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Asgsilh SR UUUUUUnE wUuuL tee Sires Tes By Aditya MODI QL >| what asco. the dP ffenent types of Sols’ enitste these properties and Five Suitable example 5. Ang> | Vhere orc badPcally two fype of Solfdd + GQ) btalline Solid Ce solfdl. PROPERTIES? Mechanical Properctfes t- thid property deser®bes Charac- — teristics Such ah there Strength and SuSt$tance +o defosymation. Tt incluckes Elasttetty And plttictty , tensile Strength , CompreSdive Strength and ductility, Thexmal prroperctfes - PhyAtcal pre parcty Bt a Alfd body xeloated to appiication of heck | energy, at frcludes therm ab conducktvity Ond Spect hfe treat Capactty, Elects@col Pxoperdties - propedy of Sclfd +o concuct ehectecPeol comment. rt Pinch de Comclctivity 5 x2dSP Stance, Tmpedance and capacitance, cess sauasy coma scoepremers yon orl wenlesistucca 2. al ii SMa all BL) \ \s Ng. | hy e\ Ga) tahy an ebyeck make Weotde while, Stocthing another Autocrat Sound Ts & sehatt of Vib AP. AT Ond “thos preduce imachanPeal Wavek of OL P ble Senge of Focaquencics, q Fox human, the oudible Sound Foeqvoncy range 14 Io to 40,000 2 q metal on even a non-metal 24 beat 9K, ay eo that when Force 74 applied on St by Some obsect 5 it Vibxabed +o produce Sound waves of audible Sound Fre que Wey Hange 4 then we Cam hase Sound forr Awe Tee Af Fforent obyect a Steet bowl and & ptostic bowl Fatt from a dame height, which Bre “LAN Make mare notse } How would You Measure the Notte ? The Sepacing of the molecuteS enables Sound to travel Much fadter Throvsh a Solfd Phan a gad. Steel 14 donde than Piastte 4 ye Sound travels Faster fn Steal thet In phadtic. gteel TS mone elastic than plastic - “The Faster Speed of Sound due to Stel grater cla WE city compensates For 14 grater dendtly. uUgdeuuidgi dd uu wud _ J a LU U Bobo Whol TS the meeSune of Sound generate, when two different Surface (mododal calitde? why diferent motodats make diffensed— 9 Sound upon coltoston? Sound %4 Aimply waved OF prudsune pa Hhrough a AxqnamiAsion medivm Such oA ci ore Loot, “The Intendity-on- loudneAss-of | othe Sound olependd on qust how Violen thy the madiiald molested ase zointed by © the preSsuse waves, matodal Vi brates Pq many woos and owe CotrdA ane cleATgned to Faroe tiny differenced y We heareg Le of Sounds. & metal Object collide ‘into| alt loose Wilt Vibsuate In 9 Specifre ee ern Bra a SpECIELE Sound. other ws eee cP Vibxate In Shite 3 oF le Sound. EXt- When a heat foals On the Groond tte Sopa Fnzack sc tAby ae ‘into “the Semmeundings ain moleudess So yy the moleates don't move ruth but shen PG) REEL OVINE SErsek colt ty NofSe can Literally be deFeantng , Uahy Some mmaterPats have tower toustne And Some taye Hig her Toughness? TOoghness fs on AbTP+y +o recigt Practure . £t depends pon various Factors Mhe Hempenatwe 5 Styaty jefe Strangths etc. Matedals toh), Higher ao F S5te take quatec SPithsth, Strain sate and Can WiTthStand UP Ho high temperatunt COhME mocterTalk ith Lover temparcetur have Lowose Stoeeng th 5 Strath gute. Gnd Could net withstand at high ~tem perectune, Uithy Sera axe Some moctydald duchle while Some ane not } Ductitty TA an ability of soitd medercfat | Ho defonm under high +ensfte Stoesa — | (Capable of betng duawh oyt fnto wire Ore —thrsad) She Copper. Some mackrutahs ore ductile Gnd come are not because fe depend Upen te neokallic bond beturcem Hie atoms ant So Staeng thet they Can endure against thigh Strorses Eye Saetce utes wtthet fativre fa MODI ~ ~ = a ~ < S a a J ~ al =) ei a =| = — = Ree Tovghness and fandness Some iy NO; Toughness anal hardness are actually “Huo AV Bnt things. Toughness 74 the Property of madorioh “te seb fd fyrackonal whin stressed. Wher2ads hardness 74. an abtity oF mokodial +o stedPat weorstenry SCratching 9 ebrOsTOn cutsting fA cabled hased ness. two different obseck ArrFecnt motodals (Same Shape, and Stre), whe Same load Th appited, One deform’. whereas the other dosn't. explain why | When two obyects of dffFeent makotals Cut dropped fem a Same Ketght 5 one breakS Lhfle othe doesn't “Explatn whyl S| too Ob seks of drfferent materiouts axe dropped From a Same height and. fe boeaaks betaise of brfitleness, q boscitttel ynekoak Cannot Und erao alastfe or - f Plastic defaxmetfen - T+ brooks 0 fails & Under the externet toad and Other Makerfol axe not brittle fn nature Bee er dost ce Baal Lahy 14 74 Cee ake sche day a One Sella Sunoco”, -whtle tk 12 diFtonact} 00 other metodal? &e hed depend on the motortal -phet fh bef ng. Scratched and -the prackerdol Het} ps Ts Used Fore BOM a tein hy wishenledt tu be Scrotch FeMotanks PL shout be harden than -the material ryt seat to | S Oreetch , “ SX Soma metals Like Sodium and pota- —SSPOm ore gather Soft Whi lo Others, Such ah diamond ane vou tard and Can easily Sorntch other Surface, Cohg Some Solfds are glossy fn DU UU ee er eet oo Netune 4 Wheread other are not 7 Metals have Luster. 4 eleck ren move anound the nuctes th Grp catted cleus. the electhond “that axa tarthest From the Nucland give By Aditya MOI ~ ~ = ~ ~) = at =| J ~ = 2 = 2 2 - = a a meted TES shine, Uigit je llects , ~| bounteS oF, these Oudur theckpons Thi A Maes othe meted meh gas Abt Why Some motesfals are good Conducthre OF thesk and Some ara not 1 Moktrd cA thot ane good cond uctose, OF thermal @negy ase calle thermo Cond uetox. mets ane eSpectally good Thermal concluctors because they had Porecdy wot elections that Can tans. ~ Fou ~theumel enengy quickly And taf ly, tahy Some mokoiicls atria FOO Conduct -os of ect racity anal Some ane not Sfiver TA the best Conductor oF electoicity because TL Cantatn a Higher number oF movable atom (Prec ectxens). for a moterdal to be a good Conductor the eheckaef ct ty Passed, thous PemeSebe Goble to wove the Urcksonh, the more fee electrons tn a rebel 5 the F™ Pocdou Pts Cond uctivity, Wh¢ Sema meaterdalA ana tren paneny PRAMS Ire ont and opayus | A Self mebouah wl | APP ear TEM Parent TF there ane to processes That- terme tete cotth Txand mt Ase ory : etdhot by Wed eotsing the Vigne ee BS ele n= Een) by Scattering 7€ th otherd dfn eons . Eur (aSS4 poly canbonate 2 Menmoplastte the Crank