Our Town April 8, 1943

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C01H~U!ll TY
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OUR ....
T ,. ~, '~

.' ,'" .

Civilian Defense Informatioa J~I ClUB TO AID IN
======-D WAn LOAN OliVE.
PORK AND OTHER MEATS $11,600 in Bonds
• Dollars-and-cents price ceilings on all cuts of fresh, smoked
Sold At Booth Youthful Soloists andlorganization Perfected; Chairmen Named
IOd trozen pork :Ire nuw in effect. Hetailers must post the of-
licial pork price list in their meat departments and must also In Two Months H. S. Orchestra in Narberth, Bala-Cynwyd, Merion,
Jisplay the ceiling price in the form of a price ticket or sign near
With lh" IIpl·ninl.( ot till' :-;('('ond
In Music Festival Ardmore and Bryn l\lawr; Asking
. ,ill pork cuts on display.
Beginning April 15. all meal retailers will he relJuired [0
\\'al' Loall I 'I'i\'e 011 April 12. the People to Invest, Not to Give
Two high school orchest.ra>l and
..rrorlH of the \\'omen's cOJlllllllnlty
post the official price list for beef, veal, lJmb and Illutton. ('I"h or :\'al'iH'rth will be dp\,oted four soloists chosen from eight :-;al'lwrlh and Lowl'r Merion ""rfeeted itH organization machinery
• -:itores may sell for less hut will not be permitted to sell for more to ,,·lling- \\'al' Bonds and :-;tamps Bchools In the Main 1~lne arell 'Will
thi,. week for thc l'lp..,ond War ol..an Drive.
than the established ceiling prices for the class uf store to which be featured at a Youth l\1UHie Jo'..,.,- Meetlng-s were hE'ld Wednt',.day In Bryn Mawr. Ardmore, Narberth

.'. they belong,

for ('rOt'liit on a hOInber.
'1'1", l'on1lllltll'P ill phal'Kl' of the
There will he two sets of prices-one for independen l \\'al' Loall ill :\'arlJl'l'th iH h ..aded Radnor High Hchool alldltorlum.
Wayne, under the auspices of the
lnd Merion at which :-;anlupi 1<. Mc(·onn ...ll. Jr .. Ardmore commissioner
tlv\'al to be held April 1 ti at thE'
and chall'man of tllP drl\·,'. toltl of th,· or'ganlzatlon planA.
~' HpI'ord llIadE' hy the lower Main
,tares whose annual volume of business is under S250,ouo, the h~' ('al'l :-Iptzgl'r. A goal III' $4011.- Lirll' in p"p\'lolIs .<Iri...v,. Is laggin&,
other for chain stores and stores with annual sales ()\'er -2S0,- Oll" has I,p"n HE'! for th .. :\Iaill Line
Trl-County Concerts Msoclatlon. G.o.P. Chairman to llt'hilld oth"I' H...etlon" dl'splte the
Soloists. chollen after auditions
I )()(J.
:l.... II. anll :-;'arb.. rth will takp an ap- MRS, W. j;~ CAHILL Attend Dedication fad that tIll' Main Line l.q one of
. Hetailers who reduce point values to prevent spoilage of tin' par·t in atlpmptinllJ.( to I'ai"p
had been held for 20 contestants,
will be Wallace Cartel', 17, flutist, of Jefferson Memorial
tlw w .."llhlpst I'l'sidential suburbs


thl" amOllnt 1>~. Api'll 311. In rp- in tIll' l·nit ... t1 Htates. Part of the
meats or fats rationed untier the Red stamp program are re- from Havertorrl Town>lhlp High Lloyd H. Wood. l\1ontgOll1er)' r ...a"on 1'01' tid" is that many Main
turn. tilt, g-O\"prnlllfOnt ha~ a~rt'I'c1 to
quired to reduce the dollars and cents price as well by at least School; CharlNI Murray, 8, pian- L'ounty legislator and chairman of IAnerH makl' t h ... lr· contrlbutlons In
nnlllP a hondH'!' "Main Liner,"
2S percent off the ceiling price. If retailers wish to reduce the Ist. from Hoyer-Greaves SchOOl for the Montgomel'y County H.epubll- Phtlarl ... lphia and their U. S. War
~inc'(' .lanl1:tr~· :n, thl' rnPlllht'rs
point value 'by more than 25 percent. they must make a carre- the Blind. Paoli; Harold Wright. can Committcl'. will attend the d<'d- Bond inn'Atllll'nts arf> crl'dlted to
of ttlt' \\"olllt'n's t '11111 ha\'p Illannf"d
,ponding price reduction. The selling prIce, however, need not th,' 1':1II1'rKl,nn' Aid hond hooth at
tle reduced by more than gO percent of the ceiling price. It pomt lIa\""'fol'tI :1 no! 1"'1I'I'.. st A\'('H .. ,Iaily
fOR RED CflOSS HERE 16, elarlnetlst, from Radnor Hlgh
Hchool. and Mary Jane Bones. 14.
coloratura soprano from :-;\. Kath-
\l'ation of the Jefferson Memol'lal t h... c.. nt ral .-ity total.
at Washington on April 13 as a. AI all f"lIr mee.tinRs Mcconnell
pxpillinptl that this handiC'ap had
reductions are made. the retailer is reljuired to post 110th the ar,,1 Halt'.' 1'0" thp AllPcial homh ... r E'tine's Hchool. Cayne. . member of the Thollias Jefferson
official point value and the ceiling price, as well as the reduced (,;llllp:ti~n c1l1l'lIH~ .\pril \\ 11\ he ('011- Campaign Nears The two orchestras. alHo chosen,Blc<'nlennial ('lllllllllsSlon of 1'1'nn-
hE'... n rlg-ht"ll "nrl that hE'reafter In-
point value and reduced selling price. H~ must also state that. he tl1lc'! \'f1 fl"llfll t Ilt're.
'· ...stlll ... ntH of :-;'arhprth and Lower
Close With Best from competition. will be the Low- sy~~allia. lIlpr\on l'pHidpnts wOIII,1 lw made di-
IS selling helow the official point value 111 order to prn'ent Im- All I,onds or st:llllils sold (ll1l'ing-\ "'1' Merion Henlor High School or- 1 ne Will al"o partlcipat" in the
rl'l't to th ... :\Iain I..Inl' drlvo or
minent spoilage of a perishal1 le item. :\ pri l. PXf'Ppt pay roll dptlu('t ion~ 01' Record in History chestra under the direction of Dr. lccremonll'll marking the 20Uth an-
wOlllrl lw lall'r crp,litt'll to the lo{'al
. Bru('e ~:. Bea('h. whose son. Bruce nlversary of Jpfferson' llirth to I'" H
A B C and D series of "red" stamps need not he used up thosp Holl! th"oll"h banks 01' post- funrl.
~Ior" th'tn $4500 hal' h...... n col- B. I3each, wllI play an obe solo with held April 14 in th" House Challl-
during 'th~ week in which they hecome valid. They are ,Rood offtcPH 'Will 1'''"llt to",ard tl1<' Hl'ading th" 1'''lIlpaigns In tht'
~ny time up to April ,0
inclusi\·e. "B" stamps 11~came valid o~ hom her.
April 4--C and [) st:lIl1P~ j'ecol11e valid on j\prl1 11 and AprIl
~II'H. I.nub ..\
!<'Cl"rl. to datp in Ihe 1943 Red the o,J'(~hestra and the Ha\'erford' b... r at
IloJll~hpr. whn i~ I 'ross W'\I' 1·'lInd J)ri\'~ in J"arbt:>rth. Junior High School orche"tra un- nor Ed-ward MILI'Un will pl'eHidl'.
H.arrIAhul·g at Which t,o\"'r-
fOllr locallti",. In which the Main
Lin ... t,'r'l'ltory hal' I)(>l,n dlvLded arc
in lohan.{p of IllHnnin~ th.' booth. accoromK to Mr". \Vtllialll .1. ('a- del' the direction of D. H.ay Yel·gpr. Wood. a Hepl·l·"entatl\,l' In lhl' ('al'l B. M('tzg,'r. Jr., for' Narberth
hill. major for the Borough. General ARsembly fr'om the ounty'H
18 respectively. ponitE'cl Ollt thi" w'· ... k that thos<'
\Vith IlH' eampal~n ('xtpnded to I "J Third l>llltrlet. Is I'",col'ding ",'CI'('-
Borollg h : ,'Iarpncl' E. Hall, for
ApI'il 17. ~lrA. ('ahlll said Ihat Ahe H. H. FranCIS, r.,
ha\,ing fill"'! HI:lIIlP hooks Illay Merion. Balll-ynwyd. I't'nn Valley.
tary of the Jeff"I'HOn Bil'l'nll'l1llial
PROTECT YOUR VICTORY GARDENS- hrinR tllt'111 tn th" Ilo"t.h an,1 ('x-
l'han~l' thE'1ll for honds which will pxp('ct"d .scatt ... rf'o(\ pontributions Gets Promotion '·ommissioll.
I'I'n"o~',1 and ,VeAt Manayunk;
.Iall"'s L, (;arrlinPl' for :111 the Ard-
frolll indl"lduaIA and huslness --------
KEEP YOUR DOG AT HOME Ill' "r"llit('d towaro 111<' quota.
hOIlH"" to bring tIlt' total to at least
l\l'twP"n J"nl""'~' 31 tlld April 1. $46DO and lwrhaps mort'. ~peelal of H. H. F.t·ancl~. 15 K I:>prlng
Harry D. I.>~rancls. Jr .. I'aoli. son Penn Valley Club rnor" lli"t ricl>..
\\'ynnewooll an,l Glodwynp: 1)('
and Hav('rford.
The larRe number of Victory .e:ardens planned in the com- 1111' ,'llIhw"Ill"n ha\· ... Hold $11.60 0 \ p ... \,lln for nr~'n Maw.r. Rosemont
munity has brought many questions to the ~:ouncil of Defense il'l 11011(1:-: at g-ifls and conlrihutlonR made in the A\·e .. Ardmore. has be... n promoted To Meet Monday
city which will lat ... r hp pt'pditpd to to ~'ln;t Lieutenant according to
thp EnH'rI{PIH'Y Aid
The I'enn Valley Gardcn' '11111 anti VlIhlnova.
relative to damage already done, :ll1d posslhle future ~all1age hoot h an,1 $1408.00 In stamps. McConn ... 11 al"O annollnced th ...
"'al'hel'th may hrln/>\, Ill(> lotal <"'('n word r ... cel\·cd from headquarters \vill Ille"t 'Ill 'lon·'a'· at 10.3U A,M.
that may be done. to this vital war effort hy dogs peTll1ltted to TIl"H" Hall'A w ... r(' cr... dlt('d toward higher. of the All' Service command at ~"u , forl1lallon "I' a pllhlklty committee
th,. homl)('1' chriHI"nell thiA w,,('k. Mrs. ('ahill anrl h ... I' captains Paterson 1<'leld Ohio. at the Parish HouRl' of All SaintS this w('ek 1·.,l11pos... <1 of th ... folloW-
run at large, od
Dog; owners in the neighhorhood are aware. of course, of "Jo:TTIl'rR('n('y Airl." I1It'rll high pralAP for the "plendlrl Lt. Francis Is a graduate of Loow- ('hu,·..,h, \Vynnewo . ing ml'll1ht'rH.
the regulations that require that dogs be on leash, or he kept r""II11s th ... ~. ha'.... ohtained in Nar- eor Merion High Hchool and later A garden forullI will b" I,·d \,y \toh ...,·t ('am,·ron. l·hairman. \\'11-

on the owners' ground~. Where dogs are reported. running

loose, they are taken off the hi~h\\o:ays and held until owners
WOMEN TO HEAR h"rth. wh"re last ypar fht' H ... d attended Notre Dame and Temple Mrs. E. ('. I'.n·" and Mn<. .1. II. liarn E. Kanll'n!zl·. A. E. Hlck ... r-
l'ross collpl.t ... rl ahout $1400. Universities. Prior to entt'l'ing t he McGovern. son. :\II,.H ~ancy :'l'... ly. Raymond
"Thf> r ...AponA... of the peopl ... of service he operated his own lLUtO- The clu\)' Hl,x"l'lIri\'(' boai'll m"t !toth . .1o"pph :l1,·r·'·:llly. and O ...org...
caIl for them, providing the dog IS licensed. If the dog has no
till' Roroug-h hal' be... n magnlfl- mobilc agency. H.e Is now in th ... on Wedne2day at lilt' horne of MrHo \'\Talkl'r.

