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The system COLLEGE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM can be used to

manage the data of all type of educational institutes. It will support both
stand alone and also networking environment. The system uses VB. Net
Technology. The main modules involved in this system are:

1. Login
2. Forms
3. Reports
4. Window

Module wise description


Login module is used to check whether the user is an authorized person to

use the system or not. For this the user should give the correct user name
and password.
The different types of users are
1. Admin
2. Student
3. Employee


This module consists of the following sub modules

1. Student Registration Form

2. Student Fee Form
3. Student Marks Form
4. Student ID Form
5. Employee Detail Form
6. Employee Salary Form
7. Employee ID Form
8. Course Detail Form
9. Library Form

The Student Registration Form is designed for registering the new

students details and course details.

The Student Fee Form is used to enter the student’s fee details.

The Student Marks Form is designed for submitting the semester or exam
marks of the students for a particular course or an individual student.
The Student Id Form is used to create the identity number for each
student for different course.
The Employee details form is designed for entering the staff details and
other relevant details .
The Employee Id used to create the identity number for each student for
different course.
The salary form is used to derive the salary for employees
The Course details form is designed for entering the different course
available in the campus and other relevant details .
The Library module is used for the data process of library and book
accessing for students and staffs.


All the above mentioned data are stored in the back end and can be
retrieved as reports with filtering options. The Following are the reports
can be taken from this system

1. Student Report
2. Employee Report
3. Course Detail Report
4. Book Detail Report
5. Issued Book Report
6. Fee Detail Report
7. Marks Detail Report
8. Generate Pay Slip


Speed up Networks Software College was actually established in the year

2002 March 17th on Hope College near Mani’s Theatre. The official address was No
126, Thulasiammal layout, Opp to Mani’s theatre with only two systems as a home
based application development centre. Later it developed as the student project centre
with lot of MBA’s and Polytechnic students were migrated by the internal marketing
of the three staff who becomes the directors of the speed up networks.
 To provide quality education of information technology and IT enabled
services to shine as leading business promoters on real time and
submission of application and system software.
 To develop the efficient candidates as per the requirements of major IT
 To serve the society by releasing free wares.
 To provide a wide range of ideas and thoroughly to the environment about
the development of information technology and it’s enabled fields.

 Quality IT Education at affordable cost for all.

 Out motto explains that even a middle class student can learn the booming
technology which is highly costlier for them.

Logo Symbolizes
 Our logo symbolizes the horse, which means the power to ride through our
own vision.

 The symbol of speed.

 The symbol of resistance and getting up quick as thunder even if it falls.

 Speed up is coming up speedily.

Objective Of The Project

Main aim in developing campus management system is to provide an easy way not
only to automate all functionalities of a college, but also to provide full functional
reports to top management of college with the finest of details about any aspect of

We are committed to bring the best way of management in the various forms of
campus management system. We understand that campus management system in
not a product to be sold, it is a bridge between the College and Students.

So we can say the Core purpose of designing “ College Management System ” is to

manage the task related to the college students/employees and to reduce time to
searching of appropriate candidates in college view.

Scope Of The System

This system provides the detail structure of the college campus and its departments.
CMS synchronizes the working of all the departments. It looks on all aspects of a
college, its students, faculties, Departments, marks and other co – curricular activities.

CMS is the easiest way to manage all functionalities of a college, which facilitates
colleges to maintain the functionality related to college employees and their students.


Following are the benefits for using College Management System :

For Employees:

•  Easy to create any kind of certificate.

•  Easy to query all related details of student and employee.
•  Easy to generate payroll of individual employee.

For College:

•  Collective records of students of all the branches.

•  Collective records of employees of all departments.
•  Easy approach to find the detail information for any student/employee.
•  Easy to handle all functionality of college.
•  Easy to manage all actions (generating attendance report, fee report etc).
•  All information can be synchronized in one place. And distribute to a particular
department to manage
•  CMS is beneficial for both students/employees only in the way that they Can get all
previous or current
    information's when they need.
•  It is helpful to maintain the students record (admission record, fees record, Marks
records etc).
•  Teacher does not maintain the file, documentation, reports (class Wise, section

Advantages :

•  By using this s/w, you can learn how you prepare your records in standard manner
•  Also you can find the previous session papers and current news related to any
student or employees.
•  By using this s/w, administrator can manage all records in standard manner.
•  Also it can help to get all or a particular student attendance information by
attendance master
•  Also it can help to maintain the fees and accounting reports of college in proper
•  It helps to generate mark sheets of current year or previous year's students.

