities at attractive prices. Fo
Sale or Rent. .
•.• .316 Montgomery Ave., Cynwyd ...
$10.00: chairs recovered, $'6.00. Go
anywhere. CalJ Lewis, Wayne 14911.
227 EIlRt I~ancaster Ave.. Wayne. Pa. SINGER
'lOW 18 the time to rejuvenate your n E. LANOASTER AVE. 209 HAVERFORD AVE. Narberth's own Newspaper
tique secretary bureau: bookcase and TAGYlll. 7816 West Cheater Pike
desk combined: dining room, Ilbrary . Upper Darby. Custom made mlrrol'll • ~oreOIH
and drop-leaf tables: bookcase: bu-
reaus, dishes, lamps, couch. Phone
Hilltop 26911.
remodellnl'; pictures
framed: furniture topa. Phone Blvd.
• • a • • • _ w •• · •••• • • • Fa • _a_a ••• .. ..a.... .... •• 6
'r \ 'i , . .;~ .... ~ .. (
........' ...

,. septemeber 2, 1943
\'\'ashlOgton say that the people at
home have lIothin~ but praise for
a problem as food, Is bein'g used by
the people as an example of poor
New "'ype
Ship, Frigate, Duck FODcl ofLake~ but 280 Hollander. Die in
Penal Camps, Report Say.
the way the wur b:lJ:l been conduct- handling and poor management of
To Be Used for Convoy. Owner's Car Appeal., Too
QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS ed so fllr 1.'ut t}ll'rtl Is no doubt a war problem. Congressmen say WASHINGTON. - The navy an- PUEBLO, COLO.-A full-grown
LONDON. - Dutch underground
newspapers reaching here repOrted
ABOUT . nounced that a new type ·of twin mallard duck, Alex, was raised b1'
lett In the m!nds of our represen- that their constituents don't mind serew, heavY duty corvette, desi,- that 280 Dutch prisoners had died fD
Winifred Wood. German-operated penal camps fD
O. P. A. PRICE PANEL tatlvcs in this city tuai the people
are expecting them to take fast
cutting down on gasoline consump-
tlon, but they strongly object to
nated .1 the "frigate," now is 10 With the advent of spring Miss the last flve months and said Nether-
service and that scores will be bunt Wood decided to release Alex in
actl'ln to Improve mn.ny disturbing the week-to-week uncertainty to for use on North AUantic convo,. lands judges threatened to stop sen-
Pueblo's city park where numerous tencing crlmluals unless camp con·
Each wee.k in this same space Q. If a dealcr finds the price condlUona on the domestic front. whloh gasoline rationing has been duty. wild mallards frolic.
the Price Panel of the Ardmore of a service abnormally loW, has 'l'he food rroblem Is probably the subjected ever since rationing be- The vessels bave an overaV. length ditions Improved.
Alex took to the lake, but as Miss Aneta, Dutch news agency, said
War' Price and Rationing Board he any recourse? most irksome of all to the major- gan. And the people in the East of 303 feet and a beam of 37 feet 8 Wood entered her parked car she
inchel. The,. are of simpler design the judges bad demanded that the
wl1l attempt to answer the most A. Yes. If this a.bnormality Ity of people congressmen have were ·vehement In their protests heard a noise. It was Alex, racing Ommen camp be closed or traDa-
frequently asked questioJlS about subjects h.im to substantial hard- found. The 'people don't object to over tne recent gasoline "drouth" and easier construction than the de- toward the car. She opened the door fened from German to Dutch ....
the Price Panel-what It does- ship he m·ay make an application rationing as such~and they are whloh Immediately followed news stroyer escort ships alread,. being and Alex jumped in. pervlsion•.
how It works-what It Is expected for adjustment of the maximum willing to go without scarce foods that their gasoline problems were constructed by the. score for anti-
to accomplish. which are needed by the armed going to be lessened. submarine service.
Q. Does tho Maximum Price Q. Arc you puzzled about ceil- forccs-but thoy are sick and tired Although Congress won't have Use of the term "frigate" restores ,~-----------------------
• name made famous in early Amer-
Regulation cover the cost of Serv- ing prices? Have you questions to ot black In&rkets and of scarcities time to do anyth.lng about the tax
A. Yes. Every Service business,
A. The Price Panel Invites In-
In tha 1:1hlst of ple.nty.
The beef situation' Is typical of
situation before the September 15
estimates and payments are to be
Ican history. The drat American
frigates were authorized by congress LEND A HAND
in 1794.
like every retailer and wholesaler, quirers and wl1l answer ,in this those which have aroused the ire filed, they will probably look into
has been mobilized and Is on the space. Write to Price Panel, War of the American people. Reports the tax complications as soon as
ury wll1 probably force them to