A' great deal of hard work ~s .being put. 111.10 the crea~lo~
license the animal is not returned. . . . DR RUT'HERfORD " .. nt." says Mrs. (.ahill, "an.d 1 want Supply Division of the Air H,'n'iep I<;, S. :'Ilarl ...irn. Flat Ito"k Ittl,. 1"'l1n
I Vall ... )'.
M ... rllh... rH of Ih" ,liAtrlctR commit-
1f'I'H. 'who will lllak" th ... nei~hbor­
of Victory Gardens this year. and 11 IS the pa.tnotlc duty of ~ver)
to thank. as w<'11. thl' captains anq Command.
I hoo,1 ('ontacts. will hf> announced
dog owner to see tha' his dog is not permItted. to des.tro) ,any Woman Attorney. to thpir work"r" who ha'· ... rlont' such nt'xt wPf'l,.


part of this valuahle potential crop of food. It IS posslhle,.
lhat dogs, incurring the anger of gardeners, may, be pums e i
unduly. For the sake of the dog', therefore" as well, he shoull
DI"scuss Crime
Prevention, Parole
l\ Mrs,
finf' ('ahill
job." was a"'llsted hy MrR-\
n ...o,·J.(l' Alberta, MrH. ean Dickie.
fiRST NIGHTS fROM .\1 :tll th,' "iHtript rn ...... lln~ th/'
('ll.ti1'I11:t1\ ~t.1"f'SSf'I] thp fnct that th('
S"l'on,l \\'a I' 1,oa n WlIH planned to

'Bro',~.n{,ll. HIKI'N'C'AC'8,EA,',G,E back liP ,..ol,ll"rA al th... fightlnl:' ,

11e kept in his prescribed area,

- 'O"-W'-'-"~'TO'


.., \)1'. :II. 1,0u1He Ituthpl'fOl'd. llt'pu- thy Mrs, ,RObert
Patin. Mrs. Louise
ty ,\tto.rney (;'ofIt'ral of l'ennsyl\'a- :Mrs. Marie eu~Ck, Mrs, Salvatore
nill. will speak onp "cdme pre\'en- Frlttrmtonl. ·Vl"fl. M"arY'M'\'l,"ket. M'\"8r
Mr8. Doro-

' ,.
HOME ARE TOUGH rront" Tn ,,11 tho,.c who partld-
pated. I", said. it was Important to
point ,,"l that t h"'y were not do-
I ~'lJll ,.nd l".trol " at a lun('heon Ingeborg Robb. Mrs. Mary ('lear.
H PARS After That, Clouds nntlng- to a callst' hut making 0.
1I'l'l'ling or' Illp Lowl'l' ;\\"prlon-:"al'- MrA. ean G~orge and 'Valter G .
IIt'rti, ,'''lInl'll or \{p\>uhlkan \\'0111- (ContinuN! lin Pag-e 3)
Day Camp Will AOllnll in\"'Htnwnt in tlw futllre of

This is the seventh of a series of "qu~st·ions a9d.~rnsweTs" ,'n .'11 .$I,,·il L;\ at 1 I', ~I at \\'hllp- Be Held at Lift and a Good till'i,- llwn (~o\"f'rnnlPnt.
~1(>lntll'I'~ of the pxp('utivf' conl-
published in behalf of the women i~ this area w~o are lI1terested haJJ. Ha\' ... rford.
Publish Bulletin for Wynnewood Site Time is Had by All rllitt ..." who work ....,l 'wlth halrma n
in joining the Navy's W 1\ VES or Coast Gu~r~ SP.ARS. r~. Ill'. Huth"rfol'll IS till' only wum- 1\1 "t",,"I' in "arh"rth aTf>:
Q, Supposing that I am accepted for trall1lllg III the W ~ \ E;:, all "IO'llll",r "f a '·Ollllllltt..." ap- Local Girl Scouts Through thl' gl'nl'rllsity of the :-;Oll\(' of tl'" :-:arhp.rth young 1I,.'n 11l1rnH F. n ... At. \\.. .Tam ...s Dren-
or SPARS, what kind of school life wilI I have) What will he poill"" 1,\ th,' (;o\'l'rnor' 10 il"''''s- Fnder th ... dlr...ctlon of MrA..1. W. owne,' t"n acreR of ":'laybrook." who left for til/' ('olors In rpl·l·nt IWll . .IoAPI'h L. Kl'I1~·. pouglas C.
my hours at school? lil!'al;' lilt:.. "dmini"tyalion of rl'lief Hundl{'~·. 600 Oxford H,!.. ('ynwyo. th ... BibHon estate in \\'ynnewood II' months arlo >lendinK ill It't!,·,·s ,.". :llirwr. Solvator FralantonL Rleh-
A. The hours wilI depend on the school you attend. How- ',n tlw :-;l'w England :-;tates. The yuhllc relations chairman of PiA- now l\\'allahle to Main LIne Girl presslnl\' th:LOks for tI",ir goodhy" ard (;il1i,... :lln<, \\'. r:. Crowl'11, :.IrA.
Tt basis, ohserving reveille. taps. l'omillittp,"s f'('port will h ... usprl In t riet l';lg-ht. a n .. WH hul1 ...tln 1'0.1' gifts and teliinK wllat ... x" .. ll,·nt IIHt' L",,'is )[olll"hl'r. Mr,... \\'. \V. Pi ... r-
ever, they wilI b e on a ml I ary ,\t'cidlng whett",r th" IJep;trtlll"n l Main Lin'" Old ~cout,. mad ... its HcOUtfl for hlkl's and cook-outil. they arc makin/!; of UWIII in t hl'i,· ,on :tnd .\11<'11 :-:, IIthh,'r\.
etc, . oT' Public AssiHlanc,' in this Htatl' dphut this w('ck. The ~enior Heouts of Troop 264. neW actlvltl~s.
Q. Will I learn military dnll? will Iol' "h"liHhe'\ 01' ,·urtailed. Shl'
A. Yes. . )
I'urpo,..p of the noatl~· "olllpll"d. OVt'rhr·ook. with thelr lE'ader, Mrs.
is Ihl' : ,pllty Attorney G"n"ral in four-IHlJ.(t' minll'ographpd puhllcl1- Malvin B. Wallac{'. Merion, have
AI,.o. agog as t11l')' all arl' III tilt' Trapshooters Emerge
environment of war. th"y usually
Q Will there be organized exercise. d I.ll !h'\lar·tl1lent of puhlic Assi"l- Oon. Hays :\lrs. HlIndlpy. iR to morl' en'cted a pl'imltlve IIn'place and From Hibernation
A: Yes. There wil1 be a physical director at each SC~lOOI ~n u .IOW'·. "h"inn'Ln of the Busine"A and cloHPly int ... ~ratp th ... work of th ... table.
go to town in recording th" iml'rt'S-
slons th"y have made and In post- 1.'0110\\ il1g a "'Int('r of \'irtual hl-
the athletic program will be keyed to the type of \\ ork .0 l'rofl'Hsiol1al \\,ol1l ... n·s l'ommiltet' District Com mitt ...". hNld ...d by Mrs. During two weeks In July. 100 Inp; the lads 'Who ar'e to follow tlll'llI I",rnal;on. trap Hhootl'rs of the
will do. , of thl' !tppuldican Htat,· ('omrllit- \\'. II. 1.'1throp. Bryn l\1a:wr. with girlR. H~giHtratlon8 can be mlLde at as to what to expect. 1.0\\""1' :l1"I'lon Rod :tnd oun Cluh

Q. Will there be religious services.. ',\r- lep. all,1 a nlt'l1Ih,'r of th{' l,egiHla- th ... work of th ... Ipa.d ... rH and a.'lslst- Oirl :-;cout HeadquarterH, 311 R. rod,.. \\'a Ik(',1 a n,1 ld"yc!ptI laAt Sun-
lA. Yes. Each training school will make appropriate t\·" (·O'"rllittp,· "f tho l'l'nnAyly,tniU. anlH of th ... Main Llnp·,. 24 troopH . .Iunlper St .. Philadelphia. I 1<'1'001 C:"mp L<'t'. John Itas..... day aftpl'H()UIl tu tlH' !"a~h Farl ll
('oulwil of Hl'IJlllolil'an \\·o01en. A who was inducted rE'cently, writ.·,.
1,1.:,<.;soN -SJ<1RMOl'i Mrs. James Kunkle. ~pringfield. to say tha.t :'>lew Cumherland Is no on :-;l'l'al.(ue ltd .. :-:arhpr·th. to "pass
. Am I allowed to have ~ates dunng
rangements. . tramll1g.
" , I'l'sid"nl nf Philadelphia. sl'" Is " "A n' :-'ill Ilis..."sp and nl'ath Pelaware County, will ltgaln head plaee for a permanent stay. o.s ev-
tilt' allllllunition" at thl' "Iu\)·,. first
Q practicin..: attorny thpl'(··
trap "h"ot of th" ypur.
A. Yes, during your f ree t Ime. It ..al?" I,. thf> HllhjPrt of the Les- the Day Camp staff. erythlng about It Is cal('ulated to
1\11'''. ~lol.,.ls
. . ) 1)f'~pitf' ~trtlnJ,; ('J'OMS windH that
'III I get week-end leave from trall1lll.g scho<;>l. Ol'",'n. Ardmore. Hon-!,>p.rmon In all ('hurchps of In addition to "Maybrook." the mo.ke a new can,dldat... f,'('1 about as
Q. W d g OffIcer ('hllil'l1Iall of a committee appoLnted hamper,,'! all nf th .. Hhooters land
A. Yes, at the discretion of your .0J!ll1!an III .... ) to rpvi,..l' th,' hy-Iaws. will "('ad the ehri"t ~ci('ntIAt on ~urlAlay April 11. Gtrl Scout Day Camp will be set low as possible.
I!eRllitc. aH w,'11. that ''I'm tired,
1 I be subJ'ect to military dlsclphne after h ar sta I'('\" ispd I ,y -In W~ a t till' Jl1ef'ting Thp (;old,'n T,·"t iH "(,{)(I IIp 01('1'- up for one week at the Blue Bell
When Il fdlow hal' just left hom ....
'(':tIlH\' I work at niJ.(ht In ,. (lefenAe
A' The extent of discipline depends on w ere~ou
eh - which will imr" ...,lIlltply follow the clflll IInlo "". and hles.s liS; and Site In I·'alrmount Park, and or that's the tlmt' h... net'ds 11\0st a pl:tnt" fl"'linK tbat IHUnpered
l' and what sort of work you are doing: .O~vlOusly,
\ ose iunt'11l'on.
caUH'" his fac" to shlnp upon us; three week!! at the Morrell. Hite at frlt'ndly touch. but apparently thORt'
that thy way llIay hI' known upon Torresdale. These will be on suc- In char e at N{'w cumherland have many). flyp II\\'n plll'd up scores
I:~ing in barracks will be subject to more dlsclplllle than t ose ,\t a hoard r""... tlng on :\lontla)'. ea,.th. thy· All \'ing 11f'alth among all I cesslve weeks throughout July and g l'!IUi\'al\'lIt to t.hOHI' lIf th ... "goood
r 'ng alone .' ? :'11'''. II ... njajrnin Btrawh"ldKP an- nationI''' (l'salrnR 67; 1. 2). I
August.. (Contlnul'd on I'a.ge 4) 01<1 da\·"'"· Th,'y \Hre: \\'lIl1am
What' about working hours, leaves, dates after tral~ll1.g. nounl"'d that the Htudy GrouP
A: All these will be determined ?y the work you are OIng 1l,('ptin!;H will he I'esum ... d on April
,'has\, .. t'l}nHhohoc,kpn: H. 1. Dle-
trkh. I'Pl1el' Daroy: \\'n1. R. Far-
~!1. The pill I' .. will b... annoull,·"d
and the post at which you are stationed.
:_::~~~~~~~~~~~~~==~===~==~==7~==~~ later. Heindel and Evans Named 1'1'11. !'\arlll'rth; Charlt's Latch. Nar-
!>"rtb. anll ('OSI1l0S \'hllpott. Oak-

Optimists Elect Oth",·" who mad" goood A"or"'S

by .
New Officers
With George ll. \\'iltfJan!" of
All State; West Phila. High during th" aft ... t·nuo.n were: ""Hllum
(lurl.("sS. :-:arhprth; Oeorgoe Floyd,
:-:arI'l'l'th. F. A. FricW\ Wynne-

