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Course Description
This course enables students to deepen their understanding of chemistry through the
study of the properties of chemicals and chemical bonds; chemical reactions and
quantitative relationships in those reactions; solutions and solubility; and atmospheric
chemistry and the behavior of gases. Students will further develop their analytical skills
and investigate the qualitative and quantitative properties of matter, as well as the impact
of some common chemical reactions on society and the environment.

Assessment and Evaluation

Course Grade 100%
Classwork/Participation: 20%
Homework: 15%
Quizzes 20%
Project/Lab: 10%
Exams: 35%

Content Guide

Unit 1: Principles of chemistry

Unit 2: Inorganic chemistry
Unit 3: Physical chemistry
Unit 4: Organic chemistry

Ways to Succeed

1. We will be RESPECTFUL
 Let’s show respect to our peers, our teachers, and ourselves
2. We will be RESPONSIBLE
 Successful students participate in class discussions and activities, bring their
course materials to class, complete their assignments on time, and make a serious
effort to learn. Also, ask for any materials you’ve missed due to any absences.
3. We will be PUNCTUAL and be ATTENTIVE
 Come to class on time and prepared. Moreover, be focused in class.
4. We will be Cooperative
 Let’s collaborate and work together with everyone in our class
5. We will be Inquirers
 Ask questions and participate to learn more about the connection to the real-
6. We will use technology wisely in the classroom.
 Please do not use cell phones in class.
 Please keep laptops closed until the teachers asks you to open them.
 Please follow the students handbook guidelines for technology policy.
7. We will talk in English.
 You are here to learn English. You will learn English by speaking in English. In
the classroom we speak only in English! This is to help you learn the language to
prepare you for your university. Also, it allows your teacher to monitor what is
being said to make sure you are staying on task and are having positive
interactions with your classmates.
Late and/or Missed Evaluation
1) Late Homework – Late submission for homework will result in 10% deduction
every day. If the homework submission was past 4 days from its due date, student
will get a mark of zero.
2) Late Assignments – Late assignments will not be accepted without a prior notice. It
also should come with a note signed by a parent or guardian stating the reason for
tardiness of the assignment. If an assignment is handed in after it has been taken up/
handed back, the students will get a mark of zero. Teacher may impose a penalty for
late assignments, at his/her decision.
3) Tests – If students miss a test/ quiz for an unforeseen reason such as illness, the
student must CONTACT THE TEACHER IMMEDIATELY. For course unit test, a
make-up test (usually in a different format than the original test) will immediately
follow the test date unless alternate arrangement was made with your teacher.
Failure to make contact and arrangements with your teacher for a missed test
may result in a mark of zero. Once a test/quiz has been taken up/handed back
the student will receive a mark of zero.
4) Missed Exams – If a student misses the Final Exam or any component of the final
summative evaluation, they must bring in a note explaining their absence and make
prior arrangements with their teacher in order to avoid a mark of zero.

It’s your responsibility to catch up all missed work.
Please follow the student handbook guidelines regarding absences.

If you are caught sleeping, you will receive a participation mark of zero for that
class. If the behaviour continues, parents will be contacted for parent-teacher

Academic Honesty
Cheating and Plagiarism (Copying someone else’s work) will not be tolerated.
Please follow the student handbook guidelines regarding cheating and plagiarism.

Tools for learning

 Laptop
 Science Subject Notebook or loose-leaf paper
 Binder
 Lab Notebook
 Pen(s), Pencils(s), Eraser(s)
 Glue Stick
 Scissors
 Colored pencils
 Scientific Calculator
 Ruler

Teacher Contact Information

Ms. Han
Room 504

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