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In the argument chapter, you learned about 

expressed arguments (overt arguments attempting to

persuade the audience towards a point of view) and implied arguments (arguments that appear on
the surface not to be arguments but actually seek to persuade the audience of a point of view or
views). For this DQ, provide a specific example from the media of an expressed argument and an
implied argument and answer the following questions:
 What is the expressed argument you identified? What specific argument does the
author make? What evidence does the author use to support his or her claims?
 What is the implied argument you identified? What specific argument does the author
make? What evidence does the author use to support his or her claims?
 Why is it important to understand expressed and implied arguments?
 How might you use your understanding of expressed and implied arguments when
drafting your first essay in this course?

Note: You may use visual arguments such as photos and pictures, but you will still need to
explain your rationale for why you believe the author is making a specific argument. 

Be sure to cite all sources used to compose your answer. Format your in-text citations and
reference list entry according to APA Style.

DQ:1 Topic:1
Bonnie Reese
Instructor: Professor Neese

Overt Argument
An overt argument clearly attempts to persuade the audience of a point of view. In short, the
attempt to persuade is obvious and direct and supports its claim with evidence and reasons.
Examples include position papers a student might write for a course, closing arguments made by
attorneys, scholarly publications, and op-ed pieces in newspapers. Thesis statements for essays
that define a term, present the causes and effects of a phenomenon, and propose solutions to a
problem often are overt arguments. 

Overt arguments are a form of arguments where the person making the making argument
provides their biased opinion on a certain topic and supports their arguments with evidence and
reasoning (Smith, 2020). The debater attempts to persuade the audience and their attempts are
obvious and to the point (Smith, 2020). The media overt argument I will provide to everyone is
on Govern Newsom. The California Govern Thanksgiving Rules and restrictions. The
restrictions the California Governor has placed on the Californians is based off total power and
control. The scientific evidence he uses to abuse his power is highly debated by top of the line
doctors against the CDC’s recommendation on the handling of the plandemic.
 What is the expressed argument you identified? What specific argument does the
author make? What evidence does the author use to support his or her claims?
The expressed argument I am identifying is on Governor Newsom’s Restriction guideline for the
holidays of 2020. I found this article and thought this would be a good example of overt
persuasion. (“California Gov. Newsom's Thanksgiving Rules Explained as Severe Restrictions
Put in Place”). Soo Kim, (2020) explains to the Americans that Gov. Newsoms reasons are as

1. "Gatherings are defined as social situations that bring together people from different
households at the same time in a single space or place. When people from different
household’s mix, this increases the risk of transmission of COVID-19," the CDPH said in
a statement.
2. Singing, chanting and shouting are "strongly discouraged" because they "pose a very high
risk of COVID-19 transmission," the statement noted.

"Singing, chanting, shouting, and physical exertion significantly increases the risk of COVID-19
transmission because these activities increase the release of respiratory droplets and fine aerosols
into the air. Because of this, singing, chanting, and shouting are strongly discouraged," the
statement said. Those who do participate in these activities should "do so quietly (at or below the
volume of a normal speaking voice)," and wear a face covering while engaged in the activity, the
statement said Those who sing, chant or shout are also "strongly encouraged" to keep a physical
distance of more than six feet to further reduce the risk of spreading infection.

Musicians are allowed at gatherings but they must be from one of the three households. The
playing of any wind instruments (those that are played by the mouth, such as a trumpet or
clarinet) is "strongly discouraged," according to the statement.


3. 6 Ft distancing
4. Food and alcohol in single serving
5. Washing and jandsanitixing area for all attending guests

And more.

The wider picture

Total confirmed cases in California have surpassed 887,600, with 17,192 reported deaths, as of
Thursday, according to Johns Hopkins University (Soo, 2020

BY SOO KIM ON 10/22/20 AT 12:34 PM EDT

(EDT, 2020)

(Smith, 2020)


EDT, S. K. O. 10/22/20 at 12:34 P. (2020, October 22). California Gov. Newsom’s Thanksgiving

rules explained as severe restrictions put in place. Newsweek.

Smith, V. (2020). Finding Purpose Through Argumentative Writing. Lc.Gcumedia.Com.

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