of 1945--f,..ower Merion High School
Brooldlne CourtH Apartments. pre-
siding. till' Ardmor... Optimist Cluh
elected new officers at their meet-I
Beaten in Finals 25--17 wood. 1,'l'ank Gorman. Ardmor... :
(Jeorl.(" Latt:h. Hr .. a.nd .II'., Penn
V<'II"'Y: l\:alhnn Hohprtil. Oakmont.
Ing' at C'hateau Colotte. 229 E. Lan- anti .1opl Huhlncam. ;o..'arverth.
not J.(o unheeded at L. M. Mr. Du- c(l.'lter A\"l' .. Ardmon'. this wl'ek. 26-24. there1J)"' a\'enging It one- n ...,r·,,:" Floyd. chairllHLn of tht'
With the mn.npower shortage Lowl'r l\1 ... rion Hlgb'A r ... col·rl- only enough votes to makc the
bois. Au!'erintend"nt of schools, a.nd A. t'l'alg lloyd. Cynwyd. Wl1.'l point l'xtra pel'lod defeat In the ('luh·,. Trap '·.,mmilte.... announced
growing mort' acute t'\'ery day. pll'"tpd president. Oscar l:l. Weid- 1J1'eaking feat of winning the state third team. city playolYs, and then by trounc-
I:'a\'e I h,· Children I"etleratlon deslg- J>IAA basketball chnmplonshlp for It marked the fifth Rtralght year Ing Penn Chal·ter. 38-25. that. while th" clull's supply of
Lower Merion hlUl Aet up a student nlltpd March 30 'Lnd 31 as Bundle man. Hrookllne. waA elected exec- Ahells n.nd hlue r'Q"ks lasts, trap
!':mployment BureILu which Is un- the third straight year brought that Lower Merion placed 0. player The Red Cross tournament WD.ll
Da~'''' Slude.nts were urged to con- utl\'!' vice president: \'i('e presidents ",hoots will he held nn the Nll8h
der the supervlslo.n ot Mr. A. S. 'WIth It the signal honor of two on the first team. Heindel and an natl-cllmax for Lower Merion
trlhut ... IIny clean. usable garments C,qll. I~. W. Ronnaffon. U. S. NavY. I"lll'ln thl' first an'! third Rundays
Benner. Many studehts have filled repr...AenlatIV ...s on the All-State Evans are the first two players and at no time did the boys real'h
to help t.housands of underprivileg- AI·dmor .... 'tnd Benjamin E O,·off. quintet. from the same school to make the of paeh month.
out u.ppHcatlo.n blanks for the type ed .. hlldr{'n In the Appalachian and Ardmore: s""'I'ctnr'y, N. 1\1. Torelli. first team since two Homestead thc peak in their PIAA tournament
of after-SChOol work they desire. 01:'\I'k rpglons. who. becauSO 101- South Ardmor... ; \t'enAurel', Leon- Greer Hl'indel. P1l!ltaln and cen- stars were similarly honored In plllY. But the fact that they were
b'lt more are needed. Tht> burau pl'operly clothed, could not attend nr'd WlIso.n, Bywood. tel' who plaYt'd on all three tlUe lUll. "off" and still only lost to penn Start Training for
Chal'lel' In an ... xtra period and
has already placed more than 50
students In well paying jobs. Boys
school. Many of these clothes will
Captain Gt'Orge Vnndel' Veur. Low-
winners. and the high
1Ioar'd of GovernOI's ... Iecetd were Reorlng,
hard working Don l~vanA. forward, The state-Wide recognition of the beat West Philly easl ... I' than Cath- Annual Camporee
also be Aent to British lind refugee were both placed on the first team superior plaY of these two youthS olic did shoul.d have been proof From overbrook to \Vayne tho
are urgently .needpd to drlvp deliv- chlldt·".n who are In critical need cl'-Merlon Police. Olatlwyne: D. EI-
In a poll of coaeht's and wdterR by was the cHmar of a sell80n In enough of their true ability. Boy Hcouts are planning or taking
ery trucks; work at soda fountAIns. of wal'm c1oth"tng and 0. sturdy pair vtn Rosenberger, Brookline; Paul
the Associated Press. Wh\ch the Maroon chalked up 23 Lower Merton led all the waY pal t In shOI·t ('n I11plnR' trips as prep-
as garage helpers. and as Ilalesmen. of shoes. Any student wishing to Mlrabil .... Havt'rford; Frank J. Har- victorIes against one defeat. The
against West Phllly, vut needed a .,ratlnn fnr th ... "nnuill camporee of
As tor the girls, women are cla.m- contribute to thlll great humo.nltar- rity, Wynnewood; Joseph Massett!. Dick Whiting. junior guard who lone s;tbuck came at the hands ot
strong spurt In the last four min- Ihl' pntll'" <Ilstrict. which will he
oring for high school glrlSlo work Ardmorp. and Ji:dward R. Horn. turned In splendid defensive per- Penn Charter's 1nteracademlc
Ian cause, but hn.s not yet done so. utes to win With points to spare. held May .:~ and 2:1 lit Bll\'erford
after school as mother'S helpers, may do so this Bonday. }<~\'erYbody Ardmore. tormances In the tonrnament, was League champions In a 28-26 eX-
This. despite the fact the Speed· Col~ege.
caring tor small chlldren, and to placed on the thIrd team. tra period thrll1er In the Tourna-
bring a bundle! bo~s were unable to score 0. polr.t The C;l'Il(lOl'l'" Itself Is usually
do Hght housework. Also. open to
• • Achievement Day for In addition to the Lower Merion ment of ChampIons tor the benefit In the first qUllJ'ter and trailed 9-0 heitl at uVIl",y Forge, and Is par-
alert, wllling students are positions
A very attractive edition of the Ch . t· S d starS. the first team was comprised ot the Red CrOBB. ticipated In hy all troops ot the
as: gQJ'denlng, stlmographlc work,
Medon It",. L. M.'s selt-supportlng
Ian t11" y
',' riB of Don Waiker,' Bradford; Steve However, Coach BIlJ Anderson's
at one stage.
Little Phtl Harman, who haB tr"n!!porto.tion difficulties, howev-
clerical wOrk. tarm work (sUmmer The Narberth CommunIty Coun- Skendr,ovlch, Farrell, and flunky proteges concluded the season on
newspaper. dedicated to the state shown steady Improvem.ent nil sea- VAlley Forge C.,uncll. Because of
vacation). cll of Week-day Christian Educll.- Moran, Hazleton. The second a victorious note by defeating Wellt "I', thiA Y"UI"'1 Camporee .wlll be
Champlonllhlp Basketbail team, WD.8 son, WIl8 the L. M. standout In the
SIg:n up todaY with MI'. Benner tlon wm mark the close of Its first ,team Hsted George Morosz, Scott; PhlJadelphla, city champions, 25-
published last Thursday by the h"'ld ne,( rhome.
It you are at all tnterested In se- Chiapplanella, Farrell; Bob 18, In the consolation game of the Red CrOBB games. getting nine
curing a well paylng, short hour,
members of Its stat!. The paper
term with an Achievement Day Ray
program at the public schoOl aU- Trombocco. Farrell; Ross Sachs, Red Cross tournament laSt Satur-
poInts II.ptnst Penn Chll.rter and -- - ---------
cnntalns actio.n photos of the team, six against West Phllly. Reindel. XAUBEltTH nOl\lE SoI,D
atter sChool posltto.n, dltorlum on April 14 at 2: 30 P. M. Gettysburg·; and Cln.renee Rlgll. day.
was kept on the sidelines 10 min- Emlen and Company has sold the
• • • along with 0. r(lvlew of the past
season. CopIes maS' be purchased
The weekly cll1Sses hi relllrlOlis Pottstown. IncidentallY. Catholic Dlgh Won
utell on a.ccount ot three personal resldenoe at 214 Dudley Ave., Nar-
Thi! plea tor clothes for the un- education w\1l not be held during Bt.lls Colone. the big Berwick tho R~d Cross trophy and desll'-
at the Egyptian Sweet Shop or at touls In the Penn Charter gnme berth. for Mllry Evans to George
tJerpt'lvtleged chl1dren In AmeriCA the Summer but will be resumed. center who nosed out Heindel for a nation of Champion of Cbamplons
(Continued on pu.ge 4) (Continued on Page 4) H. P. Carr.
. and retu&,ee children In Brltaln did In thll Fall, first team berth lallt year, drew by nOlllna' out WeRt Philadelphia.
April 8, 1943
1WO the sale or bonds tn a period at
mueh more tpan otfset by the greal
jump In wages being anJoyed by three weeks undoubtedly h8.11 a lot

OUR TOWN RED CROSS EXTENDS the millions of Illf'n In war produc,
tlon jobs,
more slgnltlcance thn.n Is apparent
on the surface, Although the trea-
sury - hasn't said RO, It appears to
,"ntt-ff'(1 11.." l !'le('onl1 dass Inatter Of'tnher, 19:J8, ot the PlJ~t orlict-' at A~ a group thel!e mllllonl! who •
:-:"rl."1h, I'A., IInder the Act of Mar"h 3, 1879

Founded in 1914 by the Narberth Civic Aasociation

DRIVE TO APRil 18 TODAY ~I'(o r rofltln~ by tile war will be un,
able to spare all of their oarnLng~
thin year, There just won't be en-
me thal It Is In tht' nature at a
tf'Rt: If the people come close to
that goal the government will real,
aad Ize that It can collect a large part
GEOHGE A. WALKER, Publisher Still Need $100,000 ough Ihlngs to buy. Realizing lhls,
of the funcls it must have by vol-

HELEN FlTZPATlUCK, Bllslnestl Manalo;t'"
H USS I,;LL E. \<~I{ANZ, Advertising Manager To Reach Quota, TOMORBOW the govt'rnmpnt will attempt to si-
phon that money back Into thl'
untary methods, On the other hand
It the sales rail tar short of the
published Every Thursday Says Dreher By DON ROBlNSON ~easury hy higher taXf'l< or hy thf
sale ot war bonds,
goal. the treal<ury will be to reed •
Deadline tor advertising and neWs Copy-\Vednesday, noon to use compulsory methods,
Subscrli)tlon rate--$2 per year In advance, Th" Fund call1paign of lh"
Will' If t!Je people who arc earning
11',lsl'lIll,;tOIl, lJ. (;, (N\V:-.1H)--AI' It's up to UR to prove, during the
1 !I1,ugll lIlt: dt'IIJUlltlH uf t!u: food in- A," .. rl"ILtl Hl'd ('rO"tI has been ex- S 1:{,OOO,oou.oOO bonds more money tha.n they did before
next three weeke, that we are will,
Publlcatlon Orrlce-Elght Cricket Avenue, Ardmore, Pa, lenll,'d tu AprIl Iii lu lU!sure tho the war would Invest all ot tilelr
Phone-Ardmore 5720 and 5721; Green'Wood 7740 dusl/"y I'll" tht' apl,olntment of a This month tile trt:aJiury depart- Ing to ma.ke big, voluntary sacri-
Member at Bucks-Montgomery Newspaper Publltllwrs A.ssodatlon 1'OtJt! ;tdllliniHII'ator tu cuntrol food $1,3[,0,000 goal fo,' [,9 branches at lIle.nt Is making a mighty ertort to .,xtra ellrnings in war hands, theY
ficed to help tlna.nce the war, By
I h., Hou t hl'a."tern l',·nnl!ylvanla. could build up :I niL'e nest-egg for
IIt"i.JdlJ(·IJUIi alill distributlull were collt'l't $13,000,001),000 extra from holding out-hy postponing buying
Cha:,t<:r, a spe.ndlng spree after tbe war, If
llililially JlIl:t II)" th(~ aplluLnllllent tht· salt· uf war lJ01H.lH, That Ineans bonds until wo have bought other
NOTE: Pur pubIleallol1 011 Tburs- II I·; 1':-; 1'::-; I' ,\ " they don't Invest In wal' bonds, the
day 411 church 110ti<,('S musl be re-
, I :'1· .\ '!l111.1 I I )\111, II or ('111':-;1"1' (_'. );1\1:-; to tllat IJOHt, (I" the Malll lAne, Chairman 13 hillilln (lolla1's B'Oro: (han people
I-'II""!'IlIllPnt will undoubtedly take
things we think we need-wo will
lIlt' I II') r l !l tilt·!'\, 1:-. little tJl'tlJltiHlIl lll're aLJuut Frt'dreipk W, Dreher sai<1 yester- aln-'a<ty urt.' Mlgllt'd up to Hppf\,l on only be Inl'ltin/-\' a torced inva.slon
ech'ed b. l\londu)' Ilt r; P. 1\1, each 'I" 111'1 ::'1 '.\ I day that the Maln 1.lllc Hl'anch's I,,,nd~ regularly. Ihat 1Il0npy outrighl In Ih .. form
IliH tIa \ ill h t lip }1I1\\"l'r to do an UIl- nf oUr pocketbooks,
week, Mall nolloe La tills paper, ~ 011 I' ~1 -- Y(IUII~
rl'.'rCa- l'bljJll> ~ or taxes,
lion IIOUr. 1'11I., PIIIlg- alit! tihHllit'1t11 ilrl
l (1II'I~' l·ttl'l·tl\"\.' jIJII. :\1(', j)a\'IH, f(Jr'- ','uo'a at $350,000 WaJI moro than j~rt'aldllg that dO\\"11 to a It'HS a~- The ne"t (hl't'e weeks will be the
0/0 Dox 850, ArdJnore, .'11.; or tele- Sll th~ ql1l~stioll of \VHr bOlH1 buy-
l' .\1 (Iltl.,:-- I III ... \\"1 11"11:-' lIlt'!" lll-i,ld 1)1' tile AgTieultunLl A_u- ~~lIu.(lUU short, It IIlP.1I1H all :lV-
Ing' l'l'ally g'f'ts down 10 thlH: Do f'nal test,
1I0Illllllil',tl f l g U l l
phone Ardmorc :>720 or HIlltop I ;ulld.
~ I'
at Ill' !lIIWl
i\t '1/1;":"":+ II,
I~ \ \ ,., I" II· .... JUS1IlLl'III .\dlJlillistratidll, iK gl'I1I'I";II- 1\ \' hope that III tile s",t'll (lays \ t'I,o/-\,t' of $1 UO fo, t'le,') lIIan "0111'

3800, II' JlII"~
) IHI wallt to g'i\'P your rnurlPY tu
""~ld"1'1 d 1I1~1I1 (If the d~·ive I·l~nltl.lning, \\p ,'an He- ~L11 and l )llld III the country
lid II" .1 ... 1 !'I

, ; II a' II J! a gout! fur thl'
The pal of the &eooDd War

FIUP,\\' fhl' g'o\'t'rnIlIPnt Ill' iO:ln it tIl the
MEHlU:" FIUI~:'\IJ:-; ~II':ETI:"G .jlll', I'llt It i.... (t'art'll that Ids pO\\'- ,'un' the $1110,000 Iloedpd To dlltt', Lo_ drive" U bau- ...
.\ft,·1 \'nell, Salll did til.l! I ('I'on) government?
MontgolTl"ry fl\'. llllti )'I"l,tlfl~ HlIU:iL' la.,

9:4~ A.
~I.--Flr't l'aY (';UlIday)
7 .3lJ I' ~I HI,.":....

,\I.\lt';,\llI·:T',-': (' ..\'111<11,1<'

t 'Iull lilt"'IIIIg"
1-1' ....

\\ III Clillflll·t
witlt thuse of
7,\il)l) sUhs('riptlons frOIll $1 to $16,-
l'UII ;1:lVl' I t ("II recldveu, (ar behind
pcwkt.t-<·lt.;tl1lng jolt ill ('OI1Ill.,('UoJ)
That oUg-hl 10 IH' an PUt-'y que8-
I..... 'l'ba'"
fIftIl of the
jaR ab01d ...
( '111'1 t( 'II with th,' i'"'OIlW tax, we hardly tion for IlIO!"'t (If lJl-l t i l :tllS\\'t'l'.
~('bu(JI. \\ aJ' BuanJ, lhl' O1'f1c('
l'rlJIIUI-tlIJll lasl ye,ar's It',OOO "ubscripUons," or the PabUo Debt for the b-

