UNIT 1 You're Cordially Invited: Brainstorming

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UNIT 1 You’re Cordially Invited

Activity 1

Look at the following pictures and say what activities they represent?

…………………………………………… …………………………………….. ………………………………………………….

Listening Section
Activity 2
Identify the words while you are listening to the recording by giving a thick (√)
after the words.

Dear gratitude sand achieve discussion valuable

improve sales mistakes presentation venue highlight
fun agenda meeting receive invitation requested
Approve plan scheduled cordially goals understand

Activity 3
Match the word in column A with the closest meaning in column B


1. addressee /ˌæd.resˈiː/ a. please reply

2. attire /əˈtaɪr/  b. file that is sent together with an email
3. colleague /ˈkɑː.liːɡ/ c. cc: to send a copy of an email to someone
4. attendance /əˈten.dəns/ d. making an arrangement certain or fixed
5. RSVP e. clothes, especially of a particular or formal type
6. Invite /ɪnˈvaɪt/ f. a greeting in words used at the beginning of a letter
7. sincerely  /sɪnˈsɪr.li/ g. a special or formal event
8. occasion /əˈkeɪ.ʒən/ h. to ask or request someone to go to an event
9. attachment /əˈtætʃ.mənt/ i. a person whose name or address is written on a letter or
10.venue /ˈven.juː/ parcel
11.carbon copy /ˌkɑːr.bən j. send someone written message by phone
ˈkɑː.pi/ k. presence
12.text /tekst/ l. honestly and without pretending or lying
13.salutation /ˌsæl.jəˈteɪ.ʃən/ f m. one of a group of people who work together
14.annual /ˈæn.ju.əl/ o n. the place where a public event or meeting happens
15.confirmation /ˌkɑːn.fɚ o. relating to a period of one year
ˈmeɪ.ʃən/ d

Activity 4

Supply the missing word with the word in column A, make a change if necessary.
1. He has a good working relationship with ……… to accomplish this project.
2. She ……….. a lot of people to the party but half of them didn't turn up.
3. We are still awaiting ……… of the exact number of casualties.
4. Please check that the ……… name was spelled correctly on the letter before you send it.
5. I hate it when people …… me on emails that have nothing to do with me.
6. I got a party invitation in the post, and I called to ………..
7. I hardly think jeans are appropriate ………for a wedding.
8. At the wedding he sang a song specially written for the ………..
9. The word ……… is used at the end of a formal letter before you sign your name.
10. He failed the course because of his poor record of ………….
11. The stadium has been specifically designed as a ……….. for the matches.
12. Start your letter with the …………… "Dear Sir."
13. I …………. her to arrange a time to meet.
14. Do not click on an email …………. unless it is from a reliable source.
15. Companies publish ………….. reports to inform the public about the previous year's activities

Activity 5

Observe the letter and answer the questions.

January 13th ,2019

Dear all,
I would like to express my personal gratitude for working so well as a team and being able to
achieve last year’s target. I’m sure there were valuable lessons learned from few mistakes made, however,
we learn and improve through our mistakes.
This new year brings along new challenges and goals that cannot be achieved without a
contribution of everyone on this team.
In order to discuss this year’s work plan and to highlight each member’s role, a meeting has been
scheduled for Wednesday January 23 rd , 2019 in the conference room at 9 a.m. The team leaders are
requested to make a 15 to 20 minutes presentation that covers last year’s achievements and next year’s
plans. Any additional agenda regarding resource and funds allocation may also be included in the

Please acknowledge receipt of this invitation as usual.

Dave Thomson
1. What is the purpose of the letter?
2. In your opinion, who is Dave Thomson?
3. Who will attend the meeting?
4. How long do the team leaders have time to prepare the presentation?
5. What things may the team leaders present during the meeting?
6. Please write down summary of the letter by completing this form bellow:
Date of letter :
Salutation :
Agenda :
Time :
Venue :

FORMAL INVITATION is an invitation which follows a dignified form, tone, or style in agreement with
the established norms, customs, or values

The format of a formal invitation:

1. Put the organization or host’s logo at the top of the invitation
2. Write the host’s full name
3. Extend the invitation, such as “request your presence” or “cordially invites you to attend” , etc.
4. Provide information about the event, “a breakfast”, “an award ceremony”, “reception” , etc.
5. State the purpose of the event,
6. Provide the date of the event
7. Write the time of the event in full
8. Provide the location of the event and its street address (venue)
9. Provide special instructions (if any)
10. Include your RSVP (please respond) information

Responding to written formal invitations

 Formal invitation should be responded
 Replies have to be handwritten.
 Reason should be briefly stated for declining the invitation.
For example;
Mr. and Mrs. Jusuf accept the invitation with pleasure
Mr. Hatta regrets to decline the invitation due to health reason

Reading Section
Activity 6

Pay attention to the invitation bellow, then say whether the statements are true or

No Statement True False

1. The text tells us about an event held at school.
2. Parents are able to accociate with teachers during the event.
3. Students have to come to school with their parents.
4. Parents should wear formal clothes at the event.
5. The school held a big sport competition.
6. All of the excitements must be carried out in a team.
7. Parents have to come to the site earlier than their children.
8. There will be no class on 11 September.

Activity 7

Pay attention to the invitation bellow, identify the structure by completing the term.

Time The kind of event Phrasing of the invitation Date

Venue Request to response Special instruction Name of the hosts
Mr. and Mrs. Handoyo
cordially request the pleasure of your company
On the wedding ceremony of their daughter
Deva with Santy

On Saturday, the twelfth of February

At seven o’clock
in Rajawali Ballroom Spectra Hotel
R.S.V.P hors d’oeuvres before dinner
will be served
Julia 08984417165

Activity 8

Based on the letter on activity 7, answer the questions bellow.

1. What is the purpose of the text?
2. Is it a formal event? Justify your answer.
3. “…cordially request the pleasure of your company…”
The word company here has the meaning of ….
4. Do you think that the invitation is a good one? Give your reason.
5. What kind of cuisine will be served before dinner?
6. Mr. Mike Andrew got the invitation. He planned to join the event. What should he do?
7. Unfortunately, Ms. Kartika won’t able to attend the event because she has to accompany her mother
having a trip overseas. How should she text Julia?

Activity 9

Read and compare this text with the text in Activity 6

13th April 2019

Ms. Judith Smith
Corpversity Educational organization

Subject: Letter of business invitation for attending an Educational Seminar event.

Respected Sir,

I would like to invite you on behalf of Zebronic Seminar Services to attend the inauguration of our
new business at Chennai city on Monday at 8 pm. It is our pleasure to have you as one of our
esteemed guests as you always have been good partners in other businesses for a long time. We are
hoping to get the same support this time too.
You are requested to come as early as possible so that we can arrange you a comfortable seat.
Please do inform us if you are coming or not.
I hope that you are surely going to come on that day and make the event a success with your

Thanking You

Yours truly,
Adam Kennedy
1. Whom does Adam Kennedy send the letter to?
2. What kind of event is described in the letter?
3. “ … We are hoping to get the same support this time too…”
The word this time refers to ….
4. What may Ms. Judith Smith do after reading the invitation?
5. Why does Adam Kennedy regard Ms. Judith Smith as an esteemed guest?
6. What kind of institution does Adam Kennedy work?
7. How is Adam Kennedy’s feeling if Ms. Judith Smith declines the invitation? Justify your answer.
8. hat does Jason thank for?
9. Whom does Jason address this letter to?
10. What does Jason want for the future?
11. Do you often send this kind of letter?
12. Do you know how to send this kind of letter? Tell your friend how.

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