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Name:_____________________________ Course and Year___________________

Date:_______________________________ Year:____________________________

Questioned Document

Instructions: Encircle the letter of your answer. No changing/erasure of answers.

1. What kind of document when it contains d. pressuring

some changes like addition or deletion? 6. During the entrance test in UP, an
a. Obliterated examinee tends to remove her pen from the
b. Repeated answer sheet every time the watcher looks
c. Disputed at her. This is referring to________.
d. Altered a. Pen pressure
2. How do you call the ruled or imaginary line b. Pen lift
in which the letter rests? c. Pen stop
a. Stationed d. Pen emphasis
b. Formed 7. A gap occurring between a continuous
c. Actual stroke. Such occurrence usually occurs due
d. Base to speed . It may also be stated as pen
3. Police Captain Cardo Dalisay, a questioned jump.
document expert, was assigned to a. Hiatus
investigate a public document by Councilor b. Pen lift
Quibz. Capt. Dalisay concluded that the c. Pen Emphasis
suspect tried to retouch the portion on the d. Pen Pressure
amount of some materials to be purchased 8. Mr. Ace Corpuz was attempting to forge a
including the signature of Councilor Quibz in signature of his immediate superior,
order to look as perfect as the genuine. because of lack preparation, an interruption
What technique do you think the suspect in his strokes caused by removing the
applied? writing instrument from the paper. This
a. Retracing c. Arranging interruption is described as
b. Patching d. Restoring a. Pen pressures
4. In questioned document, any stroke which b. Hiatus
goes back over another writing strokes is c. Pen emphasis
called? d. Pen lifts
a. Retracing 9. In questioned signature document
b. Restroking examinations, the number of standard
c. Retouching specimen required is at least how many?
d. Reforming a. 10
5. What was done when one touches or goes b. 4
back over a defective portion of a writing c. 5
stroke? d. 7
a. Retracing 10. How do you call the average force with
b. Patching which the pen contacts the paper and may
c. Shading
be estimated from an examination of the 17. How do you call the ruled or imaginary line
writing? in which the letter rests?
a. Pen lift a. Stationed
b. Pen pressure b. Formed
c. Pen emphasis c. Actual
d. Pen nibs d. Base
11. In Elements of Forms in Writing , it is an 18. the rounded inner part of an upper curve,
introductory backwards strokes found in bend or crook. Example “b”.
some capital letters.
a. Arc a. Arc
b. Beard b. Beard.
c. Hitch c. Blunt –
d. Buckle Knot d. Buckle Knot
12. The type of forgery which is made when the e. Eyelet/ eyeloop
writer exerts no much efforts to effects 19. All of these are classes of Questioned
resemblance or facsimile between the Documents, except
forged and the genuine signature is called? a. documents with questioned
a. Trace signatures
b. None of these b. holograph documents
c. Simulated c. documents with forgery
d. Simple d. documents with genuine
13. Which of the following instruments can be 20. is a horizontal or loop strokes used to
used in comparison with a questioned complete letters A, H, F and B.
document since its origin is known and can a. Arc
be proven? b. Beard.
a. Simulated document c. Blunt –
b. Standard document d. Buckle Knot
c. Forged document e. Eyelet/ eyeloop
d. Compared document 21. – refers to small oblong strokes, example
14. When a document examination result say e,q.
forged document, it is what kind of a. Arc
document? b. Beard.
a. Adulterated c. Blunt –
b. Amalgamated d. Buckle Knot
c. Spurious e. Eyelet/ eyeloop
d. Elongated 22. Shirley Torres, the secretary of Mr. William
15. What kind of forgery wherein copying or Ong was trying to forged his signature in
animation of genuine signature or writing as one blank company check while her boss
to assemble the model? was out in a meeting. Unexpectedly, Mr.
a. Simulated Ong arrived and Shirley was surprised and
b. Traced made an interruption in her strokes caused
c. Natural by removing the pen from the check. The
d. Simple interruption is describes
16. This is where the handwriting rests as______________.
a. Vase a. Pen stop
b. Rhythm b. Pen pressure
c. Base c. Pen Emphasis
d. Vaseline d. Pen lift
23. It refers to partly burned or brittle document. d. None of these
Decipherment is usually accomplished with
the used of infra-red light examination 28.. It is the study of early writing.
A. Graffiti
A .Charred document
B. Paleography
b. Invisible document
c. Black document C. Petrograms
d. None of these D. Petroglyphs
24. It is result of attempt to exact facsimile of a
genuine signature or writing, by some
tracing process; accomplished in manner 29.It refers to handwriting or images on
foreign to writing process; resorted to when the walls or surface of a public are such
there is lack of necessary skill required in buildings, parks and toilet.
off-hand or free-hand imitation; clumsy and
A. Graffiti
poor piece of work
a. Simple B. Paleography
b. Trace C. Petrograms
c. Simulated D. Petroglyphs
d. Cut and paste

