Our Town July 22, 1943

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" '"

The Grist
Mill ••••• .a
VOL. 29-No. 17
O u· .
. , PA.


\Villiam S. Howard, Narberth -------------------------- Odd tot Shoes Not

renltor; Guy Croyle, Penn Valley
Wooley, Penn and J. architect,
Valley Bedford ;
Scholarship Winner
1~O BOYS TAKE PART Enters Cornell CAMERDN SPEAKS ON R.ationed, July 19-31 Main Line Women to
have a remarl,able record of attend-

ance at the Bala-Cymvyd-Narberth
Rotary Club-16 years without
missing a meeting. In order to
keep that l'ecord intact, Croyle
Jerrold Allen Lamb. 190 Midfield
Road, Ardmore, Pennsylvanin, has
been awarded a John McMullen
Regional Scholarship In Englneer-
Says 98 Percent of
Between July 19 and 31, shoe
stores may sell a fixed percentage
of their stoel,s ns odd, lots, whleh
may be purchased without surren-
Honor "Molly Pitcher"
hiked thl'ee miles from his home to Ardmore and Penn- Ing at Cornell University, presl· dering stamp No. 18. This order Is
the Overbrool, Golf Cluh. where dent Edmund E. Day announced Accidental Deaths designed to help the denIer dispose Entergency Aid Booths to Push Special
the Cluh meets, on Tuesday. Wynne Victors In toda)'. The scholarship may be of broken sizes, odds and ends and
Sale on August 4; Adopt Slogan
Mrs. Marian H. Cooke, one of the S tC t t held durinA' the entire course in Could be Avoided "problem" types which have been
'Volunteers at the wal' stamp booth cou on es s Chemical Engineering which he accumulating on his shelves. After
July 31, thpse unsold return to the
"American Women Never Fail"
at HavCl'fol'd and Forrest Aves., has chosen to pursUe. Approxl- Ninety-eight per cent of deaths
Narberth, reports that she receives Al'dmore Troop 1 and Penn- matelY 40 of these scholarships are due to accident could be avoided, rationed list.
mail fairly regularly from her hus- \Vynne Troops 1 tied for first place being· awarded this year to out- A bargain In money as well as Girls, dressed in red and blue costumes, are going to tag
according to safety engineers,' said
bnnd" Captain Arthur I~, Cooke, in the Main Line District Boy standing candidates thro·ughout the Robert M. Cameron, chairman of ration stamps, these shoes mny not Main Line citizens on August 4 when they purchase U. S. Savings
who is in India. The mnn service Scout Swimming Mcet on Friday at country. the eo~ordlnatlng COmmittee of the be sold at more than a 10 per cent Bonds and Stamps.
from Narberth to India. however, is the Brookline Country Club poo!. Lamb ww; graduated fl"om Low- mark-UP over their cost, or. if that The occasion will be the Molly Pitcher National Tag Day
not so regul al' . . . Mrs. Virginia The troops had 16 points each. cr Merion SeniOl' High School in Is not possible to determine, they radiating from Emergency Aid Booths, already established for
Donnelly, daughter of }'.Yr. and 1\1rs. Second place was won by Ard. June with high scholastic standing. must be sold at lenst 25 per cent the sale of bonds and stamps, girls wiII go forth that day with the
Ralph Rankin, of 'Voodslde Ave., more Troop 2 With eight points, He was on the staff of the school below their regular selling price on
slogan, "American Women Never Fail."
, is expecting 1101' husband home any
day now. He's in the Army Intel-
and third place by Al'dmore Troop paper and was Sports Ed.itor of
7 With six points. '1'he meet was the the 1943 year book.
July 1, 1943.
Any notice or advertisement of
I The tag you receive will bear a
ligence and has been on duty at most successful of Its kind held The scholarship was awarded by these non-rationed shoes must
carry the words "OPA Odd Lot,"
Narberth Boy Wins reproduction of Mollys' blue pitcher
In which, the historical legend says,
Guadalcanal ... Mrs. Donnelly says
that the "V" mail to that now fa-
by the district, with an attendance the faculty of the College of En-
of 130 Scouts and 25 Scouters, gineerlng with the advice and as- and one shoe of every such pair Bars on Battlefield she carried water to the men on the
miliar Island was Yery regular, relll'esenting 16 troopS, according sistance of a regional alumni com- must be stamped or marked "Odd
Lot," so that If shoes are returned Mr. and :\II's. Charles Clipsham, hot dusty battlefield. The tng urges
taking on the aYerage, nine to 11 to Scout offic Ialso mittel', of which D. P. Beardsley of ,130 Havcrfo!'d Ave., in Narberth, "FllI the pitcher with Bonds and
days . . . A couple of Narherth at- '1'he meet was featured by the 10f Philadelphia, is ehnlrman. unused,
ha\'e received word that their son, Stamps."
torneys, John E. Flynn and Frank- performance of Eagle Scout Don

\Vlliiam V, Clipsham. serving with Nine captains of the Emergency
line C. Hutchinson, han' rctUl'neu ThoJJlpson, of Ardmore 1, who tiLe United States Armed Forces in Aid booths wiil supervise the drive
to work at the County seat after scoreu 14 of his Troop's 16 points,
Yacationing. Thc~' m'e memhel·s. of anu b)' the exciting victory of Penn DEMHCRATIC SLATE Africa, has been made a lieutennnt
as a result of his part in the '1'11- in the Main Line tCl'wns under the
Narbel'th Car pool No. I, conslst- "'ynne 1 in the iast race, making
Ing of Attol'neys Fleer, McTighe, its :.;core tic with that of the Ard-j
Flynn and Hutchinson .. '. McTighe JJI~ru group. I


