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'§ Slo MARAFIQ Power & Water Utility Company for Jubail and Yanbu (MARAFIQ) Doaument 1D No MSSP-1-SF-003 | No of Pages 42 OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH & SAFETY — 1 MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS Document Approval Form Date of Issue: 3 Oct 2012 TITLE OF DOCUMENT PERMIT TO WORK PROCEDURE Revision No Date Revision Details ] Section Revised 4 3 Oct 2012 | 3.2.14, 15 ee New definitions 1 3 Oct 2012 | 5.6 “Work Authorization, General work Permit Yanbu ——-¥ 3 Oct 2012 | Restructured as per IMS format All Cc I PREPARED/REVISED BY | Signature ‘Name ‘Alaguvel Elayaperumal Date B ref zolr z REVIEWED BY Signature rae cA hee J ie | | | Name id AL Ak PTW Committee | Hassan H. Al- | Jambi Anazi Chairman, Qahtani [Date Bliel 29) ITEC Blio[Zei2 fo-/o-Beir ‘APPRO} | Signature = Name Yousif Othman Al-Khlaiwy Date I Ay [tee ISSUED BY Signature Name Oliver Hermandez Matawaran Date 1 [ DISTRIBUTION LIST EMT | Managers Jubail | Managers DC Jubail | Intranet DC Yanbu PROPRIETARY OTE ar eau) Serene an: Jubail and Yanbu (MARAFIQ) Page: 4 of 42 Power & Water Utility Company for | °ument0 No: Rev. No.: 0 PERMIT TO WORK PROCEDURE Date of Issue: 4. PURPOSE To establish a formal written system to control and authorize any non-operational work that will be undertaken within MARAFIQ facilities/areas by operations, maintenance and other personnel including contractors to ensure that all foreseeable hazards associated with the intended work are recognized, risks involved in exposure to those hazards are assessed and necessary safety precautions are identified, understood and applied to prevent injury to personnel, damage to plant and environment. 2. SCOPE The permit to work procedure applies to all non-operational works in any area of MARAFIQ premises, facilities or properties and must be complied with in conjunction with all local / depat itmental procedures, standing instructions, Isolation Procedure and relevant procedures of OHMS Manual 3. ACRONYMS & DEFINITIONS 3.1 Acronyms: AGT APC APL APR LEL LOB : PTW PTWC: PMC TsD RA 3.2Definitions: Authorized Gas Tester Authorized Permit Controller Authorized Permit Issuer Authorized Permit Receiver Lower Explosive Limit Lock out Box Permit to Work acronym Permit to Work Certificate Project Management Consultant Technical Services Department Risk Assessment 3.2.1. PTW Authorization Committee: A committee formed by MARAFIQ General Manager Operations employees as Authorized Persons to implement PTW systemy4 successful completion of written & oral tests. Its members in ‘PROPRIETARY NOTICE “THIS DOCUMENT CONTAINS INFORMATION PROPRIETARY TO MARAFIO. ANY DISCLOSURE OR USE | Only IS EXPRESSLY PROHIBITED EXCEPT UPON WRITTEN PERMISSION BY MARAFIC, [x Q “| Power & Water Utility Company for | 2e~mentiD No §—SIp_p Jubail and Yanbu (MARAFIQ) _| Pace: 2012 MARAFIQ PERMIT TO WORK PROCEDURE aia Date of Issue: 1. All APCs. 2. Senior Operation / Electrical/ Mechanical Instrumentation Engineers 3. Marafiq Safety Section Representative The committee Chairman shall be an O&M Manager selected by the GM(O&M) 3.2.2 Authorized Persons: Apperson having appropriate knowledge, training and experience holding an authorization card, issued by the chairman of PTW Authorization Committee, to issue, endorse or receive PTWCs for the areas he is eligible, as specified in his authorization card which is valid for three years. Renewal will be done after attending a refresher course with nomination from the concemed department manager and validated by an APC and safety staff. The following four categories of Authorized Persons are recognized within MARAFIQ: * Authorized Permit Controller (APC) * Authorized Permit Receiver (APR) * Authorized Permit Issuer (API) * Authorized Gas Tester (AGT) 3.2.3. Cold Work: Work where there is no energy or potential source of ignition. It is a work which has been assessed and found to contain residual risk that can be tolerated. It may cause injury, equipment damage or environmental harm, if its not carried out with due care, attention and strict adherence to specified safety precautions. 3.2.4 Confined Spac Any space not normally occupied by personnel, has a limited means of acoess/egress, and could be subjected to the hazards of oxygen deficiency, or the accumulation of toxic or flammable gases, dusts or fumes. 3.2.5 Diving Operation: An operation which is carried out in water and the persons dive in water to perform the assigned work. 3.2.6 Excavation Work Authorization: A form (see Attachment 3) to be completed to obtain a PTWC. Wo fri to a depth more than 15cm at a specific location. It detail a excavated, conditions of the buried services, method qe PROPRIETARY NOTICE ‘THIS DOCUMENT CONTAINS INFORMATION PROPRIETARY TO MARAFIG. ANY DISCLOSURE OR USE | Only coc i IP EXPRESSLY PROMBMTED EXCEPT UPON WRITTEN PERSSON BY MARAP. q “THi8 DOCUMENT CONTAINS INFORMATION PROPRIETARY TO MARAFIQ. ANY DISCLOSURE OR USE |S EXPRESSLY PROMIBITED EXCEPT UPON WRITTEN PERMISSION BY MARAFIQ. 