lent obtzects atte "9 Some th taht - when Lg SPIE TENS ake mabe sath Wr Some of +he Lita nt Pe3Acd thro, o Herm, an tor teavel hooey ty Ahern UUUUUUUUUUUE a ed UL u ie ASSTUONME N= a What Pressure TS the dffrenence. between and stress? Prressune- Stress The Amaunt of force applied per ntt ard Pree +o He deformadi is teumed a4 pressor Peoruntt anca th [The Internal resistin Terps ain Sitges 5a] PareSSune Can Mathe - Hmatically repre honed a eer StxeSs can be xeprel “Sented ah Strain] yoorg's modulus) The psceSsume 74 unique Propods. oF then mo dynamics Of physics The pxeSSunt 7S Physio-| “lly measured by Using PreSSure Jauge y trendmelert , and other pretdure meanor- wfng devicek Stress [4 4 makovel pre pedy | Thene 74 No device to MeaSUAe AbacehA. SirrehG TA col ctated incata oping S4rahe or ongaticnl [The pressure TA alu, Compsce SSive. Siness may be -fensite.| CompxeSsive ancl she are ak a polwt fy att He dixec -tton sreomaind the Same. Ube magnttucle of the prottunt The magnitude of Stoe4h aka point tn a di Herent| dirachon TA different The pressure fs ndependeat Of the. axed OF the contact Sunface- Tt romaind Constant and does not Voy with change th | Syrfase aoxom, Stress Vartex with ana, Change Im Surface | The Porte SSure exents Stress devele peak lo Hoxnelhy ST OMT’ Bart Staqae py, « Whot 44 the AT FFomence | % nm the Nadine OF motfon oF q Selfd and Pigg? Solid Can Flow and So} te oO Qfe,.?. Con Flows xem ANighew to md *quld Sowor tevel, tolhot 74 the Full Farm of Tot band Thermo Mech antea Ly Txeoted Steal What 14 the most. common rmotercicnk used Fn manu facturing 9 Steet, Does more toughness ‘impltes om fardn “S81 Explain « NO, mora toughness dock not mean shard ness Toughness %S a preperty. OF A moteial +o got! £4 Fredo, due to High Pmpact Joad Lhe hammer faldaes tabtle hedness Ts 4 Pieper +o Soreteh 4 ct abrasion, etc, DisS+ing wish between, engg. Stress and tue Stouss 2 Engg: stoess “TRUE Stoves 5 TE the Stress Ih TE the Stress fh Cotetated om th batts OF tee original Cress} ~Sechon EEA OF Specime fhe Te 1A cated : emggs Sirus. By Aditya MODI deter mined ony the baits OF actial CH0S5 -se chien Lanta And actual Length OF Sprcieman, thon Ft 16 coltel true Studi] Ueto eee Oe ey UUUULdLE as au peer d sy) 4, © 3 cS | > ie I what clo yeuy_mean by MechanFeak prop entt OF matoval ? Ex plain the vasdouds mecha- PT cok Properties of metab. “The mechanfeat Preperstics Tachide Streng-tn 4 SHFPESS 5 Clastictty 4 plas ttelty 9 duc tilly» bri tueness 5 matleabrt ty 4 “toughness 9 ebilend Grup and hardness ate, Stoengtni—The ablitty oF a matecal to wlth Stand the extemal fonee Withouk desinueHow on brenkt . SefEiness— rk to he qhilfty of matenriok to pasib tthe defonmation urder| the action of extumal fence Elastictty:— the elasticity of matinial fAa Propinty by virdue pPttd hich deformation carted by applied dood TA | diseppeaud and mattel jogains [LA onlairal Shape. ofjes xemaval of toad. Plasticity ;—The phacticfty of matiial ‘Aa | Property, by Ufrchuea of which TE sudalnd the deformation permanerct by even aGten aeemoual