11 :UO ,\ HI'\ .J:IIIII·:-; F T"IJl"I, !{1',11'1 thought lw'o! I", around :I/-\,aln BO
Itl·\'. ('halh::-, I' U {"IJllllJr "f 1'J"lI'l' .,\dllllllisU·atiun and \ViIh The [,!I I,'al:ehe" of the Chaptpr AI'HlI. od year of 1NI.
HOld) looking for a Juan of that ('ult-
Itllt:,T t'III'/(,:1I (W ('I1ItI:'T I~t,\, ('lla!'! T. lJlllall qllH I' 1'~Ltldl:-'lIl~lt war ugl.·neic:i. llill" """1,,,<1 X:l per cent of their Finan('lflg thiH war is a prohlern
Sl.'IEXI'I';T H"l\" l'av "J;l~-"'I':- I,. ,\, ~t ;1I1t} III tit.. }'. In fact. it hanlly ~t'eJIlH pos-
alld 1"1 A. ')1. ~J,
quota~ III tht' drill', !.Jut t.l", :'>Iain 'lllat is avt to ,.tump all of the ex-
Lillwnud arid .-\tlH'll~ A\·(-'., Ardlnl'lt' :\11. 1,1 1:, 1''')'1 I I I - l l l l d , l l ' l u n l:-i, ,Ilt,.tt 1,·u·k- :-lib},. tll:d if all (,f our hank :1('-
11:00 A :\J.-~LJtlday ~('lIu()1. :--'uII,la." IIl.I:"'-'·:'l
t'r'" :uld Lli fllt·rs II;ld tlrhccJ th.~ e::i- I.i,'" /{ranl'i, la/-\'s "f'hlnd at 70 per- l,,'rts. !lOlt \lith lh" Olational debl
3 :00 }'. ~1,--:\ltl:nllKJlI St'r\'ht:>.
\\,ED:"J,;,;1JA y
,\. ,\1.
I'ilily. ~I LII'Ii:-Jllllt'llt ul 1'tlild ,ldlllillistt'atol" I'l'nl.
('fl\lnt~, lJurlt'd lrl'Hl-iu!"'<.' atllI pt·n.ny
11;1.1\1.;:-; \\1']"1'
inprea,.ing' by many billions each
dlilllpl·d oIl thp pOHt of-
Wynnewood House
M :00 f'. }'1.-E\·l'lllllg mt~etlng. . 'I hirty-twu l)f'r cellt o( the 8UlJ- TII"nl Il it i,.. :tl,)I:II'P1lt that ,,,oney 1286 MONTGOMERY AVENUE
'1"'1'1"'::-\) 1.\ Y ,1.'-, ,I "II,lllt:( I't):il. 'I·llt·} !JUillt (Jut fi<'t' flonr t hp total woulc} l'OtlH'
ltendlllK roOnJ at ~ I ~Ittenhuu~c })lul'l~ MARINE BAR
i~ OPCJi Wl·f·k·day~ I rllJlI ~ ;w ,\. ~I to
~ Oil 1 '. :\1 --:--)lItLIllly .\II'1,."'[lIq.;. Ilo\\" that e\'t'll If ~\Jt". l)a\'i~ is elt.:- :-cri\JtioIlH reet.·ivpu have been $1,"
an\\\"hprT JH':If'" tlint alllount.
IIlust anri will be collected from ,"
fi :30 }' ~1 \\",·dtW!-lday frt'rn 9 to ~ :"tJ
~ ):J JI :\1 --,:II!Jl;ltulttll'-' ~11'd;tI
I'rd\l" an,nolLoced, "This i" due," thp IW01'11' at a fa ..t"r and faster DInners Served
tH'1l (lIll(1\\ t·t! k·; HI·!ll",lll·truli. \;t,l'd III tilt'" julJ o( :->eCI"I'tary uf ;q-;-
J I. )1., :1/111 I 'II :"':'llllll:L~ II' 'Ill I I II :..: '1~' h . "aId, "til the prevailing opinion Hut, a.lthou~h lo,L.J1 co III I'a ni ..:-;
Daily Except S ~
n"1Jltlll'l' tllIH \\"lJulu .Jlol takl' Llip
1'. :'1
that Holl ('all clril't's In rPl'c.nt ypurt< lIa,'" 111','n ,loin/-\, a flollri",hin~ busl, Till' goa I of ~ 1 :\,(jlll).OOll,OllO (or
NARberth t28J tor Reservations •
and OIl ~lllldl-\~' In'lll 1 lei ~ 4;, I'. ~1. tH~\\"
II'li.\' TI:I'.;ITY 1.1''1"111:1(\'.;
ut h,I\'illg a
}JUHt in
:''1I('('lfil';lll.\" wltll
sought Oil" dallal' 1'0lltrihutlons fOl' 1}l'SS l:ltt'l~', ~11\'t'rIlI1l4'nt 8tatistt(~s
B,\I'TIST ,'III'!(I'II (jF '1'111';
\\""r11Jlllt' .tlIHJ :\"a.Jlwrlll .\\l·
I:t,\ l ·11·lll:" ..\ ~"ll; t, I ';t"'I'JI
1"1",,1 oIl:-;tribulion, 11lPIIIIH'I'~hlp in the Rt'd CroBB."
Hho'V t h:l t l'Yt'1l now--It'RR thlLl1
nlOllth aftPr tilt' nlf'lllol':llJlc day of. •
• •
Ht"v H"IJ~I t E. Kl'lg-hlflll I 'a."'"' 1'II "All hough the; ~Iain Line Branc:h
Narberth, I'a.
';\';'0:1'.-\ \' COlltrol .......u .. rH .. .-i('(":-i ~Ial"('h 1 ;)-- -tlit' pt·oplt a :lH a \\-hol(> I
I.', .\. ~I t~J1dta ~'IH lid 1,'1 qllllla tllis yf'ur is seven times
Sl.';\iJAY aglj~, \\'I,t'll ,\lr I);l\i~ \\"a~a!'IIoilltl:'d, g!'t'alL'r than in 1942, n. still 1>1 .not an' H:lYing" rYlonl')' fa:-;tpr than thp~"
9 :4L A. M.-l'hurch S"h",,1. lL:oll ,\ ,\1
,\l'lIllillg :--\"I\ll".:-
10 :VU A. ~1.-Adllll Class, I" r:-':lIrl~ clUSt' ttl Iilill Ilvre Haid that l'nou/-\,h to provide our servicemen ('oul,1 pO"Rlhly spend It this yt'ar.
• t·....,; ... 1 ..... , r\ II t · . =",111'" I 'j,l'll

I I' ,\\
11 :011
.:'\1.-)'IuI"lIJllg wlll~IIl}J
'J I i-.; EXjll·dII'1l 1 ·
Will ~lllg" Iltd'''J-' ":-;1'\'1'1\ L:l~1 \\ "Id:--. I,,, j,,,"
tlgrl'l'o! to lake till' a:;slgn- with all the comforts thpy dp"prve," IA>:\:-': taxe-;
-; Ull I' .\t.--LlIlllt'r l ...t'J:lgul·
'ITESI'A Y I." lil unl) after g.-t ltnl;"
:L clear un- I'r"her said, • Tilt, go,·\'rn1l\"nl. of course, bllses
N J' \1
.\IIlIUa.J 111'1 I I Ill.: (,t· l'hurdl 111·:1 ,:-; E~I '.\ \
Hcho\ll l"'OLlllll at 1l0TTltl lit .\It"'''' "HIll , I'
,:, "tandilll;" tilat II<' would have Mf'aowhllt" t1waterS on the Matn it:-- fi.l...:Ul·PS on national averagPR
'Ia~l'r, I·U; ).It'nOIJ A\·t·,
FlU IJA Y I l'"l}Jll'll' l'Ulltru! 0\'('1" fann prices. LilH' WI'I'.' aI'III'l'ly engaged in Tht'r" arl' I'lpnty "f peoplc toda~
\\"I':iJ;\I-;:,IlA Y I'. .ll.--J 1IIlIl,r ( .• !II'lr I t·hl,ar~al. ;/",1 ill' uultl bv thl' fLlml author- 11'110 at'l' t::trnlng Ie",,, than thpy did
H :00 }'. :\1.-~1111W(·(·I{ :--:I·f\·h't·
IIIl II ":\101"10 \\'t,pk" lind lasl weeK-end
.uu I'. ~1.-:-'t:IlhH l'ltoir n'ht'als.t!.
linH~ l.!llt'l" 1 JlIIIS . '-lio\\ J... 1:.-IlgIOt\ Ity i'r\)I,JL"JJl~ of food ui~lriLJu" turn('d in c:ollections Ill' ,.1I~htly I,,,forp the wal' a.nd Ihere are a lot
:--:trOllgl'r l'alI'1\'tl.'i.lll SATI'IUIAY

Fllll'.\ Y
3t1 .-\ ;\l.--j'Il··cl'litinllatl"lI cia.";':". 1'011, I lI.ll lit: would get enough rlla~ Illur.. th:lI1 $1,000, of nt hl.'I·~ whO:ie t-\pcn<la.blc in("OtllH •
III :W A. ),1 --L'1I1l11I"IllUllllll I la~."". Il'ILtl:'; to gtJaralltee farlll cquiIJ- has l""t'n /-\'r"atly reduced beca\ltl"
-l I' ,\1. 1';:I:""\,'-1 III l'hn:--IJ;UI IW>\II"lH'-
11 30 A. ~I---.-\dva/ll·t:"Ll t'la..""i:"
linn, "It lil IIlcds alld that th" \Var l\lan-
of hil-'h taxf'S llJ1d Increal<ed cost ot
('Onllllis~ioll \\"ould have to living,
NAHHEHTII I'HE:'IlYTEHIA'.; 1"'\\'1'1"
:-;AItBI':J(TH .\11·;TH"II1"'I"
CHl.'HCI{ ('HL:IH.'U a.t·(·L·pl hI:"; rel'oJJlIlIcndations on BU1, 011 :L nalional ha~I", thl' 1'('-
""ndtolor Hllrl (;rayling :\\'l'.
suppl.\·i.qg' fann f lH' duced Incollll' of these peoplp IF •
NE~~___ i , .
H~". Bryalll ~1. KJI"klalld, f'ast(}r 'arl H. HaulllJerl\", :\l11II~lt-r
IlllU1PO\\·P1". )
Juhn ,"Ull .:"l~M.~, PI)., .'u:;tor 1':lTa'rJtu~ I'::-"~t''\ .\ \ " , : " <It-I,, ' i l. d,d Ila "" t 1,,'''l' powcrs he could do

~ :41, A. M.-::':ulIl1ay 80hool.
4;, :\ ,\1
Sl':-':IJ.\ Y
~llllll:l ~ ;-..., Ilt'llj
a.1I toUt,.-ti,,· ju!.J, IJut sinl'" no fur- •
10 :00 A, B'hle C1a_s
I! . :0·1f.\
~\I - \\'urtlhlp s..:T \ It I ('011,- 11 :110 A. :\1. ~\ll'f'lIillg l'raYI:r .UIl'l
Illal di"t'('(I\'o has been is."lu ..d "iv-
J Ulllor l'hurch ~ur~er)',
~1'11I1(l11. "Tln- l'lll~:-' (I! Illdlllt'rt-'llIt··'
t) :4:" I'. :01.- -YIlLJIII Ft'How:·.tIIIJ lir\llll'~
illL:" (Ilelll to hllll, it I" doubted if
il,' ,·"n aYol,1 ,'onflic:1 willi olher
II <>tnt' 'i t1l'"i-ll~ ('<>tlr.;l' RESTAURANT
Till (;ill ~e()ut:; of Tt·oop :.:';9
Rstabll8bed 1921
7 :4;) I' ~1,- 1':\1'11I"~ S.'/"\"II·' j :.Jri i'. ~r L\ l'lllllg ('IIUpd Hour
muni,,", Sf'rmOlJ TI1"Illt', '.11':"11:-; IlJ' I:araloll'l.."'"'
dpp:ll·tnlf'llC..... Narberth, Pa.
and 111"0 I-'irl,. frOlll one of the Ov- SEA FOOJ) OUR SPECIAI,]'l'
,\I,'allll"llile tlll' food and fannIng l.t"ln·ool, 1 "OtlPf' ha\'~ IH'l'.Jl taking a ('oUlplele Full Course nlnner, 60c •

People of All Ages Aid at

SitU:ltioll f'(JntinuI'~
alld pllloll .. tlplI",nd is growing fOr
:t~l lrlllllt'tli:Jf(' prOl'T:Ull
to 1If' alarnling

to as.~tlrp
hOlllt'" nut'sing (·(llJl~Se
th.· ~l;tll:-;" of th.· Bryn ::\1a\\T Pres·
hylf'ri:11l ('hul"'I·h fot"
togethpr at

ttH" paH1 five

•• ..
a :-il'\;llly sUI,ply of rationed fOOOR

Bala - Cynwyd Red Cross

til 111\' I,"!>I\('. Although cidllanH
:\lr~. l,f'l1n':o;, fonnl'l"'ly :( nun;~ at

1::'Il' a~c: .. ptcol meat ratio.nlng with
B'o'n ~Ia II.,. Hospital. was tbe In-
little cOlllvlaint, they are objecting
in n<> llnee,'tain tcrllls to being un-
"trudol'. anti th~ following girls
.,ora ""P .. rho ..". •"

Anyon" who thinks that only Cynwyd 'will llan' anoth,',. OIJ)lurtu- 1Il,Ip to huy meats for which they han; .noll' l'l'pl'!I'C'd hlldges whlf'h
adults are contributing to the pres- nlty to make one of the greateHl lia"I' ratlon points, 11','"'' \1I'"s,'nlt',1 l>~' Mrs. Gilbert,
ent Red Cross War Fund Drive
should spend a few hourI! at Bala-
possible contrlbulionH III oUr flght-
lng forces, wben till' !t"d Cross
BItler Tax I>ebulc
troop leader:
,Joan Holtzapple: Elizabeth GIt-
Ollt' of the 11IOSt hlltf'r fights bprt, Ann C'lrter Taylor, Patricia
Cynwyd headquarterl<, where gifts Blood DonOrs Mobil.. Unit again "~

are being received from children
of all ages, from pre-Hchool tots to
visits headquarters oil April 16 and whil'h ha.s tal{en place In eongress Thll,'ntoo. JpILn Tomlnl!on, Nancy
17 frOUl 1 to G 1>.:\1 A Ilyone l.le- for a Inn~ tlllle has been the de- \\'all .., l\largo BowiP, F~mllm Huhn
.'~F.: .'."'.'.'.'..."~;';"'·
. .._y
' .....
Everyone who can obtain a fertile plot of ground, receiv-
lall boys and girls In Junior High twef'n 18 and 60, ill "ood ht'alth, halp 0\'(>1' taxation, \\~ith tht, t'on- a !1<1 Hetsy Ulrich,
. / -- - ing direct sunlight at least half the day, should have a