nisian campaign. The promotion direction of two eo-chaLrmen, Mrs.
was describod as a. "battlefield LeRoy P. Leas, Overbrook. and
commission," lind was based solely Mrs. F'rancis Small, Bryn Mawr.
~~~d his s:~us~ ~re vacationing at IThompson won first places in the I upon I~t. Clipsham'S .record in ac-
Stamps and bonds wili be sold on
Laglesmel e s I Ol cst Inn. 30-yard cross chest carry diVing" tuai fighting in Africa.
-. - - , and underwater swimming. His I Mrs. Mueller Enter- Montgomery Co. .1 Molly Pitcher Day in Ardmore,
'fhe .Tuly 24 Issue of Col hers ...vas nearest rival, Cox, of Penn W y n n e .
of espccial interest to Narherthians I, won Ilrst in the 60-yard back talns 40 Ladles
• Comm. Announces Bryn Mawr, Haverford, Narbertn,
Bala-Cynwyd and \Vayne.
in that it couta~ned a.referenc: to :.;trol,e and GO-yard free style.
a local lad who IS malong good m a First class swimming test:.; were
At Lawn Party ROBER'!' 1\I. CA~lERON
List of Candidates BOOK BINS SET UP w.ho
Referring to women nnd girls.
will .help with the drive 01)
big way In the Army. The piece, passed by Godley, Ardmore 7; Jones A dessert luncheon was held at A complete slate for tlle Septem-
written by 'Waltcr Davenport, one and Conley, Ardmore 6; O'Brien the home of Mrs, EbCl'hardt Muel- Montgomery County Accident Pre- bel' 14 Primary was nnnouneed to-
of the editors of the magazine, was and 1\litn, Bala 4; Groff, Llanerch lei', 208 Essex Ave.. Narberth, on \'ention Conference, when he ad- day by the Executive Committee of
dressed the meeting of the Bala- the Montgomery County Demo-
TO AID DRIVE August 4, Mrs. LellS said:
"'We know they w111 never faiL
corroborated by a former Narberth 1; and Lafferty, Ardmore 1. Tuesday at one o'clocl, for the Betsy Ross gave us Old Glory. Bar.,
boy wll0 visited in town recently.
Davenport wrote: "But we have
The events and winners follows: chairmen and workers of the Wom- CynWYd-Narberth Rotary Club this cratic Committee after Its endorse-
60-~'ard breast stroke: Godley, en's Narberth Day Committee, of week on "Safety Problems,"
All Types of Adult bara Frltchle defied the enemy to
ment at a meeting last night.
just been informed that a singular Ardmol'e 7; Bell, Ardmore 2; which Mrs. Mueller is chairman. Dividing his subject Into sub- Leading the slate is Judge Wil. Reading Matter defend he.r country's tlag. aa.ra
topics, Cameron diseLlssed four
lad of twenty.three had made so Moore, Ardmore 1.
good at the Officer Candidate I30-~'ard cross chest carry:
The luncheon consisting of fruit reasons for accident prevention. lInm F. Dannehower. for ,Tudge of
the Common Pleas Court, who
Needed for Men Barton taught the world a love for
suffering humanity and service.
cup, salad, Iced hevernge, and Humanltnrian, economic, conserva-
School at Fort Sill, OI<1ahoma, that Thompson. Ardmore 1; Carson.
cookies, was served on the lawn, tion of manpower, avoidance and many, weel,s ago was endorsed bY Bool, bins, sturdily constructed, Molly Pitcher gallantly manned
he was not sent forthwith into bat- Penn \Vynne 1; GodleY, Ardmol'e 7. the County Democratic Committee and built in the shapc of oversized
while the ladies discussed the re- delay of production. her husbana's gun nlter he fell at
tIc but retained at the Field Artll- GO-yard back stroke: Cox, Penn for re-election. books, have' been put In strategic the battle of Monnmouth. I know
sults Of this year's July 4 celebra- Cameron cited a total of 93,000
lerY School as an instructor. A 'Wynne 1; McKay, Bryn Mawr 1; Endorsed for County Commis- places. in Lower Merion Township our women are just ll.S anXious to
tion, and outlined plans for next denths due to accidental causes In
(Continued on page 4) (Continued on page 4) sioner are Raymond K. Mensch, to facilitate the collection of books
,'ear. (Continued on Page 2) carry fo.rward on :\Iolly Pitcher Tag
Gilbertsville incumbent, and Gerald for the boys In the services.

[==C=le=V=Jel=le=a=n=o=e=fe=n=s=e=J=n=fo=r=m=a=t.e=o=n=~;\~'in~>~~:sb:S~r:U~;:~i~~s~I~~~:g~:e~; New
Day the example of sael'ifiee and
R. Nocton, Norristown real estate These bins, benring the legend, the tradition these women have set
Residents Get
vote of those present. First pL'ize,
a bowl on a teakwood stand, was Others on the slate are:
"Give books and Boost the Morale for the Nation,"
of Om' Forces," arc designed to
\1\:,;'============================;;;;; Chance to Register
awarded to Mrs. Samuel Read" for
Attorney Francis T. Dennis, 4 call attention to the need of reading
East First A-'e., conshohocken, for material for soldiers on far-fllmg
her suggestion of haying a fortune July 28, August 6
GASOLlNE-"A" book coupons No.7, good for four gall
tellel" at next year's celebration.
Second prize of. enameLCu trays.
District Attorney; Mrs. Victor J. outposts; for sailors patrolling the
Roberts, Jr., Pottstown. for RegiS- oceans; for fighting men in all
New residl~nts may register for ter of WlllR; Francis Kelly, 149 parts of' the world who need the
ons each outside the East Coast shortage area, must last through waa awarded to' Mrs.
Hutchinson and to Mrs. Mabei
Franklin voting, and other registration busi- West Third Ave., Conshohocken,
September 21. Within the shortage area "A" book coupons Hunsicker, 'who both suggested ness can be conducted when travel- for Sheriff; John Mundy Lynch, un- bool,s as a relief from the tension
ing registrars of the 1\Iontgomery dertaker, 441 Stnte Rd., Cynwyd, under which they live.
relaxatiori or mental stimulus of
No.6, good for three gallons each, are valid July 22. "B" and having a fish-pond. County Registration Commission for Coroner; Mrs. Freda Acker, 492
"C" coupons cut to two and one-half gallons in twelve of the As a surprise to Mrs. Mueller, sit at Borough Hall, Narberth, on Grant Ave., WilloW Grove, for Defense ul'ges that local l'esidents
The Lower Merion Council of Retiring Executive
Northeastern states of the shortage area. "B" and "e" who was unaware that her guests ,Tuly 28th, and Lower 1\1erion Clerk of Courts; Willlnm J. Luckey,
coupons knew that Tuesday was her birth- comb their shel\'es for bool,s that Of Main Line
Town:.;hlp Bldg., Ardmore, on Au- 100 Cliff Ter.• Wyncote, for Con- can be sent to the fighting fronts.
good for three gallons in the remaining five states of the Eastern day. the ladies of the committee
gust Gth. from I to 9 P. 1.1., it was troller; John R; Weikel, Jr., 320
Scouts Feted
presented her with a howl of flow- \Vest Montgomery Ave., North Text ho~I,S, language hooks. sci-
shortage area. annou.nccd this week. 1 f R d f D d I ence, fictIOn, mystery, news annly-
ers. n. A testimonial dinner in honor of
eva es, or ceoI' er 0 ee 5; .
SUGAR-Stamp No. 13 good for 5 lbs. through August About fOl·ty wOI~len attended the All women who have married Francis D. Conner, 918 Arch st., sis-practically any hoole that has 1'om Millel'. I'etiring !lcld executive
since they registered and persons Norristown for Count

15. Stamps Nos. 15 and 16 are good through October 31 for party. Surve or gi\'en pleasnre or profit to an adult of the l\lain Line and Norri!ltown
who have moved from one elec. , y y in thc reading Is sorely needed to distl'iets of the Boy Scouts of Amer_
5 lbs. each for home canning purposes. Housewives may apply tion distl'ict to anothei' are espec- and Frank Keegan. 504 South Nar- complement the "field equipment" Ice. was held Thursday evening, at
ially urged by the Registralio,n berth Ave., Merion, for County of men in the services.
to their local ration boards for more if necessary.
COFFEE-Stamp No. 22 (1 lb.) good through August 1 L NEW COUNTY MAP Commission to have their reg.istra-
tion record corrected.
(Continued on Page 21) I There mu:.;t be hundreds of such
'Vhitehall, Haverford.
l\Iiller, who has served the local
books lying iule on the shelves in community for five ,'car:.;, has re-
FUEL OIL-Period 5 coupons valid in all zones through Voters who were previouslY en- Reports Progress in I the homes in this section; a sec- signed in ordel' to accept a position
September 30. Period 1 coupons in new fuel oil rations became
valid July 1 and are good for ten gallons each.
IS NOW AVAILABLE rolled but have not voted for two
years also Illust re-register in per- Liquidation of Legion
tion Imown for its high caliber as Scout j';xecutive at Butlcr, Po..
schools and coIleg'cs, said the Dc· His successOl', \Villiam Olds. was
fense Council. Introduced at the dinn!'r.
SHOES-Stamp No. 18 (1 pair) is valid through Octo- War Information
son in order to be eligible to Yoto.
Those who have become 21 years
Post's Indebtedess 'l'he bins have been placed on the l\i!!lIlbers of the l\Iain Line dis-
:.;t reet fioor of Stra:wbridge nnd trict execut!"'., committee and the
ber 31. and Tax Data Are of age recently or wlll do so hy Grant R. Graham. finance of- Clothier, in Ardmore; in Bryn
Septemhel' 15, likewise may take fleer of Bnlioek-Sandel'!wn Post Mawr Station, and in Glallwyne. neighborhood commissioners joined
MEA T, ETC.-Red Stamps P, Q, and R good through Included This Year this opportunity to become regis- No. 13G. American L('~ion. today Two more bins will shortly make
in paying tribute to 1\Iiller. Most
of tho:.;e present came into Scouting
July 31- tered. expressed satisfaction with the Pl'O- their appearance in the locality. as a. result of his efforts.
PROCESSED FOODS-Blue Stamps N. P, and Q remain The 1943 edit.ion of the Mont, l'he main office of the Commis- gress of the campaign to liquidate 'fhe book bins, the work of the Arnold Sorenson, Scout executive
valid through August 7. gomery Cou.nty map, containing sion at the Court House in Nor- the indcbtedne"!l of the Post. manual training classes at the of the Valley Forge Council, waS
sOllle new photographR and new ristown will continue to handle all He stated that some of the te~m Bala-Cynwyd Junior High School, the principal speaker. He an-
SOLDIERS' LIFE INSURANCE data of wartime interest. haH just fOI'ms of regish"atian husiness bo- captanls among whom keen rlV- under the supervision of Fred nounced the appointment of L.
heen received from the printel' and tween the hours of 8 A. 1\1. to 4 airy exists, were frtst approaching I Goos, have been decorated by Mrs.
L. Fieldiing Howe. formel" district
Soldiers-at home or abroad-are reminded that less than copies arc available fOl' distl'!hu· P. 1\1. weel,days and 8 A. M. to 12 their quotas, and based upon .re-. ,V. J, Davis, Waverly Rd., Bryn
commissioner of the Main Line, as
three weeks remain in which they can get National Service Life lion to residents of the county Noon Saturda~·s. August 14 is the suits to date, il" confident that the Mawl'. chairman of the activities commit-