3.2.7 3.2.8 3.2.9 Power & Water Utility Company for | Pument 0 No: Jubail and Yanbu (MARAFIQ) Page: 3 of 42 Rev. No: 0 PERMIT TO WORK PROCEDURE Date of Issue: precautionary measures that will be taken prior to undertaking the work to prevent injury or damage to buried assets. This document is not valid unless attached to a PTWC. Hot Work: Work in which heat is applied or generated or there is a generation of spark that can ignite combustible material and can cause fire or explosion. It includes welding, cutting, application of flame, grinding, riveting, etc lonizing Radiation Work Request: lonizing Radiation Work Request form shall be completed to obtain PTWC for carrying out Radiography. It contains a list of rules and precautions which must be observed during the period of work. This document is not valid unless attached to a PTWC. Lower Explosive Limit (LEL): The percentage of flammable or explosive gas in air below which, the combustion will not take place. 3.2.10 Non-Operational Work: 3.2.11 Work undertaken by personnel not belonging to the operating department working in that area Permit to Work: A formal system to authorize and control non-operational works 3.2.12 Permit to Work Certificate (PTWC): 3.2.13 (See Appendix 1& 2): It is a formal written document that gives authorization: to certain people to carry out specific non-operational work ‘on specific equipment or system within specified boundaries and certain time constraints It sets out safety precautions that are to be complied to complete the work safely and without any risks to safety and health of people, plant and environment. PTW Office: A place designated by Marafiq area owner to handle PTW system. It is a stationary office or a mobile office where, all required RE Pre Bee eae =o Y PROPRIETARY NOTICE A | Power & Water Utility Company for | Osment ID No: QD Subail and Yanbu (MARAFIQ) | pase 4014 MARAFIQ PERMIT TO WORK PROCEDURE eet es Date of Issue: as PTWC, other PTW and Isolation procedures related forms, isolation tags &hardware such as chains, padlocks, gas detectors, etc, are kept. = Stationary office is a designated room in area owner's operation building. * Mobile office is an API's vehicle wherein Lock Out Box shall be firmly fixed 3.2.14 Potentially High risk Jobs: Significant risk which, if not eliminated or controlled, can result into severe incidents causing major human injury or fatality and/or plant / environmental damage. Examples: + Confined space entry hot work at / near gas systems Critical lift with load more than 5 tons or two cranes or the use of fy jib Work on unprotected roof Work on electrical equipment live On line leak arresting jobs Deep Excavation over live buried utilities 3.2.15 Work on Live Equipment: Work intended to be carried out on equipment which is live and contains potentially harmful energy. This type of work is permitted * only when the equipment cannot be reasonably made dead (isolated & earthed) and + fora period less than 8 hrs. + Risk Assessment is a must and to be performed as per organizational procedures. Note: Vibration measurement, on line laboratory sampling / instrument analyzer calibration etc.. shall not be considered as live work with respect to this definition. 3.2.16 Work at Height: Work that is performed at any place at, above or below ground level from where a person could fall a distance and is liable to cause personal injury or fatality 3.2.17 Contractors: For all practical purpose of PTW system, O&M Contractors are treated as same as the Marafiq. departments. 4 RESPONSIBILITIE! i ‘PROPRIETARY NOTICE | Tus DOCUMENT CONTAINS INFORMATION PROPRIETARY TO MARAFIQ. ANY DISCLOSURE OR USE | ISExPRESSLY PronrTeD EXCEPT UPON WRITTEN PERMISSION BY MARAPI. » o | Power & Water Utility Company for | PounentD No QD | yubail and Yanbu (MARAFIQ) | pose so MARAFIQ PERMIT TO WORK PROCEDURE rete? Date of Issue: 4.1General * MARAFIQ Senior Management shall appoint the appropriate department manager as PTW Committee chairman and support effective implementation of this. procedure. + All Department Managers (Marafiq & Contractors) shall ensure that PTW procedure is enforced and audited periodically in his area. * Allstaff and contractors shall not start any non-operational work without PTWC, strictly follow the conditions and precautions specified in PTWC, not tamper or interfere with any isolation points, observe any change in circumstances follow Marafiq safety procedures report to supervisor, APR or API if in doubt. ooo0000 * The Authorized Persons API /APR/AGT shall use their expertise, adhere strictly to Permit to Work procedure and implement it effectively in their specific geographical area, They shall pass the written test and thereafter oral test conducted by the authorization committee. 