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(SOLVED) Office equipment that cost 67 000 had

accumulated depreciation of 22 500

Office equipment that cost 67 000 had accumulated depreciation of 22 500 Office equipment
that cost $67,000 had accumulated depreciation of $22,500 when it sold for $38,600. Using this
information, indicate the items to be reported on the state- ment of cash flows prepared using
the direct method. Office equipment […]

Sales reported on the statement of income were 51 300 The Sales reported on the statement of
income were $51,300. The accounts receivable balance decreased $4,100 over the year.
Determine the amount of cash received from customers to be included in the operating section
under the direct method. Sales reported […]

Truly Inc reported the following data Net income 18 Truly Inc. reported the following data: Net
income ………………………………………$180,000 Depreciation expense ……………………………. 40,0
disposal of equipment ………………….. 12,400 Increase in accounts receivable ………………….. 12,100
Increase in accounts payable …………………….. 5,900 Prepare the Cash Flows from Operating
Activities section of […]

Watson Corporation s statement of financial position data for current assets Watson
Corporation’s statement of financial position data for current assets and liabili- ties were as
follows: Adjust net income of $320,000 for changes in operating assets and liabilities to arrive at
net cash flow from operating activities using the […]


Cozy Corporation s accumulated depreciation furniture increased by 5 000 and 1 300 of Cozy
Corporation’s accumulated depreciation-furniture increased by $5,000, and $1,300 of patents
were amortized between balance sheet dates. Cozy had no purchases or sales of tangible or
intangible assets during the year. In addition, the statement of […]

A long term investment in bonds with a cost of 70 000 A long-term investment in bonds with a
cost of $70,000 was sold for $84,000 cash. (a) What was the gain or loss on the sale? (b) What
was the effect of the transaction on cash flows? (c) How […]

Amore Inc had the following cost and fair market values Amore Inc. had the following cost and
fair market values for their investments: Instructions 1. Journalize the year-end revaluation
entries required by Amore Inc. 2. Prepare the relevant current and non-current sections of the
statement of financial position for Amore […]


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