Insurance without a physical examination. Until August 10, without chargc, ,it was announced last daY to register pr.lor to the goal can be reached, "' . ,. FFlCER tee of the Council. L. Bert Curtis
today h~' County COlllmissioners primary Elcction which, this year, Graham feels that there are per- :NURSE "EnS 0 .
haps many IndiViduals in the eom- The marriage of Ueut. Cosma WllS named district commissioner
1943, every application will be accepted regardless of the indi- Fred C. Peters, Foster C. Hlllegass falls on September 14. 0nly those to succeed Howe.
vidual's medical condition. After 'August 10 a rigid physical ex- and Raymond K, l\1e.nsch. registered by party can vote at the munity who would llke to eontrib- Chamberlain, U, S. A)'Jl\y }inr:.;!! Other principal speakers included
ute but who may not know how to Corps, stationed at Camp Shelby,
amination will be required. A copy of the county mall wlli primary. do so. He stated thnt any contri- Miss., nnd Lieut. Sylvester '1'homas Dr. Charles G. Behney, chairman
he mailed to anyone desiring one. In addition to the regular hOUl'S,
bution sent to the POIOt Home, 125 Hogan, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. of the district executive committee;
PROGRAM TO AVOID CLOTHES RATIONING Requests should be directed to the the Registl'lltlon Office at the Court Dr. Edgar S. Downs. former super-
Cou.nty Commissioners Office, House wlll be open until 9 P. M., Sutton Rd.. Al'dmore, will be grate- Sylvester T. Hogan, of 112 Wilson intendent of schools in Lower Mer-
A program to make clothes rationing unnecessary, recently Court House, NOl'l'lstown. on August 11, for the convenience fully received :o..nd promptly ac- Ave., Manoa, took place July 7, at
ion township, and Edwllrd Nelson,
announced by Donald M. Nelson, chairman of WPB, contains I printed.in fivo COIOI'S, tho map of voters. knwledged. Camp Shelby.
of the Valley Forge Council.
these six points: (1) increased production; (2) orderly and ade- shows all boroughs and townships The next meeting of the executive

uate distribution (3) more "volume" merchandise (4) allo- of the County with theil' bound-
, ' a r i e s clearly defined, as well as all
cation of materials to essential needs, (5) increased imports of State, County, Township roads.
Manoa Bids for Lead in Main Line committee w111 be held July 31, at
Camp Delmont, it wns announced.

burlap, and (6) proper care of clothing by consumers. There is New material on tl10 reve~se side
an adequate supply of textiles to meet civilian needs, the WPB includes the official Civilian De-
. fense insignia In color, voting dnta,
League, Defeating Narberth 3 to 2 Local Pediatrician
Speaks in Detroit
has deternuned. a sketch of the war's Impact on tho If the pressure of a double well, veteran Manoa hurler, kept
DAIRY PRODUCTS SUPPLIES County, war-time driving hint~ schedule Isn't too great, Manoa's l\lAIN LINE LEAGUE the borough from turning the Describing rheumatic heart dls-
a.nd a gl'aph showing how County defending challlpions may yet ex- Standing 01 the Teams league Into a runaway race when easo as "America's forgotten health
Civilians will get 8 of every pounds of butter produced in' taxes have been cut 50 percent in tend Narberth's paeesettel's for W. L. Pc. he accounted for the Davlsmen's problem" and a threat to child
the year which began July 1, the War Food Administration has the past fie yeal' period. first place mo.ney 111 the Main Line Narberth 8 0 1,000 first defeat by lifting them to six health under wartime living condi-
13as~all League. Manoa 3 2 .600 hits last week. It was Cantwell's tions, Dr. l~. Munr!? Purse, of Nar-
announced. The Armed Forces will get . 1 Y2 pounds and the (C on t'lnue d OIL P age 3)
The Manoaites ended Narberth's Pen-Mar 4 2 .600 Ill'St victory In three atnrts this herth, speaking In Detroit Saturday,
Russian Army will get Y2 pound. Civihans will also get 5 Y:z .of Dettre Candidate for eight-game win.nlng streak with a O\'erbrook 4 4 .400 year a.nd gave him revenge for a urged public health agencies and
every 10 pounds of cheese, and 4 1/3 cases of evaporated milk R . t f W·II 3-2 v.ictory iast Sunday and climbed Brookllne 2 6 .260 4-3 setbac.k at the hands of Nar- doctors to launch a prevention
out of every 10. egIs er 0 I S into second place. Manoa has only \Vest Phils 1 6 .142 berth earlier In the season. Last campaign against a wartime In-
lost one less game than Narberth, Sunda)' Schedule year he beat Narberth every time cl'case In the disease.
R. Ronald Dettre, sheriff of Dr. PUt'se, who is associate pedi-
CANNED VEGETABLES AND FRUITS Montgomery County and resident of but Is still three full games off the Brookline at Narberth, 3 P. M. he faced them.
atrician at the Osteopathic Hospital
Nearly 70 per cent. of the canned vegetables, and 53 per NOl'l'lstCl'wn, announced his candi- pace because it is so far behind West Phils at Manoa, two games, Will O'Donnell, making his first
of Philadelphia, IlPo!{e before a
dacy this week for Register of the sehedule. first at 1.30 P. M. start since IJ.!s nO-hit, no-run
special gl'OUp for instruction on
cent: of the canned fruits and juices available in the next 12 There are only five more weeks Overbrook at Pen-Mar, two achievement, was the victim, yield-
Wills. His announcement read: Pedlntl'ics at the 'Val' SerVice Con-
months will go to feed civilians. These quantities, allocated by "After much thought I have de- of the regular season remaining games, first at 1.30 P. M. ing his first decision through the ference of the American Osteo-
the WBA for the 12 months begininng July 1, constitute about cided to be a candidate for Register and in that time Manoa must play pressure of Manoa's ll-hit assault. pathic Association, in the Book-
4 per cent. more canned vegetables but about 40 per cent. les~ of Wllis on the Republican ticket ten games While Narberth has o.nly 49th St. and Haverford Ave., While Narberth set the early pace, Cad1l1ae Hotel. He said that par-
at the coming Primary Election.. six and third place Pen-Mar, also Narberth and BrookLine tangie in scoring two runs in the second in- ticular attention should be paid to
canned fruit than were consumed on the average during the "I think it unneeessnry to give a a formidable contender, has eight the lone single game at Narberth. ning, but Manoa tied it up with a wartime housing and nutrition, ex-
1935-35 period. iong genealogy and a listing of my to play. Manoa's other home postponed two-run rally In the fifth, and won plaining that undernourishment"
affiliations as I believe the people Manoa will start to get rid of games, by order of President Wal- out in the seventh on Jim Gray's low resistance and exposure In
EGG SUPPLIES HOLD EVEN of l\lontgomel'y County know who its playoff games when it meets tel' Hanle)', will be played as twl- single and Pete Ryan's double. damp dwellings are Important con.
About the same quantity of eggs will bbe available to civil- I alll and what I stand for. the \Vest Phlls In 0. double-header light games on the following Sat- Gray, 17-yenr-old third baseman trlbutlnn causes of the disease.
"I hope the people regard me as Dr. Purse is past president of the
ians in the 12 months beginning July 1, as in the same period last a God-loving, patl'iotic Republican. at VetCl'an's Park, Darby and Ma- urdays: July 31-Pen-Mar; August and one of the year's outstanding
noa Roads. this Sunday. Pen-Mar 7-0verbroo.k; August 14-West rookies, led Manoa's attack with Bnlct-Cynwyd-Narberth, RotarY
year, the WFA has indicated. Of a total of 5 billion dozen eggs, \Vlth that bac!eground I Intend to
also is slated.( to entertaJn fourth Phils;. August 21-Brookllne. three hits. all singles. Larry Fieid Club, and Is now serving on the
civilians will get about 3 ~ billion dozen. live and pel'form any duties that Boaru of Directors.
1I1ay be given me," place Overbr~ok In a twin-bill at Narberth's old jinx, Walt Cant- (Continued on.l-age 2)
(Continued on Page 4)
.' i<'.' .'

July.22, 1943
TWO Runs Batted in-Cotton, Nar-
Manoa Bids For berth, 8.
)An U~eatahle Warm Weather Combination'-' Lead in Main Line Stolen Bases-SlgnoreII1, Pen-


Mar, 5.
Pitching-Tomlinson, Narbertb.
Entered lUIsecond class matter Octoher, 1938, at the Post Office at W. 4; L. 0; Pc. 1,000.

NarhlJrth. Pa" under the Act at March 3, 1879

in 1914 by the Narberth Civic Association

fOR OIL URGED and Joe RUey each collected two
hits, the latter having 0. double
among his contribution.
brook, 28.
Outs-Robinson, Over-

Bases on BaIls-Robinson, Over-

Jimmy Simmons, formerly of
brook, 24.
GEORGE A. WALKER, publisher
Promptness Will· Mayfair and Dlsston, made his de-
but in the outfield with Narberth
RUSSELL E. FRANZ, Advertising Manager Aid Consumers and paced his new teammates with Democratic Slate
Published Every Thursd~y
Deadline for advertising and news copy-Wednesday, noon
And Board two hits. Bob Yeabsley, Penn ath-
lete, was another new face in the Ready for Primary
Subscription rate-$2 per year In advance. Narberth lineup, seeing action be-
All occupants of oil-heated homes
hind the plate, rcplaclng Lou Ben- (Continued from Page 1)
Publication Office-Eight Cricket Avenue, Ardmore, Po.. homcs sh~"ld retnrn their applica- der, who has joined the Marines. Treasurer.
Phone-Ardmo.re 5720 and 5721; Greenwood 7740 tions for next year's fuel oil rations Yeabsley contributed one of Nar-
Member of Bucks-Montgomery Newspaper Publishers Association Weikel, who is seeking the
to thclr \Var Price and Rationing berth's six hits, a double. Democratic nomination for Record_
Boards promptly, if possible within Two records were set by Pen- cr of Deeda Is 42 years of age. He

,~:-=c=·"'=H=U=R=C=H=N=E=W=S~~:\~~:i~~X:n4~t~~:s,;:;~r~~~;:;,r:; pri;e and Rationing Board, an-

Mar as it scored its fourth victory uate of Lansdale Business School,
at the cxpenSe of the West PhUs, 1919, and has been an electrician
11-3. The Irvinmen set onc league for 25 years. P.le Is married and.
nounced this week. standard when they stole nine bases has one daughter.
"i.::'==============================":' While there is no deadline for and Bill Papa, returning to the
league after an absence of several
Luckey, seeking the nomination
NOTE: For publication 011 TlInrs- FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST filing applications, it Is very pos- for Controller, Is a graduate of st.
day. 0.11 church notices must be re- SCIENTIST sibel that those who delay may have years, stole four of them to wipe
Benedict's College and University