4.2. Authorized Gas Tester (AGT): AGT is a trained and competent person appointed to carry out gas tests in specific areas, and to interpret the results obtained with regard to the risk of flammability, toxicity and asphyxiation and to monitor the conditions required under PTWC, He is also required to remain as Standby Attendant for certain jobs as defined 4.2.1 An AGT’s duties are to: a) Use an approved gas monitoring equipment (approved by Marafiq Safety Section) and ensure it is compatible for the space to be gas tested. b) Check for the concentration of flammable gas / vapors, hazardous toxic gases and oxygen content: * in all confined spaces prior to issue of PTWC, ‘PROPRIETARY NOTICE ‘THis DOCUMENT CONTAINS INFORMATION PROPRIETARY TO MARAFIQ. ANY DISCLOSURE OR USE ISEXPRESSLY PROHIGITED EXCEPT UPON WRITTEN PERMISSION BY MARAFQ., r | Power & Water Utility Company for | SeumentiD No a) JP) Subail and Yanbu (MARAFIQ) | Poce: 6r42 MARAFIQ PERMIT TO WORK PROCEDURE saa? Date of Issue + prior to allowing any hot work on or near explosive or flammable gas systems or other works at / near places with suspected atmospheric hazards of flammable or toxic gases * frequently or continuously during the work period as required to do so. c) Ensure that a standby man with Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus (SCBA) and other emergency rescue equipment are made available prior to allowing persons to enter a hazardous atmosphere. d) Act as Standby Attendant, when required, to carry out continuous or frequent monitoring of atmosphere as instructed by APC. ) Mention the concentration of gases in atmosphere into PTWC, comment and ‘sign the PTWC. f) Record the first result in PTWC and the subsequent result in Gas Free Certificate In case of frequent monitoring. See Attachment 10 - Gas free Certificate 9) Test the gas detector to verify proper functioning of alarm in case of continuous gas monitoring and place it at the breathing zone of people at all times when people are working inside confined spaces. The people should be instructed to evacuate the area if alarm sounds, h) Make general surveillance of the surroundings for any circumstances which might give rise to contamination of the atmosphere including: Changes in wind strength and direction. Failure of ventilation arrangement. Drainage system abnormalities. Vents, leaks or spills in the vicinity. Operational activities in the vicinity. i) Stop the work, withdraw personnel in the event of occurrence of any new hazard or suspected deterioration of environmental conditions and inform APC / API j) Retest the atmosphere on rectification of hazards occurred, prior to recommencement of the job, interpret the results and deci 4,3Authorized Permit Issuer (API) PROPRIETARY NOTICE “TIS DOCUMENT CONTAINS INFORMATION PROPRIETARY TO MARAFIG. ANY DISCLOSURE OR USE ISEXPRESSLY PROMIBITED EXCEPT UPON WRITTEN PERMISSION BY NARAFI, A | Power & Water Utility Company for | P°ument IO No GS J Jubail and Yanbu (MARAFIQ) Page: 7 of 42 MARAFIQ PERMIT TO WORK PROCEDURE ae | Date of issue: | a) Authorized Permit Issuer is a trained and competent person authorized to specify safety precautions and issue PTWC within a specified facility / plant area of his responsibilty. b) Marafiq department or contractor manager (the requestor) shall train his nominated person API in isolation of electrical system in coordination with Electrical Engineer within his department or seeking support from other Marafiq department. c) Assigned Marafiq Electrical Engineer shall train and test nominated APIs in electrical system isolation and shall complete API Competency - Electrical Isolation form (See Appendix 12) - and forward to Marafiq department or contractor manager d) Marafiq department or contractor manager (the requestor) shall submit duly completed AP! competency - electrical Isolation form to PTW Authorization Committee for processing further APIs authorization. ) As per Work Authorization / General Work Permit procedures of OHSMS, senior operators are also eligible to be authorized to issue PTWC of Work Authorization / General Work Permit nature after completing written test and oral test formaiities. 4.3.1 API's duties are to: ‘TilS DOCUMENT CONTAINS INFORMATION PROPRIETARY TO MARAFIQ. ANY DISCLOSURE OR USE ISEXPRESSLY PROMIBITED EXCEPT UPON WRITTEN PERMISSION BY MARAFIO, a) Check and verify authorization cards of APR with respect to discipline, validity and limits of authorization. b) Demand Risk Assessment for the jobs which are inherent with significant risks as per relevant procedures of OHSMS. c) Ensure that APR is fully aware of the current status of the equipment/area and hazards associated with it and the work that will be undertaken. d) Carry out all required isolations (mechanical, electrical, chemical, etc), enter them into “Isolation Certificate” as per Isolation Procedure # 15 and enter Isolation Certificate Number into PTWC. eae FLY { owe -0e +) ic PROPRETART NOTE = 4 aananaer | ae reese ae) | Jubail and Yanbu (MARAFIQ) Page: 8 of 42 MARAFIQ PERMIT TO WORK PROCEDURE ee Date of Issue: 5] D Power & Water Utility Company for | Peument 0 No f)_ Issue of Isolation Certificate and Permit to Work Certificate shall depend upon the decision of operations department and as convenient to them to avoid undesired incidents and also delay in commencement of jobs. Isolations can be carried out preferably during night shift by API in the night shift with the completion of Isolation Certificate and certifying in PTWC for the isolated equipment and