of ekitinal fonee coin the deformation acton of extemal forces Ushat deo yeu mean by Precheanical preper- wttet ef meteatal StS — Sinctn Ae Whek 6 THA Importance 7 The Stress = Strata salehonship for mastial fA given by He rmatutal!s Sheen StU s- Strain conve, Under Ai ffouct doads, the Styuss and Canned pandints SAriafn ede rohit ann eo He d Stress Strato canve Daas ancl exptar, StreAS-Sinalny cunved Explaining Stress Stnain curve: OB s—(Elasite fimit) STM & Stal y Fotlocs Heoke!s Law, BEsSu pieshe 4 ¥ & Ete (atin ae) fatie > ore Ot ss fables one Bott) Wrest Nok tou, StrueAS | peel Actual Ft h« Engg. Stacy. E=D = Non = Linear dechinatyon, [ooP te PUULCUUUUEUUUd eo Compans. bekseen prop entic& of ferrors And Now -Fennoud masePor 7 ce Fe nnovs Metal Non - Ferrous Mebat lea quick Cosxmesfon of Fernovd metal 04 mai dstasbacte They ane better Comnosion ski Stance. a | Heavy in weight Ligne tm welgha 3. | DIFFTcutt Fabsic ation. Very eaty fabrication WL EXcePE Stainless Steal, NOt good tn sunface Cintas 4Adkiniide arance., Beller appearance and € Xce Uent Surface. Ffai sh 5:| Bekkere Stntengtin and Sif Finess . Poni im Stsength and Sti Finess, b | rood Weldabflry, Derhrentay Fo wetd | Poore elects feat conductivity lod electsacal conduc ~ Eiviby. the $e Fore. Stlyor Copper and Alumtotern and fre- ently vAed y 8] Poose Hhermal cond uctwish OF teat anergy TS not tneod +hesemal conduct vii Anus, vded where trranste| therefore; Hoy are. uel) fore Kitchen usi red 5 heat PT Peds where trans Fon Yonposchare. OF heath Ondmgy [4 Trportart: 4] These axe ductfle and [these area ves poon Im Strengths less duckie soon 9, [Better In electrical end thertmal Conducttufes sthee Fore able to transfer. heat thnovgh them. L They have Pour elechxfcal = |lomdscet Putty and poor thermal Bette Insetaberr Tt notains for tong $fme + [Moderate Surface fini shy but] 0d APpeanane, bekten Surface Pfnish abut thay dinitntsh} Faster Feavy fa welghe Sfdean BA vorg hess) thus] Hp demgen. fn 1d TIGRE TH WUghe LS Soc ay er greremrrer: as tn Sle 64 Possth titty oF cosmesfen as [NO Chante oF Cornosten 7 Some No: sth Lome 11 tontect of Moistae alle. g' 8 lM con Reakeain thai prepedtes Compara bediseen Properties of Mebal and a Non-merat 2 frefals NoN = Mekal,s (=a ¥ Y { " > “—— "2.945 spome a c 9 Pub FyDIEND 26 i TO hy Nabe id poy ape P tap om cape Rented + wmaetapaneg ie . PANES ShallN\d ¢Speq aay ausyro BAL ror4 . a POW TS SSAL ra) TO SIT aaa, qe PS WTA Moy FH IE © prop ye & tt Sa FEUEL IFO :Oy Tue eee eta Ty tL © At stp wire, é, g e LT @+ pradust sco peijore ee gS Brats S42 @t Myrvdeo |W t gE as PERG) 2alhey xp] a @)earas| pup | o co. Largs Oad peolubyaay evar. & ut PUL ymGou dsoud am 2 Vt ae Magna ee 2 . mn 3 Sb Uolsediuss yp soy pu 5 BP OL Deer uert si 4. -ueajys| pub vomars-go Borge tie ein - Be is & PUCHS MY PU 2402 Wm acd Bid Prpsume fa SS RUPSIaS et ue - 9 2 ae ean SoA] Palt sadjd naypom PUD a fs 4502 : + amars § sppapes cybuiydmo 7Rumproe is yooy. suc eS ujoyo 2 S55 7 g = -BppM- whey eq Kijyoe Uv P 25 FE PPD Aue HOULIM pug Ayre Pur SeE~TP # a\c¢C~eMPON Buin < 52 