A detailed study of the existing system is necessary. The
functions of the system, requirements for the users, structure of the
current system is made through the system study. The problems faced in
the current system are found and solution pertaining to it is done in the
system study.


In the existing system, the manual process, receiving data’s from students and staff
details are done through manual records. These records are entered in manual process.
in this process will take long time,separet workers need to maintaining the databases.
All the college details are stored via separate databases. It will take long time due to
this process time waste, money waste etc...
In this process very difficult to maintain the fees and accounting reports of college in
proper way. Teacher does not maintain the file, documentation, reports (class Wise,
section wise) etc…
The main objective of the existing system is to provide a user-friendly
interface. The system, which is proposed, now computerizes all the details that are
maintained manually. Once the details are fed into the computer there is no need for
various persons to deal with separate sections. Only a single person is enough to
maintain all the reports. The security can also be given as per the requirement of the
 Large volumes of data can be stored with case.

 Maintenance of file is flexible.

 Records stored are updated now and then.

 Stored data and procedures can be easily edited.

 Reports can be generated with case.

 Accurate calculations are made.

 Less manpower required.



The hardware used for the development of the project is:



The software used for the development of the project is:

OPERATING SYSTEM : Windows XP Professional

ENVIRONMENT : Visual Studio .NET 2005
.NET FRAMEWORK : Version 1.0
LANGUAGE : Visual Basic.NET


Visual Basic. NET, the latest version of visual basic, includes many new
features. The Visual Basic supports interfaces but not implementation

Visual supports implementation inheritance, interfaces and

overloading. In addition, Visual Basic .NET supports multithreading concept.


Visual Basic.NET is also compliant with CLS (Common Language

Specification) and supports structured exception handling. CLS is set of rules
and constructs that are supported by the CLR (Common Language Runtime).
CLR is the runtime environment provided by the .NET Framework; it manages
the execution of the code and also makes the development process easier by
providing services.

Visual Basic.NET is a CLS-compliant language. Any objects, classes, or

components that created in Visual Basic.NET can be used in any other CLS-
compliant language. In addition, we can use objects, classes, and components
created in other CLS-compliant languages in Visual Basic.NET .The use of
CLS ensures complete interoperability among applications, regardless of the
languages used to create the application.


Visual Basic.NET supports implementation inheritance. This means

that, while creating applications in Visual Basic.NET, we can drive from
another class, which is know as the base class that derived class inherits all the
methods and properties of the base class. In the derived class, we can either use
the existing code of the base class or override the existing code. Therefore,
with help of the implementation inheritance, code can be reused.

Constructors are used to initialize objects, whereas destructors are used

to destroy them. In other words, destructors are used to release the resources
allocated to the object. In Visual Basic.NET the sub finalize procedure is
available. The sub finalize procedure is used to complete the tasks that must be
performed when an object is destroyed. The sub finalize procedure is called
automatically when an object is destroyed. In addition, the sub finalize
procedure can be called only from the class it belongs to or from derived


Garbage Collection is another new feature in Visual Basic.NET. The

.NET Framework monitors allocated resources, such as objects and variables.
In addition, the .NET Framework automatically releases memory for reuse by
destroying objects that are no longer in use. In Visual Basic.NET, the garbage
collector checks for the objects that are not currently in use by applications.
When the garbage collector comes across an object that is marked for garbage
collection, it releases the memory occupied by the object.


Overloading is another feature in Visual Basic.NET. Overloading

enables us to define multiple procedures with the same name, where each
procedure has a different set of arguments. Besides using overloading for
procedures, we can use it for constructors and properties in a class.


Visual Basic.NET also supports multithreading. An application that

supports multithreading can handle multiple tasks simultaneously, we can use
multithreading to decrease the time taken by an application to respond to user
interaction. To decrease the time taken by an application to respond to user
interaction, we must ensure that a separate thread in the application handles
user interaction.

Visual Basic.NET supports structured handling, which enables us to

detect and remove errors at runtime. In Visual Basic.NET, we need to use
Try…Catch…Finally statements to create exception handlers. Using Try…
Catch…Finally statements, we can create robust and effective exception
handlers to improve the performance of our application.


The .NET Framework is a new computing platform that simplifies

application development in the highly distributed environment of the Internet.