PTWCs against the same isolation certificate can be issued simultaneously during night by same API or next day in the morning by another API as convenient. Or isolations can be carried out during the day shift completing isolation certificate by the API in day shift just prior to issue of PTWC as per the operational requirements, 9) In case of PTWC issue at remote places far from fixed PTW offices, API shall use his vehicle as mobile PTW office, go to site along with APR, isolate effectively and handover PTWC to APR along with isolation certificate. h) Visit the job site along with APR and explain the precautions to APR and ensure that APR knows how to: * apply the precautions specified in PTWC, * use the personal protective equipment specified, * take proper actions in case of an emergency. i) State additional safety requirement if any j) Ensure that equipment is rendered safe to work on, and APR is ready with all necessary safety precautions as stated in Risk Assessment and PTWC. k) Fill sections 182 and ensure filling section 384 as required. !) Sign PTWG, attach Isolation Certificate to it and hand over to APR to ‘commence the job. m) Issue original PTWC with a pink copy to APR. n) Visit the site from time to time to ensure written precautions are being followed and that conditions have not been changed which would make the job unsafe and workers are applying safety precautions as stated in PTWC. ©) Ensure that the equipment / system are ready and good housekeeping is maintained for safe operation on completion of the work. p) Preserve white and yellow copies of PTWC for minimum one year after proper closing. PROPRIETARY NOTICE ‘TIS DOCUMENT CONTAINS INFORMATION PROPRIETARY TO MARAFIQ. ANY DISCLOSURE OR USE IS EXPRESSLY PROMIBNED EXCEPT UPON WRITTEN PERMISSION BY MARAFIG. ny aoa 6 4 D Power & Water Utility Company for | Pocument ID No Jubail and Yanbu (MARAFIQ) Page: 9 of 42 MARAF ees PERMIT TO WORK PROCEDURE Date of Issue: 4.4. Authorized Permit Controller (APC) 441 vi vii viii, Authorized Permit Controller (APG) shall be an experienced, trained and competent person appointed to specify safety precautions and endorse PTWC. within a specified geographical area of his responsibility when work to be carried out is classified as high potential risk works. He must be a senior level person from MARAFIQ Operations maintenance /Projects or O&M Contractor Operations Department at the level of Superintendent or above with leadership qualities and wide experience in operations, maintenance, safety and fire protection systems. APC candidate shall undergo written test and thereafter the. oral test by a team lead by GM O&M The duties of an APC’s are to: Participate and conduct Oral test for APR/API /AGT Endorse PTWCs for all non-operational works with potential high risks and specify any extra safety precautions to be taken Visit the site with APR & API where the high potential risks works are to be carried out Specify gas test frequency for confined spaces and other areas suspected of atmospheric hazards where frequent or continuous gas monitoring is required Check the work location before work commences to ensure that all the required precautions have been taken and, if satisfied, sign to this effect in section 4 of PTWC, Visit the site periodically to ensure precautions are being followed and those conditions are not changed, such that the job is no longer safe. Standby and monitor at any work which involves breaking into Hazardous Live Systems (electrical, mechanical, chemical, etc) having a high potential risk. Resolve any safety issues that encounter between API and APR and where required, seek advice of Marafiq Safety Section for the same. 4.5 Authorized Permit Receiver (APR) An Authorized Permit Receiver shall be a trained and competent person appointed to receive PTWC under which work can be carried out in specified areas. The APR ‘shall be directly involved with the work specified on the permit. He shall be at the level of supervisor, engineer or foreman. In special cases, authorization of Marafiq technician working in ‘on call duty” as APR is permitted with justification from the concerned Department Manager and approval by PTW authorization committee chairman SA 4.5.1 An APR's duties are to: ( ES ‘Til8 DOCUMENT CONTAINS INFORMATION PROPRIETARY TO MARAFIQ. ANY DISCLOSURE OR USE. ISEXPRESSLY PROHIBITED EXCEPT UPON WRITTEN PERMISSION BY NARAFIO. PROPRIETARY NOTICE = @ | Power & Water Utility Company for | Pecument!0 No QD | ubail and Yanbu (MARAFIQ) page sootae MARAFI es PERMIT TO WORK PROCEDURE Date of Issue: a) Ensure written details of location and description of work in PTWC on its receipt are correct. All required tools, work equipment, safety and emergency ‘equipment are available prior to commencing work. b) Ensure all isolations, locks and tags which are applied on system / equipment to be worked on, conform to those specified on Isolation Certificate. ©) Conduct tool box talk at the job site to all personnel working on the job to be fully aware of the hazards/risks and precautions that originate from PTWC, Risk Assessment, lifting plan and method statement. 