front Line of our war on Inflation. Price and Ratlo.nlng Board, 66 E. trom tho c:J.h:le states malte It clear they reconvene. They wUl, first,
that there Is now a record supply trY to work out plans for simpllfy- take some action'. It is unllkely
Q. Are rates and charges for Lancaster Ave., Ardmore, Po.. that new taxes will be put) through
all services fixed? of beef on the ranches-enough to Ing present tax collection me~hods
A. No. A list of 61 servlccs Is which threaten to cause a revolt before the end of the year, but
supply the needs of the men in among tax-payers unless slmpllfi- when they do go through they wlll
on file In thl. Ardmore Board, for
uniform, to g.ive some to lend·lease cation Is worked out Immediately. probably apply immediatelY. The
which a deft.nlte ceILing must be
and still have enough lett over to The second tax problem which most likely tax at present appears
to be·a sales tax on everything but
Q. What Is the basis fIJI' com· fiU the average needs of the people congress must solve Is how to col-
putlng cost of services? at home. But 'due to Impractical lect more tax money. The treasury food.
A. The h.Ighest price charged pricing regulations plus black mar- has demanded that government
,.. • •••• a •••
during March, 1942. .ket operations, beef not only Isn't revenue be Increased by man~
Q. If no charge was made for
a certain scrvlce on that date what
reaching the people but Is also
scarce In army camps. A lot of
billions. Aithough co.ngress would
prefer to avoid this subject alto-
can be charged now: beef is being sold on the ranches gether, the President and the treas-
any way you like it
A. > The charge now may bc the pending a better price arrangement
same as for a similar service most and a large percentage of the beef
obtained wit h
nearly like It. Washington, D. C. (NWNS)- which is slaughtered is finding its MARGARET DAVIES STORM SASH
Q. When can a service be called Beef, taxes and gasolln·e seem to way into black mar.kets. Congress- Dance Studio STORM DOORS
"slmllal'" to another? be the chlcf subject of controversy men will probably investigate this Montgomery Court Apartments
on the domestic front on the eve situation immediately and will de- Registration-Thursday, Sept. 0
A. One service snail be deemed
similar to another service If the of the, reconvening of congress. mand a remedy. CII1SSCS begin Tuesday, Sept. 14
Our yard and office will be
first has the same usc and pur- Many congressmen have returned Gasoline, although not as seriOUS . I>hone. NARBERTH 2890·R
closed ALL DAY Laundries have been declared C::isential, because of the
pose as the second and belongs to to Washington for the new session - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~~~==~~~===~~'
a type which would ordinarily be which opens September 14-and SATURDAY, SEPT. 4 mighty job of furnishing 12,000,000 American families
supplied for the same price. they have returned with a deter- MONDAY, SEPT. 6 with clean, sanitary clothing necessary to their health.
Q. What
services arc exempt mination to do something about The need for help was never more urgent than now, and
from the Maxlmum Price Regula- the situation which, on their visits you can do a patriotic service to your community and to
tion? home, they have found to be most yourself by working in this vital industry.
A. A list may be found ,in the disturbing to the people Who elect-
e1 them.
Vou can forget the Heat SHULL LUMBER Full or part time work will be a definite aid to the war
files of the local 'War Price and When yo. Lunch at the effort. If you can, will you please lend a hand? Phone
Rationing Board. Co.ngressme.n who are now in COMPANY your local laundry for information.
The LInk betw~D Forest nDd Home

25 Bala Avenue ST. MARY'S LAUNDRY
Bala-Cynwyd "A Certified Laundry"
It'. reaRy cool and comfort- •
Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Price, of WILL HELP WIN obi•••• food Is of the b.st••• CYNWYD 0662 ARDMORE 4400
119 Essex Ave.. Narberth, have re- and cook.d 01 you l1Ice It.
turned from spending a month at THE WAR LUNCH fnNn 60c
Stone Harbor, N. J.
Mr. and Mrs. Donald H. Reed, NARBERTH DlllNO frolll ISc

of 134 N. Narberth Ave., Narberth, Electric&Radio Co. t ~;c.,.,3 ~6' EJ!.L

announce the birth of a daughter, IWIl tIICtMSE-p.u. SIIIUII STlTllll
Suzanne Taylor Reed, on August NARBERTH 4182
30 at Bry.n Mawr HosIJoital. 104 Forrest Ave.
Mrs. Reed Is the former Miss
J. J. WHITESIDE ,... au • •
. .
Margaret E. Taylor, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph C. Taylor, of
331 Merion Ave., Narberth.
FOOD MARKET 'Peace of Mind • • •

