Lab 1

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— | — EXPERDMENT- NV ikrar J = Paes Zo See and _S Ketch of a Mmbbe Verticle Boiler model Apbasatus usec i- Model_of Simple veieniely Boiler Manel Sahih Mane Ee | fosrid th cartes into fiend transposed td) a uwrling aime Cusa tend AO G4 fo convened | inte steam at eps phere and Hempewakore Main parts ie Bojle. ame +- fe basstt a beat obey [Water comtainen aoe wagter nee «| hambex Jor conilig team ae pollens ane classified. tn accor ie fy __Pitesune ur , 5 ' | Low pbs Boilec Cprerue < 50am) medi prosuser follee CPremune=Go - To ater) » Beil (Pree upto [50 oxbre) matioht Teacher's Dhamatire ..s.esssesiscssres RS | A boils 14 an appicatus used ___ | the devised prenuse “and Jem peuatuse = an lombutten of fuer do the Qmmourt ~_____}-porated wi the hasle — onsiclescation for Att a3, = formance forte - The evapovalton /4 oes SAded tr fetta ofshn/} of peek ow in kao g U god Of feating suseface, Quoi/ hou Ost _Almbty | Lasigne s wat ey abor ated. The effici boilem dines thee One always Cercbadn dome for daample pois 6 Raab though eg lg ___] seadiation tte. Tix boiler 34 not Joo% effisent Avpplied of steam in seating ite fempereaturce.- fosen boils “Lt, efficiency (ap be depaned Os itt Dts SP Pp ea ne eee ee J Hea envayy puted 0 Goiloe to Bole = wecy Calosuipi Value ! Heat faesegy unpul 10 Bo on; 4 x spi 7 Sk fuel vo Exuentiots fe Gud steam boiler !~ | oo maminum quantity Of seam unt. Cape | os uonpmitat 40 unsiall ond __shoutd Heep Artie QHenten acing opeunton Ze should espe meet [fe fluduation of ton. v ight Teacher's Phgnature ea a Zt should be capable Sie staal [TlAheuld be tight in” Ler Zh thowd Occupy a small “ space The yomts shoutd, be few and acusmble ft iabpectiorn *| Te mud and ether depowte sheild prot O eplieck On the Heating plates. «| one Gane Staley tree Meee shoot or _uaaken deposit And should Rave Eeasonable maiigh of _strengl Yo @tow sulk + | The wraten and ge ae a be cewgned to altos & maaiinum " plasd velouty without sbioring as sem feutttonal Lor. | Chicano 4 a boilew:— av 4 | aang to the content in jube?~ ss = (i) | Fire fabe beylexe — ‘J flame and fot game possen throw the thee _ushith aye c Mberounded. by “sates Ud] western jeube bolton — batts (5 contethed snide the Jubes whith ase susanunded zi | by flames and ok gue 2 Ards fo the pom'tlen of vhe furnaces s= T C Tiler. fred bolle — douled snside the boyler All = dy |e fused th cunanged. ae | Betennatuy ford prise am Vexticle Boitee — GUS Of heel ib youticle diy | Honrental Beil awy a Ahul 24 Hora-contal € According Jo Oppuicalion. LLY Boileus — e_capoclly Alea. ponuators used: pasicly.. for _ehectnial power gorbeahion w Tidustrecal Ppileus ~ = Srmabl capoctly boiler intended Joy ute _in fae eek indus t a € 5 fae to_etreelaton of wuatete cf Free _uvewloton Ai Gh| forad uceubat'on 6 According fo_tumbee of fubes anf Sa tube Borex — ; be lomed Qs Gn single. fubLen. boil (orfuish pollo may be ta ai because At Am enty ome fire be ¢ | Mubtitube bore — | Conran boiler teats _fesiméa Os trvitttube boilese becouse st has a eine usm beu op tube. i Ausuadhieg hakwee u6e Ch] Stattonaiy pours — Thise ame vey heavy and in _Ahope and As(ve for the genoediim of thormat “poutese. Gnd for dhe prrspore Yporowens “work Cin Cchemicae and Bug industiy ) poilece used ase colted A fateniauy borleses: Gp| loco mottve fore = Berle, tus0d