1.To provide a consistent object-oriented programming environment whether

object codes is stored and executed locally on Internet-distributed, or executed

2.To provide a code-execution environment to minimizes software deployment

and guarantees safe execution of code.

3. Eliminates the performance problems.

There are different types of application, such as Windows-based applications

and Web-based applications.

To make communication on distributed environment to ensure that code be

accessed by the .NET Framework can integrate with any other code.

Visual Studio .NET is a complete set of development tools for building
ASP Web applications, XML Web services, desktop applications, and mobile
applications In addition to building high-performing desktop applications, you
can use Visual Studio's powerful component-based development tools and
other technologies to simplify team-based design, development, and
deployment of Enterprise solutions.

Visual Basic .NET, Visual C++ .NET, and Visual C# .NET all use the
same integrated development environment (IDE), which allows them to share
tools and facilitates in the creation of mixed-language solutions. In addition,
these languages leverage the functionality of the .NET Framework and simplify
the development of ASP Web applications and XML Web services.

Visual Studio supports the .NET Framework, which provides a common

language runtime and unified programming classes; ASP.NET uses these
components to create ASP Web applications and XML Web services. Also it
includes MSDN Library, which contains all the documentation for these
development tools.



Sql Server is comprehensive operating environment that packs h
power of mainframe relation database management system into user’s
microcomputer. It provides a set of functional program that user can use as
tools to build structures and perform tasks. Because applications are
developed on Sql Server are completely portable to the other versions of the
programmer can create a complex application in a single user, environment
and then move it to a multi-user platform. Users do not have to be an expert
to appreciate Sql Server but the better user understands the program, the
more productively and creatively he can use the tools it provides.

Relational Database Management System

 Sql Server the right tool

 Sql Server gives you High Capacity
 Database management tools
 Structure of Sql Server Database
Sql Server database can be describe at two different levels

 Physical Structure
 Logical Structure

Physical Structure:

a) One or more data files

b) Two or more log files
c) One control file

Logical Structure

a) Table spaces
b) Segments
c) Extents
d) Data Blocks

The data files contain all user data in terms of tables, index and views.
The log files contain the information to open and be recovered, of undone
after a transaction (Rollback).

The control file physical data, media information to open and manage
data files. If the control file is damaged the server will not be able to open or
use the database even if the database is undamaged.


The conventional data processing approach is to develop a program (or

many programs) for each application. This result in one or more data files for
each application. Some of the data may be common between files. However
one application may require the file to be organized on a particular field,
while other application may require the file to be organized on another field.
A major drawback of the conventional method is that the storage access
methods are built in to the program. Therefore, though the same data may be
required by two applications, the data will have to be sorted in two different
places because each application depends on the way that the data stored.
There are various drawbacks of conventional data file processing
environment. Some of them are listed below:

Data Redundancy:
Some data elements like name, address, identification code, are used
in various applications. Since data is required by multiple applications,
it is stored in multiple data files. In most cases, there is a repetition of
data. This is referred to as data redundancy, and leads to various other

Data Integrity Problems:

Data redundancy is one reason for the problem of data integrity. Since
the same data is stored in different places, it is inevitable that some
inconsistency will creep in.

Data Availability Constraints:

When data is scattered in different files, the availability of information
from a combination of files is constrained to some extent.

Database Management System

A database management system (DBMS) consists of a collection of
interrelated data and a set of programs to access the data. The collection of
data is usually referred to as the database. A Database system is designed to
maintain large volumes of data. Management of data involves:

 Defining the structures for the storage of data

 Providing the mechanisms for the manipulation of the data
 Providing for the security of the data against unauthorized access

Users of the DBMS:

Broadly, there are three types of DBMS users:
 The application programmer
 The end user
 The database administrator (DBA)
The application programmer writes application programs that use the
database. These programs operate on the data in the database. These
operations include retrieving information, inserting data, deleting or
changing data.

The end user interacts with the system either by invoking an application
program or by writing their queries in a database query language. The
database query language allows the end user to perform all the basic
operations (retrieval, deletion, insertion and updating) on the data.

The DBA has to coordinate the functions of collecting information about

the data to be stored, designing and maintaining the database and its security.
The database must be designed and maintained to provide the right
information at the right time to authorized people. These responsibilities
belong to the DBA and his staff.

The major advantage that the database approach has over the conventional
approach is that a database system provides centralized control of data. Most
benefits accrue from this notion of centralized control.


