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How to Do MCQ Type of Questions in ILETS Listening?

How to Do MCQ Type of Questions in ILETS


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29,483 10 May 2018
Listening Tips (/listening-tips)

Did you notice a spelling error in this article title? Yes, you are right! It
should be written as IELTS Listening, not ILETS Listening. The reason
why this spelling error is highlighted in the title is to draw your attention
towards the word “IELTS” which is commonly misspelled as ILETS.
Keeping the spelling aside now, let us come to point for the purpose
behind writing this article, to discuss how MCQs type of questions can
be solved.
In the IELTS Listening module, the most dif cult question is said to be
MCQ (Multiple Choice Question) i.e. question along with some options to
choose from. In some questions, only one option is correct while in some
of the other questions, more than one options are correct.

You ask any candidate appearing in IELTS and they will tell you the fear
associated with MCQs. So, let us understand how you can do MCQ
questions in IELTS Listening.
We would now try to understand all strategies by discussing each MCQ
type of question according to its dif culty level.

Strategy 1
The most important strategy to solve MCQ questions is to underline the

MCQ Dif culty Level – Easy

In the easy type of MCQs, you will nd “one word or two words” options
to choose from. In this case, it is extremely easy to concentrate at the
audio and question simultaneously. For example,
Which of the two things are included in the tour cost?
Fishing trip
Table tennis
Restaurant meal
In the above question, “two things” and “tour cost” are the major
keywords that you can concentrate at. From the options,
“accommodation” and “picnic” are two “one word” options to easily
focus at, however, in the other three options, you can put more emphasis
on words such as “ shing”, “tennis” and “meal” though you can not
completely ignore the other words also in the options.

Strategy 2
MCQ Dif culty Level – Moderate
In the moderate type of MCQs, you nd short statements as the options
which are easy to solve once a few main keywords are highlighted in
these statements. For example,
In the year 1994, Michael Willson went to Japan

As a part-time student
As a volunteer worker
As a businessman
In the above question, you can see options have at least three words.
Here, you can underline the main keywords only, as highlighted above,
leaving aside the prepositions, determiners etc.

Strategy 3
MCQ Dif culty Level – Advanced
In the advanced MCQs, dif culty level is increased as the listener
struggles to simultaneously understand the audio conversation and
concentrate on all the options. For example,
What problem did the company face in 1999?

Not meeting the targets leading to reduced sales

Market strategy was weak as compared to competitors
Media started criticizing the company for its failures
In the above question, statements in the options are too long. Hence,
you can understand the main aspects in these options by understanding
them and then underlining the keywords that de ne the main aspects.
Another important strategy for such questions is to keep the gist of
MCQ question in mind when trying to nd answer while understanding
the audio. For example, in the above question, while looking at the
options, you just need to keep your focus on the problem faced by
company, whether it was reduced sales, weak market strategy or
criticizing media.
Lastly, very important strategy is to identify “focus” or “stem” of the
question in order to carefully choose the right option. To take example
for this, let us alter the above question itself as below:
What major problem did the company face in 1999?

Not meeting the targets leading to reduced sales

Market strategy was weak as compared to competitors
Media started criticizing the company for its failures

The change in the above question is the word “major”. The words
“major problem” is the focus here because in this question, you have to
choose only that problem from the options which had a great impact on
affecting the company, not just any problem.

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Woow I'm soo impressed with study guide

1 year ago (/listening-tips/how-do-mcq-type-questions-ilets-listening#hashover-

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Very educative.

Thank you.

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