9D “Busia pur Curcaumoy 2% yompord mi. Supralans, a a g po Ua, Yaron Worry Yeques fom Puyuxog hq “pew ot4o PUTAS % Sige. UGE FP yr “/6G o+dh Yow! > Go AsedWeD & 3 2 2 “grey 40 wnsoy Ye 49 I5MKNd 4 AE tuo Rom gd meee oP De syarrpowd worry 2G ByPTIa Bs o wo nape MBs Sb payn sf voy Bid P4L—F5e89 t ae ep sossarerd ray} 260) PPPOF 3 = on 4p uaydyes ‘aseuvbuen Jo es ¥ aie rBropuencd prowus pyv smrboudsoud % 1-10 £492 4135 fay pes? bh Sues 3 . pep HEM Stuy WO uae) Pupp | west Bia = 2 Yo $3 22960 24 wor} Peyserdo z2npord 4065 foar murss Yord lk Uuiuuuuuinu uu JU D Steal t— Tt 15 an atte ef Pron and Caxbon, Te genemally contednd Carden maximum upte wr, Pr foam oF Toren cambide wie SeSmetl quantities oF rmanganese 4 Silicon 9 Solphor 5 phesphortud to Smpert Some des? mable prrepeties Tha following Vypcd OF Steck manufactured Comments. ee ae © emia Steet Sa ra a) « @) ay Steal ©, 4h Speed Steel © spring seek ‘Poteeiin Be @) Stavate Ss Steed. = S Steal =a @ atioy a Kast iner => Carigy ot, for ve (Gar S) | = z —rypes of cast Tron+— | a Mwey ‘case tren @) white cast 176n G) Matleable case inen. oye GS) ehined case i © Aitoy cast ikon. S813) Whae xe +h ee Nasdous aan type of Steet Sed Fore manufactukin, Purpose? discuss heise also BY considers These CompestHon,s Mechantcat Pxoportres 3 and uses? There ope Eight typed OF Steel used Foxe MANY Fa ctuying, Puscpose Q] malta sted 6 iS on atten Of Canker ixen and carbon OS mafn Constituent. CompostHieni— caxhon osetcteetsy and Small quant +94 of manganese si, ph ahd sul Mechanic ad Prtoperckics 1 — @rTt Ws dveitte and soet @ Tk cam not be thandend by heat tccotmenst Tt bas excellent machinability. @ re has excettent Fog eabt HY 4 We idabitiay, And Shock Resistance @ tt fs Strong > Plastic and Matleable. VSeS3— FETS USed fax maki, Qenexad Ter NUE, Bolts, nailSs Sheets, Stoves, nods, Wi2xeSy Ship and boiler pleted, clu ch Finger 9 geare valvess abc. @ | Medium carbon Steel $- rt is Stx00 ger than = Mild Steek. TE has better handness and tenstie strength 4 but ee fs Jess Sle. tt tan easily stotted 9 Forget 5 welded and Machined. Composites t— carb contert 0.30.6, } USESi— axleS, xopess Connecting rwdb4 Solid turbine ——— Mofedor 4 Gant ShartSs bake vend s spocngs thoust Wuheds Lecemotive nimd etc, igh carbon Steck J— te has mofo ® we ConSHtiendk ak 7184 nad Canben - ae ae : PHens— Corben O-6- 1-6 74 STNCON ns ost Manganese 0:15 ~ 0:35%/ 4 Canomivm 9) Magniit q Salphe~ 9 Chrownitin a nikely Prd Mechanical pace percties = @) Tt Ps Cheaper and hed tess ducki lity and sitsth ~ © Te Ts stfet, tough and hard. / long | 2 ©VTE can eastly he heat Syanted (or changing is 4 ~ Properties, 1 @ tk can Hedaln TA -tough Incodned Cone cub 5 +0 bow hadenability. » y @ Tecan with stad Vibrations ard Tmpack f Jonds To bebter say ma ri © Tt has tay Macht nabl lity, 4 ; Berane ere mmol a ~ =F = othr peead Chae ss ~ Pde Print ovt . 