Linwood and Athens Ave., Ardmore dlffl It I ttln pplies before out the individual single game
eeived by 1\londay Ilt 5 P. 1\1. enel> SUNDAY cu y n ge g su of Kansas, L.B. degree. An at-
week. 1\10.11 1l0tloe to this ......~r, 11 :00 A. :ror.-Sunday School. the first cold weather arrives next mark of three, set by A. Ralston of
torney, he has practiced law for 10
- WEDNESDAY f 11 H . ted out Narberth in 1935.
c/o I}ox 3,,0, Ardmore, pa.; 101' tele- 8 :00 P. M.-E\'cnlng meeting. a, enry pom . ycars. He served as a First Lieu-
Joe Kraus, Pen-Mar third base-
phone Ardmore 1>720 or Hilltop Rcading room at 8 Ritlenhouse Placc DiStribution of the simple re- tenant In the U. S. Army during the
Is opcn wcelt-days from 9 :30 A. M. 10 1ft h man and league's hitter, blasted
3600. 5 :30 P. lit. Wednesday from 9 to 9 :45 newal appllcat on orm 0 ouse- first World \Var.
P. M.• and on Sunday from 1 10 2 :45 holders who received a ration of three hits to increase his average
to .524. Keegan, the candidate for County
P. M. fuel 011 last year was completed
scveral days ago, the chairman re- Southpaw Harry Robinson chalk· Treasurer, is 0. mcmber of the firm
Rev. James F. 'l'oner, Rector
NAHBERTH 1'IlESBYTEUIAN ported. l\Iany of these have been ed up his third victory when he of Alex, Murphy and Company,
Rev. Charles P. O'ConnOl' returncd, and the Board has 11.1- pitched Overbrook to a 5-2 decision custom house brokers, and has been
'Ylndsor and Grayling Ave.
Hev. Chas. T. Dinan
Holy Day masses: 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 Rev. Bryanl 111. Kirltland, Pastor rcady processed applications and over BrOOkline at Nerberth. Rob- for the last 15 years. At the present
ami 11 A. M. John Van Ness, DD.. Pas lor Emeritus mailed new rations to a large num- Inson allowed only six hits, fanned time he also mannges the office at
Sunday musses: 6 :30, 7 :30, 9, 10 :15 9 :45 A. M.-Sun<1ay School. ber of the applleants. These house_ six and walked only two. First the POl't of Philadelphia for the
A. 1.1.
Daily masses: 7 and 8 A, M.
10 :00 A, 1IJ.-lIIen'ti Bible Class.
11 :00 A. l\I.-lIlorning ·Worship. Junior
Chu1'('h .alld Children's Nursery.
holders are thus able to make im-
mediate arrangements with their
.., baseman Acord led the winning at- handling of lease-lend shipments
tack with three hits. out of the port. A \Vorld War I
8 :00 P. },l.-Sodalily Meeting.
6 :45 P. ~1.-Three Youth Meetings. T'S up to you, the homemaker, to watercress and mayonnaise; to- It was Overbrook's fourth victory veteran, Keegan Is now Commander
8 :15 1'. lIJ.-Mlraculous Medal Devo-
tion followed by Bcncdlction. 7 :4;; 1'. III.-I~riendly Evening \Vor-
tihip; song service.
dcalers to fiJI their fucl 011 tanks
before eold weather sets in. The I
liven up the famlly's leisure time
now that war restrictions are -keep-
mato aspic garnished with olives;
chopped parsley a~d cream cheese;
gave it a .500 average for the sea- of I.'ederal Post No. 152, American
son and lifted it within a half game Legion.
NARBERTH lIIETHODIS'1' WEDNESDAY importance of making these ar- . ing them at home. A few refresh· and chopped carrot and lettuce.
CHUHCH 8 :00 P. lII,-Pra~'er Mectlng. Bible rangements early was str~ssed by ments served in an attractive man- of the first division. Conner, candidate for County
Rev. Carl n. Hammcrly. Minl3ter study. llecrealion for 11.11 youllg people. Don't forget to cut the bread very
Main Line Lengne Bnseb0.11 LcadeI'!l Surveyor, is a native Norrlstonian
ESticX Ave., Narberth Perry. ller can easily turn a Sunday after- thIn and into varied shapes to make
SUNDAY HOI.Y 'l'RINITY LUTHEHAN "Dealers can give' eonsumers bet- noon into a gala occasion, and a more attractive sandwich plate. Batting-Kraus, Pen-Mar, AB. and is widely known. At present bo
9 :45 A. lII.-Sunday School. CHUnCH 21; R. 7; H. 11. Avg.. 524. is employcd at the Alan \\Tood Steel
11 A. l\I.-Morning Worship. ter delivcry service throughout the what's more, your family wl1l be Assorted breads also lend variety.
THUHSDAY "'oodbine and Narberth Ave, <lelighted with the little fnss you
year if they can begin deliveries in Ilave made over them. The party
There is nothing quite so tempt- Runs-Michaels, Brooklino and Company. He Is a graduate of st.
8 P. lIf.-Olllcial Board. Hcv. Cletus A. Scnft. Pastor Ing to serve with these sandwiches Pntriclt's School, NorrIstown; st.
the summer," he snid. "This helps spread, photographed above. is Kraus, Pen-Mar, 8.
SUNDAY on a scorching summer day as iced Joseph's Collegc and Temple Unl-
BAPTIST CHUHCH OF THE 9 :15 A. l\I.-Sunday School. them solve manpower and trucl, Hits-Michaels, Brookline, 12.
EVANGEl, 11 :uO A, M,-lIlorning 'Vorship. rea By no trouble at all to make. coffee. You wll1 regain youl' pep \'el'sity. He Is a Past Grand Knight
shortage problems, and it also en- The dainty sandwiches and frosty and cool off while enjoying its fl:1- Doubles-Evans, Pen-Mar, 4.
Rev. Robert E. Keighton, Paslor \\'EDNBSDA Y Triples-Five with one each. of Norristown Council, Knights of
N arberlh, I'll. 8 P. lII.-'Vednetiday evening meeting ables them to add appreciably to iced coffee are an unbeatable sum- vorCul goodness. "'And be sure to
SUNDAY for discussion of rcligious topics, open the storage capacity in the rationed mel' time combination. But be sure get the most out of your coffee by Home Runs-Twelve with one was born in North \Vales, is a grad-
10 all. IJastor In charge. Columbus.
! :45 A. IlL-Church School. I~InDAY arca. to make the coffee a bit sironger making It fresh each time you each.
11 :00 A. lIf.-Communlon Service. 8 :00 P. lII.-Senior Choir rehearsal. than usual to allow for melting ice. serve It. The ultimate in flavor is
WEDNESDAY "All dealers may not be ablc, be- "When you serve sandwiches in obtained by pouring freshlY made ,\
8 :00 P. lII.-Mldweek meeting of the
MERION FRIENDS MEETING cause of lack of supply, to make warm weather, it is a good idea to hot coffee into a glass filled with Wynnewood House ~o DOGS l\,n~TJED TIllS WEEK
1I10ntgomery avo and IIleeting House 10.., deliveries Immediately in individual make them with light spreads such ice. Add sugar and cream to In- According to PoLice Chief M. H.
THURSDAY lI1erion cases. But public co-operation in :Is those shown in the ilIustrlltion. dividnal taste. Many people prefer 1236 MONTGOl\£ERY AVENUE
8 :00 P. III.-lI1eeling of Board or ,10.:30 A, 1I1.-lI1eeling for 'Vorship. placing orders early will enable The following are excellent: cream to take It plain with nothing added MARINE BAR Loughead no dogs were kl1led this
Trustees. COIlJercnee aftcr meeting.
dealers to serve their customerS cheese. gl'een peppel' and celery: to the delicious coffee flavor. Dinners served week but lhe police forcc Is still

~arberth Library 'Bottle Blitz' Starts., ahead of any wcather emergency, Dally Execllt Suudny on the watch for'· dogs found run-
and to use their delivery equlp- Cameron Speaks on dental deaths is industrY. Sucb '\;NARbertb 8282 tor Rcserv_a_t_io_n_s ning loose, especlally at night.
Lists New Books H ousewives Urged To ment more efficiently. deaths are caused by carelessness, 1~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Return 'Empties' "Publio co-operation can also Safety Problems fatigue, improper safety controls, !
The Narberth Community Li- help the rationing boards," Perry
etc. Eighteen thousand five bun-
dred persons were killed in the
brary has announced the addition -"'Vanted-10,OOO,000 bottles!" !Contir:ued from Page 1) United Statcs in the past year by For the Best Bu)'s Today and E\'er)'da)'
"The Boards, Which 'WiII be busy I
of the folloWing books: That's the slogan In Pennsylvania the past year, marking a decrease loccupational accidents. Consult
nlystel'y novel include'. today, as housewives, war workers
with other rationing programs
of elp'ht per cent over last year . "Et
• ernalvlg
' II ance IS th e pri ee 0 f
F • E1 • CABALLERO , R eaItor
. . " Q
later, are best equipped to handle '"
Hoelting, Death lo\,es a shining and thousands of other patriotic fuel oll applleations now. Custom- Nine million, three hundred thou- safety," concluded Cameron. 291 Meeting House Lunc, !\[erioll, Pa.
mark; Shearing, AlrJ.ng in closed men and 'Women r~llied to the ap- ers can be best assured that their sand were injured. . The speaker was introduced by Call
carriage; Lockridge, Death takes pea~ ~o round up VItal stray deposit applications will be handled Home accidents, he said, ac- Richard Gillis chairman of the vo- Gre: 6700 Grc: 1804 Cynwyd 1804
a bow; Upfield, \Vings above the a eo~ ~er~.
I iii prljlmptly If they file them early." counted for 30,500 deaths, wbile catlonal sen'l~e for RotarY. Presl- snnda)~~~~~I~Tn~:b:~:po~nr~l:~t Only.
c1~p=; S~n~ S9rlcl ci~e; V'I,=:I~~~~%.ta~~d~ 'TIIS~mimpOrla~lli~de~enltrd~~~~am=nbd~~7, 8 00. d~e:n~t~G=e:o:r:g:c~K~I:r:k:p:a~t:M:c:k:,_p:r:~:I:d:e:d:.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
'Wentworth, Chinese shawl; Gard-I i~:~ease~iu ~e'.~I:n~s I;O~reabO~l~~:~ and the Government have immedl. These figures represent an Increasc _
C~se of the buried clock; goods, So idlc deposit bottles must ately the information Which appU- in the perccntage of home, acci-
'\....::: ~~~
nero . . / j " •
McDermId, Ghost wanted; Eber- be returned. Hundreds of retail cants for renewal will provide about dents, and a decrease In traffiC ac- );r.-?;J:..,'C;;;;;:;;./
&~01)~'~l~JrJa'?~'/--J 'v-;..i .. (~ (
hart, Man next door; Keith, Matter grocers, bottlers and the leading thc amount and kind of oil raQilns cldents, or 30 per cent.
of accent; Grafton, Rat began to chain store organizations are co- that each consumer requires. T'l~is The speaker pointed out that " • ril~fAi~
knaw the rope; Little, Black operating In the "bottle blitz," Information tells dealers and the there were morc accidental deaths \ -x..s )
rustle; Disney, Crimson Friday; ~pearheadin~ the dl'ive, house- Government how much of each in the county during the ycar than '- /2::-;P\.);:o.
Heberden, Murder goes astray; wives are III'ged to search their type of oil to bring into each neigh- the number of casunlties in the 0:(-/ifJ3,-;,-{9 0
Lauferty, Hungrey house; I{,n.ight homeR, gat'ages. store rooms and borhood throughout next year. service from the county since Pearl )..-/ '.....JJJ
~ ~-
~~~~~~':. er:':~~:r~le~;di;~:~Ch ~~iC~l:a~~a~=,cl:ra~~~~~~~~n;ff:~esdi~~ ~ ~eeat~~U~l~~:nb:eC:i~~~~;t~~hlll~ r-~ ,~ (\f).0~,'1.7,.,r1,f}Jj;W~ ~d§../ ~J
Tradcmarlt of a traitor; Greene, other places where truant contaln- "Consumers were cautioned not Harbor. There have becn 77 killed -"'"

