Urban Stormwater Management - New Technologies: January 2020

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Urban Stormwater Management – New Technologies

Chapter · January 2020

DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-18072-0_90


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3 authors:

Suvada Jusic Emina Hadžić

University of Sarajevo University of Sarajevo


Hata Milisic
University of Sarajevo, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Bosnia and Herzegovina


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5th International Conference
June 27-29. 2019. Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina



Suvada Jusić1, Emina Hadžić1, Hata Milišić1

(Faculty of Civil Engineering University of Sarajevo, Department of Water Resources
and Environmental Engineering, Patriotske lige 30, 71000 Sarajevo,
Urbanization and climate change have negative effects on the changes of natural
hydrological regime (precipitation and runoff regime), which results with more frequent
floods and landslides. Besides of the increased quantity of the stormwater that drainage
channels have to collect, negative consequences of urbanization are also evident through
increased pollution of runoff stormwater. Therefore, the drainage system and stormwater
management should be adapted to these changes so that the negative effects of new
hydrological conditions of precipitation and runoff and stormwater pollution in the urban
areas are mitigated. This article aims at presenting challenges and opportunities for the
advancement of stormwater management practices in urban areas. Some of urban
stormwater management technologies are presented. These technologies are more used in
urban areas of some countries of Europe.

Keywords: urban stormwater, stormwater management, decentralized technologies,

runoff hydrograph, green roof, porous pavements, bioretention


Half of the world's population lives in urban areas and it is expected that, by 2050, that
figure will rise to above two-thirds. Cities have paved over natural green spaces to make
way for streets, homes, and commercial developments. Urban stormwater can be defined
as the extreme runoff from pervious and impervious surfaces that include roofs,
driveways, pavements, footpaths, and roads infrastructure characteristic of urban areas.
Actually when it rains, urban stormwater no longer has an opportunity to sink into the land
and recharge groundwater basins. Also climate change has caused more frequent and
intense storms. Increased urbanization and climate changes have a direct impact on the
local hydrologic cycle. Due to climate change and urbanization stormwater volumes and
pollution are getting more and more important [1]. If the effects of urbanization and
climate changes are not appropriately managed, channel geomorphology and aquatic
ecology will degrade, stream base flow will decrease, water quality will diminish, and
flooding frequency will increase.
Managing stormwater runoff is a particular challenge in urban areas. The design of
conventional stormwater management systems is currently undergoing scrutiny and
Editors: Suvada Jusić, Emina Hadžić, Hata Milišić
5th International Conference
June 27-29. 2019. Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina

revision [2]. The result of that revision is modern sustainable urbane drainage methods
and measures available for the management of stormwater.


Extreme urban stormwater events are considered a threat to urban infrastructure, urban
economy and ecosystem, when not planned and managed properly. Urban stormwater
management (USWM) is tool to provide flow rate control and also adequate control of
runoff quality [3]. Managing stormwater needs to start with an understanding of quantity
and quality aspects of the water that will be anticipated for an urban area. Generally there
are two approaches of stormwater management described below.

2.1. Conventional Approach

Current conventional urban drainage systems were built to manage stormwater for purpose
of flood control. The networks, called municipal combined or separate storm sewer
systems, generally contain numerous elements, including open channels, catch basins,
road-drainage systems, curbs, gutters, ditches, and underground storm drains. The main
idea of drainage design that stormwater is a waste product and must be removed as quickly
as possible away from the source and into adjacent rivers and lakes [3] [4]. These systems
were usually installed without considering water quality aspects. As this conventional
approach focuses primarily on managing stormwater for flood protection it will not lead
to a path for sustainable development.
Generally impacts of urbanization and climate change also, on hydrograph are increased
peak discharge and volume of runoff, reduce time of concentration, reduced base flow
from the catchment and increased drainage flow [2]. When comparing the hydrographs of
natural surface and after installation of (conventional) storm sewers, the latter is
characterized by a higher total runoff volume, a higher peak flow and a shorter time of
concentration (Figure 1).

