Assingment 1 Peer Review PR

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Isabella Martinelli

Mr. Ventura

ENG 1530

4 October 2020

Paxton Retchless

- Clearly states thesis- “I do not have a clear answer to this question, because I simply do

not know enough yet about the topic, but I do know that the question is researchable,

debatable, and sustainable.”

- Addresses researchable well – clearly states researchable and gives reasons

- Addresses debatable well – clearly states the reasons why, the added opinions give it a

nice personal touch, shows you care

- Addresses sustainable well – clearly states the reasons why, especially in today’s culture

and the upcoming election

- The student participated in peer review and collaboration with fellow students

- The introduction is done very well. Addresses your main concerns and questions, the

reasons for choosing the issue, and includes information without being too overpowering

- Students shows a general understanding of the topic

- Includes a very strong and obvious thesis

- Very well organized.

- Each reason has its own paragraph and it is easy to follow along and understand what

you’re talking about.

- The student displays how there are multiple sides and arguments to this issue and why it

is worth pursing (debatable)

- The student displays how the topic is researchable and key questions to research

- The student displays how the topic is sustainable and relevant – especially in today’s


- Readdresses the thesis and reasons in the conclusion – very strong. Leaves the reader

with a good impression

- Overall really well done! Addresses everything in an organized matter, and definitely

leads the way to the actual research and paper

- This is a really great topic because of the upcoming election and how vital it is for people

to be registered to vote and to go vote!!!

- Uses proper grammar – although there is a dummy subject in the thesis (“that”)

- I can’t wait to see this process play out and the research you come across!

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