of fear; Marsh, Colour homes and

e local War Price tho sen'ice. ,r,/
Fiction: "'heatly, Faked pass- coun t ry h onses also arc requested OPA, IJ\lt to th ~ rrf':::
ports; Sullivan. Three came to to uncover returnable bottles and and Rationing Boards." Another great source of accl- ~§\ 1;P~7) -....J~/GG'\\
Ville Marie; Lcwis, Gideon Plan- tlll'n them baclt to their source of V, ~J./ "-
ish; lIlarshall, Great Smith, 0'-
Brlcn, Last of sumlllN; 1"as(.
'I'hey will he thoroughly cleansed,



D egen I
Tom Pa.ine; Slaughtcr,

lard, 'Ie
'II regu I atOl's; I-I
sterilized and put back to·wod,.

~I~'uble,su~~~ob~~ tOi~"ea~e~lt~~~~~~;; Street,

Eleanol' Hoopes of W. 3rd
ollice secretary of the
Custom-tailored Clotbing- gives )'OU the

suits look betteI', feel better and welU'
-'(-'0:~ "-.::::,
Story of Dr. \Vassell; Forester, 13oroug-h of :\[e<1la is spending her
Thc ship; GreenWOOd, The squad vacation at Lewis, Delaware. Lou.-S
the T ai or
\...../~~'i ~ / 1j/~~
D~'eing (~~ ~~r.;o-
goes out; Horner, 'Vind and thc
rain; Ersldne, Voyage of Capt. BRODT/MEAD Cleaning, and Pressing ./1//., .
Bart; Kcn~'on, Golden ~e0)\I~ V"v'./iIfW ~
feather; L"- 234 \VOODBINE AVE.."JlJE
Hawkins, Pilcbuck; Shanel, Gold-
en shorc; 13rophy, Spcarhead;
Golden Guernsey Milk Narberth, Pa. Narbertb 2666
"\luring ,July nud August-'''e Close 811Iur(\II)' at Noon°
I, J'JFC3'
. j
Is Rich and Delicious '
~ag;;i~~r~~:~eP~I:~~;~~t~ne~~le;~~~t; But' C?ro:~~ JYl,fJ!ore ~U1I1I11I11II11I11I1I11I1I1I1I1I1I1I11I1I1I11I1I11I11I11I1I11I11I11I1I11I1I1I1I11I11III11II1J§ ~,..()~ ~ ~~- ~A ~~
Colver, Mr. Lincolu's wife; Tark-
== UNRATIONED = ~I~/}' )~t,.:,:)
Brinig, GamblCl' taltes a wife;
Stranger on the highway;
LesUe, Dancing saints; Thane,
Top Cream Tests 24%
3" Actual Lab. Test =
· · · ..
(\ (\') . T r-"""
~h/An/ ~
..,h ~~A./ t;;;1Vt//V.
Dawn's early light; Parrot, Navy A New Way Butter I ~.. . . -- - .
I - ~~\~~
/B . . /,,,/ff / ' ;