Fig.1. Effect of urbanization on runoff hydrograph [2]

In fact, it is taking less time for surface flow to reach streams (time of concentration)
causing reduced stream flows to extremely low levels for extended periods simply because
the watershed is draining so quickly. Finally, there are increased surface flow velocities

Editors: Suvada Jusić, Emina Hadžić, Hata Milišić

5th International Conference
June 27-29. 2019. Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina

due to a combination of higher peak volumes, reduced time of concentration and smoother
hydraulic surfaces of drainage pipes.
Very often, conventional drainage system don't have enough design capacity for reception
all increased stormwater volumes caused by (after) extensive urbanization and climate
change impacts (Figure 1). In that situation more water is leaving the conventional system
causing more frequent and severe flooding.

2.1. New Urban StormWater Management Approach

Modern (integrated and sustainable) stormwater management should aim at both flood
control and pollution control especially because of the EU Water Framework Directive
(WFD) which emphases the control of diffuse pollution as a key factor in enabling good
ecological status. This newn urban stormwater management (USWM) approach provides
methods that allow source control to handle the quality and quantity of the runoff at local
level - at or nearby the source (decentralized technologies). These methods are named
differently: ‘Sustainable (Urban) Drainage Systems’ (SUDS), ‘Low Impact Development’
(LID) or ‘Best Management Practices’ (BMPs) [4] [5]. These methods to stormwater
management represent a diverse range of control procedures, which integrate stormwater
quality and quantity control as well as enabling social and amenity perspectives to be
incorporated into stormwater management approaches at the source.
USWM techniques are designed to maximize stormwater reduction and provide flow rate
control [1]. Also, the goals of modern USWM design, is typically to preserve groundwater,
prevent geomorphic changes in waterways, prevent flooding risks, protect water quality,
and maintain aquatic life. A common thread found in all those sustainable concepts relates
to three core benefits when a shift is made away from traditional to more sustainable
approaches [6]: - a more ‘natural’ water cycle (hydrograph is more similar to first graph
of Figure 1 (natural surface)); - enhancement of water security through local source
diversification; and - water resource efficiency and reuse.


The four most popular technologies identified in the Europe (in some countries) are green
roof, porous pavements, bioretention basins and bioswales [6] [7]. They reduce the volume
of urban stormwater runoff, they delay and reduce stormwater runoff peak flow (Figure
1) and reduce pollutants from stormwater flow. These technologies offer an option for
decentralized stormwater management (source control system) from urban areas and they
are explained briefly in this chapter.

3.1. Green Roofs

A green roof system is a vegetative layer grown as an extension of an existing roof. It is

built on new and existing roof structures which need to be prepared to fit this special
purpose [8] [9]. For example, it needs to have a good waterproofing and root repellent
system; it needs to include a drainage layer and a filter cloth, a mulch layer and lightweight
growing medium and plants (Figure 2) [6].
Editors: Suvada Jusić, Emina Hadžić, Hata Milišić
5th International Conference
June 27-29. 2019. Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Fig.2. Schematic representation of principal green roof components [6]

Although the initial investment cost of the green roof technology is higher than standard
roofing, the costs can be recovered by different benefits / advantages (aesthetically
pleasing and recreational area, increased durability of flat roofs, reduction of building
energy consumption, improvement in air quality etc). Three factors have a major influence
on the hydraulic as well as pollutant removal performance of green roofs: i. Precipitation
(duration, intensity); ii. Substrate layers (type, thicknesses); and iii. The types of
vegetation used in the green roofs. Using an appropriate design which integrates different
technical options can prove useful to increase the efficiency of green roofs in different
regions and under different climatic conditions. The technique of applying green roof
systems is well developed in many European countries (for example, green roofs are
commonly used in Germany and Sweden, also in Turkey, Italy etc.).

3.2. Porous Pavements

Pervious pavements are permeable surfaces where the runoff can pass and infiltrate into
the ground. The system allows the majority of water to be stored and infiltrated into the
sub-grade soil and the excess water flows through an underdrain system (Figure 3) [2]
[10]. Types of porous pavements are porous asphalt pavements, porous concrete
pavements and garden blocks. Porous asphalt pavements are popularly used in urban areas
in roads and parking lots. Porous concrete pavements are used in open walkways parking
areas. Garden blocks are used in pavements in gardens that are only used for walking.
Porous pavements have higher initial capital cost than standard impermeable pavement
however its overall cost can be lower considering the additional cost of the associated
drainage infrastructure (curb, catch basins, piping, and ponds) for standard impervious
pavements [6].