:-;chool. may donatf' a pint of bloo(j, with no 1;"/""S"III('n "hooslng sides largely ac- El,IZAHETIi I'ETEHHO:-':. Victory Gorden. Home-grown vegetables are tastier;
Last 'W .. ek then' apP"llred all ell- III eftects, anJ with Ihe p,.obabillty ("ordin/-\, til parI)' affiliat.lon, The Troop Scrll ..'. ',I
thuslaatlc group of foul' and five
year-olds tram the kinde.rgartl'n of
Mrs, Helen K, Frit'ke, garbed in
Hed CraSH aprons, jackpls llnd
of ",avlng a lift" .\pp01l1(lllent", Illajority of lkllloc,'ats are oppos-
"hould uc madt, ill "oIl"all"\' at llala- Illg the fOl'gil"enl'''s of 1942 taxes
('Yllwyd h"adquart"rH. alld pulting taxation nn a stralghl
TIlt' Hl·\". HichlLrd T. l,yford, J>ay-a.s-~'()U-g-o hasis, while the Re-
• .t.!/ . - ";:;:-,
.~~;- .
have high nutritive value and stretch the table budget
And for full Aavored goodness, gorden-fresh vege-
chairman of Blood 1JOlla,."" and hil< puloJlealls an, praclically all for tables should be steamed or boiled in a small amount of
headgear, which they had made
lhemselves, carrying l{ed Cross
flags, and prOUdly uearlng tbf'ir of-
cOlllmlttee, hal"e cOlllplf'tf'd pl'l'pa- such a plan. In betwf'pn are com-
ratlonH for til" eal'e and eonveni- prOllllse pluns wh1c-h are attrllf'llng
Cha"e,box water. Don't overcook ... serve just tender. Make good

terlng ot $6, in pennIes, nicklf'l< and eo!'e of th" donors. The Gl-e)' "0111<' 1Ilt'lItlwrs of both pal-ties, use of your automatic range! Be a Victory Cook!
A telephone repairman
dimes, Tbey knew more about the l"adll'H, din'c·tt'd !.Jy 1.1 rs. Nathanirl \-\'hat til" oUleollle will be II! Jal'gely
pf>rf,.rt plfilltir Ask at any of our stores for the free folder on Vege-
work of Red Cross than do some Watson, will again be all halld, and gUl's~wo..,k, but It seems quite prob- knocked on a customer's door
ot their elders, They could tell you :'>11'''', J. Harold Austin, will have a ahle Ihllt the last half of 1042 tax- not long ago and heard a
table Cookery, or address card to Home Economia Dept..; •,
that It helps people In all kinds of i group of her Cantpell lI"orke.r", ser\"- \'S Illa~' h" for/-\'otte.n n nd replaced LIPSTICK C~\SE 900 Sansom Street, Phila-
screechyvoicesay: "Come in!"
trouble, Tbey knew about some of Ing eoffee all.d f,'uit ju!P"s, ::;mall II)' a hf'al"it'r lax on 1943 Income delphia, Pa,
the branches at service, tor they child"f'n at donal'S will l", t'ar.,,1 for to bt' deduclp,j from wages hegin- He entered. but soon came Again three rou~illp:
had outfitted a .doll with both a by I hl' swff asslalants, ning in Jun .., If such a program out again, looking pretty flus- cheers for Hel'lon~ Now-
nurse's and a Grey Lad)"s unltorm,

goP" Ihrough, I!ome arrangement
'They had turned one at their toy ---.-------.-.--------~ will un,lonhtpdly he made to con- tered. There was no one home their sUI't.'r,,,tay,oll
trucks Into a. Red Cross ambulance,
and they had painted and retltted
CLUB linn" to colIpct on 1942 Incomcs except a parrot! lipstick .. , in a d ream\'. •
their pegboards to be given to sick NEWS, frUl1I those who earned more In
I !142 than they will In 1943,
We're afraid there's still quite
a lot of talk on telephone lines
rose-red pla~tie ca~e.
children, The children who took Prettiest-and mo~t prac-
part In this real experience ot glv- --- - • -- - - - • ., HI"'a USt' or the dangers ot stop- that doesn't mean any more
Ing and sharing are Linda Berry, 'iIlI'I)('rth Club pa~,' ill Ihe produc\lo.n of war sup- tical of all the war babies!
Johnny Gorski, Sydney Foote, Bet- Ap,'il 1~"I'roje.. t eu'o,oitl('" will J>llps threatened by John L, Lewis
than that parrot's invitation. Hurry .. ,get )'ollr~ now! •
ty Ann GrIbbon, Judy Harper, Gall lIlf'et 11"1111 til" \'hai"""LlI, .\11'1', ,J. B, t~ hI; ']t'I1:and for a wage increase Idle talk may be all right in
Kavanaugh, Raymond Keegan, Jll1l1t'l', al h,./" hO"lI', to rt'porl on o. $ a uay for miners, coupled normal years, but these are
F.red Marsh, Ross Reynolds, Tom-
my Robillson, David Hteele, Heidi
mO"h, I'Pllt'llt HI :-':",'bl"'U' The'll tre
April I I 10 17 I'iet u /"t'~ to b..
Wit h olht", p"lde-ncf' of unrest In
labor ci,'f'!l'", con/-<'I'eSR j" expcct"tl
war-times. Telephone lines PHILADELPHIA
Vernon, JodY Mlllf'r, PAn Slack ahol\'" ,lurllll-' I,,'nl'lit will I", "Onc to dOllland a lahar "talllllzatlon
are crowded with vital war Ampr;cu', •
and Charles Barb,
Older children of scout ILge are
and Lionl'l Ban",'nlor"
nillcsplt"s :-':t'W A~slslllnl."
in "Dr
plun which will la"t for the dura-
tlon of the war. This wlii not ,nec-
calls. New equipment can't be
obtained. li?~';rk ELECTRIC •I
doing active work tor the Red e~sarlly l1I('an final wage treezing,
t:rOss through their troops, Brow-
nle Pack No, 63 art' enthuslaRtic
helpers, and Girl Hcout Troop 14 0
April 13-Club 111('''llnl-' at 2 P.
111. Ll. !'aul Ii. !.loW"I1. fOI'lllt'rl"J of
Ht'1-1 \·Pt' ('I)IIl.'g-t>. now It':u'hius,, bJ-
hut It I" appal'ent here that there
Is d etlnlto need for cl~lr-cut rules
for the governing of labor wlt.h
So we ask you-for the dura-
tion-to make no unneces- 60¢ &- 81 COMPANY •
has made an outstanding contrlbu- olo~~' at \'allt,~, For/-\'p :'lilltary "trikes or threat of strike's deflnlte-
sary calls and to keep all calls J.PaulShea
.to Acad"IlIY, will ,.p,'ak 0" "Flowe"1! Iy out aA a mea.nl! of gf'ttlng adjul<t- brief. The more easily war
I 0 t hat boxes, attractively cov-
ered with wallpaper, filled with of !'eon"yJl"llnla." ments, calls go through on telephone
at N~berth Station
dolls, books, games and oth",' Play-I~=:;==============::; lines, the sOoner our fighting •
things, all made by tbe gtrls, to be •• • • • • • a_a ••

sent to children's hospItals.

forces will be through at the
battle lines! The Bell Tele- •J
JunIor Red Cross work has
rcached a high peak at Bala-Cyn- YOUR BOY DECORATING phone Company of Pennsyl- NO IDLE RUMOR ••• ...
wyd Junior High and St. Matthia..'! PAINTING vania.

Buy tin Additional

I:lchools, By collecting and seiling
tin oans, the children have obtain- Bond Today
NAllBERTH, l'A, This Is FACT ..
ed tunds to buy tour dozen pack!! Phono Narberth U~9.n
DI')' clea.nlng 1lWd of the Idnd
of new playing cards tor the con-
valescent men at the new Valley
Forge Hospital. They have also
...... ------.. which is 110 JleoesslU')' for satisfac-
tory cleaning service WIll 800Il be
"oue of the IIlcture." The war ef-
made over one hundred attractive
checker boards by covering ply-
wood wIth blocked linoleum, the
Save On Interest • • • fort bas priority on It and onr
present; IlUppl)' will soon be e$-
Tb1s bank offers you 8ubstantlal huustcd.
cbeckers being old broom handles
I18.wed to the right size, sandpap- savings on the interest )'OU may •
We urge )'ou to send bnmedlat.elY
ered smooth, and ,painted, Old and DOW be pa71DK on DIe InSurance
all the clothes,. curtAins, drapes,
new games have been collected tor 10llD& We'wUl re·ftDaDce 7OW" old
etc., that 1011 wlll want cleaned, •
tbe use of ssrvlce men on sbips and loan and immediately :vou start to
bave your Easter clean111&' done
In Red Cross clubrooms a.ll over save one-third on Interest .cbar(ree.
now, and be sure of
the 'World, lI,nd Junior HIgh girls oau or write tor CODiplete details
continue to make bedside bap and applJiDg ID Jour partlcular case.
slippers, for men In hospitals. No obUptlOll . • . aod naturall7 Our Quality Dry Cleaning
e~ 18 bandled In COIl1l-
One high school boy, wbo would Service.
not want 1'IIs name mentioned, has denoe.
been sick tor several weeks with
old-ta.shloned mea.sles. Having no
Immediate need tor his regular
weekly allowance, he has turned It
Electric&Radio Co. The National Bank of Narberth UA Certified LaundryU
over Intact to the Red Cross War ARDMORE
Fund Drive.
The men and women of Bala-
104 Fone.t Ave.
.. •••
April 8, 1943

stem, tied to a five·foot sta.ke, to WAVES Graduate FOOD FACTS
Issue 8 Permits for Chicken Coops EXPERTS ADVISE ON save space. as more pounds ot to-
matoes per square toot of space
wl11 be p.roduced; don't put fertlllZ-1
At Cedar Falls
Lillian n. Blair. 21. e1auA'ht .... of by
i nobleman
White Bread
The first wblte bread was made
English miller because It
demanded bread that
I \\ ",,1<1
But Building Takes A Nose Dive VICTORY GARDENING pr on your garden too thick; don't :111'. "no Mrs. K
work In the garden when
I'. Blab. 12 Bala
the A\· .... l\alll-.·YII\\,Ycl. ani! CharlOtl"j
ground Is wet; don't let the weedS 11_ :llorgan. ~3. 306 IWl'k .. lp)' Itd_.
mntc'h hie tablecloth.
\'. S. sltll "laUi Candy
:\1 'LlIU fad U 1'"1''' of confectioner~

HOlllt~ l . . OWl't" :\II'r101\ rt·:-;id' Ill...; i

'''''a:;,' ill II,,· fll~1 Qllal'l.· .. "I' Itt< Soybeans Are Recom- get too big; don't neglect dusting
or spraying. M"rlon. WPI'C alllong 1 O~9 \\' A \'EH and ('ho('olnte products recorded
(luring .:\lan'1I alone LcI\Ver Mer-
al'p not taking an)" 1'.hatH'l·!-I on 1l11·;d i 1"11 1'1JJI,lillL:" ill~pf'('turB mauco eight
111'\\' yeal mended as Crop; Herbert Shearer. chairman, and graduated f .. om It fl\' .. \\,p"k indo,,·
sa IC'~ 16 IWI' l'ent higher in Jan-
"a 1',,'. 1:14:1. I hlLn for the corrp-
~hort..4:.tg-f':-i Ulltl food rationing- I" llllit.-.l rOl' ttll' construction of
of 1 III
till' I'L'POrl
IH~rlllit.."i a..H
Four "Don'ts" Miss Marjorie Bergh, vice-chaLr- trlnatlon ('our"" at t.hE' :"aval 1"-l\ln-
man of the Victory Garden Com- inA' Hchool. \\'olllen'H HI'~'·t'\·,·. at
"pnn,ling- llIonth or 1942, accordlnJ{
rrh(\Y~l"t· gl,fnt..:. ill fUI I·hl' ht'll'" 011,.1 ,1\11 1"'1\ lIOIJ!"t.~. Total valua.tion of part>.1 tu til<' :<a.11IC' thl-ee nlOnthH 01 mluee, wprC' In charge of the Iowa l'Hat .. Tpa"h .. r" ('011"/:,,,. (',·dar to a I'C'I)I'I'I re"'a~"d lIy thC' Burpou
t·g-gR. The third sp"s1on of the Haver- of tilt· ('PI1SUB.
'ill" 1,"11.... 1· ... \\.l~ li:--led at $915. An· 1;1.~1 y,·a .. anti a d'·c ... ·aHt· o( $1.139.-
fOI'd Town8hlp Victory Garden meeting. Fall". Ia .. Oil April ~
AlthollJ.!h qllt·d,·:'"'\ 1",,(,,"1\ t·.J 1,\ III
dllll'l Ilfl lI:--iIl,1 I thing about the n·· I,;., ill till' \;liu;I..tiuli ( I i ('onstr"uc-
fll'lnlH in ~\11J11rh:tn 1I111nkl!I,t1itl":'" School Iwld Friday evening ran 40
• II:lVI' inrllcatpfl thi~ 1',"" :""llllll' 111111'"
,.",1 ".1- llit' absence ot any new 11011. mInutes oVC'rtime due to the volley
'1't1J ..... I'I~: "llll~trlJf'tiull. ::\IORt uf th,' IJllrlllg :llal'('11 11"'re WI·r,· only 44 of questions fired
flit" chicken}; WPrt· lJ!'OIIg-II{ 1I1l111\' tn at the three
roo!"t thi'-l \\'1"'\' \\ IU'l1 1.'1\\"4'1" \h·l"·
Ifln'H :'\tarl'h hllildin~ I ("IIOl't \\':1:-0
t \\"llt
.,,':. \ Ill!" aill-rations. nddi-

'! >1, ..... Ifl.i ,-, 1';llr·~. ,llld thl:-\ T1laU4' lI1)
pl"llIlilH i:;:-,ut'll and the IlIOIlt:'Y Spl'llt

on conlltructlon reached only $16,- audiencp.

