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"Confusion in Christian words and Christianity"


This Journal shows criticism and ideas for discussion of the painting from the
gallery of Hocus, The "Lectores De Las Palabras perdidas" (Readers of lost words) masterpiece
by Saul Holifena and Guy Custodio. The painting from its own eyeveiwing angle, there are
priests to be seen with blindfolds and other more accessories and things. As there were Total of
Sixteen religions and one of the most common religion is Christianity and by the influence of
the Spanish/Spaniards during their colonization, and it will be talk mostly about how diverse the
Christianity is and some ways carried out by groups that pops out and get existed. It is amazing
on how the two artist collaborate and worked together for its wonderful success. This more
focuses on the messages of the artwork, as this painting belongs to Modern art for it is just
recently made.


 Angel De Cuyacuy
- The Little Angel holding a book (considered as trademark of the two artists)

 Augustinian
- A member of Augustinian Order.

 Catechism
- A summary of principles of christian religion in the form of question and answers for
the instruction of christian.

 Debosyon
- Love, loyalty or enthusiasm for a person, activity or cause.

 Gallery
- Room or Building for the display or sale of works of art

 Hocus
- These people have been hocussed and cheated by the government
- Name of Gallery
 Religion
- The belief in and worship of a superhuman controlling power, especially a personal
God or gods.


The world filled with art as you look anywhere, cannot be explained as it is to broad or
crazy looking. In the world of art, choosing under the philippine contemporary art, The Hocus.
The Hocus Gallery is located at the 3rd level of the building National Museum of fine arts on the
National Museum complex, Rizal Park manila.

About the Hocus Exhibit, the paintings of the exhibit were works of Saul Hofilena and
Guy Custodio. Holifena is a lawyer and a historian, while Custodio is a conservator of churches
treasures.The way of their colaborative works are oil painting to woven cloth and wood in
relation of the Philippine history. The meaning of Hocus is trinity of both artist and the icon
illustrated as crown of thorns with an angel reading a book (Angel De Cuyacuy). Most of the
paintings takes place with the "Patronato Real" (royal Patronage). It is define as the
arrangement between the spanish monarchy that acceots responsibilities of maintaining the
Catholic Faith by Propagandas. The missionaries as where propagating and defending the
sovereign acts and recognition to the spanish state. Each and every painting contains Angel de

Hocus (Angel De Cuyacuy)

Lectores De Las Palabras Perdidas (readers of the lost words)

The Work Lectores De Las Palabras Perdidas (readers of the lost words) in the gallery is
defind as "blindfolded, the Jesuit readers a catechism, the Augustinian a Novena in tagalog
while the Recollect recites a Visayan Prayer, The Dominican holds a Book with the titles
collected for all those lost words."

As relating the artwork to contemporary arts, the style of the painting sees through
Victorino Edades, for its dark, sorrowed color at painting with the use of oil paint. As Spanish
Colonial period, the practices were shown and propagating Christianity with the missionaries.
The clothes, books and accessories which is in relation to its religion are all seen from the
historical past.

All throughout the painting, Having allot of ideas, you may commonly see the five
priests holding a book each of them, But they are blindfolded as they were blind from the truth,
and not in uniform as they were also wearing different robes. They give different
interpretations instead of only single interpretation. Relating also to the society, theres allot of
religious groups and interprets everything differently, the result of this situation in the society is
confusion through the religion Christianity.

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