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Thursday, 2nd July 2020

I Have Just Visited Granny Abroad

a. Listen and Practice!
Abby: Hi Allison, I haven't seen you for ages. Where have you been?
Allison: Hi, Abby. I have just visited my granny abroad.
Abby: Oh, I see. But wait… I think you've visited your grandma before, haven't you?
Allison: Yes, I have visited her three times this year. She was sick two weeks ago so we went
to America again.
Abby: How is your grandma?
Allison: She is better. She is in my house now.
Abby: Really? How long has she been here?
Allison: She has been here for three days. Actually, she has missed her children and
grandchildren. That's why she was sick.
Abby: Oh, sickness because of missing people she loves. I guess she will be well soon. Send
my warm regard to your grandmother.
Allison: I think so. Okay, I will send it to her. Thanks, Abby.
Abby: You're welcome.

b. Answer the questions based on the dialogue above!

a. Who has Allison just visited? Allison has visited her granmother.
b. How often has Allison visited her? Allison has visited her three times for this year.
c. Where was his grandmother? His grandma was in london house.
d. How long has she been here? She has been for three days.
e. Why has she been sick? She has been missed her children and grandchildren. She
has been missed people she loves.

B. GRAMMAR FOCUS: Present Perfect Tense

·I haven't seen you for ages
·Where have you been?
·I have just visited my granny abroad
·How long has she been here?
·She has been here for three days
·She has missed her children and grandchildren

1. Change the verb into the correct form!

a. We have consulted some doctors about this We have consulted some doctors
about this.
b. People have been cause much destruction.
c. I have met Debbi in the last week.
d. She has been sick since Sunday.
e. Allison has found a new problem with your plan.
f. Man has invented many great inventions.

2. Change into question!

a. Alice has already visited doctor
Has Alice visited doctor yet?
Yes, she has
No. She hasn't. She hasn't visited doctor yet.
b. You have been here for five years.
How long Have you been here ?
Yes, I have been here for 5 years.
No, I have not. I have not been there.
c. My grandma has been sick since last week
Yes, ..........................
No, ............................
d. Abby and Allison have been to America.
Yes, ..........................
No, ............................
e. The doctor has visited patients
Has the doctor visitwd patient yet?
No, ............................
f. Nurses have joined the training for 3 years
Yes, ..........................
No, ............................

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