I'p('akers by a large and interested
IIII",·,'-lourth:-- of tlIp 11iunth'R con~ :113. Ln'll la'" year during UIC
ilIadI' pul>lIC' A summary of the advIce and In-
-' I Il,-IIO'} ,·x1H·nditures. IllIIIllll of .\larch. wlu',11 tht' "'ar \\"a.:l formation furnl~hed by Ihp speak-
II ~lIo"'l'd Ih"l Ill<' llllilding o{
l'hickpll llnu:-,p~ \\;I~ p i l i ' "f lhl' ft'\\ Till' I-"l"lll :tlHo s!lo\\"d that llt'il.l'ly fOUl" Illonths old, tln'!"t' were ers followH:
buildiTlj.{ figul'P~ IH1VP tUlnblel1 intu I ~:l pt'I'lIlit~ lKHUt-'d :l1)(1 ,aluatlnn:i
and )pading- itf'III!-l Ilf 111\\ Mrs. 1';. A. \VixHon. Oakmont.
111111" 111,1 [1 ;1 "ilIII I 111 tl()lluf'H (j(.- totalled $735. __ 36. Plant all vcg.·tables you C1Ln, but
lioll on the li"t.
!<'!L\'e I-OOIll for 80mI' flowers for
• Collect Over $4500 11Inralt.; :-loy bf'ans arc an excellent

Por Red Cross Here

Start punching
~Illln'" of I'rot,'ln anti fat and their'
('ulturt: iH ":Lsy-b"1\1l hp('t1es both-
{t. °1)lltilllJl'tJ 1"'0111 l"l~·t· I J "ring tJll'llI vpry little; Hpace d('·
(·;t:-w. I_Jl"l..!Hidt·lll uf till' BI1SIIII':";:-; \"otlod to an herb gardt'n iH wf'll
c'oullcil, who \\'as in ('harge l)f ('01- \\'orfh while-tht> hprbs arc useful
It'l'tiolloti frulu th.' IJlJ ....;lnt·I'i~IIII·1I uf 1 fo~' sf'l-lHoning- and dri£'d h('rhR Inake
th,. Borough. ',':,-;<·,·lIcnt glftH, a salad garden

from your pocket!

i witli itH manv "arieti .." of greens
Un a ~H·rl·t·l\tagl· IJa~lH, :\ar]II'I"ttI. pro\"iu t •s vita·lllinH and min('rnls
lead:; thl' l~lltll"I' ..\ lain Lilli' ;tl't';L! ',"hieh 'wn I1f'Ptl.

Wb('ll t i l l ' ~izt.' of it~ territor'y and F'l'f'.dt'ri('k 1\-loorc. ~1J(H"'intendent'


NATIONAL 1,",,'5S m
A natural black cotton has been tot:d populatiun i:-; conHidt'rpt! I,,! thl' I.ln,"d f'~til1t'. lI<l\'t'rford: In'
dpvelo!'.·<! Lv Soviet scienti.~t~. com III till' folluwing t.'olnpari~oll !'e- I a. slll:1l1 g:lrdp.n. ~pa(1ing- prppan'H
Jr/.,t<;UII\·GTO,\·, O. L pl"till~ a ;'olor ran~e which in-
1""",'<\ I)y till' :llain Line llru'n"h tlll' Roil Jl\uch hPltcr than plowing;
"Iud'" grp.,n lind an off-shade rf'd.
Th.,y say thl'sp fibrl's l'liminatp 11""dquart"rs ill Ardillor,'. allow- If for ~ome rea.son a crop will not
nH'",;,;ity for dy"ill~ and al'" hi"hly all,'I' IIlUSt I". IUlid .. ror " slim uf grow in a certain place. do not
Po~toff"'r. D"partmPllt planR to' n'sl,;lant to bll'al'hln~.
pmploy a laq~ .. numb"r of woOlell
Probably nono' will b.· Il'tlpr ('ar·
V - •• -
ll"cauRP pi.,. cak" ano paslry rp-
"trugg1" with it t1H'rl'-plant ~omP'
$G'j,IIlJU \\ hiclJ haoS bet.·ll I'l'l'l'i\'etJ by thing <'Isp in that 81,ace and move
I"."dquu'rt"n; from ~chool8, col- the firRt crop 10 a different soil
C'-----..... 1Ii.\------0
h.g-eo, lJu~illeHoti hOl1tH'~, tL::i ~pecial another year.
tail pri<' .. ~ han' gone up :, to Hi

riers-too strenuous!
giftH and dlrl'ct contributionH Akxandpr Mac),pod. ~up",rinten­
V ••• _ 1I<'r Cl'nt r"cpntly. with OPA's "anc·
Don't ]o~p your ration books' tion. morp alll! mol''' wonwn turn·
tJ,-ought to thc lleudqual'ten;. Tlli8 of'nt of t h" .Tanney estate. Brr n America'll war machine is die to keep the plare you
Illonl'y )IUIl not yet becn allucated ;\Ia\\'r: Train tomatoeR on a single
They're worth_ morp than mon .. )'. in~ to hom .. baklng- -liS" " .. H-I-ising growing-growing 1 live in safe.
. -- ----
I to till' cOlllmunities which will ul-
for thpy can buy things IIlOII"Y' cal,p nouI- which has b:diing \low
can't- food. ~as. shoO'R and, p\·"n-. ,h, I' allll salt alre'ady a,I'!Pd and
tllll"tt'ly ""celv" ('(-,,<lit for it. For . It'll gettti1g ready to de- Uncle Sam is asking you
to back them up. He's asking you to
tuaHy. cloth .." . . . . Ilritain a,!",'r· : presto! a con(O'I·tion IS bot out of ""'\1111'1<-, It will bt' noted that :Sal"
IIPrth'>; lo\al bclow is only $3889.5U, I DRESSMAKING I liver a tremendous, irresistible wallop
lend the money they need by inveet-
tigelTIO'nts strpss cost in ratIon till' O\'pn [or C!IIlIlt'r.
FOR SMART that will smash the Axis ftat--once
V . _• _
V • - • -
v,'p wOlTIen can still kN'p our
RorRps havp thpir shoe prob]PITIR. c10thps on th., gold slandanl! \Vith
when'a8. actually a.M previously
statt.'d. tIlt., Burllugh t'ull('ctionH un'
,,, ,. I' $ ~ 5 0 U.
WOMEN II and for all.
But brother-that punch has got
ing in War Bonds.
In the next few weekB, you may be
too. A spt lasting about till''''' gold-platf'c\ ..rfo'('I~. .E!;old ('olon>d \'isitOO by one of the thoullands of
A ItC'r p"eh territor" named. the
I MADELEINE to start from your pocket! And &OW'S
wpel'R. ba),prt< anc! dairynll'n who suit~ '1Il,1 c! 1'1' S s" s. and golopn
"witcb"o to hon;p-drawn clt.Ii""ry tOllcllf'" hpr" and th,'rp. it's a bie;
wagons are having t!'oubl .. go·ltin~ (avori'., this SPrJlll(.
first f1gun, i" til<, amount colkcl"d
in 1 ~4~. tllt' Hl'cond fig-uri' th ..
alJlOllllt :-iO far ITl'dltl.'u for 1 ~4:{,
I 209 Haverford Ave.
i IESEN the time to let it go 1
Uncle Sam is asking us to lend him
\'olunteers who are giving their time
and eJlort to this Drive.
But don't wait for him. Today-
tlwlTI ~bod. AnllJlore, Houth side, $1487.5U. 13 billion dollars this month. 13 bil.
V • ___
V - - • -
An additional tllrpp million casps
Therp will be plpnty ve~l'lablp of .'vapora'o',1 milk will bE' rd,"ased
$:l4u!1.30; An!Jllorl' north Hide. $1.-
~:,:,_2:'. $2998.50; Bryn Ma:wr. $4,-
. Phone: Narberth 2808 I lions of extra dollars - over and now-go to your nearest bank or

l.. 1 Post Office or place where they sell

spedR for thp 1~1~ Vic·tory Gardo'ns_ for ci\'ilians soon. 5u[,.:l4. GI83.78: Gladwyne. $894.50. Hours: above any War Bond buying that
StockR will bp low in sonw vari.. V ••• - $16111.tiU. Havl'rfonl, $58&9.43. 9-12.30 1.30-6 you'd be doing anyway I Money to War Bonds. And for your Country's
ti"" of onion. IlI'pt nIHI can-at sp"']s. Cattails do th,·ir part for war'
the DppartnlPnt of AgriE'u]tllrp says. Substituling for' Olll'p ilIlport"d I'G'.';';
V __ • _ .Ta\·a kapol" caltail Ill·ads al'p now
$IU,7G:U;S; Ml·!'ion.
3,- - buy ships and planes, money to feed
and clothe and arm and train the
sake--for your own sakf'-invcl!t all
you can!
: 88~.:,O; "l'I'rbrook Hill~. $840_ 0 7,
Hair pinR and bobby pin R arp bpatl'n into fluff 101' lifo. prps .. rvprs. $170~.[,(I; I"'lln Vallo')', $1721.:,0, millions of your fellow Americans There are 7 different types of U. S.
P8! •.,cially ,,('an',' in d .. fpns,' an·a,;. pillo\\'~ .. qllilt,. sl,·pplng bags and
I $11[,G.',U. HoselllOllt. $2023.9,. $2.- HELP Government securitiell - choolle thl'
who will deliver this punch - who
~UUlfl; hair (lrp~st'rs insIst that ('us In~\1latIOI1 nlatpnal. ,8, :,U; Villanova. $1883.25. $3U17; r
tomers bring thpjl' own. V - .• - \\'''lIwood. $~49;;.(I9. $6!i21.01.
YOUR GROCER. art' rl'lt,h' to work and SWl'at and unf'S 1/1'111 Sl/i'I'I' (fir , ... "
V •• _ _ Threp·pait·s·a-ypar shop rationing
. . . i~ pknty tOllgh on thp childnm. BUDGET YOUR
WIth a uunlmum of WOI')'Prs. hOR- \Vp'd best tpach them to give their
pltals arp stru~glin~ to ~tl].\ gl\"('
good servic.~_ In sO.I,np hospitalR.
.loctors are ratlonpd to 10111' oppr-
foot.w .. ar th" 01' shinola with It
sP\f.ghinin~ wax-liquio to preRerve
and protect th"ir ]eathprs.
alions a .day. with emergencle..
taken care or,
of course.
V - -•-
V ••• _
A new food yeast has been de·
,"ploped by British scientists. Re-
No deliveries Mon. & Thurs.
Restaurant rnanagprR arf' fpplin~ s .. mblin~ ~oap t1akPR In appearancp This epace is a contribution to America's all-out war effort by
scarcity of pot~. pan ... dlina\\are I and rpportedly hi,::hpr in Vitamin I~
and sil\·pl'. I ht'an! of OIH' lal'g..
hotpl whieh Rubslitutpd woodo'n
RpoonR for silvpr in sprying rpfn'sh-
than liH'r or animal protpins. it
can bp madp from su~ar or ITIO-
lassp" at abollt 10 "pnts ppr pound.
Anything from a snack 1o a
full meal ... served as you like it. J. J. WHITESIDE
ments to a ITIppling of H,'lO 1"'0,,11'. V .•• - THE AIR_CONDITIONED
. . . Cana,la is making CUPR with·
out hand]ps.
V _ -. -
"East is Ea!'t. and V,TpRt is Wpst"
and ·tat.. rs of thp two .. aJl·t meet.
say" OPA. I,]aho potatops gO wpst.
With buttpr IIhortag-f' ,ll'nstic .. Eastprn potatoPR stny ('ast await- 4111 COfhlail .[41111?'
Oklahoma and Tpnnpl's(>p haY<' !'f'-I·
ing an OPA price order. I
"paled taxps on margarinp. 1m,] V • - - - LUNCH FROII BOe • DINNER raDII 115e
~-----------------_ .. ~1II111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIJa
I:t>nn~ylvania IpglRlators arl' con· j Pipe,' goods arp onp of thp faRt-
"Idf'rm~ repeal of $100 yparly rp- . eRt moving itemR, say d,'partnlPnt
tail Iicensps which' kPPpR 9<1 PPI-' slon' ol\1cialR. with \\,o!llpn doing
cent of that statp's RtO/'p8 (rom' more of th.'ir own ~ .. willg. Pattern \
seJling the butter alternate. I hook pllbli,hl'l's agl'pe.
IIl1M COIlCGDlst - P. L L sallnAl SIAnl1l
§ '.
HF~"'l1I'lI -,;.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~~~;~
Bala Artist Gets -= -====
Honorable Mention

Two hunllr-ed t<'n cus,·!, of conta- I

~ious di"P[\~p \\,pl'E' reported in Low- \
Make Your Own Butter
The Economical Way
RANO'S Hairdressing
for your dog
Thf! UOl'prnmpot rationing of meat will
Fresh Lean
Miss Cathie Baboock. 11 St.
Asaph's Rd., Bala, has recelvPd
Merioll Township <luring tho

w.' .. k pneling' April 2. inl'1u<1ing five

A Brooklnead Guernsey
Customer says: OPEN THURS: and FRL EVES.
DOl a.ffect YOllr being alii. 10 get fre.1I
\I'"n beel for your dog. J uot c.ull Hili·
21 c Ib =
5 lop 8017 and We wlll gladly .upPly )'ou
~OT 5
chlck"npox 80 Derman mNLsles;
honorable mention for her water 116 measles; Rix mumps ano three
"Take" quarts Golden Guernsey
Milk. Keep 2 days. RemOve all
For Appoinbnents call Narberth 4270
. .~ =
and your rrlc/lds.
Till. beer I.
. =
color, "Circus", which is being ex- whooping cough. Cream trom top (approximately

~ ~~ 'Q~r:nat
hibited in the first annual Ohio 1 quart). Allow to set room tem-
Val1ey OU and Water Color Show, perature 3 hours. Churn 'With CAN I N E
!L feature ot the annual Fine Arts
Week a.t Ohio University, Athens.
mately Mixer. Result, approxi-
three-quarters pound
Butter a.nd 1 pint of Old Fash-
loned Buttermilk. Balance ot
Milk testing close ·to 3 % Rutter-
fat ideal for home use." ==,
A little "jack" to buy Cedar Poles and you can
To keep your dog In tip-top sha.pe see your
vetertnarlnn regularly

*' lb. Butter (bard to get)' .&0

have big beans. ~lllll\lllllllllllllllllll\lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllill1111111111111 n1i7,
1 pt.Butterm1lk(Old fBBhion) .10 Have you a Poultry House for your intended
8 qUI. Mllk (for homo use) ..• 4'
Total 'llVralue of _.. _.._.. _.1.02
From 4 qts. Goldcn Guern-
sey Milk at 1'70 or ._ _$.88
egg crop?
You may need a small Tool House for your
.-Thornton-Fuller CO.~
garden tools-a Cold Frame would be very MADRID MOTOR CORP.
Your Profit ~O% or .. _ 84 timely.
BUY GOLDEN GUERNsEY ('1'ruck Rentals)
Act tn time to arrest any
mi·nor leaks. Save big re-
pair bills by takIng imme-
diate steps to have al1 smaH BROOKMEAD Tbe Link Between Forest and Home
leaks repaired now
CLOSEID 11 NOON SATURDAY Now Centrally Located At
Phone NAR.BERTH 2920
Phone. WAYNE, 1121
125 E. Lancaster Ave.
,.a ..• _._ ••
Ready fOT Easter? Maintaining Fully Equipped Shops With Fac-
tory.Trained Mcehnnlcs. servtclnll all Makes
auyMore War Bonds Today For All Around Protection Be a: (8n1 and Truclul.
Let Your Clothes Be as
Sure Your Brakes Are Perfect FRESH as the SEASON

To Hasten Victory For protection of Uvea • • • for
No American wants this war
to go ope minute beyond the
protection of ttres... your
br8.kes are most Important. Let.
Our Quality Dry Cleaning Will Add
New Freshness & smiutneal to Clothes
time we can bring It to a vic- our sldlled meohaDlcs teet them. . Payments $1.25 A Week
W~ w:tll 'SUIIPI)' you with ~
torious end. To hasten that
.victory-to save- possibly the quaUtJ 1IDIDg&, If your oar neeta
• 08l'r)1ng a Oomplete Stock of Parts and Ac-
U~ .of mUllons of our boys
on our 1M 8U1lg front_It Is
imperative that every Ameri-
can. do his part In U1e Second

cessories. SerVlclDg Motorists In Pblladel-
IJhla and VIcinity lor Over 82 Years.