th Loco motives Orgies bee Colled 4ocomove berlens- ij] Masune boitees = Boilen Used in Aleam ships Ge called maune hojter : ees fo the make of fork used. W tH) in Solid pal wedi- Woot wal eke Os pinede 2 CNG LPG _ebe. Ligyuad fat pebet diesel Kerosene Che ety) Hecbuiig, pine ~ Peechinte feats [Deo by'omn 4 Model = a) ble uuutide bolo unit Gnuvats 6 the following elements Goute feed check Uulue | fire Ree he] Five bow Hand Hele Geos debe Fasble flag utatee devel indialor Cylindrical Shelt Mantel Prcensune “ ékom step vole Sate bale Gumney ¢ beerling. pun ab: hpi | tybindwol firebox } atten te the Bweace Qt the be, ae intred quo tebe duuitel Shel Ausecounalr Te firebou 48 Aly fourandt He tap & allow Ke Zt const Of the Hes tae The_ingluration Sf the cues tube @ pucuided. £0 dmpuave a wll as to snowast Le - An uptake pubes posses J suom the ~The Pan fole 3 ped Sppobite to the ond f enc wanter Jubel jor_lmring Epp J cleposl tienes A manhole 1s tocakid af te op. poruter 4 the bette fr4 mud hole £5 py man to trios and fo clean the foilee A the shor ywmove the mud tal Sere don Qt the boHam & The spare bekween he boiler shill and pred as Joe witty. water Jp be Aeated ‘se a — Experiment 5 i y Obfect = b Study cockann bela model (Fire tube berlec) ieee | Appesiatus ised = | Modet 4 Cochran beter =¢ | Dessaiin model s— Cochran bitte Unit const of the following Rhemrents lombustian ham hew Smoke cham Hew Grakt Fire pstiots valve Alp valve steam i x a Es é % & 9. Ash pit psuinu'fple :- ae boclen 45 a beter mult’ tublax boiler than oiheu Tr it te partes tubes dk 4 macy to O tyfind ruben tatth femss, fal cone Botan posse fs ow pit eu (a fu below the pratt. fit gs _passcs dowugh pe pipe into wm bsuten Chamber He it hot gait O posse (is ACB tele ee ie Tee whith ethasut sale otrvsphine tesaphe cen a Pxeuenting heat forsee Dp other Abell ge buiKs ase tuted nie luin ay aie yeaa of shalt Aus a dooy | ses! Pad gi (eins eee brroke chamber for cteanieg pusspose. Br he bolton side 0}. boilen mud Aole 1s ghso fired up fer cleaning the inno idl of, botloe "A _dampuc ts also conneded “ before thin: do* cmmtret the dis 4 fot Gus uhih is ree Control the alr suse fm goale C =e Ateam 14 ¢tonanuded into tht femisphettal Guu (post op the boiler ee fap W5- Meee eae dlametens fp lay hte ae tm? Ate. P3tessune es it Gnd psoadiut dd Attar Copacie 4s neon ghoul 3600 kg cate House: 7 Aduankages éf coohiran Boitete :- ‘Te hay pow “vallattien wnt Peanuine LO floor area, : opttattn and handle __# | Gan asork mm att ype push: Died 4 cochran Boiler: - + | Te has low vale of Meam peusablin, | Difficutte to_tndpection and tnairdénance . aa oom fread for intallaton as hove veutl cle design . | Has a Peers wie Hang taht Trubs Btanatuse ... i— Bi a Steam Stop value Ne EXletnat Ned yf lL ae 4 | =a f ie, Peace” ; | stl ar Ee pnd eatoy | ae ame Puri ble — ee Gum bus finn Chombet von boflee 1: wed un a vant ef proud ens Rn Vass eut Industries pied in Urtenital peotin divinton ma and popes ae ohh Ltd in taping tri Also He thvan boiler in natd au = ie | dtartA tn who Z eS | with Pugh. pice nile ap tbe toe figh fates | ee pch upto 550°C beat fesieet and btalehel of lancartire model Appascatiu used - model 4h lancashire Model : ee 7; chroduuctiorr *- Lancashire Boiler 13 a horizontal iyfe and slab ine dube boiler This boise usar invented sin dhe yoo "ypuy sual itarn ae bales aaa anally ond belle