Unlike the conventional approach, each application does not have to
maintain its own data files. Centralized control of data by the DBA
avoids unnecessary duplication of data and effectively reduces the
total amount of data storage required. It also eliminates the extra
processing necessary to trace the required data in a large mass of data
present. Any redundancies that exist in the DBMS are controlled and
the system ensures that these multiple copies are consistent.


Since redundancy is reduced, inconsistency can also be avoided to
some extent. The DBMS guarantee and that the database is never
inconsistent, by ensuring that a change made to any entry automatically
applies to the other entries as well. The process is known as propagating


A database allows the sharing of data under its control by any number
of application program or users. Sharing of data does not merely imply
that existing applications can share the data in the database, it also
means that new applications can be developed to operate using the
same database.


Since there is centralized control of data, the database administrator
can ensure that standards are maintained in the representation of the
stored data formats. This is particularly useful for data interchange, or
migration of data between two systems.
The DBMS guarantees that only authorized persons can access the
database. The DBA defines the security checks to be carried out.
Different checks can be applied to different operations on the same
data. For instance, a person may have the access rights to query on a
file, but may not have the right to delete or update that file. The DBMS
allows such security checks to be established for each piece of data in
the database.


Centralized control can also ensure that adequate checks are
incorporated in the DBMS to provide data integrity. Data integrity
means that the data contain in the database is both accurate and
consistent. Inconsistency between two entries can lead to integrity
problems. However, even if there is no redundancy, the data can still
be inconsistent. For example a student may have enrolled in 10 courses
in a semester when the maximum number of courses one can enroll in
is 7. Another example could be that of a student enrolling in a course
that is not being offered that semester. Such problems can be avoided
in a DBMS by establishing certain integrity checks to be carried out
whenever any update operation is done. These checks can be specified
at the database level, besides the application programs.

In non-database systems, the requirement of the application dictates
the way in which the data is stored and the access techniques. Besides,
the knowledge of the organization of the data, the access techniques
are built into the logic and code of the application. These systems are
data dependent. Consider this example, suppose the university has an
application that processes the student file. For performance reason, the
file is indexed on the roll number. The application would be aware of
the existing index, and the internal structure of the application would
be built around this knowledge. Now consider that the some reason,
the file is to index on the registration data. In this case it is impossible
to change the structure of the stored data without affecting the
application too. Such an application is a data dependent one.

It is desirable to have data independent applications. Suppose two

applications X and Y need to access the same file. However both the
applications require a particular field to be stored in different formats.
Application X requires the field “customer balance” to be stored in decimal
format, while the application Y requires it to be stored in binary format. This
would pose a problem in an old system. In a DBMS differences may exist in
the way that data is actually stored, and the way that it is seen and used by a
given application.


 The ability to create multiple relations and enter data into them
 An interactive query language
 Retrieval of information stored in more than one table

Normalization is a process of simplifying the relationship between data
elements in a record. It is the transformation of complex data stores to a set of
smaller, stable data structures.

Normalized data structures are simpler, more stable and are easier to
maintain. Normalization can therefore be defined as a process of simplifying
the relationship between data elements in a record.

Purpose For Normalization:

Normalization is carried out for the following four reasons:

 To structure the data so that there is no repetition of data, this helps in

saving space.
 To permit simple retrieval of data in response to query and report
 To simplify the maintenance of the data through updates, insertions
and deletions.
 To reduce the need to restructure or reorganize data when new
application requirements arise.

Systems analysts should be familiar with the steps in normalization, since the
process can improve the quality of design for an application. Starting with a
data store developed for a data dictionary the analyst normalized a data
structure in three steps. Each step involves an important procedure to
simplify the data structure.

It consists of basic three steps.

1. First Normal Form, which decomposes all data groups into two-
dimensional records.
2. Second Normal form, which eliminates any relationships in which data
elements do not fully depend on the primary key of the record.
3. Third Normal Form which eliminates any relationships that contain
transitive dependencies.

Fig 3.2 steps involved in the process of normalization

User Views/
Data Stores

Step 1: Remove repeating groups.
Fix record
First Normal length identify primary key.
Step 2 : Removal of data items
which are not
Second Normal
Dependent on primary
key. of transitive
Step 3 : Removal
Third Normal
The relation obtained from the data store such as Employee Register will most
likely be un-normalized. It will consist of repeating groups and record will
not be of fixed length.