War Loan. There Js an in- Tailors : Cleaners : Furriers: Dyers 24th and South Sts. Spr. 6730
vestment to fit every pUrse. BATrERY AND
1410 N. Broad St. Ste. 6300

The most you can do Is little SERVICE STATION 228 BAlA AVENUE 102 FORREST AVENUE
enough compared with the sac-
rlflce offered by our boys In
service. They give their Uvea
0al1 iiillORE
When Your car Won't StArt,
181& 304 W. Lancaster Ave.
' 126 E. Lancaater Ave., Ardmore

-you lend your mODey. Ardmore 0848

••••••• •• ._._. ra. a •••• .1 • • • • •
';. '\


61 Abington 16

Relief Payments High Notes Gets College Honor Heindel and Evans SO NortilltoWn 17

Show Decrease (Co.ntlnued from Page 1) Named All..State 36

the Merlonite offlC'e any day after 45 Allentown 31
From 1942
Calling The Turn 1Jlr<".t n-I1f'f posments made to school.
ne"dy resIdents of Montgomery
Lowpr Merion BlLsebali Team
(('ontlnuerl from Page 1)
an.d got only one field goal and
four fouls fOI' sIx points. He col-
Upper Darby
14 , 1
during th., weuk endIng April 2 Il'eted a 11kI' nllmher In the final, 42 :'olorrlstown 23
By L. M. FORD totlll1<'d '7~I.~U which was $699.70 down"d Penn Charter 6-0 on March KanJI'. Pl.U TOURNEY
Ic",~ 1 han t hos,' of tlw comparable 2. thpr.. will h" no Easter va- Th" h"n"fil Hf>l'II'S Will' a jinx to .• , MOrrlavill<, 1& •
",p"k of last year. "ation thiS yeal' . third quar- Evans. He wpnl wlthollt a point ;,3 Pottstown 30
It"~ increditJlt·, LJut trul'. Lowf.'! Ih,· lhlrd Ht,ai;:hl ypur. Anderso.n for thl' Ilrsl timp thIs RPason In 40 ('hl'st"I' 28
tpr n'port "'"'ds will be issu,>d this
the firsl gam p . and hI' took a nasty <47 Milton 26
Merion HI;:h's d"f"at at t1H' hands Huid ""Ill not goin~ to WOITY a.hout
of I·.. nn Chart.,. In Ih,' olJening }J('llll (·hurt ... r I'\'P told thp boys
A. Shihadeh's Father Friday . th(' s .. hool term thIs spill and rpcl'lvpd a CIII oVer hIs 3[, Hazleton 23
round or ttlt' H,'(j ('ro~ tUUI'na· la Th,oy"p 1,,·.·.11 thrOuKh tenlflc Dies in Palestine }'ear will Pond on Jun<' 11, Don left I'j'P in Ihp \Vpst !'hl11y ",.anJf'. 29 Farrf'1I
28 •
flltOnt \\f1t"1l'1 a.I) llour nld befure 1,!"l'H,i!lrt' 1"(11' thl' pa..' it 'nlonth. a.nd I 8v'LJ1s. ollp 01 th" "tar players o.n \\'hllp Ihp Hprl l'rOSR 10llrnament
:'"iOJ)I" f\1at.t1 J~int· falHi had ("l:l(~h dOll'l Illlnk It i" fair 101 thl'l1l to \\ "1'" hal' n r ...,elvcd by cable. l"·... L. ~I.'s 43 Statp l'hamplonHhip 11I'eypnlprl Ihpm from having an 2fi Ppnn rhartf'.r (E. P,) 2&
tht'lll to k('t·p lhf'lll 'U1", t'\"(>Jl 1f "ra III I 01 A hra h,ull I.;sau Shlhadeh un,left'aled !,ea/Hlll. thl' state champs 2;' West Phlla. 17
j (Ill ..\ ndf'rl"ull oil '1 he llan.· llaskf'lball t<,am. \Pft L, .\1. thi .. past
itWPl't' POR~lldf', which dqubt. 111'\1 his fathel', aged96. died reo ha\'{' Ihp exlrpml' plpfl.sllrp of know-
Tuesday, f'lr he ('X1H'ctS tOl 1>1' call"d Ing Ihat htpy hay., l'ontrlhutpd dl- ('. ~, automobilo industry has <Ie-
'Andy ha.11 J\J~t gl\'!'ll tht:1l1 tht'
\\',,'11 tt'~' to ha\p sornp ftln If w(' ".'lllly III l'ale8111"'. Mr. Shlhadeh,
will. okay. and If \\1' In .. "" that'll allli'III,' ruf.: authority, of Hllten- Into lI"tI"e s<,t·"i"" wllh th,' :\Iarine rpelly to thp war ('[fort. The tWO fl'n ..'" pla.nt" In 6 7 ('it Ips anc1 to\\,nA
!itute tltlt· for thl' thlrd Htralght
tw f)~~ay. In" hOUH" 1'1" ... ,. Ardmore. llU't vlalted .. '()I'P~ ~olnf'tlnle In May. sptR of !l"amPR allrapt('d Romp 13,000 or 17 !!tates.
ypur, hl:H.1 givl'1l tl1Pl1l tl'alll:i thut
h'" fatllt'I' ill 1~137. when he took fa nR, a majority of whlPh Werf'
Ileul wull 31 gaUlt'H III a I"OW and
l·',·u'I1kl). ,,(' 1>1'I1("\'p ..ow...· :\I"r- a Irq' tIl I'all.'sl\ne. The elder :'I1aln Lln('!'A, 'ind raiRcd Rlightly
which tr111111plil'J 1I1 f)"; 01 :l~ gallll'~ Th,' Tra"k tearll, undl'r th,· dil'l'c-
t'\'l'f tJll"e(' yt'a r:-i . .\ l't t Iwy hu PJH.~d
Ion .~>uld IUI\'I' nu,d,' II SWt'l'p of :-;hlllarl"h waH the father of 31 chil- tlon of ita new cOllt:.h. 1\11' J. :'Ilar-
m orl' t han
I'rosR \Var I·'und,
10.000 fOl' t hp Red Hand Colored •
~,.\ t'r,' ,'nt!('iHlll the th" H('(! ('ro,.s tourllnnl<'llt If 1II1e .11'<'11 alld AhnLlwl1l 8sau ~hlhadeh
fill htlll \\ Itll
IIlOtllt.nl 11It· 11\1·,lt;I1I\.· d.·f,'at (":\Jlle.
tcunl hnel 1'01111<.. 1 for It I'" It hatl W;lS tb.· tlr:--t Ilorn and autornatic-
!'or th,' PI.\;\ tOIlMUln...nt /{ltIllCS. all\' IWI'I>III"S head of II", f;lIl1l1y
zurco. draftlng Instructor at the
T"chni('al S .. hool, h; in fur a hlg,
and we hope prosperous. "l'a"on.

:'Ilis" F:slh('r Markl'Y. dallghtf'r of

Thl' spason'R rp('or,l'
4~ ;\f('r('hantvill" 25
. Cards
But ;\lId""son ,lid.. ·t bt'UC\..' It "'WI alld ,'hlef of the trlble. 1·-"lIow" who will prohalJly <10 quite Mr, ancl Mrs, Harold I. Mark('y. 50 , 'o[\tesvill<, 15
Th"",p ,1I""runtlt.. 1 flU""' thought
worth It or f"iI' to 'hi.~ ho)'" to do a hit n( eilldl'r pounding ar .. Paul 290R :\Iapleshade Rd" Ardmorl'. a 34 Chester 25 McNICOL LINE
".-\uU}'" ",ill"lld 1l<'\~I' IUl\e ''lUter- Haver(OI'<! 32
,'(I tll(' H.. 'tI ('I")"'~ t,>UrJu,ment, tbut
Ul"r., \\'1I"n't "nHhUlI; I.t, gain luttl
,;0. J\ft~'r 1111, Iw'" a ',()lIlpeU'nt
11,1/1:". "IHI "ho "n' we to .1IS31{1'<'l'
First Nights From L,)\·('. Bol> Craig-, Bill ~app, ('ick junior at (',·dar Crest Collpge. AI-
Barr a.nrl .J 0 h.n (·arl·. Olher team ]pntown. was ('Ieeted president of
Tr .. nton ('at hoi if' 32 •
"\t'r},tlhing 10 I •. ')11(')' ""ok tIlt'
filltl I·uult'.' Home Are Tough IIwmherH who have just sIgned on h .. :-:111I1"nt (1o\,ernment A"soC'iation
fd Cheltenham 16
60 l'ppf'r Darby 2& and ChDcIren'. Carda

lllUtuttl' ttlt· .."nit " ~t.·H."·HH \\IL."i I"U1U-j. ,.. -~ th., track tpam thlll ypur, and who of thp rollt'goe at "Ip('tlon" hf'ld on
...1 b;)' till" 1:Io(",uI ('luLJ1{Or dt"reUl'l :-..;url·ly 11 \\a~_IIt.ttl'l lakl' a 111)- (\'ontinul'c1 froIlI !'age 1) Wt' bl'li"vl' will lop a good bet are: 1"I'i(!a,' This Is th(' hl!l"hf'st studpnt

tollnt I,. :\1:" p,·,""tlg.· WIL~ dealt a (t"ll t h'lll to gl\"t>


('old ~houlder no Illllt' to b., conxidcrate, and the Ht'nry MorrlA, Harry Puplan. Mur- offi('p on Ih" rampus. 5c to 25c
10 tht, 1t ... 1 "1',1"". Aflt'1' all, OIur l'allI)J toems wl!h 1l01'1talglll as a ry ]<'rel'man, .11m Ul'Itndy anrl :-:I,·\\' :'IIiA" :'Ifarkl'y s('l'\'ed as O·ell.Surer
bt.\".rt. hlo" h)' 10"ln" to Ul.· In..
('tlllllt!"y ('(lIlli'S fir~t. thPHf' Ita~'s ;and nnel s('"rplary during her sopho- HELENE P.

(,ollHcquence. Younl(.
t('MIl'llll"IIIit' l.oeag,H' oIUIIUp....
;tl\\:1~',",' • ~ • ('nee the recruiL'i get away frOIl\ ! morp and junior YPllr" and was
FOrli.llla:,.I~ \'ill~·
tlll·n'. howevpr, the clouds lift and Thus far th(' ""hl'dul(' for Iltl' pr"sldent of het· ('lass du.rlng her
thi,..., llil11 11\\,
,\11 tho I"·('"k,, w.'r,' ","h tl,,· .\Ia- "tan to show thf'ir silver lining. lpam Is a" follows: lntPr'"la,"!; II1l'('ts. frpshman an(l sophomor" ypars, 248 HAVEJUlIOKD AVE.
"d. HPI~h :Itlllutl., i:-- ~llalTd Neu Door to Media
a ha.ndflll Ill' 1• .\1 f\.\\l,wl'rs
l,y (Jllly
l'I)<11lIII II", j'L\A IOIurnalll"ll!. I,"t

lh,'y .. II ""'rll n;:aln", I. .\1 in Ih,'

wilh th .. rt'sult that the neophyte April 15-lfi. Penn R,'lays. April 23-
'1"lckl}' acqulrt'H "n entirely new 24. l"ppf'r Darby, April ~,; ("r"i- "CATALOG FREE"
Drug ill Narberth
Open EvtlllltDgs 'TIll 8.se .
fUllS, w!JIlt" --.Ullll'Wllut ~)\(Il'k(·d 11)' Till' ht·aut~· hu~inf'ss is nl14~ of thf'
111"1 It,,<\ (','""" ,~""". Allhou;:h tilt' IH'l'slJe .. u\,l' and an outlook that nus Int('J'"choln.stic, May I; :'Ilont- :!11 lan.":l·:-Jl indu~trip~ ill thp lYnitpo S16·S18 MARKET S'f'. NARBERIl'R 211 g
thl' deft'at, t hOll)ug-111~ undl·rHtuIH.i
locals s;ldl~ 'off' thl'~' only Itlakf'H hinl :-ioun rOl'get those sev-
tht. coclllltiollS, HiIIUhg- l -ti It I)ft' a~
hI,,"' '0

j'('nll ('lw.rt,,1'
II')' ;1 fit'ld "nd had dUYH al :\'pw Cunlbe.rland.
('ounty Cha mplonships, ~I:tlf'~. PHILADELPHIA
one or th<ml' thin~~ llllll lJa\"I' only May 12' Big' Six. 1\lay 19. !Jlstrlct
;:OIal In the "lo"lnl{ ,,('('onds of an .John Hll}'S hlH life at CalliI' Lee ml'pt, Ma)" 22; Haverforfl, :'11:1)" 26,
IIrll.1HH for 4 'n:ll'll :\I1,lt'1":-;1I1I ;\nd litH
,>lItra p"rIOld' Ima;:in., whal would I is all 10 the good In every way and Rtate me('\' 'May 29, Ruhul'hnn
('hfun plonH. ha\'<' happ"llO'd If ,I". .\lnl'oon had that he is as happy as can be. ('harllplon"hip", Jun" f,-I;,