nurse Gilpat; Gilpatric, Action in -
AceuJOulate 1 Pt. Toll Cream § The Natura I i( I
the North Atlantic; Du Maurier. Fresh Lean -
Hung-rey hill; Crabb, Supper at the Rcsul~1
Add OneLb.
I"l'csb Egg-Churn
2 Oz. Good Butter ==:::: Foo d for D ogs
CUBED BEEF I ==- ~ ~ (_/J
Muxwell house; 13eals, Dawn over Save Points and M o n e y '
Let us supply )'011 rcgulnrl~' 23c lb. - C


~~~'~~;~:~:fS:t?~~~ ~;~~r~:~~ I=_ ~::;§":~I~;~ -~~~2S ~ U~I'~'\..:,.~;"JlJ,;J

the Amazo.n, - with VI)

ing for darlmess;

against victory; Hartwell, Dogs
Damon, Sense CAN I N E
j:::= FOODS, INC.
Larger Quarters at

of humus; Mims, Chen.naultofthe

Flying Tigcrs; Shca, The WAAC's;

• • ••••

Wordell; Hindus, Mother Russia;
'White, Queens'die proudly; Lipp- = To keep your dog in tip-top shape tree your
,'eterinndnu rcgul11rly. = ....
man, U. S. foreign polley. INITIATIVE ~1I111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111~
Decide now whether
The free Sunday concerts at
you need or want- . .'
\Voodsldc Plu'k will headline Gloria Gates - Arbors
French, golden voiced soprano; Joe Storm Enclosures
Wal1ace and his ba.njo, Scott Ha.n- Storm Sash
coclt and others, wtth a musical
Insulation Especially
The cc,l1certs, in Sylvan Hall at
4:15, 7:15 a.nd 9:45, will he pre-
Picture Frames

Anew Supplee Cream Sherbet made with real Hawaiian pineapple
IT started as a wartime mea- This month's special is an
A Division of National Dall')' Product. Corporatlo...
ceeded by Jack Steclt's Riddies' sure. With ice cream limited, outstanding example of why
Hour at 2. SHULL LUMBER we wanted to give you an they excel. We were able to

PARTY -.S~t:-
Regular attractions include n additional frozen food in the secure enough scarce, fragrant
firewoi'ks display cvery FI'ida:\o', and COMPANY Supplee tradition of goodness Hawaiian pineapple to crush
'I'he I,lnk lJet·ween I't1I'l'st 111111 Home


night swimming under fioodllghts to high-light family meals and generously throughout the
at Crystal Pool, every evening at
reduced ra.te ,except Saturdays
a.nd Sundays.
25 BaIa Avenue
LINES for entertaining.
But the way people have
creamy texture-make a re-
freshing summer treat that is
tops in flavor. ~~ . .,.. •
taken to these new cream
Breyer DaYs at Woodside Park
are Tuesdays, July 27. August 3,
CYNWYD sherbets shows that they have
already become a delightful,
Try Supplee Sealtest Pine-
apple Cream Sherbet. Order
* Buy War Bonds and Stamps *
10, 17 and 24, free and part-paid permanent contribution to it in the store which displays _ SUPPLEE briDlI8 you lb_ ~ SHOW
Closed NOON Saturday
amusement tickets available from the familiar red Sealtest sign. o....r KYW, Thunclcrya at Sl30 P.M. TUNE INt
• ._ • _.:1 better living.
local dealers.
..r~~_.!,; •• , .

July 22, 1943
Plan Now for Fall

Elissa Landi Stars In
'Theater' At Bellevue HOPES fOR LIfliNG I DONOR SnVICE Victory Gardens
It Is now time to plan for the

Of DRIVING BAN' :.;, HOLDS POLISH-DAY fall garden, according to COunty

TO fORM BAND Elissa Landi wlll be the guest

sta!" at the Bucks County Playhouse
In the air-conditioned balLroom, of Asks 600 to Give
Agc.nt H. O. WilcOX of Media. Now
Is the best time to plant many
crops for. fall use which will keep

Musical Unit Will the Bellevue-Stratford Hotel, for Harrity Asks For Blood in Honor ()f the victory garden' working at .its
full capacity until frost.
Be Trained At
one week, starting Monday evening, More Equitable Premier Sikorski Grops which may still be plant-
.July 26, in the first Phlladelphia
Camp Lejeune Gas'Distribution NATIONAL PRESS BUILDING "extract of Jenny" to use as B ed are: Snap beans, carrots and

Announcement by Marine Corps

presentation of "Theater," by Guy
Bolton and Somerset Maugham,
based on Maugham's novel of the
I Keystone
Automobile Club be-
WASHINGTON. D. C. blood coagulator!

Men have *always'

* * loved home
Polish Day wi1l be celebrated at
the Red Cross Blood Donor Serv-
beets for fall use or storage, turn-
ips, and leaf lettuce.
By Adria Aldrich ice on July 27. On this date. all Endive and Chinese cabbage can
headquarters in Washington of t~~, same name. "Theater" was success- Lleves the "pleasure" driving ban b:tlted bread. Perhaps tha commer-
the people of Polish extraction in be planted up to August 1 and will
forthcoming enlistment of a Ma- cial bakers' current difficulties with
\ rine Corps Women's Reserve Band
fully prescnted a few seasons ago should be lifted and that motorists Without badge or nightstick, yOU scarcity of help aod shortness of tho Philadelphia area arc requested be delicious for salads in Septem-
in New YOl'k and on tour by John of Eastern United States should be will be asked to "pollee" violations supplies will revive an old Ameri- to give a pjnt of blood cach, fOl' ber and October. These last two
marks the opening to feminine tal-
Golden, starrIng Cornella Otis Skin- permitted to use whatever gasoline at the butcher's and baker's and can custom. There are a number tho use of our wounded soldiers should be planted where they are
ent of one of the Corps' oldest and
nero can be allotted to them in the same report them to local ration boards. of prepared mixtures, such as self· and sailors and marines. At least
proudest institutions. to grow and thinned to about 8
OPA's Market-Basket Price Bool, raising cake flour that lightens the 600 Polish people arc asked to
The 'Women who are to be re- jnches apart in the row.
cruited for this duty will inherit a
tradition that dates all the waY
Ellssa Landi has 'Won fame on manncr they now use all other ra-
the stage, screen and radio, as a tioned commodities.
no,'ellst. She has to her credit such In making public a matement of
I setting forth the ABC's of price
control wmcome along in the mail
with the next ration. book. House-
work of cakes and pies. So, roll up
your sleeves, do some baking and
presto! - watch that pleased ex·
contribute that day, to fill the
quotll. for one day at the Blood
Cabbage and celery may still be
planted for fall and winter stor-
Donor Center.
back to 1775, when the first Marine
publlshed works as "Neilson," "Tho clUb policy issued by J. Maxwell wives are asked: ~ pression on your man's face! age. The green varieties of celery
fife and drum corps paraded the To check selling prices of items Chairman of the Blood Donor

up America's first battalion of fight-

Helmers," "House for Sale," and
street's of Philadelphia to muster "The Ancestor." Born in Venice, Smith, Keystone's pres.ident, Fran- against OPA pUblished prices every-
time they buy. '
*** .
You will be glad to Imow, I'm Committee for thll Pollsh people Is
Dr. Leon Kolanklewlcz, president
arc recommended.
1I::ale tor overwintering may be
Miss Landi's first New York suc- cis J. Harrity, Manager of the sure, that gold and sliver evening sown as late as August 15. Long
ing Marines. To report to price panels of 10· slippers, men's and women's riding of the Pollsh ReUef Society. Dr.
cess was in "A Farewell to Arms." Main Line Division of the Club, Sta.nding Bloomsdale or Savoy
Lineal descendantf: of those Rev- cal war price and rationing boards boots, baseball, track and football Kolanldewicz has been recruiting
olutionary fUel'S ani, drummers are Since then she has appeared in said there is reason to expect a any violations either of price or of shoes have been released from ra- donors from the Polish chumhes,
Long Standing spinach can be seed-
"Tapestry in Grey," "The Lady Has ed August 1 to 20.
today's world-renowned United a Heart," and "Empress of Des- change for the better in motoring posting. tioning! clubs, and frll.ternal organl7.alions,
\ states Marine Band and the many
post bands serving at Marine bases
tiny." Her film career includes such conditions.
To pledge themselves never to
buy rationed goods without giving
* * *
The whallng inllustry Is back.
I of which there are some two hun-
dred In the city.
AI1 of the above crops may be
planted in the garden which was
nlovies as "Underground," "Mad "WhJle," 'ne sald, "the supply of [ull value of ration stamps. occupIed by such crops as sprJng
in this country, and all over the California Is handling an average
Holiday," "After the Thin Man," gasoline for the home front can" of 12,000 pounds a day, and whale Mn.ny of the blood donations arc
Vlorld. The Women's Reserve Band,
* * * spinach, peas, .early lettuce, and
however, slated for service at Camp
Lejeune, New River, N. C., wl1\ be
the first daughter In the family.
and "'rhe Thirteenth Chair."
not possibly assume normlll pro-
A strong cast has been assembled portions in time of war, a more
In support of Elissa Landi with equitable distribution of fuel will
Good news for chocolate lovers.
Transports canying war equipment
to North Africa, now bring cargos
steaks are being sliipped to Chi·
cago, Kansas City and other mid-
West cities. They hope to step this
being made as a memorial to Pol.ish
Premier SlIwrski, whose tragic
death in an airplane aeclde.nt stirs
Now is also the time to start
sowIng domestic ryegrass in the
The oldest mllltary band in the Robert Chisholm, as Michael. Oth- give to Eastern motorists a share o[ cocoa beans to U. S. up to 30,000 pounlls If additional the patl'lotism and spirit of sacr,i- garden to provide a cover crop for
United States, it '\Vas the only pUb_ ers in the company inclUde: Russell of available supplles they have
lic band in \Vashington until as Collins, John gftrat, Edward Hunt, long been denJed."
* * *
Heating experts predict such
boats and experIenced fishermen
can be found.
fice needed for the war, There wll1
be a brief memorial service in
the imprvement of the solI and to.

late as 1830. It was officla1ly ac- \Villiam David, Phl1lppa Bevans, The Club's pl'ogram for relief of post-war wonders as smokeless
stoves, heating of homes through !'- .
* * * honor of Sikorslli during tbe day
perfect example of how 000- of tile 27th. Dr. Kolankiewiez, 1\11'.
e~rich it for next )'ear's garden.
One-half to one pound of domes-
cepted as the National Band and Roge.r SUllivan, Ned Ha1ligan. Eastern motol'ists includes these tic ryegrass per 1,000 square feet
the "President's Own" as earl~' as Frank Compton, Judy Wirkman rinci 11.1 points: their walls (known as 'panel heat- nomlcs worl! is to be seen in the \Yaltel' P tko of the PoLish Bene-
and Dennis Gurney. p "1. Supply
p every military need,
Ing') and ash-removing stokers. current price-supply tangle over y ~ sown at the time of the last culti-
1801. beef, which has resulted in fewer' fi,clal Society, amI 1\11'. Ed I\llLnnu- vation in late 'July or August will
Its history is closely interwoven The play has been staged by Den- with a wide margin of safety, and ***
Readln', wrltln' and 'rlthmetlc animals being Slallghtered. Less ZlK, Chairman of the Franldord provide a green manure crop to be
with that of the White House where n.is Gurney an~ the setting de- apportion the remainIng gasoline beef at your butcher's also means and Bridesburg '{'ax-Payers' Asso- plowed down the fol1owing spring.
It has pel'formed at cel'emonies SIgned by Leo herz. may be taught right at home to
fail'ly to the motorists of the Unit- hundreds of American children this there will be trouble at the shoe- eiatlon wl11 speak. The grass mal,es a slow start
ranging fl'om the first egg-r011lng ed States. year. National Education Associa- maker's, for hides are not flowing Polish costumes wm ::Je wor.n- by and docs .not Intel"fere with crops
party, during President ,Jackson's
administration, to the State Dinner Silk Stockings Still "2. Abandon the abortive 'pleas-
ure' driving crusade and permit
tion and U. S. Office of Education to the tanners and supplies of sole a delegation of Pollsh men and
leather for repairs will be scarce. wOlllen who will march to the
remaining in the garden.
report critical shortages of school- After September 1, common rye
in 1938 when President and Mrs,
Rooscvelt entertained King George
Needed for Salvage every motorist to use his ration al- masters and 'marms, off to war- Half-soles, or even tips for worn blood donor centcr. grain Is preferable to the ryegrass,
lotment In the same manner he time jobs. shoes will be the order of the day, as the ryegl'ass wHI not make a
VI and Queen Elizabetll.
Like theil' male counterparts, the
There must be hundreds of pairs uses ot1~r rationed commodities.
of silk and nylon stockings still "3. Assure an adequate supply of
* * *
Both new and old users of mar-
instead of full soles. Also, shoe pol:
ish, elbOW grease and the 01' New County Map satisfactory growth if sown too
late. Two pou.nds of rye per 1,000
women "musics" wl1\ be Marines shinola for preservation wi!..'. be
and musicians second. Marine Corps
tucked away in bureau dm,wers, gasoline and oil for war and home garine, now with Vitamin A added,
will be interested In Imowing it is with us from now on.
Is Now Available square feet wlll give satisfactory
which ,wlJile not in 'wearable con- fronts by acceptance of Secretary stand.
"musics" are enlisted for general
duty and go through the regular
dition, should be doing their bit to- Ickes' recommendation for a.n in-
wal'd winning the wal', is the opin_ creaSe production."
termed as a food "of importance,"
by Senior Surgeon W. H. Sebrell Tokens may replace toe present * ** (Continued [rom Page 1)
New photogl'ap'I1s tnclude one of
basic training course, recciving and Dr. Walter Wilkins, U. S. Pub- paper ration stamps. Each month
ion of Dr. Howard \Vayne Smith,
band assignments only after they
have properly qualified in drlll and
The Club feels, the statement
executh'e director of the Council of added, that "a motorist woulll
DefenRe of Low 01- Mel'ion Town- rather have a gallon of gasoline In
lic Health Service, In the new four billion COUPOllS become valid
"Public Health Reports." throughout the nation -
the new hospital at the Cou.nty In-
enough stttution Distr.ict Home, a view of
military fundamentals. 'I'hey must ship. .
his tank than an extra penny In his * ** paper to fiU 50 to 60 freight cars. a log truss bridge in the LPrimer