User User


Stude Cours
Student_DB Course_DB
nt e
Detail Detail
s s
Staff Staff Staff_DB
Reports Detail


Attendance Stock Examination Fees

Forms -

1. Student Registration Form -

If you have not specified any course in course form then

you can not register any student in this software.
There are many buttons in this form

1. New
Registration - This button is used for Registration of new Student.

2. Save - This button is used to save new registration in data.

3. Cancel - This button is used to cancel new registration.

4. Status - This button is used for performing various tasks.

- Edit
- Delete
- Find
- First
- Last
- Next
- Previous

5. Edit - For editing the detail of any Student, to find the

Student’s data by
Find button and click on Edit button

6. Delete - For deleting the detail of any Student, to find the

Student’s data by
Find button and click on Delete button

7. Find - This button is used for finding the data of any Student.

8. First - This button is used to show the details of first Student.

9. Last - This button is used to show the details of last Student.

10. Previous - This button is used to show the details of Previous


11. Next - This button is used to show the details of next Student.
12. Photograph - This button is used to select the Photograph.
There are many input fields in this Form -

1. Student Code - This field is automatically generated by the


2. Enrollment Number - You have to enter the Enrollment Number of


3. Student Name - You have to enter the Name of Student.

4. Date of Admission - Automatically Generated as today date

Personal Information -

5. Father’ Name - You have to enter the Name of father of Student.

6. Mother’s Name - You have to enter the Name of mother of


7. Date of Birth - You have to enter the Date of Birth of Student in

“DD/MMM/YYYY” format.
8. Gender - You have to enter the Sex of Student.

9. Course Code - You have to select the Course code of Specific


10. Course Name - Automatically generated in reference of Course


11. Caste - You have to enter the Caste of Student.

12. Semester - You have to select the Semester in which the

Student is
eligible for admission
13. Phone Number - Optional, you have to enter the Phone Number
of Student.
14. University - Automatically generated in reference of Course

15. Permanent Address - You have to enter the Permanent Address of


16. Corresponding
Address - You have to enter the Corresponding Address of

In Total Fee field, it display the fee of Course, you can modify it, you can feed
donation & concession in Donation & Concession field respectively, then the fee for
this student will be saved as Total fee + Donation - Concession

Qualification -

It has 5-5 fields for each of following fields for High school, Intermediate,
Graduation, Post Graduation and other in 5 rows. It is not necessary to fill all 5

17. Course Name - You have to enter the Course Name of every

18. Board / University - You have to enter the Board or university of

filled courses.

19. Year - You have to enter the Year of filled courses.

20. Roll no. - You have to enter the Roll No. of filled courses.

21. Maximum Marks - You have to enter the Maximum Marks of filled

22. Obtained Marks - You have to enter the Minimum Marks of filled

23. Percentage - Automatically generated.

Other Information -

24. Email ID - Optional, You have to enter the Email Address

of Student.

25. Lateral Entry - You have to select the Semester, in which he is


26. Number - You have to enter the Number of the Draft.

27. Bank Name - You have to enter the Bank Name.

28. Amount - You have to enter the Amount of Draft.

29. Date - You have to enter the Date of Draft.

30. Attached
Documents - You have to enter the Name of attached

2. Student Fee Form -

This form is used to submit the fee of enrolled student.

There are many buttons in this form

1. Fee payment - This button is used for making the Fee Payment
of enrolled
2. Save - This button is used for saving the Fee Payment.
3. Cancel - This button is used for canceling the fee

4. Edit - This feature is not available

5. Find - This button is used for finding the data of any


There are many input fields in this Form -

1. Enrollment Number - You have to select the Enrollment Number of


2. Student Name - Automatically generated in reference of

Enrollment No.

3. Course Code - Automatically generated in reference of

Enrollment No.

4. Course Name - Automatically generated in reference of

Enrollment No.

5. Semester - You have to select the Semester of which he will

the Fee.
6. Date - Automatically generated as today date.

7. Paid Fee - Enter the Amount of Fee Payment.

8. Total Fee - Automatically generated, it displays the total fee

of this
9. Balance Fee - Automatically generated, it will displays the
remaining fee
after submission
3. Student Marks Form -

This form is used to save the marks of exam of enrolled

There are many buttons in this form

1. Insert Marks - This button is used for inserting the marks of

2. Save - This button is used for saving the marks details.

3. Cancel - This button is used for canceling the marks details.

4. Delete - For deleting the marks detail of any Student, to find the
Student’s data by Find button and click on
Delete button.