.\tOf"lt ;\lall1
th(~ unsullit·d
Lint'r~ an' I'I"l,ud
Was \\"11li.ng
n'('lJru or his H'tilH ttl
tho' war <'lion,

Th,' ,!t'(eat
IIPI-n a.llvwh,·!"!' llf'i1r (111'111
4. • •
That hi also the spirit of a nice
lettt:.r fl'OI11 ClharleM b:ugenc Clag-
'1'1,,· 'kl"I', '1\ 'I' \\'",,1 I'hilly in horn. now attached to the "Black
,I". finaif' ~a,urday k"pt L. 1\1.',. Hawk" division In Texas, whe.re he
rl','o"d .. 10-'1 Il ,q.:ainst pnh!i(' ",'hools. has b"en as.slgned to the Inspector (~pnlor" l.
A pril I O--t 'oll('!:"
Narbertla 2430 ••
wa:-o :t Vt'r.\ :-0111:\.11 S;lt'rifkl' whl'1l It Th,' "ity h".:h ""h"ob aI'" Ih,' only Gen('ral'A Ufflce, the Army not los- Aprll 10-HI"'''I'''1' 1):lI1<'P, I )o\\,n's Jeddo-Highland Coal
IH ('on~ldl'rl'd
Low .. r 1\1 ('rion 'K
partl,.\ pa lion 1Jl
largl'l~ du(' to on.' not Inl'llllwrs of the PlAA and ing any time in spotting Charles' Gym, 9 1', M
YOlU "ft"n ))(''11' it ar;:u"d in th,' pity aurllting talents.
$1 ~5 Iwr rOllpl" or SOHDJ·Vacuum Puel Oil
thla two-nIght tourr1l'y 11101'" Ihan Ihat J. \1. '\fluid s,·ld""1 10" in lh" It is planned to have news from
loppers Coke
$10,000 waH ralst',1 fOIl' th..
« 'rnH:4.
I{pd th!t'k of thl' I·I.\A tOIHn"y if 1Iw Ih" camps a regular feature o( Our
I'uhll(' I...f':q..: -III' I hallipinns \\,prp flll- Town in the course of a lew weeks A, M.
April 14 ASIWOIhh' B-lil. lu 30t
;:11 01 P, anti Narberth ~ervice Men are ass HAVERFORD AVE. Water takes its place with guns,
Tit,. onl) ....·1I1)· tntged)· of tbe • • urged to send along newsworthy H,lp ('ut Down 'Ahsente('iS111- NARBERTH, PA. tanks, food and oil on the battle-
L. M. tler('at \n..... not thtlt It n,In..>d 1'hu",. thlluks I.. 11... Il(>(l eros..; items. AllenlI ~e'ho('1 Regularly'
field and throughout the 8upporting

a perfect sen""..., but UUlt It prob-

IIbl)' ('ost tilt' Boo ern..... npproxl
~nm,.,... this Is Oil" )'("Jir t11("r<' Is no
Meanwhilf', the
bll>ol" ror urglll1le'nt. IJ()wer Merion learned frOlll recent correspond·
lesson to be
. zones behind the lines.
lu"" mol'(' rl~ht to 1II1.. tltl«' oJ' stnw "nce uy those whose numbers are I
mlltel)' $2500. If lJO\,..'r M.criloo
Back of these combat areas water i8
'had lJe<m In th.. · nal ngnln"t Cath- dUlIllJlhlol1 tltlln "\'e......1'. ....'.
about to com(' up is that the first
night 01' two awa)' from homc Is no FOR QUALITY CLEANING SERVICE I indispensable on the home front
oli., 1Iigh tobe "rowd would lw.ve
b''t'n e'loS<' to a ,0('11 out Im;teud of "nvlalJle experIence and that the DUPONT PER-CLENE I where it i8 vital.
the ID{'.J"(' 6tltlO wh.tch turu...... out .1l1i('~' frOl1l
thn'p f(,t·t l l f ~Ul-..:ar
Hl,.,eplton Center II' apt to be the TIle Improved proce8ll or Dr7 0leBD1Dg tor 'aranneote and I
to &'e the CahlJUtC!' beat I'eon c'anl' is rt'4uirf"d to lllak(' (Inf> or-
II10at unattractive part o( the ('n- HotI8ehokl F1JrDiIIb1Dars by SC1enUfic Metbod8 Use Springfield "'ater carefuUy. •
Charter, 37-20. for du' "dlamilion IiI''' Army St·t-up.
dinary tahlt't Clf sugar
Un('e the men are shifted, every-
of .~hamploru;" Utle. Fran('p Blight ha\,{' oWJ'}(>d thfl'
thinK Improves. and SO the thing
• "

"unam:, Canal. today if it w('r" not

• • •
AnUerHon warned
us of (or mosqultoe". F""I'I'. ('aused hy
to do III to grin and bear It fo.r a
little while. no matter bow tough
what to exp('ct, but we'r.. so used to th,'sf' InsPe'ts. halked a I·'ren"h at-
his moanIng that WI' dldn't pay a.ny
attentIon. When he accepted the
invitation to participate In the Red
('rOSH Ilf(alr, he said: "lly that time
lempt to hulld th .. canal In the
nlnetppnlh ('entury.
It Is. for after that, there will come
an adventure that wl1l prove to be
the rno"t memo.rable and precious
feature In the life record or any
54th end
,J,il.J.IDhi. Suhurbsn
Plzarro'R mummy lit's in a trans- man who enrolla fOr his ('ountry's
our bOyA art' not g-olng to feel like parent ('lise In an andpnt cathedral cause. MaiD Plant - 206 EAST LANCASTER AVE., Ardmore •
"Iayln~ baakethal!.
anti-climax to the state
It will be an
ment and, frankly, we're' not too
at Lima. I'l'ru. Pizarro was the
Hpanish ('on'1ll('rol' of tllal ,'oun,
"nthusf'd OVl'r tht' idea. But It's ESTA.TE OF ERNESTINE BERTSCH,

the leafolt Wf' ('l"Ln do for tht' \\'ar If you haven't gotten around J)ccelUled, late of tbe BoroUg1b at c

to buylnJr a Seoond War Loan Narberth, Montgomery County, Pa.
,'ffort," L..atters ot Administration on the
BoDd, atop anti think what It above
• ElBtfte havIng been lP'a.nted the
woald mean to you It our ao1- undlH'sllfJ1ed, all persons Indebted to
And lifH'r the 1\loroon nOHe,l out
4len hadn't cotten ro1U14 to said. Eetate arc requested to make im-
FarreH to wIn the Htatp title fol' medIate payment. and those havIng le-
. ihe kht. gal dalm., to present same wIthout de-
lay to
Havcrford Ave., Narberth, Pa.
P, O. AddreaA. Narberth, Pa..
25 WORDS FOR 50c (In ODe Paper) Or her Attorney:
OUR TOWN, BALA-CYNWYD &: MERION NEWS I60R Walnut SI.. Philadelphia. Pa,
$1.40 FOR 4 PAPERS •
ask about special month17
",eased. I.ate of the Borollll:b 01 Nar-
bertlt. Montgomery County. pa,
Y.ou may Mnd money order. stamps, or personal cl1eek. Address Letters Testamentary on the a.bove
lUI oommunlca.l..iona to Lower Merion Newapapers. Ardmore. Pa. Estate havIng been gT1l.nted the under- •
signed. all pereonA Indebted to aa.ld Es-
CALL tate are requested to make Immediate
Ardmore 5720 Greenwood 7740 Hilltop 3600 payment, and those having leaaJ c1a.lm8,
to present same without delay to
C.\ elL B. MI-:T;f.ljER, JR.• Executor.
560 Manor Road
Or his Attorney:
TIHCYCLE-ln good condition, for 3- HENRY A. FRYE.
BROWN FELT HAT-Leopard trim; year-old child. Call Hilltop 3954 be- I60S Walnut Street,
StetBOn label. Last March 24 be- fore 12 noon or after 6 P. 1'tI. Phlladelpltla., Pa. ",
tween 59th and Ch811nat Sts. and
1.lanerch, Telephonc Hilltop 3827.
late of TOWhshlp of LoweT Merion. e,
IJOST-Near Kewtown 8quare. large Montgomery County, deceased-Letters
ycllow hat box, L'Onta.lrllng two navy \Vlndow ahadel! - Venellan Blinds
blue tclt hats. navy bluc leather Linoleum of Administration on the above estate
purse 8.ud gloves. white silk scarf. HOBSON 01: OWENS have boon granted to the undersllrlled.
Reward if returned to Mrs. Roy 101&,1017 Lancaster Ave., Bryn Mawr. who request a.ll persohS havinA" c1a111l8
Johnson. 108 \\'1I80n AvO!.. Manoa, Phone Bryn Mawr H20 or 1181 or demands against the estate of the
<IecO!dent to make known the same, and

Help Wanted--Male or Female HOUSEHOLD GOODS all p<.r8om' Indebted to the decedent to
mak,' p'\\,O!('nl, without delay. to •
WAR VETERAN BUYS DINING, bed- a2S surrey Lane
GASOL1!':!': STATIO:'ol ATTENDANT room, anI' kitchen furniture. BedB.
In Ardmore. Sultablc for mlddl.... r\1i,ll. and Oriontals. marble furniture. Overbrook Hills
all;ed man or young woman. Apply (ig.,res. \ rUlCS chIna, baby JP'B,I1d PhiladelphIa, Pa.
125 E. Lancaster Ave., Arrlmore. Pa. Or his Attorneys.
Phone Ardmorc 0849. pianos. sewing and waahlng ma,- I· OX &: McTIGHE
chines. Vdll go anywhere. Coleman. J19 Swede SL
907 North 7UI SL. Phlladclphla. Lam- Norrl.town. PRo
GARDENER'S HEI,PER - Exempt bUd 93a.t.
trom draft; one who underHtands OT-.4-1-6t
caring (or vegetablc g'arden. Tele.. •)
phone Ardmore 3373. A1I4-8 PIANOS LEGAL NOTICE
APARTMENTS FOR RENT Orandl! &: Uprtgpta
QUick .Removal

OAKMONT-3 roome, kitchen. bath. el- Fair Prices
PiaD08 Bought Courteoua Men
ectric refrigerator. Excellent <,ondl-
tion. Larlrc porco. Private entrance.
... Ql.retuJ
1st floor. Adults only. $Bfi.OO per P. HUGHES .. SON
month. Including glUl. heal, electric- All. '1UO West 61ft
Ity and hot water. Conv. to all Piano HoTing OR CALL
transportation. Call Hill top &848 or All. 7450 . West 616t
:.'. Hilltop 3746. Evenings Ora. 4629


DESIRABLE HOMES In exeellent REPOINTING AND REBUlLDlNG F, like tbe eagle, you could look down on vice. are "boul equal 10 the number of pas- fact, demand for equipment is now so great
communities at attractive prices, For
So.Ie or Rent.
brick and stone waU8, t1aptone, etc.
Call TommY, Cynwyd 1488-W. Itakatbetoamount of railroad equipment it
move a single armored division.
senger trains running daily over the Peno-
sylvania Railroad between two of Ihe bllsiest
that on arriving at terminals carl must be
put right bad ioto service, so you may find

WlLLUM PUGH places on Ihe face of the globe-New York them oot quite so spic and s,Pan as we would
8l1i ),{01ltpmery Ave.• Cynwyd
C7n. 8100 Gre, 8800
SEWING MACHINES bere is whal you would see ... 7S Irains: and Washingtoo. like, Housekeeping facilitte.s are adequate .',
Many passenger trains. many freight trains Multiply this one division by the many mov- but there'snot always time.
-all required to move just orle division. For ing in this counU')' and you can, under$tatid But Americans are *wtl8 all this lik, good
FOR SALE a division takes all its equipment with it.,- why, •• yoU may hive difficulty getting a loldiers. for they koow this is a ...... of
tanks, jeeps, armored cars, supply trucks, berth ••. or be obliged to stand in a coach movement, and that movement begins rl,ht
plflCell. AlB08pmet delk an4 tea wa· WANTED uaetors, anti.aircra(t guns, many things. ••• or arrive. at your descinarion I~e. 10 here-in IfrlHriciI, fin Ihe ,.."i/s.
And it, men, numbering about 12,000,

BOn. 1leasonabIe. Call after 6.00 P.
M. Bllltop()&06-R. NEllIDmDb,.,tbe,Maln Line Federation need berths in which to sleep!
of ChUl'CheB, an exprell8 waaon. two
bureaull III a (lark color. and one bed- Whar's more, when this division moves by e,
MIRRORS .. CLASS Ilde table. Tel\lPhone 4rdmore au, rail, it moves as a unit-that is, trains fol.
lowin8 one another a few minutes apart.
NOW 1a the, time tID rejuvenate y01,1r MISCElLANEOUS
'l'A.GTII, '1816 Wut Cheiter Pike UPHOLSTERING Am> REPAIRING-
Upper Darby. CUstom made minol'll: Bprlltp of, a-piece 8ultee repalNd.
Now, 10 terms of trains, those 75 lallen flul
o£.eh,man service and put ;,lIfI milit"ry s«- * * l'j,B42 i" ," ArM..I '0_1 16 lI.w ,i_,"';' I;Hl/~r IMir - , . , ,
reeUvvlna' ; reJllodellna' : ploturel no.oo: cbalrs recovered, .-&.00. Go· IUT UNITID STATIS WAIl IONDS AND STAMPS
On. 01 Am.rica'. Railroad. • , , All Unlt.d lor Vict.ry I
tnImed: furniture tapti. 'Phone Blvd. anywhere. Lewis. WQD& can uee. e
8oa. 227 Eallt Lancalter Ave.. Wayne, Pt.. e

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