because 5 furinace Maes to puuent trside boiler . The _boilee y me ab th fe @ pokwol enpiatts Lou? poet une es CirelaWon boiloe * Te has a vali a Goto Jo Fe The _aize (4 a t- = Len and 0-5 meteus in dlamelts- aaa almot—_used in [boot cranes and pours ebc- 2 5: The's_boilut woo silt @n the basic _psunel ple feat Ee Te 1 bas) a shell and jube ae th in huh, eae jaws _taegh Pog wasabi {io U hell. The pt trans fee from _ fue pee to fhe saat range orth ee + Te it a ue virewtation bolle use naloral curr’ + to flow the _uuoten inside fhe boil _| Desouiption Ue model = E | Sifety valve | Poa gouge | Hed chee value | fre tube diartex upto Yay water duu 14 plaud ovee tre bids works. re tuba and mde ‘and bolo “The A joe dba ih auc above the F Ade Channel Apa jee pes 50 more feat fren{e-to | He cnaten - The dbun 1 ed tts rater and OE epee Akam “The fumnact (5 Socated at ene end _¥ pia: } te Inde the ae The Jow bsuK Alualed at arr Cd wha fuck buns) hide does not alire burned fusk Bhd ash lo flows In pit tubes: ‘the v Ore. at aduantaga df Lancaahine Bol +] Tus boiler reegyuired mon Pusey space | Tied boil hol Uakooe phoblenr TE 209 wires mort Hine 19 Qemeuale jHam ol Zé oaenae pea Ai prursunt steam Hy deg ulred. *] Gout one" situated Op the inte fre babe Which has small diameter Ao He grote wea ps Limited jn Hus boiler 7 Application i _| Tre Lancashire boiler 2s ured to chuive Aftam bscbjnes , Ineo nrovives masines ete Te is uted yn indudtie Like papex industuies teanle jpdud tues ga in dusts, Hire induslurer eho Result Stwdied and sketched lancothre holler modee errr a Study And sketch 4g Babeook and J wiloox. lust model ( water tube bor lo) Apparatus se wived Mode! of Bah cook and wsllion boil model intoduiin _ re Soe Babeook and wilteor Bolten usar it avoud by ae Henman Bab cook and shephon. Wrjleox tn Ags? “Bus "15 2 wonfow Habe om Used fn Aleam power th -In_ wus type of boiler 14 drtwlated inside” $e ae ond hot "gates ftow over the Hebe ult fe a forrwntat dsum Qos 2 natural ovulation, pettheblan, stoi Pigh prertuse, dole puck fixto, See fitd usolen Kibe boil: (| Borlee Puen Cd) Wratere to} Super realest (> Prem 6 Up take funder (@) « iy C49] Down take horde (iy_Atep vale is) Hive tele (2) Gerate | Blow of cow “(A Damper Luorking prinu'ple * ~ d Ac ing to Babtook and Uiline boltecmodel 1 gq Longtinapal dhuvm wiabee tebe boree with hand fired or stewke “pered, | gran and eu eaten Jub. The inauned evaporating dubet Bu (tenrnedd” jo the urater chum with the "i Hato heads One gk Hit foal and the bak - Te fle gases fiiem the pale = ows ver He _jubel in gebual pakes formed by fiaypte plait and then Badeaes fo the ae The heat tranifeus to the tre walex in the juba by seadsdbion and wumveation The flow of usalen te tub es ts by natural cireutatlon. Ta pow of in tre tubes \ feated and pestle, Wreuited rte Aleam Lighten “and a mitint of winter ond sleam is Acparated fase nate Tb pital selves to the uppake — -foadlen and then water bo te uppee at bun Dense Gnd wld water then flows face dxunr 0 down Cornex fo te. eas header’ fo take place of phere a hot water and seam } Tis the cycle 2h Completed ~The usual filings Lk. 4 Sail oe meld Ge bs ne There batlou have Luaporodl vt Lopositg fen ngirg fsubyn 19002 fo Yoo ie ang spooling pusuuaune. of futo_1¢ baw The_sachind bon of water tubes ta" 15‘ roviwrdal Abpli cation a Bab cooks And uileon boilen:— hie math application