Miss Dorothy McAdoo! of 434 237 HAVERFORD AVE.
Anthwyn Rd., Merion, has return- While you are vacationing,
ed from a vacation at Pocono Man-
Narberth 3668
store your Silver Service and
other valuables in our large,
Look over )'our school clothing and ha"c
all repairs, alterations and dry clemrlDg
done now.
We have a choice arra)' or fine fabrics
ror any new clothes that may be needed.
fireproof vault. 8EHALF OF FRED WALZER
Come in and make 70ur selection.

. Louis the Tailor

The National Bank of Narberth
The living circumstances which prevail in a community can seldom be
~I Cleaning, Dyeing and PressID(r the result of chance ••• desirable conditions must be made to happen.
Narberth, Fa. Narberth 2ee8
, To secure what it wanted, Narberth has never hesitated to do what was
necessary to achieve its aims .•• as a case in point, it has borrowed ..
and paid four or flve times more money per capita, in bond issues for
town improvements, than was so in the countryside about it.


As a result of its consistent outlook with respect to neighborhood factors,
and to the things-at-Iarge that give zest to home-town residence, a '.
deflnite theme has been developed in the Borough which can be expected
to manifest itself on every appropriate occasion•

.--------..V0 TE
EDdar.ed Br
These Regular Republican Candidates
In other pieces, for instance, the election of the Justice of the Peace
might not be regarded as a matter of any particular importance •••
but in Narberth it is alertly recognized that the Borough Magistrate
must at many times be the spokesman of the people's spirit and that
there should be great diligence in selecting the person well flHed for the
official post of guardianship.

PRIloJABY CAMPAIGN COMMITTEE are PLEDGED to Hence it is that the Borough citizens· unyieldingly reserve to themselves
the right to name the man who can best serve their local needs and who
Judq. of the Common Pl.as Court
X LOW TAXATION will most adequately correspond with that format which is the bed-rock "
CoIIDty COmmlallon....
FREDEJlICIl: C. PETERS............. X
HONESTY IN GOYERNMENT of Narberth's procedure. •
FOSTER C. HILLEGASS ............ X ...rCIINCYIN ADMINISTRATION Hence it is that FRED WAllER is not only the Republican candidate for
PllllDIburq Justice of the Peace, but he is also the flrst preference of the Citizens'
FllAJflt P. Eo BARXER .............. X Thereby Insuring the Future Welfare and Progress Committee which sponsors this advertisement ••• and which presumes
of Montgomery County to assert that it puts neighborhood values far in advance of any mere
SAMUEL M. GLASS................ X personal or political equations•
WhU.ma...h Townlhlp •• •Sound economy and a business-like administration
Reqisl.r of WI1I& A vote for FRED WALZER at the Primary elections, Tuesday, September
MAllY H. BEElIEJl ................. X by County Commissioners Frederick C. Peters and
Norrlatown 14th, 1943, will be a vote to maintain and safeguard the Na·rberth
R.cord.r of D.eda
Foster C. Hillegass. who head the ticket of REGULAR
X theme ••• and it is hoped there will be a numerous turnout to aHest that
JOU I. MARSHJU.L ............... REPUBLICAN CANDIDATES. have saved the people
Ch.Uellhcrm TOWDIhip
Clerk oj COurta of Montgomery County $ through a series excellent purpose. •
LOlJDJ V. DORP...................
ECllt Norriton ToWDlhlp
X of tax reductions durIng the last five years. at the same
EDWIN WINNER.................. X
Upp.r Mo••lcmd TOWDIhip
District Attorn.y
time giving them the finesl brand of government of
any County in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. VOTE FOR FRED WALlER
FREDElUCIl: B. SMILLIE ••••••••••••
Coron.r TAXES. They ask YOUR support for the Regular Re- •
ftorrlatown publican slate to enable them to continue the enviable
Surr.yor •
HERSElIT R. METZ................ X record they have achieved. JUSTICE OF THE PEACE
Statewld. candidate
Judqe of th. Superior Court

POLLS OPEN 7 A. M. 10 8 P. Me

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