Editors: Suvada Jusić, Emina Hadžić, Hata Milišić

5th International Conference
June 27-29. 2019. Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Fig.3. Permeable pavements system components – typical elements [11]

Application of porous pavement requires the knowledge of the local soil and groundwater
condition. Permeable concrete segmental paving emerged in Germany, Sweden and
Austria in the 1980s as a means of flood mitigation. In Germany, porous pavement has
been installed with increasing frequency, more than any other country in the world.

3.3 Bioretention Basins

It is a shallow excavated surface depression containing mulch and a prepared soil mix and
planted with specially selected native vegetation that captures and treats runoff (Figure 4).
During storms, runoffs collect in the depression and gradually filter through the mulch and
prepared soil mix and root zone [11] [12]. They are commonly located in parking lot
islands or within small pockets in residential land uses.

Fig.4. Typical design of a bioretention area with underdrain [2]

Biorentention systems have relatively low construction and maintenance costs as well as
low maintenance requirements. Like other infiltration based stormwater management
systems, their design and performance depends on the availability of permeable soil layer.

Editors: Suvada Jusić, Emina Hadžić, Hata Milišić

5th International Conference
June 27-29. 2019. Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Bioretention systems help to recharge groundwater, however they also pose a threat to
pollute groundwater and soil if design guidelines are not followed properly. The filtered
runoff can either infiltrate into the native soil or be collected in a perforated underdrain
and returned to the storm sewer system.

3.4 Bioswales

Bioswales are landscaping features that slow and collect polluted stormwater runoff where
it will infiltrate soils and be treated by natural elements [10]. Above ground, bioswales
can be subtle and feature typical turf grass or designed as an attractive flower garden with
native plants and grasses. Whatever vegetation is used, it is important that it protects
against soil erosion. Bioswales are similar to rain gardens but whereas rain gardens are
typically smaller and used for residential purposes, bioswales are designed to handle larger
quantities of water generated from impervious surfaces like parking lots and city streets
[12]. They tend to be long and narrow, often require engineered soils for adequate
drainage, and are much deeper than a typical rain garden. Bioswales are often parabolic
or trapezoidal in shape and should be large enough to handle the amount of rainfall
received in 24-hours during a 10-year storm event at your location. In order to facilitate
stormwater infiltration, bioswale soils may need to be amended with compost and sand.
In some cases, rock trenches or perforated underdrains can be installed down the center of
the swale (Figure 5).

Fig.5. Typical design of a bioswale of city street [12]

When stormwater infiltrates a bioswale, the purified water slowly recharges groundwater
and prevents contamination of our waterways with polluted, unfiltered stormwater runoff.


In contrast to the conventional urban stormwater management (USWM) approach, a

source control approach (by new USWM decentralized technologies), can be integrated
into a catchment-wide planning framework of community development, with a focus on
green space, native landscaping, natural hydrologic functions (hydrographs of natural

Editors: Suvada Jusić, Emina Hadžić, Hata Milišić

5th International Conference
June 27-29. 2019. Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina

surface) and various other techniques to generate less runoff. Decentralized technologies
design shows that it's possible to effectively manage runoff while also creating inviting,
attractive landscapes.
Decentralized solutions may also slow down the augmentation of existing infrastructure.
For example, conventional water and wastewater pipe network design has to cater for peak
demands, i.e. infrastructure needs to be large enough to handle peak loads. If decentralized
solutions could mitigate these peak loads, i.e. provide additional local capacitance,
investments could be deferred, resulting in a substantial reduction in capital costs. Which
type of USWM decentralized technology is appropriate for application in a particular
location depends on a set of different factors, including infiltration capacity, groundwater
level, soil permeability and contamination, surface runoff characteristics, local climate,
land availability and ground slope.