Bab o0ks and wile boiler to axed tygh poesbuire AMara in i= gerexohionn indubye- 7 ¢ ely you! Stop Value Z iy : we low wate ale ; “ abate fret fay | Grate = Leer ondge Guwed it <— Batfom ylue—> (Q Fost view a Lancashire bollex The boiler atin torwit obpen icceth oti. bhountins fa and ale panes , wale fuige He te peigorn beac! roves Whe economi'rm Auper puatou © Baptery vale 2 =| ark ct 4) — fz loncahive bots 1's a sheet and lube type heat ex-changen The feed 24 busin at jhe quale he wate 2s pumped anie the — Abe Phxeugh tht econo = Of weratere- “Ato tap shell ae fatf pled with. wales The pad “fice sabe ta ft. immened snbo quake The fuel We charged on iter _Uthith Inertase We dernberahine at the vale whuth product ae picses se flues ples frat pila trieugh ina pire he ene tnd b anna there it frensfoc! &-Jo% [heat “to waste The bik the tower Gnduder Of ve {tt “re tobe ” franjoe do=goy Vat heat fo the wale: the backwax ese (ee pad fae i bottom pauaspe urhene jal g wialen: The. punning wae fs | passe por pre Vile possags hort Ht srarfet 6-8 y. 4 Ao _uyprk a4 ga dniutator ~The seam pputodleteb, Tn chess Ahab db taken otk ftom the ubpex side thew it jie tes duper heatuc vif dy joined A» the starr foodie” Jaken by "gat for poBtad work: Advantage He lan tashlye Bo/lee’- © [This boplen 44 0 wear and tis poct TE th move ail o | ze Heg jtred Ley falta © | Zt con Canly ppo-ate and Ca gombuade Boe amount Of fan + | igncaihin tule tee fuoh, hesmol ¢pfittoncy about §o-Joy. Wr at ond \Wilwore Boi lee aa fiduantenet of Babewok and wsiltot Boiler‘ © |e avenatl ofpies nly of thet bollex ie Rig, . poe shea pene edbion "male i freon abbut 96 fon pe owe al riers 1040 20 basee . he tbe Car be weplaced ent) o | Dts cay fo supair mmamlenaree and cleaning, d a Disadvantapes x Babcook te and wiltor Gorlesc = “lz ib dos Autfahte fox dina and sediment ate a4 | aimatl depot of seats Cause Ine ovetiating an bathing tabi. Hence tugleuc treatment ts very CAd tr Hak for water ube boiler «| arte ta fed wsateu sup) eon for a Abort pudod id hable fe make the boilex ovethtaled Hence the aceon Level pus! be wath verry AIL ae the ehexation Bee | wate be bolle 0 | He maintemane coal tt High, ay pLkersonds i, » _ boileset Re eg NA pian ars | Mader gy mounting’ Ond aecetoviet posit in bolton i a : i orlese = eal Stam Boiler a chased Vout te ushith Akeap ie pee fiber ueobee ae of fuel Beile mourty; i Te tomp tn thier axe Yilted ga the epee bole for tamper SUdy and terbuol Attam a poles cue Hoss a _bollen oe he eee pee awling ob borders, Pres tee. = Rene mauskd onite Jaont top of the bollen Abele’ Tota mginbtd Wer. wash poll te Alnus Hae prise tie plete) dial) prsdeoke be seead The pressure tn kilporams —_ po iy, et Cemtinesore - | Bouscdens preuue “gauge us es ued as Yow sn fig. Te gwsenkjat epee BPE Chi’ pertal — sfuing tube whic 1s mole ¥ uae ana 12 atid cheaun © Gre cad of fois publ ay eee Might Trirehine's (Aba ceton [ Gk predtd 0 blows fhe Akeam shy PM wee SEI sin ny ae, deve! NE wosky piu - These Oe placed oy the # top ot the oe 1 "doiter aa Part OK€. fou ” fix fgpis of dafely Vetoes :- Dead use soe Vawe lux safe badwe Vawe ~ afely 4h marly ured fox martin boilers ty tos O type the vale AeCisid ts Aorded mers a ae drshead 4 dead Lee A SEUGE Aoadiol tHe Yale” ts Shawn jn the E torsist turn olvll, rechng on trun Atak. Vale Scots Uae mounld On te phe Ubhen tndi Of jun 6 foliow