5. Find - This button is used to find the marks details of any


There are many input fields in this Form -

1. Enrollment Number - You have to select the Enrollment Number of


2. Student Name - Automatically generated in reference of

Enrollment No.

3. Course Code - Automatically generated in reference of

Enrollment No.

4. Course Name - Automatically generated in reference of

Enrollment No.

5. Semester - You have to select the Semester of which he will

the Fee.
6. Total Marks - You have to enter the Total Marks of this course
7. Obtained Marks - You have to enter the Obtained marks of this

8. Percentage - Automatically generated.

9. Division - Automatically generated.

10. Year - You have to select the year of this exam.

4. Student ID Form -

This Form is used to create ID card of enrolled student.

There are many buttons in this form

1. Search - This button is used to find any enrolled student.

2. Print - This button is used to print the created ID card.

3. First - This button is used to show the fee details of

first Student.

4. Last - This button is used to show the fee details of last


5. Previous - This button is used to show the fee details of


6. Next - This button is used to show the fee details of

next Student.
5. Employee Detail Form -

This form is used to save new appointment of an

There are many buttons in this form

1. New
Appointment - This button is used for new appointment.

2. Save - This button is used to save new appointment in data.

3. Cancel - This button is used to cancel new appointment.

4. Status - This button is used for performing various tasks.

- Edit
- Delete
- Find
- First
- Last
- Next
- Previous

5. Edit - For editing the detail of any Employee, to find the

Student’s data
by Find button and click on Edit button

6. Delete - For deleting the detail of any Employee, to find the

Student’s data
by Find button and click on Delete button

7. Find - This button is used to find the details of any Employee.

8. First - This button is used to show the details of first


9. Last - This button is used to show the details of last Employee.

10. Previous - This button is used to show the details of Previous


11. Next - This button is used to show the details of next


12. Photograph - This button is used to select the Photograph. If the

photo is not in
Select Photo window then locate it by Browse button in
Select Photo window.
There are many input fields in this Form -

1. Staff Number - This field is automatically generated by the


2. Staff Member Name - You have to enter the Name of Employee.

Personal Information -

1. Father’ Name - You have to enter the Name of father of


2. Mother’s Name - You have to enter the Name of mother of


3. Date of Birth - You have to enter the Date of Birth of Employee

“DD/MMM/YYYY” format.
4. Gender - You have to enter the Sex of Employee.

5. Caste - You have to enter the Caste of Employee.

6. Phone Number - Optional, you have to enter the Ph. Number of


7. Email ID - Optional, You have to enter the Email ID of


8. Date of Joining - You have to enter the Date of Joining of


9. Permanent Address - You have to enter the Permanent Address of


10. Corresponding
Address - You have to enter the Corresponding Address of
11. Basic Salary - You have to enter the basic salary of this
employee in only
12. Designation - You have to enter the Designation/Post of this

13. Qualification - You have to enter the qualification of employee.

6. Employee Salary Form -

This form is used to save and view the salary of


There are many buttons in this form

1. Insert Salary - This button is used for inserting the salary
details of this month of an employee.
2. Save - This button is used for saving the salary details.

3. Cancel - This button is used for canceling the salary


4. Salary Payment - As Payment Given, If salary is given, then this

button is
used and the pay slip will not be generated again
until the next salary will be inserted
5. Find - This button is used for finding the data of any

There are many input fields in this Form -

1. Staff Number - You have to select the Staff No. of the employee
inserting salary and system will ask the
percentage for HRA, DA, TA, and PF.
2. Member Name - Automatically generated in reference of Staff

3. Designation - Automatically generated in reference of Staff


4. Month - You have to select the month, of which the

salary is
5. Basic Salary - Automatically generated. If you will change it,
then it will
ask again for percentage for HRA, DA, TA, and
6. HRA - Automatically generated.

7. DA - Automatically generated.

8. TA - Automatically generated.
9. PF - Automatically generated.

10. Other Allowance - You have to enter this in Rs.

11. Gross Salary - Automatically generated, Basic Salary + HRA +


12. Net Salary - Automatically generated, Gross Sal. - PF + Oth.

7. Employee ID Form -

This Form is used to create ID card of employees.