25.An imitation of signature; freehand signature 30. Alibata is one of the early writing of
in imitation of model signature; forger labors
Filipinos. It is an example of ________.
under strained mental & muscular condition
brought about by: a. realization that forgery is A. Graffiti
criminal act; fear of discovery which will certainly B. Paleography
result to punishment & dishonor; & painful C. Petrograms
anxiety to do the work well. D. Petroglyphs
a. Simple
b. Trace
31. SPO2 Fina Bañaga, a questioned
c. Simulated
document expert was assigned to
d. Cut and paste
investigate a public document by Mayor
26.It best termed as “spurious signature”; Drei Montilibano. SPO2 Bañaga concluded
mere signing of name in his own, or in modified that the suspect tried to retouch the portion
handwriting; easy to detect once standards of on the amount of some materials to be
genuine signatures are obtained; purchased including the signture of Mayor
a. Simple
Montilibano in order to look genuine. What
b. Trace technique do you think the suspect applied?
c. Simulated
a. Retracing
d. Cut and paste
b. Patching
27. Signature of a person or fictitious person; c. Restoring
written by another person; he has no authority to d. Erasing
do so; with intent to defraud,
32. How do you call the average force with
a.Writing which the pen contacts the paper and may
be estimated from an examination of the
a. Pen lift c. Shading
b. Pen pressure d. pressuring
c. Pen emphasis
d. Pen nibs 37. In questioned document, any stroke
which goes back over another writing
33. These are standards given or made at strokes is called?
the request of an investigator for the sole
purpose of making a comparative a. Retracing
examination with the questioned writing.. b. Restroking
c. Retouching
d. Reforming
a. procured standard
b. . collected standard 38. What was done when one touches or
c.requested standard goes back over a defective portion of a
d. both a &b writing stroke?
34. . Police Captain Cardo Dalisay, a
questioned document expert, was assigned a. Retracing
to investigate a public document by b. Patching
Councilor Quibz. Capt. Dalisay concluded c. Shading
that the suspect tried to retouch the portion d. pressuring
on the amount of some materials to be
purchased including the signature of 39. What was done when one touches or
Councilor Quibz in order to look as perfect goes back over a defective portion of a
as the genuine. What technique do you writing stroke?
think the suspect applied?
a. Retracing
a. Retracing c. Arranging b. Patching
b. Patching d. Restoring c. Shading
d. pressuring
35. Mr. Ace Corpuz was attempting to forge
a signature of his immediate superior, 40. It is a strokes added to complete certain
because of lack preparation, an interruption letters. They are necessary to the legibility
in his strokes caused by removing the of the letters.
writing instrument from the paper. This A. Hump
interruption is described as B .Diacritics
a. Pen pressures C. Blunt
b. Hiatus D. Hitch
c. Pen emphasis
d. Pen lifts 41. A standard obtained from files executed
on daily course of routine.
36. What was done when one touches or
A. Procured Standard
goes back over a defective portion of a
B. Forged Standard
writing stroke?
C. Requested Standard
a. Retracing D. Compared Standard
b. Patching
42. A signature used in signing very
important document. 47. These are standards given or made at
a. Formal the request of an investigator for the sole
b. Informal purpose of making a comparative
c. cursory examination with the questioned writing..
d. Public
a. procured standard

43. Decipherment in Charred or burned b. requested standard

document is usually accomplished with the c. c. collected standard
used of ________________. d. d. both a & c
a. Oblique light
b. Transmitted Light
C. ultraviolet light
48. What was done when one touches or
d. Infrared light
goes back over a defective portion of a
writing stroke?
44. Decipherment in invisible writing is
usually accomplished with the used of a. Retracing
________________. b. Patching
a. Oblique light c. Shading
b. Transmitted Light d. pressuring
C. ultraviolet light
d. Infrared light
49. It is an introductory up and down strokes
found in some capital letters.
45 . A gap occurring between a continuous a. . Arc
stroke. Such occurrence usually occurs due b. Beard
to speed . It may also be stated as pen c. Blunt
jump. d. Buckle Knot
e. Eyelet/ eyeloop
a. Hiatus
b. Pen lift
c. Pen Emphasis
d. Pen Pressure 50. In questioned document, any stroke
which goes back over another writing
strokes is called?
46. In Methods of Signature Tracing, –
carbon paper inserted between original & a. Retracing
false document; false document will not b. Restroking
contain any signs of writings but only carbon c. Retouching
traces. d. Reforming
a. Indentation Process
b. Carbon Process/Carbon Outline
c. Cut and Paste
d. Transmitted Light Process 

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