4 = Goll] What is alloying 7 piscuss the efhect = OF aMoyfng carbon, ST, Phy Sulphary mga NT > Hy 5 chromium , MolybdeMlUM And vandium with oY Fron cost An Alloy TE 4 combi nakfon of metatsl t os: s © & 5 combined! Uith ene or more othoc a q Rhement EX Gold + COppax = Red god. nan} Gold + shiver Witte gold. h SiWert Copper = Sage Sane +, Shas of Alloy sing dlement- and i Hes 95 St TE! Q| corcbon: Nosimatty 2-4, cohen, 1, preted tS Present 4, In cast Pron. the POENOW PRE Sores Fy oo oat Pon eftheoc AS cementile (ferc) a Yess | hase d Constituent oo Graphite SPE TSE Bartderdo oh cement casa fron baekttte ano Reece Woes OF Axophi-te By Aditya MODI S QI] PhoSphorius sl is preter’ fn cast fy GY) Soi phure s— Te fs prstent In cast fron vptd Silicons—Tis pre ren cdots wre Carl tr Incraakes Yrtyness and Fluidry And enSuset Softer and better Castings And TE may be pawbent up to 2x, BPID 3%. EE Pycatence In the caSt THO Jowenk the melting port, Fourend eh PLUTEBY 5 seackuced Shrinkage Th COSHNGS. Tt alto fnermted He Stengel of Codt Tron, ONS fy . Le hed Fastening effect Ga cost Ton. Manganese -— TL 14 prwlenk toi Cast Prom upto Ves Ste Trenates HO hardness And tensPle Stregite of Cast Pein: Nickels — Winen nithel %& addedito cont 1xG45 TE promotes he Pxaphi-te faasin Et Frenantes hordness oe ind copa Stan, Sea reat. och! On -| wath 4 Machin abilidy| Chromium — Tits Porthert= Cote Tren up-to Bh. Tt prwtence uf thy Cote Ton] Pxomoies the foumation oF Canbide (eementite)) BR hard element of canbon 71 Increased wean swSTStance 5 hardness, Strength 4 buk tedueo®, cach Uy, pMalfbdtnims— TLs Small presence Fn case 1x09 Smppoves Strength anal bya PusTS tence: Gutitlange prtsence treninias baad! GaraiiscedticnS tue MathinabTl} ty, WOnadiums— rt 18 Prasenca tn cast Tren LPtO Ons Ye Promotes Canktda form) ation , thot Yeoatet he! bencdmer) anal Strveegth ef Cast Tron. Sulphore pswerd fr Steet efther Uohat ane the influence of Comsish Bike Carbon , STiicons Mg 5 Sollphon > and Phosphorus Om Steelt The Steel Consists OF Carbon 5 mang - — aneSes STITCOn, Solphurc 5 phosphorod Hence the pooperntis of Steet chepends ON Carbon 4 STIf ton 5 manganese, Solphor, and phoSphosivs Contents, The effect of each constituent TA discussed below ;— [eos ont—learxbon In crooscd Corn Osi ve Staergth 4 elasticity. and handness, Bub at He dame -ffme Tt towers ducklity [Etre] SPitOn ACLS ad a Goud deoridesere And prevents the Steel to bxome Potiovd. TL Removes the Jaded, oxidise andl PraventAs blowholes. Tt Makes the Stee tough and harder: [renganese J Manganese clko Cexvel af deonal sing ind purdfying agent The manganese Combines With Solphum and decnoaieA tha effect of Tmpusitieds Pr the Steel. Wren me rganed | Ts added with fou canton steel, makes Ha cugtile os Tren Sulphice oo manganese Sulphide. the Tn Sulphide Invcased byeittleness| ak eleyoted -fempexctune - cahile the manganese Aulpetde does not affect the prepentfed of Steel gine Pawsence of SubStantiol amoent of Sol Phu] in Steel TS obzectf enable, because 7 t af fe cts| a Stowagth, yfeld Point 4 Fakigue. Limit ete Gnd th deereates the cormest on Srtidtanee, By Aditya MODI BF canben and Phos phesucd Contack in g004 Shovld not exceed 0125 7. Steal.

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