There are many buttons in this form

7. Search - This button is used to find any employee.

8. Print - This button is used to print the created ID card.

9. First - This button is used to show the details of first


10. Last - This button is used to show the details of last


11. Previous - This button is used to show the details of

12. Next - This button is used to show the details of next
8. Course Detail Form -

This Form is used to add, view, and edit the course

There are many buttons in this form -

1. New Course - This button is used to enter new course.

2. Save - This button is used to save the course detail.

3. Cancel - This button is used to cancel the saving action.

4. Edit - For editing any existing course, to find it by

clicking on
Find button and click on Edit button.
5. Delete - For deleting any existing course, to find it by
clicking on
Find button and click on Delete button.
6. Find - This button is used to find any existing course.

7. First - This button is used to show the details of first


8. Last - This button is used to show the details of last


9. Previous - This button is used to show the details of

previous course.

10. Next - This button is used to show the details of next


There are many input fields in this form -

1. Course Code - You have to enter the course code.

2. Course Name - You have to enter the course name.

3. Duration - You have to enter the duration i.e. 3, 3.5 (.5 for
half year)

4. University - You have to enter the name of university from

which this
course is affiliated.
5. Total Fee - You have to enter total fee of this course in Rs.
6. Eligibility - You have to enter the eligibility of this course
i.e. Intermediate or Graduation.
9. Library Form -

This Form is used to add or update new book collection

and used for library action.
There are many buttons in this form -

1. New Collection - This button is used to enter new Collection of


2. Save - This button is used to save the Collection.

3. Cancel - This button is used to cancel the saving action.

4. Edit - For editing any existing Collection, to find it by

clicking on
Find button and click on Edit button.

5. Delete - For deleting any existing Collection, to find it by

on Find button and click on Delete button.

6. Find - This button is used to find any existing


7. First - This button is used to show the details of first


8. Last - This button is used to show the details of last


9. Previous - This button is used to show the details of

10. Next - This button is used to show the details of next

11. Book Exchange - This Button is used to take library action i.e.
issue the book,
return the book. For issue the book, click on
Book Exchange button then click on Issue
button, fill the form and click on Save button.
For return the book, click on Book Exchange
button then click on Return button and follow
the instruction.

There are many input fields in this form -

1. Group Number - Automatically generated, a group number for the

books of
same title and same time and same author.

2. Book Title - To enter the title of book.

3. Book Author - To enter the author name of book.

4. Book Publisher - To enter the publisher name of book

5. Book Price - To enter the price of book in Rs. i.e. 299.99

6. Date of Purchasing - To enter the date in “DD/MMM/YYYY”

7. Available Copy - To enter the No. of copy.

8. Issued Copy - Automatically generated.

9. Remaining Copy - Automatically generated.

Reports - There are many reports in this system.

1. Student Report - This report is used to generate the report of

enrolled student
between two dates. Select the first date and
second date and click on Generate button.

2. Employee Report - This report is used to generate the report of

employee between two dates. Select the first
date and second date and click on Generate

3. Course Report - This report is used to generate the report of the

course name. Select the course name and click
on Generate button.

4. Book Detail Report - This report is used to generate the report of

Accession No. (Group No.). Select the
Accession No. and click on Generate button.

5. Issued Book Report - This report is used to generate the report of

issued book of
selected Student Code. Select the Student Code.
and click on Generate button.

6. Fee Detail Report - This report is used to generate the report of fee
of selected Month. Select the Month and click
on Generate button.

7. Marks Detail Report - This report is used to generate the report of

marks of exam
of selected Year. Select the Year and click on
Generate button.

8. Generate Pay Slip - This report is used to generate the Pay Slip of
the selected
Month .

Every reports are exported into excel, by clicking on Export to Excel Button, this
button is disabled, this button is enabled when you click on Generate button and
report is generated.

Screens -

1. About School… - This screen is help screen.

Additional Features -
These features are used only by

1. Backup - This feature is used to create the backup of your data.

feature is accessed by the Administrator in the
full version only.

2. Restore - This feature is used to restore the backup files. This

is accessed by the Administrator in the full
version. But, the Administrator may use this
feature in Trial version one time only. So that
you may restore your full version backup file in
new same installed system

3. User Management - This feature is used to create the limited user, to

delete the
limited user or change the password of the
Administrator. But this feature is accessed by
only the Administrator and you must have only
one Administrator. Don’t delete the
Administrator. If you delete the Administrator
then you can’t use these feature. (In this case
you can restore the previous Backup files in new

4. Enter a Serial Key - This feature is used to enter the Serial key,
which is
received after purchasing. This feature may also
be used by Administrator.
5. Purchase - This feature is used to show the method of purchasing.

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