yale Comitt Chests Uthich tous COnneded ty" a budge «The tour trd of fue vawa thats have Wren pass. whith a be_tnnectes dp ts boiler Thow js Adwen whith has pup (vos Ore Uhh Intenrel with ik and jhe Other 1s rn polaed “fo te tev. TFis_pivot tues ty fn _the Va ed and forces trem fo rest On Helr Hel pective eats with thebdp SS The blow #7 cock as shown in tops fitted Lo the _bottorn pitreol to iia Sf abort, duem Gnd _dortlsta ay (9 plug * boty by Caiing Tre (owing 14 packed wi "asbestos poctag iN _Guova youd the fp and bodomn the plug The asbestos packing 1s made hose and peg beau an the path= =p Bibu eff" cork hay to “puineiphe fimetion one: Hae borer when even 8009) wived t | To bnph ov Atolim entation uthich asee ___ © Pee ald aut accumuhO! af the bottom y te boiler tadicator tng whith fadieater the usakn Led adn _obsuwex Tt je a 4s Chew cee the boiler “debends - pre boku and wwe of He value — LL tk are important trite the boiteu $0 up On Which the torrtct aus) fF phe be seen _in_potom envialiy” joss I ym be + The uppex ema ae the watt, - Wir vale Conus 4 & ce to ee fhe ube pam es el formed ja the follow canting, « These mee ie and _bolttd to he borlen - Te hag Theo them Conkxol fe Pamage pelween dhe ae and tube while tho pivd ene Cthe duagn Gk) semnin Choxid Stearn step vawe Avalve placed ae on delle Gud tonnekd fate Sham pipe wiih © corues sham to the engine Or furbine ts Called Atoh Valet or punch vowe-T the largess lve om jhe _atearn Igilee Te ean plied” to the Fughest port of te shee ue rrtans OL. @ flange as shown in’ fiz. a Cored oe ae Tre prunupel Junvion of a Atop Vale ane? ¢ t L [70 contol she flew 04 a spea steam fuworn the boiler yo tee 4 f jr pipe 5 2-[7o shut Gf He sham completly when peg ured i Body of the stop Valve 1 made 4. Cost aken OT cart | seeet. “Te Gates Speer nat Hamgh whith tre. = Apindle wort gue made of. boss Or gun estab. =n Woilen OLcerprres ir | The appliances installed 40 ineruase Ihe eMieion of tre [ borten! Axe Known as pu boiler atccssoves he cobmmantty bid Benen glen a Etonenaisux - Ecomomisor 15 one tape Of feat Oncharge Which Cichonges Borne pasts of pre juste peak fe as do We feed ee as watn if plod belisten fhe enit of the furnace Gnd eritsuy into thinniy ecerwmiion js ploked Cy hoe fhe" feed pump because in Ctamondiee wsralen raw franfox inks Vapour pusioly Which Cueates pein Dseoblem fn feed pump ee Me boliew idole Tf Ccpremis 0 (5 shown fo fig LE corms of Wertical cof tren dubs w/t Acoput The fanetton Abvupor tt to pemove fee seoot deboni tel on the tage EE ipl Ord fos 4 a bojter je Opeating at hiph pruvun JE egniiat Y o- ee group | zefet so wowngiel ‘that dtam eapending in thee he [asi fopants ila bile Onengy to 2 mau of woken z [race ant many advantage Y uit Inyedeva_Awh 4. < ny Ininimum Apoct ave to intad test an d_mairde- nyector /4 a device which 1h wit Jo Lift Pn a ye Oe, tayes? 29 rudd ov an Sa neon pump for a Gn egrivalent oe ; fe fnyedox har advantage that platiiolly He wshote 7 the iat of He diam ty sotunred bade 0 he” tee 4 i Stiper healert - [ T fin element Of sleam gemexali unit an whith He steam 4h super heated te kaon gs Auper heater. fl hupox heotor i Utd ty inviease the temperate daduxakd steam ok Gorslarnt presi » Tt lateoliy placed in dhe path. hot | fue. gates and head of he | poe pau ty ficsh std do Auperbace [ame Geel

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