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(The University of Western Ontario), Thesis and Dissertation Repository, p.121
[2] L. Jotte, G. Raspati, and K. Azrague (2017) Review of storm water management
practices - Raport, SINTEF Building and Infrastructure, Trondheim, Norway
[3] D. Zhang, R.M. Gersberg, W.Jern Ng and S.K. Tan (2017) Conventional and
decentralized urban stormwater management: A comparison through case
studies of Singapore and Berlin, Germany Urban Water Journal, VOL. 14, NO.
2, 113–124, London: Taylor & Francis Group.
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[5] L. Hoang and R.A. Fenner (2016) System interactions of stormwater
management using sustainable urban drainage systems and green infrastructure
Urban Water Journal, Vol. 13, No. 7, 739–758, London: Taylor & Francis Group.
[6] J. Trincheria and A. Yemaneh (2017) New Knowledge on Urban Stormwater
Management Final Report of the BalticFlows project, Hamburg University of
Applied Sciences and Technical University of Hamburg-Harburg
[7] P. K. Maeda, V. Chanse, A. Rockler, H. Montas, A. Shirmohammadi and S.
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UNITED STATES Retrieved from
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(2013) Evaluation of green roof as green technology for urban stormwater
quantity and quality controls, IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental
Science 4th International Conference on Energy and Environment
[9] M. Shafique, R. Kim and K. Kyung-Ho (2018) Green Roof for Stormwater
Management in a Highly Urbanized Area: The Case of Seoul, Korea,
Editors: Suvada Jusić, Emina Hadžić, Hata Milišić
5th International Conference
June 27-29. 2019. Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Sustainability 2018, 10, 584; doi:10.3390/su10030584 Retrieved from

[10] A. Askarizadeh, M.A. Rippy, T.D. Fletcher, D.L. Feldman et.al. (2015) From
Rain Tanks to Catchments: Use of Low-Impact Development To Address
Hydrologic Symptoms of the Urban Stream Syndrome, Environmental Science
and Technology, 49(19) Retrieved from
[11] C. Hinman, (2013) Rain Garden Handbook for Western Washington, A Guide for
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[12] S. Echols and E. Pennypacker (2015) Artful Rainwater Design : Creative Ways
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Suvada Jusić, Prof. D.Sc. Eng.

University of Sarajevo
Faculty of Civil Engineering
Ul.Patriotske lige 30.
71 000 Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Emina Hadžić, Prof. D.Sc. Eng.

University of Sarajevo
Faculty of Civil Engineering
Ul.Patriotske lige 30.
71 000 Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Hata Milišić, Ass.Prof. D.Sc. Eng.

University of Sarajevo
Faculty of Civil Engineering
Ul.Patriotske lige 30.
71 000 Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina



Editors: Suvada Jusić, Emina Hadžić, Hata Milišić

5th International Conference
June 27-29. 2019. Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Negativne posljedice urbanizacije i klimatskih promjena su izmijenjen prirodni hidrološki

režim (režim oborina i otjecanja), koji uvjetuje učestalije pojave poplava i klizišta. Pored
povećanih količina oborinske vode, koju treba prihvatiti oborinska kanalizacija, negativne
posljedice urbanizacije uočljive su i kroz povećano zagađenje otjecanja oborinskih voda.
Sistem odvođenja, odnosno upravljanja oborinskim vodama, treba se prilagoditi ovim
promjenama i ublažiti negativne posljedice izmijenjenog hidrološkog režima oborina i
otjecanja, te zagađenja koje nose oborine, posebno u urbanim sredinama. Ovaj članak
ima za cilj predstaviti izazove i prilike za unapređenje prakse upravljanja oborinskim
vodama u urbanim područjima. Neke od novijih tehnologija upravljanja urbanim vodama
su prezentovane. Te se tehnologije više koriste u urbanim područjima nekih zemalja

Ključne riječi:urbane oborinske vode, upravljanje oborinskim vodama, decentralizovane

tehnologije, hidrogram otjecanja, zeleni krovovi, porozni zastori, bioretenzije

Editors: Suvada Jusić, Emina Hadžić, Hata Milišić

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