Pari" a county :vary in Abington YOUR BOY
be ready for general duty at any
time. A one-man salvage drive netted hand," explaining that a 35-cent-
When nylon comes back, your
stockings will have many nylon- * **
Golden cole slalv is a new hot- Township, scenes at the Upper Buy an Additional
The forty-three piece band will J. K Barkman of the Salvage Com- per-banel increase In the price of made cousins - such as evening weather taste tickler. For the dress- Perl.iomen Valley Park, ValleY Bond TodllY
consist of a master technical ser- mittee of the Council of Defense of crude would amount to approxi- dresses, men's shirts, scuff,proof ing, use prepared horseradish and 1"orge, the County House of De-
geant; two technical sergeants; a Lower Merion Township, 868 silk mately one·cent per gallon inCl'ease shoes and featherweight tents. mustard mixed with real mayon- te.ntion, the only remaining cover-
naise. Suit your palate on pro- ed wooden brid~e ,in the county,
drum major; a staft ergcant; 14 and nylon stockings collected fl'om in the cost of gas. OPA has refused
sergeants; 12 corporals, and 16 members of the Rotary Club of an increase, on the ground It
* **
A chemist In Iowa, chopping portions. and the old Pel'kiomen stone
privates, including privates fil'st Ardmore. '
would be inflationarY. SecretarY
\Vomen have long had the habit Ickes and the oil industry contend
away at a "Jenny" weed In his vic-
tory garden accidentally cut his The crimp in consumer * **
bridge at Collegevi1\e. A table of
dIstances from va.rious places in
finger. The cut stopped bleeding looked pretty bad for Christmas.
of huying- two pairs of hose of the the increase is necessary to assure I the county, a photograph of the
sallie color, so as to salvage two a continued supply of oil, through instantly when it came In contact But now Office of Civilian Require-
I Court House and pictures of form-
with the juice of the weed's root. ments plan a relief program, so
Peacetime Weapons 'III'
matching stockings when one exploration of .new sources and the
stocking eiUler tore or wore out. operation of wells which at the Res u 1 t: Several pharmaceutical Santa Claus can still arrive fairly
er COlll't House stl'uctures and
.. , well laden. population tables for the 38 town-
Sah'age for the war effort need not price of oil are unprofitable. concerns are trying to produce
ships and 24 boroughs of the
wait for pairs. As soon as a silk
stocking, 01' a nylon stocldng'. is
ready for discarding, it should be Pardon My Accent! Local Board 3 Ardmore, Samuel J. Del Pizzo, 411
Rocl,glen Dr.. \Vynnewood.
county complete the map.
'l'he covel', similar to lalOt year's
edition, ,is printed in black and
dropped into the box fOl' the pur-
pose 'which can be found in any
Englishman Almost Lists More Names The following men were accept- White excelJt fol' iLn American flap,
in color Which surmounts tho top
hosiery department. Lost Role of Inductees
ed by and sworn i.nto the Navy:
Richard Griffis, 13 City Avenue. scroll.
The fighting fronts need more
and more powder bags which are Dennis Hoey nearly missed out
made fl'om these stoekings. 'I'he on the most important role of his
Bala,; Anthony.J. Papaloni, ~17
Local Board No.3. 109 Fon'cst Chestnut Ave., Al'dmore.
Halvage of stocldngs and other crit- bl'ief Hollywood career heclluse Ave., Nal'ilerth, 1'a.. has\ issucd a The following men were also
ical war matel'ials, after they have his age.nt had the British actor aceepted 1J~' the Anny and have
outlh-ecl their usefUlness, is the du-
typed as an Englishman.
supplemental list of names not in·
bee,n instl'ueted to report to Local PAINTING Electric&Radio Co.
ration duty of every householder cluded in last week's issue of this ty to be entrained for Fort George 104 FOIIRES'l' A VJo;. NARBERTH 4182
H00Y'S agent told him one day NAHIJE 11'1'11, PA,
who is making his home a vital paper, G. )reade, Md. 104 Forrest Ave.
that it was too bad he couldn't l'llono Nllrllerth 24111·}t
hattie station.
play a German part because he The following men wcre aecept- Charles A, .Jackson, 62 Hollanl1 ------~
had been offered role in 20th July S, 1943. a.nd ha,\'e been ·in- Ave" Ardmol'e,
CentulT-Fox's stirring film, "They structed to report to Local Board John Greenlee, 5738 Ftilbcrt St., '

Better Permanents

'~ OVER THE TOP Came To Blow Up America," which No. 3 of ?lrontgolllery County on Phila.
:/ FOR VICTORY was to star George Sanders. July ~9. 1943. to be entertained fOI' \\'illiam Hal'bison, 316 \V, Spring
New Cumberland Reception Cen- ,A\·C'l1uC', ,Anhnorc. l~or Pel'lIllUlCnts thnt consider
..' ...") with The actor, wllo hegan his career
ter. Robert :llo?re, 147 \Yalnut Ave" YOUH. Huh' llnd St)'les thut Suit
. Lieut. Mickey Cochrane of the , ~I UNITED STATES WAR in London as an opera singer a.lld YOU consult us.
John J, Scully, 144 Ar.noJd Rd., Ardmore.

/..:.:'~: :~." ·1~:';~, RAN0'S Hairdressing

navy and Ted Lyons .of the marines Iv was famous for his \Volfram in the
inspected their pre-war weapons
when they met at a navy benefit
-, 80NDS-STAMPS Gennan OIJerll '''rannhauser,''
didn't give the agent time to ex-
.... ;. ~ ;~'i;

plain further IJut went ,immediate- . .
~ Iy to Director Edwa:'d Ludwig to
(; . ,,~Dt,. Featuring the
tryout for the "Nazi' 'role. \Vall.-
v.;,,...W 4...
...'1Ill'f)~;',.} NEW COLD WAVE AND O'fnER WAVES
CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING ing Into Ludwig's olllce he picked
up an evening newspaper and Narberth
For Appolntmenu.
25 WORDS FOR SOc (In One Paper) Open '1'11\11'5.
started readi.ng the war disl'lltcheR
in 8uch a satisfactory guttur.al ac- Le~ture
Free on' Christian Science
I,OF] S JL\:-i 0
Hull' st~'lJst IUld FRr. EVES. Call NIII'berth 4270 ,
. MAIN LINER, HAVERFORD TOWNSHIP NEWS cent that he was immed,iately sign-
ed to the role,
BY ,
$1.40 FOR 4 PAPERS "They Camc to Blow Up Amer-
usk about Sllcclal monthly rates

Voters' Registration
You may ..end money order, stamps, or personal check. Address ica," now at the Boyd-Chester
all communications to Lower Merion Newspapers, Ardmore, Pa. Theatre, and Hoey will be seen in ~lcJ11bcl' of the Boarll of Lecturcshlll of tho. l\Iother Church,
CALL the important part of the Nazi The Fit'st Church of Clnist, Scientist, in Boston, l\tIISSa.CllUSCtts

Ardmore 5720 Greenwood 7740 Hilltop 3600Gestapo chief. IN

In addition to Sanders and Hoey, FOR. THE CONVENIENCE Ol~ ELEafORS OF
Anna Sten, 'Yard Bond and Sig

LOST AND FOUND PIANOS Ruman are east in this dynamic

film that tells the almost unbeliev-
Grands & Uprights able story of the training of s:tbo-

SUNDAY AFTERNOON, JULY 25, 1943 Narberth and Lower Merion

LOST-SU.NER PIN with turquoise
Quic\, Removal ltEGlSTRAnS l~RO~[ 'I'HE OFFICE OF TUE l\I01\'TGOl\lERY
hlue zircons, Friday, .luly 16. in Pianos Bought tteurs for the destruction of allied AT 3.30 O'CLOCK
BI'ookline. Heward. Call Hilltop Fall' Prices COUNT\: REGISTItA.TION COl\DIJSSION \VllJL BE AT
Courteous Men war plants Lee Marcus produced
and Careful 1'. HUGHES tho hit.
&: SON
'l'hc Following Cln'lstilul SCience Churches arc Co-operating:
REAL ESTATE AU. 7460 West 6184
All. 7450 .West 6164
ChCstCI' ProsJlCct Purk Swarthmore BOROUGH HALL, NARBERTH
DESIRABLE HOMES In excellent ]~venlngs Gra. 4629 UpllCl' Durbby Wa)'Ilc West Chester
communities at attractive prices. For
Sale or Rent.
WIl,f.lAlIl PUGlI HOUSEHOLD GOODS Estate Notices
816 Mont!!'omery Ave.. Cynwyd I~S1'A'1'E OF JOI-IN 1..:. AHDERN, late

room, ane' Idtchen furniture, Beds,
rUbs. and Orientals. marble furniture,
of :\'arberth, Montgomery County, I'll..
Letters testamentary on the abo\'e ~----- . --------- .._- ..... -, and at
lig"res, \8seS china, baby grand
Sewing Machines Rented by the week
or month. Singer Sewing Center, 67
pianos. sewing and washing ma-
chines, "'m go anywhere. Coleman,
Estate having been granted the un-
dersigned, all persons indebted to said
Lower Merion Township Building
E. Lancaster Ave., Ardmore. Phone 907 North 7th St" Philadelphia. Lom- Estate are rcqucsted to ll1alw 'immedi-
Ardmore 0256. b'lrd 9nl. ate payment, and those having legal
Claims, to present same without delay Y au' d better Ardmore
Inaster 'roaster, practical1y ne\\~t
F.34 lIIontgomery Court,
Window shades - Venetian Blinds $15. gverhot Electric Cool,er, table Narberth. Pa.
Linoleum model. thermostatically controUed. O.T. 6-24-6t TIME: 1 P. M. to 9 P. M.
HOnSON &: OWENS used once, $18. Phone evenings, HilI-
101:;.1011 I,Rncaster A\'e., Dr)'n Mawr. top 3366. It may be a long time before you can buy a new
Phone Bryn Mawr 1120 or 1131 This "ill llffOl'11 un OPllortunlt)' to electors of this urNI to trans-
of the Borough of Narberth, :Mont-
one. Let us help you keep your car in tip-top nct 1m)' voter's registration business tIley may lUlVC.
tlque; one sonotone, fine condition; gomery
MISCELLAN.EOUS !lne folding couch, CaU Hilltop 513~-J. Connty, deceased. Letters test·
amentary on the above Estate have shape. Let us prepare your car to give maximum The main Itcglstrutloll Qffleo In the Cuurt Housc ut Norristo\m
been granted to the undcrsigned, who "iii continue to be 0llCI1 dull)' from 8 A. 1\1. to 4. I>.1\[. (Snturdl\Y
UPHOLSTERING AND REPAIRING- WANTED requests all persons having claIms or performance. Our expert service is awaiting 8 A. )[. to 11oon) until Atlgllst 14, wilich Is Ule last day to register
Springs ot 3-plece suites rel'aired.
$10.00 ; chairs recovered, ~·5.00, Go MAIN LINI~ HOME wants a small demands against the Estate of the de·
anywhere. Call Lewis, \Vayne 149&. plano to store and use for the dura. cedent to mal,e known the same, and you! for the PrhnILl')' EIcctiOll. On August 11, the office "ill be 0llen
atlon. Will have good care. Call all persons Indebted to the decedent to
227 East Lancaster Ave.. 'Vayne, Pa.
Wayne 16~3. make payment, without delay, to COME' IN TODAY. - until D P. M.
NEEDED by the Main Line Federation MARIE-LOUISE DORAN WILLIAMS, Montgomery County Voters' Registration Commission
MIRRORS & GLASS of Churches, an express wagon, two Executrix,
NOW Is the time to rejuvenate your
bureaus In a dark color, and one bed-
side table. Telephone Ardmore 6354.
106 Forrest Avenue,
Narberth, Pennsylvania.
or her attorneys,
TAGYE, 7816 West Chester PIke WALTER J. SYMONS, Esq.
CASH PAID for used Sewing Machines, 123 South Broad Street AlmMORE 0aIl ABDMORlll 1825
Upper Darby. Custom made mIrrors;
reellverlng; remodeling: pictures treadle and electric. Singer Sewing Phlladelphla, Pa. FRED c.. PBTiERS
framed: furniture tops. Phone Blvd. Machine Co., 67 E. Lancaster Ave., PERCIVAL R. RIEDER, Esq.
aw- ,\,rdmore. Ardmore 0268. 402 De Kalb Street

July 22, 1943
FOUR . , -
Anxious Eyes Watch
._~:c_~e~t the I:'~ople •••'~ _,-'
QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS • .'-1"" • . ' I . ~.•.• ",:~ .. }

ABOUT (Each week In this space will be presented a picture

and word portrait of someone wnose nlUJle IS news.)
00 Po Ao PRICE PANEL eThe new war food administrator, Judge
Marvin Jones, has long been considered a
"natural" for that position by IIlany Washing-
Each week In this same space Ration Board office during of- ton observers.
the Price Panel of the Ardmol'e fice hours. eHe is a Texas farmer. In early New Deal
\\;ar Price and Rationing Board Qucs.-"'hY must I days he was chairman of the agricultural
committee, was a sponsor or author of much
wlll attempt to answer the most name'! Washington, D. c. (NWNS)- New Deal farm legislation, and once was
fl'equently asked questions about Ans.-Your name wlIl be treat- The President hll$ shown no signs considered for the post of secretary of agricul-
the Pr.ice Panel-what It Is-how ed cQnfidentlall~' at all times. You of being In a hurry for the return ture. Added to his agricultural background
ItS worlts-what It Is expected to can be sure of that. Signing your of congress from the recess which Is 36 years of legal and legislative experience.
accomplish. name Indicates It Is a well ~nten­ ern 1907 he received a law degree from the
It expects to enjoy untll Septemb- University of Texas. Ten years later he was
Ques.-·Who arc the memhers of tloned complaint. er 14. In fact, he Is probably elected to the United States house of repre-
the Price Panel? Qucs. 'Vhat happens when the breathing a lot elUller, IUl he tries sentathres, where he remained for two dec-
Ans.-Your neighbors who are Pl'lce Panel receives a complaint? to cope with the problems of our ades until 1940, when President Rocsevelt ap-
Ans.-Prlce Panel sc.nds a repre- domestic economy, by knowing that pointed him a judge of the United States
volunteers and have bcen chosen Court of Claims.
for theh' experience, ability and sentative to sec the merchant congress won't change his plans. eIn Washington he is known for his capable
fairness. against whom the complaint Is However, congress Is recessing diplomacY and deft handling of delicate situa-
Ques.-"'hat is the purpose ';;f made. The cclling price and the under different rules than usually tions. As chairman of the United Nations
reguJ[ttions are carcfully explain- apply to recesses. Ordinarily the food conference, it was his job to keep the
the Price Panel? delegates from running into dead end dis-
ed to thc merchant. In most cascs members can only be caned back
Ans.-The purpose Is two-fold. agreements. His work at that first interna-
the Pancl feels that the facts wiII by the President, but this recess tional conference of post war questions should
'1. To aRsist in informing the mer-
revcal a misunderstanding of the WIUl taken under a special arrange- well qualify nim for the diffiCUlt food prob- Judge Marvin
chants and the public as to the re;::-ulatlons b~' the merchn.nt rather lems that will follow the armistice. Jones
price ceilings and price rcgula- ment by which congress could be
than all Intent to vIolate them. called back by the vice president,
Ques.-Will merchant find out the speaker or the majority or mi- that the President's popularity rat- the following were rc-elceted.