4) Ensure the control measures / safety precautions are maintained throughout the duration of the work. e) Provide the required PPE to the work crew. f) Keep pink copy of PTWC on site at all times. 9) Stop work, if the conditions have changed the manner in which the job has to be carried out or if incident or Emergency occurs; consult API and if necessary ‘APC whether to restart the work or not. h) Maintain the equipment and site in a tidy and safe condition throughout the duration of the job. i) Visit the site from time to time to ensure his staffs are following the written precautions and that conditions have not been changed which would make the job unsafe. j) Ensure that the workers fully understand area, associated hazards and assembly points of working site. k) Sign off PTWC writing status of work as soon as the work has been completed/ stopped incomplete with good housekeeping and retumn the PTWC to API 5 PROCEDURE: 5.1PTW Requirements: PROPRIETARY NOTICE “WIS DOCUMENT CONTAINS INFORMATION PROPRIETARY TO MARAFIQ. ANY DISCLOSURE OR USE | Oni doc ISEXPRESSLY PROHIBITED EXCEPT UPON WRITTEN PERMISSION BY MARAFIQ.. 6—SI}_p Jubail and Yanbu (MARAFIQ) | Page: +1 er42 MARAFIQ me PERMIT TO WORK PROCEDURE Power & Water Utility Company for | P~ment!D No Date of Issue: c) d) e) 9) h) §.2 PTW for Administration Buildings: PTWC is a must for all non-operational works within the MARAFIQ premises, facilities or properties; Exceptions, Housekeeping works by the departments itself PTWC shall be issued in accordance with the following: Appendix 1& 2 — Permit to Work Certificate Form A & B, Appendix 5 - PTW & risk assessment responsibility for Project works All personnel covered by PTW procedure shall be competent, trained, experienced and knowledgeable to do their job safely. Discussions and joint site visit of the job must be held between Authorized Persons prior to issue of PTWC to understand hazards and apply suitable safety precautions. In case of works which constitute high potential risks, APC should endorse PTWC specify necessary additional safety precautions. ‘API should demand the Risk Assessment from APR who shall: |. prepare risk assessment in coordination with his department staff ll, Use OHSMS Risk Assessment Form Ill, Ensure it is reviewed by Marafiq Coordinating Dept. and Marafiq Safety Section \V. Get it approved by Marafiq Operations Department V. Or get it approved by Projects department as explained in appendix 5 VI. Hand over it to API while / before requesting PTWC. The necessary precautions should be clearly stated in PTWC by API, fully understood by APR and strictly followed by all personnel involved in the job. If tis not possible to take adequate precautions or comply with the specified precautions required to make the job safe then that job must not be attempted APC and / or Marafiq Safety Section representative must be consulted. No one shall issue, endorse or receive a PTWC unless he is an Authorized Person. API could also act as the AGT if he is trained and certified to do so. The authority to sign PTWC shall be restricted to geographical areas and technically to disciplines (Civil / Electrical / Mechanical / Instrumentation) to which they belong. If an authorized person is not available on site, for instance after normal working hours, another authorized person (authorized for that geographical area) and of the same discipline will then be allowed to sign for that area. Before any piece of equipment, which has undergone maintenance, is used by Operations Department, PTWC must be signed off as work completed. PTWC is a three part form. |. API shall issue original white copy and second pink copy to APR. lI, API shall keep first yellow copy with himself. Ui, APR shall display second pink copy at workplace _ < Jubail and Yanbu (MARAFIQ) Page: 21 of 42 MARAFI oe PERMIT TO WORK PROCEDURE Date of Issue: The Manager of Maintenance Department or his nominee signs the form indicating that it is safe for the work to be carried out. NOTE: The lonizing Radiation Work Request is not valid unless it is accompanied by aPTWC. 5.9 Permit to Work Audit 1 For any special / recognition purpose, Safety Committees on its discretion could form a team to conduct Permit to work audit comprising of members from Marafiq Operation, Maintenance and Safety Departments, Contractor, etc. 2 BU Owner shall conduct Permit to Work Audits in his area as per Departmental Safety KPI guidelines covering at least two PTWCs using PTW Audit form as per format in appendix 11; evaluate the compliance numerically in terms of %. 