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Blackwork Hearts
Skill level: All Levels
Counted Thread

Designed by
Carolyn Standing Webb
Compliments of the EGA Education Department, 2017

Permission is extended to any member, chapter or region group of the Embroiderers’ Guild of America, Inc. to
COPY and TEACH this design only as a scheduled program. All rights are reserved by the author. These
instructions may not be copied or distributed in part or as a whole either as a handout, sold as a fundraiser or printed
in a newsletter. Please send a copy of the newsletter announcing the program to the Designer.
Blackwork Hearts
Carolyn Standing Webb

This blackwork project includes four different patterns plus the border. The patterns are: a linear pattern
that is reversible and a mirror image on the reverse, one that is reversible but not identical and two use
running and backstitch.

The stitch count is 48 x 48.

On 32 count linen, worked over two threads the design will be 3 inches
On 28 count linen worked over two threads the design will be 3.5 inches


Linen – 9 by 9 inches on either 28 or 32 count linen

Stranded silk or cotton ( Needlepoint Inc. Silk)
9 by 9 inch stretcher bars or scroll frame

To Begin -
1. Mount your linen on either stretcher bars or a scroll frame.
2. Find the center of the linen and the design.
3. Each square on the chart equals two linen threads.
4. Using a running stitch, stitch the border and the outline of the hearts as on the sample below.
Stitch with 1 strand of Needlepoint silk (or cotton) using strands that are about 18 inches long.
5. Be sure to stitch all of the lines!

Stitch the hearts and border in double running so that it is reversible.

Carolyn Standing Webb, 2017 Blackwork Hearts 2

This is the blackwork heart pattern and border with just the double running part stitched.

Double running

Here is a numbered path for the outside border.

After you have stitched the double running borders then stitch each of the individual hearts in the open
heart areas.

When you are filling in a heart with the patterns, you will need to start a pattern row that will give you the
longest row possible.

The arrow shows the best place to start the pattern in this area.
It gives you the longest row to establish the pattern. You may
work either up or down from the original row to fill in the
whole area..

When you come to the outline of an area that you are filling,
you will need to use partial stitches to complete as much of the
pattern as possible.

Carolyn Standing Webb, 2017 Blackwork Hearts 3

Heart one - reversible and mirror image so use double running

face reverse

Use compensating stitches along the edges to fill in the whole design area.

Heart two - reversible but not identical use pattern darning from side to side and top to bottom.

face reverse

Pattern darning is worked by starting at one side and working running stitches from one side of
the area to the other, catch the thread in the back of the outline. Then work back in the opposite
direction with the running stitch, and catch the outline again. Repeat the back and forth stitches
until you have filled up the area. It doesn’t matter if you start at the top or bottom of the area
when you fill it in.

Carolyn Standing Webb, 2017 Blackwork Hearts 4

Combination running and backstitch

Heart three - not reversible

Use either backstitch or combination running and backstitch

Heart four – shaded

Use a combination of running and backstitch

Look at the main chart to see how to place

the pattern.

Carolyn Standing Webb, 2017 Blackwork Hearts 5

The finished double running border with the hearts filled in with the four patterns.

Chart with
numbering of
heart patterns

Carolyn Standing Webb, 2017 Blackwork Hearts 6

Blackwork Hearts Main Chart

Carolyn Standing Webb, 2017 Blackwork Hearts 7

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