2. To recel\'e and investigate com- name of perso.n making complaint? nority leaders. Thus, If congres- ing with the people will talcc a L. J. O·Nelll. Carnegie-Illinois
plaints as to violations in charg-
Ans.-No. The members of the sional leaders don't 111<0 the way jump while congress Is away. ',rhey Steel. P,lttsburgh,' Treasurer; Sam-
ing over cemng prices.
PI'lee P'tIlel wll\ be the only ones thing'S are going ~n Washington, point out that the limelight has uel O. 'Vynne. Philadelphia, Chief
Ques.-How should violations he
who wlIl know the names of those they can reopen this session at been on congress rather than on Cou.nsel; C. \V. Rhoades. North-
reported? making a complaint.
Ans.-If you arc charged a hlgh- any time. the Presidc.nt during l'ecent months umberland, Sergeant-at-Arms; F.
el' than ceiling pricc on any article. Ques.-'Vhat happens .If com- This Is thE:' first formal recess and, with congressmen away from B. Titus. Lansdowne. Secretary; D.
report this In writing to ~'our local plaints continue to be received congress hlUl had since 1938. Dur- 'Vashington, the President's activi- T. l\lcKel\'()Y, 'Vl\.l'es-Bal're and
Rationing Board. g.i\'lng the follow- about the same mCI'chants? Ing that time there has becn a ties wlll once more be the center of Hazelto.n A uta Eus Co., Hazleton,
ing' Information: Ans.-The merchant wl11 be grcat change In the politics anll attention. 'l'hcy predict further :Lnd John G. Good. 'Vllllamsport,
1. Xallle a.nd arldresR of storc. called to appeal' before the Price the activity of congress. Until the that If some of OUt' domestic proh- member" of the Executive Com-
2. Complete dcscdption of ar- Panel ,tnd if he refuses to comply last election, congress was thought lems, such as food production, mittee.
with thc cstabllshed price ceilings of morE:' and more as merely a turn out better than expected, the
3. The price charged. hc wlll be reported to the D.istrlct "rubber stamp" body which would President Is now more apt to get
4. 'L'he date of pUl·chase. l-leadqual'ters of O.P.A. From this give Its approval to anything the the credit.
5. Your name and address. tillle on it is out of the hands of President requested.
G. Mail compla.int or bring It to the Price Panel. Re.::entih however, It has dem-
onHtl'ut('d its independence of the Lower Merion Chief
administration on several occa- Heads Police Group You can forge I Ihe Iloal
Whon you Lunch at Iha
Civilian Defense.. . .Continued sions. It put through pay-us-you-
go tax lcg~slatlon which was con- Samucl 'v. Gerhart, Superin- AIR.CONDITiONED
(Continued from Page 1) In Europe food Is dispensed at schooL and Is the one meal of the
day. Quietly and ordel'lY they await their turn fo.r there Is no food at t!'ary to the administration's plan; tendent of Police of Lower Mel'lon
home. Agencies supported by our United War Chest dollars will help It passed anti-strike legislation Township, Al'dmore, today held the
build a new generation of strong and healthy citizens. over the Preslde.nt's veto and It Presidency of the Pennsylvania
American soldiers overseas except those in Alaska, Hawaii, gave him the power to grant sub- Chiefs of Police Association, suc-

'l-N;~s ~f~~~'M;n &1

Panama Canal Zone, and Puerto Rico may now send money sidies to keep food prices down b~' ceeding H. S. Carey, Altoona. II's reolly cool ond comfort-
o.nly one vote. Now. after rebelling o ble ... food is of the best...
home by radio. In a recent week more than 9,000 soldiers sent Letters From Our Men Other ofiicers elected at the clos-
and cooked os you like It.
against an administration-dictated ing session of the 30th annual con-
nearly $1,000,000, in amounts of $10 or more, with no maxi-
mum limit. Money may be transmitted to an individual payee, In Service ._...
Women in Service
• • --..6
home economic program, the con-
gressmen wl11 have an opportunity
fel'ence yesterday were:
Theodore Hallowell. Cheltenham
LUNCH from 60c
or to a bank. The process is speedy and sure. If a soldier de- to check with their home folks on
Township, Elkins Park. 1st Vlce-
Robert C. Chapin, son of Mr. what they think of It all.
sires to do so, he may also purchase war bonds by this method. Camp Lee, Va.
and 1\lt's. Robert C. Chapin. of 216
Presldc.nt; Leo D. Coleman, Pitts-
July 18, 1943 In most sections' of the country burgh Railways. Pittsburgh, 2nd
8 MILLION POUNDS OF WASTE FATS Sabine Ave., In Narberth, was it .Is cxpected that the people will
To the Editor:
graduated as 0. second lieutenant make it clear to their congressmen Vice-President; Lawrence Kendig,
American housewives salvaged almost 8 million pound of I 'wish to eXpress my deep, ap- fl'om the school of navigation of the that they heartily endorse their re- Plymouth, 3rd Vice-President, and
preciation for the swell present
waste kitchen fats in May-highest total since the fats and given on my Induction Into the Army All' FOl'ces at Hondo Field, ce.nt activities. If that Is true, we
grease salvage program was started. This result surprised of- Army by the Narberth CItizens Texas, on July 15. can thcn expect to find the return-
ficials who said that a drop might have been expected because Committee. I know of no other ness His mother went to Texas to wit- Ing congress even more ready to STATE INSPECTION
way you could ha\'e expressed Nar- the graduation ceremonies, bucle the administration on any
meats and fats have' been rationed since March. Nevertheless, the bcrth's sentiments to inductees. and Is spending two weeks at San proposals which' do not directly af- The dead line for having your car inspected is
8 million pounds is only about 50 per cent. of the needed quota Each gift has been put to vel'y Antonio. She will return to Nal"- fect the war effort. So far con-
of 16,667,000 pounds per month. good, use. Thcy al'e all usefUl gifts berth on Wednesday. gl'ess has continucd to leave the JULY 31
that other service men envY. You The Army has announced the war program under the direction
ROLLBACK OF VEGETABLE PRICES have no Idea how many soldierS promotion of William 'V. Wentz of the President and wl11 probably Don't Delay-. Do it Now!
A from the rank of Staff Sergcant to continue to grant whatever appro-
Effective July 20, a rollback of about 25 per cent. in the now Itnow of Narbel'th, Pa.
darned nice town! First Sergeant.
price of lettuce and 50 per cent. in the price of cabbage was or- Again. please expl'ess illY yery Sgt. 'Wentz Is the son of Mrs. Wal- I,eep OUl' ::u'med forces and thosc
priations he says are needed to
dered by the OPA. This was the first step in the price to cut thanlcful sentiments to those who ton 1\1. 'VentI'. and the late Ml'. ·,V. of our allies functioning with max- 214 BALA AVEo, CYNWYD
back the excessive prices of fresh fruits and vegetables to keep made such practical gifts possible. M. 'Ventz, of 2005 'Vayne Ave., Nar- imum eftlclency. CYNWYD 7981 TRINITY 1166
I know all the othcl' Narbertli men bel·th. He was graduated from Some political experts believe
the cost of living down. feel likewise. Lowel' Merion High School In 1939,
OPA will continue to establish community-wide prices on
Kindest regards,

and was within six months of grad-
Morris B. 'Vatson. uating from the Pennsylvania State
o • College at the time of his Induction
.... . .. --- - .
------- . •

foods sold at retail, even though it has recently issued over-all To the Editor:
fixed mark-up regulations. The housewife cannot easily tell I want to thank you for the gifts
,in October, 1942.
Sgt. 'VentI'., who majored In for-
Peace of Mind • • •
I received on my departul'e for the estl'y while he was In college, is
whether a storekeeper has made his prices by the markup method Hcn-ice. 1 rea Ily appreciate them stationed at the engineer unit traln- While you are vacationing,
and that is the reason OPA will proceed with community-wide and it is swell to Imow you arc ing center at Camp Claiborne,
not forgotten, It helps a soldier's Louisiana. He Is In a forestry bat-
maximums. store your Silver Service and
mOl'ale a great deal. tallon.
Bernard Cantagalll,
130 Boys Take Part with n bottle of 12-ycar-old Span- Fort Bctlvyoil', Va. WE MU~ 1 KNOw "WHY" other valuables in our large,
Ish hmndy. which his good . wife
• • • AS WELL AS "HOW"
In Swimming Meet
1)I'omptly stowed away fa.!' use on Pllllrmacy Is a profession in
New cumbct'land.
special occasions only. June 18, 1943
which knowledge lUld accuracy
arc dtal. It is lmporttult that fireproof vault. ".
(Continued from Page 1) 0 * 0 To the Editor: your phanlluclst know why a
Lfl.fferty, Radnor 1. "Where's Philip Living-stan these This is merely the heartfelt ap-' Narberth 2430 drug Is Included in a prescriP-
60-yard free style: Cox, Penn days '!" is a. question IloSE:'d to us preclatlon of one more of the very tion, llnd iml)()rtlUlt Ullit be fill
Wynne1 1; Behney, Bala. 3; Laird, occasionally, l'o, for the' benefit of many men (and now boys) whom Jeddo-Highland Coal it properly.
Ardmoro 2. all and sundl'y, we announced that ~arberth has sent off to the war.
Diving: Thompson, Ardmore 1; Philip is employed by the Army
SocoDy-Vacuum Fuel Oil SHEA'S The National Bank 0/ Narberth
It had a double effect. on me,
Eyre, Pc'ln 'Vynne 1; Laird, Ard- Ordnance DelHlrtlnent. retains his at least. that wonderful farewell Koppers Coke AT NARBERrrH STATION MEMBER OF TIlE FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM
more 2, and Whitley, Ardmore 6. c1yllian status, and Is in charge of package, It was tOllgh to leave
• ]{arbcl~ 2838-2839
tied for third. a publication unit in Philadelphia.
an~·how. and the full realization of
Underwatp.r swim: Thompson, ' Thcy arc engaged In pI'eparing cat- what a warm-hearted little to'Wn I
Ardmore 1; Bell, ArdmOl'e 2; Jones. alogs and othel' tomes of a .refer- was leaving made It all the tougher.
---- ....
Al'dmore 6, and Behney, Balli. 3, ence nature. on all the yarlous On the other hand. It gives a con-
tied for third. types of .0rdnancE:'. Philip reports fused rookie great assurance to
Les Langan and C. Edward Land that he Is 'Working 1I1te h--I, en- know that the folks at home are
directed the meet. joys It thoroughly and getting a
lot of satisfaction from doing behind him not only chronological-
Service With A
The Grist Mill
something Important to the war ef-
ly and geographically. but splrlt-
fort and yet up his aliey IUl a print- "ually. too. It wall thoughtful and
FOOD POrlonal Inltru(:tion, n~t JUI'

o1aaaroom lecturing. Helpful lor
Col' and publisher. (U. S. In case kind and swell and a thousand
WILL HELP WIN neau!ara" "BogiDD_'
u wel1 u '\
(Contlnt'cd from Page 1) yoU had forgotten, Phlllp Is a form- other things that I can feel but not
er editor and pUblisher of this saY. • TWO·HOUR LESSONS
few days later he was assigned to It has bcen very hard to convlncc THE WAR
Instruct his first class. Tlle lowest
ranking officer taking the course
'Was a major. After standing a few
minutes outside the classroom door.
paper. )
o o •
Anyone who tries to sell Kathryn
Laffen. the attractive young lady
the bo~'s In the barmcl,s that
home town really did all that, but
It 'will be even harder to forget
Narberth. T'flls Is worth fighting

Don't Waste It!

Only • o

who 1,eeps l\[essrR. Durbin and

the new lieutenant gulped thrice
Howard's books and business af- fot'.
Though our goodnatured grin may be rmssmg
and entered. Strldlngly briskly to Very gratefullY,
fairs In order, a. bill of political
the front of the platform he IlItld In
a. loud, clear voice. 'I suppose there
are at least ten thousand officers In
goods Is due for a surprise. 'l'hat
young woman has a mind of hel'
Bob Rowan.


We're not grouchy, we're just absorbed in the
struggle of doing a herculian task with which all .•
the United States who know more
own and doesn't fall fOI' the usual
line of political patter. It's an atti-
Next Stop? FOOD MARKET SEWINO CINTla laundries are now confronted-that of handling
about this subject than I do.' . He
tude \\ e cou:d u:;e mOI'e of-Intel- •
paused. Then: 'But I see none of
ligent appraisal bascd on Imowl- 237 HAVERFORD AVE. 57 E. LANOASTER AVE. a "mountain" of laundry work. Our job can be'
them here tOday-so I shall go
right ahead and speak freely,'
From that moment the kid had the
edge of the facts.
Our operatives report that Betty
Narberth 3668

. . . . _. ---
Ardmore 0256 eased a bit if you will hold your laundry to a -·
majors, colonels and bl'lgadlel's minimum, sending only what you absolutely
Grace, the comely and personable
right In his pocltet.
Got us too . . ,"
The new lieutenant was Richard
M. Cabrey, who was Inducted Into
red-haired lass who graces (no
pun) on'" of Ralph Dunne's mod-
ernisth: dellkos, will be leaving town
shortly for California to add a Mrs.
Today there are fewer of us to serve more of ..•
tho Army In .March of 1942 and got you, your cooperation is urgently needed. May
his First Lieutenant's silver bar In
to her name. Her fiance Is- 111 the •
April of this year. Lt. Cabrey Is A.rmy. we count on you?
the son of Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Cab-
rcy, Narberth and Windsor Aves.
o •
GD Over the Top in

Like Manna from heaven and June Bond Sales o

just as unexpected was the fourth

dividend payment made this 'Week
by the late, lamented Merion Title
The Emergency Aid Bond Bootb
at Haverford and Forrest AvE:'s., "A Certified Lawulry" ••
and Trust Company. We heard of Narberth, won the 1\lal:l Line ban-
ner for the month of June for the
one unthrifty fellow who was so
overcome by the dividend, amount- sale of bonds. A United States coa::tguardsman ARDMORE
Ing In his case to six or eight dol- The total· sale of bonds-nO .In a North African port consults
stamps Included-was $7925. Mrs. this signpost and wonders where he
lars, that he sped posthaste to the ,will go next.
Ardmore liquor store and came out Lewis V. Hamsher Is chairman.

-i'••··.·.'_., ... .! " -,':. ~

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