3 Take actions for deficiencies observed during audit and ensure effective implementation of procedure. PROPRIETARY NOTICE ‘ThlS DOCUMENT CONTAINS INFORMATION PROPRIETARY TO MARAFIQ. ANY DISCLOSURE OR USE |S EXPRESSLY PROMIBMTED EXCEPT UPON WRITTEN PERMISSION BY MARAFI. a: | Power & Water Utility Company for | PumentIO No co) JP | Subail and Yanbu (MARAFIQ) | pace: 220142 MARAFI brie PERMIT TO WORK PROCEDURE _ Date of Issue: 6.0 FORMS , FLOW CHARTS Appendix 1 PERMIT TO WORK CERTIFICATE ‘orm 7 SRS FS PTW ee a Say ST SIj—p | rowan a waren u7umy company ron suaai a YANeU (MARAFIQ] ‘THIS DOCUMENT CONTAINS INFORMATION PROPRIETARY TO MARAFIO. ANY DISCLOSURE OR USE | On IS EXPRESSLY PROHIBITED EXCEPT UPON WRITTEN PERVISSION BY MARAFIQ. ‘PROPRIETARY NOTE 6-51 D Power & Water Utility Company for | Pecument ID No Jubail and Yanbu (MARAFIQ) Page: 23 of 42 MARAFIQ PERMIT TO WORK PROCEDURE Rev. No.: 0 | Date of Issue: Appendix 2 PERMIT TO WORK CERTIFICATE Form 2B Attachment 28) SAFETY PRECAUTIONS Floase choose sarety precautions trom te Ist alven below PTWG-Section 2.0 ‘Safety Requirements”. Ala mention any 7 ‘Satety goggles /Faceshiaks [I ]ivsinain ery & en ravord z ar protectora mute 32 | keep standby attendant 3 Spproprate hand 0 a |cerry out gas toot 35 Provise fameproot lw vokage lghtng 73 35, few atch. iting Equipment 135 |keap firs extinguisher ready TE]Use tovted 8 certified cransiforkitt 37 apply sate grounding / earthing practices Juana / Portable Power Tools 3OJuse tested & cortfed Manbusket Bi _]Use only 24/ 110V elects tools Bi ]oerry outmand sig only Ba |use gender with deasman's aw teh 63 rovide tronch ah 35 ra irmecisely Hany w hte working 38 fring ar comoressor wh iter idefines 39 |Use standard hoes eoulpinge 7 Ouse brosring a tor and cooing tan 7a poston proof elect /eectrane tooleidevices (ome ‘(_fuc-pe PROPRIETARY NOTICE ‘THIS DOCUMENT CONTAINS INFORMATION PROPRIETARY TO MARAFIO, ANY DISCLOSURE OR USE |S EXPRESSLY PROMIBITED EXCEPT UPON WRITTEN PERMISSION BY MARAFIO. ak ol —— See 23 ay | Power & Water Utility Company for | 2:umerti0 No: a) J) Jubail and Yanbu (MARAFIQ) Page: 24 of 42 MARAFI oe PERMIT TO WORK PROCEDURE Date of Issue: Appendix 3 EXCAVATION WORK AUTHORIZATION No: Required for all excavation works deeper than 15 cm Ref No. PTWC must be obtained before any work starts Section 1 - Proposed Excavation Details (Requestor to complete section 1) Reason for Area’ Excavation Description Location: of Excavation Coordinating Coordinating Dept Name Dept - oa Signature Length Width Depth Coordinate s Drawings of the Excavation Provided | Plan Section Temporary Es (s) | Proposed Method of Work (attach proposed method statement if more space required) (orks Planned ‘Approximate Date Request Start Date: Duration of Issued Job: Company 7 Requested Department by: Section 2— Distribution List Discipline Name Signature Date Time Civil Engineer Electrical Engineer Instrument Engineer Mechanical Engineer | |” Manager / | Superintendent 5 ‘Authorized Cowc-oc ty Permit Issuer Saas “Tils DOCUMENT CONTAINS INFORMATION PROPRIETARY TO MARAFIQ. AN IS EXPRESSLY PROHIBITED EXCEPT UPON WRITTEN PERMISSION BY MARAI 4 5 | Power & Water Utility Company for | PeumentIO No fP Jubail and Yanbu (MARAFIQ) Page: 25 of 42 MARAFIQ n PERMIT TO WORK PROCEDURE jeg Date of Issue: Authorized ] Permit | Receiver | Section 3 - Services, Structures and Precautions To be completed by Engineering Department — Civil, Electrical, Mechanical and Instrument Engineers. Indicate the number and nature of services, sizes, contents, depth, other structures and precautions. Civil Drawings Attached | Electrical Drawings Attached Mechanical Drawings Attached Instrument Drawings Attached Manager / Superintendent Drawings Attached ‘Authorized Permit Issuer Closed by Date PROPRIETARY NOTICE ‘THIS DOCUMENT CONTAINS INFORMATION PROPRIETARY TO MARAFIO. ANY DISCLOSURE OR USE ISEXPRESSLY PROHIBITED EXCEPT UPON WRITTEN PERMISSION BY MARAFI ae: | Power & Water Utility Company for | Pewment!O No GD’ yubail and Yanbu (MARAFIQ) | pace 29012 MARAFIQ PERMIT TO WORK PROCEDURE Seis Date of Issue: Appendix 4 IONISING RADIATION WORK REQUEST PERMIT TO WORK CERTIFICATE MUST BE OBTAINED BEFORE ANY WORK STARTS DESCRIPTION OF THE JOB TOBE DONE: _| Areas likely to be affected: Radiography is to be carried out on the ‘equipment Id. No. , Area/Location: Operation section: Unit No. Maintenance area:, Road | Route to be followed to transport No: radioactive source from security gate to the workplace: Hrs. to Hrs. NAME OF THE CONTRACTOR: RADIOGRAPH | NAME Y PERSONNEL |s certified to conduct radiography under trade | Radiographer | 1. license No DETAILS OF X RAY EQUIPMENT: Current Calibration Certificate (copy) of X/Gamma ray Equipment attached: Yes / No Brand: Type: Radioactive Source: Actual Activity: Maximum Tube Voltage: KV; Container Number: Current:__mA PTWC ill be received by APR_ Name: Employee No: Requested By: ‘AREA INSPECTION Received By API APPLICANT/APR | MAINTENANCE | MAINTENANCE Name: SUPERVISOR MANAGER Company Name: Name: Signature: Signature: Signature: ‘PROPRIETARY NOTICE ‘lS DOCUMENT CONTAINS INFORMATION PROPRIETARY TO MARAFIO. ANY DISCLOSURE OR USE IS EXPRESSLY PROMIEITED EXCEPT UPON WRITTEN PERMISSION BY MARAFIO. A | Power & Water Utility Company for | P:ument!D No WwW J» Jubail and Yanbu (MARAFIQ) Page: 27 of 42 MARAF oe PERMIT TO WORK PROCEDURE Date of Issue: Issued PTWC No: Date: Time: PROPRIETARY NOTICE — ‘THiS DOCUMENT CONTAINS INFORWATION PROPRIETARY TO MARAFIO. ANY DISCLOSURE OR USE. ISEXPRESSLY PROHIBITED EXCEPT UPON WRITTEN PERVISSION BY MARAFIO. * | Power & Water Utility Company for | Poument!D No GID’ yubail and Yanbu (MARAFIQ) pase 280 MARAFIQ)—rewrrowoncrrocenme [tt PERMIT TO WORK PROCEDURE Date of Issue: Appendix 5 PERMIT TO WORK & RISK ASSESSMENT RESPONSIBILITY For Non Operational Works 5-A__ PERMIT TO WORK 1 | Maintenance works of | Operations Maintenance Marafiq existing facility plant | Departments | Department Operation Dept systems / equipment Assigned Contractor 2 | EPC = (Engineering Assigned Procurement Contract) Contractor inside Marafiq facility - for up-gradation or modification or tie-in jobs of existing system 3 | CAPEX jobs (inside facility - expansion or up-gradation of existing plant systems - Entry through common gate ) 4 [EPC = - (Engineering | PMC (Project | Main and sub | Marafiq Project Procurement Contract) | Management | contractors Department inside (isolated by a fence) | Consultant) or outside Marafiq facility | Contractor / for construction of new | Projects system / building / | Department infrastructure 5 | CAPEX jobs (isolated area J outside Marafiq facility — separate gate ) PROPRIETARY NOTICE THis DOCUMENT CONTAINS INFORMATION PROPRIETARY TO MARAFIO. ANY DISCLOSURE OR USE. ISEXPRESSLY PROHIBITED EXCEPT UPON WRITTEN PERMISSION BY MARAFIO. Power & Water Utility Company for | Pecument 0 No: §-SI}_p Jubail and Yanbu (MARAFIQ) age: 290142 MARAFIQ PERMIT TO WORK PROCEDURE re Date of Issue: 5:B__RISK ASSESSMENT 1 | Maintenance works of existing | Marafiq Marafiq Marafiq | Marafiq facility plant systems /| Maintenanc | Maintenanc | Safety | Operations equipment ° e Engineer Department | Contractor 2 | EPC = (Engineering | Contractor | Marafiq Marafiq | Marafiq Procurement Contract) inside Projects Safety | Operations Marafiq facility - for up- gradation or modification or tie-in jobs of existing system 3 | CAPEX jobs (inside facility -| Contractor | Marafiq Marafiq | Marafiq expansion or up-gradation of Projects Safety | Operations existing plant systems - Entry through common gate ) 4 | EPC = (Engineering | Contractor | PMC PMC/M | Marafiq Procurement Contract) inside arafiq | Projects (isolated by a fence) or outside Safety Marafiq facility for construction of new system J building / infrastructure 5 | CAPEX jobs (isolated area /| Contractor | PMC PMc | Marafiq outside Marafiq facility — /Marafiq | Projects separate gate ) Safety PROPRIETARY NOTICE “THIS DOCUMENT CONTAINS INFORMATION PROPRIETARY TO MARAFIO. ANY DISCLOSURE OR USE IS EXPRESSLY PROHIBITED EXCEPT UPON WRITTEN PERMISSION BY MARAFIA. Power & Water Utility Company for Jubail and Yanbu (MARAFIQ) ] Document ID No = Page: 30 of 42 PERMIT TO WORK PROCEDURE Rev. No.: 0 Date of Issue: Permit to Work Flow Scheme Appendix 6 Notification for corrective / preventive maintenance and special requests will be raised by API/APR through SAP q Plant 1g to raise Permit to Work Request API to complete Section # 1 of PTWC. qd YES Is excavation / radiation work ss] required? WD + ‘APR / Applicant to handover duly ‘completed Excavation / Radiation Request to API (Refer Appendix Il-2/3) |__| Api to complete section #2 of PTWC for safety requirement ¥ YES + ‘APC to complete section # 4 of PTWC when satisfied with safety measures taken ‘APC to indicate frequency. le ves Is Gas Test Required? AGT to carry out Gas Test and record f NO ; Ts the work classifidd as potentially Hazardous and Jor Confined Space entry/ Require gas ND Testing? Permit to Work Certificate can be issued, ‘API APR sign for issuing | receiving PTWC in Section #5 ‘API/APR complete Section#6 |__| Work stats 7 Extension reaured?_ *X—| | ‘APR and API complete section # 7 ‘Job Completed, incomplete ‘TIS DOCUMENT CONTAINS INFORMATION PROPRIETARY TO MARAFIG, ANY DISCLOSURE OR USE PROPRIETARY NOTICE IS EXPRESSLY PROMIBNED EXCEPT UPON WRITTEN PERMISSION BY MARA. canines art aie | Power & Water Utility Company for | Poument!O No: GD |’ Subail and Yanbu (MARAFIQ) race s1or22 MARAFIQ PERMIT TO WORK PROCEDURE eiitae Date of Issue: Appendix 7 AUTHORIZED PERSON - NOMINATION FORM AUTHORIZED PERMIT ISSUER / RECEIVER/ GAS TESTER / CONTROLLER Section 1: Nomination Details - Marafiq department / Contractor manager or his deputy who nominates authorized person shall complete this section and submit to Marafiq Safety Section / PTW Committee - Attach Contractor's compliance statement, where required | would like to nominate Mr. Position i to be as AUTHORIZED PERMIT ISSUER / RECEIVER / CONTROLLER / GAS TESTER (underline as required) ID #.., Marafiq Facility / Areas (mark in boxes given below) Desalination (Production / Distribution) | Waste Water (Production / Distribution o [Treatment / Network) Power (Generation, Transmission, | Potable Water (Production / Distribution) Distribution) Sea Water Cooling (Production /| Others: Specify ff any, Distribution) = Authorization Category & Discipline ls High Voltage | Low Voltage | Battery System | Uninterrupted Power Supply Electrical: 2. Instrumentation & |RelayRoom | Control Panel | Local Panel Control: 3. Mechanical ‘All| 4. HVAC (Heat Ventilating Air Conditioning works as 5. Civil: All| 6. Fire Systems All works works Requestor: Marafiq Department / Contractor nominating authorized person — Requested by: Signature: Position: Date: Contract No Project work: Contractors compl attached — Marafig Coordinati ‘PROPRIETARY NOTICE [ree cea ore orem an eet ana A | Power & Water Utility Company for | Pwument!D No i) j—) Jubail and Yanbu (MARAFIQ) Page: 32 of 42 MARA ne PERMIT TO WORK PROCEDURE Date of Issue: Section 2: PTW Written Test (To be completed by PTW Training Instructor - Safety Section) PTW Written Test Results PTW Training Instructor ‘Attempt | Date % Passed marks _| / Failed | Name Position Signature obtained 7 ae 1 3rd Section 3: PTW Oral Test Date of test: PTWA ‘Committee | Position % Passed /| Signature Member marks | Failed allotted ea atooio] = Section 4: PTW Field Test for AGT (To be completed by PTW Committee member) Date of | % marks | Passed | PTW Training Instructor PTW Field | obtained | / Failed [Name Position Signature Test Section 5:lssue of Authorization Card (To be completed by PTWA Committee chairman issuing authorization card) Authorization | Date of | Validity | Signature Signature Received by Card issue [ate | Name Signature Number | ‘Til$ DOCUMENT CONTAINS INFORMATION PROPRIETARY TO MARAFIQ. ANY DISCLOSURE OR USE IEXPRESSLY PROHIBITED EXCEPT UPON WRITTEN PERMISSION BY MARAFIO 5l» Power & Water Utility Company for | Document 0 No: Jubail and Yanbu (MARAFIQ) Page: 33 of 42 MARAFIQ men PERMIT TO WORK PROCEDURE Date of Issue: Appendix 8 AUTHORIZATION CARDS Front View Authorized Permit Issuer Rear View is same for all authorization cards LIMITS OF AUTHORIZATION Desalination (Production / Distribution) =] Power (Generation, Transmission, Distribution) ea Waste Water (Production / Distribution /Treatment / Network) Ea Potable Water (Production / Distribution) =I ‘Sea Water Cooling (Production / Distribution) o Electric | Fire | Mechan | Instrumentati | Civil | HVA | Comms al ical | on c & Control HV ‘All_| All Relay room| All | All| All CO | Wor | Works | work | work | works wv ks |o—_ | Control sC|s | o jo Panel CO oC Local Panel a ao UPS i Authorization Card for Authorized Permit Receivee ‘Tals DocUMENT Conran ‘PROPRIETARY NOTICE As INFORUATION PROPRIETARY TO MARATIO, ANY DISCLOSURE OR USE | On i A | Power & Water Utility Company for | Pocument 0 No: GSD) Subail and Yanbu (MARAFIQ) | roc: ascrs2 MARAF ce PERMIT TO WORK PROCEDURE Date of Issue: Photograp | POWER & WATER UTILITY COMPANY FOR h JBAIL & YANBU MARAFIQ AUTHORIZED PERMIT RECEIVER Name: Employee No: Position: Department: Facility: Jubail _ Yanbu Date of Issue: pees by: Expiry Date: Name: Signature Authorization Card for Authorized Permit Controller Authorizat ion Card for Authorized Gas Tester Para DMC -0G_~) ‘PROPRIETARY NOTICE 4 i$ DOGUNENT CONTAINS INFORMATION PROPRIETARY TO MARAFIO. ANY DISCLOSURE OR USE | On docu | nA | Power & Water Utility Company for | Power ONo: Qe | Subail and Yanbu (MARAFIQ) ae ssoraz MARAFI — PERMIT TO WORK PROCEDURE Date of Issue: PROPRIETARY NOTICE ‘Tits DOCUMENT CONTAINS INFORMATION PROPRIETARY TO MARAFIQ. ANY DISCLOSURE OR USE IS EXPRESSLY PROHIBITED EXCEPT UPON WRITTEN PERMISSION BY MARAFIQ. ts i ee pT ws wale STE BRT 31 Forecast we acolo sot pa seed wah 9 PTVET =o SO CLS COTS HEEFT 3: REC aeIa Te eee cope vss ee ean PTC send TPO EUT leit es nd eben ov Bevo a omngoT OT E_ rsnn fo sonpei. om a Bees ap anes cosega PCT Individual PTWC Compliance % ‘Average compliance I, D Jubail and Yanbu (MARAFIQ) Document Approval Form Power & Water Utility Company for | Fearn ne No of Pages 42 OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH & SAFETY ey. yo: 1 MARAFIQ MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS Dae of issue: 3 0c 2012 API Competency — Electrical Isolation Appendix 12 Name of Nominated Authorized Permit Issuer (API): ID: Facility: Im. is tested and found competent in following YES | No luties and responsibilities with respect to Isolation of Electrical Equipment System at Facility 7 Rack in and rack out of different types breakers and Motor starter up to 480 V available 2 Apply required Earthings (groundings) practically on the field_with respect to isolation 3 Know to wear required electrical PPE correctly while carrying out isolations including Arc flash protection coat 4 Prove that the equipment is dead after carrying out isolations using required testers and other parameters 5 Know the procedure while transferring load during isolation from higher voltage side and interactions with Saudi Electric Company. 6 ‘Take necessary precautions while carrying out isolations. 7 Know to Substation Electrical SLD and Isolation point. Sign: Trained and Tested by: Marafiq Electrical Engineer Name: ature: Date: - ESPRESSLY PROMBITED EXCEPT UDON WRITTEN PERMISSION BY MARAT = 4] Power & Water Utility Company for | O:cument 0 No ] QD yubail and Yanbu (MARAFIQ) | pace: «1:42 MARAFIQ PERMIT TO WORK PROCEDURE moa Date of Issue: 7.0 Documents, Layout, Drawing: Nil 8.0 Annexes: Reference, OHSMS Manual 9.0 Material / equipment: Nil ‘PROPRIETARY NOTICE ‘TiS DOCUMENT CONTANS INFORMATION PROPRIETARY TO MARAFIO. ANY DISCLOSURE OR USE. IS EXPRESSLY PROMIBITED EXCEPT UPON WRITTEN PERMISSION BY MARAFIQ,

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